Fluffy pancakes with whey. Thin whey pancakes - recipe with photo step by step

Pancakes - thin suns made of dough - a dish as familiar as it is ordinary. But they don't get bored! You can cook in different ways - pancakes with whey, milk, kefir, buttermilk, mineral water - and there is no basis for the end! And what kind of fillings are not wrapped in pancakes! And if it wasn’t for my waist, I would bake pancakes at least every day!

To learn how to cook pancakes properly, according to all the rules, you need to make each recipe at least 5 times. From the main recipes, of course. It seems to be similar, but there are also nuances that can be "felt only with your hands." Why do I recommend it? Because it is not known in advance what will be at hand in the refrigerator. Today, for example, I have serum.

Whey pancakes are different from those made with water or milk. And even on kefir - kefir is rough. In water-milk pancakes, soda is not used, but in our case it is quenched in whey, and we get amazing tender dough with holes. Such pancakes can be fried both thinner and thicker - pancake dough is plastic, obedient. I think that it will not be superfluous to cook pancakes on whey according to the recipe, where photos are given step by step - this will facilitate the process and make it clearer.


  • eggs 2 pcs.
  • flour 2 tbsp.
  • serum 500 ml
  • sugar 2 tbsp. l.
  • vegetable oil 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • salt chips.
  • soda 1 tsp
  • vanilla sugar 1 pack. (optional)

How to cook whey pancakes

When pancakes cooked with whey are stacked, they become even softer and more tender. Serve them with any toppings or sweet sauces. These products are also perfectly combined with sour cream.

I hope you enjoy this pancake recipe and will be in demand in your family. Happy tea.

How to cook thin pancakes on whey recipes by julia vysotskaya - Full description cooking to make the dish very tasty and original.

How delicious to cook whey pancakes

Pancakes are a traditional dish of Russian cuisine. There are the most various recipes their baking. Delicious and tender, various fillings or a bite to eat with something sweet. With this dish you can meet guests or please your family during a family meal.

You can bake them not only on water and milk, but also on whey. They are prepared quickly, since yeast is not used in them, and the result is a hearty meal.

Recipe for thin pancakes with holes

The main feature of the recipe is that eggs are not used in cooking. Despite the simplicity of execution, each pancake turns out beautiful, ruddy and appetizing.

  • Warm whey;
  • Flour of the highest grade;
  • Soda.
  • Any vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons.

Features of preparing dough for pancakes:

  1. Take warm whey and gradually introduce flour until the dough becomes like thick sour cream. It is important not to overdo it with flour: a thick dough should pour into the pan;
  2. Add some salt, just a little powdered sugar. Beat the mass with a whisk;
  3. After that, pour a few tablespoons of any oil into the prepared mass, mix the mass;
  4. Now the dough should be infused. You can leave it for an hour in a warm place or cook the dough for pancakes in the evening, and bake delicious pancakes the next day.
  1. Grease a heated pan with oil. Set the fire to medium. Pour the dough so that it spreads over the entire surface of the pan;
  2. You can close the pan with a lid, turn the pancake over after a few minutes. With the lid closed, pancakes are baked evenly and are fluffy.

We bake lace pancakes with egg

  • For 1 liter of whey is added required amount flour to obtain a dough of the desired density;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 3 art. l. oils;
  • Salt, sugar to taste.

We divide the serum into two parts. With one of them, mix the egg and sugar, salt. Pour soda into another part of the whey to extinguish it. Combine the whole mass, pour in the oil, mix. Bake pancakes, frying them on both sides.

Thin, tender pancakes from Yulia Vysotskaya

Recipes delicious pastries from Julia Vysotskaya are extremely popular. Also, a well-known TV presenter shared the secret of making fragrant thin pancakes based on whey.

  • For half a liter of whey, take 2 cups of flour and 2 eggs;
  • You will need a pinch of salt and half of 1 tsp. soda;
  • Add the amount of sugar as desired - from 1 to 3 tbsp. l.;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. vegetable or butter (melted in a water bath) oil.
  1. All foods must be at room temperature before cooking;
  2. Mix the salt and sugar together with the eggs in a bowl. Beat the indicated ingredients with a whisk until smooth;
  3. Slowly add the warm whey to the eggs and sugar;
  4. Sift flour, mix it with soda;
  5. Now you need to gradually pour the flour into the mass so that the dough is homogeneous, without lumps. Mix everything thoroughly;
  6. Add any type of oil;
  7. The final dough should have the consistency of liquid yogurt. Pancakes from such a dough will be thin;
  8. If the dough is thicker than necessary, you can add more whey.
  1. Bake pancakes in a preheated greased pan over medium heat;
  2. In order for the mass of dough to evenly “lay down” on the pan, raise the dishes and set the correct direction for the mass;
  3. You can turn the pancakes over with a special spatula or with your hands, after prying the edge with a knife;
  4. To make the pastries more magnificent and tasty in the end, fry the dish with the lid closed.
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Recipe for custard pancakes with whey

Pancakes prepared according to this recipe have a wonderful taste, are easy to bake, so any housewife will want, and more than once, to please her loved ones with such a yummy. The secret is in the use of boiling water.

So: pour 2 cups of flour into a mixture consisting of 2 eggs, salt and sugar, added to taste, and two cups of whey (necessarily warm).

Mix everything with two tablespoons vegetable oil.

And the most important! Prepare a glass of boiling water, pour soda into the water. Wait for the soda to stop "reacting" and immediately pour it out while stirring the dough.

Now let the finished one “reach” - stand for about 15 minutes.

After the specified time, you can start frying.

Custard pancakes on milk dough

This recipe is slightly different from previous ingredients and method of brewing. The pancakes are thin, tender, surprisingly tasty.

Take the following foods:

  • 350 grams of flour;
  • 500 ml of serum;
  • 200 ml of milk and the same amount of water;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons of oil;
  • Half a teaspoon of soda;
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar;
  • Salt to taste.
    • Mix together salt, eggs, sugar, vegetable oil, soda and warm whey;
    • Beat the mixture with a whisk;
    • Add gradually right amount flour so that the consistency is thick, like pancakes. Try to knead a homogeneous dough.

    Now the dough needs to be “brewed”. mix equal amount milk and water, heat to a boil. Immediately add the resulting milk boiling water to the dough, pouring in only in a thin stream, constantly stirring with a whisk. The mixture should be more liquid than it was. After 20-30 minutes, start baking the dish.

    Thick fluffy pancake recipe

    The thicker the dough, the thicker and more magnificent pancakes are obtained, diluted with whey. It is possible to achieve this consistency by increasing the amount of flour.

    • 2.5 cups of whey;
    • 3 cups flour;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 1 tsp soda;
    • Salt and sugar are added to taste.

    Mix all ingredients. Pour in flour to make the dough thick, like sour cream.

    Serum is used only in a warm form, in this case the pancakes are more tender.

    Unable to mix the dough without lumps? Try straining through a large sieve.

    The taste of baking can be spoiled both from an excess and from a lack of soda.

    If there is not enough soda, the pancakes will not be fluffy. Too much will ruin their taste.

    The more flour you add, the denser and thicker the pancakes will be when frying.

    To make them thin and with holes, follow these rules:

    • When kneading the dough, do not use yeast;
    • Do not dilute thick dough, in last resort you can add cold boiled water;
    • Use a thick skillet.

    Use helpful tips and simple recipes above, and there will always be delicious pancakes on your table.

    Recipe for thin whey pancakes: the perfect dish for thrifty housewives

    When preparing homemade fermented milk treats, quite a lot of by-products remain. Most often, whey has to be poured into the sink, for example? from under cottage cheese or curdled milk. However, on its basis, you can bake surprisingly tender sweet and sour pancakes that will appeal to both adults and small gourmets. The recipe for whey pancakes varies, and we will look at different versions.

    Yana Kirman June 14, 2016
    • The temperature of the main products. The main secret When you make whey thin pancakes, it's all about the temperature of the base and the way you knead the dough. Serum is better to use room temperature Or even a little warm. General principle: eggs (if provided in the recipe), salt and granulated sugar are added to the warm liquid, all this is whipped together, then flour is gradually introduced.
    • The temperature of the baking dish. Pancakes will bake better, and will burn less if you first heat the pan on the stove very hot.
    • Degree for the test. Unleavened pastries will turn out more airy if you pour a spoon or two of cognac into the dough. Pancakes become not so dense, but noticeably more plastic. The drink will give them a delicate taste and pleasant aroma. Don't worry - when frying, the alcohol will evaporate, and even children can eat your wonderful pancakes.

    Whey Recipe

    Make whey pancakes according to this recipe - they will be thin, with holes (although not as thin as pure milk), and their taste is slightly sour.

    • egg - 2 pieces;
    • flour - 1 cup (full or incomplete);
    • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
    • whey - 0.5 liters;
    • sugar - half a glass;
    • salt and soda - 1 teaspoon each (not topped).
    1. Beat a couple of eggs with sugar, salt and sunflower oil with a blender or whisk.
    2. Pour in the whey, then pour in the soda, stir.
    3. Pour in the flour, previously well sifted.
    4. Oil the pan and heat it, pour the dough in portions, bake on a fire between medium and minimum.
    5. Stack the baked pancakes.

    The dough obtained according to this recipe should resemble heavy cream and flow - then whey-based pancakes will be especially good. If it is thicker, you need to add more liquid, and if it is too liquid, add more flour.

    Eggless option

    amazing delicious pancakes can be obtained from whey from cottage cheese. Try it: it's really easy.

    • serum - 650 milliliters;
    • flour - 350 grams;
    • sunflower seed oil - 50 milliliters;
    • sugar - 3 tablespoons;
    • salt, soda - half a teaspoon.
    1. Sift the flour into a deep and wide bowl, add salt and sugar, pour in half the total amount of the base liquid.
    2. Beat the resulting mass with a whisk or a mixer - you should get a thick and homogeneous dough.
    3. Add the remaining whey, beat the mass again to a “smooth” consistency, then add soda and beat again.
    4. Stir in the oil arbitrarily (maybe not very thoroughly) and leave it all to stand for 10-15 minutes.
    5. Pour the dough into a preheated pan (the bottom of which is previously oiled), spread it over the bottom, quickly tilting the pan, and bake on a medium flame. Flip the pancake and bring to golden brown along the edges.

    This recipe for thin whey pancakes is one of the most economical. In addition, you will see that the dish turns out tender even if you cook it without eggs.

    "Air" pancakes with eggs

    We offer a recipe for whey pancakes with eggs, so you get fluffy pancakes. The method is somewhat unusual, since egg white and the yolk must be processed separately, but the more elastic, softer and more appetizing pancakes.

    • varietal flour - 1 cup;
    • serum - 250-270 milliliters;
    • egg - 1 piece;
    • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
    • salt - to taste;
    • soda - half a teaspoon;
    • sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons;
    • apple cider vinegar (or any other) - 1 tablespoon.
    1. Separate the egg yolk, grind it with granulated sugar until a slight change in color to the light side.
    2. Heat the whey over low heat until it becomes warm, shake it with a whisk along with the yolk until foamy.
    3. Pour the sifted flour directly into the foam, gradually mixing with each serving. The mass should resemble a thick cream. If lumps appear, you can beat it with a mixer.
    4. Combine salt and egg white, beat up an airy, snow-white foam (so dense that the protein does not drain from a spoon).
    5. Add the protein foam in parts, constantly stirring the dough gently, achieving uniformity.
    6. Enter sunflower oil, then soda slaked in vinegar, and set aside the resulting sparse dough to stand for 10 minutes.
    7. Bake products from the resulting mass in the usual way.

    According to this recipe, pancakes on whey will come out quite thick. They are ideal for making, for example, a pancake cake.

    The amount of soda is determined by the acidity of the whey. Soda should be enough - enough so that its taste is slightly felt in the dough. Then pancakes on whey will turn out to be lush. That's why the best option for "signature" cooking - add a little soda to the dough, mix and try.

    pancake recipe without baking soda

    One of classical ways cooking - no soda. Pancakes come out golden, thin, delicate in taste.

    • egg - 3 pieces;
    • whey - half a liter;
    • flour - 450 grams;
    • sunflower oil, refined - 40 milliliters;
    • hot water - half a glass;
    • butter- 70 grams;
    • salt - a pinch;
    • sugar - a teaspoon.
    1. Break the chilled eggs into a not too wide but deep bowl. Pour sugar, salt into them, whisk until a small foam appears.
    2. Warm the whey a little, pour it into the mixture, stir quickly.
    3. Pour half the flour into the mass with constant stirring, add the rest of the warm liquid.
    4. Pour in hot water and bring the dough to a homogeneous state.
    5. Add flour and let the dough rest for about 20 minutes.
    6. Brush with sunflower oil hot pan and bake pancakes (each is ready in about 20 seconds).

    To reach optimal temperature and humidity during baking, you can close the pan with a lid and open it only to turn the pancake over with a spatula.

    You no longer have to think about what to do with the liquid left after cooking homemade cottage cheese if you know how to cook whey pancakes different ways. Simple recipes allow you to get great dishes optimizing costs.

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    Everything is in business: we cook homemade pancakes on whey from cottage cheese

    If you often cook homemade cheese or cottage cheese, then you don’t need to get acquainted with whey. This by-product of milk processing, like almost any "milk", has a number of useful properties for the body. But for all its usefulness, whey, alas, does not enjoy wide popularity among housewives. We hope that the neglect of this product will change for the better after our today's recipes. After all, from this article you will learn how to cook delicious tender pancakes on whey from cottage cheese (with the addition of flour, soda, yeast and other ingredients).

    Quick thin whey pancakes - step by step recipe with photo

    We recommend starting your acquaintance with whey pancakes from the following simple recipe. Milk whey for pancakes can be taken both at home and in the store - there will not be much difference in the final result. But the filling is better to use sweet, for example, cottage cheese or condensed milk. It will perfectly emphasize the delicate texture of ready-made pancakes. cooking wonderful delicious pancakes you can in a bottle, a slow cooker and even in a Russian oven.

    Whey pancakes with eggs, recipe

    Required Ingredients:

    • serum - 500 ml.
    • flour - 450 gr.
    • egg - 1 pc.
    • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
    • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.
    • salt - 1/2 tsp.
    • baking powder - 1 tsp

    Step-by-step instruction

    1. Sift flour several times with baking powder. Pour sugar and salt into the flour mixture. We mix.
    2. Beat the egg into the mixture and pour in about half of the whey. Thoroughly mix the dough to bring it to uniform consistency.
    3. When the dough becomes thick and homogeneous, like dough for pancakes, add the remaining whey and vegetable oil to it. On a note! Use a mixer to quickly and easily achieve the right consistency for whey pancake batter. If you don't have a mixer, then use a whisk. In this case, add flour in small portions at the very end of the recipe.
    4. We will bake pancakes on whey in a hot frying pan without oil. It is allowed to grease the surface of the pan for the first pancake with lard or oil.
    5. We lay out ready-made hot pancakes one by one. So that they do not stick together, we coat each pancake with a piece of butter. Drizzle with sour cream or yogurt.

    Simple custard whey pancakes - step by step recipe

    The whey custard pancakes from this recipe are particularly elastic due to the addition of starch to the dough. Despite the fact that they turn out to be thin, such pancakes are easy to turn over, they do not tear and are suitable for any filling.

    Required Ingredients:

    • whey - 1 l.
    • flour -300 gr.
    • starch - 45 gr.
    • butter - 50-60 gr.
    • eggs - 2 pcs.
    • soda - 1/2 tsp
    • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
    • salt - 1 tsp

    Step-by-step instruction

    1. Pour half of the whey into a saucepan and send it to the fire until it boils.
    2. In a separate bowl, grind the eggs with sugar and salt, add starch and rub again.
    3. Pour the cold whey into the eggs and mix thoroughly.
    4. Add the sifted flour to the base gradually in small portions, stirring the base.
    5. Remove the boiled whey from the stove and pour soda into it. The soda slaked in this way will begin to foam and “run away”, so it’s better to keep the saucepan over the container with the dough.
    6. Pour the hot whey into the base and mix thoroughly. When the foam subsides, add liquid butter (melted) and mix.
    7. We fry custard pancakes on whey without oil in a hot frying pan. Ready-made pancakes are very thin and with holes.

    Lush pancakes on whey without eggs - step by step recipe

    You can also cook dense vegetarian lush pancakes in a hole with whey. Notably, you won't need eggs for this recipe, making it an acceptable option for vegetarians.

    Whey thick pancakes

    Required Ingredients:

    • whey - 1 l.
    • flour - 800 gr.
    • soda - 1 tsp
    • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
    • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.

    Step-by-step instruction

    1. Serum should be heated in a microwave or water bath. It should become a little warm.
    2. Then you should add sugar to the warm whey and salt. Mix base.
    3. Add soda to flour and sift twice. Pour the flour into the whey in portions, stirring to avoid the formation of a lump.
    4. At the end, pour in vegetable oil and bring the dough again until smooth.
    5. Fry pancakes in a pan with sunflower oil. excess fat pat dry with paper towels or place pancakes on parchment paper.

    Delicious whey pancakes with eggs - step by step video recipe

    This video shows a recipe for making delicious whey pancakes with a detailed step by step instructions(a similar recipe can be seen in the program "We eat at home", hosted by Yulia Vysotskaya). Ready-made pancakes on whey with eggs are very thin and delicate.

    Thin pancakes on whey. Internet Ideas

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    Whey pancakes thin with holes: recipes with photos from Yulia Vysotskaya

    How often do you surprise your household gourmet pastry? Many women, due to heavy employment, cannot conduct long time at the stove. But for the preparation of pancakes, time can be set aside on any hectic day. Today we are learning how to bake whey pancakes thin with holes. The unsurpassed Julia Vysotskaya will tell us the recipes.

    Making new entries in the cookbook

    Pancakes count traditional dish Slavic cuisine. How many hostesses, so many recipes. Someone bakes them in milk or mineral water, and someone likes pancakes cooked on fermented milk products, in particular, on kefir or whey.

    As practice shows, the skill and ability to bake pancakes is determined by two parameters: subtlety and the presence of holes. The well-known TV presenter, mother of many children and good hostess Yulia Vysotskaya gladly reveals culinary secrets and shares recipes for whey pancakes. If you want to be known as a chef and pastry genius in your household, here are some very helpful tips before baking pancakes:

    • We choose fresh serum. To prepare the dough, we heat it slightly to a temperature mark of 30-35 °.
    • To make the pancakes fluffier, beat the egg yolks separately from the whites.
    • Julia Vysotskaya thinks otherwise and adds eggs, granulated sugar and salt to warm whey.
    • You should not abuse the amount of granulated sugar. Too much of it will cause pancakes to be tight and clogged.
    • Worried about your baked goods being savory? You do not have the slightest reason for this, because it is customary to serve pancakes with jam, your favorite jam, syrup, condensed milk or other sweeteners.
    • To give pancakes an unusual alluring aroma, use vanillin or nutmeg.
    • Do you want to surprise your family members? Add chopped raisins or candied fruits to the dough.
    • Flour must be sifted so that it is enriched with oxygen. This will make the pancakes fluffy.
    • In order for the dough to acquire a uniform consistency, beat it thoroughly with a mixer or blender.
    • Don't forget to add refined sunflower oil.
    • As the wisdom says, the first pancake is always lumpy. To disprove this statement, use a non-stick frying pan or thoroughly grease the surface of cast iron cookware with pure fat or fresh lard.
    • If you want the pancakes to be fluffy, add a little baking soda, but you don’t need to extinguish it with vinegar. Serum will take over this function.

    Enjoy pancakes: childhood nostalgia

    Remember your childhood. Almost every weekend, mothers or grandmothers regaled us thin pancakes. But the variety of fillings was poor - jam, sugar, butter or cottage cheese. Over time, pancakes began to cook real culinary masterpieces: cold snacks, cakes, etc. Today we are talking about how to bake whey pancakes. A recipe with a photo will help you create your own confectionery masterpiece.

    • 1000 ml of serum;
    • 0.8 kg of sifted high-grade flour;
    • 3 pcs. chicken eggs;
    • 50 g of granulated sugar;
    • a pinch of fine-grained salt;
    • 5 st. l. refined sunflower oil;
    • a pinch of baking soda.
  • Next, pour the whey into the bowl and immediately add the baking soda.
  • Again using a mixer or blender, beat the mixture until smooth.
  • Now add secret ingredient- refined sunflower oil. This will prevent the pancakes from sticking to the surface of the pan while baking.
  • Gradually, we begin to introduce sifted high-grade flour into the liquid base.
  • We start kneading the dough. First, use a spoon or spatula, and then bring the dough to a homogeneous consistency with a whisk, blender or mixer.
  • Heat up the pan well.
  • We take a ladle and with its help pour the dough in portions into the pan.
  • Fry the pancakes evenly on both sides. They should be golden, thin, porous and appetizing.
  • Simplified pancake recipe

    If for one reason or another you do not welcome in your diet chicken eggs, then you will try to exclude this product from cooked dishes. But what about baking? We suggest you cook whey pancakes without eggs. You will need to take a minimum of products and stand near the stove for no more than 20 minutes. And the result will pleasantly surprise you: exquisite, openwork, thin and unusually tasty pancakes will delight you with their aroma.

    • 0.6 l of serum;
    • 1 st. l. refined sunflower oil;
    • 0.3 kg of sifted high-grade flour;
    • ½ tsp baking soda;
    • granulated sugar to taste.
    1. Serum is poured into a heat-resistant dish and sent to a water bath.
    2. We heat up fermented milk product up to a temperature mark of 30-35 °.
    3. Pour the warm serum into a deep bowl.
    4. Add sifted flour.
    5. Using a mixer or blender, bring the mixture to a homogeneous consistency.
    6. The next step is to add the remaining ingredients to the dough.
    7. Mix everything well again. Remember that there should be no lumps.
    8. We heat the pan and send pancakes to it.
    9. Bake on both sides until they are evenly golden brown.
    10. Hot pancakes can be greased with butter.
    11. If you serve them without filling, then simply lay them out on a flat dish.

    You can enjoy pancakes not only during Maslenitsa. You can choose the best recipe for yourself and cook pancakes almost daily. And to add variety to your daily diet, serve pancakes with stuffing to the table. Mushrooms, meat fillet and smoked meats, Korean-style vegetables, cheese, cucumbers, fresh tomatoes, sweets - and this is not the whole list of all kinds of fillings. Enjoy your meal!

    Read other interesting articles

    Whey pancakes, Yulia Vysotskaya's recipe.

    I, like every hostess, had my own recipe for thin pancakes, proven over the years. But this recipe interested me because there are no eggs in the composition, and because the pancakes are fried under the lid. I decided to try it - I liked it

    500 ml. serum,
    2 cups of flour
    0.5 tsp salt,
    1 st. l. Sahara,
    I took 2 tbsp. l.
    0.5 tsp soda,
    2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil

    I also always add a pinch of vanillin to pancakes

    Heat the whey to a warm state and pour flour into it. Mix well, the dough should be thick and pourable. Add salt, sugar, soda and oil. Mix everything well. Let stand for at least an hour.
    Here is how Julia herself writes about this dough:
    it is like a living thing and resembles yeast, although it does not rise, but something is constantly happening in it - bubbles appear, burst Fry pancakes in a heated frying pan under a lid.
    One thing - it doesn’t work very well, I only got 8 pancakes from this amount of dough.
    Very tender and delicious!

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    Lush milk pancakes without yeast recipe

    Baking is the best tasty food, familiar to us since childhood with its magnificent aroma and crispy crust, which are hard to resist.

    Lush, sweet and thick whey pancakes are a pleasure to cook, they turn out soft, just melt in your mouth, their thin “brothers” are unrivaled. Classic recipe of this dish is well known to hostesses, but it is worth adding new ingredient and you can pleasantly surprise your loved ones.

    Homemade puffy pancakes with whey


    • Serum - 0.5 l + -
    • - 4 tablespoons + -
    • - 1 pinch + -
    • - 3 pcs. + -
    • - 2-3 tbsp. + -
    • - 50 g + -
    • baking powder or soda- 1 tsp + -

    Step by step cooking fluffy whey pancakes

    Of course, milk is very suitable for kneading dough, but in this recipe we will use whey, it will make pancakes even more airy, and, importantly, less high-calorie.

    You can cook lush pancakes at home at any time, because making them is not difficult, but pleasant taste ready-made cakes will bring a lot of positive emotions to each family member. To bake pancakes - we need a set of products that you always have on your shelves.

    • Break the eggs into a deep bowl, add sugar, salt and beat with a whisk or fork until the mass becomes homogeneous. Everything about everything will take about three minutes.
    • Melt the butter, cool, pour gently (while stirring) into the egg and sugar mixture.
    • In a separate bowl, mix flour with baking powder, and gradually pour it into a bowl, while mixing thoroughly. This cooking sequence will save the dough from unwanted lumps. Look at the consistency, how much flour you need to put, but remember, the dough should be very thick.
    • Pour half of the whey into the dough and mix everything well until smooth, slowly add the remaining half of the whey until the dough is ready.

    It should be a little thinner than pancakes, so you may not need all the whey, you'll see when enough is enough. Serum for pancakes should be at room temperature.

    • A preheated pan, on which pancakes will be fried, lightly grease with any oil or fresh fat. Pour the dough into the pan with a ladle, and distribute it over the entire surface, the dough itself will not spread.
    • Fry the pancake on one side over low heat for 2 minutes, if desired, you can cover it with a lid.
    • After - turn the pancake over and fry it on the other side until cooked. We put lush pancakes in a pile on a large plate, fry the rest of the pancakes as well.

    To make pancakes softer and more fragrant, grease each with butter after frying.

    original and tasty dish ready, you can serve it for tea to your guests, they will appreciate the taste of magnificent lush pancakes.

    If you make cottage cheese at home, and whey remains after its preparation, do not rush to pour it out. Serum must be poured into small plastic bottles and keep in the freezer until needed. Serum can be stored in this form for up to three months without losing its qualities.

    Thick pancakes with whey "Surprise"

    For those who love to pamper their children with delicious and healthy pastries, the following recipe for thick whey pancakes will be a real find. Quick cook hearty breakfast will not be difficult, also such pancakes can become your child hearty snack during break.


    • Serum - 1 glass;
    • Honey - 2 tablespoons;
    • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • Butter - 30 g;
    • Flour - 1.5 tbsp.;
    • Baking powder - 1 tsp;
    • Light raisins - 50 g;
    • Sunflower seeds - to taste.

    Step by step cooking fluffy pancakes at home

    1. You need to cook pancakes according to the principle of the previous recipe: combine all the ingredients and bake in a frying pan greased with butter.
    2. You need to pour a little dough into the pan so that the pancakes are smaller in diameter, if you have a small pan, then this will be ideal.

    The children's version of pancakes should be interesting so that your child enjoys it, you can, at your discretion, add dye to the dough. It must be natural, for example, beet or spinach juice, just two tablespoons will make dinner unforgettable.

    As you can see, lush and ruddy pancakes on whey are easy to bake, you just need a little imagination and a desire to cook an original dish.

    Two video recipes for pancake dough from the chef of our site

    Povarenok has many proven pancake recipes that you can find in the video or on our website.

    Enjoy your meal!


    • milk whey - 350 ml
    • eggs - 2 pcs
    • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
    • salt - 0.5 tsp
    • soda - 1 tsp
    • flour - 150 - 200 gr
    • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
    • vanilla

    Step by step recipe with photo:

    Lush whey pancakes - a recipe for German housewives

    This recipe interested me with non-traditional ingredients - buttermilk, beer and semolina.

    For those who do not know - if whey is a by-product from the preparation of cottage cheese or cheese, then buttermilk is a by-product obtained during the manufacture of butter.

    I didn’t find buttermilk in our stores, but on the Internet I found a hint that it can be replaced with whey, yogurt, as well as yogurt or sour cream, diluted with a little water, in a ratio of 4: 1.

    Products for pancake dough:

    • serum - 250 ml
    • flour - 0.5 cups
    • semolina - 0.5 cups
    • beer - 0.5 cups
    • eggs - 2 pcs
    • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
    • salt - 0.5 tsp
    • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
    • soda 1/3 tsp

    How to bake pancakes according to a German recipe:

    Pancakes are obtained with holes, lush, tender and semolina is not felt at all in them.

    Yeast pancakes on whey from cottage cheese

    If you don't mind using yeast for baking, then try this recipe too. Yeast pancakes are made in time longer than without yeast, but it's worth it. Yeast miraculously loosens the dough and pancakes are airy and very tender.

    We will need:

    • whey - 2 cups
    • flour - 2 cups
    • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
    • salt - 0.5 tsp
    • eggs - 2 pcs.
    • dry yeast - 1 tsp
    • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.

    Step by step recipe with photo:

    As I said, pancakes on whey can be made with filling, you can serve without it. I made yeast pancakes chocolate icing, anointed them and rolled them up.

    Custard pancakes on whey - video recipe

    Custard pancakes also turn out delicious, I haven’t done it with whey yet, so I suggest watching the video.

    Do you know where the expression "the first pancake is lumpy" came from? Take a look at the page there you will learn a lot of interesting things about this holiday.

    Happy and delicious Maslenitsa to you.

    Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

    Many housewives, disappointed in store-bought fermented milk products, prefer to cook homemade yoghurts, fermented baked milk, sour cream, and cottage cheese on their own. In the manufacture of the latter product, whey is also obtained. Often not finding for her culinary applications, it is poured out, but in vain, because this by-product in the manufacture of homemade cottage cheese can become the basis for everyone's favorite dish - whey pancakes.

    Thin pancakes on whey with holes

    Whey-based thin pancakes are less high-calorie than their counterparts in milk or kefir, but they are in no way inferior to them in taste. The cooking technology has some differences from more familiar options recipes, but final result well worth spending some time at the stove.

    Applicable products:

    • 500 ml of serum;
    • 2 table eggs;
    • 100 g of sugar;
    • 25 ml of vegetable oil;
    • 250 g baking flour;
    • a little salt, soda.


    1. Salt the warm whey and combine with flour. When the mass is homogeneous, pour chicken eggs beaten with sugar into it. Mix everything to the same consistency.
    2. Now it's time to add soda. A lot of small bubbles will appear on the surface of the dough. The amount of soda is a value that directly depends on the level of acidity of whey. If it is not enough, then pancakes will not turn out with holes, and its excess will spoil the taste of baking and give it a reddish tint. The optimal amount is considered when the soda flavor is slightly felt on the taste.
    3. After soda, vegetable (necessarily refined) oil is sent to a bowl of dough. After thorough mixing, be sure to let the mass rest. The duration of "rest" can be from a quarter of an hour to a night. The longer the rest is, the tastier the pancakes will be, according to many housewives.
    4. In order for the surface of the pancakes to be dotted with holes, it is imperative to add soda to the dough and bake them in a very hot pan, since it is the rapid evaporation of moisture from the dough that will be the main factor in their appearance.

    Recipe for custard pancakes with whey

    Novice pancake cooks will appreciate the whey custard pancake dough recipe, as the brewing process makes ready-made pastries quite flexible and durable. This allows you to bake the thinnest pancakes, ideal for stuffing with various fillings.

    For choux pastry for pancakes, you should have:

    • 500 ml whey;
    • 200 ml of milk with a fat content above 3%;
    • 200 ml of drinking water;
    • 3 chicken eggs;
    • 150 g of crystalline sugar;
    • 5 g of soda;
    • 3-4 g of salt;
    • 30-45 ml of sunflower (or other vegetable) oil;
    • 350 g of premium flour.

    Dough kneading sequence:

    1. If the whey is from the refrigerator, it should be heated to a warm state of fresh milk.
    2. In a container with a warm fermented milk product, dissolve sugar, salt, add a portion of soda. Next, pour in the eggs and butter slightly beaten into a homogeneous bowl. Use a hand whisk to make the mixture homogeneous;
    3. Now it's time for the flour. After preliminary sifting, send its volume to a container with whey. Do not be afraid of the density of the resulting dough. At this stage, it doesn't matter. It is more important to break up the lumps and get a smooth homogeneous mass
    4. In a separate saucepan or saucepan, mix milk and water. If the milk is not fat, then it does not need to be diluted with water, it is enough just to increase the amount to 400 ml. Boil milk with water (or low-fat milk).
    5. Pour boiling milk in a thin continuous stream into a thick dough, while distributing it in the total mass with a whisk. This is how the brewing phase goes. After moving the milk from the saucepan to the container with the dough, carefully stir the mass.
    6. Set the resulting batter aside for half an hour to allow all reactions to complete, and then bake in a hot pancake pan.

    Openwork pancakes with egg

    Thin pancakes, the surface of which is covered with holes of different sizes, are so reminiscent of delicate weightless lace. Such pastries can be served for breakfast with honey, condensed milk or brushed with butter and sprinkled with sugar. Also, despite the delicacy, you can wrap any filling in them, so every housewife strives to learn how to cook such pastries.

    The recipe for thin whey pancakes with holes involves the use of:

    • 250 ml of serum;
    • a pair of testicles from a young hen;
    • 15 ml of vegetable oil;
    • a pinch of baking soda;
    • 160 g flour;
    • 100 ml of boiling water;
    • salt, sugar to taste.

    Cooking method:

    1. In order not to have to stir the lumps in the dough for a long time, you first need to shake the egg with sugar and salt. The amount of the last two ingredients is regulated depending on what filling is supposed to be used. Pour in the flour and stir the mass, you get a fairly thick dough.
    2. Dilute the resulting mixture, pouring in whey in small portions. Then add soda, mix and pour in boiling water. Mix everything quickly. High temperature will enhance the reaction and increase the number of holes ("openwork") of the finished baking;
    3. At this stage, you need to let the mixture rest for about five minutes, then add oil, stir and you can start baking round openwork sun pancakes.

    pancake recipe without baking soda

    Not everyone likes the dough with the presence of soda. There are gourmets from whom nothing can hide its taste, even replacing soda with baking powder will not help. But delicious pancakes with whey are prepared without this product.

    For the test you will need:

    • 600 ml of milk whey;
    • 90 g of sugar;
    • 3 chicken eggs;
    • 310 g of premium flour;
    • 45 ml of vegetable oil;
    • 5 g of table salt.


    1. Send a deep bowl or bowl of whey to the microwave or fire so that the liquid warms up a little.
    2. In the meantime, beat the eggs with salt and sugar with a hand whisk or table fork until small bubbles begin to appear on the surface.
    3. Pour the beaten eggs into a container with heated whey, stir until smooth. Add flour and knead into a smooth liquid dough. Make it quick and break up all the lumps easily and quickly with an electric mixer.
    4. After this, the mixture needs to stand a little (10-15 minutes). Then add vegetable oil, stir it in the total mass with a ladle, slightly raising it above the bowl of dough;
    5. Bake pancakes using a hot frying pan, pouring the dough into its center and smoothly distributing it throughout the volume.

    On whey without eggs

    Chicken eggs are considered to be the main connecting element in pancake dough. They help pancakes not tear when turned over and maintain an elastic structure, but even without this ingredient you can bake delicious thin pancakes on serum. It is only important to choose high-quality flour with high level gluten, which will help to connect together all the components of the dough. And the elasticity of baking will give vegetable oil added to the dough.

    The proportions of products for pancake dough on whey without eggs will be as follows:

    • 650 ml whey;
    • 90 g of sugar;
    • 50 ml of odorless vegetable oil;
    • 5 g of baking powder (or ordinary soda);
    • 4 g salt;
    • 350 g baking wheat flour.

    Pancake baking steps:

    1. Dissolve sugar and salt in warm whey. Then add the required amount of flour according to the recipe and mix thoroughly, without lumps. Since there are no eggs in the recipe, it is imperative to heat the whey so that the gluten of the flour works well. For the same reason ready dough let it sit for a while before baking. It will not be superfluous to heat this fermented milk product by kneading pancake dough according to other recipes.
    2. Next, you need to pour the baking powder into the dough and quickly mix the mass. The reaction will begin, the dough will turn white and covered with bubbles.
    3. The last to pour in the oil, mix everything and leave for an hour.
    4. Pancakes are baked in the same way. The pan is greased with oil only for the first time.

    Lush pancakes on whey

    On milk whey, you can cook delicious lush pancakes - fatties. They will be the same size as the thin ones for stuffing, but a little thicker. Their entire surface will be riddled with many holes that will make pastries lush. You can eat such a treat by smearing it with jam, honey, butter or ghee.

    To knead the dough you need:

    • 500 ml whey;
    • 3 table eggs;
    • 100 g of semolina;
    • 50 g of sugar;
    • 3 g of table salt;
    • 5 g of soda quenched with vinegar;
    • 100 ml refined sunflower oil;
    • 250 g of premium flour.

    Recipe for fluffy whey pancakes with holes step by step:

    1. Pour semolina with warm whey and forget about it for half an hour, or even better for an hour. During this time, the cereal will have time to be well saturated with moisture and swell.
    2. Has the allotted time passed? Then you need to beat the eggs a little with sugar and salt, pour the resulting chatter mixture into the whey with semolina, stir.
    3. After that, it's time for the pain. The list of ingredients indicates its approximate amount. When kneading the dough, add enough flour to make the mass look like semolina.
    4. Pour oil into this dough-porridge, mix well so that it ceases to be visible on the surface.
    5. Now it's the turn of the ingredient responsible for the splendor of baking and the bubbling of the dough. Soda to pay off a small amount vinegar or lemon, pour into the dough, stir quickly and let the mass stand for a quarter of an hour. After the appearance of a mass of small air bubbles on the surface, you can start baking pancakes;
    6. Heat oiled pancake pan. Pour two ladles of dough (into a pan with a diameter of 22-24 cm) and bake until the dough is no longer raw on top;
    7. Using a wide spatula, turn the pancake over to the other side and bake for another 15-20 seconds, no more. And then from the heat of the heat and on the table, who loves with what.

    Recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya

    Whey pancakes from Yulia Vysotskaya have two features relative to other similar recipes. First, there are no eggs or yeast in the dough, but regardless of this fact, the dough turns out to be “alive”. According to Julia herself, something is constantly happening in it, bubbles appear and burst. Second, they are cooked in a frying pan under the lid.

    To make pancakes from whey dough according to the recipe of Yulia Vysotskaya, you need to take:

    • 500 ml of serum;
    • 320 g of premium flour;
    • 30 g of granulated sugar;
    • 30 ml of vegetable oil;
    • 5 g of salt, soda.


    1. Heat the serum to a warm state, which will not cause discomfort when a drop of it gets on the back of the hand. Mix together whey and sifted flour powder. The result is a homogeneous mass.
    2. Add sugar, salt, butter and soda to the mixture of whey and flour. Mix thoroughly and forget for an hour, setting the bowl of dough aside.
    3. Pour a portion of dough into the center of a hot frying pan greased with a drop of vegetable oil and cover with a lid. The dough should spread itself on the plane of the bottom of the pan without assistance.
    4. After a few minutes, when the pancake is fried on one side, turn it over to the other and cover again. Thus, bake all the pancakes.

    As can be seen from the above recipes, you can cook with whey both thin pancakes and lush pancakes, which will delight not only with their taste, but also with a lower calorie content and the benefits contained in this dish.