Tincture of black chokeberry. The classic recipe for chokeberry liqueur

So that you don't get disappointed so much time down the drain!), I venture to offer you a recipe that you can quickly test. Usually liqueurs they are prepared for a long time - if not for years, like noble whiskeys, cognacs and other brandies, then at least for months. Indeed, in order for pure alcohol to absorb all the necessary additives, it takes at least three months, and preferably six months. But that's if you don't help him. And I will help you help.

Where do liqueurs grow from

Once, my dearly beloved mother-in-law gave me her grandmother's cookbook, published, apparently, at the beginning of the 20th century. I cannot tell you either the exact date or the title, because the original title page was missing, and the binding was already quite modern, from a bookbinding workshop. Among other wonderful dishes, I found a recipe there " Casseroles", that is, accelerated liqueurs, which is prepared in a week - and not only does it not yield to taste, but also surpasses its long-aged sisters.

In addition to other ingredients necessary for pouring ( i.e. berries and alcohol) you will need a special device - a clay or ceramic pot of the volume you need, but not less than 2 liters, or a similar cast-iron bowl. A tight-fitting lid must be included with either option.


In principle, it does not matter which berry or fruit you will make the liqueur from. The principle of preparation of this liqueur will not change in any way. Just if it's apricots, peaches or plums ( all three options are outstanding), they will need to be cut into small pieces. The same goes for pears and apples. You don’t need to do anything special with the chokeberry - just pick it off with “ combs", trying as much as possible to tear off each " berry-leg". From the point of view of taste, there is no sense from small branches, and an extra hole for the entry and exit of the liquid, on the contrary, will come in handy.

If the berries are very large and dense, and you are not too lazy, make a couple of holes in them with a toothpick - then liqueur will be even more intense.

Vodka or alcohol?

It is difficult to unambiguously answer this question. Before answering it, tell yourself honestly: why are you this liqueur want to achieve? Knock down guests? Sleep soundly after the first glass? Treat an exclusively male company that does not tolerate girlish tenderness? Then definitely alcohol. Just, for heaven's sake, think about your own health and safety - and buy it only in trusted places and of the highest quality. BUT " cheaper than competitors, in a five-liter canister, stall number 154 on the Mitinsky radio market" - no need.

If mixed companies visit you; you are interested in the taste of what you drink; and the tasting process is more important for you than the result - then vodka. Of course, well cleaned, without any unpleasant aftertastes and morning surprises. Berries will not save her from all this.

By the way, remember that in addition to alcohol and vodka, there are many other types of alcohol on which you can make liquors. These are all types of brandy, rum, tequila, whiskey. Good for chokeberry light rum and inexpensive brandies, other varieties under her influence will also die as individuals, without adding anything remarkable to the chokeberry - therefore, why throw money away?


After you have painfully chosen alcohol, vodka or another, prepared the berries and found the dishes, pour the berries into the dishes. They should fill the container almost to the top. Of course, there is no need to ram them there - as they lay down, they lay down. Then pour the berries with alcohol - " shoulder-length”, add a couple of pinches of sugar and spices, if you put ( see below). And cover with a lid.

Since not a single lid of a clay, ceramic or cast-iron product can fit tightly - and we need not a gram of alcohol to evaporate - then do " sealant". For it, you will need flour and just enough water to make a viscous, sticky dough. Cover the articulation with this dough, directly so that not a single slit is left!

If the lid has a hole-recess for steam to escape, you can first lay it with a ball of foil, and only then glue it.

Temperature regime

In the original recipe, the dishes prepared in this way with the future casserole are placed in the oven " after loaves". Unfortunately, I can’t boast of a Russian stove. But after much experimentation, I found the optimal mode. Put the pot-shaped pan with berries and alcohol in the oven and set the temperature to 70 ° C. It is important to understand what temperature your oven actually heats up to. Because here the extra 5-10 degrees may not play the prettiest role. The boiling point of alcohol is 78°C. If you don't want to instead liqueurs to get a light wine, it is better to check the compliance of your expectations and the actual temperature by purchasing a thermometer in advance.

After the temperature rises to seventy, set the timer for an hour. As it rings, reduce the temperature by 10 ° C and set the timer for 1.5 hours. Then another 10 ° C and another 1.5 hours. Total liqueur is in the oven for 4 hours with minutes. Now turn it off completely and let the oven and the pot in it cool completely. Move the pot to a secluded place and forget about its contents for 4 days.

Just a little more, just a little more

Now there is one step that cannot be rushed. Line a colander clean kitchen towel- it should not smell of anything, especially washing powder. It is better if it is waffle, but other options are possible. Or use gauze folded several times. The fabric should be of such a size that its ends hang down significantly. Place a colander on a saucepan or deep bowl and pour the contents of the pot into it, before carefully peeling off all the dough from the lid.

When the main liquid drains, gather the ends together, tie and hang the resulting bag over a bowl for several hours ( pour the bulk of the liquor into a bottle, there is no need for it to evaporate into space).

Patience is here to what: if you decide to squeeze the berries, quite a lot will be squeezed out. But the qualities are wrong - this liquid will be very cloudy and will spoil the whole bottle of an unpleasant-looking sediment for you. You'd be better off using it in some other way. For example, eat berries gradually. Well, chokeberry is a specific berry, not everyone likes it, but plum or cherry are very good, and the effect is wonderful. Or pour a couple of teaspoons into the tea of ​​this cloudy liquor - it relieves insomnia as if by hand.

Finishing touch

Try liqueur. If you want it to be sweeter, add fine sugar. And let her stand in the bottle for a day or two. But you can drink right away. Most The right way: make half sweeter, and leave half as it is.

Match Opportunities

But if you have a lot of berries, and containers for " casseroles» a limited number, use them for the most ordinary and ingenuous, but still delighting others - liqueurs and tinctures according to the recipe of the editor-in-chief of the magazine « Gastronomy» Andrey Zakharin.

Andrey Ivanovich, without hesitation, puts well-peeled, washed and dried berries into a container, fills them with vodka, closes them as tightly as possible and keeps them in a dark place for three months. Then it is filtered and divided into parts, one for boys, the other for girls. For boys, the drink, in fact, is already ready. To prepare a version for girls, pour the tincture into a saucepan, add a little sugar ( taste, but a little) heat, not bringing to a boil, cool and pour into beautiful containers. Girls love when everything is beautiful.

A well-known trick: if you put a handful of cherry tree leaves in the liquor from the very beginning, then you will get a cherry liqueur- in taste and color one to one.

If you want to get fragrant and tasty, but rather transparent than thickly colored liqueur, pour berries or prepared fruits in one layer on a parchment-lined baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 70-100 ° C. Dry the berries there, taking out the pan from time to time, shaking it and turning it 90 °, from 2 to 6 hours, depending on the size and density of the pulp of the product. Then cool and fill with vodka or alcohol.

If you want to make the liqueur SPECIAL, add spices to the berries. Star anise is ideally combined with chokeberry. Light, very light anise note - do not put more than 3 star anise per 1 kg of berries - the chokeberry is very to the face. More cute combinations based on 1 kilogram:

  • cherry + a couple of clove buds + 1 fresh Bay leaf
  • apricots + 7-8 cardamom pods and/or 2 cinnamon sticks
  • plums + a tiny piece of fresh red chili without seeds + a piece of fresh ginger root measuring 0.5 cm
  • pears + 1/4 vanilla pod
  • apples + 2 cinnamon sticks and 1/10 nutmeg
  • cranberries + orange peel + allspice
  • cranberry + ginger and/or nutmeg
  • sea ​​buckthorn + mint + cinnamon

If we talk about combinations of chokeberry not with spices, but with other berries, then it is best combined with apples and lingonberries.

Chokeberry, chokeberry, black ashberry - useful berry, which contains a number of substances valuable to humans, in particular vitamins C and P, organic acids, sugars, iodine. It is considered a medicinal berry. For treatment and prevention various diseases most commonly used tinctures. About what kind of benefits the tincture of this berry brings, for what diseases it is used and how to prepare it - we will describe below.

What is useful blackberry tincture

Black chokeberry tincture is most often used with medicinal purposes However, it can also be drunk as an alcoholic beverage, but in small doses. The tool is famous for such useful properties:

  • restorative;
  • immunomodulating;
  • cleansing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antioxidant.

It is recommended for hypertensive patients with the first and second degree of the disease to normalize pressure; people who have problems with the heart and blood vessels, to establish their normal work; often ill with colds to strengthen immunity. Also, the remedy is considered effective in reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis, oncological diseases, and worsening vascular patency.

He advises those who need to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (in particular, to normalize the acidity of gastric juice), lower the level of cholesterol in the blood, make up for vitamin deficiencies, remove sputum from the respiratory organs, speed up the healing process, remove heavy metals from the body, remove edema and improve work kidneys.

Did you know? Rowan has long been attributed magical properties, it was believed that she was able to protect, heal and prophesy. The Celts planted it in the courtyards of their dwellings to protect themselves from fire and lightning, the British - to protect against witches and evil spirits.

Harm and contraindications of chokeberry tincture

Due to one property chokeberry- Ability to stop bleeding regular use means there may be a problem of blood clotting and, as a result, the development of varicose veins, thrombosis.

In case of an overdose, the following are possible: intoxication of the body, alcohol intoxication, headaches, tachycardia. The most serious consequences of excessive use of the drug in the elderly are heart attack, stroke.
Treatment with tincture is prohibited for people who have a history of:

  • hypotension;
  • peptic ulcer, gastritis;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • cystitis, urolithiasis disease and other diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • thrombophlebitis, varicose veins.

Also, the remedy should not be used by those who have allergic reactions or individual intolerance to berries or other components of the tincture. And, of course, like all alcohol-containing drugs, this drink should not be taken by pregnant, breastfeeding, children and those who are going to drive a car, as well as those who have problems with alcohol dependence.

Preparing berries

For tincture, you will need a juicy mountain ash, plucked after the first frost - it is this berry that contains the largest number valuable substances and has the best taste.

You can also use dried fruits. In the latter case, the amount of the main ingredient in the recipe should be halved. Dry berries will need to be crushed. The duration of the infusion of funds from the dried product must be extended to 4-5 months.
Before proceeding with the preparation of any of the berry tinctures described below, the berries must be prepared. Preparation includes 4 stages:

  1. Selection of fruits - spoiled, too small, unripe should be removed.
  2. Cleaning from the remnants of leaves, stalks.
  3. Rinse in running water in a colander or sieve.
  4. Drying.

Blackberry tincture: recipes

Below are popular and tested by many people recipes for tinctures using various ingredients and alcohol-containing drinks:

  • on moonshine;
  • on vodka;
  • on alcohol.

You can also try to prepare a remedy with honey and without the addition of alcohol.

Moonshine tincture

Let's start our review with a description of the classic recipe - on moonshine.

We will need the following ingredients:

  • fruit black rowan- 1 kg;
  • moonshine (strength up to 60%) - 1 l;
  • sugar - to taste, 300–500 g (optional).

Step-by-step instruction preparation looks like this:

Vodka tincture

For a classic vodka tincture recipe, you will need the same ingredients as in the previous recipe, only moonshine is replaced with vodka. It is necessary to prepare:

  • black rowan berries - 1 kg;
  • vodka - 1 l;
  • sugar - at will and taste.
The cooking sequence is the same as in the previous recipe.

You can achieve other tastes of tincture, for example, by adding lemon, cherry leaves, cloves to it.
A remedy with a sour taste can be prepared with the addition of lemon. You will need berries (1 kg), lemons (3 pieces), vodka (0.7 l), water (200 ml). warm boiled water mix with sugar, then add juice squeezed from lemons, vodka. Insist in a place where the sun's rays do not penetrate for 3 weeks, then pass the liquid through cheesecloth and bottle.

The original taste is obtained from the drink by adding cherry leaves to it.
It is prepared from black rowan berries (0.5 kg), vodka (0.5 l), sugar (0.5 kg), lemon (1 piece), water (0.5 l), cherry tree leaves (100–200 things). Fruits and leaves will need to be boiled over low heat for 15 minutes. After cooling, the liquid is filtered, brought to a boil again and sugar, lemon juice, vodka are added.
Insist 1 month in a place without light with a cool temperature.
Spicy tincture with cloves is prepared from berries (1.5 kg), vodka (0.9 l), sugar (0.5 kg), spices (4 cloves). Berries need to be crushed and mixed with sugar and spice. Covered with gauze, insist for 2 days in a dark place with room temperature. Then add the rest of the ingredients. Insist in a dark room for 2 months.

Tincture with honey

Another option for preparing a vodka remedy is to introduce it into its composition.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • fruits - 0.5 kg;
  • vodka - 0.5 l;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  1. Mix fruits with vodka in a glass container and add honey.
  2. Close the container tightly with a lid.
  3. Send to a warm dark room for 3 months.
  4. Shake the container every 7 days.
  5. After 3 months, pass the drink through cheesecloth and bottle it.
  6. Keep in the refrigerator for 2 months.

Did you know? Rowan wood is a good material for various wood products. Previously, it was willingly used by carriage makers for the manufacture of parts for carriages, gunsmiths- for handles, cutters and turners- for household utensils. Today it is used for the manufacture of musical instruments, furniture, ornamental material.

Alcohol tincture


  • berries - 1 kg
  • alcohol (96%) - 0.6 l;
  • water - 0.4 l;
  • sugar - at will and taste.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Ceiling the prepared berries.
  2. Pour in alcohol mixed with purified water.
  3. Add sugar.
  4. Insist 2-3 weeks.

Tincture without the use of alcohol and vodka

You can prepare a dessert drink without adding alcohol and vodka. It will be no less useful than those described above.

We will need:

  • chokeberry fruits - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 3 kg;
  • vanilla sticks - 1 piece (optional);
  • orange zest - optional.

Cooking technology:

  1. Grind fruits with sugar.
  2. Add vanilla, zest.
  3. Close the container with gauze.
  4. Place in glass container. Leave in a dark place for 2.5 months.
  5. Stir every 3-4 days.
  6. After the end of the fermentation process, filter.
  7. Pour into a bottle, close the lid, send to a dark, cool room to infuse for 3 months.

Product storage rules

Aronia tincture should be stored in the refrigerator or other cool place where there is no light. The shelf life of the alcohol-based product is 3 years.

Important! The container with tincture must be protected from sunlight.

Features of use

There are certain recommendations for taking the tincture, depending on the health problem that you want to solve with this method.
So, to normalize blood pressure the drug is drunk in courses of 1 month. Take 3 small spoons per day. 30-50 g should be drunk to calm down nervous system and sleep in the evenings.

The tincture can be drunk before meals as an aperitif, added to warm drinks- tea, coffee, and pastries.

Another remedy can be used as a dessert drink, but it is important to observe the measure in order to prevent the undesirable consequences of an overdose. As a drink for the holidays, it is still better to prepare a liquor without the use of alcohol.

So, we have presented for you the 5 most popular recipes tincture of chokeberry. By preparing them and using them in accordance with the instructions, you can solve some health problems, in particular, normalize blood pressure, improve appetite and the condition of the gastrointestinal mucosa, blood vessels, replenish the body essential vitamins and minerals, strengthen immune system. And remember: the tincture cannot be used as the main therapy for a serious illness, it can be drunk only as an additional remedy and only after consulting with your doctor.

Video: Tincture on chokeberry

chokeberry (Aronia chokeberry) has an amazing rich aroma, so it is often included in the composition various recipes in the manufacture of home-made preparations - juices, compotes and delicious alcoholic drinks - tinctures, liqueurs. Chokeberry contains a large amount useful substances, which are preserved in berries even after thermal exposure. Pouring from chokeberry made at home is obtained with delicate aroma and nice ruby ​​color. Among home distillers, chokeberry drink recipes are very popular.

Selection and preparation of fruits. Before you start the process of making liqueurs, you need to know some points. The fruits of aronia chokeberry contain a lot of tannins, so it has a tart taste. In order to save on the amount of sugar and soften the astringency, the berries must be harvested after a slight autumn frost. If the fruits were harvested before frost, then they can be kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Thus, it will be possible to reduce the astringency of the mountain ash. Berries for liqueur must be ripe without mold, peeled from the stalks, unripe and spoiled fruits must be removed.

The classic recipe for chokeberry liqueur

A fairly strong version of an alcoholic drink, in terms of degrees it resembles a tincture, but is prepared with the addition of sugar. In the recipe, you can use instead of vodka, purified moonshine or sorting from alcohol. The output will be about a liter of liquor with a strength of 16-20 °.


  • Chokeberry - 1 kg;
  • Sugar sand - 250g;
  • Vodka - a bottle of 0.5 liters.


  1. In glass 3 liter jar pour a layer of mountain ash, sprinkle it with sugar and fill it in layers until the berries and sugar run out. Cover the jar with two layers of gauze.
  2. Put the container with the contents in a warm place. After about 4-5 days, the berries will begin to ferment (carbon dioxide, foam will begin to stand out) put on a jar rubber glove or install a special water seal. Periodically shake the infusion.
  3. Fermentation lasts 1-1.5 months (the glove deflates, the bubbles stop gurgling in the water seal), the infusion must be filtered through a gauze filter.
  4. Add vodka to the infusion and mix everything well.

Pour the finished liqueur into bottles, close tightly and soak for a month or two in the basement or other cool place. Such a drink can be stored for up to 2 years.

Recipe for spicy chokeberry vodka liqueur

The preparation of liquor according to this recipe is a little more complicated due to its composition, but the taste will please any lover of delicious homemade alcohol. The drink turns out to be a deep ruby ​​color, transparent with aromas of spices. 2-3 months of patience and the liqueur will be ready.


  • Rowan chokeberry 150 gr;
  • Vodka - 2.5 l;
  • Sugar - 1/2 tbsp;
  • Vanilla - 1/2 stick;
  • zest of half an orange;
  • Carnation - 2 pcs;
  • Honey - ¼ tbsp
  • Alcohol - 150 gr.


  1. Mash the chokeberry slightly, put in a glass jar of the required size.
  2. Pour sugar, add cloves, vanilla, zest and honey.
  3. Fill with vodka. Cover with several layers of gauze.
  4. Keep warm for a month.
  5. Filter the infusion through a gauze filter. Pour in alcohol to increase the strength of the drink.
  6. Leave the liqueur for 3-4 months to ripen.

Chokeberry liqueur with cherry leaves

The liqueur with cherry leaves and chokeberry is easy to repeat at home and will appeal to all guests without exception. Cognac in the recipe can be replaced with vodka.


  • Water - 500 ml;
  • Cognac - 500 ml;
  • Black chokeberry berries - 500 gr;
  • Sugar sand - 500 gr;
  • Lemon - 1 pc;
  • cherry leaves- 150-200 pcs.


Chokeberry liqueur with cherry leaves is ready for tasting. The drink should turn out to be very fragrant, beautiful, rich amber color. The liqueur prepared according to this recipe can be stored long time. It can also be cooked in large quantities.

little secrets

  • Aronia chokeberry has very dense fruits, so it will be easier to knead them in small portions;
  • Rowan berries sprinkled with sugar in the sun must be carefully closed, since the resulting alcohol partially evaporates during fermentation, and the rest of the alcohol, in contact with air, forms vinegar and because of this, the liquor may turn out sour;
  • Pouring from chokeberry can be made not only using fresh berries, canned ones are also suitable;
  • Berries should ferment at a temperature of 23-27 ° Celsius. At lower temperatures, fermentation lasts a long time, and at higher temperatures, wild yeast may die;
  • During fermentation, the jar must be filled by 2/3, since during fermentation the volume of liquid increases;
  • It is desirable to store the liquor in dark glass bottles with tightly closed lids.

The benefits and contraindications of chokeberry

Benefit . Black berries and their juice obtained from them have a beneficial effect on atherosclerosis and hypertension. Pouring from chokeberry improves appetite, increases acidity, and normalizes the functions of the digestive system. In small doses, tincture of chokeberry fruits is a good tool for the prevention of thyroid diseases.
glands, kidneys.

Contraindications . Pouring from chokeberry should not be used if you are allergic to rowan berries, if you are intolerant to alcoholic beverages. Do not drink liquor in case of stomach diseases - gastritis, ulcers. homemade alcohol also not recommended for expectant mothers.

This old Russian drink has several interesting ways cooking. Most often it was prepared without the addition of yeast, but in some cases more strong alcohol such as alcohol and vodka. Berries for making a drink can be taken whole or crushed, but it is very important that they are fully ripe. Fragrant fruit and berry alcoholic drink is prepared for several months and has a strength of 7-30%. Pouring from chokeberry can be prepared different ways, each of which has its own subtleties and rules.

Recipe for chokeberry vodka liqueur

This method of preparation is quite simple, but it requires patience - the liqueur will be ready for use only after two to three months.

Ripe berries need to be sorted out well - crumpled ones can be left, damaged and rotten ones can be removed.

Wash in running water, mix with sugar and mix well.

For flavor, add two or three cloves, mix well again and transfer the resulting slurry to a glass jar or enamel pan. Cover the surface with gauze and put in a dark, cool place for 48 hours.

Two days later, pour a liter of good vodka into the prepared mixture, cover nylon cover, shake well and put in a cool place to infuse.

After two months, the drink can be tasted.

The chokeberry liqueur prepared in this way on vodka has a pleasant tart taste and is perfect for serving to the festive table.

Other chokeberry liqueur recipes

The recipe for chokeberry liqueur without sugar is very simple and does not require special knowledge. Pour berries into a glass jar or bottle and pour vodka over them. This tincture will be ready for use in two weeks. Strain before use, and pour the berries with new vodka or alcohol. It can be used as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent for diseases of the throat and respiratory tract. This tincture quickly lowers blood pressure and can be drunk with hypertension. The proportions are very simple: for 1 kilogram of berries - 1 liter of good vodka.

The preparation of low-alcohol liqueur from chokeberry is suitable for all lovers of homemade liquors, cocktails and various light drinks.

For more cooking you will need:

  • Jar of mountain ash - 500 ml
  • Sugar - 2 cups
  • Bottle of vodka - 500 ml
  • Citric acid - 1 tbsp. l
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 pack

Berries are well sorted, washed and poured into an enamel pan.

Pour the mountain ash with water - so that it barely covers the top layer and cook over medium heat for 15-20 minutes, then add sugar, citric acid and vanilla. Cook for another five minutes and remove from heat.

Cool the resulting puree and carefully strain - do not squeeze. Pour the resulting liqueur with vodka, mix and pour into glass bottles. Insist at least two weeks.

Using these chokeberry liqueur recipes, you can prepare wonderful drinks for every taste.

They can be served at the table, used as remedy and even cooking.

Chokeberry tincture and liqueur are very healthy drinks that are easy to prepare at home. However, one should not forget about the properties of this berry - mountain ash can be used in pita only in its mature form, otherwise poisoning is possible. People with low blood pressure should be very careful about the use of this berry in any form. raw berry cannot be kept in the refrigerator for more than two weeks, and if you do not have time to process it all, then transfer the mountain ash to freezer or dry - it will retain all its beneficial properties.

One of the most popular in Russia low alcohol drinks- house liqueurs.

Experienced housewives It is easily prepared from different seasonal berries and ripe fruits, but black chokeberry liqueur is considered traditional.

This is not only very tasty, but also a very healthy (in moderate doses) drink that will decorate any feast.

The drink is characterized by a dark woody color and a wonderful aroma that cannot be confused with others. alcoholic drinks. Rowan liqueur is an excellent aperitif, good with sweet desserts. Drinking homemade rowan liqueur is a pleasure! Delicious, fragrant, moderately sweet, pleasing to the soul and easing the heart, it is considered the ideal "feminine" drink. cook it for home kitchen easy peasy.

Pouring from chokeberry at home - general principles of preparation

You can prepare a drink from fresh or dried ripe berries chokeberry. She is considered a champion in the content of specific substances of organic origin, which are called tannins. That is why rowan juice is very tart in taste.

To make a berry suitable for consumption without a lot of sugar, it needs remove from the bushes slightly frostbitten after the first light frost. If the chokeberry is harvested earlier, then before preparing the liquor, the berry must be artificially frozen. For example, keep in the refrigerator for two or three days. After such a “frosty conclusion”, the character of the berry becomes softer: it loses a fair amount of natural astringency.

It is very important to choose and prepare raw materials correctly. Pouring from chokeberry at home is being successfully prepared only from selected, ripe, large berries . After going through the mountain ash, you need to free it from the "legs" and leaves, and quickly rinse with cool water. Rowan very poorly tolerates prolonged exposure to water, so you need to wash the berry through a metal colander or a rare sieve.

The technology is very simple and consists in separating the juice, fermenting and mixing with quite strong alcohol and sugar. You can dilute the juice with high-quality vodka, properly diluted pure alcohol, cognac or good moonshine.

An elementary way is to simply mash the berries, put them in prepared dishes, add sugar, various additional ingredients to taste and pour alcohol over two-thirds of the entire height. It is necessary to stand the liquor for at least a month (and ideally six months) in an ordinary living room, periodically shaking vigorously. Carefully strain the ripened liquor through a gauze or cotton filter, pour into bottles.

You can add spices, leaves of fruit bushes, zest of citrus fruits to the mountain ash. Honey can be used instead of sugar. If you want to increase the degree of the drink after straining, you can “strengthen” it a small amount quality vodka.

The second method of preparing the liquor is rather controversial, as it involves blanching the berries at a temperature not exceeding 70 degrees. However, this method has a significant plus: try dark brown noble drink it will be possible quickly.

To be guaranteed to get a delicious chokeberry liqueur at home, you need to choose the right dishes. A ceramic container or glass bottle is ideal. These materials are acid and alcohol resistant.

Pouring from chokeberry at home "Classic"

A wonderful chokeberry liqueur at home turns into a fabulous drink. A pleasant light drink will warm you up after a hard day.


A kilogram of black rowan berries;

Three hundred grams of sugar;

A liter of quality vodka.

Cooking method:

Pour the prepared berries into a glass jar.

Pour vodka over the rowan so that it covers the berries a little.

Add sugar - optional.

Cover the container, put in a dark room for two months.

Shake the berries from time to time.

Strain the liqueur, pour into clean containers, cork and send for storage.

You can keep the liquid for as long as you like. Time will do her good.

Pouring from chokeberry at home "Spicy"

Cloves add a warm, spicy flavor to homemade chokeberry liqueur. Drink lovers will love it oriental cuisine.


One and a half kilograms of chokeberry berries;

A liter of high quality vodka;

Half a kilo of sugar;

Three carnation inflorescences.

Cooking method:

Carefully crush the prepared berries with the end of a rolling pin or a wooden pusher.

Pour sugar into the prepared raw materials, add clove buds.

Transfer the raw materials to a jar, cover with a gauze cloth, put away for two days in a dark, warm room.

Pour the berries with high-quality vodka, cork with a regular nylon cap.

Infuse the liquor for at least three months in a warm room.

Strain the drink through a gauze or cotton filter, pour into a storage container.

The drink will not fizzle out for at least three years.

Pouring from chokeberry at home "Honey"

Gorgeous, soft, light and healthy drink will delight honey lovers. If you put chokeberry liqueur at home not on vodka, but also on cognac, you can get additional shades of taste.


Half a kilo of mountain ash;

Half a kilo of cognac;

Two large spoons of honey with a slide

Cooking method:

Pour the prepared berries into a glass container.

Melt honey in a water bath and pour into a jar in a liquid state.

Seal the container with a regular lid, leave for two to three months.

Store unlimited time.

Pouring from chokeberry at home "Lemon Quick"

original recipe chokeberry liqueurs at home can be prepared in just two weeks. delicious drink brings real pleasure.


One and a half kilograms of berries;

A liter of vodka;

Three hundred grams of sugar;

Lemon peel.

Cooking method:

Fill a wide, but low heat-resistant container with berries to the neck.

Fill with high quality vodka.

Add spices if desired lemon peel and sugar.

Mix half a glass of water with two tablespoons of water, knead a dense "dough".

Cover tightly with a quick dough lid.

Put the container in the oven, heated to seventy degrees (not higher), simmer for exactly an hour.

Reduce the temperature to sixty degrees, withstand the raw materials for another hour and a half.

Reduce the temperature again to fifty degrees and warm the liquor for an hour and a half.

Ryabinovka must be infused for at least four hours in total.

Turn off the oven, wait for the drink to cool completely without removing it.

Keep the container with the liqueur in a dark room for four days.

Strain the drink, squeezing out the pulp.

Sprinkle the liqueur with sugar to taste, pour into bottles and cork.

You can try the liqueur in a few days.

Pouring from chokeberry at home "Rowan-cherry"

The magical aroma of ripe cherries brings summer bliss to this liqueur. Cherry fresh leaf and citric acid complement the ingredients of the classic recipe. If the amount of rowan seems not enough, you should proportionally increase the amount of ingredients.


A glass of chokeberry;

Full plate of cherry leaves;

A liter of pure water;

Three hundred grams of sugar;

Spoon without slide citric acid for transparency;

Half a liter of vodka.

Cooking method:

Mix the berries with cherry leaves in a wide saucepan.

Pour the raw material with water, bring to the first boil bubbles.

Boil on low heat for half an hour.

Leave to infuse for a day.

Strain, add sugar, heat again.

As soon as the first bubbles of boiling appear, turn off the stove, cool the broth.

Pour in good vodka, throw citric acid, cover with a clean lid and put the container in a dark room for a week.

Strain, bottle and store.

Pouring from chokeberry at home is made quickly and simply. You can taste!

Pouring from chokeberry at home "Summer Garden"

This version of chokeberry liqueur at home is very easy to prepare. A delightful bouquet of aromas of raspberries, cherries, currants makes you dizzy. Citric acid allows you to achieve transparency of the drink.


A glass of rowan;

A bunch of cherry leaves;

A bunch of currant leaves;

A bunch of raspberry leaves;

Liter of water;

A teaspoon of citric acid;

Half a liter of high quality vodka.

Cooking method:

Mix the leaves of fruit bushes and chokeberry berries.

Pour in water.

Bring the raw materials to a boil and boil for half an hour. Cool down.

Pour sugar, citric acid, vodka into the workpiece.

Remove for insisting at least two months.

Strain, bottle, put away for storage.

Pouring from chokeberry at home "Orange-Vanilla"

The festive, jubilant aroma of chokeberry liqueur prepared at home according to this recipe makes this drink indispensable at holiday table.


Three hundred grams of chokeberry berries;

Five liters of purified vodka;

A glass of sugar;

A stick of natural or a bag of powdered vanilla;

Peel from one lemon;

Three cloves;

Half a glass of fresh liquid or melted honey;

Half a bottle of vodka.

Cooking method:

Mash the berries with a rolling pin glass jar.

Pour in sugar. Add your favorite spices and cloves if desired.

Pour vodka into two-thirds of the container.

Remove the blank in a dark warm room for a month.

Strain the brew.

If desired, add another half bottle of vodka or diluted alcohol.

Full ripening will be completed in three months. The filling will become transparent, acquire a rich ruby ​​​​color.

Pouring from chokeberry at home "Frosty"

Berries frozen by natural frost make it possible to prepare a fantastic drink. Pouring from chokeberry at home can be prepared not only modern way- in bottles. Interesting traditional recipe will delight supporters of originality, although it will take a very long time to wait for the first test.


A kilogram of mountain ash;

Half a glass of molasses;

Pure water;

Cooking method:

Pour berries into a ceramic barrel.

Heat the molasses to a liquid state and add to the rowan raw materials.

Completely fill the mountain ash with water, cover tightly with a lid, put in a dark, warm room.

When the raw material ferments, pour a glass of high-quality vodka into it, shake it, mixing the contents of the barrel, and cover it loosely.

Repeat the procedure after the secondary fermentation, and then pour in a glass of vodka and shake the barrel until the fermentation is completely completed.

Seal the barrel tightly and put it in the cellar.

With the onset of summer, expose the container with the liqueur to direct sunlight. The fermentation will start again and the keg will start to roll on its own.

Remove it in the cold and wait for it to cool.

Repeat the procedure again.

After the second cooling of the container heated in the sun, pour the liquor into bottles and cork tightly.

Pouring chokeberry at home - tricks and tips

  • To get the most intense taste of the liqueur, you need to make punctures in the berries with a thick needle or toothpick.
  • Pouring on chokeberry is not only tasty, but also a healing drink that retains its properties fresh berries. It strengthens the immune system, lowers "bad" cholesterol, normalizes digestion, lowers blood pressure, strengthens blood vessels, restores their elasticity.
  • Cherry leaves can be added as desired to any type of liqueur. You can make a great drink with apples or lingonberries.
  • To prepare the correct alcohol solution, you need to mix 400 grams of water (preferably boiled) and 600 ml medical alcohol. You can add it to recipes instead of vodka.
  • Get more interesting taste you can, if you dry the berries of the chokeberry in the oven. The temperature should not exceed seventy degrees. It is important not to overdry the berries - they should only wilt a little.