Charr fish cooking methods. Char fish - a bright dish from the northern latitudes

Char is a fish belonging to the salmon family. His scales are very small, at first glance imperceptible. Because of this, the fish appears naked. It is slightly inferior in taste to salmon or other delicacy species. But there will be no problems with how to cook charr fish, because. all dishes are very tasty. Its meat is tender, light pink and lean.

Stores sell small specimens weighing 1 kg. This size makes the fish very convenient for cooking: it will fit in any oven or pan. One piece is enough for 3-5 servings, just right for a family dinner. You can make any dish out of it: fry, stew, bake, cook, etc. Below are a few recipes for how to cook char fish.

Home Ambassador

The easiest way to cook any fish is salting. It will only take a decent amount of time. For this recipe - 10-12 hours.


  • char (fish) about 0.5 kg;
  • 4 tbsp. l. salt;
  • half a medium bulb;
  • 4 bay leaves;
  • black peppercorns, 3-4 pcs per row;
  • vegetable oil - 4-5 tbsp. l.


  1. Scrape the fish, remove the insides. Cut off the head, tail and fins.
  2. Rinse, dry.
  3. Cut into pieces 1.5-2 cm thick.
  4. Rub each steak with salt on both sides. No need to regret. In case of salting, the fish can be rinsed, but the shortage cannot be corrected.
  5. At the bottom of the container lies 2-3 peppercorns, onions and half a leaf of lavrushka.
  6. A layer of fish is laid on top.
  7. The char is again covered with spices.
  8. And so on until the end, in layers, until the fish runs out.
  9. Everything is topped with oil.
  10. The fish is put under pressure for 10-12 hours and sent to the refrigerator.

Everything you can eat. It turns out very tasty. By the way, not only char (fish) can be used. Ambassadors' recipes are universal.

Baked char with lemon

One of the most convenient ways to cook fish. No need to stand all the time and check the readiness, worry that the food may burn, etc. Fish char in the oven turns out just fine. This requires a minimum of effort.


  • char (fish) - 0.5 kg;
  • medium bulb;
  • half a lemon;
  • spices.


  1. Scrap the loach, gut, remove the head and fins.
  2. Salt, pepper. Spices are used according to your taste.
  3. Onion and lemon cut into thick rings.
  4. Put about 1/3 of the onion on the foil. On top of the carcass of char.
  5. Onion and lemon are also placed inside the fish.
  6. The rest is sprinkled on top.
  7. The foil is tightly sealed and the bundle is sent to the oven.
  8. You need to bake for about 20-30 minutes (depending on the size of the fish) at 200 °.

Char, baked in mustard sauce with potatoes

A more satisfying option, besides immediately with a side dish. The result is a very tasty char (fish). Recipes can be changed according to your tastes.


  • 1 small char;
  • 6-8 medium sized potatoes;
  • 200 g cream;
  • bunch of parsley;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. mustard, can be used in grains or simple, at your own discretion;
  • salt and pepper to the taste of the cook.


  1. Scrape the fish, remove the insides.
  2. Grease the mold with oil.
  3. Peel potatoes and cut into thin slices. Put in a baking dish, salt, pepper, sprinkle with vegetable oil.
  4. Cut the fish into large pieces and put on potatoes. Salt a little.
  5. Prepare the sauce. To do this, in a cup you need to mix finely chopped parsley, mustard and cream.
  6. Pour sauce over fish and potatoes.
  7. Bake for 40 minutes in the oven at 180°.

Char, baked in wine sauce

There is another way to cook a very tasty dish at minimal cost. This one is more festive.


  • char - 1 pc;
  • dry or semi-dry white wine - ½ cup;
  • 200 g sour cream;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil.


  1. The char must be cleaned, the insides removed, and the fins cut off. After all preparatory operations, rinse and dry the carcass.
  2. The fish is rubbed with salt on all sides.
  3. A deep baking sheet is smeared with vegetable oil, char is placed there. The form is sent to the oven, heated to 180 °.
  4. After a while, the juice will begin to stand out. They need to water the fish every 3-5 minutes.
  5. After 20 minutes, you need to add wine.
  6. After another 15-20 minutes, sour cream is laid down.
  7. After 5-6 minutes, you need to remove the baking sheet from the oven - the dish is ready.
  8. Serve with a side dish. Vegetable salads seasoned with vegetable oil and lemon juice go very well with char, you can add vinegar.

In this case, a very tender char (fish) is obtained. The photo shows how appetizing it looks.

Char in a slow cooker

Fans of modern technology can offer the following recipe. It is quite simple to perform, but the slow cooker should be able to steam and cook pilaf. In principle, you can do without rice, and use any other side dish at your discretion.


  • char (fish) - 1 pc.;
  • 2 medium carrots;
  • medium bulb;
  • brown rice - 1 tbsp.;
  • water - 3 tbsp.


  1. Prepare the loach and cut into large pieces.
  2. The steamer is lined with foil. Charr is laid out on it.
  3. Carrot rubbed on a coarse grater.
  4. The onion is cut into half rings.
  5. The fish is covered with vegetables and loosely covered with foil.
  6. A glass of rice is poured into the multicooker bowl and filled with water.
  7. A container with fish is placed on top.
  8. The multicooker switches to the mode of cooking pilaf and steaming.
  9. After 50 minutes, the dish is ready.

Steamed char is juicy and tender. Onions and carrots give it a special flavor. By the way, steam dishes are very useful for the body.

Fried char

One of the easiest and most delicious ways to cook fish is frying. For this, non-roof fish are suitable, because. they are easy to clean and wash.

The loaches are scraped off, the insides are removed. Then rubbed with salt, pepper and various spices, seasonings for fish can be used. The char is left to marinate for 15-20 minutes. Then the pieces are rolled in a large amount of flour and fried. When serving, you can decorate the dish with fresh herbs.

The result is a fragrant char (fish). Photos give an idea of ​​this simple but delicious dish. As a side dish, you can use various vegetables, such as potatoes, mushrooms, etc. Salads will also be good.

Fish from the salmon category is very successful in cooking and usually occupies one of the main places on the festive and everyday menu. Practical advice, subtleties and trifles of good cuisine will help you learn how best to cook char. Any housewife, having familiarized herself with the culinary recipes for fish dishes, will receive a pleasant praise: “Delicious!”.

What is the best way to cook fish?

Many dishes are prepared from char, it can be fried, boiled, salted, baked. It can be cooked whole or filleted. The cutting technology is very simple and does not depend on the size of the fish. The first thing to do is well, wash it under running water, then remove the entrails, gills and fins. The tail and head are optional.

The main advantage of the product, which will not spoil the mood of the hostesses, is that the Kamchatsky Loach does not have large scales, so it is not necessary to clean its upper cover. By cutting the carcass into two halves, removing the vertebral bone, you get 2 fillets with skin from one pulp, which can be prepared in the most elementary way.

The fish will turn out delicious, tender and retain useful vitamins, if you follow the simple rules of cooking, these are:

  • fry the fish in a large amount of oil for no more than 5 minutes, in a moderately heated frying pan;
  • bake only in foil or parchment paper, preserving its juice and aroma;
  • do not use spices when salting;
  • boil in large pieces, dipping them in boiling salted water with the addition of dill or parsley;
  • use only enamel and earthenware, cast iron pan.

At home, if you want to learn how to cook fish in different ways, everyone can do it. Using different ingredients, you can give it a unique taste and aroma. The main thing is to know the three basic rules that are suitable for cooking any fish. Before eating a product, it must be in water, oil and wine.

Frying Char in a pan is delicious and satisfying

For normal salting per 1 kg of carcass, you will need:

  • sugar ─ 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • a pinch of lemon zest;
  • sunflower oil, odorless.

Lightly salted char can be obtained by soaking it in salt for 8 hours. To make the fish softer and tastier, it is rubbed with sunflower oil before salting. For a spicy taste, you can add pepper, bay leaf, garlic.

Char stuffing options

So that for any hostess a fish dish would not be ordinary and known to everyone, there are recipes that can become a source of her pride. A hearty, healthy fish dish can be prepared quickly and at a lower cost if you use one of the tastiest cooking methods.

Char is a fairly common fish in Russia. Since this variety of salmon is found quite often in numerous rivers and lakes, information about the preparation of Loach will be relevant for both fishermen and ordinary buyers who decide to treat themselves to a delicacy.

Char cooking

The choice of fish should be approached consciously and without haste, a number of tips can help with this.

How to choose?

Of course, if the catch is fresh, then you can skip the topic of choice. And for those who are going to please themselves with shop fish, the following recommendations will be given for choosing:

  • The first thing you need to pay attention to is its appearance.
    High-quality fish has a silvery color of scales interspersed with white spots on the sides.
  • The body should have a dense structure and the correct shape. The check is carried out by simply feeling the entire length of the body, and when pressed with the thumb, there should be no marks or dents.
  • The smell of a fresh product is subtle and does not cause rejection.

Since char is mainly sold frozen, its shelf life should not exceed 6 months at a storage temperature of -18 degrees C.

Unscrupulous sellers may neglect these standards, which will inevitably result in unsatisfactory appearance and smell.

If the carcass has visible signs of long-term storage or has often been frozen and thawed, then this is reflected in the appearance of the scales.

It becomes rough, heterogeneous, changes color from silver to gray, and the body itself is deformed, with the appearance of unnatural fractures. It is better to stay away from such a product.

For quality fish:

  • The fins should not be dented or deformed, but should fit snugly against the body, not deformed
  • The gills should be a uniform pink color. If gray gills are found, then the fish is most likely often thawed and possibly with an exceeded shelf life.

Good to know! Having chosen a worthy copy to your taste, let's move on to the process of defrosting (if the fish was bought in frozen form) and its further cutting.

Defrosting fish

When defrosting, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Fish is defrosted only once (more frequent freezing and thawing cycles will reduce the taste and health of the fish)
  2. The best way to defrost is to leave it in cold water for 2-3 hours. It is impossible to defrost in warm or hot water, as a sharp temperature drop leads the meat to a flabby state and worsens its taste.
  3. If you plan to cook the fish the next day, then a good option for defrosting is to leave the fish overnight in the refrigerator.

Char cutting

  • First, offal is removed, and the abdominal cavity is cleaned from the film
  • further fins and gills are separated
  • then the carcass is thoroughly washed with running water

Like any other fish, char can be cooked whole or cut into pieces in portions.
It all depends on the recipe.

Note! If it is an ear, then the head and all the insides are separated. The carcass is cut across into 4 parts. If brining, then also separate the head, entrails, tail, and scales. And the carcass is cut along the axis of the ridge.

What dishes can be prepared from char?

  • A traditional, simple and healthy dish is fish soup.
  • foil baking,
  • Frying with onions in a pan,
  • salting,
  • Smoking,
  • As a pie filling.

The use of salt, spices and seasonings

Salt, pepper, various herbs and greens are used in all char dishes. To do this, the gutted char carcass is rubbed on all sides with a mixture of salt and pepper. Provencal herbs can be used to give the dish sophistication and piquancy.

Recipes for delicious char dishes

At home

Charr baked in foil

What will be required:

  • char carcass 700-1000 grams
  • medium-sized onion 1 pc.
  • Lemon 1 pc.
  • Spices, salt.
  • Cooking temperature 180–200 C
  • Cooking time 45-60 minutes

Cooking process:

  1. The fish is cleaned from the insides and washed.
  2. Then rubbed with salt and spices.
  3. The onion is cut into rings and placed in an even layer in the form of a pillow on a baking sheet with foil.
  4. The fish is laid on a layer of onions and moistened with the juice of one lemon.
  5. The dish is wrapped in foil and baked for 30 minutes.
  6. After 30 minutes, the foil is removed from above, and then the fish is baked until golden brown.


Char ear

What will be required:

  • Char 500–700 grams
  • Potatoes 2–3 pcs. medium size
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Bulb 1 pc.
  • Salt Pepper herbs (parsley, dill).
  • Cooking time 30-40 minutes

Cooking process:

  1. The carcass is cleaned of the insides. Fins, tail and gills do not need to be removed.
  2. The fish is washed in cold running water.
  3. Salt and spices are added at the final stage of cooking fish soup.
  4. Cut potatoes 2-3 pcs. medium sized cubes.
  5. Carrot 1 pc. rubbed on a medium grater.
  6. 1 onion finely chopped.
  7. Vegetables are cooked for 10-15 minutes.
  8. Then fish is added to the vegetable broth and boiled for 15 minutes.
  9. Seasonings and salt are added next.
  10. At the end, you can add dill, parsley.

According to its consumer qualities, char refers to a dietary dish. The correct cooking process allows you to preserve its properties and maintain human health.

One hundred grams of char already contains the daily requirement of vitamin E. Charr acquires special value in pregnant women, children, and also people in old age.

Now only I bite!

I caught this pike with a bite activator. I have never caught these before, but now every time I bring trophy specimens from fishing! It's time for you to guarantee your catch!!!

Char is a representative of the salmon family, with tender, juicy, scarlet-colored meat characteristic of this species. This fish has one indisputable advantage not only over its counterparts, but also over other inhabitants of the aquatic world: the char has almost no scales, which makes it very convenient to cook. And the small size allows you to cook whole charr fish using any kitchen equipment.

With a low calorie content, no more than 140 kcal, this fish is suitable for dietary nutrition, it is not as fatty as salmon or trout, but not dry either. During cooking, the skin of the fish is quickly fried, it turns out crispy and allows you to save the juiciness of the meat and all its nutritional properties.

Preparation for cooking

Charr fish is especially loved by culinary specialists, because it is very easy to cut and prepare. Just follow a few simple steps:

  • cut off the fins and tail of a whole fish;
  • scrape the surface with a knife, getting rid of a small amount of small scales;
  • gut and discard the entrails;
  • you can cut off the head if you need to get a fillet or steak;
  • to cook a steak, cut the fish into portions across the fibers;
  • if you need to get a fillet, make a neat cut along the ridge and separate the meat from the bones;
  • pour marinade and leave in it for 20 minutes;
  • start cooking.

As a marinade, not only lemon juice and spices for fish are usually used. Foods such as olive oil, soy sauce, vinegar, and white wine work well for it.

Cooking methods

Charr is good because during the cooking process it practically does not change in size and does not lose its useful properties. Despite the fact that most often culinary specialists work with a whole carcass, fillet and char steak can be cooked no less tasty.

Depending on what dish is needed - dietary, festive or everyday, charr fish is prepared in different ways:

  • fried and baked until golden brown in a pan, in an oven or a slow cooker;
  • stew with aromatic herbs and vegetables;
  • boil a hearty and rich fish soup;
  • prepare dietary dishes in a slow cooker and a double boiler;
  • make amazingly fragrant and healthy dishes with a beautiful brown crust and mouth-watering stripes using a grill pan or air fryer;
  • smoked and salted to prepare delicious snacks that can decorate any holiday table.

What to cook from char

Thanks to the variety of cooking methods, there are many recipes for char fish dishes. Appetizers, salads, toppings, first and main courses - all this can be prepared from a small noble fish.

Small-sized fish are on sale, which allows you to place it whole in any pan or shape. Such a fish can not only be fried or baked, but also stuffed with various fillings.

Here are some delicious recipes.

Fried char

Frying this fish is easy and simple. For such a dish, it is better to use fillet or steak.

Basic cooking recipe:

  • marinate the fish;
  • breaded in flour, egg, breadcrumbs or dipped in batter, this will help make the meat more juicy;
  • fry until golden brown in a small amount of oil.

First meal

Traditional fish soup is prepared from char. The broth is cooked from the head and tail, vegetables and cereals are added to it, and at the very end, 10-15 minutes before cooking, small pieces of fillet are thrown. Before turning off the fire, vodka is poured into the ear and greens are added.

Whole fish baked in the oven

The char is usually baked whole, so it will turn out juicier and healthier. The fish is rubbed with spices, marinated or coated with sour cream, olive oil or mayonnaise. Onion and lemon, cut into large rings and laid out on fish, will give a special aroma, although such a dish is prepared with the addition of various vegetables.

For baking in the oven, you can use foil if you are afraid of overdrying the fish. Cooking time 20-30 minutes depending on the size of the char, plus 10 minutes to get a nice crust, with the foil open. More daring chefs cook char fish on the grill.

The dish will be even tastier if, before sending the fish to the oven, stuff it with seafood, vegetables, mushrooms and other fillings.

Braised char

The fish is stewed cut into small pieces, in various sauces - based on sour cream, broth, mayonnaise or vegetables. Such a dish is prepared not only on the stove, but also with the help of a slow cooker.

Diet food

Steamed char dishes are considered the most useful. Such a fish turns out to be very tender, although it does not hold its shape well and can break into pieces.

In a double boiler, fish is cooked for 20 minutes, sometimes asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, onions and other healthy vegetables are added to it. Similarly, you can cook char in a slow cooker in the “steamed” mode.


From the char, a delicious aspic is obtained, cutting from home-salted fish will decorate any table, besides, such fish is used for sandwiches, canapes, salads, tartlets and rolls, pies and pancakes are stuffed with it.

Preparing salted fish is simple, for this you need to prepare a brine from salt, sugar, pepper, bay leaf and vegetable oil, put fish pieces in the marinade, transfer to a separate bowl with a lid and refrigerate for at least 10 hours. Char, salted in this way, can be stored in the cold for a week.

For experienced chefs, cooking char fish is not difficult, but it does not hurt beginners to learn a few important secrets and tricks for choosing and cooking this delicious fish:

  • it is better to use chilled rather than frozen fish in order to get more benefit and pleasure from the taste of fish dishes;
  • frozen fish is thawed slowly, over several hours, on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator;
  • it is easier to separate the fillet from the bones in slightly frozen fish;
  • if the char is cooked in foil, to get a beautiful crust 10 minutes before the end of cooking, you need to open it from above (very carefully so as not to burn your hands with steam!);
  • it is better to fry charr fish in breading, so it will turn out juicier;
  • when buying chilled fish, you need to check the gills, they should be pale pink in color and fit snugly to the body;
  • when you press your finger on the carcass of the fish, there should be no dent;
  • there should be no film on the eyes of fresh char;
  • frozen fish can be stored for no longer than six months.

The char baked in foil in the oven is an amazingly tasty dish. As you know, it belongs to salmon and it can be considered a red fish. The meat of the loach is very tender, juicy and very tasty. Of course, it cannot be compared with salmon, but the fact that it is several orders of magnitude better than pink salmon is undeniable. Preparing this fish is very simple and easy, it is usually small in size and it is a pleasure to work with it. And perhaps most importantly, it has almost no scales, so it will not be difficult to prepare it for baking in foil in the oven.


  • char about 1 kg
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 large onion
  • salt to taste
  • a little vegetable oil
  • greenery

Cooking method

We cut off the fins from the fish carcass, trim the tail a little, clean the insides well and cut out the gills. When cleaning the abdomen, try to clean all the blood vessels well. The char has practically no scales, but it still needs to be cleaned with a knife over the entire surface. Then we grease it with a little vegetable oil, salt it and cover it with thinly sliced ​​lemon on top and inside. Let it soak for about one hour. Now put thinly chopped onion, a few circles of lemon and fish on a sheet of foil. We wrap everything and put it to bake in an oven well preheated to 200 C for 20-25 minutes.

Then carefully unfold the foil (do not burn yourself with steam) and bake the fish in the oven open for another 10 minutes, no more, otherwise it will lose its juiciness.

Serve the char along with baked onion and lemon, while adding finely chopped greens. Bon Appetit.