Recipe for cupcakes in molds on kefir. Lush cupcakes with raisins in silicone molds. Zebra cupcake on kefir - lush and tender.

Cupcake (translated from English - cake) is a confectionery product made from dough, in which it is customary to add chocolate, raisins, nuts, jam, fruits and much more. Cupcakes can be prepared simply vanilla. The filling can be both sweet and not sweet. Most often, such confectionery is usually prepared for Christmas.

Today I will tell you the recipe of the most delicious cupcake! Or rather - a few recipes on how to cook sour cream at home.

Let's prepare like this

Chocolate cupcakes stuffed with cream cheese. Prepare the mixture chocolate cupcakes. mix cream cheese with sugar. Fill the pyrotines with a small cupcake preparation, place a teaspoon of cheese in the center and finish the filling with the cupcake mixture. You see that Javi and I were hand in hand to bake this miracle, we wanted to surprise you this morning because we wanted to spoil you a little.

If Willy was, he would be stuck in the oven because these cupcakes are incredible and leave a home smell, you don't have to be a dog to follow the trail. Good taste, a good contribution of sugars, cream and cereals, which makes sense. Change the colors of your cupcakes with pink, green, white, patterned capsules. Supermarkets have it all now, but if you want these cupcakes to look this pretty, remember that it's important to have a rigid mold for inserting the capsules and not to reveal the weight of the dough when baking, rather than to the sides.

Why are cupcakes so popular?

The popularity of cupcakes can be explained by the fact that they incredibly convenient and easy to prepare. You can easily take them with you for a walk, a picnic or, as a snack, to work.

You can bake low-calorie muffins. Products for the preparation of such muffins can be found in every refrigerator. They are useful for children who need enhanced nutrition.

A creamy bun recipe with an authentic variegated top. Recipe type: Cupcakes, Desserts, Confectionery. Turn on lemon peel and without temperature, program 6 minutes, speed Add cream and sunflower oil, mix 3 minutes at speed 2. Without butterfly, add flour sifted with yeast.

  • Sieve in a glass flour with yeast, programming 30 seconds at speed 3.
  • Pick up and book.
  • Place the butterfly on the blades.
  • Pour in the eggs and sugar and taste for 7 minutes, 37º, speed 3.
Who doesn't love delicious creamy ice cream, especially on those hot days?

For example, adding walnuts improve brain function banana cupcakes- will cheer you up, and blueberries will have a beneficial effect on vision.

This is interesting to know: the cupcake is one of the few products that has been listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Secrets and subtleties of cooking

This confectionery product is not difficult to prepare. To do this, you need to remember some subtleties and secrets:

There are different flavors of ice cream be it fruit, chocolate, coconut, vanilla that appeal to all tastes. However, ice cream may be a diet contraindicated for people who follow restrictive carbohydrate diets. First, it is important to reduce the intake of carbohydrates in food. Thinking about it, below are ice cream recipes with low content carbohydrates that you can cook at home.

Low Carb Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe

Each recipe takes different ingredients with different tastes. Choose the one that is most convenient for you with the ingredients that you have the easiest to enjoy yourself. Place the cream in a bowl and mix in the sweetener and vanilla extract. Mix well until creamy. Place in ice cubes and freeze until firm. Remove from freezer and blend in a blender with milk until creamy.

  • all ingredients must be the same temperature;
  • the dough must be mixed fairly quickly, while gently mixing from the bottom up;
  • whipped whites are a must add at the very end to the already prepared test;
  • the confectionery product must be baked in a well-heated oven at a temperature of at least 200 degrees;
  • during the baking process, do not move the forms with the dough, otherwise it will not rise;
  • the first 20 minutes it is not recommended to open the oven or move cupcakes;
  • for a more delicate and porous dough structure, instead of one egg, put two yolks;
  • if inside the cupcake is still damp, and the top has already begun to burn, then cover it with paper and bake further until cooked;
  • the product must be removed from the molds only after they cool down to maintain a beautiful shape;
  • so that the muffin does not stick to the mold, you can grease it with a thin layer before baking butter;
  • if the mixture turned out to be too thin, add a little more flour, and if it is very thick, pour a little liquid (milk or kefir).

Low Carb Biomass Ice Cream Recipe

Melt chocolate, add coconut milk and mix well until smooth. Then add green banana biomass and mix well until the batter is aerated. Take this cream in a bowl in the freezer and serve when you reach the consistency of ice cream.

Banana Low Carb Ice Cream Recipe

Mix all ingredients in a bowl until smooth. Pour into ice molds or cake Silicone forms and refrigerate for several hours. Then beat the blender with a little coconut milk until smooth.

Low Carb Coconut Ice Cream Recipe

Bring all the ingredients to the blender, except for the emulsifier and coconut. Whisk for 3 minutes until homogeneous mass. Pour the mixture into a bowl and place in the freezer for 5 hours. Then cut the ice cream into pieces, add the emulsifier and beat the mixer on medium and high speed until fluffy and increase the volume.

Easy Cupcake Recipes

There are many recipes. The simplest and most original are chocolate, cottage cheese and kefir muffins.

Chocolate cupcake - recipe with photo step by step


  • 150 g butter and 15 g for greasing molds;
  • 150 g of sweet powder;
  • 3 yolks;
  • 2 egg whites;
  • 40 ml of milk;
  • 1 tsp baking powder or soda (quench with vinegar);
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • 50 g melted chocolate;
  • 350 g cornmeal.

We prepare as follows:

Strawberry Low Carb Ice Cream Recipe

Finally add coconut and mix well. Return to the freezer pot and serve after a few hours. Bring strawberries washed and chopped with a spoonful of butter and sweetener to taste in a saucepan and let them heat until they turn into jelly. Then include this jam in the processor with cream and yogurt. Take this mixture to the freezer and let it harden. Then press the mixer or blender to get soft and return to the freezer. Serve normally after a few hours.

  1. Beat the butter with a mixer powdered sugar before the formation of a lush mass. Then add the yolks and whites to the mixture, while continuing to beat.
  2. Add baking powder (or soda), milk and vanillin to the resulting mass. Mix everything thoroughly with a spoon.
  3. Add chocolate. Sift and stir in gradually. cornmeal. It is not necessary that the dough be very thick, but not liquid, a creamy consistency.
  4. We grease the forms with the thinnest layer of oil and spread the dough there with a spoon;
  5. in preheated up to 200 degrees put the cupcakes in the oven and bake for about 25 minutes.

Dissolve gelatin in 4 tablespoons of water for 15 seconds microwave oven. Beat cocoa, sour cream and water in an electric mixer until you turn on. Add gelatin and emulsifier and beat for another four minutes. Pour ice cream into the freezer.

low carb ice cream recipe

The log is a form English cake with plastic. Put the egg and yolks into a bowl. Add sweetener to taste and beat until full penis. Take this mixture in a water bath. Stir well to heat the mixture, but don't let the yolks cook. In another bowl beat cream with vanilla essence. Add this cream to the egg mixture. Add chocolate chips, stir and bring to the freezer for 3 hours. Prepare Raspberry Syrup by Blending Fruit in a Blender a small amount water and sweetener.

Cottage cheese cake in the oven - recipes with photos


  • 250 g of soft medium fat curd mass;
  • 1.5 tbsp granulated sugar;
  • 2 medium or 3 small eggs;
  • 100 g of milk margarine;
  • 450 g flour (highest grade);
  • 10 g baking powder;
  • vanilla extract to taste;
  • 50 ml of milk;
  • 70 g raisins optional

Cooking instructions:

Low Carb Avocado Ice Cream Recipe

Remove ice cream from freezer 20 minutes before serving and serve with raspberry syrup. Bring all the ingredients to beat the mixer at full speed until it doubles in volume. Place in individual jars and freeze for several hours.

Low Carb Cream Cheese Ice Cream Recipe

Place cream cheese in a blender and blend until smooth. Then add sour cream, sweetener, lemon juice and lemon zest and beat until combined. Pour the ice cream or small cups into the freezer for at least 4 hours.

Low Carb Banana Strawberry Ice Cream Recipe

In a processor or blender, chop frozen banana slices, add strawberries and yogurt and beat until smooth. If you want strawberry chunks in your ice cream, knock for less time. Put in a pot and bring to the freezer for a few hours.

  1. Warm creamy margarine combine with eggs, vanilla extract and granulated sugar. Beat everything with a mixer.
  2. To this mass, stir in the cottage cheese, milk and beat further.
  3. Then add baking powder and mix quickly the mixture should froth slightly.
  4. Then sift the flour and add it to the mixture. Knead into a soft, slightly runny dough.
  5. Wash and dry the raisins. Add it to the dough.
  6. 300 ml of 2.5% kefir.


    Take 15 minutes before serving. They are mini cakes that are served in individual portions and may still receive different kinds confectionery to make them even more beautiful and delicious. Cupcakes work so well in our Brazilian culture these days that these delicious candies lack specialized houses.

    Cottage cheese cake in the oven - recipes with photos

    In addition, there are several fragrances that are among the most requested, among them, from the more traditional to the more exotic. But whether they are traditional or not, they are sure to be a good call at any time of the day. So you check under delicious recipe cupcake oranges, but in a different way: silicone. After all, many people are afraid to use them, and in this text you will discover everything step by step.

    1. Beat the powder, butter and eggs in a fluffy mass.
    2. Combine with kefir, soda and vanilla extract. Mix everything quickly but gently.
    3. Sift flour and in small portions mix into the dough.
    4. Spoon the batter into the molds with a creamy consistency.
    5. Bake for a quarter of an hour in the oven at 200 degrees.

    If there is no butter on hand or you want to save money, then you can use margarine or spread in the same amount.

    Creamy Nut Cake Recipe

    And on top of all that, with these cookies you can make different types of toppings and toppings, always offering innovation. And the fruity flavors are great! See how to make a silicone cupcake. In a container, start the dough of mixed cupcakes with dry ingredients, flour, yeast and mix well. Then continue the mixture with butter and sugar until you can join a very smooth cream. Then keep adding the eggs, but always one egg at a time, stirring well after each. Then add flour mixture and milk, stirring very well.

    • Nutella as desired Nuts as desired.
    • At this stage, leave the salt aside.
    • Place nuts and mix well.
    For a top-up, you can put so that the cupcakes are cold with a little nuts and a sprinkle of hazelnuts.

    Cupcakes can be made in a different way and with various fillings, the main thing is your imagination and desire. Enjoy your meal!

Baking with the addition of kefir usually turns out lush and weightless. It looks like a traditional cake or biscuit, but at the same time, the dough for kefir cupcakes is much easier to prepare and not so capricious. The porous structure inherent in such baking is explained by the interaction of acid-containing kefir and soda or baking powder.

cupcake tip decoration

So, in addition to making you taste even better, it will also add a special touch to your decor. See how easy this recipe is? And the best thing is that silicone molds are easy to clean and very practical to use! Cupcakes are increasingly becoming a good demand at parties, events, or even during afternoon coffee. But for them to look even more beautiful, good advice- choose creative forms.

So you've learned how to use forms silicone cupcake? Tell us about your experience! If you liked this post or have a question or suggestion, please let us know. The recipe would have been brought by many migrants to the North American continent, where they became inevitable.

Products prepared according to recipes for cupcakes on kefir in molds are prepared and baked quite quickly, they are suitable for quickly “building” something for suddenly arriving guests.

General principles for making cupcakes on kefir

There are many recipes for cupcakes on kefir in molds. Most often, of course, they are prepared with sugar. However, you can bake not sweet, but salty or spicy products. They are suitable for those who do not eat sweets, and can also be used as a snack or a delicious breakfast.

Cupcakes are bread quick bread, semi-kem. They have technique and composition and have nothing to do with cakes or other preparations that call themselves cupcakes. Success is not necessarily obvious. Sometimes the fighter's journey becomes puffy and sweet, sweet or salty.

Flour is used as the base ingredient. If you are using flour with gluten, you need to mix the dough as little as possible, as it will become elastic and your preparations will be flat and heavy. Sugar brings taste, but also infinity. It mellows out acidic flavors and gives a crunchy flavor when cooked when placed on top.

Almost anything can be used as additives: raisins, candied fruits, fruits, berries, chocolate, jam, condensed milk. And in unsweetened cupcakes on kefir, you can add cheese, herbs, sausage or bacon, spinach, boiled chicken and much more. Fun treats are made by kneading tiny cauliflower florets into the dough. In general, it is always possible to supplement the recipe for kefir cupcakes in molds with some additives. Just make sure that there are not too many additions: the dough may not rise well.

Nuts or other oily fruits, fruits, vegetables, and other garnishes bring flavors. Salt is a flavor enhancer, meaning it enhances the flavors, and a pinch is enough to elevate the flavor. It is milk or milk substitutes, fatty fat or butter, eggs and acid that will allow the chemical reaction with the bicarbonate and swell the dough.

Recipe for chocolate cupcakes in silicone molds

Milk or other dairy products are always present in the production of muffins. Usually buttermilk or buttermilk is used. It brings a little extra taste, and its acidity slows down the formation of gluten. You can also take milk or yogurt. You can also use milk alone or milk replacer, but you must add acid: 250 ml of liquid and 1 tablespoon lemon juice or vinegar. Dissolved fat or oil brings melanitis and slows down the hardening of cupcakes over time.

For baking cupcakes on kefir, it is best to use silicone molds. They can not even be greased: baking is still easily removed from them. If there are no silicone molds, you can use metal ones, but then it is better to put paper ones in them. It is too a good option. You can serve this pastry right in paper mold, which allows you to take these cupcakes with you on a picnic or on a trip if you are not sure that you can wash your hands before eating: these cupcakes can be eaten without touching them with your hands.

Ready-made sweet cupcakes on kefir can be sprinkled with powdered sugar or covered with fondant or icing. Unsweetened muffins can be sprinkled with grated cheese and put in the oven for a couple of minutes.

The dough should be poured into the molds no more than to the middle, because the pastry rises strongly in the oven.

The readiness of cupcakes on kefir should be checked with a torch or a wooden toothpick.

Recipe 1. Cupcakes on kefir "Chocolate"


Flour - one and a half cups

Eggs - 3 pieces

Kefir - one and a half glasses

Sugar - half a cup

Cocoa - 5 large spoons

Vegetable oil (any) - 3 tablespoons

Dried cherries (candied fruits) - half a glass

Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet

Soda - half a teaspoon

Cooking method

Beat eggs with sugar in a bowl (it is better to do this with a mixer, you can do it manually). Add baking soda, oil, vanilla sugar and beat some more. Now add kefir, mix.

Sift flour, cocoa also. Mix them together and gradually pour into the liquid mixture, stirring all the time. If this is not done, lumps may form, which then cause inconvenience.

Knead enough of all the ingredients batter, stir in cherries (you can also add nuts or replace cherries with other candied fruits or raisins).

Spoon the batter into the molds so that they are only half full.

Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 25 minutes.

Recipe 2. Kefir cupcakes with raisins and rum

This recipe for kefir muffins in molds involves the use of strong alcohol, but this does not mean that children cannot be given them. During the baking process, the alcohol will evaporate, leaving only a pleasant smell. AT last resort, if there is no rum, it can be replaced with a balm (such as "Riga") or cognac, but not with vodka.


Eggs - 4 whole + 2 yolks

Kefir - half a glass

Cream 30% - half a glass

Flour - 2 cups

Raisins - half a cup

Butter - 250 g

Sugar - 2 cups (maybe a little less)

Vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons

Starch - spoon

Rum (dark) - 2 tablespoons

Baking powder - 1 teaspoon

Cooking method

Put the butter in a warm place, when it becomes quite soft, put it in a bowl and beat with a mixer. Add granulated sugar and vanilla sugar to it and beat again properly.

Add eggs and yolks, one at a time, beating thoroughly after each. Drive also rum and vegetable oil.

In another bowl, mix flour with cornstarch and baking powder and raisins.

Pour half of the dry mixture into the liquid mixture, add half of the kefir (it should not be cold, even better lukewarm), beat everything. Then add the remaining dry mixture and the remaining kefir and beat well again.

Separately, whip the cream to the "scallops". Gently put them in the dough and very gently mix with a spoon with movements from the bottom up.

Spoon the dough into the molds halfway, bake at 180 degrees for about 35-40 minutes.

Ready rum cupcakes can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Recipe 3. Kefir cupcakes in Triple Chocolate molds


Flour - glass

Butter - 50 g + 50 g

Sugar - half a cup

Powdered sugar - 100 g

Cocoa - 3 spoons "with a slide"

Low-fat kefir - 150 ml

Soda - a pinch

Chocolate bitter - 100 g

Cooking method

Beat butter (50 g) with sugar until foamy, add the egg there and continue beating.

Pour a spoonful of cocoa and soda into the mixture, continue beating, add kefir and gradually add flour, without ceasing to beat the dough. When it is ready, prepare the molds, grease them, if necessary, with some kind of oil.

Break the chocolate into pieces. Put a spoonful of dough into each mold, then a piece of chocolate, then again a spoonful of dough (or as much as you need so that the molds are filled to the middle. Put the cupcakes to bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, beat the remaining butter with the remaining cocoa and powdered sugar.

When the pastry is ready, leave it to cool. Then decorate chocolate icing. If you think this is not enough, you can still add a little whipped cream.

Recipe 4. Kefir muffins in molds with poppy seeds


Poppy - half a glass

Honey - a couple of spoons

Eggs - 2 pieces

Sugar - glass

Oil - pack

Kefir - one and a half glasses

Mayonnaise - 100 g

Soda, vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon each

Sour cream - 100 g

Flour - about 2 cups

Cooking method

Mix and even beat a little with a whisk eggs with sugar and highly softened butter. Add kefir, sour cream and mayonnaise, as well as soda and vanilla sugar to the same place and beat everything very thoroughly again.

Add flour little by little, since it is impossible to predict exactly how much it will take. The dough should turn out like a very thick sour cream.

Pour poppy seeds with a small amount of boiling water with honey mixed in it. Leave for ten minutes, rub thoroughly. Mix into dough.

Put the dough in molds to half and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 35 minutes.

Recipe 5. Oatmeal kefir cupcakes


Hard and sweet apples (for example, Granny) - 3 pieces

Kefir - glass

Egg - one

Hercules - 2 cups

Any nuts chopped and lightly toasted - half a cup

Flour - glass

Sugar - half a cup

Baking powder - teaspoon

Vegetable oil - 2 large spoons

Cinnamon, vanilla sugar

Cooking method

Mix dry ingredients separately and wet ingredients separately. Grate the apple coarse grater and stir into liquid mixture. Leave the nuts in the glass for now.

Add the herculean-flour mixture a little at a time, whisking all the time. When the dough becomes homogeneous, add the nuts and mix again.

Turn on the oven. While it is heated to 200 degrees, the dough will infuse.

Pour the dough into molds greased or lined with paper liners. Place in the oven and bake for 25-30 minutes.

Ready cupcakes can be smeared with honey.

Recipe 6. Cupcakes on kefir "Green"

It's perfect incredible recipe muffins on kefir in molds with greens. Naturally unsweetened.


Kefir - 3/4 cup

Vegetable oil - ¾ cup

Greens (parsley, spinach, dill, better in a set) - a good bunch

Salt - a pinch

Sugar, baking powder - 1 teaspoon each

Semolina - half a cup

Flour - half a cup

Cooking method

Rinse the greens by first immersing them in a bowl of water, and then under the tap. Tear into pieces, put in a blender bowl, pour kefir and puree. Pass the resulting puree through a sieve, discard the cake.

In received green kefir place the semolina and let stand for about 30 minutes. Meanwhile, cut the cheese into very small cubes. Roll the cubes in half of the flour, and add the rest to the dough. Pour the oil there and pour salt, sugar and baking powder. Mix well. If you like it spicy, you can add some red pepper.

Spread the dough into molds and bake in the oven, preheated to 185 degrees. It will not take long - 15-20 minutes, so you need to watch the baking so that it does not burn.

Recipe 7. Kefir cupcakes in molds with cheese and smoked meats


Kefir - 1 glass

Eggs - 3 pieces

Any vegetable oil - half a cup

Flour - glass

Cheese, preferably hard - 100 - 150 g

Sausage (ham, brisket, neck, etc.) smoked - 100 g

Sugar, baking powder - a small spoon each

Italian dried herb blend

Sunflower seeds (you can sesame seeds) - half a glass

Cooking method

Beat eggs, add, continuing to beat, sugar, kefir and baking powder. Then add butter and flour. When the dough becomes fluffy and homogeneous, grate the cheese as finely as possible and add to the dough. Cut the sausage or other smoked meats into thin strips and also stir in, then pour the seeds (of course, peeled) and a couple of pinches of dry herbs into the same place.

Mix the whole mixture very thoroughly and put half into molds.

Bake at 190 degrees for about a quarter of an hour.

Recipe 8. Microwave kefir cupcakes with feta cheese

Please note: the dish is cooked in the microwave, which means metal molds(except aluminum) will not fit!


Flour - half a cup

Butter - half a pack

Eggs - 3 pieces

Kefir - glass

Brynza (preferably hard) - 100 - 150 g

Soda - half a teaspoon

Cooking method

Grate the cheese. If it does not rub well, you can slightly freeze it in the freezer.

Soften butter and beat with eggs. Add kefir, beat again. Stir in the cheese and gradually add the flour, all the time without ceasing to beat the dough. Pour soda, mix and arrange in molds no higher than to the middle.

Let stand for 10 minutes.

Cook at the highest power for about three minutes, and then do not get out of the microwave for the same amount of time.

  • Be sure to sift the flour: this is necessary if you want the pastries to be fluffy and tasty.
  • Dust the raisins lightly with flour before putting them into the baking dish.
  • Take hard or semi-hard cheese for baking: soft is reluctantly rubbed and then poorly distributed over the dough.
  • Cooking cupcakes is better in a cooling oven, that is, you need to put it in an already fully warmed-up stove.