Diet pancakes - recipes for cooking without flour, on oatmeal and on water with a photo. Diet flourless oatmeal pancakes

For those who love fat, fluffy pancakes we have wonderful recipeoatmeal pancakes on kefir. The dough for them is made thick, from two types of flour - white wheat and oatmeal, more precisely - ground oatmeal. This recipe is convenient in that you do not need to specifically buy oatmeal, you can use chopped oatmeal instead. Just look at what ruddy handsome pancakes are obtained!

The dough is completely hassle-free, everything will turn out the first time, so don’t worry if you don’t have any experience in making oatmeal pancakes yet. The recipe is very simple, the main thing is to know what flakes to add and how to prepare them. If you have an ordinary hercules that requires cooking, then after grinding you need to pour the flour with kefir, let it stand for about 20 minutes. If modern flakes fast food, which do not need cooking, then as they are ground, immediately mix them with wheat flour and make pancake dough.

The dough for oatmeal pancakes on kefir can be sweet or with minimal added sugar. You can add greens to unsweetened pancakes, grate cheese, cheese, chop finely green onion. All additives are introduced after the main ingredients are mixed in, just before frying.

To cook oatmeal pancakes on kefir, we need:

  • Coarse oat flour - 40 g or 4 tbsp. l. flakes;
  • low-fat kefir 1% - 300 ml;
  • wheat flour - 100 g;
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • salt - 2 pinches;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l;
  • vegetable oil 25 g or 2 tbsp. l;
  • soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • vinegar - 1 dessert spoon.

Recipe for oatmeal pancakes on kefir

We measure how much oatmeal is needed, grind it with a blender, not submersible, but with a knife (chopper). Pour half a glass of kefir, mix, leave to swell for 15 minutes.

Pour in the rest of the kefir, beaten egg, put salt and sugar. We arm ourselves with an ordinary whisk or connect a mixer to work, beat the kefir-egg mass.

Sift the wheat flour, pour it into the liquid mixture of ingredients in parts. Add with flour vegetable oil. Again we use the whisk, the mixer and now we are achieving the consistency of the mass, without lumps, quite thick. Add enough flour so that the dough is thicker than necessary, about like liquid sour cream. Then, when soda is added, it will disperse and become thinner.

We extinguish the soda with vinegar, stirring until the reaction stops (it stops hissing and bubbling). Pour into the bowl with the dough, shake with a whisk. You will immediately notice that the dough begins to rise, as if filling with air bubbles from the inside. It needs to be stirred for half a minute, dispersing the soda throughout the volume. Leave for 10 minutes.

We heat a frying pan with a non-stick coating, apply a layer of oil with a brush or grease with cut potatoes, dipped in oil. For one pancake you need 3-4 tbsp. l. test. Pour with a spoon or a small measuring ladle, flattening the batter or tilting the pan to round the pancake. Fry on one side for about two minutes, medium heat. We make sure that the lower side is evenly browned, and large holes appear on the upper side. When the bottom of the pancake is golden brown, pry with a spatula and flip.

On the second side, fry less in time, no more than a minute. Quickly remove the fried pancake on a plate, grease with oil, cover. Pour the next one and so bake until a hill of delicious ruddy pancakes grows.

Despite the thickness, oatmeal pancakes are very tender, elastic, soft, easily folded and keep their shape. You can also use them for stuffing, only the filling should not be liquid (pate, eggs with onions, meat with onions, etc.).

If the filling is not provided, then brew the kettle fragrant tea, we take out the jam, put oatmeal pancakes on kefir on the table and have breakfast with appetite!

This article is given useful information for housewives who are fond of cooking. You will learn how to bake pancakes from different products (diet, custard, yeast).

Everyone knows such a dish as pancakes. They are great for breakfast with a cup. strong coffee and for a family meal on any occasion. They can be cooked with various fillings both sweet and savory. And there are no recipes for making pancakes. We will further consider how to cook homemade kefir pancakes.

How to make kefir pancakes: a step by step recipe

By adding fermented milk products to pancake dough, you will notice that thanks to them, pancakes will become fluffy, airy, and delicate.

The recipe for pancakes on kefir


  • fat kefir (3.2%) - half a liter
  • two eggs
  • salt - half a teaspoon
  • sugar - 0.5 teaspoon
  • soda is also half a spoon
  • vegetable oil - three large spoons
  • flour - 2 cups or 2 cups
  • boiling water - 1 cup or 1 cup


  1. Mix kefir with eggs in a blender in a separate container
  2. Then salt the resulting mass, add sugar, heat slightly to a temperature of 50-53 degrees
  3. Pour the sifted flour into a container and mix everything again with a blender
  4. The mass will be thick, dilute it hot water with soda
  5. At the very end, pour vegetable oil into the mixture
  6. Take a frying pan with a special, Teflon coating, grease with fat, lard or vegetable oil and warm it up
  7. Then pour the dough in a thin layer on the pan and bake openwork pancakes

IMPORTANT: If the dough turned out to be thick and does not spread at all in the pan, then dilute it with boiling water to the desired consistency.

Buckwheat pancakes on kefir, recipe

Russian cuisine is very rich in variety. lovers original taste dishes you might like our buckwheat pancakes on a healthy fermented milk product- kefir.

How to cook buckwheat pancakes?


  • buckwheat flour - one cup or glass
  • low-fat kefir (1%) - one cup or glass
  • water - one cup or glass
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon
  • eggs - two pieces
  • granulated sugar - two spoons
  • vegetable oil 1 tbsp. a spoon


  1. Beat eggs, then add salt, sugar, flour
  2. If in pancake dough low gluten - add some wheat flour
  3. Pour water into the mixture and mix well.
  4. Drop oil on a preheated pan and pour the dough, fry the pancakes on both sides

Corn pancakes on kefir, recipe

Whoever decides to eat right can afford to eat pancakes from cornmeal. This food will not leave a single extra centimeter at your waist.

How to make your own cornmeal pancakes?


  • cornmeal - one cup
  • fat-free kefir - also one cup
  • soda - a small pinch
  • salt - half a teaspoon
  • vanilla sugar - for flavor
  • boiled water - one cup
  • eggs - two pieces
  • corn kernel oil


  1. Beat eggs, pour kefir, pour soda, salt, flour
  2. Then pour in hot water thin jet
  3. Add some butter to the dough
  4. Pour the corn oil into the heated frying pan.
  5. Bake pancakes on both sides

Oatmeal pancakes on kefir

Since childhood, everyone knows oatmeal. Parents often give it for breakfast, and children, as a rule, do not always enjoy eating it, despite all its benefits. However, from oatmeal you can cook not only porridge, but also delicious, healthy pancakes. Children will love this dish. Because they can be stuffed with sweet stuffing.



  • half a cup of oatmeal
  • half a cup of semolina
  • soda - 1/4 teaspoon
  • oil - two large spoons
  • eggs - 1 piece
  • kefir - one cup
  • some salt


  1. Mix oatmeal flakes with semolina, pour over a lactic acid product, let it swell for two hours
  2. Then pour everything else into this mixture and mix well.
  3. Then fry the pancakes in a well-heated pan with oil
  4. Toppings can be chosen according to taste.

Rye pancakes on kefir

Even in the old days in Russia, housewives baked pancakes for Shrovetide from rye flour. The taste of such pancakes is somewhat reminiscent of ordinary waffles. You can bake them various recipes. And we will consider the recipe for rye pancakes on kefir.



  • rye flour - one cup
  • kefir - one cup
  • sugar - two or three large spoons
  • soda - 1/4 small spoon
  • salt to taste
  • one egg
  • sunflower oil two tablespoons


  1. Mix all dry ingredients
  2. Then add kefir to the mixture and mix well.
  3. Next step is to add the egg and mix well.
  4. Pour in the oil and let the composition stand for fifteen minutes
  5. Then fry the pancakes in a pan on both sides and serve with or without filling.

Lacy pancakes on kefir

A real decoration of the festive table can be lacy pancakes on kefir. If you carefully study the recipe below, then you will get not only delicious, but also beautiful pancakes.



  • kefir - one cup
  • milk - one cup
  • cream - one hundred milliliters
  • eggs - two pieces
  • vanillin for flavor
  • sugar - two large spoons
  • baking powder - one teaspoon
  • flour - 9-12 tablespoons (how much will go in)


  1. Pour milk, cream, kefir into a container
  2. Add eggs to it and mix everything well.
  3. Then add vanilla, sugar, baking powder and at the end flour
  4. Beat the dough, let stand for about an hour
  5. Bake pancakes in a skillet with vegetable oil

Diet pancakes on kefir

For a diet, as mentioned above, it is better to cook pancakes on fat-free kefir and not on white wheat flour.



  • flaxseed flour - one cup
  • low-fat kefir - one cup
  • salt - one pinch
  • two egg whites
  • a little oil for frying


  1. Add salt, proteins to kefir, mix the ingredients
  2. Then add flour and mix
  3. Let the dough "rest" - 30 minutes
  4. Grease a frying pan with oil and fry the pancakes on both sides
  5. Use a dietary filling

Custard pancakes on kefir, recipe

Custard pancakes even true gourmets will like it.



  • kefir - one cup
  • boiling water - one cup
  • whole wheat flour - one cup
  • salt - 1/2 teaspoon, can be less
  • two eggs
  • some soda
  • sunflower oil - three tablespoons


  1. First, mix kefir, salt, eggs and flour
  2. The next step is to pour soda into boiling water, mix
  3. Pour boiling water into the mass with kefir, mix and let stand for 5-7 minutes
  4. Bake pancakes in vegetable oil

Custard pancakes on kefir Lush, fried pancakes cooked on kefir

Video: yeast pancakes on kefir in a slow cooker

And it's time to treat yourself and your loved ones to a variety of pancakes. Usually I bake thin quick pancakes, but today I decided to try new recipe- pancakes cooked on kefir.

The pancakes turned out tender, tasty, slightly thicker than ordinary thin pancakes.

This portion of dough makes 18 pancakes in a pan with a diameter of 26 cm.


  • 2 cups of kefir
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • 2 glass oat flour
  • 4 things. eggs
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp soda
  • 4-5 art. l. vegetable oil

Glass 250 ml


Kefir must be heated, it should be warm, but make sure that it does not curl.

Whisk eggs with sugar and salt. Pour in vegetable oil, mix. Add oatmeal. While stirring the mass, gradually pour in kefir (with soda quenched in it) and boiling water. It is better to beat with a mixer. In the absence of oatmeal, grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder.

Let the test stand for approximately 30 minutes. If it thickens too much, add more boiling water (I added another half a glass).

The dough will be slightly thicker than thin pancakes from wheat flour.

Heat the pan well, for the first time lightly grease with oil (then the oil that was added to the dough will be enough for frying). I like to fry pancakes in a cast-iron pancake pan, although they also work well in a non-stick pan with a thick bottom. So that oatmeal pancakes do not brown excessively, you need to bake them at a slightly lower temperature than usual (I fried them at 6 out of 9).

Oatmeal pancakes on kefir are very perforated

With a ladle, pour the dough into the pan, rotating it so that the dough spreads evenly over the bottom. When the pancake is reddened, turn it over to the other side, fry until the tubercles are browned, put on a dish.

Ready pancake can be immediately smeared with a piece butter, or you can just fold it into a triangle or leave it round.

In the process of frying, the dough must be mixed so that it is of uniform density, the flour does not settle to the bottom. And to speed up the cooking process, you can fry in two pans. The thinner the dough, the thinner the finished pancakes will be. However the pancakes are too liquid dough it is difficult to turn over in a pan, they are torn.

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: 60 min

Gentle and fluffy pancakes can be prepared not only yeast dough. Oatmeal pancakes on kefir are much tastier, and the recipe is much simpler. Despite this, there are a lot of master classes on making kefir dough. We decided to talk about the most delicious kefir pancakes with oatmeal. Such a recipe is just a treasure for a young housewife who wants to please her household, friends and relatives with a variety of frying pan pastries on Shrove Tuesday.
Pancakes on kefir with oatmeal are baked faster than fast ones and scatter with a bang. By the way, they are very tasty.

- 2 large chicken eggs;
- 1 pack of kefir (500 ml);
- 1 tablespoon of sugar;
- 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oatmeal (5 minutes);
- 2 g of baking soda;
- 2 g of table salt;
- Wheat flour(how much dough will take);
- 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil (for frying);
- ½ part of the onion (for greasing the pan);
- jam (for serving).

Recipe with photo step by step:

Pour kefir into a container and add chicken testicles. Break the mixed ingredients into homogeneous mass to bubbles.

Next, add soda with salt (a pinch each) and mix everything again.

The next ingredient is sugar. It can be excluded if you decide to sweeten pancakes directly.

Add oatmeal in two steps. Added half a spoon, mixed and so on.

Let's finish kneading the dough on kefir for pancakes with flour. It must be added gradually and by eye. According to the principle - how to take the dough.

When the mass looks like liquid sour cream, stop adding flour. Leave the resulting pancake mixture warm for 30 minutes.

While the dough is ready, peel the onion and pour vegetable oil into the bowl. Heat up a pancake pan, dip the onion in the fat and grease the frying surface with it. This method allows you to perfectly fry oatmeal pancakes on kefir.

We define the dough on a heated surface, but only in the middle in the form of a small circle (no more than 15 cm in diameter). Brown for three minutes and turn over.

Brown on the other side and send on a saucer.

We will fry the pancakes one by one, lubricating the pan with vegetable oil as needed, and build a pyramid out of them.

Let's go to festive table with jam or sour cream. Kefir pancakes are just perfect for Maslenitsa.
We also recommend that you see

Many people know about the benefits of oatmeal, but few people include them in their diet, preferring other cereals. Meanwhile, oatmeal is very useful. It consists of vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids. It is rich in fiber, due to which natural bowel cleansing occurs.

For those who don't like oatmeal, there are many others, more delicious meals, for example, oatmeal pancakes on kefir. In addition to oatmeal, carrots are added to the dough. It is rich in carotene. And since this vitamin is absorbed by the body only with fats, the combination of carrots with kefir and vegetable oil is justified.

Despite the thickness, oatmeal pancakes are soft and tender. For flavor, fruit essence, vanillin, cinnamon, zest or other spices can be added to the dough.

Unlike pancakes, pancakes are baked in a lightly oiled pan, so appearance they are a bit like pancakes. But they differ from the latter by the presence of oil added to the dough.


  • Oatmeal ("Hercules") - 100 g;
  • Water - 250 ml;
  • Kefir - 230 g;
  • Baking soda - 6 g;
  • Carrots - 55 g;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 65 g;
  • Wheat flour - 110 g;
  • Salt - 8 g;
  • Citric acid - 2 g;
  • Sunflower oil - 30 g;
  • Lemon essence: 7-8 drops.

How to cook diet pancakes oatmeal step by step recipe

Pour cereal into a bowl.

Fill with boiling water. Stir.

Leave until completely cool. During this time, "Hercules" will swell well, having absorbed all the water.

Pour in kefir.

Stir again.

Grate a carrot on a medium grater, combine it with oatmeal.

Put sugar, salt and eggs in a separate bowl.

Beat the mass with a mixer until fluffy.

Pour flour into a bowl of oatmeal citric acid and soda.


Combine beaten eggs with dough.

You should have a dough that looks like thin oatmeal.

Pour in vegetable oil, add fruit essence. If you don't have it, you can substitute vanilla or other flavoring.

Mix everything one last time.

Grease the pan with oil. When it warms up well, pour a portion of the dough into the middle using a ladle with a volume of 50 ml. With the back of the ladle, quickly flatten the dough into a circle the size of a saucer.

Close the dish with a lid. Bake the pancake on moderate heat for 2-3 minutes. The pancake needs to be turned over to the other side when it is fried on the bottom, and on top it is covered with holes and dries a little.

Stack pancakes on top of each other.

Serve warm. Oatmeal pancakes on kefir are good with honey, jam or jam.

Enjoy your meal!