Dried cherry. Cherry - benefits and harms to health and figure

First of all, it should be said that during drying, if everything is done correctly, cherries practically do not lose their beneficial properties. This berry is very rich in vitamins and minerals. They have bactericidal properties, due to which in traditional medicine dried cherries often used to stop inflammatory processes, as well as for viral diseases.

Dried cherries are also rich in a substance that significantly reduces blood clotting. Because of this property Dried cherry dishes are recommended to be used as a prophylactic against atherosclerosis.

Also if a person has anemia, cherry will be very, very useful. This berry has a lot of iron, in terms of the amount of this substance it can be compared with apples.

For women in the position of cherries are also useful due to the high content of iron, which is so often lacking in the blood of pregnant women. It is useful to drink compotes from dried cherries for epilepsy.

Cherry favorably affects the condition of nails, hair and skin.

Much can be said about the benefits of cherries, some consider it almost a panacea. This berry is used folk methods treatment, in cosmetology, in cooking.

So, cherry basically only benefits. Let's talk about exactly what processes in the body are improved thanks to this berry.

  1. Weight loss. dried cherry is an invariable component of many diets. Various decoctions from this berry not only do not cause harm to the body, as with a normal diet, but also strengthen the immune system.
  2. Normalization of sleep. Due to the fact that cherry berries contain melatonin, compotes from them help to improve sleep. To a lesser extent, pies and other dishes with cherries contribute to this, since you should not eat up before going to bed.
  3. Memory improvement. Teach yourself to drink a glass of cherry compote every morning, this will greatly improve your concentration and memory.
  4. Slowing down the aging process. Scientists have not come to an unambiguous point of view, but after some research, many biologists have concluded that both dried and fresh cherry promotes skin cell renewal.

In addition to a large amount of minerals cherry has a great taste. If there are children in your family, they will surely like this delicacy.

The calorie content of dried cherries is 292 kcal per 100 g of product, so do not be afraid to get better from eating such yummy.


Many benefits of cherries are listed here, however, this red berry, as in fresh, and in dried form can be harmful. What is the danger of your favorite cherry?

Cherry is contraindicated:

Cherries are high in glucose, so if you have high blood sugar, it is better to refrain from eating cherries.

Do not overeat dried cherries, this can provoke quite severe heartburn.

What varieties are suitable?

When choosing cherries for drying first of all, pay attention to ripe berries of rich color. The pulp of such fruits should be dense, and the stone should be small. Cherry varieties that are well suited for drying are Shubinka, Lyubskaya, Vladimirovskaya.

Before proceeding directly to the drying process, you need to decide on the following aspect - do you need a bone? If you are going to use cherry for the preparation of compotes, it is quite possible to leave the bone.

If the berries will be used as a filling for pies, the bones should be removed. In stores with different kitchen utensils can now be found special devices, with which it is much easier to remove the bones.

In addition, with the help of such a device, you will do it more accurately, it is very important not to damage the berries much so that they do not leak juice, but give off excess moisture during drying.

To make the bones easier to remove, slightly dry the cherries at a temperature of 30-35 degrees. Drying cherries in an electric dryer (in a dryer), more on that later.

Cooking berries

Before the drying process, cherries should be sorted out and free from the stalks, wash well. In order for the berries to dry faster, they are blanched in a boiling solution of alkali for 2-3 minutes before drying.

After these manipulations, the cherry can begin to dry. How to dry cherries in the oven Learn how to dry cherries in an electric dryer below.


Under the sun

Now is the time to deal with how to dry cherries. It is very important to do this in such a way that all the useful properties listed above are preserved in it.

Drying cherries under the sun - why not? It is best to dry the berries on fresh air where a warm breeze blows them. Many people use baking sheets or trays for this purpose, but it is better to take a large piece of dense, clean cloth.

Berries need to be dried for 4-5 days. During the day they should be under the sun, and at night bring the berries into the house so they don't get wet again. As soon as we start to warm the sun in the morning, the cherries again need to be taken out. Take a piece of fabric that you can wear comfortably, or get someone to help you.

It is by drying in the fresh air that the cherry preserves a maximum of vitamins and is best dried. But this drying technique is only suitable for pitted cherries.

If you remove the pits, the cherries will exude a lot of juice, which is very attractive to insects, which will be impossible to get rid of.

Therefore, you need to dry the cherry in the sun in complete undamaged condition. How to dry cherries at home, how to dry cherries in the oven further.

At home

For that, to dry cherries at home, you need an oven, of course, at room temperature, the cherry will not dry out. Before you start drying the berries in the oven, you must remove all damaged cherries.

To dry cherries at home, you need to put the berries on a baking sheet, strewn parchment paper or foil. Drying takes place in several stages, which differ in temperature conditions.

There are always many questions about readiness. Determining that a cherry is dried when done outdoors is fairly easy, as V this case no fear of overdrying the berries.

If, however, we dry in an oven, we need to focus on the fact that when you press the berry with your finger, juice does not stand out from it. Also, well-dried cherries have a dark brown skin tone. The taste of well-dried berries is sweet and sour.

The general process of drying cherries at home will take approximately 8-9 hours., it all depends on the size of the berries and the degree of their ripeness. If you need to dry pitted cherries, the process will last twice or even three times longer.

Do not forget that you cannot close the oven with cherries; it must be ajar throughout the entire cooking process.

In the oven

In order to dry cherries in a real oven, you first need to adjust the temperature. To do this, sprinkle a few drops of water on the floor of the oven., it should boil. The process of drying berries in a real oven is quite simple, most often cherries are dried in this way in summer cottages or in country houses.

After the sieves are placed, the oven does not need to be closed too tightly, there must be air access, because the moisture will need to evaporate. This is a very important nuance. which should definitely be taken into account. The chimney must also be ajar.

Over time, the chimney must be gradually closed. In such conditions, drying cherries will last 10-12 hours.. How to store dried cherries at home, read the next section.

Storage rules

It is best to store dried cherries in small paper bags.

If you know you are quick to use dried berries you can put them in a jar.

You can store dried cherries for no more than a year., but it is very unlikely that you will not eat or cook something delicious from it during this time.


You will have no difficulty drying cherries if you follow our advice. Dried cherries will delight for a long time your family pleasant taste and the smell of summer.

Useful video!

Grandmother has ownerless cherries, we already have enough of them in the freezer, no one eats compotes - cooking, too ... but here it turns out you can dry it, and for a raw food diet (Vadik is a raw foodist =), and I'm going in half a year - a year old) she is very handy. How many benefits does it have...

Cherry contains flavonoids - substances that can block free radicals that accelerate cell aging. This delicious berry rejuvenates the body, tones it. Pectin, which is part of the cherry, removes toxins, helping to maintain a figure, and cherry also has a slight laxative effect, improves skin condition and stabilizes the heart. And most importantly, all these useful properties are also characteristic of dried cherries. Cherry berries are low-calorie. But at the same time they improve digestion, quench thirst. A handful of dried cherries a day fully satisfies the body's need for cobalt and magnesium. Cherry strengthens blood vessels, reduces arterial pressure, increases the body's resistance to, for example, radiation. Like many other stone fruit crops, cherries contain amygdalin, a substance that reduces pain in the heart area, helps to cure some diseases of the stomach and nervous system.
Try our cherries - these are natural dried berries, not sugary candied fruit in sugar syrup, of which there are so many in ordinary stores. In our cherries, all useful substances are preserved to the maximum. It is very good in compotes, but you can eat it like that, only slightly soaked in water. The taste of dried cherries is sweet and sour, very pleasant.

Cherry is considered to be the birthplace of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and Crimea, from where it came to Rome and spread throughout Europe. Already in the III century. BC e. doctor Sifinius mentions cherry (sweet cherry) as a valuable medicinal product.

The modern geography of the common cherry culture is extensive, and the annual world harvest of these fruits is over 2 million tons. Dried cherries of dark-colored fruits, without stalks.

Red or dark red fruits of the common cherry have a pleasant sweet and sour taste, their pulp contains a lot of useful substances: organic acids (malic, citric, succinic, salicylic, etc.), minerals and trace elements (calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, a lot of copper), pectin substances - up to 11%, enzymes, sugars - up to 15%, nitrogenous, tannic and colorants, vitamins A, C and PP, folic acid, anthocyanins.

Cherry pits contain: fatty oil −25-35%, essential oil, amygdalin glycoside; in the bark - tannins, coumarin, amygdalin.

Cherry - valuable dietary product, improves appetite, effective remedy for the treatment of anemia with low hemoglobin

Of particular value to cherry fruits is the content of coumarins in them with a predominance of oxycoumarins, which contribute to the normalization of blood coagulation. Therefore, the consumption of cherry fruits prevents heart attacks associated with the formation of blood clots.

Especially valuable dried berries the content of pectin substances that bind heavy metals in the human intestine and remove them from the body. Therefore, for the prevention of occupational diseases, dried berries are recommended to be included in the daily diet.


Cherry fruits are sorted before drying, rotten, broken and unripe are rejected. good fruits cleaned of stalks, washed in cold water in the shower. To speed up drying, the fruits are immersed for 0.5 minutes in a boiling solution of baking soda (15 g per 1 liter of water). After that, the fruits are thoroughly washed in cold water. Solar drying. Lasts 3-5 days. artificial drying. In the first 2 hours, it is produced at a temperature of 50 degrees, and then the temperature is raised to 70-75 degrees, and dried for 10 hours, stirring frequently. Cherries are dried at a temperature of 50-55 degrees. Dried fruits should be black-brown with a slight reddish tint. From 10 kg of fresh cherries, 2.2 kg of dried cherries are obtained.

I liked this particular one, but of course without soda and in the sun, more precisely in the fresh air - vitamins go away in the sun - as they say, an environmentally friendly product

And here are other options

Dried sweet cherry 1

Prepare sugar syrup: dissolve 800 grams of sugar in 1 liter of water and bring to a boil. Dip pitted cherries in batches into boiling sugar syrup. Cook for 5 - 8 minutes. Then separate the cherry in a colander, let the syrup drain completely. Arrange cherries on trays to dry. Dry at a temperature of 40 - 45 ° C. Ready cherries should be quite soft and elastic. Store it in tightly closed glass jars.

Dried sweet cherry 2

Wash the cherries, pour into an enamel basin and pour boiling sugar syrup over. Leave overnight, then bring to a boil. Take out the cherries, let the syrup drain, scatter the fruits on baking sheets and dry them over low heat in the oven with the door ajar. Store in glass jars with a lid. Wash dried cherries thoroughly before use, soak for 8-12 hours in cold water and boil in the same water.

For 1 kg of cherries, 120 grams of sugar, 1/2 cup of water.

Dried cherries calories

Cherry is a representative of the Rosaceae family, a subgenus of plants of the Plum genus.

Like a fresh cherry that hasn't been exposed heat treatment, and dried cherries contain a lot of trace elements and vitamins. It contains vitamins E, C, PP, B-group. Moreover, cherries contain phosphorus, sodium, potassium, copper, iron, magnesium and organic acids.

Since dried cherries contain iron and copper, it increases hemoglobin. Also, the composition includes glucose and fructose, as a result of which you can quickly stock up on energy for the whole day. It perfectly quenches thirst.

Dried cherry calorie content - 290 kcal. The composition included proteins - 1.5 g, carbohydrates - 73.0 g.

Dried cherries can also have a beneficial effect on digestion, this is due to the pectin substances contained in it. Like many other berries, you will not find cholesterol and fat in cherries, so it is an excellent dietary product enriched with antioxidants.

Interestingly, scientists advise people who want to quit smoking to use dried cherries. She weakens nicotine addiction. It can also help in concentration, which can be useful for absent-minded people on working days.

If we talk about the beneficial properties of dried cherries, then, along with all of the above, it improves sputum production, provides a slight laxative effect. Useful for the nervous system and heart, because. contains amygdalin.

Along with all its benefits, dried cherries are also delicious. For example, you can make wonderful fragrant cakes from chocolate and dried cherries, compotes, black forest pie and a lot of other dishes at any time of the year.

Dried cherries calories

Industrial options for harvesting dried cherries in the lion's share of cases involve separating the juice and replacing it with a natural preservative, sugar syrup, which provides a pleasant sweet taste. As for the process of drying the berries in a similar way, it is quite long and difficult, it takes place mainly when exposed to high temperature, and as a result, fragrant and delicious product, high in calories and without many useful qualities and properties.

However, traditional drying is a processing method fresh vegetables and fruits, which allows you not to lose most of the nutrients. At the same time, you can implement it yourself, and even save significantly.

Dried cherry calorie - 290 kcal. Also in the composition there are proteins - 1.5 g, carbohydrates - 73.0 g.

Cherries can be dried like in the old days - outdoors in the shade, in an electric or gas oven, drying cabinet, Russian oven (it is necessary to control the temperature - no more than 42 degrees), or using the latest technologies- using a dehydrator. Cherries that have not been exposed to high temperatures during the drying process will not yield to fresh ones in terms of their own biochemical properties.

The unique combination of minerals (sodium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium, iodine, cobalt, manganese, copper, molybdenum, calcium, fluorine) and vitamins (E, C, B1, B2, B9, PP) in the composition of cherries allows us to call its prophylactic against blood diseases and cardiovascular diseases, maintaining female beauty, youth and health. Anthocyanins and vitamin C present in cherries can prevent premature aging cells, characterized by antioxidant activity, reduce the risk of oncological diseases. Cherries are advised to use as a prevention of strokes and heart attacks, the formation of cholesterol plaques and blood clots, with a low level of hemoglobin, anemia, beautiful half humanity with regular heavy bleeding and during pregnancy to saturate with folic acid.

However, cherries can also be detrimental to diabetes, hyperacidity, gastric ulcer, obesity. You also need to be careful with cherry pits - they contain amygdalin glycoside, which turns into a poison in the intestine - hydrocyanic acid.

a fruit beloved by many, but not everyone appreciates the beneficial properties of this familiar berry. This article will tell you how the berry can be used for treatment and what exactly is cherry useful for the body, we will also consider the issue of cherry seeds, their harm and benefits.

Calorie content and composition of cherries

a representative of the Rosaceae family, with gray-brown bark and a rather spreading crown. Cherry color is especially beautiful - white small flowers strew the entire branch. Berries have a sweet and sour taste. Depending on the type of cherry berries, they can be different in size, but medicinal properties and contraindications are specific to each tree. This berry has been known to people since ancient times. Our ancestors knew not only about palatability, but also about the benefits of cherries.

Did you know?Cherry was brought to Europe in the 1st century AD. e. from Rome.

If you have already decided to use cherries for the treatment and prevention of possible diseases, you should know exactly what chemicals cherries contain.

Cherry Ingredients:

  • glucose and fructose - 11.3%;
  • organic acid - 1.3%;
  • vegetable fiber - 0.5%.

Mineral components:

  • phosphorus - 30 mg;
  • manganese - 26 mg;
  • calcium - 37 mg;
  • sodium - 20 mg;
  • iron - 1.4 mg;
  • potassium - 256 mg.
In addition, cherries have a large amount of vitamins B, C, PP, as well as folic, citric, malic, succinic, salicylic acids. Among what is useful in cherries, there are also seeds: they contain 25-35% fatty acids, essential oil, glycoside, amygdalin. Even the bark of the tree is saturated with useful elements such as tannins, coumarin, amygdalin.

Cherry calories: 100 g of fresh berries contain 52 kcal.

Useful properties of cherries

Cherry brings more benefits than harm to the human body. Using it can not only make you healthier, but also improve your mood due to the wonderful taste of the berry. The work of almost all parts of the body can be "corrected" by the use of cherries.

What is useful cherry

First of all, cherries are useful for those who, according to the doctor's prescription, need diet food, as well as those who have no appetite - cherries make you want to eat. Cherry has a very good effect on metabolic processes in the body, which is associated with the content of inositol in the berry.

Important!by the most useful varieties The cherries are the Steppe and Griot Pobeda cherries.

an antioxidant berry that can blunt the aging process of the body. By and large, cherry strengthens the circulatory system, the digestive system, genitourinary system and may also lower blood cholesterol levels. Cherry fruits are useful for both men and women and are often used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology, perfumery and pharmacology.

Another important factor is that cherries, despite their calorie content, saturate the body with all the necessary substances. The berry is very useful for people suffering from diabetes, because glycemic index this berry is much lower than the others.

Is there any benefit from dried, dried and frozen cherries

Dried, dried and frozen cherries, as well as cherry pits, are just as useful as fresh berry but they can also be harmful. Dried cherries are a wonderful bonus to compotes and tea in winter, when the body especially needs a summer accent, as well as additional protection.

As part of a compote or simply steamed dried cherries can help fight a cold. As for frozen cherries, they are just as useful as fresh berries, and retain all their features - from calorie content to useful properties.

Did you know?In order to preserve all the benefits of cherries during processing, it must be frozen correctly: either by instant freezing, or by exposure to "shock" temperature. You can freeze the berry with or without a bone.

Dried cherries contain the same trace elements as fresh cherries, and bring both benefits and harms in equal amounts. Sun-dried cherries work well for diseases of cardio-vascular system, for the prevention of strokes and heart attacks, as well as for pregnant women, to replenish folic acid reserves. Cherry in any form is delicious and useful fruit, which brings not only culinary pleasure, but also benefits the body.

The use of cherries in folk medicine

For two decades, cherries have been known to mankind and for the same amount of time people have been using it not only in cooking, but also to improve their health. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Eating cherries to boost immunity

Cherry for immunity is primarily important because it contains the hormone melatonin, which helps improve sleep. A small amount of such an enzyme can cause migraines and even disrupt the functioning of the central nervous system. For this cherries can be used not only in fresh, but also in dried and dried. Also, to increase immunity, the presence of vitamin C in the composition of cherries is useful, which is especially beneficial for the body in the winter.

Useful properties of cherries for the circulatory system

Often when discussing the beneficial properties of cherries, the question arises: does cherries increase blood pressure. There is only one answer: on the contrary, cherries help to normalize pressure due to high content oxycoumarins and reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. The only thing that cherry can increase is hemoglobin, but this also has a beneficial effect on the body.

Important!Cherry tea or fresh cherry juice can bring special benefit athletes who do a lot of cardio.

The benefits of cherries for the kidneys

Cherry contains a large amount of pectin, which helps the body cope with toxins and prevents the formation of stones, as well as sand in the kidneys. A decoction of cherries can help remove urea and urates from the body, which also contributes to the prevention and treatment of kidney disease. Preparing such a decoction is simple: 10 g of dry crushed berries should be poured with 200 ml of boiling water and boiled for 30 minutes. Then the broth is removed from the fire and filtered, add boiled water. As a result, at least 250 ml of liquid should remain. You need to drink such a decoction throughout the day in small portions.

The effect of cherries on the digestive system

Cherries increase appetite and affect the production of food hormones, which is already good for the digestive system. The content of pectins helps in the fight against constipation and diarrhea. Organic acids contained in cherries activate the production of gastric juice and create a favorable microflora for the fastest food processing. Inositol, contained in cherries, also contributes to the normalization of digestion, reduces the risk of obesity or malnutrition.

Did you know?To prevent diseases of the digestive system, it is enough to eat only 20 cherries a day.

Cherry for weight loss

In questions about losing weight, the question arises: is cherry compote useful? Of course, it is useful, because it is better to use cherries in a processed form - compotes or juices. It does an excellent job of quenching thirst, which replaces any carbonated drinks. Chlorogenic acid, which in large numbers found in cherries, accelerates carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, which contributes to weight loss and lower blood sugar.

The use of cherries in diseases of the stomach

Decoctions of cherry branches are used for diseases of the stomach, due to the fact that they normalize the process of digestion. To relieve general pain in the stomach and inflammatory processes, tea is well suited, which can be prepared not only from berries, but also from stalks and leaves. IN medicinal purposes you can use an infusion of the bark of a tree, which is good for stomach ulcers.

How cherry is used for cosmetic purposes

In cosmetology, cherry is popular primarily due to its subtle enchanting aroma. Most often, professional cosmetologists recommend the use of cherry masks for owners oily skin, because cherries will help to cope with acne and open pores. Cherry juice is often used in hair and scalp care, preventing such a hated problem as premature "pollution" of hair.

Masks from cherries for hair are easy to prepare, just peel the berry from the stone and apply the resulting slurry on the face. If you decide to use cherries in the fight against acne, then the recipe for such a mask is as follows:2 tbsp. tablespoons of cherry pulp mixed with 1 tbsp. spoonful of potato flour orange juice and 1 tsp. aloe. For hair, you can use cherry juice or cherry infusion. Cherry juice is used in combination with potato starch: starch is gradually introduced into the juice and stirred until the consistency of thick sour cream. If you use this mask regularly, your hair will gain a healthy shine and silkiness.

Cherries and Cooking

Cherry in cooking is one of the most popular berries due to its availability. In the preparation of dishes and drinks, it can be used in any form, which makes cherries a versatile product. Since childhood, we have known several dishes using cherries, but in fact, the variety of goodies with cherries is amazing.

Dried and dried cherries can be seen on store shelves, in the dried fruit section, but few think about the fact that it is easy to cook it yourself. This recipe will help you out if you have so many fresh cherries that you simply no longer want to cook dishes from it, and your family does not like jam, or there is too much of it too. Yes, even if this cherry is the simplest, small. Namely, such a cherry is best suited for drying and drying.

Dried vs Dried Cherry - What's the difference?

Strictly speaking, dried cherries and dried cherries are not the same thing. Cherries were always dried in the old old way in the fresh air. It turned out on its own, “as it will turn out”, the seeds were not removed from it, dried to a complete loss of moisture, and used in winter mainly for compotes. As for dried cherries, this is a more elegant product, the preparation of which provided for the mandatory removal of seeds and the preservation of some plasticity. Even before any appearance of raisins in our latitudes, dried cherries were used instead, ennobling pastries, and simply as a dessert. Today, dried cherries are back, and some housewives appreciate their sweet and sour taste more than the simple sweet taste of raisins. Since then, another change has taken place. Since we all moved to the cities, and we only visit dachas and in the countryside, we will dry and dry cherries in our native city kitchen. If you do this in your native estate, as they say, good luck.

So, let's cook dried cherries in the pitted oven, and just dried cherries. in front of you detailed technology cooking dried and dried cherries at home, recipe with photo.

Recipe Features. It will not take much effort to dry the cherries, the most difficult moment is getting rid of the seeds, but it’s worth stocking up on time, because the cherries are dried for a long time and at a low oven temperature. This technology ensures that the cherry will not burn, but will dry out evenly and gradually. And for the same reason, small but fleshy cherries are better suited, in which there is not too much juice - they will dry faster.

Important. In order for the process to go even faster, the cherries are pre-boiled with sugar syrup. Thus, at the very beginning of cooking, it will give a certain amount of juice, and it will become even sweeter.

How dried cherries are used. But there are no limits to the use of such cherries: just take a handful of this delicacy for tea - you get a very healthy snack. Substitute cherries for raisins in your favorite muffin or muffin recipe, add cherries to morning porridge or make homemade muesli with it. And what a delicious! And, of course, in winter it will be possible to cook compote from it.

Cooking time: 7-8 hours.
Yield: 400-500 g dried cherries


To cook dried / dried cherries in the oven, you will need:

  • 2 kg cherries
  • 700 grams of sugar
  • 700 ml water

How to cook dried cherries in the oven

Pour the cherries into a bowl and cover with water. Remove excess leaves, petioles, bad fruits that could get into the crop.

The most time-consuming process is the removal of bones. Do it in the way that is most convenient for you: using a special machine, a regular pin, or, as shown in the photo, straws for cocktails.

Once all the cherries have been peeled, prepare the syrup. To do this, mix sugar with water in a saucepan and put it on fire.

When the syrup boils, send cherries into it in small portions.

Boil each serving for 5 minutes.

Then drain the cherries in a sieve or colander to remove excess juice.

And then briefly spread the cherry on a paper towel to finally get rid of the juice.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and arrange the cherries.

Send a baking sheet with cherries to the oven, heated to 70 degrees. Wither the fruits until they become dry and less elastic. You can stir the cherries from time to time.

If you want to cook dried cherries, then leave the fruits in the oven until they completely lose their elasticity.

Dried cherries can be stored at room temperature, in a tightly closed container, or glass jar. Dried cherries are stored in the same way.