Iceberg lettuce. Beneficial features

Beneficial features iceberg lettuce

An interesting vegetable product is iceberg lettuce. Many may confuse it with cabbage, but looking closer, it immediately becomes clear what it really is. For the first time, the cultivation of this lettuce began in Egypt - valuable seeds were extracted from the lettuce and oil was made, but it soon became clear that the leaves are also very edible, while having beneficial properties. And indeed, lettuce is a collection of cathedral leaves, rolled into one tuber, like a cabbage. The taste of an iceberg largely depends on the amount of water it contains.

Today, we will look at the beneficial properties of iceberg lettuce, because it can help many who suffer from certain problems.

Nutritional properties and composition of iceberg lettuce

Due to the high concentration of water in the composition of a leafy vegetable, it is quite blurry, nutrients are presented, however, despite this, they are still present. So, the composition of the iceberg contains a large amount of vitamins, such as A and C, as well as vitamin K. In addition, it also contains vitamin E and several B vitamins. It was not without the presence of mineral components such as potassium and iron, phosphorus and copper. A distinctive feature of iceberg lettuce is the presence of dietary fiber, the beneficial properties of which are known to many - and this lowers cholesterol and helps during weight loss or diet.

Despite such a meager composition compared to other products, iceberg lettuce still has a large number of useful properties. However, we will look at the most useful and most effective of them, which can really help many of you. Well, as already reported in a nutshell earlier, salad is effective in losing weight. So, due to the high presence of water and the content of dietary fiber, as well as the practical absence of fat, iceberg lettuce is often recommended for weight loss not only by nutritionists, but also by leading doctors working in the field of the structure and structure of the body. Also, lettuce is an indispensable source of health for of cardio-vascular system, and for the heart in particular. Thanks to this chemical composition, lettuce substances are better absorbed and enter the blood faster, where they perform their specific functions. Thus, the iceberg is used in the prevention of strokes and heart attacks, and also greatly helps to prevent the development of diseases such as atherosclerosis.

Lettuce is considered healthy for supporting high level immunity. To begin with, you will need to boost your immunity with various products and complex nutrition, and not excluding iceberg lettuce, and then maintain its level with the help of the product we are considering. Again, this is facilitated by the minerals that make up the product - manganese, iron, and so on. Among other things, the presence of iron in the salad contributes to the prevention and treatment of diseases such as anemia, and therefore will help get rid of it in a matter of weeks. Salad is also useful for stomach pains. and digestive problems. If you are sure that your body has a tendency to constipation or diarrhea, heartburn or any other problems, you need to start using this product. For this, lettuce leaves are best brewed in boiling water. It is also natural that the salad will be contraindicated for pregnant girls to consume in large quantities, and be extremely careful with this.

The use of this salad also contributes to the normal development and functioning of the skin. Yes, iceberg lettuce. promotes the formation of epithelial tissues, nourishes them with minerals, and has a refreshing effect on them. Salad consumption is also useful in cases where a not too concentrated amount of vitamins is needed. That is, in order to prevent the occurrence of beriberi, it is necessary to consume diluted vitamins, therefore it is very effective and useful to use lettuce, in particular, iceberg lettuce.

Few people thought about the name of this product, but it was called an iceberg because it has a refreshing effect and a chilling taste, like eucalyptus. Lettuce is easily accepted by the stomach and therefore can be useful in mild forms of gastric diseases.

Possible dangers of iceberg lettuce

Possible contraindications and harms of lettuce include individual intolerance, because there are a large number of people who simply cannot eat greens in fresh. In such people, as a rule, there is bitterness in the mouth, which is accompanied by slight pains and colic in the liver or pancreas. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully control the use of iceberg lettuce if you are aware that you have an intolerance to the product.

More about useful products:


What is iceberg lettuce, today, perhaps, everyone knows. This is a type of lettuce, outwardly (even on the cut) strongly reminiscent of forks white cabbage. The leaves are juicy and crunchy (for a long time the salad was called “crunchy”). It is mainly used as a base in salads, as well as a vitamin supplement to others. light snacks and main dishes.

Iceberg lettuce: calories, nutritional value, vitamins and minerals

iceberg lettuce minimum calories- only 14 kcal, energy value- proteins / fats / carbohydrates - 0.9 / 0.14 / 1.77. More than 95% lettuce consists of water (than more water in the leaves, the more they crunch), the rest of the leaves are mono- and disaccharides, dietary fiber, ash and saturated fatty acids.

Like any other salad iceberg is incredibly rich in vitamins. In addition to ascorbic acid, almost the entire “B-vitamin group” (except B12), vitamin E, vitamin A and its precursor, beta-carotene, are represented in the leaves. In addition, the salad contains phylloquinone (vitamin K), which stabilizes the work of almost all organs and systems.

The composition of micro and macro elements in iceberg lettuce is also amazing. There is a lot of potassium, copper, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium necessary for the human body, and iron, zinc, manganese and selenium are also present, although in smaller quantities.

The salad is also rich in fiber, and its juice contains the alkaloid lactucin, which has a lot of medicinal properties.

Benefits of iceberg lettuce for the body

The beneficial properties of iceberg lettuce are obvious, because each of its constituent elements and vitamins performs an important function in the human body, and their balanced composition greatly enhances this effect.

The dietary fiber contained in the iceberg puts in order the metabolic processes in the body, normalizes the functioning of the digestive system and intestines, helps the absorption of minerals and vitamins, removes bad cholesterol from the body.

Eating green leaves improves eyesight and blood, and, according to some reports, inhibits the development of malignant cells.

Marked exclusively positive influence, which this product has on the central nervous system. The use of lettuce seriously helps to cope with severe nervous stress, stressful conditions, emotional imbalance, depression, insomnia and other nervous disorders.

Lettuce has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, is a good prevention of strokes and heart attacks, and increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

The benefits of calcium in the iceberg for our teeth and bones are well known.

Separately, it should be said that iceberg lettuce is hypoallergenic and low in calories. It can be consumed at almost any age and for any condition (including diabetes and pregnancy). By the way, iceberg lettuce is highly recommended for a nursing mother to eat regularly, because it not only enriches the milk with useful substances and vitamins necessary for the baby, but also contributes to its production.

Important! The vitamin B9 present in the salad is more than many other vitamins that must be taken during pregnancy, since it is directly involved in the formation of the psyche and mental abilities of the child, as well as his skeleton.

If summed up, then health benefits of iceberg lettuce- This:
  1. Saving a figure: low calorie lettuce and its rich vitamin and mineral composition make it an excellent component for a healthy and dietary diet.
  2. Improving the functioning of the heart and blood vessels: lettuce reduces the likelihood of atherosclerosis and heart disease.
  3. Immune Boost: The antioxidants found in lettuce counteract free radicals, which are the main cause of cell damage in the body.
  4. Prevention of anemia: The main cause of this disease is iron deficiency, which can be replenished by regularly eating iceberg lettuce.
  5. Stabilization of the gastrointestinal tract: lettuce has a universal effect on the digestive organs - it is indicated both for constipation and diarrhea. Helps get rid of heartburn.
  6. Stimulates the brain and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system: great amount nervous disorders is directly related to magnesium deficiency, and the need for this element increases the more, the more emotional stress a person experiences. And vitamin B9, which is part of iceberg lettuce, is generally sometimes called the "hormone of female happiness."

How to choose the right iceberg lettuce when buying

Like any head lettuce, the “correct” iceberg should be symmetrical, “knocked down” and not fall apart into separate leaves. The ideal weight for a salad is a little less than 0.5 kg. The leaves should look fresh and juicy, the color should be light green. Sluggish, dry, damaged, and even more rotten leaves - a reason to put the head of cabbage back on shop shelf. In addition, you should pay attention to the color of the stalk on the cut: if it darkens, the salad is stale.

Important! The density of iceberg lettuce indicates its maturity, but the measure is important here: if the lettuce is so "wooden" that it cannot be distinguished from winter cabbage, which means that the crop was harvested too late, such a salad has already lost its taste qualities.

Iceberg lettuce, like other lettuces, is often sold sliced ​​and vacuum-packed. Of course, this option is very convenient for those who experience a constant shortage of free time, and such a product is stored a little longer. And yet, when purchasing “cutting”, you cannot be sure of the original quality of the product, in particular, that the fresh-looking leaves were not cut from a half-rotted head, and it is completely unrealistic to examine each leaf through the package. The risk of purchasing stale goods is thus greatly increased, so this option is only possible when you know the brand well and fully trust it.

Storage rules

Iceberg lettuce has a slightly longer shelf life than leaf lettuce and is directly dependent on temperature.

Did you know? This salad owes its current name to the ability to retain its qualities when low temperatures ah - before it was stored in ice, which is why ice (English ice - ice) arose and a little later - iceberg. Another name for lettuce is ice mountain.

Self-respecting manufacturers guarantee preservation of the qualities of lettuce for five days when stored at a temperature of two to five degrees, and two days at a temperature of five to eight.

In fact, many housewives manage to keep the leaves of this salad fresh for a month if it is well dried and loosely packed in polyethylene film or package. Sometimes you can come across a recommendation to wrap the salad with a damp cloth and only then place it in a bag, but this method is fundamentally wrong, because any greens are best preserved only when they are perfectly dry.

You can store the salad in a glass container, having previously cut it into 2-4 pieces, but this way the product will remain fresh for exactly no more than a week.

Lettuce is not a product that is recommended to be frozen for the winter. Of course, if you have harvested an incredibly large crop of lettuce in the country and cannot eat it in a matter of days, you can try freezing, while the salad will retain its beneficial properties, but will completely lose its visual appeal and crispy taste. Therefore, you still need to use the salad fresh, fortunately, it can be purchased in stores throughout the year.

Iceberg lettuce in cooking: what is combined with

Iceberg is practically tasteless, which nevertheless does not prevent the widespread use of the leaves of this salad in cooking. Most often they act as the "green part" of vegetable, meat or fish salads, but there are also more exotic options.

For example, a whole leaf of iceberg lettuce can be filled with a cooked appetizer, using the leaf as a dish (due to its firmer structure than other lettuce, the iceberg does an excellent job of this role). As a "packaging" material, lettuce leaves are also used to make original rolls, diet pancakes(a great option for those who follow the figure) and even cabbage rolls, in which the iceberg replaces the cabbage leaves.

In main dishes, iceberg usually plays the role of a decoration when serving and at the same time is a light garnish.

Benefits of using iceberg in salads:

  • the iceberg makes the portion visually larger, filling the dish not with calories, but with vitamins;
  • iceberg is denser than regular leaf lettuce, so it can replace cabbage while maintaining a neutral flavor and without clogging the main ingredients;
  • iceberg is suitable for appetizers with mayonnaise or sour cream dressings, while most other salads are too light for such a dressing.

Did you know? The basis of the famous Caesar salad in original recipe make up the leaves of Roman lettuce (romano). Recently, however, more and more cooks are beginning to replace this seemingly indispensable ingredient with iceberg lettuce leaves. This decision is motivated, as they say, not by the desire to save money, but by the fact that the leaves of the iceberg, soaked in dressing, retain a crispy taste, while the Roman salad withers and “floats”, as a result, the dish loses its taste and visual appeal, which is not desirable admit no restaurateur.

Due to its neutral taste iceberg lettuce in terms of combination with other products is absolutely universal. It goes equally well with vegetables, boiled eggs and cheese (especially parmesan and cheddar), mushrooms, any kind of meat and poultry (including smoked), as well as fish (raw, salted, smoked, boiled, canned) and seafood.

For satiety, iceberg salads can be added boiled rice, crispy crackers or mushrooms, for originality - fruits (pear, apple, canned or fresh pineapple, citrus). Pine nuts will add piquancy to salads, cherry tomatoes will add brightness. In a word, there are no restrictions for fantasy here, and it is almost impossible to make a mistake.

As for the dressing, as already mentioned, the iceberg may well “hold up” mayonnaise, but if we care about our health and waistline, it is better to use something lighter instead - yogurt or olive oil(which can be "beaten" by adding lemon juice, soy sauce, french mustard, wine, balsamic, crushed garlic, herbs and other goodies).

Important! To avoid oxidation and to give the dish more authenticity, chefs recommend casually tearing lettuce leaves with your hands on not too small pieces instead of cutting with a knife.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

Enough has already been said about the numerous beneficial properties of lettuce above. It is not surprising that the product has found application in medicine, not only folk, but also traditional.

Doctors are happy to recommend eating lettuce for emotional disorders, problems with the intestines and blood vessels, races blood pressure, gastritis and ulcers, as well as during pregnancy (in addition to the source of vitamins, iceberg lettuce removes excess fluid from the body, and therefore helps fight swelling, which very often accompanies pregnancy and can greatly damage health future mother, provoking the development of diseases of the heart, kidneys, etc.).

Salad is also indicated for anemia, problems with being overweight.

The use of iceberg lettuce in cosmetology is due to its chemical composition. So, for example, the magnesium present in the product promotes the production of collagen, and therefore improves the color and general condition of the skin, prevents premature wrinkles, and positively affects the quality of nails and hair.

Iceberg lettuce masks and applications saturate our skin with useful elements, heal and nourish it. To strengthen the hair and reduce their fat content, it is recommended to rinse them with juice squeezed from this salad.


There are practically no contraindications to the use of iceberg lettuce. Theoretically, it is possible to admit the possibility of an individual intolerance of the body to any component that is part of the salad (for example, an allergy to ascorbic acid), but in general this is so rare that such a possibility can be ignored.

126 times already

iceberg lettuce is interesting vegetable product, which is often used in salads and is known for its delicate crunchy texture. This type of green lettuce has relatively fewer nutrients than other greens used in salads and has been called the ideal food for a weight loss diet. Today in this article we will look at the properties and benefits of iceberg lettuce, because it can help many who suffer from various problems.

What does iceberg lettuce look like?

Iceberg lettuce is a type of lettuce. Many people confuse this salad with cabbage. By appearance it looks like it, belongs to the cruciferous, like cabbage, but is considered a leaf lettuce. It is a set of leaves collected in a head, like cabbage.

For the first time, the cultivation of this lettuce began in Egypt, where it was grown for the sake of obtaining seeds for the production of oil. But it soon became clear that the leaves are quite edible and very tasty.

The taste of an iceberg largely depends on the amount of water contained in its leaves.

A new lettuce revival began in America in the 1930s, when it got its current name. The fact is that lettuce leaves are well preserved with the help of ice. Therefore, it was first called "Ice", and then the name was transformed into "Iceberg". This salad is still one of the most popular among all varieties of salads there.

Iceberg lettuce composition and calorie content

Due to the high concentration of water in this vegetable, the nutrients are quite fuzzy, but they are still present. Thus, an iceberg contains:

A large number of vitamins such as A, C, K, E and several B vitamins (folic acid, thiamine, B6);

Mineral components such as potassium, manganese, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus;

Traces of copper, sodium, zinc;

Alimentary fiber;


It is completely free of cholesterol. The calorie content of salad per 100 grams is only 14 calories.

Benefits of iceberg lettuce

Lettuce is one of the lowest calorie green leafy vegetables. However, they are a rich source of phytonutrients that have health-promoting and disease-preventing properties.

Salad contains a large amount of vitamins. Its fresh green leaves are an excellent source of several vital vitamins. Just 100 grams of fresh lettuce leaves can provide 247 percent of your daily value in vitamin A.

It contains 4443 micrograms of beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body.

Both of these vitamins have antioxidant properties. Vitamin A is needed to maintain healthy mucous membranes and skin, as well as for vision. Daily consumption natural fruits and vegetables rich in flavonoids and antioxidants, helps protect the body from lung cancer and oral cancer, repel the damaging effects of free radicals.

Vitamin K plays a potential role in bone metabolism and promotes osteoblastic activity in bone cells. This vitamin is useful for patients with Alzheimer's disease.

Fresh leaves contain a large amount of folate and vitamin C. Folates are part of the cofactors in the metabolism of enzymes necessary for DNA synthesis, play a vital important role in the prevention of neural tube defects in the fetus during pregnancy.

Vitamin C is a powerful natural antioxidant. Regular use foods rich in vitamin C helps the body develop resistance to infectious diseases, removes harmful and toxic substances.

Zeaxanthin is an important carotenoid found in lettuce. It is partially absorbed in the macula of the retina, acting as an antioxidant, filtering out ultraviolet rays that can damage the retina. Foods rich in xanthine and carotenoids prevent the development of age-related macular disease in the elderly.

Potassium is an essential component of cells and body fluids that help control heart rate and blood pressure.

Manganese is used in the body as a cofactor for the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase.

Copper is essential for the production of red blood cells.

Iron is essential for the formation of red blood cells and the maintenance of normal hemoglobin levels, as well as the prevention and treatment of diseases such as anemia.

Salad has glycemic index 15, but since it is low in calories, its glycemic load is considered to be zero. For those who monitor their blood sugar levels for medical reasons, this fact is positive for them. The low glycemic index is also great for weight management.

iceberg lettuce health benefits

Despite such a meager composition compared to other products, the iceberg still has many useful properties and can benefit the body. We will look at the most useful and effective ones that will really help many of you.

Distinctive feature head lettuce iceberg is the presence of dietary fiber, the beneficial properties of which are known to many. It is cholesterol lowering and aid in weight loss or dieting.

The characteristic crunch of iceberg leaves is due to the significant water content. In addition, it has practically no calories, but at the same time a large amount of fiber. Therefore, you can eat a lot of this leafy vegetable and feel full enough without worrying about high calorie intake. These characteristics make it an excellent addition to weight loss diets.

In addition, dietary fiber helps to cleanse the digestive tract, which can serve as a good prevention of bowel cancer and constipation.

Fiber provides natural protection against cardiovascular disease due to its inherent ability to bind to bile acids in the digestive tract. Bile acids, which are predominantly made up of cholesterol, help store and store fat in the body. When you eat iceberg lettuce, the fibers stick to them and they are excreted through the intestines. Since the level of bile acids decreases as a result of natural excretion, the liver must produce cholesterol from its stores, which ultimately leads to a decrease in the total level of the latter in the body.

As mentioned above, salad is effective in losing weight. Due to its high water and dietary fiber content, as well as its lack of fat, iceberg lettuce is often recommended for weight loss not only by nutritionists, but also by doctors.

This salad is an indispensable source of health for the cardiovascular system and for the heart in particular. Due to its chemical composition, lettuce nutrients are better absorbed and quickly penetrate into the bloodstream, where they perform their specific functions. Thus, speaking about the benefits of lettuce, he:

Supports strong immunity;

Promotes weight loss;

Reduces stomach pain and improves digestion;

Reduces the risk of oncology;

Serves as a prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels;

Supports eye health;

Improves and maintains a healthy skeletal system;

Helps prevent congenital malformations of the fetus;

Improves blood clotting.

The white liquid you see when you break or cut lettuce leaves is called lactucaria. This milky juice has a relaxing effect and induces sleep. Insomnia torments - just eat a few lettuce leaves or make juice out of it.

Including an iceberg in your diet will have an impact on the condition of the skin, including the face. In addition to nourishing the skin with beneficial substances, it improves skin hydration, preventing the premature appearance of wrinkles.

The minerals in lettuce help remove toxins and maintain acid-base balance. A clean body, a normal acid-base balance is the key to high energy, clear thinking, deep and restful sleep, youthful skin.

Contraindications and harm

A contraindication to the inclusion of this type of salad greens can only be individual intolerance. Some people just can't eat fresh vegetables and salads due to the presence of bitterness in the mouth, which may be accompanied by pain and colic in the region of the liver and pancreas.

People with urolithiasis, gout, enterocolitis and colitis.

Potential harm may come from the way lettuce is grown. If sanitary standards are not observed, it may contain an increased amount of nitrates and other harmful substances.

Iceberg lettuce how to choose and store

You should always buy a fresh head of cabbage. Buying should be avoided if the lettuce has slime or wilted leaves.

Before storing, wash the head of cabbage, or rather, disassemble it into individual leaves, and store it in a cool place. It can keep in the refrigerator for a week. At higher temperatures - no more than 2 days.

The salad got its name because it is not afraid of low temperatures. It is transported in refrigerators with sub-zero temperatures. Therefore, if the storage temperature is with a slight minus, then the shelf life can be from 10 to 14 days.

iceberg lettuce culinary use

That milky juice, which is useful for insomnia, can be fraught with trouble: it can slow down metabolic reactions, which in turn can cause heaviness in the stomach and increased gas formation. This disadvantage is gaining strength with heat treatment. Therefore, the salad is best eaten fresh. You can cut the veins of the leaf to reduce the content of milky juice.

Given the above, it is used mainly fresh, cooking from it various salads with seafood, chicken, fruits or other vegetables.

It often serves as a decoration for many snacks and sandwiches. Lettuce leaves are added to soups and borscht, vegetable stews.

Pairs well with green peas, green beans, shrimp and other seafood, sweet peppers, tomatoes, nuts, eggs, cucumbers.

When preparing iceberg dishes:

Remove any discolored outer leaves.

Then cut out the bitter stems.

Trim the remaining leaf to the desired size and discard the thick parts containing the milky juice.

Then wash the leaves in clean running water.

Shake or pat dry with paper towel to remove excess water.

Regardless of type, all salads should contain crunchy fresh leaves that do not have dark or slimy patches.

iceberg lettuce during pregnancy

Compared to other leafy lettuces, iceberg is less nutritious. But still, it contains substances that will be useful for pregnant women. It is known that the darker the lettuce leaves, the more nutrients it contains. iceberg forms a head. In general, it is not very dark, but its outer leaves are darker than in the middle. They are more exposed to sunlight and more nutritious than domestic ones.

In particular, they are likely to contain more beta-carotene, vitamin K, folic acid, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, iron, and potassium. The inside of the head contains much more water. Vitamin K reduces the chance of bleeding during childbirth. Potassium regulates fluid in the body, promotes the removal of excess.

Therefore, it is not necessary to completely abandon it during pregnancy. Fiber and water prevent constipation, which women often suffer at this time, improve intestinal motility, remove harmful substances from the body.

To increase its nutritional value, add to it other types of salads, vegetables, such as cucumber, carrots, tomatoes.

iceberg lettuce while breastfeeding

Can you eat iceberg lettuce breastfeeding, this question is usually asked by women in the first months of breastfeeding their baby.

Yes, lettuce contains nutrients that, when consumed by a young mother with breast milk, enter the baby's body. but it must be remembered that most newborns suffer from colic and a common cause of their appearance is the food that the mother ate.

Even if your baby doesn't have colic, an immature digestive tract can cause gas. Some foods, which include iceberg lettuce, can cause increased gas production in a child.

It contains fiber and other substances that digestive system moms can not completely destroy. Dietary fiber passes through the stomach and enters the intestines in an undigested form, where bacteria are taken to work, trying to extract everything useful from them and forming gas.

Although dietary fiber does not enter directly into breast milk, but they can affect the formation of gases in the baby. Therefore, in the first months it is better to exclude it from your diet.

Salad was served at the table of Persian kings in the 6th century BC. e.

It was revered by the Greeks and Romans for its taste and medicinal properties.

Emperor Caesar Augustus built a statue praising lettuce because he believed it cured him of an illness!

The Chinese associate salad with good luck and make sure to eat it on special occasions.

Lettuce was brought to North America by none other than Christopher Columbus. A head of cabbage was bred here, and many consider America to be the birthplace of the iceberg.

The wild type of lettuce is common throughout the world.

About the beneficial properties and benefits of the iceberg in the video

Green salads are classified as healthy food. But quantity useful substances that the body can get depends on the type of lettuce used. Not all of them are equal in this matter among themselves. Iceberg lettuce among them stands out the lowest nutritional value. Its advantage is the most low calorie salad, only 14 calories per 100 grams, and contains less vitamins A, C, K and folic acid compared to romaine lettuce, less carbohydrates and fat.

One of the reasons why the iceberg has lost some of its popularity is not due to texture or taste, but because of the lack of nutritional content. However, it is certainly not bad, and can be a great addition to a weight loss diet.

In addition, it contains a lot of water, so it is ideal for hot summer days.

Iceberg lettuce is a simple, pale green lettuce commonly used in salads, traditional Mexican tacos, and sandwiches. While not as popular as escarole, spinach, and leaf lettuce, iceberg lettuce's crunchy, mild flavor is still preferred by many consumers.

Iceberg is one of the varieties of lettuce. Unlike many other leafy lettuces, it can be stored for several days without losing its beneficial properties. Rusty-brown spots may sometimes appear on it during storage. They do not talk about the spoilage of the product, if mold has not appeared on it and the leaves have not acquired a sweetish taste.

Basic rules for storing iceberg lettuce

Because the crunchy, juicy flavor is the main attraction of this salad, it's important to meet all storage requirements. The best temperature for storing lettuce should be around zero degrees. Since lettuce contains a lot of water, storage humidity should be around 98-100 percent in order not to lose it. Therefore, before storage, it must be placed in plastic bag or a container with a lid.

Before putting the salad in the refrigerator for storage:

First you need to cut the stalk, if any.

Rinse well under cool running water and shake off excess water. Thorough washing can remove potentially harmful germs, dirt and pesticides.

Place it on a clean, dry towel or colander to drain the water. Pat dry with paper towels.

If you want, you can disassemble the head of cabbage into leaves. They need to be blotted with a clean towel to dry well from moisture.

Wrap the head or leaves in dry paper towels. Place in a plastic bag or container with a lid and store in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator.

You can not pre-wash the salad, but be sure to wrap it in paper towels or napkins. Water during storage will still evaporate, and paper towels will absorb it, preventing leaf rotting.

Under all conditions, it can be stored for up to four weeks. If the storage temperature is above zero (not higher than 5 degrees), then no more than two weeks.

During storage, it is damaged by ethylene gas, which release products such as apples, peaches, tomatoes. Therefore, it must be stored separately from such products.

During storage, inspect the head of cabbage and remove spoiled leaves in a timely manner.

Bacteria can begin to multiply on the leaves, as evidenced by the presence of mucus on them. The leaves become soft and slippery. Mold may develop. Lettuce that has already gone bad and is not safe to eat should be thrown away. If possible, remove spoiled leaves and use the rest for stews or other cooked dishes.

If there is a head of iceberg in the refrigerator, which may already begin to deteriorate, it should be used as soon as possible, removing and cutting off all spoiled leaves and washing the rest well.

When separating lettuce into individual leaves, do this better with hands without using a metal knife, so as not to accelerate the oxidation on the cut. In general, it is recommended not to cut salads, but to tear them with your hands.

Why does iceberg lettuce turn red when cut?

This question worries many housewives, is it possible to eat it and has it gone bad? Why this happens, whether it is “stuffed” with nitrates or the problem is completely different and such a salad is quite suitable for further consumption. Let's take a closer look.

Lettuce may have discolorations or spots that do not indicate disease or spoilage. The tips of lettuce leaves may have reddish-brown spots. The same spots can be on the veins of the leaf and the leaves themselves. This is caused by oxidation and degradation of enzymes during storage.

Brownish-red spots in the middle of the head can be caused by too much exposure to carbon dioxide.

Pink spots on the veins are the result of exposure to high temperatures. Lettuce with such spots is quite edible and safe.

Any product is a "living organism". And this means that it contains active enzymes that are useful and important for our body and health.

On the cut, the lettuce may turn red when cut with a metal knife. Get a ceramic or silicone-coated knife for such cases.

Why is iceberg lettuce bitter?

Nothing tastes better than crispy fresh lettuce. Iceberg lettuce is a very early crop and can be planted very early. With the maturation of heads of cabbage, questions arise on horticultural and women's sites why the salad is bitter, why bitterness is felt in the salad, what to do about it and whether it is possible to somehow reduce it.

One of the main causes of bitterness in lettuce is hot weather. Most salads love cool weather and not long daylight hours. Iceberg is no exception in this respect.

When the temperature rises, the plant enters maturation mode and can shoot flower arrows and bloom. During this process, a bitter lettuce is produced. This natural process, which cannot be stopped, but this is not the only answer to the question of what causes bitterness.

Too dry weather and not regular watering can also give a bitter taste to the salad.

Iceberg lettuce needs plenty of watering. The brown edges of the leaves are a sure sign that it lacks moisture. Do not let the soil in the garden become dry.

Another answer to why lettuce turns bitter is nutrition. Lettuce should grow quickly. Without the right nutrients, growth becomes slow and the result is a bitter-tasting lettuce. Fertilize it regularly, but don't get too carried away.

Some research suggests that bitter taste can also be the result of too much nitrogen.

And finally, the bitterness of lettuce can cause plant disease. This can be determined by the condition of the leaves: they become pale, can be deformed and look wrinkled and withered.

Some causes can be dealt with and prevented, while others cannot. Is it possible to tell nature in summer that it is not so hot. Therefore, measures must be taken to reduce bitterness in the future harvest.

  • Mulch the roots of the plant to avoid overheating;
  • Plant summer lettuce with other, taller plants to provide shade;
  • Water the bed with lettuce in a timely manner so that the soil does not dry out;
  • If you think high nitrogen content in the soil is the cause, add a small amount of wood ash into the soil.

Can bitterness be reduced? Yes. To do this, disassemble the head of cabbage into leaves and soak them in cold water by adding a small amount baking soda. Leave for about 10-15 minutes and rinse thoroughly with cool running water or soak them in plain water for a few minutes.

The bitterness in the salad is felt less if it is cooled in the refrigerator for a day or two before cooking.

In addition to the causes of bitterness in an iceberg listed above, additional factors such as growing region, growing conditions, and so on can affect its taste. In this case, you just need to remember from which manufacturer the salad was bitter and choose another one the next time you buy.

The reason may be in a particular variety of lettuce. Change it to another. Breeding does not stand still, and breeders are constantly working on new varieties. There are varieties that do not give bitterness.

Vegetables and herbs have always been considered extremely beneficial for the body, but still, before eating their food, it does not hurt to learn more about the substances that they contain. For example, the benefits and harms of iceberg lettuce are not at all as obvious as they seem at first glance.

What is iceberg lettuce good for?

This vegetable contains a large amount of water and fiber, so it is recommended to eat it for those who want to lose weight. excess weight. By regularly eating this salad, you can not only restore the body's water balance, but also increase intestinal motility, that is, this dish will help remove harmful substances from the body.

The beneficial properties of iceberg lettuce also lie in the fact that it contains, C and K. These trace elements help increase the body's resistance to infections, strengthen intercellular walls, and also affect the aging process of the skin, significantly slowing them down. Therefore, everyone who wants to keep youth can eat this salad at least daily. The presence of manganese and potassium in this product also indicates the benefits of iceberg lettuce. Potassium and manganese make the walls of blood vessels more elastic and help strengthen the immune system. In addition, they are necessary for the formation of epithelial tissues, as these minerals nourish their cells, contributing to their normal development.

But, despite the beneficial properties, it also has contraindications. It is not recommended for those who suffer from diarrhea and edema. A large amount of dietary fiber and water can only worsen a person's condition, if he has the problems mentioned, after consuming this product, a person may feel stomach pain. But those who suffer from constipation, on the contrary, can use it, at least daily. And of course, people who are allergic to this product should not include this salad in their diet.