A simple recipe for yeast pancakes in milk. Tender on kefir

In the old days, the ability to bake lush and delicious yeast pancakes on milk was considered a prerequisite when choosing a bride. The secrets of dough and kneading dough were passed down from mother to daughter and were sacredly observed. And not in vain! The taste, the thickness of the cakes, the presence of holes, to which many are not indifferent, largely depend on the knowledge of secrets.

When and where the first pancakes were baked, it will never be possible to find out. Tortillas resembling modern pancakes are mentioned in written sources Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt. Yeast baking- a purely Russian invention. And pancakes got their name from the Old Slavonic word "mlyn", which means "mill". That is, something made from flour.

Yeast pancakes with milk - a classic recipe

Traditional pancakes are made with dough and don't like to be rushed. They have time to approach well, from this the cakes are tender, porous, soft. We will knead the dough with “live” yeast.


  • Flour - about 3 cups.
  • Water - 250 ml.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Milk - 750 ml.
  • Fresh yeast - 20-25 gr.
  • Butter - 3 large spoons (or sunflower).
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons.
  • Salt - a small spoon.

How to bake:

  1. Pour warm water into a small bowl, add a spoonful of granulated sugar. Crumble the yeast, send next. Add a glass of sifted flour, stir, place in heat (do not forget to cover with a towel).
  2. After a while, the dough will begin to breathe, bubbles will appear. The mass will start working. When it first rises, then falls, it's time to move on to the next step.
  3. Rub the eggs with the rest of the sweetness.
  4. Melt the butter.
  5. Enter the eggs and butter into the dough. Stir.
  6. Pour in the milk and start adding the flour. Pour in small portions while working with a mixer. You should have about 2 cups of flour. Knead until the lumps are completely broken.
  7. Cover the bowl with the dough, move to heat for an hour. During this time, look a couple of times and stir the mass so that it rises again.
  8. Bake pancakes by pouring a measured amount of dough. Pour more, the cakes will turn out thick. From a smaller amount will be baked thin pancakes. But they will all be delicious!
  9. Grease the pan before each pancake. I usually adapt a piece of lard. When you begin to pour the dough, try not to "siege" it, scoop carefully.

Delicious yeast pancakes with milk a quick recipe with dry yeast

Dry yeast will significantly speed up the process of "ripening" of the dough. Just a slight change in the recipe, and you will have a stack of thin, perforated pancakes on your table.

For the dough you will need:

  • Flour is a glass.
  • Milk - 2 cups.
  • Eggs are a couple.
  • Dry fast yeast- 4 gr.
  • Salt - 1/3 of a small spoon.
  • Sugar - a large spoon.
  • Vegetable oil.

How to cook:

  1. Pour the sifted flour into a bowl, add fast acting yeast. Pour in the rest of the dry ingredients, stir.
  2. I advise you to first beat the eggs separately, and then add them to a bowl with dry foods. Punch until foam, having worked with a mixer, pour into a bowl, stir carefully.
  3. It remains to pour milk and knead the dough. When you break all the lumps, put in heat for fermentation. Set a timer for an hour and do other things.
  4. Bake: calcine the pan, grease with oil. Pour the dough in a thin layer, turning the pan slightly so that the dough spreads over the entire surface.
  5. Fry on one side for about 1-2 minutes. Then turn over and hold the cake for another 30 seconds. I give an approximate frying time, since everyone has different stoves and pans.

Recipe for delicious pancakes with milk

I don’t know if such pancakes were baked for the royal family, but they have the name “Royal”. You will have to tinker a little, but the pastries are notable, believe me.

Would need:

  • Milk - 3.5 cups.
  • Flour - 3 cups.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Butter - 100 gr.
  • Fresh yeast - 25 gr. (replacing dry in the amount of 2-3 small spoons is acceptable).
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons.
  • Salt - a pinch.
  • Cream, whipped - 150 gr.

Cooking process:

  1. Slightly warm the milk base. Add half of the sifted flour, yeast.
  2. Wait for the dough to work and rise.
  3. Grind egg whites with softened butter. Add to steam.
  4. Slowly, in small portions, add flour. Salt the mixture, sweeten. Place the resulting dough on water bath. Hold for 30 minutes. You can put a bowl of dough in a warm place, replacing the bath.
  5. Whisk egg whites with cream. Gently stirring the mass from the bottom up, enter the mixture into the dough. Wait another quarter of an hour and start baking cakes.

Video recipe for pancakes in baked milk with yeast

I think these pancakes are the most delicious, baked milk gives the taste of cakes something special. By the way, the video offers an interesting filling for pancakes, from boiled condensed milk and cottage cheese. Pay attention to this and be sure to try it.

Custard yeast pancakes in hot milk - a recipe with holes

Experienced housewives know how to guarantee a lot of incomparable holes in baking. Warm milk dough makes the yeast “work” better. Pancakes are baked thin, elastic. If you plan to wrap the filling in cakes, this recipe is great.

Required for 1 liter of milk:

  • Flour - 4 cups.
  • Water - 150 ml.
  • Semolina - 2 tablespoons.
  • Yeast, dry - a standard bag of 11 gr.
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Sugar - 4 large spoons.
  • Sunflower oil - 1/2 cup.
  • Salt - a teaspoon.
  • Milk - liter.

How to cook:

  1. Measure a glass of milk from the total amount, warm it up a little, throw semolina, sugar and flour into it. Yeast send next. Knead the dough, move the bowl to a warmer place.
  2. An hour later, when fresh yeast starts to work, the mass will foam and come to life. With old ones, the process can be somewhat delayed.
  3. Beat the eggs into the dough, salt. Fill with oil. Stir well.
  4. Boil the rest of the milk. Whisking quickly, pour the batter into the batter to thicken.
  5. Cover with a towel, pause for 20-30 minutes.
  6. Heat water, pour into a bowl. Pour not all at once, adjusting the required density of the mass. For thin cakes, you need a not too thick mass, so pour out the water completely.
  7. Heat the pan, bake pancakes. The first time the bottom of the pan should be greased with oil. You can bake further without it.

Attention! There are several ways to make pancakes with hot milk. Recipes can be found on another page of the site.

Lush thick yeast pancakes with sour milk

Sour milk is a good base for pancake dough. Being a natural baking powder, together with yeast, they will make the cakes airy and fluffy.

You will need:

  • Flour - 6 large spoons (heaped)
  • Sour milk - 250 ml.
  • Vegetable oil, salt.
  • Dry yeast - a small spoon.
  • Eggs are a couple.
  • Sugar - a tablespoon.

How to bake pancakes:

  1. Combine sugar, yeast, flour, salt in a bowl. Stir dry ingredients.
  2. Start slowly adding milk while whisking the mass with a whisk (mixer).
  3. The dough will be quite thick, like for pancakes. Make sure the lumps are completely broken.
  4. Place bowl on heat. When the yeast does its job, the dough will bubble and increase in volume.
  5. Bake tortillas in the usual way, fold in a pile, flavoring each butter.

How to cook fluffy pancakes with milk and yeast

They say that the recipe belongs to the family of Count Shuvalov, hence their name - Shuvalov's. It is known that the descendants of the count, having moved to America, shared the secrets of baking noble pancakes with friends, who appreciated the taste, aroma, airiness of pancakes.

  • Flour - 384 gr.
  • Milk - 475 ml.
  • Egg yolks - 4 pcs.
  • Egg white - one.
  • Water - 240 ml.
  • Butter - 42 gr.
  • Quick yeast - 5-6 gr. (original recipes pressed yeast 16 gr.).
  • Soda - 0.75 gr.
  • Salt - 2 gr.
  • Sugar - 25 gr.
  • Vegetable oil for lubrication.

Tip: try to keep the number of components accurate. Of course, it will not work out to a gram, but stick to at least approximately.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Heat the water to 35 ° C, dilute the yeast in it. Wait 5-10 minutes. If foam appears, then the baking powder has worked.
  2. Soften the butter.
  3. Sprinkle the yolks with sugar, grind until white and fluffy.
  4. Add flour, buttermilk and butter to eggs in a bowl. Salt.
  5. Knead the dough, leave for 20 minutes in a warm place, covered with a towel.
  6. After the specified time, add soda to the dough. Stir the thick mass.
  7. Boil the milk, pour in a stream into the dough mass, while actively mixing the contents. The dough will be brewed, which will give the cakes additional airiness and elasticity.
  8. It remains to beat the protein, introduce it into the mass. Once again, conscientiously stir the dough and proceed to baking.
  9. Bake tortillas until nicely browned. Ready pancakes brush with oil and stack.

Video recipe for making pancakes with milk

A video with a detailed story about all the steps of preparation delicious cakes. If you do not feel confident, repeat the actions of the author. Happy baking!

If you want to cook delicious and appetizing dish without spending too much time, there is a great solution - to cook pancakes. Today, modern housewives invent more and more new recipes, but in this situation, the taste of the dish depends on the dough. Someone prepares them based on fresh milk, some on sour or diluted with water, some use yeast or discard it to save time. Depending on the ingredients used and the method of preparation, you can get thin or thick, smooth or openwork products, just like in the photo below.

Over time, each housewife develops her own recipes with secrets and features, thanks to which the products are lush and tender. V this case all comes with experience. We offer recipes for pancakes in milk that will make life tastier and more fun.

Recipe for simple pancakes with yeast

It is yeast pancakes that are called real or right pancakes. The recipe for their preparation includes the following products:

  • 500 milliliters of milk
  • 15 - 20 g of pressed yeast or 0.5 pack. dry
  • 2 tbsp. flour
  • 2 fresh eggs
  • 2 table. l. granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 3 - 4 table. l. oils (vegetable or butter)

Like any yeast dough, they are prepared on a dough, for the preparation of which dry yeast is combined with warm milk, half a serving of sugar and flour. In the case of fresh yeast, they must be mixed in advance with milk and sugar and allowed to rise slightly. Mix all the ingredients of the dough thoroughly and leave it warm for 30-40 minutes.

To obtain tasty dish, the dough needs to be flavored after it rises well. That is, you need to add eggs, salt, the remaining sugar and pour in the oil, then mix everything until uniform consistency. It is better to do this with a mixer, which will allow you to break up all the small lumps. That's done batter for yeast pancakes.

Grease a hot frying pan for the first pancake with fat, for all subsequent ones - use grease as needed. Pour the dough into the pan with a ladle, tilting it in different directions to form a pancake.

A good hostess will always try the first pancake and add milk, flour or salt as needed to get the desired taste.

Yeast thick pancakes

Thick porous pancakes will take a long time to cook, but their taste is worth the time and effort.


  • 3 stack. warm water
  • 7 stack milk
  • 7 stack flour
  • 3 eggs
  • ¾ pack. pressed yeast or 1.5 pack. dry
  • 1 ½ tsp salt
  • 6 table. l. Sahara
  • 4 - 5 table. l. vegetable oil

The preparation of such pancakes begins with dough. To do this, dissolve the yeast in warm water, where add about 3 cups of flour and knead well. Place the dough covered with a towel in heat for 1.5 - 2 hours. During this period, the volume of the dough should double. Add beaten eggs, salt with sugar, butter, remaining flour to the prepared dough and carefully knead the thick dough. Put it back in a warm place for half an hour, and in the meantime boil the milk and cool it a little. Add hot milk to the dough in small portions, stirring it continuously. The dough will be ready when it acquires the consistency of sour cream and it is not scary if some of the milk remains unused.

You can now bake thick pancakes. This should be done in a well-heated pan, which is greased with half a potato with oil. Finished goods it is better to put them in a saucepan and cover with a lid so that they do not have time to cool too much.

You can eat them with whatever your heart desires: with sour cream, condensed milk, jam, herring or red caviar, as in the photo.

  • 2.5 - 3 stack. milk
  • 1.5 - 2 stack. flour
  • 25 g pressed yeast
  • 1 table. l. Sahara
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 2 fresh eggs
  • 1 table. l. vegetable oil
  • 100 g butter, melted and slightly chilled

Stir the yeast mashed with sugar with milk with a pinch of salt. Pour less than a glass of flour there and mix until the lumps disappear. Cover the bowl with the resulting sparse dough with a towel and place in a warm water bath. After about half an hour, the dough will rise, after which we add the yolks, butter and sifted flour. Just for thin openwork pancakes you need oxygen-enriched flour, for which it needs to be sifted through a sieve. Again we put the dough in heat and wait for the second time to come up. Then add the whites whipped into a strong foam and last time Let the dough rest for 10-15 minutes. If a lot of bubbles appeared in the dough, the yeast has performed its functions perfectly and thin pancakes will turn out the same openwork as in the photo.

It is better to bake pancakes in a pan with a thick bottom, which is greased with a piece of pork fat or vegetable oil. They bake very quickly, you just need to have time to turn over and remove. Carefully remove the finished pancake from the pan with a thin spatula and grease with butter.

Pancakes with sour milk

An excellent solution to use sour milk is to simply bake tender and air pancakes on the sour milk. For this you will need:

  • sour milk - 1 stack.
  • dry yeast - 1 tsp
  • hot water - 2/3 tbsp.
  • wheat flour - 1.25 tbsp.
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • sugar - 2 table. l.
  • a pinch of salt
  • vegetable oil - 2 table. l.

In a bowl, mix 0.5 tbsp. sifted flour, sugar, yeast and salt. Then pour in the warmed sour milk and, stirring well, leave under a towel for 30 minutes. After this time, add the eggs beaten with a whisk, the remaining flour and pour in a thin stream hot water without stopping stirring the dough. Cover again with a towel and leave for 20 minutes. Immediately before frying pancakes in sour milk, add vegetable oil.

Pancakes need to be fried in a hot frying pan, greased with oil until golden brown on both sides. You can serve them on the table already in this form, or you can smear them custard or condensed milk and then you get such beauty.

Pancakes without yeast

If you need to quickly bake pancakes and there is no time for yeast dough, without yeast pancakes- what is needed in this situation


  • 3 stack. milk
  • 2 stack flour
  • 4 chicken eggs
  • 3 table. l. vegetable oil
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 table. l. Sahara

Mix the sifted flour with milk, sugar and salt. The consistency of the dough depends on the desire of the hostess: for thinner products and milk, you need a little more than 2.5 cups for a test of the consistency of liquid sour cream. In a separate clean bowl, beat the chilled eggs into a strong foam and combine with the dough. You can also fry yeast-free pancakes in a Teflon pan, it is not necessary to use a cast iron pan. Once the edges of the pancake are golden, flip to the other side with a spatula. If desired, you can put cinnamon, vanilla or pureed fruit in the dough.

Cooking pancakes does not always take a lot of time, sometimes it takes only half an hour. You can serve this dish with a variety of sauces or just with sour cream, as you like. Everyone can find recipes to their liking, the main thing is not to be afraid to experiment! We also recommend reading:.

Who doesn't love delicious food? And if it's a matter of home cooking... Take at least pancakes. Yeast, in milk, with a lace pattern. Fragrant, delicate, delicate. They can be eaten just like that, and with various fillings. Options - a lot! Easy Recipe yeast pancakes (and not one!) We will write in this article. And for starters, let's find out when the first pancakes appeared in Russia.

An indispensable attribute of Maslenitsa

Pancakes - this is primordially, which, before the advent of Christianity, was considered nothing more than sacrificial bread. They became the main dish of Maslenitsa in the 19th century - it was believed that their round shape symbolizes the Sun, which means life itself.

The recipe for yeast pancakes has been changed and supplemented over the course of several centuries. Over time this Russian dish loved by the peoples different countries. For example, in England they prefer very sweet and low-fat pancakes, while the French love thin yeast pancakes with milk, but the Germans add cognac and other alcoholic drinks to the dough.

Now every housewife has her own recipe, special, branded. Bake delicious pancakes- a whole art! To master it to the fullest, so that not a single pancake turns out to be lumpy, our recipes will help.

Delicious like grandma's!

The most delicious pancakes - yeast on milk. The beauty is that they are exactly what our grandmothers baked, which means they come from childhood. To prepare thin yeast pancakes, we need:

  • Flour - 3 cups.
  • Dry yeast - 1 sachet.
  • Milk - 1 liter.
  • Eggs - 2 pieces.
  • Sour cream 20% - 3 tablespoons.
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons.
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon.

Note: 1 bag of dry yeast can be replaced with 30 grams of fresh yeast, and in the absence of sour cream, 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil will do.

Opara - pancakes head!

Let's start kneading the dough. First of all, you need to prepare the dough. To do this, in a clean container, combine dry yeast with flour and mix well. Then add warm milk and mix again. If instead of dry yeast - fresh, then first they need to be dissolved in warm milk, and only then add flour. Then we cover our dough with a towel and put in a warm place for 1 hour. To cook delicious pancakes (yeast, with milk), you should not fuss, make noise and rush. Yeast dough doesn't like it!

While the dough is rising, we proceed to the second stage of preparing the dough. The first step is to whip the foam - this can be done with a mixer, or with a fork or whisk. Then add sour cream (or butter), salt and sugar and beat well again until smooth. We combine this mixture with dough, mix gently and put in heat for another 30 minutes.

Our dough is suitable, in the meantime, various fillings can be prepared. For example, such pancakes (yeast, in milk) go very well with salted fish, with red caviar, with cottage cheese and herbs, with fried champignons and meat, and also good just with jam or condensed milk.

Ready for baking!

When it has reached the desired condition, put a frying pan on the fire (it is advisable to choose a cast-iron or non-stick pan, otherwise the pancakes will stick). Lubricate the heated pan with vegetable oil, bake our openwork yeast pancakes on both sides and put them in a pile on a plate. At the same time, it is desirable to lubricate each with butter so that they do not stick together. That's all wisdom!

Union of yeast and milk

Despite the wonderful "grandmother's recipe" posted above, we suggest trying another one. After all, there are never too many delicious pancakes! The second recipe for yeast pancakes in milk is a little more complicated than the previous one, but it is quite possible that it will become your signature one. So the required ingredients are:

  • Boiled water - 1 glass.
  • Refined - 3 tablespoons.
  • Milk - 2 cups.
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons.
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pieces.
  • Fresh yeast - 20 grams.
  • Butter - 10 grams.
  • Wheat flour of the highest grade - 500 grams.
  • Salt is on the tip of a knife.

Like the previous one, this recipe for yeast pancakes with milk includes making a dough. It's what makes them so soft and delicious. To prepare it, you need to thoroughly dissolve the yeast in very warm water. Then sift 250 grams of flour into a clean bowl, mix it with 1 tablespoon of sugar and carefully pour in the yeast. Mix everything until smooth, cover with a towel and put in heat for 45 minutes. When ready, the dough will increase in volume by 2-3 times.


When this happens, add 2 yolks, 1 tablespoon of sugar, a pinch of salt, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and the rest of the sifted flour to it. Knead the dough well with your hands until it becomes smooth, and leave it warm for another 45 minutes.

When the dough rises, we begin to gradually, 2-3 tablespoons, add warm milk to it. In this case, the dough must be constantly kneaded to avoid the appearance of lumps. When the dough resembles sour cream in consistency, add 1 whipped protein to it and mix well again. The dough is ready for baking openwork pancakes! Ready-made pancakes can be served with jam, sour cream or yogurt, as well as with various fillings. As you can see, the recipe for thin yeast pancakes is quite difficult, but in the end everyone will probably ask for more!

Kefir rivers

It happens that time is running out, but you want pancakes. If there is no time to make yeast, it is tasty, simple, and most importantly, fast. Shall we start? We will need the following ingredients:

  • Kefir with a fat content of at least 2.5% - 1 liter.
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons.
  • Eggs - 2 pieces.
  • Salt - 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons.
  • Flour - on the eye.
  • Soda - 1 teaspoon.
  • Boiling water - 1 glass.

First of all, mix kefir, sugar, salt and eggs in a saucepan. For convenience and save time, you can use a mixer. When the sugar dissolves, without stopping stirring, gradually add the flour. When the dough reaches the consistency of thick sour cream, pour in vegetable oil. We mix. Then pour boiling water into a cup, dissolve soda in it, immediately pour this solution into the dough and mix well again. After that, our dough is ready to turn into porous and delicious pancakes!

Variations on the Theme of Flour

Did you know that for pancake dough it is not at all necessary to use only wheat flour? You can experiment with corn, buckwheat and oat flour- it will bring beauty flavor variety in our usual dish.

For instance, corn pancakes are unusually thin and are perfect for wrapping various savory fillings in them, for example, salted salmon or garlic cheese.

In order to cook corn pancakes, we need:

  • Wheat flour - 100 grams.
  • Cornmeal - 100 grams.
  • Milk - 200 milliliters.
  • Sugar - 30 grams.
  • Eggs - 3 pieces.
  • Boiling water - 400 milliliters.
  • Vegetable oil - 60 milliliters.
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon.
  • Turmeric - 1 teaspoon.

To begin with, carefully sift into the prepared container cornmeal and begin to gradually introduce boiling water. Thus, the dough is brewed. Mix everything thoroughly to avoid the appearance of lumps. Then add vegetable oil.

After that, sift the wheat flour into a separate bowl and mix it with turmeric. Combine with corn dough.

Separate the yolks from the proteins and add to the dough. After that, add milk, stir thoroughly again and remove in the cold for 1 hour. Immediately before frying, add egg whites whipped with sugar to the dough. That's all! Ready-made pancakes turn out bright yellow, like the sun!

Sweet life

And finally, we want to tell you a recipe for very unusual, original pancakes that will be appreciated by the sweet tooth, especially the kids. Who doesn't love chocolate? Everyone loves him! Therefore, we are sure that chocolate pancakes with caramel sauce will take their rightful place in the list of your favorite dishes. So, we need such products:

  • Water - 300 milliliters.
  • Milk - 700 milliliters.
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons.
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon.
  • Eggs - 3 pieces.
  • Flour - 2 cups.
  • Cocoa - 1.5 tablespoons.
  • Chocolate - 50 grams.

First of all, pour 100 ml of milk into a cup, mix the rest with water in a saucepan and heat to room temperature. Then, in a clean container, beat the eggs with salt and sugar and combine them with milk and water. Mix well, add flour and beat everything with a mixer until smooth.

Next, break the chocolate into pieces and melt in 100 ml of warm milk. Pour cocoa into the resulting mass and mix well. Then chocolate mixture combine with pancake dough and beat thoroughly with a mixer. We leave the dough for 20 minutes. After this time, we start frying pancakes.

Let's start cooking For it, we need:

  • Water - 1/4 cup.
  • Butter - 10 grams.
  • Sugar - 1 glass.
  • Cream with a fat content of at least 20% - 100 grams.

Place a non-stick frying pan on the fire and melt the butter in it. Then pour sugar into it in an even layer and, stirring constantly, begin to slowly melt it. When it turns a warm amber color, remove the pan from the heat. When the melted sugar stops boiling, pour in water and put on fire again. We wait until the sugar dissolves again, add the cream, stir, bring to a boil and remove the pan from the heat. Our caramel sauce ready!

I love to cook yeast pancakes with milk. Having tried different recipes, I calculated correct proportions all the ingredients for perfect openwork pancakes. They turn out lush and tender, porous, with many small holes. I especially like to combine them with all sorts of savory fillings.

Today it is boiled chicken fillet with fried onions and eggs. The fillings can be different: meat, mushrooms, vegetables, cottage cheese with herbs, hard cheese with olives. Choose your favorite and let's start cooking soon!


  • pasteurized milk - 750 ml;
  • wheat flour - 330 g;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • butter - 25 g;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp;
  • fine salt - a pinch;
  • high-speed dry yeast - 1.5 tsp;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l. for frying.

How to cook yeast pancakes in milk:

Let's make a brew first. In a deep, dry bowl, mix sugar and fast-acting fresh yeast.

Heat up 100 ml of milk and pour into the mixture. Stir vigorously with a whisk to dissolve the dry ingredients. Leave it for 10 minutes for the yeast to start working.

At this time, heat the remaining pasteurized milk. Add salt to it and mix.

Beat the chicken egg a little so that the yolk mixes with the yolk. Pour the beaten egg into warm milk.

Melt the butter over low heat (you can microwave oven). Pour it into the milk-egg mixture.

Now add the dough, as required by the recipe for yeast pancakes in milk. Stir thoroughly until the mixture is smooth.

Let's add flour last. To make the dough without lumps, sift it through a sieve.

After adding all the flour, mix the dough with a mixer at minimum speed. So the mixture will turn out more tender and homogeneous.

Then cover the dough with a dry towel and leave it for 2 hours. Every 40 minutes we will mix the dough with a whisk, kneading it. The dough according to the recipe is a little thicker than usual.

Now let's move on to how to bake yeast pancakes in milk. To do this, thoroughly heat the pan, preferably cast iron or non-stick. Apply a brush to the surface a small amount refined oil. Usually, odorless sunflower is used for frying.

Having scooped up the dough with a ladle, pour it into a hot oiled pan. Rotating it in a circular motion, evenly distribute the dough over the surface.

A lot of small bubbles form on the pancake. After frying it on one side, turn it over with a spatula to the other.

We will lay out the finished products in a pile, lubricating with ghee if desired.

It is difficult to come up with something simpler and more satisfying than pancakes. It is not surprising that every housewife has at least ten recipes for all kinds of pancakes: pancakes with milk, dry yeast, yogurt. They even bake on sour cream, slightly stirring with water or milk! And other hostesses do not like experiments! They keep only one recipe in their head and use only it. To be honest, I always did this too, until the Internet came along. In case of thin pancakes (if you need it faster), I baked them with this one. If the family asks for thick and puffy pancakes, she baked with yeast. So a stereotype has developed: yeast ones are necessarily thick (we call them “pancakes”), and with milk they are thin (in our family they are called exclusively “pancakes”).

Imagine my surprise and delight when I discovered thin yeast pancakes with holes. Look at the photo, how transparent and elegant they are, you won’t turn your tongue to call them the weighty word “pancakes”, these are the real pancakes. But at the same time pleasant taste yeast pancakes are felt and they are more satisfying than the usual yeast-free pancakes.

Recipe for thin pancakes with dry yeast

  • Milk - 500 g.
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Melted butter - 30 g.
  • Sugar sand - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Dry yeast -1 teaspoon
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Wheat flour - 250-300 g.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons

How to cook delicious pancakes with holes

We heat half a glass of milk to t 37-38 degrees. We will add yeast to this milk, so it should not be very hot so as not to kill living organisms. But even cold milk will not be able to activate the yeast, so it must be heated to a pleasantly hot (but not scalding!) temperature.

Add 1 teaspoon of dry yeast to milk.

We also send to the dough for yeast pancakes 1 tbsp. a spoonful of granulated sugar. Stir and put in a warm place without drafts. In order for the dough to rise with a foamy cap and the yeast to work, we need 10-15 minutes.

In the meantime, in a large bowl, in which we will knead the dough for yeast pancakes, we break two chicken eggs.

Add to eggs 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar and one teaspoon of salt.

Stir the mixture with a whisk and pour in the melted butter (30 g). To prevent the yolks from curdling, the butter must be cooled to room temperature.

During this time, the dough has already come up. Add it to the main dough. If you see that the dough has not changed its state, that is, it has grown very poorly in size or did not fit at all, there may be two reasons: the yeast is of poor quality or expired, or it is very cold in the place where the dough was. It is necessary to rearrange it in a warm place or increase the rise time. Don’t add a poorly approached dough to the dough!

Add the remaining milk to the dough, which should be heated to a warm state. We begin to sift the flour in parts, constantly stirring and controlling the density of the dough. It takes me 250-300 grams of flour for this amount of products, but I always add no more than 1 cup at a time, so as not to overdo it with flour. I added one glass - stirred, looked at the density. If not enough, add more flour.

stir pancake dough wooden spatula or spoon. Yes you will see a large number of lumps, but it's not scary. When the dough is infused and reaches the consistency we need, the lumps will disperse, the dough will become lush and tender.

Now you need to cover the dough with a clean towel and leave in a warm place for 1-1.5 hours. Let the yeast show its strength, make the dough fluffy, tender, so that the pancakes turn out to be openwork, with holes.

This is how thick the dough is (you see in the photo). Now another one secret ingredient: 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil. Pour into the batter and stir with a ladle before baking.

I bake pancakes in a hot pan for 1-2 minutes on each side. Before the very first pancake, I grease the pan with vegetable oil with a brush, lubrication is not required for subsequent pancakes, but be guided by your pan, you may have to grease it at least once. Due to the oil content in the dough, pancakes according to this recipe are perfectly removed from the pan, and even the first pancake is “not lumpy”!

Another important point for a successful first pancake: the pan must be heated very well! But after the first pancake, the fire can be reduced to medium and all the rest baked on a lower heat. Modern cast pans warm up so well and keep the heat just fine, there is no point in heating them too much, since even thin pancakes may not have time to bake inside, and dark brown spots on top.

I remember that my grandmother always greased pancake pans with a piece of lard (of course, unsalted), stabbed on a fork. Worked out evenly and well. Some, I know, grease half a potato: dip it in oil - and then with a fork with this butter potato they quickly “walk” along the bottom of the pan. In general, you can lubricate in different ways, the most important thing is that the pancakes are well removed and do not spoil your mood.

When baking pancakes, do not leave the stove for a long time, they do not like it! Hesitate - and get a "negro".

I flip the pancakes with a thin, sharp spatula. The main thing here is not to yawn! Do it on time. Thin edges began to wrap - pry them up and turn them over. It is often more convenient for me to grab these edges with my hands in order to turn the pancake over properly.

Look at the structure of pancakes: they are the thinnest, with a small hole.

As soon as the first removed pancake settles on the dish, grease it with butter. It is not necessary to melt it - once on a hot surface, the oil itself will begin to melt. If you love sweets very much, you can immediately sprinkle with granulated sugar so that it immediately melts. So we bake: one after the other, one on top of the other, until the whole stack grows. The main thing here is to be patient so as not to gobble up this yummy on the go, “piping hot”!

Bon Appetit!

If you like video recipes, I invite you to watch a video on my channel on how to cook thin pancakes with milk:

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