Fresh pancakes on the water. Fritters on the water - a light breakfast or diet lunch.

On weekday mornings, there is no time for frills. Everyone is always in a hurry. The younger one must be brought to kindergarten, the older one - to school, and you yourself will not be late for work! And there is absolutely no time for everyone to cook breakfast. And on the way to work, we look in our favorite magazine at nice pictures friendly families around the table. A very familiar situation? Therefore, on the day off, do not deny yourself the pleasure of pampering your family!

Easier nowhere!

Prescription Required:

  • 500 g flour
  • 10 g dry yeast
  • 2 glasses of water
  • 3 eggs,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar
  • vegetable oil for frying and for dough,
  • salt - on the tip of a spoon.

Let's start with the main

To prepare our pancakes, for starters, in a bowl, in warm (not hot, not more than 40 ° C) water, we dilute a bag of dry yeast. Pour sugar into the same container.

Yeast needs time to wake up, recover and become active. Therefore, leave the bowl warm for about fifteen minutes. If you do not have the opportunity to cook pancakes for longer, say, half an hour, then for our yeast this is only for the better. Pancakes in this case will turn out especially lush. During this time, foam will form in the bowl.

After fifteen minutes, add flour to the yeast. Add not all at once, but in portions, in parts, gradually mixing. Depending on the manufacturer of dry yeast, on the date of its release, on the time and temperature of holding, they can behave differently. Therefore, it is never possible to say for sure exactly how much flour it will take you to cook pancakes this time.

If lumps form during mixing, then immediately eliminate them with a spoon. In no case should you use a food processor or blender for this. After that, the dough will stop rising, and the pancakes will not turn out lush. You risk nullifying all previous efforts.

After adding flour, the dough should not remain liquid, and the dough simply will not accept excess flour. Opar should be given half an hour - to wander. To do this, it also needs to be kept warm. It is advisable to cover the top with a clean towel.

After the dough has risen, break the eggs into another bowl. Add salt to them and whisk vigorously. If desired, add a little more sugar to the bowl with the eggs and beat everything together well.

Then pour the beaten eggs into our dough. We also add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil. We knead everything well together also with a spoon, not on a blender, and again leave for half an hour, covered with a towel.

To the frying pan!

After the dough has reached, it is no longer mixed. By that time, you need to take care that the pan is heated on the stove with vegetable oil, on which we will bake our lush yeast pancakes.

Reduce the heat and spoon the batter into the pan. Do not use a large serving spoon, as the pancakes will expand greatly during frying. They can get tight. They should float in hot oil. Fry the pancakes for three minutes on each side and start frying new ones.

I will reveal a secret: so that the dough does not stick to the spoon, dip it every time in cold water. That way you make the process easier.


Our yeast pancakes can be sprinkled with powdered sugar or served with jam or condensed milk.

This recipe can be drastically reduced. If you do not want to put eggs in pancakes, or they were not at hand, then you can cook the dough without eggs. Do not hesitate, this will not make them less tasty and fried. True, in this case, it will take forty to fifty minutes to sweat the dough.

Gourmets in the dough can add lemon or orange peel and even a little cinnamon and vanilla. This dessert can be served with honey or maple syrup.

The same pancakes can be made not on water, but on milk or kefir. Dairy ones are more lush, but also more high-calorie, and kefir ones have a pleasant sourness.

Pleasant chores

If you are worried that it will take a long time to prepare yeast fritters, and you don’t want to wake up two hours earlier than your family on a weekend, you can cook them for a second breakfast or even for evening tea. We are sure that in this case there will surely be an assistant who is ready to share with you the glory of the best hostess!

Do not refuse warm family gatherings due to being busy, and let your beautiful pancakes be the reason for them this time!

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Lush pancakes on the water without yeast and with them - this suitable recipe for those who can not dairy products, for fasting or dieting. To prepare a dish, you do not need expensive components.

Pancakes can be baked quickly with mineral water, yeast, eggs, flour, and other simple ingredients.

Delicious pancakes are a great breakfast option that adults and children will love. A simple dish on ordinary or mineral water can be done even by a novice hostess.

Easy no yeast recipe

Thinking about how to cook fluffy pancakes on the water, you should start with traditional version without eggs and yeast.

You need to collect the following product components:

  • flour - 1.5 cups;
  • glass of water;
  • some salt and sugar;
  • baking powder - a teaspoon with a slide;
  • half a package of vanilla powder;
  • vegetable oil.

To create more delicious pancakes, you can add different seasonings to the recipe. At the end of the dough kneading, put some raisins, slices of candied fruits or bananas.

The basic preparation goes like this:

  1. Salt, sugar and baking powder are added to the heated water. The components are mixed.
  2. Flour is poured and a little oil is added (about 2 tablespoons). The dough is whipped with a blender or whisk.
  3. The mixture should stand for 15-20 minutes.
  4. In a heated bowl with oil, pancakes are laid out with a spoon.
  5. Fritters are fried for several minutes on each side.

Lush pancakes on the water without yeast are ready. They can be eaten with jam, honey dessert or delicious sour cream. Mineral water is allowed.

Delicious pancakes with yeast and without eggs

The recipe uses dry yeast or fresh. Cooked pastries can be put on the table with jam and honey, or you can increase the amount of sugar.

To cook lush pancakes on water without eggs, but with yeast, you need to prepare the following components:

  • flour - 2.5 cups;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • yeast -25 gr;
  • some salt;
  • frying oil;
  • vanillin.

Create delicious recipe can be done as follows:

  1. Flour is sifted.
  2. Yeast powder and sugar are diluted in heated water. The components are mixed until foam appears.
  3. Vanillin and salt are poured, and then flour in a thin stream.
  4. The kneaded dough is placed in heat for 25-35 minutes. It should double in size.

After frying, delicious pancakes on the water are obtained, lush and juicy. You can eat pastries with syrup, jam or sour cream. Air baking is obtained by adding mineral water.

Original recipe with mineral water

You can replace soda with mineral water. Fritters will turn out voluminous, and there will be no specific aftertaste. Mineral water is selected without salt content.

Do unusual pastries The following set of products will help:

  • mineral water-250 ml;
  • flour 450 gr;
  • egg - 1;
  • yeast - a quarter of the package;
  • sunflower oil;
  • a little salt, raisins and granulated sugar at least 3 tablespoons.

Lush fritters on mineral water are prepared as follows:

  1. For dough, yeast and salt with sugar are bred in heated mineral water. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  2. 100 grams of flour is added and the mixed mass is removed to a warm place.
  3. When the sponge mixture has risen, the egg and remaining flour are added.

At the end of the kneading, more sugar and raisins are added. Adding mineral water will make the dish more delicious.

Baking with mineral water and honey

You can make excellent fluffy pancakes on water and soda with the addition of mineral water and honey. Mineral water creates more air dough. In some cases, mineral water can replace soda and yeast.

It is necessary to prepare:

  • a glass of flour;
  • a glass of mineral water;
  • a quarter of a spoon of soda;
  • honey and sugar to taste;
  • vegetable oil.

The recipe consists of several steps:

  1. The flour is pre-sifted.
  2. Soda is added and mineral water is poured.
  3. The composition is mixed.
  4. Sugar is poured into the mixture and honey is poured to taste. Very little vegetable oil is added.

A mixture of spices for pies is added to the main composition. It consists of cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg and ground ginger.

Instead of chicken eggs bananas are added. They are mashed and put into the dough. The use of mineral water makes the structure of the dough loose and porous.

Fritters on the water with apples

For a change, you can build lush apple pancakes on the water. The recipe with yeast does not contain eggs and lactic acid products. Nutmeg and cinnamon are used to give a great smell. In some cases plain water can be replaced with minerals.

The following ingredients should be prepared:

  • 300 g of apples;
  • sugar to taste;
  • half a bag of dry yeast;
  • water - 250-350 ml:
  • flour - 2.5-3 cups;
  • on the tip of a knife of salt, nutmeg and cinnamon;
  • butter.

A recipe with plain water or mineral water is performed as follows:

  1. The yeast is dissolved in a tepid liquid, then flour, salt and sugar are gradually poured in.
  2. Vegetable oil is poured into the composition, and the mixture is placed in a warm place for 40-50 minutes.
  3. After the mixture has increased in volume, diced apples are added to it.

After frying, baking is sprinkled with powdered sugar. It's delicious and the best recipe how to make fluffy pancakes on the water. mineral water you can replace components that contribute to the volume of the dough.

Fritters with lemon

For lovers of citrus aromas, lemon pancakes are prepared. The recipe contains the following ingredients:

  • flour - 500-600 g;
  • water - 450-500 ml;
  • 2 eggs;
  • sugar and salt;
  • vegetable oil;
  • lemon juice - a tablespoon.

Instead of juice, you can add citric acid, this will also make lush pancakes on the water.

The recipe without yeast and mineral water consists of the following steps:

  1. Eggs are pounded with salt and sugar until white.
  2. Some flour is added.
  3. V warm water dissolves lemon acid or juice.
  4. Then the egg mixture, flour is poured in and everything is well stirred.

A delicious recipe is made with mineral water.

Applying helpful tips from experienced chefs, you can cook lush pancakes on the water. The recipe is made with the addition of unusual ingredients, mineral water or soda. Each cooking method has its own advantages.

The following recommendations will help novice housewives:

  1. To make the pastry tasty, the flour should be sifted. The volume is given by mineral water or baking powder.
  2. Gourmet dessert is created by using powdered sugar and vanilla sugar.
  3. In any recipe, ordinary or mineral water must be heated.
  4. To make delicious and fluffy pancakes with yeast on water, it is recommended to read the instructions on the package, as this component may have different activation times.
  5. When using fruit, pancakes should not be too thick. Otherwise, the filling may not be baked.
  6. Delicious pastries need to be fried in a well-heated skillet and even cover it with a lid.
  7. The use of mineral water makes baking more airy and porous. Mineral water successfully replaces soda.

added directly to the dough different fruits and berries. They can be cut into slices or rubbed on a grater. There are lovers of delicious salty pancakes. In this case, you do not need to add sweet ingredients.

The addition of salt in dessert pastries allows the taste of the dish to be better revealed.

For a lush and delicious pastries in addition to yeast, soda, baking powder and warm mineral water without salt are used.

Fritters on mineral and filtered water are not prepared in order to save money. Even in the absence of dairy ingredients, they will turn out fragrant and tasty!

Pancakes on the water, recipes for making simple pastries from minimum quantity products are ordinary pancakes with or without yeast.

Homemade pancakes are prepared on the basis of any liquid product- milk, kefir, sour cream, yogurt - but the simplest basis for kneading dough is ordinary water. On the water, pancakes without eggs turn out to be lush, airy, no worse than ordinary dairy pancakes with eggs.

We offer a convenient selection of recipes lean fritters without eggs: with yeast, pancakes with soda and without yeast.

Having tested in practice our recipes for fritters on water, it is easy and simple to make sure that the usual lean dough without eggs and without milk works wonders. Water-based dough pancakes are baked fluffy not only thanks to yeast, eggs and dairy products, but also the right combinations ingredients in recipes.

A selection of recipes is especially useful in a situation where you need to figure out how to quickly fry lean pancakes from almost nothing.

Lenten pancakes give a great advantage to the hostess when preparing breakfast, afternoon tea. The products that make up the Dairy-Free Water Pancake Test are simple and affordable. Agree, for sure in every house and without going to the store there is clean water, flour, dry yeast or, at worst, soda?

Advice from the Miracle Chef. Remember! After kneading yeast dough don't use it right away. Pancakes will turn out more magnificent if you give the dough time to proof. Soda and baking powder, like yeast, make the dough airy, porous, not dense, and fritters ready on water are lush.

Fritters on the water without eggs and yeast

Let's start with the most popular way - classic cooking pancakes on the water: the recipe is suitable for everyone, and for everyone, even an inexperienced cook, pastries are airy, soft.

This method is ideal for dietary, baby food, people prone to allergies to chicken eggs, and of course, vegetarians.


  • wheat flour - 1 cup;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp with a slide;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp;
  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • vanillin - half a sachet;
  • refined vegetable oil.


You can improve the taste of baking with various additives. To do this, at the end of the kneading, put a handful of steamed raisins, slices of bananas or in the dough.

  1. Pour granulated sugar, salt, baking powder into warm water, mix.
  2. Then add 2 tbsp. butter and sifted flour, carefully break the dough with a whisk or blender so that there are no lumps.
  3. We leave the resulting dough for 10-15 minutes on the table.
  4. After that, we collect a full tablespoon of dough and put it on a preheated pan, greased with oil. One spoonful of dough is one pancake. That is, the size of the cakes depends on the amount of dough that you scoop up with a spoon.
  5. Turn off the heat and cover the pan with a lid. Fry the pancakes on one side for about 1-2 minutes until golden brown.
  6. Then turn over to the other side, but do not cover with a lid. Thus, fry the rest of the pancakes from the cooked dough.

Lush pancakes on the water without eggs are ready. We shift them to a plate and serve hot to the table with, or sour cream.

Choosing Recipes home cooking, Do not forget that Lenten table can be delicious without animal products, you just need to know how to cook dishes.

Fritters with yeast on the water

Second lean recipe pancakes with yeast. Most chefs prefer this composition. lean test, knead the dough with dry instant yeast. Yeast pancakes on the water are lush, tasty and soft.

Advice from the Miracle Chef. Ordinary water in recipes can be replaced with carbonated sweet or mineral water. In addition, for lean baking without eggs, we recommend using as a base natural juices or morses. Bright drinks will give pancakes a pronounced taste and fruity aroma.


  • wheat flour - 200 g;
  • dry yeast - 0.5 tsp;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • granulated sugar - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • odorless oil for frying;
  • powdered sugar.


In the kneaded dough, a little cinnamon or nutmeg can be added to the indicated composition. In addition, soaked berries dried cherries, raisins, slices will do yeast pancakes brighter and tastier.

  1. Pour yeast and sugar into warm water, stir.
  2. Then add flour and mix again.
  3. Cover the bowl with the dough and leave in a warm place for about 30-40 minutes.
  4. After that, fry the cakes as written in the previous recipe.

We serve ready-made yeast pancakes to the table after cooling a little and sprinkling with powdered sugar or watering with honey,.

Video recipe

Recipe for fluffy water fritters without yeast

Mineral water saturates the dough for pancakes with oxygen, and in combination with soda, mineral water replaces yeast to some extent, so lean pancakes on soda water can be fluffy, porous and tasty without the use of eggs and yeast.


  • white flour - 1 cup;
  • highly carbonated mineral water - 1 glass;
  • baking soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • citric acid or juice - at the tip of a teaspoon;
  • granulated sugar - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil.


Soda can be replaced with baking powder, the amount of which must be increased by 2 times in relation to soda.

  1. Pour the sifted flour, soda into a bowl, mix.
  2. Then pour lemon juice into the mineral water or throw a pinch of acid.
  3. Next, add water to the bowl with flour, mix until the lumps disperse.
  4. After that, pour out the granulated sugar and pour 3 tbsp. vegetable oil.
  5. Mix the mass again.

Fry fritters the classic way considered in the very first recipe in a crepe pan or cast iron pan with the addition of oil.

We serve pancakes to the table with berry jams, homemade jam, chocolate .

We hope that fasting people, people suffering from lactose intolerance, and everyone who is persistently fighting against extra pounds will like these homemade recipes for lean pancakes, because lean pancakes on the water are simple, tasty and fast!

We, as usual, look forward to your feedback and suggestions in the comments.

Lush pancakes on water without yeast and with them is a suitable recipe for those who can not have dairy products, for fasting or dieting. To prepare a dish, you do not need expensive components.

Pancakes can be baked quickly with mineral water, yeast, eggs, flour, and other simple ingredients.

Delicious pancakes are a great breakfast option that adults and children will love. A simple dish on ordinary or mineral water can be done even by a novice hostess.

Easy no yeast recipe

When thinking about how to cook lush pancakes on the water, you should start with the traditional version without eggs and yeast.

You need to collect the following product components:

  • flour - 1.5 cups;
  • glass of water;
  • some salt and sugar;
  • baking powder - a teaspoon with a slide;
  • half a package of vanilla powder;
  • vegetable oil.

To create more delicious pancakes, you can add different seasonings to the recipe. At the end of the dough kneading, put some raisins, slices of candied fruits or bananas.

The basic preparation goes like this:

  • Salt, sugar and baking powder are added to the heated water. The components are mixed.
  • Flour is poured and a little oil is added (about 2 tablespoons). The dough is whipped with a blender or whisk.
  • The mixture should stand for 15-20 minutes.
  • In a heated bowl with oil, pancakes are laid out with a spoon.
  • Fritters are fried for several minutes on each side.

Lush pancakes on the water without yeast are ready. They can be eaten with jam, honey dessert or delicious sour cream. Mineral water is allowed.

Delicious pancakes with yeast and without eggs

The recipe uses dry yeast or fresh. Cooked pastries can be put on the table with jam and honey, or you can increase the amount of sugar.

To cook lush pancakes on water without eggs, but with yeast, you need to prepare the following components:

  • flour - 2.5 cups;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • yeast -25 gr;
  • some salt;
  • frying oil;
  • vanillin.

You can create a delicious recipe as follows:

  • Flour is sifted.
  • Yeast powder and sugar are diluted in heated water. The components are mixed until foam appears.
  • Vanillin and salt are poured, and then flour in a thin stream.
  • The kneaded dough is placed in heat for 25-35 minutes. It should double in size.

After frying, delicious pancakes on the water are obtained, lush and juicy. You can eat pastries with syrup, jam or sour cream. Air baking is obtained by adding mineral water.

Original recipe with mineral water

You can replace soda with mineral water. Fritters will turn out voluminous, and there will be no specific aftertaste. Mineral water is selected without salt content.

The following set of products will help you make unusual pastries:

  • mineral water -250 ml;
  • flour 450 gr;
  • egg - 1;
  • yeast - a quarter of the package;
  • sunflower oil;
  • a little salt, raisins and granulated sugar at least 3 tablespoons.

Lush fritters on mineral water are prepared as follows:

  • For dough, yeast and salt with sugar are bred in heated mineral water. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  • 100 grams of flour is added and the mixed mass is removed to a warm place.
  • When the sponge mixture has risen, the egg and remaining flour are added.

At the end of the kneading, more sugar and raisins are added. Adding mineral water will make the dish more delicious.

Baking with mineral water and honey

You can make excellent fluffy pancakes on water and soda with the addition of mineral water and honey. Mineral water creates a more airy dough. In some cases, mineral water can replace soda and yeast.

It is necessary to prepare:

  • a glass of flour;
  • a glass of mineral water;
  • a quarter of a spoon of soda;
  • honey and sugar to taste;

The recipe consists of several steps:

  • The flour is pre-sifted.
  • Soda is added and mineral water is poured.
  • The composition is mixed.
  • Sugar is poured into the mixture and honey is poured to taste. Very little vegetable oil is added.

A mixture of spices for pies is added to the main composition. It consists of cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg and ground ginger.

Instead of chicken eggs, bananas are added. They are mashed and put into the dough. The use of mineral water makes the structure of the dough loose and porous.

Fritters on the water with apples

For a change, you can build lush apple pancakes on the water. The recipe with yeast does not contain eggs and lactic acid products. Nutmeg and cinnamon are used to give a great smell. In some cases, ordinary water can be replaced with mineral water.

The following ingredients should be prepared:

  • 300 g of apples;
  • sugar to taste;
  • half a bag of dry yeast;
  • water - 250-350 ml:
  • flour - 2.5-3 cups;
  • on the tip of a knife salt, nutmeg and cinnamon;
  • butter.

A recipe with plain water or mineral water is performed as follows:

  • The yeast is dissolved in a tepid liquid, then flour, salt and sugar are gradually poured in.
  • Vegetable oil is poured into the composition, and the mixture is placed in a warm place for 40-50 minutes.
  • After the mixture has increased in volume, diced apples are added to it.

After frying, baking is sprinkled with powdered sugar. This is a delicious and the best recipe for how to make fluffy pancakes on the water. Mineral water can replace components that contribute to the volume of the dough.

Fritters with lemon

For lovers of citrus aromas, lemon pancakes are prepared. The recipe contains the following ingredients:

  • flour - 500-600 g;
  • water - 450-500 ml;
  • 2 eggs;
  • sugar and salt;
  • vegetable oil;
  • lemon juice - a tablespoon.

Instead of juice, you can add citric acid, this will also make lush pancakes on the water.

The recipe without yeast and mineral water consists of the following steps:

  • Eggs are pounded with salt and sugar until white.
  • Some flour is added.
  • Citric acid or juice dissolves in warm water.
  • Then the egg mixture, flour is poured in and everything is well stirred.

A delicious recipe is made with mineral water.

Applying useful tips from experienced chefs, you can cook lush pancakes on the water. The recipe is made with the addition of unusual ingredients, mineral water or soda. Each cooking method has its own advantages.

  • To make the pastry tasty, the flour should be sifted. The volume is given by mineral water or baking powder.
  • An exquisite dessert is created using powdered sugar and vanilla sugar.
  • In any recipe, ordinary or mineral water must be heated.
  • To make delicious and fluffy pancakes with yeast on water, it is recommended to read the instructions on the package, as this component may have different activation times.
  • When using fruit, pancakes should not be too thick. Otherwise, the filling may not be baked.
  • Delicious pastries need to be fried in a well-heated skillet and even cover it with a lid.
  • The use of mineral water makes baking more airy and porous. Mineral water successfully replaces soda.

Various fruits and berries are added directly to the dough. They can be cut into slices or rubbed on a grater. There are lovers of delicious salty pancakes. In this case, you do not need to add sweet ingredients.

The addition of salt in dessert pastries allows the taste of the dish to be better revealed.

To obtain lush and tasty pastries, in addition to yeast, soda, baking powder and warm mineral water without salt are used.

Fritters on mineral and filtered water are not prepared in order to save money. Even in the absence of dairy ingredients, they will turn out fragrant and tasty!

Yeast pancakes on the water - delicious, hearty meal for the whole family. There are many recipes for making fritters: they are yeast, yeast-free, kefir, milk. We suggest cooking pancakes on the water. They are perfect even during fasting, as we do not add eggs. Whether your pancakes are sweet or savory, it's up to you. Be sure to cook them and treat your loved ones with delicious pastries.


  • Wheat flour - 300 g
  • Water - 300 ml
  • Dry yeast- 1 tsp
  • Vegetable oil for dough- 2 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil- for frying
  • Salt - to taste
  • Sugar - to taste


Unsweetened pastries
Servings - 3
Cooking time - 1 h 30 min

Yeast pancakes on the water: how to cook

Pour warm (about 40 ° C) into a deep bowl boiled water, add yeast, salt, sugar and mix. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and leave in a warm place for 5-7 minutes to activate the yeast.

Add in the sifted flour. If the flour is of the highest quality, then sifting is not necessary. Stir with a spoon so that there are no lumps, add vegetable oil and mix again. Do not use a mixer to make pancakes. The dough should be neither thick nor runny. Flour may need a little more or a little less.

Cover the finished dough cling film or a towel. Leave in a warm place for 40 minutes to let the dough rise. Do not stir after rising.

Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and spoon the dough into the heated oil. During frying, it expands in volume, so do not put in in large numbers so that the pancakes do not stick together and fry freely. On low heat, fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown. Every time you dip the spoon into the dough, dip it in water so that nothing sticks to it. Place cooked pancakes on a plate lined with paper towels to drain excess oil.

Our delicious yeast dough pancakes are ready. They can be served warm or cold with sour cream or jam according to your taste. Bon Appetit!

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