Proportions of gelatin for jelly. Gelatin: how to breed? Ways to properly dilute gelatin for aspic and desserts

To dilute gelatin, it is usually enough to dissolve it in cooled boiled water, let it swell, and then dissolve it over low heat. But at the same time, you should not forget about some subtleties. So that the jelly does not turn out “rubber”, you should strictly observe correct proportions when preparing it. "Trembling jelly" will turn out if the proportions of gelatin and water are 20 g per 1 liter. If you take 40-60 g of gelatin and dilute them in one liter of water, you get a "dense jelly" that is easily cut with a knife. Do not forget that gelatin cannot be boiled, otherwise it simply will not thicken. Harms gelatin and sudden cooling. To prevent the resulting mixture from crystallizing, do not place it in freezer. When buying gelatin, special attention should be paid to the expiration date of the product, since expired gelatin can spoil the dish.

A sweet treat is best prepared according to the following recipe: in a ratio of 1: 5, soak gelatin in cold liquid for about half an hour. After that, the swollen gelatin must be carefully dissolved in a water bath, stirring it until it is completely dissolved. Do not bring the mixture to a boil.

Gelatin dissolved in juice, coffee or wine will give a special taste to the dessert. But do not forget that the liquid taken as the basis should only harmoniously complement the taste of the delicacy. V finished product lumps and streaks will not appear if gelatin is added to the bulk of the dessert at a time when it is still warm. To gelatin in jelly desserts did not slip off berries and fruits, it is better to cut fruits finely.

The preparation of aspic and jelly requires a slightly different approach. For such dishes, there are several ways to dilute gelatin. best proportion for instant gelatin, its ratio to water will be 1:5. In cold boiled water, such gelatin will dissolve after 10 minutes, after which it will be ready to be added to hot broth.

Ordinary gelatin should be diluted in water in the proportion recommended by the manufacturer on the package, then left to swell for 30 minutes. After this time, dissolve the gelatin in a water bath, pour into the prepared broth, and bring everything to a boil.

The third method involves dissolving gelatin in a glass of water until it swells. When the gelatin swells well, it is necessary to add part of the hot broth to it and bring the resulting mixture to a boil. Then the resulting mass is poured into the broth. This should be done 10 minutes before being ready. You should not boil the jelly for too long, otherwise the taste of gelatin will be felt in the finished dish.

Gelatin is very useful product, so it makes sense to use it for cooking a wide variety of dishes.

Very often, housewives use edible gelatin to prepare jelly. Thanks to this, the dish turns out to be more beautiful and refined. However, to achieve this goal, it must be properly bred. In principle, instructions for dissolving gelatin are written on each package. But if you purchased gelatin from a new manufacturer, be sure to read the instructions before cooking and only then proceed with the action.

It should also be taken into account that gelatin is a product that does not contain harmful substances in its composition. It improves the condition of the skin, hair, nails, etc. It is used to make marshmallows, jelly, jelly, marmalade and aspic.

However, when buying gelatin for jelly, you must definitely check its expiration date. If this substance has been stored for a long time, it can spoil the taste of your culinary masterpiece.

How to breed?

Today, edible gelatin can be purchased in the form of grains, powder, or leaves. But it is best to opt for the powder for making jelly, as it dissolves much faster.

Instructions for use:

  1. Dissolve the substance in a glass of water (cold).
  2. Leave the mixture for 1 hour so that it swells a little.
  3. After that, pour it into a small saucepan and put it on slow fire. Stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
  4. Strain the solution through a pre-prepared gauze.
  5. Stir it with the broth intended for jelly.

You can also bring the gelatin to a boil in the microwave. It will take you less time.

Important to remember

There are certain rules that must be followed in order to properly dissolve gelatin for jelly. So:

  • If you are using carrots in your recipe, chop them finely. The thing is that the substance glides over coarsely chopped vegetables;
  • be sure to follow the proportions: 20 grams of gelatin per 1 liter of water;
  • do not boil gelatin, as it will thicken;
  • if you cool the mixture made from gelatin in the freezer, it will become crystalline.

Do not forget that excessive use of gelatin can turn jellied meat into rubber, ruining its taste and smell. Therefore, try not to abuse this miracle substance. You can also check with your fingers to see if you have overdone the gelatin. To do this, take liquid into a spoon, wet your fingers in it and check if they stick, but detach with a slight effort, then everything is fine.

Gelatin is commercially available in the form of coarse-grained powder or plates. In order for it to be used in dishes, both one and the other must be diluted. Gelatin is diluted with any liquid (water, juice, broth) - it depends on which dish it will then be added to. It could be fruit jelly, sour cream soufflé, meat or fish aspic. Using gelatin, you can even make a cake. Now we will tell you how to breed gelatin, and give some of the most simple recipes with its use.

Dilute gelatin powder as follows:
  1. Pour as much gelatin into the ladle as indicated in a particular recipe. For reference: 15 g of gelatin (without top) is placed in one standard tablespoon.
  2. Fill it with five tablespoons warm water, juice or broth.
  3. Let the gelatin swell - it will take 10-15 minutes.
  4. Pour half a glass of the same liquid in which it swelled into the swollen gelatin.
  5. Put the bucket on water bath and, constantly stirring the contents, ensure that a thick, viscous mass is obtained in the ladle. Make sure that the contents do not boil.
  6. If, after a water bath, undissolved grains of gelatin remain in the container, then strain the contents through a kitchen strainer.
Add the diluted gelatin to the main liquid that you will use for the dish. At the same time, make sure that the amount of liquid required in the recipe is not violated. For example, if 1 liter of juice is provided for making jelly, then take 5 tablespoons (see No. 2 in point 1) and half a glass (see No. 4 in point 1) from this liter.

Gelatin, which goes on sale in the form of plates, is diluted a little differently:
  1. Pour the required number of plates with cold water.
  2. After 5-7 minutes, drain the water, and squeeze the plates well from moisture.
  3. Place the swollen plates in a ladle and cover with juice, broth or water.
  4. Place the ladle in a water bath and constantly stir the mixture. Make sure it doesn't boil.
  5. Pour the prepared gelatin mass into the main liquid.

For any dishes (jelly, aspic, jelly) the following amount of gelatin is required, calculated per liter of liquid:
  • for a slightly gelled dish, as if "breathing" - 15 g;
  • for normal jelly - 20 g;
  • for very strong jelly - 25 g.

Strong jelly can be used to cut decorations from it for any dishes.

With the help of gelatin, you can cook a delicious and original fruit sour cream jelly:
  1. Dilute 10 g of gelatin in water.
  2. Beat 500 ml of sour cream and 1 cup of sugar.
  3. Pour diluted gelatin into whipped sour cream and mix well.
  4. Take four transparent glasses and pour 125 ml of sour cream into each.
  5. Put the glasses in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.
  6. From 10 g of gelatin and 500 fruit juice make the second part of the jelly.
  7. Put the pieces on the frozen sour cream jelly fresh fruit or berries.
  8. Fill them with the prepared fruit mixture.
  9. Place glasses with two-layer jelly again in the refrigerator to solidify.

Do you want to surprise your friends and family? cook unusual cake using gelatin.
  1. Bake a biscuit or buy a store-bought one - only 500 g.
  2. Cut the biscuit into 2cm x 2cm cubes.
  3. Cut banana, kiwi, strawberries, tangerines into the same cubes. Take any fruits, but in general they should also be 500 g.
  4. From one liter of sour cream and 25 g of gelatin, prepare a sour cream mixture. Before adding diluted gelatin to sour cream, beat it with two glasses of sugar.
  5. Take a deep bowl and cover it with cling film.
  6. Pour one cup of the sour cream-gelatin mixture into the bottom of the bowl.
  7. Mix the biscuit slices and fruit slices on the sour cream.
  8. Fill this layer with sour cream.
  9. Next, lay out the biscuit and fruit again.
  10. Fill the bowl to the top, alternating sour cream and biscuit-fruit layers.
  11. Place the bowl in the refrigerator overnight.
  12. Before serving, dip the bowl of cake for a couple of seconds in hot water.
  13. Place a large flat dish on top of the bowl and turn everything together so that the cake is on the dish.
  14. Remove the film from the cake and cut it into portions.

If you have cooked aspic, but it has not frozen, then heat it up and dilute the gelatin in this broth. Add it to a dish and put it in a cold place - the jelly will be saved.

Knowing how to properly dilute gelatin for jelly is a must. After all, it is far from always at hand to eat meat with large quantity bones and cartilage, which will allow the dish to harden. In addition, cooking jellied shank meat is a rather lengthy process. If you add gelatin, you can significantly reduce the cooking time.

There is one more thing. It used to be that jelly was cooked exclusively from pork and chicken legs. And today there are jelly recipes based on anything: fish, seafood, mushrooms, vegetables, etc. Naturally, such ingredients do not contain gelling agents or contain very little of them. And then gelatin comes to the rescue. So, how to dilute gelatin for jelly to make the dish perfect?

Required Ingredients

Gelatin - 1 part;

Water - 5 parts.

How to dilute gelatin for jelly

There are several ways to dilute gelatin for jelly. Each of them is tested by time and experience of millions of housewives. You can choose any, and everything will work out.

1. Pour gelatin into a metal bowl with chilled boiled water. Mix thoroughly and leave for 20 minutes. Boil water in a saucepan on the stove, and when it passes due time, put a bowl of gelatin solution on it. It is necessary, stirring constantly, to bring the mixture to a state of uniformity. Next, pour into the prepared broth for jelly.

2. Dissolve gelatin in cold boiled water, using dishes for microwave oven. Let it brew for forty minutes. Bring to a boil in the microwave, then pour into the prepared broth.

3. Pour gelatin into the cooled boiled water and mix. Leave for 1.5 hours, then heat over low heat until completely dissolved. Constant stirring is a must. ready mix it is necessary to immediately strain through gauze, after which it can be added to the future jelly

It should be remembered that you need to pour the gelatin solution into the broth in a thin stream, stirring constantly. Otherwise, lumps may form. The broth should boil. But pouring jelly into trays or plates is possible only after the liquid has cooled to a temperature of 20-25 degrees.

How to dilute gelatin for jelly: proportions

In order for the dish to succeed, it is important to know the proportions of the ingredients. So, to dissolve gelatin, you should take one part of it to five parts of water. As for the specific amount, it all depends on how many liters of broth we have. To get a "trembling" jellied meat, 20 g of gelatin per 1 liter of liquid will be enough. If it is necessary that the dish can be cut with a knife, then the dose will have to be doubled, or even tripled.

Good luck and bon appetit!

Every self-respecting hostess at least once in her life used gelatin to prepare a dish. It would seem that there is nothing complicated in breeding gelatin, because often this process detailed in recipes. And yet there are some features and important points that must be taken into account.

What is gelatin?

What is gelatin? This substance, in essence, is a natural biopolymer. Natural gelatin without dyes has neither smell nor taste. But this food supplement(it is designated as E441) is used quite often to give dishes a jelly-like consistency.

The main constituent of gelatin is collagen. pure form. Collagen is treated with alkaline or acidic solutions, and the result is gelatin. By the way, natural raw materials are used for manufacturing: fish scales and bones, as well as tendons, bones and ligaments of cattle.

Where is it used?

Gelatin is used not only in Food Industry, but also in pharmaceuticals, cosmetology and industry. For example, it is part of medicinal capsules, candles, glue, newspapers, photographic paper and even banknotes.


The composition of gelatin is rich and unique, which makes this supplement very, very useful. So, it contains proteins, carbohydrates, starch, ash, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, vitamin PP and some others, as well as as many as 18 essential amino acids.

What happens?

We list the main types edible gelatin, only two of them are known:

  • Gelatin A is obtained by treating pork skins with acidic compounds.
  • Gelatin B is made by alkaline processing of bovine bones.

In fact, these two types are not much different from each other. The second type has a higher viscosity, but the gelling characteristics are exactly the same.

This supplement usually comes in three forms:

  • Granules. This form is the most common and convenient.
  • Powder is, in fact, crushed granules.
  • Sheets. They are thin and transparent.

How to breed?

So, how to properly dilute gelatin? There is nothing difficult in this. If it is powder or granular, then your actions will be as follows:

  1. To get started, prepare required amount gelatin.
  2. pour powder a small amount cold water(not icy, but cool). Water should not be too much. So, half or even a third of a glass of water is enough for one teaspoon of gelatin.
  3. Now you need to wait about 40-60 minutes. Gelatin should swell, and the resulting composition should resemble a transparent jelly.
  4. Now you need to heat the resulting mass after swelling to such a state that the gelatin is completely dissolved (it will seem that in front of you plain water). But you need to heat it up slowly and carefully. It is best to use not a gas stove burner for these purposes, but a water bath. Take a saucepan, pour water into it, bring this water to a boil, then reduce the heat to a minimum. Immerse the container with gelatin in water so that the liquid does not slightly reach the edges, but completely covers the container. Constantly stir the gelatin, and as soon as it dissolves completely, remove it from the bath.
  5. Next, combine the gelatin solution with the rest of the products (according to the recipe).
  6. Refrigerate the dish and enjoy.

You need to dilute sheet gelatin in about the same way, but it is better to use a flat and wide container. In addition, it is desirable to soak the sheets one at a time, and they swell much faster, namely in 5-15 minutes. After swelling, squeeze the sheets and do the same as with powdered gelatin, that is, heat until dissolved.

Keeping the proportions

To dilute gelatin correctly, it is important to respect the proportions and use right amount. If you have a prescription, follow the instructions given in it. If you prefer to improvise and create masterpieces in the kitchen, then learn the basic rules. In general, the exact amount of gelatin will depend on the desired consistency. ready meal. There are several options:

  • If you want to get a trembling tender jelly, then use 20 grams of gelatin per 1 liter of liquid.
  • For a jelly that will keep its shape well, about 40 grams of gelatin will be required per liter of the liquid component of the dish.
  • Would you like to cut jelly with a knife? Then do not spare gelatin and take 60 grams per 1 liter.

How to measure the right amount?

Kitchen measurements are a separate issue. Of course, improvisation is great, but not in the case of bulk components, the amount of which in the total mass should be scanty. Perfect option- use high-precision kitchen scales. But if you do not have such a device, then remember the following:

  • In one teaspoon (without a slide) only 6 grams of powdered gelatin fit.
  • One tablespoon contains approximately 15 grams.
  • V dessert spoon holds about 10-11 grams of gelatin.
  • V faceted glass includes approximately 200 grams of powder.
  • In a tea glass approximately 250 grams.
  • If you decide to use sheet gelatin, then remember that the mass of one sheet is approximately 2 grams of granular gelatin. It turns out that a tablespoon of powder is the same as 6 sheets.

What can be replaced?

Can gelatin be substituted for something else? Quite. An excellent substitute can be agar-agar, which is also actively used in cooking. But it is worth remembering that the gelling properties of agar-agar are superior to those of gelatin, so this additive will be required less. So, 5 grams of agar-agar is about 7.5 grams of gelatin (approximately 4 sheets). This means that about 2 teaspoons will be required per liter of liquid, that is, about 10-12 grams.

Finally helpful tips for real housewives:

  • In no case should the gelatin solution be boiled! In this case, it will simply lose its properties and will not give the dish the desired consistency.
  • Expired gelatin should not be used. Perhaps it will swell and even thicken, but it can spoil the dish, giving it an incomprehensible and unpleasant aftertaste.
  • If you are preparing a jelly-like dish with chopped components, then cut them as small as possible, since when solidified, the gelatinous mass can slide along large pieces, and in the end the consistency will be different from the desired.
  • You need to cool the dishes gradually, preferably in the refrigerator. Do not try to speed up the process, do not put the container in the freezer. In this case, the gelatin will simply crystallize, and you will not succeed.
  • Do not exceed the recommended dosage, you will just spoil the dish.

Dilute gelatin correctly, and let your dishes be tasty and beautiful!