What to take on a picnic list. Where would you like to go? Two or three kitchen towels

Every summer there comes a moment when you need to urgently prepare for the trip. to the lake. Hooray! summer rest by the lake what could be better? But you need to take everything you need, do not forget anything. A smoker, having forgotten cigarettes, will simply get exhausted without them. An artist, having forgotten some kind of paint, a favorite brush, will sigh about it more than once.

In 2005, at the end of July, my son and friends went to lake Terenkul, but in a hurry they forgot to take a tent. I had to spend the night near the fire, which is not without a special unique charm. But by the morning I wanted to sleep very much and I laid two pieces of a plastic rug on a steep bank, covered myself with a headscarf and fell asleep.

I have never slept like this! The sun rose and gently warmed everything around. I open my eyes, there are blades of grass in front of my nose, some kind of bugs are crawling, and after all, not one bothered me, did not bite me. I slept for an hour or two, but I had an extraordinary rest! Just an amazing feeling of lightness, freshness in the whole body!

Of course, you can spend one night without a tent, but if you go for a week or more, then it’s just ah ... Not taking a simple ladle with you is also very bad. It was with us too. I had to tie a spoon to a branch and use it to pour the brew. Quite inconvenient!

The button came off and was lost. This does not always happen, but if a needle and thread, a pin are at hand, then everything is already fixable. It would be nice to have lighting over the camp, and a flashlight will never be superfluous. And so many, many things need to be taken into account, thought through, and then the rest will be a success! That's why I decided to make a list of necessary things and products. The list can be refined and refined over time.

  1. bowler hat
  2. Pot tripod
  3. ladle
  4. opener
  5. Cutting board
  6. Forks
  7. spoons
  8. Mugs

11. Water bucket

12. Large bowl

13. Old kettle (for tea)

14. Matches

15. Ropes

16. Razor

17. Wire

18. Kindling paper

19. Rags

20. Scissors

21. Flashlights

22. A piece of film without holes in case of rain (for a tent, cover an awning)

23. Table and chairs

24. Sleeping bags with a big smell

25. Floor mats

26. Warm sweaters

27. Warm pants

28. Warm socks

29. Boots for wet weather

30. Warm hats

31. Shawls

33. Jacket (for rain)

34. Cape on the head (for rain)

35. Sun hats

36. Sunglasses

37. Fish tank

38. Fishing rods

39. Fishing tackle

40. Bait

42. Hammer

43. Pliers

46. ​​Camera

49. Medicines

50. Vitamins

52. Stew

55. Potato

56. Carrot

57. Onion

58. Green onion

59. Cucumbers

61. Tomatoes

62. Radish

65. Mineral water

66. Cookies

67. Candy

68. Gingerbread

70. Sausage (optional)

71. Sausages (optional)

73. Tea-brewing

78. Ketchup

79. Pasta

80. Bay leaf

81. Instant soup

82. Various seasonings

83. Canned food

84. Cover for the car from the sun

85. Rubber boots or boots

86. Thread with a needle

87. Buttons

88. Pins

89. Kindle paper

90. Binoculars or spyglass

91. Air mattress

93. Batteries for….

94. Devices for frying fish and barbecue

95. Frying foil

96. Film-tablecloth for the table

97. Life belt

98. Rubber ring

99. Guitar with spare strings and a key to it

Spring and summer are the time for long gatherings in nature. What could be better than getting together with loved ones, going to a lake, a park, a forest, where everyone can rest their body and soul.

In order for a picnic to bring only pleasure, you need to prepare for it in advance: we advise you to decide what products to take, as well as make a list of dishes for cooking.

Note! According to the season of the planned picnic - products may vary. If in the summer it is more relevant to take fresh vegetables, then in the spring it is better to give preference to pre-cooked snacks.

Depending on who the picnic will be held with, there may be various ideas about food. If this is a festive event, then preference is given to simple but hearty dishes.

Shouldn't be folded ready-made salads on elegant plates - the best option will be the use of plastic containers or purchased disposable containers: they can also beautifully decorate snacks.

Children's picnic Event with friends Romantic picnic with a girl
Main dishes baked chicken fillet in the oven Pork or beef skewers cooked on the spot shish kebab from chicken breast- lean and filling at the same time
Salads Fruit salad with yogurt Light salad of cabbage, cucumbers and radishes Salo from tomatoes, cheese, crab sticks
Snacks Cheese balls on animal shaped cookies Lavash rolls with cheese and garlic Small sandwiches or canapes based hard cheese, greenery
Beverages natural juices Weak alcohol, mineral water, juices Wine, mineral water, juice
Sweet Lungs puff buns with fruits Chocolate-Free Cookies That Can't Melt Fresh fruits: bananas, oranges, mangoes

In addition, you can additionally take home-made sauces with you. It is appropriate to use them both at a picnic with children and with adults. Mild sour cream sauces are relevant for kids, other options are suitable for friends: mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup.

You can mix these ingredients, put greens, garlic, getting an original addition to meat dishes and barbecue.

Holiday picnic menu

It happens that you can celebrate your birthday in nature, especially if the weather favors it. Going on a picnic with a company by car, it becomes possible to take a lot of dishes prepared at home.

Some holiday options from the menu:

  1. Sausages - they can be fried on a fire while the barbecue is cooking.
  2. Fresh vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, bell pepper, radish - you can cut all this in nature, the main thing is not to forget the knife.
  3. Sliced ​​meat, dairy products: sausage, ham, cheese.
  4. Olives and olives - they are always held in high esteem by children, in addition, they can be added to any salad.
  5. Homemade pickles - suitable for a festive barbecue picnic in the spring.
  6. Salad leaves filled with any filling: garlic with melted cheese, smoked chicken with a boiled egg, cheese with herbs and even sprats.
  7. Mushrooms are a proven snack option that goes well with fried meat. They can be grilled or simply marinated.
  8. Vegetables on skewers, alternating with hard cheese - an appetizer that looks beautiful and does not deteriorate in the heat.

Among drinks, they usually prefer to take juices and mineral water. You should not take sweet sparkling water, it makes you want to drink even more.

Often picnics involve the presence of alcohol, especially when a group of friends gathers. In this case, it is worth taking cider, beer or wine for a picnic. Such drinks will not cause discomfort in hot weather.

Important! It is best to cool alcohol at home or take cold accumulators with you in a special bag. Thus, drinks will retain their taste for a long time, they will be able to invigorate the body.

On the festive picnic it is better to leave work with barbecue to men - they definitely know a lot about cooking meat. The task of women is to marinate the product well the evening before.

One of the popular options is a mixture of mayonnaise and ketchup, or sour cream, tomato. This marinade is suitable for pork, while chicken is more tender, so a different approach is needed here.

Take vegetable oil, a head of garlic, seasonings, a bunch of herbs. Grind greens and garlic, add chopped chicken fillet in an amount of 2 kg. Fill everything with oil, season.

Simple and affordable salads and picnic snacks

Difficulties in cooking at a picnic are useless, the main criterion for dishes is simplicity. You can cut the products at home, put them together, and mix them with sauce or dressing in nature. With snacks, the situation is different: they must have an attractive appearance, so most often they have to be prepared at home.

Most popular dishes those based on vegetables are considered. Salads from meat products, smoked meats, seafood are at risk of being spoiled when temperature conditions rise.

You can cook the following dishes:

  • Radish salad.
  • Salad of roasted bell peppers.
  • Fruit salad.
  • Courgette paste.
  • Eggplant rolls.
  • Potato slices.

Everyone knows how you want to eat while waiting for meat grilled on coals. Its delicate aroma spreads throughout the forest, and pictures of appetizing and juicy pieces barbecue.

To satisfy your hunger, you can have a snack with salads. Cut the radish into slices, add chopped green onion, grated carrots, boiled egg and mayonnaise saucedelicious salad ready!

Bake bell pepper, cut it into strips, add tomatoes, herbs. Fill the dish vegetable oil- get great light salad. You can also do with fresh fruit, having previously cut them at home, seasoned with sour cream and sugar already in nature.

Choose snacks according to your taste and planned budget. If a large company is going to, you can always instruct everyone to cook something special. Do not forget about two rules: dishes should be easy to prepare and satisfying.

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The most pleasant and affordable pastime that will help you escape from the bustle of the city is going out into nature. The smell of shish kebab and the warm sun are associated by most with a trip to the forest, to the river or with relaxation in the city park and beckons to go on a picnic with family or friends. Such a trip is always accompanied by delicious food and a pleasant company, and a non-standard menu will leave a pleasant impression of the rest. By carefully preparing in advance and determining for yourself what to take with you on a picnic from food, you can not only stock up on delicious dishes in sufficient quantities, but also insure against food poisoning caused by perishable products.

Catering in nature

Before deciding what dish will be prepared, you need to determine the format of the picnic and where it will take place. You should take cutlery, utensils and other equipment based on the situation. Unintentionally forgotten at home coals for barbecue or lack of necessary appliances can turn a comfortable trip into a real disappointment. Knowing what to bring with you to a picnic from equipment can greatly simplify the process of organizing a picnic.

  1. Campfire equipment. There is nothing more romantic than spending time around a campfire, talking, singing and telling stories - true or made up. To make a fire you will need: matches (lighter), coals, paper or firewood if cutting down trees is prohibited at the picnic area. To stock up on dead wood and chop wood in a wild holiday, you can take both an ax and a band saw. The latter option is suitable for those who have limited space in the car and who cannot take too much with them.
  2. Appliances for cooking. If it was decided to cook food in nature, you should take a barbecue with skewers or a gas burner with you. From the appliances you should take a few knives, a cutting board, a corkscrew. Garbage bags are among the must-haves to take with you on a picnic.
  3. Tableware. On a picnic, you will definitely need plates, glasses, forks and spoons, as well as bowls for salads. Disposable tableware will be very relevant at a picnic, as it does not need to be washed, and, accordingly, waste time and water.

Products you can't do without

Without some products, no vacation will be complete, and when deciding what to take with you on a picnic, you should not forget about them. These, of course, include water in in large numbers, salt, spices, butter and bread.

Vegetables and fruits are great snacks, especially for families. They will not bring much trouble during cooking: vegetables can be cut large pieces or make a salad out of them, and just wash the fruit.

In addition, drinks, juices and, if desired, alcohol will come in handy.

Potatoes baked in smoldering coals give a special charm to a picnic, which is one of the most popular foods that you can take with you on a picnic.

A variety of smoked meats and cheeses will be and great option for a snack and addition to the main meal. Also, do not forget about the meat for barbecue.

Picnic food you can make at home

It is not always possible to cook food in the field. The reasons can be completely different, ranging from the lack of the necessary equipment and ending with a ban on making a fire in a picnic area.

If it was decided that you need to take ready-made food with you to a picnic, you can let your imagination run wild and choose dishes that best suit the preferences of vacationers. From meat dishes at home, you can cook a baked bird, wrap it in foil and cool. When deciding what to take with you on a picnic from food, in the summer you should not forget about home baking, which will be a great snack in nature. delicious cookies or fluffy buns will please everyone and are unlikely to return home. Desserts type homemade pie will also be very popular, and when choosing what to take with you on a picnic, you should not refuse them.

Cheese homemade buns

When planning what to take on a picnic, don't forget about homemade buns. They will be a great snack before the main meal in nature and will not let you die of hunger on the road.

In flour intended for cheese buns, add salt, soda and turmeric and grind the resulting mixture with vegetable oil. Kefir and chopped parmesan are also added here. Now the dough is thoroughly mixed and left in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. At this time, you need to turn on the oven. Then the dough is molded (it should not be thicker than 1.5 cm) and, if desired, sprinkled with sesame seeds. Bake the buns in the oven for up to 40 minutes.

Spicy sweet wings

There are situations when it is not possible to make a fire in a place of rest, and there is simply no barbecue. In this case, it is better to cook such a meat dish at home that will be tasty even when it is cold.

Wings should be washed and dried with a paper towel before cooking, or left to dry on their own while the sauce is prepared for them. Ginger is rubbed, which is mixed with honey, salt, a pinch ground pepper chili and teriyaki sauce. Sauce can be substituted soy sauce With rice vinegar. The mixture is boiled for about 10 minutes over low heat. Next, half the sauce is mixed with wings and baked in an oven preheated to 200 0 C.

The wings are cooked for 15 minutes, after which the second half of the sauce is added to them and baked for another 15 minutes.

Dishes prepared outdoors

Food cooked or baked in nature has a special taste, and the process of preparing it brings more joy than standing in four walls at the stove. There are many delicious recipes what you can take with you on a picnic and easily cook on the grill, fire or burner outside the city. All treats prepared in nature will come in handy, as fresh air very easy to get hungry.

Chicken shish kebab with honey

The barbecue has already become traditional dish for trips out of town. It looks like it was made for a picnic. From the huge variety of cooking methods, eyes are already starting to run up. Today kebabs are made from pork, poultry, lamb and fish.

Marinade for chicken skewers should be done in advance. You can use the most regular recipe, but with the addition of honey, which will be approximately a third of the total composition. Before the chicken is marinated, part of the mixture should be poured to soften the kebab during cooking. Marinated chicken should be in the refrigerator for about two hours.

Thus, marinated chicken, some of the marinade and vegetables are all you can take on a picnic. Next, chicken shish kebab with honey is made in the same way as a regular shish kebab: the products are alternately pierced on skewers, left on the grill or over the coals of a fire, often turned over and fried until the juice becomes transparent.

Bacon-wrapped prunes rolls

Prunes in bacon will be an excellent substitute for the usual barbecue. The recipe for its preparation is very simple and quick, but you can’t do without a barbecue.

Things to take on a picnic in this case include prunes, chopped bacon, sauce and toothpicks. Prunes soaked in sauce are wrapped in bacon and secured with a toothpick. The sauce must palatability Suitable for both bacon and prunes. The rolls are grilled for 2-4 minutes, then turned over. juicy tasty dish from prunes will go well with potatoes and lettuce.

Grilled Mackerel

Fresh mackerel, cooked outdoors, will not just wonderful dish but also a very useful addition to the daily diet. Fresh fish is cleaned, the insides are taken out and left to marinate. Then marinated mackerel stuffed with basil leaves and lemon is placed on the grill and fried for 15 minutes on each side. The grate must be oiled before use. The metamorphosis that occurs with the fish during this half hour is noticeable, so it is always clear when the fish is ready. Serve it ruddy and fragrant dish with vegetables. Instead of basil and lemon, you can use oranges and ginger, which will make the mackerel more spicy and unusual.

Tomato and avocado salad

A juicy salad will be indispensable in hot summer weather. For a salad of tomatoes and avocados, you will need tomatoes, olive oil and butter walnut, avocado, mozzarella cheese, chopped greens, lemon juice. Sliced ​​avocado is sprinkled with juice and mixed with washed and chopped tomatoes, mozzarella and herbs. All this is seasoned with oils and served on the table. This salad goes well with croutons. It will be a great addition to meat dishes.

Grilled eggplant

It's popular italian dish very easy to prepare, but goes well with grilled meats and various cheeses. Sliced ​​eggplant is fried on both sides. After cooking, the dish is salted, poured olive oil and a small amount vinegar. Minced garlic and mint are added here. The dish turns out tasty and pleasant even in very hot weather.

Each family, each company has its own taste preferences and decides for itself what to take with them on a picnic. Recipes and menus can be as varied as your imagination allows.

12. Fruit

Fruits are also appropriate for a picnic - pre-washed and packed in special plastic containers. The best "transportation" for food is a large basket - this will not only look more stylish and appetizing than a mountain of packages, but will also guarantee that the provisions will not be wrinkled. And getting a large number of products from the basket is more convenient.

13. Water

Drinking tasty water- like salt and bread - there is never enough.

14. Tea and coffee

If you can't imagine a picnic without hot tea and coffee, take it with you in a thermos. Rinse the thermos with boiling water to keep it warm. Tea lovers can bring along a thermos with pre-brewed tea - or with boiling water and separate tea bags. If there are coffee lovers in the company with milk, heat some milk (but do not boil it!) And pour it into another small thermos. Good and cold tea!

15. Alcohol

At a picnic, it is best to refrain from excessive consumption of alcohol and, in particular, from strong alcohol. In the fresh air, you will quickly be “carried away” and you will want to sleep - and you still have to go home.

On a picnic, it is better to take beer or wine with you.

And, of course, salt and black pepper mill! Don't forget about these two main spices.

The most pleasant and affordable pastime that will help you escape from the bustle of the city is going out into nature. The smell of shish kebab and the warm sun are associated by most with a trip to the forest, to the river or with relaxation in the city park and beckons to go on a picnic with family or friends. Such a trip is always accompanied by delicious food and a pleasant company, and a non-standard menu will leave a pleasant impression of the rest. By carefully preparing in advance and determining for yourself what to take with you on a picnic of food, you can not only stock up on delicious dishes in sufficient quantities, but also insure against food poisoning caused by perishable foods.

Catering in nature

Before deciding what dish will be prepared, you need to determine the format of the picnic and where it will take place. You should take cutlery, utensils and other equipment based on the situation. Unintentionally forgotten at home coals for barbecue or lack of necessary appliances can turn a comfortable trip into a real disappointment. Knowing what to bring with you to a picnic from equipment can greatly simplify the process of organizing a picnic.

  1. Campfire equipment. There is nothing more romantic than spending time around a campfire, talking, singing and telling stories - true or made up. To make a fire you will need: matches (lighter), coals, paper or firewood if cutting down trees is prohibited at the picnic area. To stock up on dead wood and chop wood in a wild holiday, you can take both an ax and a band saw. The latter option is suitable for those who have limited space in the car and who cannot take too much with them.
  2. Appliances for cooking. If it was decided to cook food in nature, you should take a barbecue with skewers or a gas burner with you. From the appliances you should take a few knives, a cutting board, a corkscrew. Garbage bags are among the must-haves to take with you on a picnic.
  3. Tableware. On a picnic, you will definitely need plates, glasses, forks and spoons, as well as bowls for salads. Disposable tableware will be very relevant at a picnic, as it does not need to be washed, and, accordingly, waste time and water.

Products you can't do without

Without some products, no vacation will be complete, and when deciding what to take with you on a picnic, you should not forget about them. These, of course, include water in large quantities, salt, spices, butter and bread.

Vegetables and fruits are great snacks, especially for families. They will not bring much trouble during cooking: vegetables can be cut into large pieces or made into a salad, and fruits can be simply washed.

In addition, drinks, juices and, if desired, alcohol will come in handy.

Potatoes baked in smoldering coals give a special charm to a picnic, which is one of the most popular foods that you can take with you on a picnic.

A variety of smoked meats and cheeses will be an excellent option for a snack and an addition to the main meal. Also, do not forget about the meat for barbecue.

Picnic food you can make at home

It is not always possible to cook food in the field. The reasons can be completely different, ranging from the lack of the necessary equipment and ending with a ban on making a fire in a picnic area.

If it was decided that you need to take ready-made food with you to a picnic, you can let your imagination run wild and choose dishes that best suit the preferences of vacationers. From meat dishes at home, you can cook a baked bird, wrap it in foil and cool. When deciding what to take with you on a picnic from food, in the summer you should not forget about homemade pastries, which will be a great snack in nature. Delicious cookies or fluffy buns will appeal to everyone and are unlikely to return home. Desserts like homemade pie will also be very popular, and when choosing what to take with you on a picnic, you should not refuse them.

Cheese homemade buns

When planning what to take on a picnic, don't forget about homemade buns. They will be a great snack before the main meal in nature and will not let you die of hunger on the road.

Salt, soda and turmeric are added to the flour intended for cheese buns and the resulting mixture is ground with vegetable oil. Kefir and chopped parmesan are also added here. Now the dough is thoroughly mixed and left in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. At this time, you need to turn on the oven. Then the dough is molded (it should not be thicker than 1.5 cm) and, if desired, sprinkled with sesame seeds. Bake the buns in the oven for up to 40 minutes.

Spicy sweet wings

There are situations when it is not possible to make a fire in a place of rest, and there is simply no barbecue. In this case, it is better to cook such a meat dish at home that will be tasty even when it is cold.

Wings should be washed and dried with a paper towel before cooking, or left to dry on their own while the sauce is prepared for them. Ginger is rubbed, which is mixed with honey, salt, a pinch of ground chili pepper and teriyaki sauce. The sauce can be replaced with soy sauce with rice vinegar. The mixture is boiled for about 10 minutes over low heat. Next, half the sauce is mixed with wings and baked in an oven preheated to 200 0 C.

The wings are cooked for 15 minutes, after which the second half of the sauce is added to them and baked for another 15 minutes.

Dishes prepared outdoors

Food cooked or baked in nature has a special taste, and the process of preparing it brings more joy than standing in four walls at the stove. There are many delicious recipes that you can take with you on a picnic and easily cook on the grill, fire or burner outside the city. All treats prepared in nature will be most welcome, as it is very easy to get hungry in the fresh air.

Chicken shish kebab with honey

Shish kebab has already become a traditional dish for trips out of town. It looks like it was made for a picnic. From the huge variety of cooking methods, eyes are already starting to run up. Today kebabs are made from pork, poultry, lamb and fish.

Marinade for chicken skewers should be done in advance. You can use the most common recipe, but with the addition of honey, which will be about a third of the total composition. Before the chicken is marinated, part of the mixture should be poured to soften the kebab during cooking. Marinated chicken should be in the refrigerator for about two hours.

Thus, marinated chicken, some of the marinade and vegetables are all you can take on a picnic. Next, chicken shish kebab with honey is made in the same way as a regular shish kebab: the products are alternately pierced on skewers, left on the grill or over the coals of a fire, often turned over and fried until the juice becomes transparent.

Bacon-wrapped prunes rolls

Prunes in bacon will be an excellent substitute for the usual barbecue. The recipe for its preparation is very simple and quick, but you can’t do without a barbecue.

Things to take on a picnic in this case include prunes, chopped bacon, sauce and toothpicks. Prunes soaked in sauce are wrapped in bacon and secured with a toothpick. The sauce should taste like bacon and prunes. The rolls are grilled for 2-4 minutes, then turned over. A juicy tasty dish of prunes will go well with potatoes and lettuce.

Grilled Mackerel

Fresh mackerel, cooked outdoors, will not only be a wonderful dish, but also a very useful addition to your daily diet. Fresh fish is cleaned, the insides are taken out and left to marinate. Then marinated mackerel stuffed with basil leaves and lemon is placed on the grill and fried for 15 minutes on each side. The grate must be oiled before use. The metamorphosis that occurs with the fish during this half hour is noticeable, so it is always clear when the fish is ready. This ruddy and fragrant dish is served with vegetables. Instead of basil and lemon, you can use oranges and ginger, which will make the mackerel more spicy and unusual.

Tomato and avocado salad

A juicy salad will be indispensable in hot summer weather. For a tomato and avocado salad, you will need tomatoes, olive oil and walnut oil, avocado, mozzarella cheese, chopped herbs, lemon juice. Sliced ​​avocado is sprinkled with juice and mixed with washed and chopped tomatoes, mozzarella and herbs. All this is seasoned with oils and served on the table. This salad goes well with croutons. It will be a great addition to meat dishes.

Grilled eggplant

This popular Italian dish is very easy to prepare, but goes well with grilled meats and various cheeses. Sliced ​​eggplant is fried on both sides. After cooking, the dish is salted, poured with olive oil and a small amount of vinegar. Minced garlic and mint are added here. The dish turns out tasty and pleasant even in very hot weather.

Each family, each company has its own taste preferences and decides for itself what to take with them on a picnic. Recipes and menus can be as varied as your imagination allows.