How to make homemade cottage cheese from sour milk. Homemade curd from sour milk (heated)

1. Cottage cheese can be made in two ways: with and without heat. This is a matter of taste and convenience. However, cottage cheese without heating is a little more tender.

2. If you make cottage cheese from milk, take a rustic one. Especially if according to the recipe it should turn sour. But you can use store-bought milk of any fat content. The fatter it is, the fatter the curd will be.

3. Kefir can also be taken in any fat content. can only be used if you heat it up.

4. Quantity and taste of cottage cheese depend on quality original product. So when buying milk or kefir, you should not skimp.

5. You can cook cottage cheese both in a saucepan and in a water bath. Again, this is a matter of convenience. You will find a description of the cooking process in a water bath in the recipe for kefir cottage cheese.

6. It is better to heat dairy products in a heavy-bottomed aluminum or stainless steel pan. Enamelware not suitable: everything in it can burn.

7. Cottage cheese spread on a colander covered with several layers of gauze. Place a saucepan or some other container under the colander so that the whey flows there.

8. If you leave the cottage cheese in a colander for a couple of hours or even less, then it will turn out wet.

9. To make cottage cheese dry and crumbly, you need to tie the ends of the gauze and hang the knot over the sink or pan for several hours or even all night. The time depends on your preference: the longer the whey drains, the drier the curd will be.

10. And in order for the cottage cheese to keep its shape, you can put it under oppression.

11. Homemade cottage cheese is not stored in the refrigerator. more than four days.

This traditional way curd preparation.


  • 2 liters of milk.


Leave the milk in a warm place for 1-3 days. Don't mix it up. The time depends on the temperature in the room: the warmer, the faster the milk will sour. To speed up the process, you can add 2 tablespoons of sour cream or a piece of black to the milk.

Milk should not go sour in the refrigerator. There it will acquire bad smell and may start to rage. If you notice that the milk in the refrigerator is starting to turn sour, it's best to take it out so that it sours in the right conditions.

Sour milk will look like soft thick jelly, and serum will begin to appear around it. Pour the milk into a saucepan and place over low heat.

Boil, stirring occasionally. Do not overheat the milk, it should be slightly warm. After 10-15 minutes from the start of cooking, curd clots will begin to form in the pan. Remove the pan from the heat and let stand for the same amount of time. Then put the cottage cheese in a colander and let it drain.

2. Homemade cottage cheese from milk without heating

Ready cottage cheese will be more tender than in the first case.


  • 2 liters of milk.

From the indicated amount, about 400 g of cottage cheese will be obtained.


Let the milk sour, as in the first method. Do not heat the thickened mass, but immediately fold it onto gauze.

Thanks to lemon juice milk will sour much faster.


  • 2 liters of milk;
  • 1 lemon.

From the specified amount, about 350 g of cottage cheese will be obtained.


Pour milk into a saucepan. If you are using country milk, then bring it to a boil and reduce the heat. If the milk is already pasteurized, then just warm it up, but do not boil it.


  • 1 liter of kefir.


You will need two pots of different sizes. One of them should fit freely into the other. Fill large saucepan half with water. Bring water to a boil over high heat.

Pour kefir into another saucepan. After boiling, put a small saucepan in a large one and heat the kefir over low heat.

Kefir should break up into curd and whey. When this happens, remove the pan from the heat and let it sit for 10 minutes. Transfer the cottage cheese to a colander and let the whey drain.

And from frozen kefir you will get the most delicate airy curd, reminiscent of cream cheese. It can be mixed with herbs, salted and used for cooking.


  • 1 liter of kefir.

From the indicated amount, about 200 g of cottage cheese will be obtained.


It is best to take kefir in a bag: the bottle can crack when frozen, and it will be difficult to extract the petrified kefir from it. If only bottled kefir is at hand, simply pour it into a plastic bag and tie it very tightly.

Place the bag in the freezer overnight. Kefir should become like a piece of ice. If after 10-12 hours kefir does not become hard as a stone, then it is of poor quality. From such a product, liquid cottage cheese will be obtained, resembling rather sour cream.

Carefully cut open the bag, put the contents in a colander and wrap in cheesecloth.

Leave kefir at room temperature until completely defrosted.

By 06.10.2015

How often do we buy milk with sourness in the store. Either the expiration date has expired, or it was stored incorrectly, but it is no longer possible to drink it, at the risk of getting an upset stomach. Do not rush to pour the spent money down the drain. Nothing bad has happened to the milk yet, the fermentation process has just started. For human body only the first and last stages of fermentation are digestible dairy product: when it, fermentation, is not yet and when it has just ended.

We have purchased milk that is already on its way from the first to the last stage. Therefore, it is no longer possible to drink it, but this milk, pasteurized somewhere at the factory, and then forgotten on the counter or in the refrigerator, can turn out to be an excellent healthy natural product.


  • Milk
  • Liter glass jar
  • Deep saucepan - with higher sides liter jar
  • Colander
  • Plate
  • A bowl
  • Gauze

Step by step cooking process at home

  1. Pour the sour milk into a liter glass jar, cover with a napkin and leave in a warm dark place until completely sour. You should get a full-fledged yogurt. If the jar is not shaken, then in a day the milk flakes will rise up, as in the photo. To speed up the souring, you can put a crust of black bread, a spoonful of sour cream or kefir in a jar.
  2. Prepare a deep saucepan. Place a linen towel or napkin on its bottom. If this is not done and the jar is placed immediately on the bottom of the pan, the glass may crack from the heat.
  3. Place the jar on a towel and then carefully pour into the saucepan cold water to the shoulders of the can. If you put a jar in already poured water, it is difficult to calculate the correct amount of liquid. DO NOT MIX the contents of the jar. It's okay if the edge of the water doesn't line up with the edge of the liquid in the jar. 2-3 cm will not greatly adjust the heat balance.
  4. Cover the jar with a plate. Choose its diameter so that the pan is as closed as possible. Heat the water to a boil. Reduce heat and leave on stove for 5-10 minutes. During this time, the protein in the jar will curl up enough. The density of the future cottage cheese depends on the duration of the heat treatment.
  5. If you bring steam bath to a boil and immediately turn off, the curd will be tender and soft. If you leave the jar in boiling water for 10 minutes, you will get fine-grained dry curd as a result.

  6. Remove jar from pot and let cool. Don't break the coagulated clumps in the jar.
  7. Place a colander over a bowl and line it with a double layer of clean cheesecloth.
  8. Drain the contents of the jar into a colander. Cottage cheese should not spread in a shapeless mass, but lie in a colander in whole lumps.
  9. Form a knot, gather the ends of the gauze together, fasten them and hang them somewhere so that excess liquid is glassed from the curd. I tie the gauze with a rubber band, and on it I hang the bag on the tap over the kitchen sink in the evening. I take it out in the morning and serve it for breakfast.
  10. The whey left in the bowl contains so much useful, nutritious and tasty that its fate can be very diverse.
  11. Someone wipes her skin in the face and décolleté area, thereby prolonging their youth externally, someone cooks delicious dishes(pancakes, okroshka, pies, etc.), and someone just drinks this yummy, with pancakes, rejuvenating from the inside.
  12. That's how much cottage cheese is obtained from a liter sour milk. Approximately 150 grams.
  13. Recipe to load

    V Soviet times, when everything, including butter, was on coupons, our parents whipped it from liquid (almost kefir) sour cream. If 1 liter of sour cream is driven for 1.5 hours three-liter jar, you get exactly 200 g of butter and a white liquid - reverse. Oil washed cold water, and put back on water bath, as we just now sour milk, and received from it low-fat cottage cheese. On the translucent whey left from the curd, they started pancake dough. Pancakes smeared with freshly whipped butter and wrapped in them freshly squeezed cottage cheese. Waste-free technology used by our mothers to simply feed their families can now be used to feed natural products, not their surrogates.

This recipe is not so much a dish as a way to prepare an ingredient for later consumption. Most often it is bought in stores, but there is a way to make it from sour milk. Every housewife can make something like this, because the recipe is quite easy, and one might even say, very banal. The most important thing is to have sour milk on hand, and cook from it delicious product it will be very easy. Many housewives call such curd from sour milk more useful than purchased, because the cooking process is controlled by them, and all the ingredients are of high quality and are present in the right amount. But very often, in order to make homemade fermented milk product, there is no time or energy, so you have to buy ready-made. One way or another, in the arsenal of any housewife there should be a recipe for how to make cottage cheese from sour milk, in order to show off culinary skills on occasion, not only in cooking fine dining, but also such dairy products.

Our cooking method does not contain a large number of ingredients. All you need is sour milk for this. It should be noted that if you are making cottage cheese for the first time, then you do not need to take more than a liter. Without stuffing your hand, you may remain dissatisfied with the result and only regret the money spent on it. in large numbers product. Therefore, to begin with, you can prepare about 700 ml of milk “for a test”, and if you like the result, then in the future you will already think about how to make cottage cheese from sour milk in large quantities.

Now we tell the process of creating this culinary masterpiece

For cooking, you need to use only well-sour milk. To do this, you can leave it for several days without putting it in the refrigerator. Around the second day, you will get a thick mass like kefir. Most housewives call her "sour". It is with him that we will work, and talk about how to make cottage cheese from sour milk.

So, the resulting "sour" is poured into a saucepan, trying not to mix. We bet on slow fire and wait for the whey to separate. As soon as we feel that the mass has warmed up, turn off the gas and remove the pan. In no case should it be brought to a boil, because then instead of cottage cheese you will get a rubber mixture, which will be very problematic to use.

As soon as the “sour” has cooled down a bit, put a piece of gauze folded several times on a colander and pour out the contents of the pan. After that, it is necessary to tie gauze, leaving the resulting curd in it so that all the liquid is glassed. The process takes a couple of hours.

Remove the finished cottage cheese from gauze and transfer to a storage container. Whey can be used as an ingredient in pancakes, fritters or buns, or simply drunk. It tastes like liquid kefir and will also be very useful for the body due to the content of useful vitamins.

Now you know the recipe for how to make cottage cheese from sour milk. It turns out very satisfying, and most importantly - useful.

It happens like this - a liter or two of milk stagnates in the refrigerator and turns sour. It's a pity! What would be so useful to create from it? Fritters or pancakes? For 2 liters of milk - you are tormented by the stove to stand. Let's make cottage cheese!

In general, cottage cheese from milk can be made in two ways. According to the first, fresh, calcined cottage cheese is obtained - one has only to drop a couple of drops of the Calcium-Chlorine preparation into the heated milk. But it uses fresh milk. Since our milk is already sour, we will use the second method, similar to the one used in the villages to prepare cottage cheese and some types of homemade cheese.

How to make cottage cheese from sour milk at home. Instructions for the hostess

The recipe for making cottage cheese is extremely simple. We will need:

  • 2 liters of sour milk;
  • two pans of the same shape - one for 3 liters, and the other, larger, in which the first pan fits freely.
  • And also - a colander lined with gauze.
  1. Pour milk into a smaller saucepan.
  2. Pour a little water into a large saucepan, and put a saucepan with sour milk into it - we get a water bath.
  3. We put the structure on medium heat and heat it up.
  4. When the water boils between the walls of the pots, watch carefully: the milk will curdle, separating into curd flakes and whey. Do not let curdled milk boil - overboiled cottage cheese turns out to be rough and dry. As soon as you see that a clear, greenish serum has separated, immediately remove the smaller pan from the bath and set aside.
  5. Place a colander lined with gauze in a bowl or saucepan, carefully pour the contents of a small saucepan removed from the heat into it.

Now the colander must be placed so that all the excess glass liquid and cottage cheese remain dry. Voila! From two liters of milk you get from 300 to 400 g of cottage cheese. You can transfer it to a plate and use it as directed.

How to make cottage cheese from sour milk in a slow cooker

A slow cooker makes life easier in many cases, but in this recipe it simply saves, offering an excellent opportunity to do without a bulky water bath. Especially when the unit was chosen with the expectation of a large family and has a bowl volume of more than four liters.

We pour our sour milk into a slow cooker, set the “heating” mode and forget about it for about an hour. After an hour, we will select the cottage cheese with a slotted spoon on gauze in a colander. You can tie the ends of the gauze in knots and hang it for a couple of hours - the result will be a rather dense curd "ball" that can be cut into pieces.

Detailed instructions - on the video

How to make cottage cheese from sour milk in the microwave

This is perhaps the easiest and fastest way to get homemade cottage cheese - just for those who are sorely lacking time.

  1. We take two liters of sour milk.
  2. Pour the milk into a special container with a lid.
  3. We set the program: 15 minutes and 750 watts.
  4. We are waiting for a call.

That's the whole way. Let the curd and whey cool and separate them with a colander and cheesecloth.

To make cottage cheese from sour milk, it is not necessary to wait until the milk turns sour on its own. You can “help” him: boil, cool to a temperature pleasant to the touch, add and stir a tablespoon of “live” natural milk yogurt or kefir. Cover the bowl with milk with a lid, put in heat as they set to approach yeast dough. After about 7–8 hours, the milk will successfully turn sour, that is, it will become yogurt or kefir, depending on what it was fermented with.

If the milk is fat enough, cream will collect on top of it - you can use it as sour cream. However, cream from two liters of milk will be no more than two tablespoons.

The longer the milk sours, the more acidic the product will be at the exit.

unnecessarily sour taste milk (and, accordingly, cottage cheese) can be partially corrected: it is enough to pour a glass before heating fresh milk and stir. With the addition of some fresh milk, cottage cheese can turn out to be slightly "rubber", similar to homemade cheese.

Now cottage cheese can be purchased at any grocery store. But, if you have ever tried a real cottage cheese, then you are unlikely to want to eat purchased.

Many people think that it is very difficult to cook cottage cheese on their own, but in fact the process is not difficult if you follow some rules. In this article, we will analyze how you can make cottage cheese from sour milk yourself.

How to make cottage cheese from sour milk

For the history of development culinary arts opened a lot different ways cooking cottage cheese at home. V classic version cottage cheese is prepared like this:

  1. sour homemade milk leave in a dark, warm place for the whole day. The container should be leaky, that is, just cover it loosely with a lid or cover with gauze.
  2. For 24 hours of such languor, milk should be transformed into yogurt. The milk mass should release air bubbles, and the yogurt should have a fairly thick consistency, a bit like jelly.
  3. Pour the curdled milk into a saucepan and put on the smallest fire.
  4. Boil for 12 minutes, stirring occasionally. Let cool.
  5. After cooling, the product will separate into 2 masses: curd and whey. They need to be separated from each other. To do this, take a colander, line with gauze and strain.
  6. The curd remains on the gauze. Tie it in a bag and hang it so that the serum is completely glass.
  7. The curd is ready!

It is interesting! Serum may or may not be poured out. She is considered useful dietary product, a rich source of calcium. From it you can make whey drinks, brynza brine, kvass, barbecue marinade, okroshka dressing, or use it as a base for kneading dough for pancakes.

Unusual ways of making cottage cheese

If sour milk has turned into kefir, you can also make cottage cheese from it using a thermo or cryo recipe. In spite of unusual names the procedures are very simple.

1. Thermo method

Kefir, obtained from sour milk, pour into a glass or enamel container, leave for several hours in a warm place. Whey needs to be separated from the milk protein.

After that, boil the kefir composition in a water bath for 8 minutes. Turn off the fire, after cooling, throw the brew on a sieve. Separated curd lumps are thermo curd.

2. Cryo method

The recipe is the simplest, here, in fact, you don’t need to do anything. V freezer put yogurt in for 2 days plastic container. After 48 hours, take it out and leave it warm for a short time so that the kefir melts and can be easily pulled out of the dish. Ice should be placed in a colander covered with gauze.

When thawed, the liquid will stick together with the whey, and the curd will remain in the sieve. The cottage cheese obtained in this way is the most useful and very tender.

Recipes with cottage cheese

If you made cottage cheese from sour milk, then the question may well arise what to cook from it. You can eat just like that, but it is much more interesting to use recipes. From such cottage cheese, first-class pastries are obtained and delicious desserts. So let's write them down:

1. Cottage cheese pancakes

For cooking, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 1 egg;
  • 1 glass of cottage cheese;
  • 1 st. l. granulated sugar;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar;
  • 50 g of semolina;
  • 3 art. l. corn grits;
  • a pinch of salt.

Eggs must be thoroughly mixed with sugar, salt, vanilla and semolina. It's better to use a blender. After that, it is necessary to let the semolina brew for some time so that it swells. When this happens, add cottage cheese to them and knead the dough. It is important that it is homogeneous and thick enough.

From the dough, form round small "cutlets", roll them in flour and fry on each side in a frying pan with butter. These cheesecakes are perfect for breakfast. Can be served with honey, condensed milk or sour cream.

2. Curd dessert with bananas and nuts

This dessert will be equally enjoyed by both children and adults. It is prepared to obscenely simply. The products you need are:

  • 1 glass of cottage cheese;
  • a third of a glass of kefir;
  • half a banana;
  • 30 g of nuts (hazelnuts or walnuts are perfect);
  • 2 tsp Sahara.

Cottage cheese must be ground with sugar and kefir. Cut half a banana into slices. Add to curd mass nuts and bananas, mix everything well with a fork. The treat is ready. Perfect for an afternoon snack or as a snack.
If you find sour milk in your refrigerator, then do not rush to immediately throw it away. You can make a great curd out of it. Note that the most delicious curd is obtained from village milk because it has a high fat content.

Cottage cheese is perfect for baking. You can make cheesecakes, cheesecakes, pancakes from it. Desserts are especially good with it.

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