Salad of fresh cabbage, carrots and garlic. Cabbage, ham, carrot salad with vinegar

One of the main plants in our gardens is cabbage. We cook from it great amount dishes. And the first, and the second, and salads, and snacks, and preparations for the winter.

Cabbage is very rich in vitamins and minerals, and therefore should be eaten more often. Better raw or fermented.

Today I'll tell you how to make fresh cabbage salad with the addition of carrots.


white cabbage - 1/4 small head

carrots - 1 pc.

sugar - 1/2 teaspoon

table vinegar - 1/2 tablespoon

vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon

salt to taste.


Finely chop the carrots. To do this, you can use a knife, a special grater or a vegetable peeler.

I prefer a grater or paring knife.

shredding cabbage

Grate the carrots on a medium grater and add to the cabbage.

add carrots

Now you should squeeze the cabbage and carrots with your hands so that the juice appears.

*You can squeeze the cabbage before adding the carrots, but I like it better the way I described it.

Add sugar, vinegar, oil, salt. Stir and let the salad sit for 10 minutes.

Mix again and serve.

Eat more vegetables and have fun!

Another variety coleslaw.

This tasty and juicy salad of fresh cabbage and carrots is also called “Vitamin”. And this is a very correct name, since cabbage and carrots contain a lot of vitamins and useful substances. This salad is very easy to prepare and is available at any time of the year and for any budget. After all, it’s tasty, not necessarily expensive.

We will tell you about several variations of this salad.

Fresh cabbage and carrot salad as in the cafeteria

There is nothing strange in the fact that such a simple dish is loved by many people. Partly for this we should thank the domestic catering industry, which instilled in us the habit of receiving fresh vitamins in salads both in winter and summer. This salad can be found on the menu of canteens, cafes and even in educational institutions. After all, these are the most affordable and healthy vegetables in our latitudes.

How to prepare this famous salad so that it turns out just as tasty.

To prepare you will need:

  • vinegar 9% - 1 tablespoon,
  • sugar - 0.3 teaspoon,
  • salt - to taste.

That's the whole simple composition.

Making fresh cabbage and carrot salad is just as easy. Chop the cabbage into thin feathers and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. You can use a grater to Korean carrots.

Place the cabbage and carrots in a bowl and press them with your hands for a few minutes so that the cabbage releases its juice. This will make the salad tastier and juicier.

After this, add vinegar, salt and sugar. Mix well. Then pour in vegetable oil, stir and refrigerate for half an hour. In the refrigerator, the salad will infuse and become saturated with aromas, the vegetables will marinate a little and acquire that very favorite sourness.

Serve with greens for main courses for lunch or dinner.

Fresh cabbage salad with carrots and mayonnaise

The next salad variation is just as tasty, but a little higher in calories. Mayonnaise makes it more filling, which is good when you need to feed a husband who is hungry at work or a child who has had enough fun. In winter more hearty salads keep us in a good mood because more energy is required to produce heat.

To prepare the salad use:

  • fresh cabbage - 300-400 grams,
  • fresh carrots - 1-2 medium-sized pieces,
  • hard cheese - 100 grams,
  • mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons,
  • salt - to taste.

Chop the cabbage into thin slices, grate the carrots and cheese on a coarse grater. This salad requires very little cheese, as it has a very bright taste and will begin to overshadow the vegetables. But cheese will also give it a special tenderness.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and add mayonnaise. Add salt carefully, because it is already contained in mayonnaise and you may accidentally over-salt the salad. Besides different varieties hard cheese have different salinity.

Before serving, you can leave the salad in the refrigerator for a little while, which will only improve its taste.

Salad of fresh cabbage and carrots with bell peppers

Such fresh salad will be slightly different from previous recipes due to the rich flavor of sweet bell peppers. It will also look brighter and more appetizing, which will allow it to take its rightful place on the holiday table.

  • fresh cabbage - 300-400 grams,
  • fresh carrots - 1-2 medium-sized pieces,
  • bell pepper- 1 PC,
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tablespoon,
  • vegetable oil (sunflower or olive to your taste) - 2-3 tablespoons,
  • sugar - 0.3 teaspoon,
  • salt - to taste.

To prepare the salad, cut the cabbage and bell pepper into small strips and grate the carrots. Mix all ingredients and season with oil and vinegar. Let it brew for a while. Delicious salad ready.

If desired, you can add fresh to the recipe. onion. This will add a slight piquancy.

Watch a video on how to cook classic salad from fresh cabbage with carrots.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Fresh cabbage salad with carrots is not only healthy, but undoubtedly tasty. Perfect for those who count calories and are on a diet. This dish is served as an appetizer and goes well with meat and potatoes.

Ingredients for preparing salad:
- white cabbage – ½ head (medium);
- carrots – 1 piece;
- vegetable oil – 3 tablespoons;
- vinegar 6% – 2 tablespoons;
- sugar – 0.5 teaspoon;
- salt – 1 teaspoon.

Step by step recipe with photo:

First, prepare all the ingredients according to the recipe for fresh cabbage and carrot salad. Then remove the top dirty leaves from the cabbage and finely chop it. Place in a deep dish, as you will have to mash the cabbage with your hands. White cabbage It is best to choose fresh and juicy.

Next, wash and peel the carrots. Rub it on a coarse grater and add it to the shredded cabbage. Take larger carrots; if they are small, then several. Now mash everything with your hands to release the juice.

Add vegetable oil, sugar, salt and vinegar to the dish. I had grape vinegar on hand, but you can use any other. If you like it spicy, you can add more vinegar and salt.

Mix all ingredients and serve. Salad from fresh cabbage with carrots according to this recipe is light with pleasant sourness, so it’s especially good for barbecue at the dacha. You can decorate it with greenery, but it looks very beautiful anyway.

It is convenient to prepare for big company because one head of cabbage produces quite a lot of lettuce.

Treat your family and friends juicy salad from fresh cabbage with carrots and enjoy spicy taste. Bon appetit!
Author Olga Kostyuk
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* Code from the picture:

30.10.2014 / 23:18


A very tasty and healthy autumn salad! My husband and I often make this for dinner. I have another little secret: during pumpkin season, instead of carrots, I add pumpkin to this salad. I'm just taking a piece raw pumpkin and rub it on coarse grater. The salad tastes very similar to the one with carrots, but has more benefits. After all, pumpkin is an invaluable source of vitamins! This, by the way, is a good find for those mothers who cannot feed their children this healthy vegetable. Pumpkin, indeed, is not noticeable at all in this salad. You will only notice the substitution if you know that it is there. Only in the version with pumpkin I do not add sugar!