Halloween food recipes with their own. Pasta and meatballs from turkey - the all-seeing eye

Well, are you ready to meet the night before All Saints' Day and how to scare the guests with terrible dishes? Halloween is a great occasion to organize a friendly party, gather a fun company for a themed dinner and have fun so that you can remember this evening for a long, long time.

Do you think everything will come down to the usual gatherings with a glass of wine or a bottle of beer? It is in your hands to organize such a holiday that will bring a lot of joy and pleasure, give smiles and laughter, and be remembered by colors and sounds.

Wu! build a competition for the scariest lantern carved out of a pumpkin, hold a competition for the best master of scaring passers-by on the street, find out who is able to beg the most candy from the residents of your house, play "Mafia" in a witchy manner, decorate the apartment with creative scary candles and spiders. And yes, do not forget to knock on the doors of all the neighbors: the question "Sweets or life?" will greatly diversify your table, add a sea of ​​funny stories to the piggy bank of this year's Halloween memories and simply cheer up everyone who is lucky enough to be next to you on this day. It depends only on you what you will fill this evening with: boring conversations about boring things or active games and entertainment, the main thing is to make the right decision.

If suddenly you manage to encourage guests to come in fancy dress, the holiday will certainly turn out to be perfect. Witches, vampires, skeletons, spiders, all kinds of koshchei and hedgehog grandmothers are an amazing company to celebrate the night of Evil.

In addition to the "cultural program", do not forget to think over the menu: Halloween is a great occasion to cook something unusual, memorable, disgustingly beautiful. The format of the holiday is a buffet: no complex side dishes, multi-component hot dishes and gourmet snacks. Halloween meals should be convenient, delicious, simple, and of course scary, very, very scary.

We are offering to you sample menu for Halloween celebration. The first part is appetizers, the second is desserts. For the Day of all witches and vampires, ghouls and ghosts - the most suitable option.

Menu for Halloween. What Halloween dishes will make a 100% sensation?

Stuffed eggs "Black Widow"

Do you love spiders? Is there? Do not love? You just don't know how to cook them!


  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 onion;
  • 20 g butter;
  • black pepper to taste;
  • 6 olives;
  • 1 st. l. mayonnaise;
  • salt to taste.

Onion clean, cut small cubes and deep fry in hot oil until golden brown.

Boil the eggs, cool, peel and cut in half. We take out the yolk, knead it with a fork along with mayonnaise, pepper and salt. Mix with onions. Fill the egg whites.

Cut each olive in half. We spread one half on each egg - this is the “body” of the spider, cut the second into strips, which we lay out around the “body”, imitating paws. Done, you can be scared!

Sausage in dough or "Mummy Invasion"

Save yourself, who can - terrible mummies attacked you! They massively climb into the hands, threaten the waist and literally hypnotize, not allowing you to take your eyes off them!


  • 1 pack of puff pastry (450 g);
  • 10-15 sausages;
  • 2 tbsp. l. ketchup;
  • carnation buds for decoration.

We take out the puff pastry from the freezer, wait for defrosting. Unfold, roll out slightly. Lubricate with ketchup. Cut into long strips 1-1.5 cm wide.
We take a peeled sausage and begin to wrap it with dough in a spiral. At the top we leave a "slot" for the eyes.
We spread the sausages on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, insert the eyes (clove buds) into the slots. We bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for 20-30 minutes.

"Normal" Halloween Dish - Pumpkin Sticks

I propose to diversify the menu with something not very terrible, but thematic - what if your guests are extremely impressionable and do not want to treat themselves to spiders and mummies? Spicy "sticks" of pumpkin are healthy, tasty and original.


  • 500 g pumpkin;
  • 3 art. l. pumpkin oil;
  • 3 art. l. pumpkin seeds;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

We clean the pumpkin, cut it into cubes about 5 cm long with edges of 5-7 mm. Spread in one layer on a baking sheet covered with baking paper and send for 20 minutes in the oven, preheated to 170 degrees.
After the specified time, remove the pumpkin from the baking sheet, put it in a bowl. Pour evenly with oil, salt, add pepper, squeeze out the garlic, do not forget about the seeds, mix everything. Spread again in an even layer on a baking sheet and return to the oven, increasing the temperature to 210 degrees. 15-20 minutes is enough - you can serve. Delicious both warm and cold.

Shortbread "Vampire Fingers"

It is very doubtful that such a cookie causes appetite, but it is quite obvious that it provokes certain negative emotions. However, this is how it should be if you invited guests to Halloween!


  • 150 g butter;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 350 g flour;
  • almonds;
  • 50 g of jam or red jam (if desired);
  • 1/3 tsp salt.

softened butter beat with sugar, 1 egg and another protein, add salt and flour, knead a soft, not sticky dough. We put it in the refrigerator for half an hour, after which we take it out, divide it into small pieces of the same size, from which we form “sausages”. We give the “sausages” the shape of a finger, we denote the phalanges with the back of the knife. Lay out on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.

We dip the peeled halves of the almond into the remaining yolk, sink it at the end of the “finger”, imitating a nail.

Bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.
Cooled cookies can be lightly sprinkled with jam or jam - blood streaks on the fingers of a vampire look very, very picturesque. This is the recipe for Halloween.

Another Halloween dish - Chocolate mousse with worms

Who will refuse a portion chocolate dessert? Add a couple of nasty worms to a bowl or glass - and a treat in the Halloween format is ready!


  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 300 g of chocolate;
  • 400 ml heavy cream(fat content - not less than 33%);
  • 150 g of powdered sugar;
  • cocoa and jelly worms for serving.

Melt chocolate in a water bath, remove from heat and leave to cool.
At this time, beat the eggs with powdered sugar - the mass should turn white and increase in volume.
Whip cream until stiff peaks form.
Combine the cream with the egg mass, then add the chocolate in small portions and mix gently.
Pour the mousse into bowls and refrigerate for at least 3 hours.
When serving, sprinkle the surface of the mousse with cocoa powder (imitation of earth), stick in a few worms.

If you are worried and do not eat raw chicken eggs, replace them with an equal weight of quail eggs.

Done, you can feast on vile worms! How do you like this dish for Halloween?

Spooky Party Queen - Sweet Stuffed Pumpkin

What to do if guests flatly refuse to treat themselves to fingers and eat worms? Just in case, stuff a few portioned pumpkins of small size. Delicious, healthy, fragrant and about Halloween.


  • 2 small pumpkins;
  • 1/2 cup rice;
  • 1/4 cup raisins;
  • 1/4 cup dried apricots;
  • 1/4 cup prunes;
  • 1/2 cup cream;
  • 2/3 st. l. honey.

My pumpkins, cut off the "hat".
Carefully remove seeds and discard.
Boil rice until half cooked.
Cut dried apricots and prunes into small pieces, mix with raisins, rice, honey. Add cream and mix again.
We cover with a “hat” and bake in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees until the pumpkin is ready (about 1 hour). Delicious served warm. Serve with any sweet cream-based sauce.

10 Halloween quick meals you can make at the last minute:

Recipe 1. Put grapes of the same size on a wooden barbecue stick - you get quite disgusting caterpillars in the spirit of Halloween. Eyes - from improvised means (chocolate drops, raisins, peppercorns or clove buds). You can turn around in disgust.

Halloween Recipe 2. Ready-made purchased cupcakes can be easily turned into cupcakes by decorating them with the most simple cream white (cottage cheese whipped with cream and powdered sugar, for example). With chocolate drops or melted chocolate we make eyes, a mouth - scary ghosts are ready.

Recipe 3. A witch's broom on a festive table? Easy! Salted straw - the basis. As the bottom - a slice hard cheese, cut from the bottom to about the middle in the form of a fringe, wrapped around a straw. Rope - a sprig of chives or dill. Did you fly?

Recipe 4. Scary faces you can eat? Easy. You take pita bread, cut out a bunch of circles from it, cut through terrible eye sockets and evil mouths in half of them. Put pieces of cheese on whole circles, cover them with cut out parts, hide them in the microwave for half a minute - excellent “sandwiches” are ready - croutons, which are very nice to crunch. Terribly nice!

Halloween Recipe 5. The vampire cocktail is the best Halloween treat. All you need is to buy disposable syringes and fill them with something red - for example, "Bloody Mary" or even ordinary pomegranate juice. Bloody drink - what you need!

Recipe 6. The easiest Halloween decor is the web. It is easy to depict it with mayonnaise (on salads or sandwiches) or thick sour cream (on cakes or cupcakes). Aerobatics - "drawing" with ketchup or glazed balsamic vinegar, melted chocolate or buttercream.

Recipe 7. Purchased yeast dough very easy to roll out in the shape of a ghost. Lubricate it with sour cream, sprinkle grated cheeses- The pizza is almost ready. It remains after baking to finish the eyes - ketchup will help you.

Recipe 8. Peel a few pears, boil them in white wine, put them on plates, draw eyes and mouth with chocolate - delicious ghosts are ready. Fast and quite intimidating.

Halloween Recipe 9. Buy a lot of oranges, cut off the “caps”, remove the pulp (juice is a great solution), cut through the eyes and other details in the resulting “cups” to make a vile and disgusting face. Then prepare any salad, fill orange "plates" with it and serve. Very holiday spirit!

Recipe 10. Store bags with juices (volume 200 ml) wrap toilet paper or masking tape, draw scary eyes and open mouths - the mummies are ready, you can celebrate.

10 Halloween table and room decoration ideas

1. Be sure to place a pumpkin with “hair” fruits in the center of the table: put on assorted apples, pears, grapes, oranges, bananas on barbecue sticks and stick them in the “head”. Such a treat will perfectly decorate the holiday, and, in addition, will serve as an unusual plate for serving fruit. Rest assured, this pumpkin will be "shaved baldly" in the first minutes.

2. Do not forget to “decorate” napkins and towels for guests with bloody handprints - textile paints are quite suitable for this purpose. Of course, you have to tinker a little, but the effect is worth it!

3. The web is simply obliged to entangle your entire apartment, otherwise Halloween will not take place. Don't forget the toilet, glasses, doorways, chairs, plates.

4. Candles - by all means! Old, runny, crooked, dark, broken - that's what you need to celebrate Halloween. However, white will also look good - most importantly, before decorating an apartment with it, take a red candle, light it, and lightly pour white with melted paraffin, imitating blood streaks. Very relevant!

5. However, you can not candles - the simplest candlesticks from the most regular cans will look breathtaking if you put on each of them hastily drawing in the form of scary muzzles, skulls, spiders and other muck. By the way, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive paints for glass: Halloween lasts one night, and gouache or ordinary acrylic will survive it.

6. Down with white starched tablecloths, the table must be covered with black cloth! Put on long knee-highs on the table legs, put them on old boots - here's another "guest" for you in the Halloween format.

7. What about bats? Cutting them out of black paper is easy. It remains to hang on the trees, hide around the corner, attach on the balcony. Checked - the people are guaranteed to shudder when such an animal suddenly appears before their eyes.

8. A few meters of cheap white gauze thrown over a chandelier - and now you have a personal ghost at the holiday. Do not forget to draw eyes - for greater persuasiveness.

9. If suddenly you are not lucky enough to buy a lot of red-sided pumpkins, inflate balloons. Of course, orange. Arm yourself with black insulating tape, depict freaks and monsters on the balls - voila, you can decorate the house.

10. Have you seen table tennis balls in your nearest sporting goods store? Have you met sets of "eyes" for children's creativity in the nearest stationery? Glue them together - and now nasty eyeballs are ready, which can be laid out on plates, discreetly stuffed into the pockets of guests, presented at parting.


Ideas and recipes for Halloween are borrowed from the vast expanses of the Internet.
Text © Magic Food.RU

Halloween is a holiday that has recently appeared with us, and therefore it is not clear to many Slavic souls how one can dress up in scary costumes and serve terrible-looking dishes on the table. But the kids really like this pastime. Perhaps this is what made sweets the main Halloween treat. Below is a selection of delicious "ugly" and "scary" desserts to make with your young Halloween lovers.

Traditional Halloween sweets

Halloween traditions as we know them originated in the New World. But the traditional sweets of this holiday can be divided into those that appeared before the settlement of America by Europeans, and those that appeared relatively recently.

In addition to the traditional treat, it is also a way to play predictions by hiding symbols of wealth, poverty, impending marriage and other things in the form of a coin, thimble, ring when baking in bread.

The dough for it is made sweeter than for bread, but less sweet than for a cake:

  • 1 ½ st. non-cold milk;
  • third of the pack fresh yeast;
  • ½ st. granulated sugar;
  • a couple of eggs;
  • 75 g of melted butter;
  • a glass of light pitted raisins;
  • a glass of a mixture of dried apricots, dates or candied fruits;
  • 3 g per ground cinnamon;
  • ¼ tsp fine salt.

Baking sequence:

  1. Leave a mixture of milk, sweet sand and yeast in a warm place for a third of an hour. In another bowl, sow flour with cinnamon and fine salt. Enriching the taste of baking is easy by adding other ground spices (cardamom, allspice, caramelized zest).
  2. To flour with spices, mix in soft butter, yeast that has become active in milk, slightly shaken eggs and dried fruits. Knead the dough diligently (at least 10 minutes) and leave to ripen for an hour in a warm place.
  3. Punch down the risen dough and place in a deep rectangular loaf pan. In it, it should ripen for about another half an hour. Next, Barmbrack is baked at 180 ºС until cooked (about an hour).

The surface of hot bread can be smeared with a mixture of a tablespoon of melted butter, mixed with a teaspoon of ground cinnamon and half a teaspoon of cardamom - for more flavor and softness.

The second delicacy, without which it is difficult to imagine All Saints' Day, is apples in caramel.

They come in two varieties: hard caramel apples (Candy apples) and soft caramel apples (Caramel/Toffy apples). This treat appeared much later than All Saints' Bread in the twentieth century.

To cook apples in soft viscous caramel for 8 - 10 medium fruits you will need:

  • 350 g of high-quality condensed milk;
  • 100 g of fatty oil;
  • 200 ml of liquid honey;
  • 300 g of sweet sand;
  • vanilla extract;
  • crushed roasted nuts.

How to cook:

  1. In a saucepan with a thick bottom, combine sugar, honey, sweet milk and butter. With vigorous stirring, cook the caramel until the temperature of the mixture reaches 118 degrees. Then turn off the caramel, and after a couple of minutes, pour in and quickly stir the fragrant vanilla extract.
  2. Carefully wash small apples, wipe dry, insert a stick instead of a stalk. Cover the surface of the baking sheet with parchment, which is liberally greased with melted butter.
  3. Next, prepared apples are dipped in caramel, rolled in crushed nut kernels and spread on oiled paper.

Honey can be substituted in the recipe invert syrup or simple from glucose. To make the dessert brighter, instead of nuts, you can use colored coconut flakes or various confectionery toppings.

What is Halloween? Who is a nightmare, who is a tradition and a holiday. For young people, this is an occasion to arrange a theme party. Give the kids horror stories and sweets. Mistresses just to try out new ones. Don't feed the artists, let them be creative. But the most interesting thing begins when the artist wakes up in the hostess.

And then, on the eve of All Saints' Day, terribly appetizing, wildly healthy, terribly tasty and terribly original dishes. In the homeland of Halloween, this is called food art.

There are few pumpkins in this collection. But it has a lot of ideas that you can develop and make a fun menu for a house party out of them. Children will be especially happy.

Terribly delicious appetizers

Gutting to make a Jack-o'-lantern was invented by the Americans. The Scots used to use or. But multi-colored also perfectly cope with this role. It is only necessary to make characteristic cuts in it and stuff with cheese and herbs.

Are there triangular pieces left after carving peppers? - Yes, these are ready-made “false nails”! 2 minutes for the filling - and you can serve bread sticks with cheese, ketchup and ... manicure.

These little ones arachnids will cause a big sensation if they quietly crawl into or into. They are made elementary - from olives and spaghetti.

And here the spiders themselves are almost invisible: all attention is on unusual way egg coloring and stuffing.

Prepare such "spider nests with mold" not difficult. You will need:

  • eggs;
  • dark blue food coloring
  • plastic bag;
  • avocado.
Eggs need to be hard-boiled, cooled in cold water and tap them heartily with a spoon so that the whole shell is covered with cracks. After that, place in a bag and add a little dye there. Gently rub the dye into the cracks, and then remove the eggs from the bag, rinse and peel. All! It remains only to cut them into halves and squeeze avocado puree onto each with a culinary syringe.

Eerily simple sandwiches

Creepy but cute ghost from soft cream cheese literally smeared with a knife on toasted toast. BUT cobweb and mummy you must first “draw” cheese strips on ketchup, and then ruthlessly send it to the oven or microwave.

Cheesy "Jack's Lantern" cut out half a minute before breakfast.

Well, even if there is not enough time for this, there is nothing easier than “mummifying” cheese and ketchup toast:

What kid doesn't love hamburgers? And from the “monsterburger” he will be wildly delighted!

In addition, the kid will be able to compose such a breakfast on his own, especially if you prepare the ingredients in advance:

  • two chicken chops,
  • special sauce, cheese,
  • tomato, lettuce, carrot -
  • all on a bun with bran.

Nightmarishly hearty meat dishes

A spool of thread, a handful of toy spiders, and a couple of pitted olives - and now harmless chicken meatballs turn into infernal. Tomato sauce add a puddle of tragedy.

"A terrifying, frightening, deadly mummy, even more dangerous than a trap" is depicted today by the most ordinary sausages wrapped in spaghetti:

But it may well be pepper or any others that are hopelessly entangled in strips of puff pastry:

And these are cute "flashlights" easy to cook from pilaf or from : put the mass on a plate with a special spoon for ice cream, make grooves with the blunt side of the knife, enliven the faces with pieces of olives and nail “pumpkin” ponytails on their tops with celery nails.

Terribly delicious desserts

At the first glance at apple slices with boiled condensed milk and peanuts it becomes clear: this is what a brutal appetite looks like.

Glaze and culinary mastic with food coloring can change anything beyond recognition.

If you don’t have mastic and dyes, don’t worry: the good old, as always, will come to the rescue.

Easier jam can only be powdered sugar. We cut out biscuit circles and squares, lay out stencils with holiday paraphernalia on them, sprinkle with powder and remove the stencils. Ready!

Brain removal ordered? Ordinary store-bought cookies decorated with soft pink mastic or cream can handle it:

Manic-depressive fingers out shortcrust pastry with almonds they look creepy, but this does not affect the taste, believe me.

And these friendly spiders are made from licorice lozenges and dark chocolate with a special black culinary topping. However, lollipops with confectionery poppy seeds are also suitable.

Halloween classics - apples in caramel. After all, the time of its celebration among the inhabitants of the British Isles coincides with the timing of the harvest.

Chilling drinks

It does not matter at all what is poured into the glasses - absinthe, Margarita cocktail or simple Tarragon. The main thing is that the marmalade worms are comfortable.

What's on the menu for this spooky evening?

Meringues - very simple and at the same time complex dessert. It's all about choice correct temperature baking. Halloween ghost meringues differ from traditional ones in their shape and the presence of "eyes".

Halloween Goblin Mimosa Cocktail

Halloween Goblin Mimosa Cocktail is a variation on the theme popular cocktail"Mimosa", which is originally prepared from orange juice and champagne. And we will add vodka to our cocktail!

Halloween Banakiri is served in a "bloody" glass. The cocktail is incredibly tasty and very easy to prepare. It combines the taste of cherry liqueur and banana. Try making it at home!

Pizza "Dracula" for Halloween

fast pizza"Dracula" for Halloween will please both big and small. It is prepared on the basis of puff pastry. We will bake pizza with mozzarella cheese, salami, bell pepper and blue onion. Overeating!

Decorating your table for Halloween is easy. You just need to show a little imagination. Dinner on the Day of the Dead can be served at bell pepper with a terrible face. And inside - "bloody" spaghetti with minced meat!

What could be better than homemade burgers? And where do you find hamburgers prepared especially for Halloween? You will need a bun, minced meat and cheese. Additional Ingredients you can choose yourself!

Halloween pasta is made with tagliatelle, a ball of mozzarella cheese and two pitted olives. It turns out terribly simple and delicious dinner for Halloween lovers. You can also use spaghetti.

Halloween Frankenstein Cake

Halloween Frankenstein Cake can be made in 40 minutes. As a basis, we take a biscuit, which we then paint. For coloring, you can use both ready-made and natural dyes.

Halloween Vampire Cake

I don't really like Halloween baked goods with skulls and torn fingers and stuff. Looks much more "edible" chocolate figurines bats and red cream on a biscuit cake.

From a pack of ordinary crackers, you can create Frankenstein, a mummy, and even Count Dracula! Great company for Halloween! You will also need patience, a sharp little knife, grapes, cream cheese and strawberries.

Sweet eyes for Halloween can be easily and quickly prepared from crackers, cottage cheese or cream cheese, chocolate cream and chocolate drops. It - light dessert to tea on a frightfully cheerful holiday.

Halloween Caprese Salad

"Caprese" - italian salad from tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and basil. By adding olives and olives to it, we will prepare delicious horror stories for Halloween. This appetizer can also be served for a children's holiday.

For Halloween, you can make cute monsters (if you can call them cute) from popcorn or corn. You don't need to bake anything, the monsters are prepared very simply and quickly. You can cook with your kids.

From boiled eggs on Halloween, you can come up with different "scary" snacks using food colorings and the contents of the refrigerator. All you need is your imagination! What is Halloween without a pumpkin and a black cat?

Halloween pumpkin doesn't have to be a pumpkin! It could be an orange bell pepper too! In such a wonderful pepper, you can serve a delicious dip. Put croutons or chips next to the pumpkin pepper.

Recipe for cooking meatballs from boiled meat. If you do not want to mess with raw cape, make minced meat, then this recipe is for you. Meatballs are just as delicious!

Crispy potato pancakes can be prepared in 20 minutes! And even then, most of the time will be spent on finely grating the potatoes. Serve such potato pancakes with sour cream or salmon.

This is an incredibly tasty juicy stew with pumpkin and meat, which, I am sure, will become a hit on your table. Cooked in a pot, it acquires the mild taste and aroma of real home cooking.

Very tender and soft meatballs minced chicken with pumpkin that your whole family will love. Even children will appreciate this culinary masterpiece.

Pumpkin compote for the winter is very beautiful and healthy, and most importantly - delicious. At first I did not believe in it, until my mother-in-law convinced me to try it. Since then, I have been making pumpkin compote according to her recipe.

Pumpkin casserole is a magical dish. If you are biased towards this fruit, then I guarantee that you simply do not know how to cook it correctly. Read and learn!

Pumpkin pancakes - at first glance, unusual dish, but it is prepared quite simply and quickly. It turns out pumpkin pancakes are very tender, juicy, beautiful in color and incredibly tasty :)

Although this dish is called French, it has long become familiar to Russian people. So why don't we cook it? Let's try to make meat in French with minced meat. The recipe is for you!

Try giving your favorite ground beef a little new taste- Add pumpkin to minced meat. Minced meat with pumpkin, unusual for us, is a classic in Central Asia, where it is added to manti and other dishes.

Mid-September, the kitchen is littered with homemade tomatoes and squash. Well, we're getting ready. delicious meals by disposing of excess products. Tomato soup with pumpkin - meet!

Filo pancake recipe with fried bacon, onion, pumpkin, rosemary, goat cheese and Parmesan cheese.

There are products from which no matter what you cook - everything is healthy and tasty. Pumpkin is one of them. And if you add honey to the pumpkin, you get an insanely appetizing, beautiful and, of course, healthy dessert.

Pumpkin soup with shrimp - hearty, thick and rich in taste soup, which has a very original and unusual taste. The combination of products is very successful - I recommend trying it.

Recipe for sausages in dough modified for the holiday table for Halloween (All Saints' Day).

A sweet pumpkin, apple and carrot salad recipe that is perfect for light breakfast

Another option for cooking pumpkin is my favorite pumpkin in puff pastry. Very beautiful and tasty envelopes turn out.

Porridge in pumpkin is a very cheap and easy to prepare, but impressive Russian dish. traditional cuisine. You put this on the table - it will overshadow any delights and delicacies.

In our family, this method of cooking pumpkin is very popular. The pumpkin-curd pie turns out to be very tender, and the pumpkin itself, interestingly, is practically not felt in it. I recommend!

Perhaps the easiest way to cook pumpkin is to fry pumpkin fritters. Quick and a little primitive, but still quite tasty. Recommended for beginners to get acquainted with pumpkin.

fine dish for those who want something simple and tasty, as well as for lovers of vegetarian cuisine.

Sinister holiday recipes on Halloween

The mysterious Halloween holiday has been gradually entering the culture of various countries, including the culture of our country, for several years now. It has not yet reached a big scale, but, undoubtedly, it has earned popularity among many people due to its originality and cheerful traditions. Already in our country, it has become popular to dress up in costumes on the night of October 31 to November 1 and organize festivities.
We haven't gone through all the traditions yet, but quite a few people have started throwing Halloween parties year after year. A special place in the celebration of Halloween is occupied by a festive table. This is not a mandatory attribute, but many families invite guests to their place and serve an ominous table. specific festive dishes it's not Halloween, so you can show your imagination and cook anything, but decorate it in the style of a holiday. The main thing is scary! Here are some Halloween table decorating ideas.

1. Pizza with ghosts and mummies.

As excellent dish Halloween can be pizza. It is easy to prepare and decorate. Alternatively, you can make pizza with salami and tomatoes, and build ghosts from mozzarella or other cheese. To do this, take the dough or pizza blank, spread tomato paste, ketchup or pre-peeled and finely chopped tomatoes. Then finely chop the salami and place on the dough. Next - the most interesting. You need to cut the cheese into ghost-shaped pieces and arrange it on the pizza. Next, send this miracle to the oven for 20-30 minutes, and that's it, your sinister pizza is ready! From above, you can decorate with spider olives, making legs from parsley or dill stalks.

If you have leftover dough, you can make mini mummy-shaped pizzas.

2. Pasta in bell pepper

Another wonderful dish for Halloween - pasta in bell pepper. It is also very easy and quick to make, and it looks very impressive. To prepare, you just need to boil the spaghetti (if you want, you can make pasta in the Navy), cut off the top of the pepper and cut out the eyes and mouth, fill the pepper with pasta and close the lid.

3. Terrifying snacks

If you are organizing an active party, serving hot meals is not very convenient, it is easier to get by with various snacks. And here it’s not so much about cooking, but about the creative placement of products. You can arrange dishes with vegetables and fruits in the form of ghosts, pumpkins and other festive attributes. Bananas can be made into ghosts using chocolate eyes and mouths, and tangerines can be made into little pumpkins. A pumpkin can also be made from many small carrots, cucumbers and gravy boats.

If you peel a watermelon and wield a little with a knife, you can get brains like this:

Well, as a drink for Halloween, mulled wine, punch, wine and bloody mary are perfect. Although there is already an amateur.

4. Jelly worms

This Halloween dish looks really creepy. To prepare such worms, you will need a couple of bags of instant jelly, thick tubes, water and a glass. Prepare the jelly as directed on the package and let cool slightly. Cut the tubules in half if they are very long and put in a glass. They should fit snugly against each other. If there are not very many of them, you can tie them with an elastic band. Next, pour the jelly into tubes and send this charm to the refrigerator. It is desirable that they stand there for at least 8 hours. To make it more convenient to stick out our worms, hold the tubes under hot water.

5. Caramel apples

At the time of the celebration of Halloween, the apple harvest season is just coming, so various dishes of these fruits are frequent guests on holiday tables. Such Halloween food is usually enjoyed by both adults and children, and the recipe for preparing this dish is quite simple. To prepare 10 servings you will need:
Actually, apples. It is better to take solid ones with sourness. Golden or Cox varieties are perfect. But the choice is yours.
- Wooden skewers.
- Sugar 1.5 cups.
- Honey 1 tbsp.
- Butter 3-4 tbsp. l.
- Water 150-200 ml.
Apple vinegar 2 tbsp
- Any nuts 1.5 cups.
To prepare, wash the apples thoroughly and tear off the stalks. Stick in their place wooden skewers. Heat oil in a saucepan, add water, honey, vinegar and sugar. Cook over medium heat until caramelized (average 10 minutes). Then dip the apples in the resulting caramel and garnish with nuts. Let it dry, and that's it, the delicacy is ready. Instead of nuts, you can use something else, such as grated chocolate or coconut.

Halloween is a holiday when it's time to get creative and experiment. And this is especially true for Halloween dishes. Experiment with food, dishes and serving, come up with something new and exciting. It is not necessary to come up with some intricate recipes, as you can see, all the proposed dishes are prepared easily, and look very festive and atmospheric.