Catching bream on bloodworms in winter. Catching bream on a mormyshka in winter. Habitat in winter.

In winter, it is somehow not very heard about catching large bream. Fishermen "dabble" with bream, roach, silver bream, perch. But about to catch on the same mormyshka big fish(for example, the same bream), as a rule, there is no speech. “Don’t catch such a fish in winter!” - with a good-natured smile, most anglers on ice will surely answer questions about large bream.

Fish any artificial bait that imitates these sabals. They seem to work well on strippers who feed on Shad. The best live bait for husk and sea bream is shrimp grass. Catch blackfish during the drifting winter months or slowly drag open water.

Spider transmission is more efficient. Zone No. 1 Talkin Fishing Lake Report Picnic Point is a sandbank in one of the widest sections of the Okhlolon River. The upper part of the bar has hardwood forests and a depth of 5 feet along the lip, which drops to about 22 feet in the middle channel.

But now we will share with you one “trick”, how in winter you can still get a bite not from a scavenger, but from a real large, trophy, “full-fledged” bream. But first, let's say: yes, we agree with the opinion of the majority of anglers.

In winter, it is really very difficult to catch a large bream - it simply does not want to be caught purposefully. His capture is more of an accident. Or luck. But now we will talk about how to make sure that we are still lucky.

Zone #2 The smoker zone at the mouth of Hunter Creek is a flat 4-foot deep with good fishing for spring bass. The stumps and vegetation along the channel provide great coverage for both stern bass and black bass. When working with water, use deep immersion pins. Plastic worms are also good choice during the whole year. There is good spring fishing when the rains provide access to shallow water.

Zone number 3. Report on Lake Talkin. Fishing. The El Hierro Post, also known as the Talken Pola area, has a deep hole at the end of a submerged old channel. Auger tail Work and paddle worms along the ledge of adjacent flooded floors for big bass. Top baits stick like a bomber, long. Little reception, low schooling during the summer and early fall. The water falls from 5 feet to 18 feet in the channel. Molded plastic worms and deep rackets on nearby stumps and floors.

About the strategy of winter fishing for large bream

First of all, let's clarify. If you intend to fish the way 99% of anglers do (that is, drill 2-4 holes and sit and conjure over them all winter day, periodically drinking seagulls), then you will probably not be lucky with a large bream.

This kind of fishing... is not at all purposeful fishing of any kind. It's like this: spend a day in the fresh frosty air. To unwind from gray everyday life.

Be careful with magazines. Zone #5 This small creek channel on the boarding side of Koa is at the southern end of what local fishermen call the Iron Curtain. Bass hangs from sandbanks along a small bay. Target bass training here in the summer. Zone #6 Deep Channel at Bluff High offers great ice fishing for striptease and large scale bass gig or deep diving. Fish the stream channel that runs from Double Creek to the old wooden pier. Fish the stream channel and piles of docks for big low and low lined ones.

In order to still catch a large bream while fishing, you need to take an example from sports fishermen. No, we don't have to buy a lot of newfangled gear. But the tactics of catching fish from the ice can be borrowed from them. What is its essence? And its essence is active fishing.

So, no need to wait for the weather by the sea. Why do we need a couple of holes? Drilling a lot of holes! 10, 15 or more. By the way, this process (the process of drilling holes) must be treated creatively. As Fedya from the film “Operations Y” would say: “We need to look at things wider!”.

For stripping, emit small erratic baits, vibrating baits, plastic worms, and baits in open water pockets surrounded by sheets of lily paste. Zone No. 7 On a 20-meter descent near a small island there is a large winter town, into which plastic worms will fall, stretching along the bottom and bottom of autumn. During hot summers, if the bass is not learning from the nearby surface, the jigging spoon can sometimes attract fish from the depths. Plastic worm, Carolina style, effective along riverbed banks.

This is one of the most productive big bass spots on the lake. Zone #8 Fishing Report Talkin Lake fish this delta-shaped entrance with old docks for black bass. Plastic fish worms and calypso spoons in the gaps and bumps, and mix the creekbaits with the long edges of the channel.

By drilling many holes, we thus study the bottom topography, we get to know the reservoir better. And we note promising places on it, by the way. In one hole, the depth is 9m, and in the next hole, 13? This means that there is probably a collapse, a cliff, and probably there is a fish here. It is worth drilling a couple more holes here. Catching drilled holes, did you stumble upon a snag? Congratulations, another promising place. "Drill" it all - you should be lucky with the catch.

A swimming worm roaming the leaves of the water lily in areas with cypresses and stumps can strike. Zone 9. In mid-April, there are many shell beds near High Bluff, sometimes more than acres. Sand floors remain loaded with beds for about 3 months. Carefully navigate the gnarled area.

Working plastic worms for skylarks where Mews Creek and Ochloxton rivers merge. Rafted to the shore, and then work along the bed of the channel number 11. The bend in the Little River averages about 12 feet deep, and the type of fish is waiting for the winter. One way is to use a rake or paddle to collect a hole in the floating hyacinth and then check small fish. If bait is present, the type of fish is usually lower. Throw a small live fish or a small stencil through the hole in the weed canopy.

Have you drilled many holes? And now another important point. each of the holes. Important: it is to feed, and not to feed (I can’t do it at the very least). It is enough to throw a handful of bloodworms into the hole. It's enough. Bream and bream are very respectful of bloodworms.

Did you feed? Great. This is the main guarantee that a large bream will be able to approach the hole in the future.
All. And now we forget about the large bream and just walk along the holes and catch the bream.

In the summer, there is a low and small school that feeds on dense populations of shad. Next to him, an old boat house sank in the water, creating a good place. It is also spawning grounds, from February to May. Depth varies from 12 feet in the riverbed to 7 or 8 feet along the edge.

In the early spring, colored chalk-shaped cloves work along the canal. In addition to bait fishing gear, the Finns use many other fishing methods to different types. Among the most popular are fishing nets and wire pots. Fishing for domestic consumption has traditionally played important role in feeding the population. Traditional use renewable fish resources are now fully supported by various recreational fisheries.

We catch a scavenger

You also need to actively catch the scavenger. No, not because it somehow affects the capture of large bream. Simply because this way we will catch more scavengers.

We begin to go around all the holes we drilled and gradually catch them. We lower the mormyshka to the bottom and play it. And you do not need to linger at one hole for a long time. They played with a mormyshka for a minute, and there are no bites? Throw a hole and move on to the next one.

Fishing nets are effective fishing gear that provide a variety of catches in all seasons of the year. Nets are used to catch species that are rarely found with other equipment due to their difficulty. Among typical net catches are some of the most common types of Finnish waters such as white fork, Baltic herring, coregono, brema and lota.

A good point to launch your nets is on an underwater bench where the water reaches its perfect depth. Nets for white coriander are located in the deep areas of the center of the lakes, both at the middle depth and below. An intense controversy that recurs from time to time is the effect of net fishing on fish stocks, and many anglers would prefer to limit net fishing. In the vast waters of Finland there is room for a variety of fishing gear; In addition, there are numerous bodies of water and species that are being exploited below their potential.

Are there no bites on the next hole? Move on to the third. And so on. Those holes in which the bream does not bite are silent holes. You should not linger on them, but in the future they will still need to be bypassed periodically.

Did you catch a scavenger in one of the holes? Great! So, it’s worth stopping at the hole and still fishing there. We catch her there while she pecks. Perhaps it’s worth carefully drilling a couple of holes nearby - maybe you just sat down “on the tail” of a flock. And the flock itself is a little aside, waiting for food from you.

However, you should always keep the principle of moderation in mind in any type of fishing.

fish nets, easy choice. Wire mesh is the main fishing tackle for those who spend their holidays in a summer cottage. Throw them at the end of your pier or next to an island and you'll have great way catch perch and frills. In spring, the pots are placed in shallow water to catch pike. In winter, the pots are placed under the shallow water ice to catch auctions.

Lota can also be caught with Garlitos, which are placed vertically to hover or settle horizontally at the bottom. Flashlight fishing, a fun activity. Flash fishing - interesting shape fishing on increasingly dark autumn nights. With this technique, the fisherman stays at the bow of the boat, illuminating the bottom with a powerful light source. As soon as the fisherman finds a fish, he catches it with a trident. The main species of lantern fishing are pike and bream.

Did you catch fish in the hole, did you catch it and the biting stopped? No problem, move on to the next hole. The holes in which the bite was, and suddenly calmed down - are called extinct.

And do not forget to throw a handful of bloodworms into it when leaving each hole. It is very important. So we will probably catch a lot of scavengers before the evening.

Where is the big bream?

And where is the big bream, you ask? And he is just where there is no scavenger - in silent and damped holes. And that is why the fisherman, no matter how passionate he is about catching scavengers, must periodically bypass them.

Boats for pike under the ice. In winter, it is customary to lay acquired hooks under the ice to tempt pike and pike. Pike-hooks are placed on the edge of shallow water, a couple of meters below the ice; Let's capture very large pikes. Fish hooks are placed in shallow spawning grounds in January.

In summer, the traditional fishing gear is a line that can contain up to a hundred hooks hanging from one main line, divided into branches. Hooks are smeared with worms or bait, and the species studied by this art are pike, perch, walleye, eel and bream. In the central regions of Lake Saimaa, the longline is used to capture introverted salmon and trout.

Large fish behave quite differently than young (yes, inexperienced). Large bream no longer gather in flocks and are not caught on the hook one after another. They are very careful, slow and circumspect. Large bream are very shy of scavengers.

They, one gets the feeling, are even afraid of them. Large breams, in search of food, always trail behind the young bream, and do not disdain the scraps left by them at all. As practice shows, large breams often come across.

Fishing with various types fishing tackle is exciting, exciting and also productive many times over. Water facility owners sell licenses for fishing with pots. In some rental huts, potty fishing rights are included in the rental price.

It is at this time that we can tempt the precious goldfish with a great chance of success, because this is the moment when they approach our shores in droves to eat and then face a difficult winter. But fishing gold will not be in the way of roses, but rather the opposite: we will have to go on certain days and calculate in such a way that our probability of success is maximum, and also because environmental conditions require it.

That's why. When catching a scavenger, “non-working” holes should never be filled up (which is acceptable and even desirable when catching roach or perch). Every time there is a break in the bite of a scavenger, do not be lazy and go around all your damp and silent holes. Yes, for sure in most attempts you will only waste time. But ... it is quite likely that one day you will catch a large bream there. In winter!

To do this, we must choose the day of fishing well, focusing mainly on the wind. Depending on the area, it will be beneficial in one direction or another. On the shores of Cadiz, our ally is the Levant, as it blows us towards the sea, leaving the beach clean from dragging algae to the middle of the sea.

As soon as we have looked at the weather and have chosen the possible days, we will be offered a new misfortune, as the crash of the bathers' beaches arrives in the summer, either for the holidays or just to spend the day refreshing the sea. The truth is that there are always beaches filled with people so we can't fish full day because of the schedules we put on the fishermen.

And finally, about the depths. The scavenger and bream, as a rule, like very large, serious depths - about 10m. And at shallower depths, neither a scavenger nor a large bream is usually worth looking for in winter. Only on the first and last ice these fish can be caught in shallower water.

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It is true that the gilthead is more likely to see her during the day, although sometimes she comes in at night, but due to this schedule, we only have 2 options. This is the most common choice among anglers. Find some wild beach to fish during the day and hardly anyone from the surrounding area. This a good option to catch them during the day, although to do this we must certainly be loaded with our fishing dogs to get far enough from the bathing area that we would not violate either the civil protection, or in its absence the civil guard.

Walking with low tide is not recommended for this, because dry sand can make us go through a shin walk, better for hard sand that was wet. Some of these fishermen frequent this option. It will then be more common for goldfishing to use low volume lures, as they can be a perfectly American medium sized worm, worm or small bite, either whole or cast whole.

The bream is considered one of the most desired trophies for any fisherman. Usually prey comes across on the hook weighing no more than two kilograms and forty centimeters in length. But sometimes some lucky ones manage to pull out real giants.

general information

As a rule, most anglers go for bream in the summer. But in autumn, and even in winter, catching this fish can bring indescribable pleasure. The bream swims in flocks. His body is flatter than that of other river dwellers. It is covered with small scales that have a silvery or golden yellow tint. Since the end of November, the main food of fish is living organisms living in the soil of the reservoir, as well as bottom vegetation.

But we must make sure that there are no debris, otherwise the soft bait will not last long in the water. When there is an occasion, a good option is to place a hard bait going upstream, take a big pick and leave the bait intact in the water for a few hours so every time the bait is further and we can also catch a good gold. However, at night they are usually closer to the shore, all in silence.

In these days of spin winds, the waters become very clear, and for this, the only thing we have to do is to reduce the diameter of the gametes. Without much water movement, slide assembly will be most efficient and simple. As soon as we nail the catch, in these days of high winds that hold the algae, we must be very careful not to tighten the lines too much, because otherwise we can get away and lose part. Being a back wind, we will have very few waves to help us pick up the piece.

With the onset of cold weather - exciting fishing

Catching bream in winter is interesting and exciting, but at the same time quite difficult.

In the hole, it can be caught with a float rod or with a mormyshka. Fishing for bream in winter with this bait goes well with the use of an inconspicuous fishing line. He finds the moth by ear or by sight and smell. In general, in the cold period, the lateral line also comes out on top in terms of its value.

Fishing for bream in winter requires frequent drilling of holes. The body of this fish is quite wide, so a hole with a diameter of up to one hundred and fifty millimeters is suitable for it. However, sometimes even from such a large hole, a fisherman has to pull out a weighty individual that has fallen on a hook with his hands. Fishing for bream in winter lasts all three months. And only one or two weeks during the deaf winter there is a complete absence of activity of this fish.

Features of winter fishing

The sounds and noise of the external environment through the ice and dense snow mass almost do not penetrate into the depth of the reservoir, to the bottom, where the bream lives. And therefore, absolute silence is established in the water covered with an ice shell. In such circumstances, the fish has to rely mainly on its hearing and lateral line, which give it an excellent opportunity to find the location of the bloodworm by the sounds of ground vibrations at the bottom of the reservoirs. Waves in such conditions subside a thousand times slower than in the air, so the prey catches the movement of the bait in the ground even at a very long distance.

Float fishing technique

Catching bream in winter is difficult precisely because of this rare sensitivity. The bait, put on the hook, gets a different weight. And if the tackle is set up without errors, this mass is to some extent reduced by the lifting force of the float. The bite of a bream in such still water is a short jerk down and immediately a smooth rise up. As soon as the float reaches the water surface, the bait on the hook acquires its real weight plus the weight of the sinker.

The bream that has swallowed the hook immediately feels it and begins to feel anxious. Fish tend to get rid of this bait as soon as possible. And if the angler fails to make a cut before the signaling device occupies the upper position, then the bream throws the bait and swims away from such a dangerous place.

That is why it is believed that fishing for bream on a float in winter requires not only the ability to concentrate and utmost care, but also a quick reaction to a bite, which often lasts no more than a second.

In the fishing of this representative of cyprinids on winter ice There are three main varieties - stationary, zone and migratory. The first is carried out in a place familiar to the fisherman. It is better to drill several holes at once, through which you need to feed the prey. In mid-January, when the ice is already as thick as possible, you can start fishing by setting up a tent. Experienced fishermen know the depth of this place in advance. It is good when there is a shell rock colony and another landmark for bream on the site, for example, a large snag or a large stone.

Zone fishing is different in that the drilled holes are in different places. Fishermen with tackle bypass them in turn. Where the bite is better, and the bream is larger, feeding is carried out there.

Migratory bream fishing in the winter on the reservoir forces the angler to constantly change places, drilling new holes and examining a variety of areas. This option brings success most often at the end of winter, when the prey becomes very active, and the holes do not freeze.


For bream fishing in winter, as a rule, rather monotonous equipment is used. There is not much choice, since all gear has general principle designs. Either a float or a nod act as signaling devices. In this case, the first option is more common. Their main feature is the principle of operation, aimed at convincing prey: bait is nothing more than real food. This is the little trick in setting up gear for catching bream in the winter.

The nod, which has a significant angle of bend, contributes to smooth sensitivity and completely stabilizes the weight of the mormyshka, regardless of its size. It also gives the fisherman a chance to quickly and accurately adjust gear, based on the specific conditions on the reservoir, to have more time for hooking. Fishing for bream in winter requires the indispensable consideration of these nuances, which contribute to successful fishing.

Fishing rods with a float are used not only in standing water but also in strong currents. Such tackle consists of a rod with a fishing line, a hook with a sinker. The float is a must. The rod can not only be bought in a store, but also cut out of hazel and dried. An important condition is that the tackle has the ability to quickly wind up the fishing line when moving from one hole to the next. Mormyshkas for catching bream in winter also have a sufficient number of varieties, but the signaling device is most often a nod. The fishing line should be taken with a diameter of 0.15 to 0.20 millimeters.

Fishing places

From mid-autumn, the bream begins to gather in flocks, looking for the deepest pits in the reservoir with muddy ground. This may be an ordinary depression in the bottom, a depression washed out by an intense current, where a lot of silt was later applied. Such a wintering pit for the whole long cold time becomes a habitat for bream. Only oxygen starvation makes her leave her flock. Fish swim to shallow water, where there is a lot of oxygen in the water, or go to spring sources and the mouths of streams or streams that flow into the main body of water.

With the onset of cold weather, it is better to catch bream in the first three weeks after freezing. Fishing is especially successful spring ice, immediately after it melts, and streams bring the first melt water. Fishing for bream in winter at night, during the day, in the evening and even at noon is equally good. However, large specimens, as experienced anglers know, peck only early in the morning, long before the sun rises. You can also catch trophy prey in the evening, before dusk.


A rocker for catching bream in winter makes it possible to catch trophy specimens. There is nothing complicated in the design of such gear, so you can make it yourself. To do this, you need an ordinary tube from insulation, which has a length of about fifteen centimeters. It must be compressed with a lead strip, the amount of which depends on the fishing conditions. Further, a fishing line is passed into the tube, and hooks are attached to it on both sides. The ends should protrude two or three centimeters.

The resulting tackle is attached to the main line with a loop. The rocker for catching bream in winter can be made in different sizes, and the hooks can have different numbers. This allows you to successfully catch not only bream, but also other fish.

For fishing on the rocker you need a float. Its size is directly related to the degree of gear loading. They catch on the yoke not only in winter from ice, but also in summer in open water. This tackle is very common in the Urals. The principle of fishing is the same everywhere, and in some regions they even fish on the yoke from boats on the high seas.

On the course

Catching bream in the winter on the river is primarily hampered by the question: “Where to look for prey?” During this season, the fish often chooses those areas where quiet water and fast water border. At the same time, the bream stays where it is most comfortable for it - in silence, and looks for food on the ground or waits for food to be brought to it by a fast current. As a rule, such areas are located at great depths or in pits, where this fish rolls down when adverse weather conditions begin for it.

During activity, bream shoals, emerging from holes, look for food, moving along the channel edge, especially on its bends, where food carried by the current often lingers. Sometimes they are located directly under the steepest banks near calm reaches or rifts. Often, especially during a short thaw, flocks of bream enter the quiet waters of deep bays.

Fishing for bream in the winter on the current is also successful on breaking streams. Since such places can be quite difficult to identify under the ice, experienced fishermen have been taking note of them since the summer. When everything is covered with snow, they navigate by isolated shrubs or trees, by unusual coastal relief, etc.

Fishing for bream in the winter on the course has its own characteristics. Few fishermen venture to fish on such rivers. However, those who know certain routes, which are called "bream trails", never return home empty-handed.

On the "line"

For a successful outcome of fishing for bream, as in any other activity, you need to have certain skills and knowledge. Do not hope for a rich catch in the first days of winter. The best period is considered to be a well-established freeze-up.

At this time, it is quite thick and strong. Since the alertness of the bream is known to all anglers, it can be assumed that it will be frightened by the crackling of a thin ice cover under human feet.

Among fishermen, it is often allowed to catch bream in the winter on the current and without nozzles. It is carried out on such a device, which is called the "devil". Fishing for bream on this tackle is planned in advance. Anglers buy or create a "dash" with their own hands. However, not every store can buy this fishing device, so its construction is common for an experienced hunter.

Of course, a cautious bream understands that this bait is artificial. Sometimes he doesn't even get close to her. "Hell" comes to the rescue only in places with intense currents, where they can play. To do this, you need to firmly hold the rod with your right hand, and hold it with your left hand in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brush. In this case, the bait will make smooth uniform movements.

Fishing for bream in the winter on the "line" makes it possible to use any fishing rod with a reel and fishing line up to thirty meters long.

The most responsible is the first posting. "Chertik" sinks to the bottom of the reservoir. After that, it is necessary to tap lightly several times with the bait on the bottom to form a cloudy cloud. After a short pause, the "devil" rises smoothly, however, with slight fluctuations, without stopping. The angler's movements must continue towards the top continuously. After each posting, hooking is necessary, since fish biting can be difficult to notice.

If there is no bite, you can use another type of game "devil": it must be smoothly lifted up without any movements. This process should take no more than fifteen seconds. After the end of the ascent, you need to make a short pause, and then hooking.

In general, winter fishing for bream on the "line" is a scrupulous job. The fisherman needs to be careful, not to rush, but at the same time, he must not hesitate to play the caught prey. Otherwise, he can frighten off the whole flock or provoke a break from the fishing line.

Feed and bait

Winter bream fishing is not just fishing, it is also a pleasant pastime in the fresh air. For many fans of ice fishing, it has long turned into a kind of philosophy of unity with winter nature, many hours of waiting for bites, fighting strong and cunning fish and, of course, the joy of catching small scavengers or trophy specimens. Groundbait for bream fishing is most often crumbly mixtures. At self-cooking only simple components are used, which are always at hand: breadcrumbs, sunflower seeds and millet groats.

After the angler has drilled holes, he feeds them with a dump truck feeder, waits about thirty minutes for the bait to attract prey, and starts fishing. When fishing on a float rod, he exposes two or three tackles baited in his visibility zone. From time to time, the tackle needs to be “moved”, lifting the bait from the bottom by five centimeters, making several oscillatory movements, similar to a mormyshka, and lowering them to the bottom again.

Catching bream for the game is a rather active activity, in which the angler has to catch up to several dozen holes in a day in search of prey. Since this representative of the cyprinids mostly leads a passive lifestyle in winter, the game of the mormyshka should be slow, with short two or three second pauses. Not bad has proven itself when catching bream and such a technique, which is called “knocking on the bottom”, when the bait needs to be raised and lowered to the bottom several times. This is done to form a cloud of turbidity that attracts prey at the place of its fall.