Liquid dough for pizza - let's surprise the Italians! Recipes for batter (yeast, milk and kefir) for delicious pizza. Liquid dough for instant pizza

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: 30 minutes

Many housewives do not always have enough time to cook meals for the whole family and want to have recipes on hand that do not take a lot of time, for example,. To save time and feed the family delicious and wholesome food we offer you a pizza recipe fast food in the oven on batter with ham and porcini mushrooms. With all the ingredients, cooking homemade pizza without yeast will not take much time, and the pizza recipe will become firmly established in your cookbook and will become a favorite dish of the whole family, like.
Pizza preparation time - 30 minutes (of which it takes only 10 minutes to form a pizza blank).
The recipe is for 4 servings.

To make pizza you will need the following ingredients:
For test:
- 1 egg;
- 50 gr. water;
- 1 glass of flour;
- 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
- a pinch of salt;
- a small piece of margarine for greasing the form.

For filling:
- mexican sauce;
- 50 gr. ham;
- several plates of dried porcini mushrooms;
- 100 gr. hard cheese;
- mayonnaise;
- 1/2 part of sweet pepper;
- dill.

Recipe with photo step by step:

First you need to prepare dried porcini mushrooms. We take several plates of mushrooms and soak them in cold water for 5-8 minutes.

Let's start preparing the dough. Beat one chicken egg, add salt and water. Beat again and add flour.

The consistency of the dough should be the same as if you were making dough for pancakes, i.e. You should get a thick sticky dough. Add a tablespoon of sunflower oil to the dough and knead.

The volume of the dough is calculated for a baking dish measuring 30x30 centimeters. Pre-lubricate the form with margarine, capturing the sides as well. Pour the dough into the mold.

Drizzle the dough with mexicano sauce.

Cut the ham into thin strips and evenly lay on top of the ketchup.

By this time dried mushrooms swollen, drain the water, wash the mushrooms and cut into small pieces. Spread the mushrooms evenly over the ham.

On a bag of mayonnaise, we cut a corner and pour it in a thin stream, evenly distributing it over the entire surface of the pizza.

Three cheese on a grater (preferably with small cells) and sprinkle pizza with it. The more cheese, the tastier.

Cut the sweet pepper into strips and decorate the pizza with it. If you are making pizza winter time, then you can take homemade ice cream sweet pepper blanks and sprinkle pizza with them.

Sprinkle pizza with finely chopped fresh or frozen dill.

Put the pizza in the oven on medium heat and bake for 20 minutes until golden brown. In the meantime, pizza is baking for the first time, you can cook delicious.

ready pizza take it out of the oven, let it cool completely in the form, cut into portioned pieces and serve to the table.

Enjoy your meal!

Author - Glebova Anna.

Pizza is an incredibly tasty dish that many people love. Of course, you can easily order pizza at home, but it turns out much tastier if you cook it yourself.

Unfortunately, many housewives do not like to work with dough, since not everyone knows how to deal with yeast, but you can easily use simple yeast-free recipes dough for pizza on kefir. Thanks to the interaction of soda and kefir, the dough is tender and soft, one might say, airy.

The main advantage of kefir dough is the speed and ease of preparation, which makes it easy to make pizza for unexpected guests. You can use the most various fillings and make your loved ones happy every day delicious dish. And more experienced housewives can use and yeast dough for pizza, the recipe of which is also given in this article.

A simple kefir dough recipe

This kefir pizza dough has one main advantage - it seems to absorb the filling, so that it is not only on the surface, but also inside the dough. Pizza made from such a dough turns out to be incredibly tasty and tender, and besides, it cooks quite quickly.


  • 400 g of kefir (if there is no kefir, you can replace sour milk or sour cream)
  • 2 eggs,
  • ½ tsp soda (only without a slide),
  • 2.5 st. wheat flour,
  • ½ tsp fine salt,
  • a little vinegar, to extinguish the soda.


  1. First, take the eggs and beat them well with a whisk (you can use a mixer), and then gradually add sugar, add salt and beat everything again. Then very carefully pour the kefir in a thin stream.
  2. Separately, we extinguish soda in a small amount of vinegar, and then add it to the rest of the components and again mix everything well. In order for the pizza to turn out tender and airy, you must first sift the flour through a fine sieve, and then add it to the dough. Now knead until it gets homogeneous consistency.
  3. The result will be quite a lot of dough, so it will be enough for a large baking sheet. Before spreading the dough, cover the baking sheet with parchment paper, then pour the dough and spread the filling on top.
  4. In a preheated oven, bake the pizza until the dough acquires a pleasant golden hue.

Yeast-free dough on kefir

For those housewives who love pizza, but at the same time cannot work with yeast dough, just perfect yeast-free dough for pizza on kefir. Unlike yeast, such a dough is prepared not only easier, but also much faster, since in this case you do not have to wait until the dough rises.


  1. To begin with, in a deep container, mix kefir, salt and add half of the total volume of flour. Now beat the eggs until a foam forms, but not too thick, and then pour the eggs into a container with kefir and flour. Now we introduce oil (about 10 milliliters).
  2. We continue to gradually add flour to the dough in small portions, do not stop constantly stirring. Make sure there are no lumps in the dough. If necessary, add the remaining oil at the very end.
  3. Now knead the dough well until it acquires the consistency, as for soda fritters. Do not worry if the dough turns out to be too liquid, since in this case we add a little more flour, but at the same time we make sure that the dough does not turn out to be very thick.
  4. Leave the dough for about 15 minutes before rolling it into a pizza layer. At this time, you can prepare the filling. If the dough sticks strongly to your hands, then grease your hands. a small amount oil and you can start cooking pizza.

Simple kefir dough

Kefir pizza dough prepared according to this recipe is light and fluffy, bakes well. Using this recipe, you can choose a wide variety of fillings.


  • 350 g flour
  • ¼ tsp fine salt,
  • ¼ tsp baking soda,
  • 2 eggs,
  • 250 g of kefir.


  1. First, take a small bowl and beat the eggs in it with a whisk, and then add salt and beat again. Pour kefir into a deep bowl and add soda, but before that we extinguish the soda with a small amount of vinegar.
  2. Then pour the beaten eggs into the container for kefir and mix everything thoroughly, as a result, a homogeneous mixture should be obtained. Now we can add flour, but it is best to do it in small parts, since this is how it will be much easier to feel what consistency the dough has.
  3. It is very convenient to knead the dough with a blender, but it is best to do it by hand. Melt with a water bath butter and then add it to the dough. Mix the dough well. It is important that the dough of the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained, while the dough should be quite liquid, but also lush (this will be the reaction of soda with kefir).
  4. We grease the baking sheet with a small amount of vegetable oil and pour already ready dough, put any filling on top and place the baking sheet in the oven.
  5. To prepare such a dough, instead of kefir, you can even use sour cream, but in this case, 250 g is added and mixed with soda quenched with vinegar.

Quick dough on kefir

If you have a desire to cook a delicious pizza, but you don’t want to bother too much with the dough, then this recipe becomes a real salvation. Even an inexperienced cook can prepare the dough according to this recipe, the main thing is to follow the specified recipe exactly.


  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 2 tbsp. flour,
  • 250 g of kefir (can be replaced with soft cottage cheese, rubbed through a fine sieve),
  • 3 art. l. oil (olive!),
  • a little salt, to taste.


  1. We prepare this pizza dough on kefir, in the same way as for pancakes, but at the same time it should be thicker, but not much. Now we proceed directly to the preparation of the dough with a fork or a kitchen whisk, beat the egg well, but at the same time it should not turn into a thick foam.
  2. To the beaten egg, add a small amount of kefir, a little oil and salt, mix everything well, make sure that the mass is of a homogeneous consistency.
  3. Mix the baking powder with flour and sift through a fine sieve to make the pizza more tender and airy. Then we introduce the flour into the kefir-egg mixture, but do not add the entire volume of flour at once, as lumps may appear, but add it gradually, in small portions and constantly stir. But at the same time, the dough must not be stirred for too long, so as not to break the gas bubbles.
  4. Using this recipe for pizza dough, you do not need to knead it with your hands. We cover the baking sheet with a sheet parchment paper and sprinkle a little flour on top, and then pour the finished dough. So that the dough is evenly distributed over the surface of the baking sheet, moisten your hand with water and spread it with your fingers.
  5. In the event that it turned out sticky and not very soft dough, then sprinkle a small amount of flour on top and press down harder, and form a small side on the sides.
  6. Lubricate the dough with any sauce on top, lay out the prepared filling and place the baking sheet in a well-heated oven, bake for about 20 minutes, until the dough is covered with a fragrant crust.

Yeast dough for pizza on kefir

It is quite easy to prepare. The biggest downside to this recipe is that it takes some time for the dough to rise.


  • 2 tsp Sahara,
  • 3 tsp fast acting yeast
  • 0.5 st. vegetable oils,
  • 700 g of kefir,
  • 0.5 st. warm water,
  • flour should be guided by the consistency of the dough,
  • a little salt, to taste.


  1. First, take a fairly deep bowl and pour half of one glass of water into it (it is important that the water is warm, as in this case the yeast will begin to act much faster).
  2. Now pour all the amount of sugar indicated in the recipe into the water, and with the help of a kitchen whisk, mix everything well. We make sure that the sugar is completely dissolved in the dough.
  3. As soon as the sugar dissolves, add three teaspoons of instant yeast to the water. Now, with soft, smooth movements, stir the yeast with a spoon or whisk (it is important not to make sudden movements).
  4. Now leave the dough for about 15 minutes so that the yeast can completely dissolve. After the specified period of time, add kefir to the dough (about 700 milliliters). Using a whisk, beat the yeast with kefir well.
  5. Now we take a sieve and sift the flour several times and add it to the dough. Knead the dough well until it has a uniform consistency. It is very important not to add too much flour, so it is introduced gradually, in small portions. The dough should acquire the consistency of thick sour cream, we also make sure that lumps do not form, but if this happens, continue kneading the dough until they disappear.
  6. Now add a little more flour to the dough, as a result, the dough should be very hard to mix with a spoon (shovel). Continue kneading the dough with your hands until it becomes softer and has a uniform consistency. It is important to remember that you do not need to knead the dough too much, because because of this it may simply not rise.
  7. As soon as the dough is almost completely ready, add vegetable oil to it (if desired, you can also use olive oil). Now knead the dough to the end, and as soon as the oil is completely absorbed, place the container with the dough in a warm place and leave it for about one hour until it rises well.
  8. While the dough is rising, we begin to prepare the filling so as not to waste time in vain. From the amount of ingredients that was indicated in the recipe, the dough will turn out to be about four or five pizzas, depending on what size baking sheet will be used.
  9. As soon as the dough rises well, grease your hands with a small amount of vegetable oil and lightly knead the dough, but not very much and leave it again for about 20 minutes. As soon as the dough is completely ready, we can proceed directly to the preparation of pizza.
  10. We divide the dough into four or five equal parts, roll it out with a thin sheet and put it on a pre-prepared baking sheet, make small sides around the edges. We spread the prepared filling on top and place the future pizza in a well-heated oven, bake until fully cooked until a delicious golden golden brown. The remaining dough can be placed in the refrigerator and used next time.

Step by step cooking recipes liquid dough for pizza with milk, cream, kefir, mayonnaise with Caesar sauce and yeast

2018-05-08 Rida Khasanova





In 100 grams ready meal

7 gr.

3 gr.


39 gr.

207 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Pizza Batter Recipe

Recipes of such a dough are dedicated to those who like to cook quickly and have a tasty meal. All recipes are designed to knead the liquid dough in a few minutes and start shaping the pizza. You can cook it in the oven, microwave or even in a pan. The last option is the fastest. It remains only to choose the filling and put it on a layer of dough.

Depending on which pizza shape is chosen, the dough will spread in a thin layer or a little thicker. Liquid dough for making homemade pizza is made on the basis of milk, cream, kefir, mayonnaise or sour cream. All of these options are delicious, be sure to keep them in your piggy bank of recipes.


  • one chicken egg;
  • a glass of milk (or cream);
  • 320 g wheat flour;
  • a couple of pinches of baking soda;
  • half a spoon apple cider vinegar;
  • a pinch of salt

Pizza batter recipe step by step

Wash the egg in warm water. Scrub with a washcloth if possible. Discuss. Break into a deep container. Whisk with a whisk until smooth.

Enter milk and salt. Stir. Milk can be replaced with regular or mineral water with gases.

Separately combine flour and soda mixed with vinegar. Instead of apple cider vinegar, you can use the usual 6%, lemon or Orange juice. And it is better to take flour only of the highest grade.

Combine milk base with flour mixture. Shake well with a whisk until smooth. Need to get tender dough without lumps. Let him rest a little. Then place on an oiled baking sheet.

You can choose absolutely any topping for this type of pizza. Sprinkle with ground paprika and red pepper, put slices of tomatoes, cheese and chopped spicy greens.

Option 2: Quick Pizza Batter Recipe

For more fast option take pancake flour for cooking. It has good sticky properties, and the dough will soon come to readiness. The recipe is perfect for baking in a pan or in microwave oven(at maximum power).


  • one chicken egg;
  • 0.15 kg pancake flour;
  • five tablespoons of sour cream;
  • the same amount of mayonnaise;
  • a couple of pinches of salt;
  • a couple of pinches of baking powder;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of sunflower oil.

How to quickly make batter for pizza

Rinse the egg, wipe it. Shake in a bowl. You can use a mixer - so the batch will be even faster.

Add sour cream, mayonnaise, salt and sunflower oil. Instead of the latter, you can take any vegetable oil or melted butter. Even margarine will do.

Add flour to the liquid base and baking powder. Mix thoroughly. Get pizza dough. Then use it as directed.

Spices and herbs can be added to the dough. So ready-made pastries will become more original and interesting to taste. Take, for example, ground nutmeg, sweet paprika or dried basil. For lovers spicy dishes- It is permissible to knead the crushed tip of a chili pepper or a clove of garlic into the dough. The last pre-push through the press.

Option 3: Liquid dough for sweet pizza on kefir

Kefir for prescription will do the most common or biokefir. Just do not take a snowball or fermented baked milk.


  • a glass of kefir (0.2-0.23 ml);
  • a teaspoon of sugar;
  • two eggs;
  • a tablespoon of potato starch;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 310 g wheat flour;
  • half a teaspoon of baking powder.

How to cook

Mix kefir with sugar and salt.

Whisk the eggs until smooth. Stir into kefir mixture.

Place the baking powder, all-purpose flour and cornstarch into a bowl. Mix thoroughly to get a dough. Then it should be immediately put into action.

This pizza dough option is suitable for any sweet stuffing. For example, pour condensed milk on the dough spilled on a baking sheet. Lay out thin slices of apple, canned peaches and berries. Sprinkle everything on top sweet powder, sweetish cheese - Parmesan, Mozzarella, Emmental or take any other.

Option 4: Liquid Yeast Pizza Dough

Yeast for the recipe can be taken both fresh pressed and dry. From both products will come good dough. Only the preparation differs. Pour dry yeast immediately into the milk billet. And the pressed product should first be poured with a couple of tablespoons of warm water, left for 5-7 minutes and used.


  • 0.25 l of milk;
  • one chicken egg;
  • 15-20 g of sugar;
  • a couple of tablespoons of sunflower oil;
  • on the tip of a knife of salt;
  • a teaspoon of yeast;
  • 0.35 kg of wheat flour.

Step by step recipe

Warm up the milk, not hot. But for the mass to be warm.

Stir in butter, egg. Add yeast, sugar and salt. Mix well.

Pour in the flour. Mix well so that there are no traces of unmixed.

Leave the mass for half an hour warm. cover kitchen towel. The place should be without drafts. The workpiece will rise noticeably during this time. Then it should be poured onto a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Smooth the surface with a spatula or spoon.

After pre-training Brush dough with tomato paste or ketchup using a pastry brush. Put the stuffing on top - slices fresh vegetables, sausages, sliced ​​olives. Sprinkle with any shredded cheese. And then cook in the oven at a standard temperature of 180-200 ° C. The dough will bake well, and a golden crust will appear on top.

Option 5: Pizza batter based on Caesar sauce

This option is very suitable for pizza "Caesar". As a filling for such baking, take pieces of smoked or boiled chicken, Parmesan cheese, wheat croutons and, of course, lettuce leaves"Iceberg".


  • 0.1 l Caesar sauce;
  • one chicken egg;
  • two tablespoons of sunflower oil;
  • a third of a teaspoon of salt;
  • the same amount of baking powder;
  • 0.16 kg of wheat flour.

How to cook

With a fork, mix the egg in the bowl.

Add sauce, salt and sunflower oil. Stir.

Pour in the baking powder and flour. Knead a homogeneous, soft dough.

Homemade pizza dough recipes are quick to prepare. Mixing all the selected ingredients is not difficult. And then choose the toppings and bake the pizza.

Option 6: Mayonnaise batter with tomato paste

According to this recipe, the dough is spicy in taste and aroma. Slightly reminiscent of tomato flavor. But more pasta than indicated on the list of ingredients should not be used.


  • one chicken egg;
  • 230 g of premium wheat flour;
  • tea spoon cornstarch;
  • 0.12 kg of mayonnaise;
  • a spoonful of olive oil;
  • a sprig of rosemary;
  • salt;
  • a spoonful of tomato paste.

Step by step recipe:

First, prepare the olive oil. Warm it up in a frying pan with a sprig of rosemary. Do not fry the branch, namely, warm up the two components. Then, pressing the branch with a spatula, drain the oil into an enameled bowl. It's satiated essential oils and aromas of rosemary. Thus, for flavoring the dough, you can use any other spicy herb according to your taste.

Break the egg into the lukewarm oil, mix thoroughly until smooth. Add mayonnaise, salt, tomato paste. Stir. Add corn starch and wheat flour. Mix well. For a faster and better result, it is recommended to use a whisk, mixer or blender. So there will be no lumps and unmixed flour in the dough.

Leave the dough covered in the refrigerator for 20-25 minutes. During this time, all the ingredients of the mass will react with each other. And the semi-finished product will become more viscous and elastic. It is even possible to make the dough in advance before cooking - several hours or even overnight. And in the morning you can quickly cook up a delicious pizza for the whole family for breakfast or for a picnic.

Instead of tomato paste, it is permissible to take a meaty tomato chopped in mashed potatoes in the composition of the products, tomato juice, adjika or the most common tomato ketchup.

Enjoy your meal!

Batter for pizza - a real find for every housewife. The preparation of such a test does not take much time; no need to roll out the cake, get your hands and table dirty. For batter, you need a minimum of products, and its preparation is as easy as shelling pears. Pizza on liquid dough is more juicy and tender.

The undoubted advantage of batter is that it can be cooked both in the oven and in a pan.

Good option for the oven

  • Chicken egg -1 pc;
  • whole grain flour - 300 g;
  • milk - 250 ml;
  • soda slaked with vinegar - 2 g;
  • salt - 2 g.
  1. In a deep bowl, beat the egg with a whisk; add milk, soda, salt and continue beating.
  2. Sift the flour and add in small parts to the cup, stirring constantly.
  3. When the dough becomes homogeneous, leave it to stand at room temperature for 25 minutes.
  4. After infusion, pour it onto a pre-oiled baking sheet or form.
  5. Put the dough in the oven, preheated to 180-200 C ° and cook for about 30 minutes.

For a frying pan

  • Pancake flour - 120 g;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc;
  • milk - 250 ml;
  • salt - 3 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • vegetable oil - 20 g.

First you need to add salt to the flour and sift twice. Butter is next.

The oil is first taken out of the refrigerator so that it becomes softer and rubbed well.
Now you need to beat the egg, add to the flour and pour everything with slightly warmed milk, while not forgetting to mix thoroughly.

The final step is to add the necessary filling. Cook this dish with the pan lid closed for 20-25 minutes. In a pizza cooked in a pan, the cheese is not fried, but soft and viscous.

Reference: To determine the correct consistency of the resulting dough, you can dip a spoon into it. If the dough slowly slides down the spoon, then the consistency is correct, if it drains, it is watery.

What filling to choose?

Absolutely any topping is suitable for pizza on liquid dough. Classic variantsausage, cheese, tomatoes and(the easiest option is to mix mayonnaise with ketchup, or just use ketchup). You can experiment and try to come up with your own filling - with boiled chicken, mushrooms, herbs, olives, seafood and even pineapple. In addition, you can add greenery into the dough itself, - from this it will only become more fragrant.

Cooking method with yeast

Dilute the yeast in a glass of warm milk;


egg, salt and sugar- to stir thoroughly,

flour and still knead the dough, the consistency is like a pancake.

Now pour out the dough on a greased and lightly floured baking sheet and flatten slightly with a spoon.

From above you need to add your favorite sauce, spread evenly and add the rest of the filling ingredients.

Why is milk added to the base?

Milk plays in the dough the role of a softener - it makes the pizza tender and not dry. Moreover, the yield of dough on milk is greater than on water, respectively. the volume of pizza increases. Pizza cooked on liquid dough with milk turns out more fragrant, lush and tasty.

Suitable sauces


Bulb need to be cleaned and finely chopped; pass the garlic through a garlic press or crush with a knife. Onion and garlic fry on olive oil until golden brown, then add tomato paste. Pour the resulting frying with clean water until the consistency of ketchup is obtained.

Add salt, sugar, herbs and Bay leaf . Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the sauce for 10 minutes over low heat. Before applying to the pizza base, the sauce must be slightly cooled.


Garlic pass through a garlic press or crush with a knife. Grind on a fine grater cheese. mix sour cream and mayonnaise, beat with a whisk or fork. Add crushed garlic and cheese, basil, salt and pepper. Mix the sauce well until you get a smooth consistency.


mix sour cream, mayonnaise and tomato paste, to stir thoroughly. Add lemon juice, salt and pepper. Mix with a blender or fork until smooth.


Cooking homemade pizza on batter, you can show your imagination - add various spices and ingredients to the dough, experiment with toppings and sauces. The main thing is to maintain the desired consistency.


  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Kefir - 1 tbsp.
  • Flour - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tsp
  • Salt - 1/3 tsp
  • Soda - a pinch
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp
  • Ketchup - 2 tablespoons
  • hard cheese- 100 g.
  • Sausage - to taste

Today, I want to offer you a pizza recipe, but not on regular test. This quick batter for pizza, a recipe with a step-by-step photo in the oven, which we offer you, can be made even by any novice housewife who has no experience with dough. Also, yeast is not needed here, which is also a big plus. You can take any pizza topping, this time I cooked with sausage and cheese.

How to cook pizza from liquid yeast-free dough on kefir:

Pizza from batter in the oven on kefir is very quick and easy to prepare. First, take a small but deep bowl. You need to drive an egg into it, add salt and sugar, and then beat a little with a whisk.

Then add kefir and soda there, and mix everything back.

And in last turn add vegetable oil and flour. The liquid dough for pizza without yeast on kefir turns out to be quite thick, but not enough to knead it with your hands, so just knead it with a spatula.

Then grease the baking dish with oil, or sprinkle with a little flour and put the dough into it. And then with the help of a spatula, spread the dough evenly over the bottom of the form.

The liquid dough for pizza on kefir without yeast is ready, and now you can start preparing the filling. Cut the sausage into cubes.

Grease the dough generously and evenly with ketchup.

Put the already chopped sausage on the ketchup, and distribute it evenly.

Sprinkle the top of the pizza with grated hard cheese. The more cheese, the tastier the pizza. You can also grease the pizza with mayonnaise to make the filling even juicier.

We bake pizza in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes. The main thing is that the batter for pizza on kefir without yeast is well baked. And you can check this with an ordinary toothpick, which should, when piercing the pizza, come out dry from the dough.

The pizza is very tasty and filling. Be sure to try to cook this pizza, where the batter for instant pizza in the oven on kefir, and you will like it.