Caramel jewelry. Caramel icing: cooking technology, detailed recipes

Caramel is a delicacy known since childhood. A rare child, having eaten a cockerel on a stick, did not try to melt sugar and make candy on his own, and many succeeded. It would seem that caramel decorations - what could be simpler? Indeed, cooking caramel is quite simple, but working with it requires additional tools, talent and patience.

If you are ready to repeat the feat of the masters and make caramel decorations on your own, for example, caramel flowers, leaves or more complex compositions, then you will need thick-walled cooking utensils, a thermometer up to 200 degrees, liquid dyes, a spirit lamp for fastening elements and a caramel lamp, which keeps the caramel elastic. If high art gives way to fantasy, your creativity and excellent taste, then look at the rather simple, but, nevertheless, original ways decorating desserts offered by "Culinary Eden".

Before you start creating caramel decorations, you need to properly prepare the caramel itself. There are two cooking methods.

First way

1 glass of granulated sugar,
3/4 cup water
3-5 drops vinegar essence 3%
food paint.

Pour ¾ cup of water into a caramel pot and bring to a boil. Pour sugar into boiling water, mix thoroughly and add vinegar essence. Bring the resulting solution to a boil and cook until a caramel sample is taken. The caramel test is carried out using a few chilled drops of caramel, they should not bend and stick to the teeth, but they should be crushed well. The finished caramel is poured into a chilled dish, greased with vegetable oil. When the caramel has cooled down a bit, add the coloring to it.

Second way

35 ml of water
100 gr sugar
50 gr molasses,
3-5 drops of vinegar essence
or 10-12 drops of dissolved citric acid

Pour water into a bowl for cooking caramel and bring it to a boil. Add sugar, stir and bring to a boil again. Add molasses to the resulting solution and bring to a boil. Strain the resulting mass through a sieve and boil until caramelized. To the slightly cooled mass, add citric acid or vinegar essence, dye of the color you need and flavor, mix well.

So that the caramel mass does not have time to harden before you form the intended pattern, you need to cook it in small portions in a small bowl. The finished caramel mass is stretched and bent, giving the desired shape with a wide knife, lubricated with oil.

One of the most simple ways cake decorations are chopped caramel. As a base, it is better to use a white cream - protein, whipped cream or yogurt. White creme will show off the royal natural caramel color better, and if you choose to make it multi-colored, the colors will look brighter on a white background.

To get a similar decoration, prepare caramel, grease a frying pan or a large sheet of parchment paper with butter and spread caramel over its surface so that you get a layer about 3 mm thick. Leave the caramel to harden. When it hardens, separate it from the paper or pan and begin to carefully break off small pieces from it, with which, like a mosaic, decorate your cake.

Caramel is also useful for lovers of fruit and berry cakes. It will make the berries sweeter, so that they will have a sweet and sour taste. Prepare fruits and berries: peel kiwi and cut into thin slices, divide tangerines into slices and peel membranes, cut strawberries into quarters.

Make caramel and decorate the cake with kiwi slices, mandarin slices, strawberries and cherries. Brush with oil and roll up parchment paper. Pour caramel into a bag and cut off a small corner. The smaller the cut, the thinner the pattern will be. Squeeze caramel onto fruits and draw the most intricate patterns on it, because the more openwork and thinner, the more beautiful it will turn out!

If the decoration is already ready, and the caramel remains and has not yet had time to dry, then you can make spirals and decorate cakes with them or use them as an independent dessert. To do this, you need a slightly cooled, plastic caramel, oil and a rolling pin or several thinner sticks according to the number of spirals needed.

Brush the sticks with oil and roll the caramel into ropes. Wrap the resulting bundles on sticks or a rolling pin and leave until the caramel hardens. When the caramel has hardened, carefully remove the spirals and decorate your dessert with them.

Does the soul require something abstract? You're welcome. Each time different, incomparable, made only by you, the one and only abstract caramel pattern. For such creativity, you will need parchment paper, a rolling pin, a fork, a wide knife and any other means at hand.

Grease parchment paper and rolling pin with oil. Scoop up the slightly cooled caramel with a knife or fork if you want a more complex and subtle pattern, and pull it onto paper. Do not forget to twist the caramel, change the direction and plane of movement. Scoop up the caramel with a knife and transfer it to the rolling pin. While the caramel is not frozen, stretch, bend it and give it any shape.

Surprise guests with a splash of amber on your culinary work of art. During the preparation of caramel, instead of vinegar essence, add citric acid, from which the caramel will turn yellow. Don't wait for it to cool down, it's better to immediately arm yourself with a silicone baking brush and start creating.

Place parchment paper around the cake. Dip your paintbrush into the hot caramel and quickly move it over the egg white or whipped cream cake. Start splattering the caramel. You will get volume sprays of different shapes and sizes, which, after solidification, will resemble scattered amber.

Do you want something completely original? Make a caramel dome for your brownies. Of course, it will take quite a lot of materials, as well as efforts, but isn't the result worth it? Stock up on grapefruits, they should be exactly half as many as cakes, parchment paper, butter and, of course, caramel.

Cut the grapefruit in half exactly and brush the peel with oil. parchment paper also grease with oil and roll into a bag. Fill it with caramel and cut off a small corner. Squeeze the caramel onto the grapefruit halves so that you get a fine mesh. When the caramel hardens, remove the mesh from the grapefruit, you need to do this as carefully as possible, because the structure is quite fragile. Cover your cakes with the resulting domes and original dessert ready!

As you can see, to work with caramel, you can do without spirit lamps, thermometers and special lamps, and make decorations no less original and tasty than those of professionals. The main thing is your creative mood, the desire to create, experiment and surprise. Caramel is just a material that, in your hands, turns into exceptional, unlike others, each time different, amazing masterpieces.

It is important to enjoy the process of caramel decoration itself, and if you succeed, then experiment, create, master new materials, come up with something new and surprise others!

Despite the fact that now in stores there is a huge selection confectionery, and including cakes, many hostesses prefer to bake them on their own to surprise guests and households. Berries, cream, chocolate and mastic are usually used as decor, as well as caramel for the cake.

How and why confectioners use caramel

The history of the viscous sweet mass of sugar began presumably in India a couple of millennia ago. Then, as a delicacy, people belonging to the untouchable caste fried chopped sugar cane on fire, getting a kind of caramel. However, in the form in which sweetness is known today, it did not appear until the 16th century. And the first product made from caramel was a regular lollipop.

Now there are several types of caramel:

  • hard,
  • soft,
  • with various additives.

There are, of course, others, but they are already a mixture of those presented or their varieties.

Any caramel can be used to make cakes and decorate them, but each of them will have its own “function”. So, cakes are usually layered with soft, and exquisite decorations are made from candy.

Recipe for making caramel

The simplest caramel is made from water and sugar. Do it like this:

  1. Take 4 parts of sugar for 1 part of water.
  2. Water is poured into a stainless steel pan, sugar is poured into the same place.
  3. Stirring continuously, bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat.
Sometimes vinegar or lemon juice is added to the water and sugar to prevent the sugar from crystallizing and the sweetness from hardening prematurely.

Ready caramel begins to darken, but it should not be allowed to become completely brown. Now it must be immediately poured into a glass or ceramic dishes- and you can use caramel to decorate cakes.

How to make caramel figurines

If you decide to decorate the cake with caramel, then you can not only pour the top layer with it, but make unusual jewelry. To do this, you need to act quickly, while the sweet mass has not had time to cool.

If you dip a wooden stick into caramel, then a thin “thread” will follow it, which will be the main material for decorations.

With this thread, you can write on the cake or twist it into intricate caramel figures. Separately, butterflies, flowers, cobwebs, notes and treble clefs are “drawn” on a silicone mat, and then the frozen “sculpture” is placed vertically in the cake.

The most common decoration made from melted sugar is a spiral. It can be round or oblong. A flat round one can be made on the same silicone mat, and if it is necessary that it be in the form of a hemisphere, then the caramel “thread” is wound onto a ladle. An oblong spiral is obtained by removing the frozen decoration from the round handle of the whisk or ladle.

But if you make multi-colored caramel from isomalt and dyes, then you can sculpt a variety of figures. It is done like this:

  1. Isomalt is melted without water in a saucepan.
  2. Add dye to it.
  3. Pour onto a silicone mat and cool slightly.
  4. The mass is kneaded with hands, stretching it.
  5. Figures are quickly molded until the material has hardened.

In order to have the material of the desired consistency at hand all the time, it is divided into two parts, they work with one, and at the same time keep the other under a lamp so that it does not cool down, and then they are changed.

Caramel is not the most capricious material. With him, having adapted, even a novice pastry chef can handle it. And it gives a huge scope for imagination.

Have you tried making your own caramel? Tell us what you got in the comments.

  • Don't know how to decorate home cake? Look here, caramel is one of the best decorations.

    Caramel - thick syrup from sugar. For professional caramel preparation, auxiliary tools are needed, cold table on which the caramel will pour. And plates showing the heating temperature, as there is different types caramel and the degree of heating is different.

    But we will cook caramel at home. Those who cooked burnt sugar or caramel figurines in the form of cockerels, bunnies, etc. in childhood will easily understand the cooking process. Prepare caramel for decorating cakes and pastries.

    Ingredients for 1.

    Sugar 6 tbsp. spoons.
    Water 2 tbsp. Spoons.
    Vinegar essence 3 ml.
    Citric acid 2 g.

    Time for preparing:
    30 minutes.

    Take thick-walled dishes. Take sugar and water at the rate of 3 parts sugar to 1 part water. Pour sugar over water. Put on fire and heat, stirring constantly until the sugar dissolves.
    Then boil the syrup for 10 minutes until tender over low heat. Caramel will begin to turn golden from the edges of the dish, so stir, make sure that the caramel does not burn.
    Add vinegar essence, stir, then citric acid or fruit essence. This is so that the caramel does not sugar when cooled, and to add flavor.
    To stop heating the caramel, you need to lower the dishes into cold water but be careful not to burn yourself with steam. And immediately start drawing with caramel.
    In the event that you drop the finished caramel on a spoon, it will harden without spreading.

    Caramel decoration for the sides of the cake. Measure the height of the cake and cut out strips of parchment paper, grease with butter so that the caramel can be easily separated. Take a tablespoon of caramel and draw an arbitrary lattice. Until the caramel has hardened, you can adjust it with the edge of a knife.
    Then take it off before it is completely set and stick it to the cream on the cake. This should be done when the cake is already on the finished dish.
    Caramel basket. A basket can be made on any rounded object: on a ladle, on a grapefruit or an orange. Lubricate the ladle with oil, pick up the caramel with a tablespoon and, holding it over the dishes, apply a lattice pattern. First thick lines, then thin ones.
    When the caramel cools and hardens. Just grab the basket and turn it with the palm of your hand, it will detach from the scoop.
    A caramel basket is suitable for serving dessert in it or it can be covered with a basket, like a dome, for example, in the middle of the cake.
    Only if you make the middle of the basket a solid bottom and draw rays from it, then in such a basket you can serve ice cream balls or another non-flowing dessert.

    Drawn caramel figures. Draw shapes on parchment paper, such as curls, flowers, hearts. And on the reverse side, along the translucent contour, draw with caramel. Such figures can be displayed in cream on cakes or decorate cakes. There is already a huge scope for your imagination.

    Mesh - cobweb made of caramel. On parchment paper, randomly draw strokes with caramel.
    When cool, carefully break into pieces.
    Decorate the top or sides of the cake with them.
    Caramel leaves. Draw large drops with caramel, form leaves with a knife, pressing down on the sides of the drop until the caramel is soft, apply a vein pattern.
    Then, with your hands, stretch and rotate the leaf so that it is not flat. Leaves can be used to decorate a cake, or you can make a caramel stalk and attach leaves to it. From thickened, but not frozen caramel, you can pull out any figures.


    - At the moment when you cook caramel, nothing should distract you.
    - Prepare all additional tools, parchment paper with drawings in advance, as the caramel quickly hardens and thickens.
    - Do not overexpose the caramel on fire, otherwise you can burn it and the taste will be bitter.
    - If you did not have time to draw, and the caramel has thickened, just heat it over low heat, it will melt.
    - To wash dishes from caramel, you need to pour water into the dishes and heat it. The caramel will dissolve on its own and you won't have to peel it off the dishes. Or just fill a bowl with water and leave overnight, the caramel will dissolve by itself. Author of the recipe and photo: Vera.

    Laces, spirals, monograms, whole bouquets of transparent colored caramel look very professional. However, in order to create such masterpieces at home, it is not at all necessary to be a confectioner. Caramel is easy to cook on your own, and then form any decorations from it, from drops and cobwebs to spectacular bouquets.

    The advantages of caramel decor are many. It looks beautiful in photos and videos, gives any product a professional and stylish look. After curing caramel decorations very hard to mess up. Unlike chocolate, cream or jelly, they do not spread, melt, or change color. The natural shade of caramel is all shades of gold and honey. With the help of dyes, the mass can be tinted, a pleasant aroma will be given by essences that are added drop by drop after cooking.

    Caramel jewelry keeps well. They can be made in advance, placed in boxes and put away in a cool, dry place. The only drawback of the material is fragility. Beginners should not make complex monograms, flowers and three-dimensional designs. It is better to limit yourself to cobwebs, openwork hemispheres, drops, leaves and spirals. It looks unusual and stylish, and is made quite easily. Professionals advise making jewelry with a margin, in case of breakage, the affected element can be quickly replaced.

    Caramel decor is ideal for cakes covered with fondant, cream (butter, protein, custard), chocolate or sugar icing. Caramel is not combined with nut sprinkles, grated chocolate or streusel, in which case you should choose a different decor. Losing weight should take into account that sugar decorations are quite high in calories.

    Despite the fact that now there is a huge selection of confectionery products in stores, including cakes, many hostesses prefer to bake them on their own to surprise guests and household members. Berries, cream, chocolate and mastic are usually used as decor, as well as caramel for the cake.

    How and why confectioners use caramel

    The history of the viscous sweet mass of sugar began presumably in India a couple of millennia ago. Then, as a delicacy, people belonging to the untouchable caste fried chopped sugar cane on fire, getting a kind of caramel. However, in the form in which sweetness is known today, it did not appear until the 16th century. And the first product made from caramel was a regular lollipop.

    Now there are several types of caramel:

    • hard,
    • soft,
    • candy,
    • with various additives.

    There are, of course, others, but they are already a mixture of those presented or their varieties.

    Any caramel can be used to make cakes and decorate them, but each of them will have its own “function”. So, cakes are usually layered with soft, and exquisite decorations are made from candy.

    Recipe for making caramel

    The simplest caramel is made from water and sugar. Do it like this:

    1. Take 4 parts of sugar for 1 part of water.
    2. Water is poured into a stainless steel pan, sugar is poured into the same place.
    3. Stirring continuously, bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat.
    Sometimes vinegar or lemon juice is added to the water and sugar to prevent the sugar from crystallizing and the sweetness from hardening prematurely.

    Ready caramel begins to darken, but it should not be allowed to become completely brown. Now it must be immediately poured into glass or ceramic dishes - and caramel can be used to decorate cakes.

    How to make caramel figurines

    If you decide to decorate the cake with caramel, then you can not only pour the top layer with it, but make unusual decorations. To do this, you need to act quickly, while the sweet mass has not had time to cool.

    If you dip a wooden stick into caramel, then a thin “thread” will follow it, which will be the main material for decorations.

    With this thread, you can write on the cake or twist it into intricate caramel figures. Separately, butterflies, flowers, cobwebs, notes and treble clefs are “drawn” on a silicone mat, and then the frozen “sculpture” is placed vertically in the cake.

    The most common decoration made from melted sugar is a spiral. It can be round or oblong. A flat round one can be made on the same silicone mat, and if it is necessary that it be in the form of a hemisphere, then the caramel “thread” is wound onto a ladle. An oblong spiral is obtained by removing the frozen decoration from the round handle of the whisk or ladle.

    But if you make multi-colored caramel from isomalt and dyes, then you can sculpt a variety of figures. It is done like this:

    1. Isomalt is melted without water in a saucepan.
    2. Add dye to it.
    3. Pour onto a silicone mat and cool slightly.
    4. The mass is kneaded with hands, stretching it.
    5. Figures are quickly molded until the material has hardened.

    In order to have the material of the desired consistency at hand all the time, it is divided into two parts, they work with one, and at the same time keep the other under a lamp so that it does not cool down, and then they are changed.

    Caramel is not the most capricious material. With him, having adapted, even a novice pastry chef can handle it. And it gives a huge scope for imagination.

    Have you tried making your own caramel? Tell us what you got in the comments.

    Sugar caramel. How to make caramel:

    • Filling a deep bowl cold water and put a number of molds - everything should be at hand.
    • We put the pan on medium heat, pour sugar into it and heat it to a liquid state. Do not stir the substance until most of the sugar has dissolved.
    • When the sugar has completely melted, switch the toggle switch to the lowest heat and dip a spoon or mold into the solution. As soon as it is full, move it for 10 seconds into a plate of water, then put it on a damp towel and take on the next form.
    • Fill a saucepan with water to scrape off any leftover caramel and remove the finished treats from the molds. Making your own caramel from sugar turned out to be easy, right?

    And now - little tricks that will help make your sweet treat even more attractive and tasty.

    Cunning 1.
    To prevent the sugar from rolling into chunks, add a drop of vinegar or lemon juice, then the caramel will turn out homogeneous.

    Cunning 2.
    To get a transparent and voluminous caramel, pour 4-5 tablespoons into the dissolved sugar hot water. In the process of languishing, a ball will swell from this water, after which you need to catch it and just wait until it cools down.

    Cunning 3.
    To give caramel spicy taste, after removing from the fire, drop cognac or any citrus juice into it; if you add herbs, you get homemade cough drops.

    Are you wondering how to make sugar caramel to make lollipops? This is also quite simple - you will need wooden sticks, for example, from ice cream, or, in last resort, toothpicks (for mini caramels). When the pan is on low heat, simply wind the thick mass around these sticks and wait for the excess to drain.

    So we learned how to make caramel from sugar, spending a minimum of time and improvised means. Now you can please delicious dessert both little guests and your friends - who said adults don't like lollipops? In the future, after a good workout, you will be able to cook cockerels and other complex figures at home.

    1. Caramel decorations

    Caramel is sugar syrup warmed up on a big fire. The accuracy of caramel preparation is very important, the difference between a thin and sweet taste and a few seconds burnt. It is advisable to start cooking caramel on high heat and after a minute reduce to low heat, stirring occasionally. It is important to prepare in advance all auxiliary tools. Since the caramel cools quickly, you need to have time to turn it into the desired shapes. If the caramel has had time to harden, you can gently warm it up and it will return to the desired state.
    Very important: Since caramel can reach a temperature of about 160C, you need to work in such a way as not to cause burns to yourself or others.

    Caramel. Basic recipe.


    ½ st. (100 g) sugar
    2 tbsp. l. water (the amount of water should just barely cover the sugar)

    It is advisable to use a saucepan with a thick bottom, which provides uniform and not sudden heating. As mentioned above, start heating for a minute on high heat, then reduce to less than medium. Until the boiling point, you need to stir the sugar completely. After that, there is no need to interfere. It will take 7-10 minutes for a golden mass to form around the edges of the pan, which gradually fills the entire pan. You can rock the pan from side to side to improve the process. When the golden mass covers the entire pan and all the sugar is dissolved, then the caramel is ready. We wait until all the bubbles disperse (we shake the pan) and the caramel becomes transparent.

    Remove the pan from the heat and lower (carefully) into large saucepan filled with cold water to stop the caramel heating process. Sometimes it is advised to take a brush, dip it in cold water and draw it from the inside along the edges of the pan during cooking (do it very carefully). We prepare decorations, thought out in advance, so that the caramel does not have time to harden.
    The taste depends on the color of the caramel. When it is light, the taste is simply sweet, the darker the caramel, the more interesting and subtle the taste.

    Problems that may arise during the cooking process:

    If the crystallization of sugar begins and it gradually turns into a solid mass, you will have to redo it first or warm it up more easily (the main thing is not to burn it).

    In order to tear off the hardened mass from the pan, you will have to pour boiling water over it all and scrape it with a rubber whisk or something else without damaging the coating of the pan.

    Strawberries in caramel

    Lubricate the surface with oil, where the strawberries in caramel will be laid out. String strawberries on a wooden toothpick or skewer. Gently dip into caramel and spread on the prepared surface.

    Caramel basket

    Flipping silicone mold upside down. If there is no suitable one, you can use a similarly shaped plate covered with aluminum (foil) or just an iron plate desired shape and oiled (some people use the ladle upside down). We collect caramel in a spoon and first make a thick strip of caramel at the base of the mold or plate. Then we make longitudinal, and then transverse stripes, trying to reach the picture - the prison bars. We are waiting for the caramel to cool down a little, but remove it, while still warm. Carefully release the basket from the foil or silicone.

    The amount of caramel obtained from the main recipe should be enough for 8 molds.

    caramel ball

    This will require a device in the form of two skewers (skewers) at a distance of 20 cm from each other, fixed motionless. Take a fork and sprinkle caramel over the skewers. We collect the resulting threads from skewers into one ball.

    Tube of caramel

    You will need a small glass jar.

    caramel spiral

    Lubricate the musat with oil. Rotating musat, pour caramel. Let cool and remove from musat.

    Figurines on parchment paper

    Naturally, we rub the parchment paper with oil and write out the pretzel or shapes as we wish.

    Caramel decorations at home. Secrets of caramel for decorations

    Standard caramel from water, sugar and citric acid, used to make well-known lollipops, is not suitable for making elegant decorations; in extreme cases, it can be used to make a decorative mesh formed from thin jets of foil squeezed onto a sheet and chilled caramel mass. Or a cast stand-base for other decorations. You cannot make a caramel flower from such a mixture; it is only suitable for casting.

    To make the caramel mass suitable for modeling, it is made more plastic by adding molasses during the manufacture. Buying molasses in a retail network is quite difficult, so if you want to make caramel flowers at home, try replacing it maple syrup or fresh, not candied honey (it should pour from a spoon). As a last resort, use artificial honey as a plasticizer.

    Cooking method:

    First way

    1. Pour 3/4 cup water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
    2. Add sugar, vinegar essence and mix well.
    3. Bring the prepared solution to a boil again, and cook until a caramel sample is taken (taking a few chilled drops of caramel that should not stick to the teeth or bend).
    4. Pour the caramel into a chilled dish greased with vegetable oil.
    1. Add sugar, stir and bring to a boil again.
    2. Add molasses to the resulting solution and bring to a boil.
    3. Strain the resulting mass through a sieve and boil until caramelized.
    4. Cool the mass slightly and add vinegar essence, coloring and flavoring, mix well.
    5. Ready caramel can be bent or stretched with a wide knife, oiled.

    Tip: so that the caramel does not freeze ahead of time, boil it in small portions in a small bowl.

    One of the most bright ways cake decorations are chopped caramel, laid out on a cream of whipped cream or yogurt. To make chipped caramel, butter a frying pan or large sheet of parchment paper. Then spread the caramel over its surface so that you get a layer about 3 mm thick. Leave the caramel to harden. When it hardens, separate it from the paper or pan and begin to carefully break off small pieces from it.

    Also, caramel goes well with fruits, giving them a pleasant sweet and sour taste. Make caramel and decorate the cake with kiwi slices, mandarin slices, strawberries and cherries. We are sure your guests will be delighted.

    In addition, spirals can be made from the remains of caramel, which are suitable for decorating cakes. To do this, grease the sticks with oil and roll the caramel in the form of bundles. Wrap the resulting bundles on sticks or a rolling pin, and leave until the caramel hardens. When the caramel has hardened, carefully remove the spirals and decorate your dessert with them.

    Various abstract patterns can be made from caramel: scoop slightly cooled caramel with a knife or fork and pull it onto parchment paper. Caramel can be twisted, change its direction, giving it any shape.

    More interesting option- amber scattering of caramel. To create it, add citric acid instead of vinegar essence while making caramel. Next, arm yourself with a silicone baking brush and parchment paper. Dip the brush into the hot caramel and scatter drops over the baked goods.

    You can make a whole dome out of caramel. Cut the grapefruit in half, brush the peel with oil. Also grease the parchment paper with oil, roll it into a bag, fill it with caramel, make a small incision on the tip of the bag. Squeeze the caramel onto the grapefruit halves so that you get a fine mesh. Once the caramel has set, carefully remove the mesh from the grapefruit. Ready!

    Video DECORATIONS FROM CARAMEL for desserts.

  • Decorating is the final part of creating a dessert. This is perhaps the most difficult stage of work, combining the skills of culinary and artistic skills. Like any science, you need to start comprehending it from the basics. For example, learn how to glaze cakes. One of the most popular options is caramel icing, which looks like a self-contained cake decoration or serves as the base for decorating an intricate dessert presentation.

    Having mastered the technology of making amber caramel, you can create real confectionery masterpieces at home.

    Caramel icing: the basics of technology

    main ingredient caramel icing - sugar. AT simple recipes use brown sugar. The product does not require processing - the staining of the filling occurs when sugar is dissolved in a liquid (milk, cream, water).

    Ordinary sugar sand for making caramel icing is melted in a thick-bottomed dish over a little more than a slow fire. Caramel is made either exclusively from granulated sugar, or with the addition of a small amount water.

    Sugar is poured into the saucepan in portions, adding new ones as the product melts. The main thing in this process is not to mix the viscous mass so that solid insoluble lumps do not form. For uniform melting, the container may only be slightly moved and tilted.

    It is important not to burn the sugar. When the crystals melt, the mass will acquire a beautiful dark amber color, the fire under the saucepan is immediately turned off. If the moment is missed, the caramel will become bitter.

    For the preparation of a mirror caramel glaze, confectionery corn syrup or glucose is used. These products can be purchased or used alternative, i.e. weld invert syrup.

    How to make invert syrup:

    1. Pour 130 ml of water into a saucepan with a thick bottom. Heat up.

    2. Pour in 300 g of sugar. Stir. Bring to a boil over low heat.

    3. Add a third of a teaspoon of citric acid. Stir.

    4. Cook for 15-20 minutes.

    Ready invert syrup should look like a thick liquid honey.

    Caramel icing: a simple recipe without gelatin

    The easiest to prepare version of liquid caramel for the cake. It takes no more than 20 minutes, but the glaze turns out to be surprisingly delicate in taste, with a beautiful glossy surface and a pleasant vanilla aroma.


    Brown sugar - ½ tbsp.;

    Cream (more than 30%) - 3 tbsp. l.;

    Butter - 30 g;

    Powdered sugar - 1 tbsp.;

    Vanillin - ¼ tsp

    Cooking technology:

    1. Melt the butter in a saucepan with a thick bottom.

    2. Pour in the cream. Stir.

    3. Pour sugar into the hot liquid.

    4. Cook at a slow boil for 2 minutes. The sugar crystals should dissolve and the mixture should thicken slightly.

    5. Remove the glaze from the fire. Mix in ½ tbsp. powdered sugar.

    6. The mixture is slightly cooled. Add the rest of the powder and vanilla.

    Ready caramel icing cool to operating temperature before use.

    Caramel Icing: Cornstarch Recipe

    Delicious, easy-to-use, elastic icing for decorating desserts. The recipe calls for sheet gelatin, but it can be substituted for regular granular or powdered gelatin.


    Regular sugar - 180 g;

    Cream (33-35%) - 150 ml;

    Hot boiled water - 150 ml;

    Corn starch- 10 g;

    Sheet confectionery gelatin - 5 g.

    Cooking technology:

    1. Gelatin is soaked in a small volume of cold water.

    2. Starch is sieved. Mixed with cold cream.

    3. Pour sugar in parts into a thick-bottomed pan (frying pan). Melt over low heat until an amber-brown caramel is formed.

    4. Very carefully, constantly stirring, pour into hot caramel boiled water. Allow to boil and boil until the mass becomes homogeneous.

    5. Cream with starch is slightly heated. Pour into the caramel in a thin stream, stirring vigorously with a spatula.

    6. The emulsion is cooled down a little. Add swollen gelatin. Stir.

    The finished caramel icing is cooled and stored in the refrigerator. Before use, warm up to 27 degrees.

    Mirror caramel icing: a classic recipe

    An unusually beautiful coating for cakes that does not need additional decoration. The mirror surface of caramel glaze in a frozen form is similar to real amber. The recipe uses brown sugar, but you can replace it with regular sugar by melting it over a fire, as in the previous version.


    Brown sugar - 250 g;

    Powdered sugar - 500 g;

    Butter - 120 g;

    Milk - 75 ml.

    Cooking technology:

    1. Butter melt over medium heat.

    2. Pour sugar. Stir. Wait for the mass to boil, reduce the fire to a minimum.

    3. Boil butter with sugar for 2 minutes. Slowly pour in the milk, stirring the mixture all the time. Wait until it boils and remove from heat.

    4. The milk-butter mixture is slightly cooled. Pour in parts powdered sugar. Stir thoroughly.

    5. Put caramel icing in an ice bath. Stir periodically until the mass acquires an elastic fluid consistency.

    Caramel glaze mirror on cream

    Thanks to heavy cream the taste of liquid caramel becomes unusually tender. The texture of the glaze is very elastic, pleasant to work with.


    Brown sugar - 250 g;

    Powdered sugar - 450 g;

    Butter - 120 g;

    Cream (35%) - 1/3 tbsp.;

    Vanilla extract - 1/3 tsp

    Cooking technology:

    1. Melt the butter in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Add sugar. Warm over medium heat until the crystals dissolve.

    2. Pour in the cream. Stir. Cook at a slow boil for 2 minutes.

    3. The fire is turned off. Vanilla extract is mixed into the mass. Cool down.

    4. A container with hot caramel icing is placed in an ice bath.

    5. Powdered sugar is introduced in parts, intensively interrupting with a blender.

    6. The finished glaze is filtered through a fine sieve.

    If the emulsion is too thick, you can add a little warm cream to it before applying to the cake.

    Mirror caramel glaze with milk chocolate and condensed milk

    amazing beautiful decoration desserts with a reflective surface of a pleasant chocolate hazel color. Thanks to gelatin, the glaze hardens well, has an unusually mild taste.


    Sugar - 100 g;

    Invert syrup - 100 g;

    Water - 110 ml;

    Milk chocolate - 100 g;

    Condensed milk (not boiled) - 70 g;

    Gelatin - 1 tsp

    Cooking technology:

    1. Gelatin is poured into 60 ml of water. Leave to swell.

    2. Sugar is melted in a saucepan with a thick bottom.

    3. Invert syrup is combined with 50 ml of water. Bet on slow fire. Stir constantly so that the consistency is homogeneous until boiling.

    4. Pour the boiling invert syrup diluted with water into the melted sugar in a thin stream. The mass is stirred all the time.

    5. Pieces are placed in the blender bowl milk chocolate, pour condensed milk. Add swollen gelatin.

    6. Pour everything with hot liquid caramel. Blend the emulsion with a blender at low speed until smooth.

    If the caramel icing with chocolate turned out to be transparent or the color is too dark, white will help correct the situation. food coloring. It is advisable to keep the finished emulsion in the refrigerator for a day before use. Before applying to the cake, heat to 32 degrees and kill with a blender.

    Caramel glaze on boiled condensed milk

    In this caramel glaze recipe, you can use both boiled condensed milk and regular toffees. Or, even better, candies "Korovka" stuffed with soft caramel. The taste of the glaze is moderately sweet, with a pleasant creamy tint.


    Sugar - 100 g;

    Boiled condensed milk - 250 g;

    Cream (20%) 250 ml;

    Gelatin - 10 g.

    Cooking technology:

    1. Gelatin is poured into 50 ml of cream. Leave to swell for 30 minutes.

    2. Condensed milk is poured into a thick-bottomed pan. Pour in sugar. Add cream. Stir.

    3. The mixture is heated over medium heat until the sugar dissolves.

    4. Remove from fire.

    5. Caramel is slightly cooled. Add swollen gelatin. Stir until smooth.

    Finished caramel icing boiled condensed milk filter through a sieve. cover cling film to avoid contact with air and send to infuse in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours. Before applying to the cake, it is heated to 35 degrees.

    The subtleties of applying caramel icing to the cake

    • The ideal caramel icing looks like a homogeneous emulsion. Therefore, after connecting all the components, the mass is carefully punched with a blender. The device is turned on at minimum speed and lowered into the bowl at an angle of 45 degrees. It is important to prevent the formation of bubbles, otherwise the texture of the emulsion will be loose. If, nevertheless, this could not be avoided, the hot mass is filtered through a fine sieve.
    • Ready caramel icing is not prohibited to use immediately after preparation. But it is better to let it harden for 8-15 hours in the refrigerator under cling film. Store liquid caramel in the freezer (up to 3 months) or in the refrigerator (7-10 days).
    • Before use, the frozen thick emulsion is heated to operating temperature (depending on the recipe, 30–45 degrees) and re-pierced with a blender. It is important not to overheat the icing, otherwise it will form a too thin, translucent layer on the cake. But you can’t water desserts with cold caramel icing - the layer will turn out to be too thick and uneven.
    • You can apply caramel icing on gelled and hard cream(curd, butter, butter). At the same time, by the time of decoration, the dessert must be cooled in the refrigerator (8–12 hours) or aged in freezer 1–2 hours.
    • The volume of caramel icing should always be more than necessary to create a continuous coating on the cake. Dessert is placed on a stand and wide dish so that liquid caramel flows freely from its sides.
    • Glaze is poured spirally, starting from the center of the product. With a flat top of the cake, excess caramel is removed with one movement of a wide pastry knife. Leftover icing collected on a dish can be collected and reused.
    • Dessert covered with caramel icing is sent to the refrigerator for at least an hour to completely solidify.

  • Not sure how best to decorate a homemade cake? Look here, caramel is one of the best decorations.

    Caramel is a thick sugar syrup. For professional caramel preparation, auxiliary tools are needed, a cold table on which caramel will be poured. And plates showing the heating temperature, since there are different types of caramel and the degree of heating is different.

    But we will cook caramel at home. Those who cooked burnt sugar or caramel figurines in the form of cockerels, bunnies, etc. in childhood will easily understand the cooking process. Prepare caramel for decorating cakes and pastries.

    Ingredients for 1.

    Sugar 6 tbsp. spoons.
    Water 2 tbsp. Spoons.
    Vinegar essence 3 ml.
    Citric acid 2 g.

    Time for preparing:
    30 minutes.

    Take thick-walled dishes. Take sugar and water at the rate of 3 parts sugar to 1 part water. Pour sugar over water. Put on fire and heat, stirring constantly until the sugar dissolves.
    Then boil the syrup for 10 minutes until tender over low heat. Caramel will begin to turn golden from the edges of the dish, so stir, make sure that the caramel does not burn.
    Add vinegar essence, stir, then citric acid or fruit essence. This is so that the caramel does not sugar when cooled, and to add flavor.
    To stop heating the caramel, you need to lower the dishes into cold water, but carefully so as not to burn yourself with steam. And immediately start drawing with caramel.
    In the event that you drop the finished caramel on a spoon, it will harden without spreading.

    Caramel decoration for the sides of the cake. Measure the height of the cake and cut out strips of parchment paper, grease with butter so that the caramel can be easily separated. Take a tablespoon of caramel and draw an arbitrary lattice. Until the caramel has hardened, you can adjust it with the edge of a knife.
    Then take it off before it is completely set and stick it to the cream on the cake. This should be done when the cake is already on the finished dish.
    Caramel basket. A basket can be made on any rounded object: on a ladle, on a grapefruit or an orange. Lubricate the ladle with oil, pick up the caramel with a tablespoon and, holding it over the dishes, apply a lattice pattern. First thick lines, then thin ones.
    When the caramel cools and hardens. Just grab the basket and turn it with the palm of your hand, it will detach from the scoop.
    A caramel basket is suitable for serving dessert in it or it can be covered with a basket, like a dome, for example, in the middle of the cake.
    Only if you make the middle of the basket a solid bottom and draw rays from it, then in such a basket you can serve ice cream balls or another non-flowing dessert.

    Drawn caramel figures. Draw shapes on parchment paper, such as curls, flowers, hearts. And on the reverse side, along the translucent contour, draw with caramel. Such figures can be displayed in cream on cakes or decorate cakes. There is already a huge scope for your imagination.

    Mesh - cobweb made of caramel. On parchment paper, randomly draw strokes with caramel.
    When cool, carefully break into pieces.
    Decorate the top or sides of the cake with them.
    Caramel leaves. Draw large drops with caramel, form leaves with a knife, pressing down on the sides of the drop until the caramel is soft, apply a vein pattern.
    Then, with your hands, stretch and rotate the leaf so that it is not flat. Leaves can be used to decorate a cake, or you can make a caramel stalk and attach leaves to it. From thickened, but not frozen caramel, you can pull out any figures.


    - At the moment when you cook caramel, nothing should distract you.
    - Prepare all additional tools, parchment paper with drawings in advance, as the caramel quickly hardens and thickens.
    - Do not overexpose the caramel on fire, otherwise you can burn it and the taste will be bitter.
    - If you did not have time to draw, and the caramel has thickened, just heat it over low heat, it will melt.
    - To wash dishes from caramel, you need to pour water into the dishes and heat it. The caramel will dissolve on its own and you won't have to peel it off the dishes. Or just fill a bowl with water and leave overnight, the caramel will dissolve by itself. Author of the recipe and photo: Vera.

    Laces, spirals, monograms, whole bouquets of transparent colored caramel look very professional. However, in order to create such masterpieces at home, it is not at all necessary to be a confectioner. Caramel is easy to cook on your own, and then form any decorations from it, from drops and cobwebs to spectacular bouquets.

    The advantages of caramel decor are many. It looks beautiful in photos and videos, gives any product a professional and stylish look. After hardening, caramel decorations are very difficult to spoil. Unlike chocolate, cream or jelly, they do not spread, melt, or change color. The natural shade of caramel is all shades of gold and honey. With the help of dyes, the mass can be tinted, a pleasant aroma will be given by essences that are added drop by drop after cooking.

    Caramel jewelry keeps well. They can be made in advance, placed in boxes and put away in a cool, dry place. The only drawback of the material is fragility. Beginners should not make complex monograms, flowers and three-dimensional designs. It is better to limit yourself to cobwebs, openwork hemispheres, drops, leaves and spirals. It looks unusual and stylish, and is made quite easily. Professionals advise making jewelry with a margin, in case of breakage, the affected element can be quickly replaced.

    Caramel decor is ideal for cakes covered with fondant, cream (butter, protein, custard), chocolate or sugar icing. Caramel is not combined with nut sprinkles, grated chocolate or streusel, in which case you should choose a different decor. Losing weight should take into account that sugar decorations are quite high in calories.

    Despite the fact that now there is a huge selection of confectionery products in stores, including cakes, many hostesses prefer to bake them on their own to surprise guests and household members. Berries, cream, chocolate and mastic are usually used as decor, as well as caramel for the cake.

    How and why confectioners use caramel

    The history of the viscous sweet mass of sugar began presumably in India a couple of millennia ago. Then, as a delicacy, people belonging to the untouchable caste fried chopped sugar cane on fire, getting a kind of caramel. However, in the form in which sweetness is known today, it did not appear until the 16th century. And the first product made from caramel was a regular lollipop.

    Now there are several types of caramel:

    • hard,
    • soft,
    • candy,
    • with various additives.

    There are, of course, others, but they are already a mixture of those presented or their varieties.

    Any caramel can be used to make cakes and decorate them, but each of them will have its own “function”. So, cakes are usually layered with soft, and exquisite decorations are made from candy.

    Recipe for making caramel

    The simplest caramel is made from water and sugar. Do it like this:

    1. Take 4 parts of sugar for 1 part of water.
    2. Water is poured into a stainless steel pan, sugar is poured into the same place.
    3. Stirring continuously, bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat.
    Sometimes vinegar or lemon juice is added to the water and sugar to prevent the sugar from crystallizing and the sweetness from hardening prematurely.

    Ready caramel begins to darken, but it should not be allowed to become completely brown. Now it must be immediately poured into glass or ceramic dishes - and caramel can be used to decorate cakes.

    How to make caramel figurines

    If you decide to decorate the cake with caramel, then you can not only pour the top layer with it, but make unusual decorations. To do this, you need to act quickly, while the sweet mass has not had time to cool.

    If you dip a wooden stick into caramel, then a thin “thread” will follow it, which will be the main material for decorations.

    With this thread, you can write on the cake or twist it into intricate caramel figures. Separately, butterflies, flowers, cobwebs, notes and treble clefs are “drawn” on a silicone mat, and then the frozen “sculpture” is placed vertically in the cake.

    The most common decoration made from melted sugar is a spiral. It can be round or oblong. A flat round one can be made on the same silicone mat, and if it is necessary that it be in the form of a hemisphere, then the caramel “thread” is wound onto a ladle. An oblong spiral is obtained by removing the frozen decoration from the round handle of the whisk or ladle.

    But if you make multi-colored caramel from isomalt and dyes, then you can sculpt a variety of figures. It is done like this:

    1. Isomalt is melted without water in a saucepan.
    2. Add dye to it.
    3. Pour onto a silicone mat and cool slightly.
    4. The mass is kneaded with hands, stretching it.
    5. Figures are quickly molded until the material has hardened.

    In order to have the material of the desired consistency at hand all the time, it is divided into two parts, they work with one, and at the same time keep the other under a lamp so that it does not cool down, and then they are changed.

    Caramel is not the most capricious material. With him, having adapted, even a novice pastry chef can handle it. And it gives a huge scope for imagination.

    Have you tried making your own caramel? Tell us what you got in the comments.

    Sugar caramel. How to make caramel:

    • We fill a deep plate with cold water and put molds next to it - everything should be at hand.
    • We put the pan on medium heat, pour sugar into it and heat it to a liquid state. Do not stir the substance until most of the sugar has dissolved.
    • When the sugar has completely melted, switch the toggle switch to the lowest heat and dip a spoon or mold into the solution. As soon as it is full, move it for 10 seconds into a plate of water, then put it on a damp towel and take on the next form.
    • Fill a saucepan with water to scrape off any leftover caramel and remove the finished treats from the molds. Making your own caramel from sugar turned out to be easy, right?

    And now - little tricks that will help make your sweet treat even more attractive and tasty.

    Cunning 1.
    To prevent sugar from rolling in pieces, add a drop of vinegar or lemon juice to the pan during heating, then the caramel will turn out homogeneous.

    Cunning 2.
    To get a transparent and voluminous caramel, pour 4-5 tablespoons of hot water into the dissolved sugar. In the process of languishing, a ball will swell from this water, after which you need to catch it and just wait until it cools down.

    Cunning 3.
    To give the caramel a piquant taste, after removing it from the heat, drop cognac or any citrus juice into it; if you add herbs, you get homemade cough drops.

    Are you wondering how to make sugar caramel to make lollipops? This is also quite simple - you will need wooden sticks, for example, from ice cream, or, in extreme cases, toothpicks (for mini caramels). When the pan is on low heat, simply wind the thick mass around these sticks and wait for the excess to drain.

    So we learned how to make caramel from sugar, spending a minimum of time and improvised means. Now you can please both your little guests and your friends with a delicious dessert - who said adults don't like lollipops? In the future, after a good workout, you will be able to cook cockerels and other complex figures at home.

    1. Caramel decorations

    Caramel is sugar syrup heated over a high heat. The accuracy of caramel preparation is very important, the difference between a thin and sweet taste and a few seconds burnt. It is advisable to start cooking caramel on high heat and after a minute reduce to low heat, stirring occasionally. It is important to prepare in advance all auxiliary tools. Since the caramel cools quickly, you need to have time to turn it into the desired shapes. If the caramel has had time to harden, you can gently warm it up and it will return to the desired state.
    Very important: Since caramel can reach a temperature of about 160C, you need to work in such a way as not to cause burns to yourself or others.

    Caramel. Basic recipe.


    ½ st. (100 g) sugar
    2 tbsp. l. water (the amount of water should just barely cover the sugar)

    It is advisable to use a saucepan with a thick bottom, which provides uniform and not sudden heating. As mentioned above, start heating for a minute on high heat, then reduce to less than medium. Until the boiling point, you need to stir the sugar completely. After that, there is no need to interfere. It will take 7-10 minutes for a golden mass to form around the edges of the pan, which gradually fills the entire pan. You can rock the pan from side to side to improve the process. When the golden mass covers the entire pan and all the sugar is dissolved, then the caramel is ready. We wait until all the bubbles disperse (we shake the pan) and the caramel becomes transparent.

    Remove the saucepan from the heat and lower (carefully) into a large saucepan filled with cold water to stop the caramel from heating up. Sometimes it is advised to take a brush, dip it in cold water and draw it from the inside along the edges of the pan during cooking (do it very carefully). We prepare decorations, thought out in advance, so that the caramel does not have time to harden.
    The taste depends on the color of the caramel. When it is light, the taste is simply sweet, the darker the caramel, the more interesting and subtle the taste.

    Problems that may arise during the cooking process:

    If the crystallization of sugar begins and it gradually turns into a solid mass, you will have to redo it first or warm it up more easily (the main thing is not to burn it).

    In order to tear off the hardened mass from the pan, you will have to pour boiling water over it all and scrape it with a rubber whisk or something else without damaging the coating of the pan.

    Strawberries in caramel

    Lubricate the surface with oil, where the strawberries in caramel will be laid out. String strawberries on a wooden toothpick or skewer. Gently dip into caramel and spread on the prepared surface.

    Caramel basket

    Turn the silicone mold upside down. If there is no suitable one, you can use a similarly shaped plate covered with aluminum (foil) or just an iron plate of the desired shape and oiled (some people use the ladle upside down). We collect caramel in a spoon and first make a thick strip of caramel at the base of the mold or plate. Then we make longitudinal, and then transverse stripes, trying to reach the picture - the prison bars. We are waiting for the caramel to cool down a little, but remove it, while still warm. Carefully release the basket from the foil or silicone.

    The amount of caramel obtained from the main recipe should be enough for 8 molds.

    caramel ball

    This will require a device in the form of two skewers (skewers) at a distance of 20 cm from each other, fixed motionless. Take a fork and sprinkle caramel over the skewers. We collect the resulting threads from skewers into one ball.

    Tube of caramel

    You will need a small glass jar.

    caramel spiral

    Lubricate the musat with oil. Rotating musat, pour caramel. Let cool and remove from musat.

    Figurines on parchment paper

    Naturally, we rub the parchment paper with oil and write out the pretzel or shapes as we wish.

    Caramel decorations at home. Secrets of caramel for decorations

    Standard caramel from water, sugar and citric acid, used to make well-known lollipops, is not suitable for making elegant decorations; in extreme cases, it can be used to make a decorative mesh formed from thin jets of foil squeezed onto a sheet and chilled caramel mass. Or a cast stand-base for other decorations. You cannot make a caramel flower from such a mixture; it is only suitable for casting.

    To make the caramel mass suitable for modeling, it is made more plastic by adding molasses during the manufacture. Buying molasses in retail is quite difficult, so if you want to make caramel flowers at home, try replacing it with maple syrup or fresh, uncandied honey (it should pour from a spoon). As a last resort, use artificial honey as a plasticizer.

    Cooking method:

    First way

    1. Pour 3/4 cup water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
    2. Add sugar, vinegar essence and mix well.
    3. Bring the prepared solution to a boil again, and cook until a caramel sample is taken (taking a few chilled drops of caramel that should not stick to the teeth or bend).
    4. Pour the caramel into a chilled dish greased with vegetable oil.
    1. Add sugar, stir and bring to a boil again.
    2. Add molasses to the resulting solution and bring to a boil.
    3. Strain the resulting mass through a sieve and boil until caramelized.
    4. Cool the mass slightly and add vinegar essence, coloring and flavoring, mix well.
    5. Ready caramel can be bent or stretched with a wide knife, oiled.

    Tip: so that the caramel does not freeze ahead of time, boil it in small portions in a small bowl.

    One of the most striking ways to decorate a cake is with chopped caramel, laid out on a cream of whipped cream or yogurt. To make chipped caramel, butter a frying pan or large sheet of parchment paper. Then spread the caramel over its surface so that you get a layer about 3 mm thick. Leave the caramel to harden. When it hardens, separate it from the paper or pan and begin to carefully break off small pieces from it.

    Also, caramel goes well with fruits, giving them a pleasant sweet and sour taste. Make caramel and decorate the cake with kiwi slices, mandarin slices, strawberries and cherries. We are sure your guests will be delighted.

    In addition, spirals can be made from the remains of caramel, which are suitable for decorating cakes. To do this, grease the sticks with oil and roll the caramel in the form of bundles. Wrap the resulting bundles on sticks or a rolling pin, and leave until the caramel hardens. When the caramel has hardened, carefully remove the spirals and decorate your dessert with them.

    Various abstract patterns can be made from caramel: scoop slightly cooled caramel with a knife or fork and pull it onto parchment paper. Caramel can be twisted, change its direction, giving it any shape.

    Another interesting option is an amber scattering of caramel. To create it, add citric acid instead of vinegar essence while making caramel. Next, arm yourself with a silicone baking brush and parchment paper. Dip the brush into the hot caramel and scatter drops over the baked goods.

    You can make a whole dome out of caramel. Cut the grapefruit in half, brush the peel with oil. Also grease the parchment paper with oil, roll it into a bag, fill it with caramel, make a small incision on the tip of the bag. Squeeze the caramel onto the grapefruit halves so that you get a fine mesh. Once the caramel has set, carefully remove the mesh from the grapefruit. Ready!

    Video DECORATIONS FROM CARAMEL for desserts.