Czech national dishes and pork recipes. Traditional Czech cuisine

Going to the Czech Republic, we scoured the Internet for various information, including about various Czech dishes that you need to try in Prague.

Most often, it is advised to taste pork knee, dumplings, thick soups, shank, goulash, ribs, pastries and beer. But, of course, we should not forget that although Czech food is very tasty, it is very difficult for the Russian stomach. Especially it is necessary to be careful for people with sick stomachs, so as not to spoil their vacation.

And I also want to draw your attention when making an order in a restaurant - look not only at the price, but also at the weight, because in the Czech Republic portions of some dishes can be large and only two can overcome them.

Here is a list of Czech dishes that we compiled before our trip to the Czech Republic.


Czech soups are most often mashed soups. They add butter, egg yolks, smoked meats. In some types of soups, overcooked yeast is added, which gives a spicy taste. unusual taste.

Sauerkraut soup - Zelňačka

Garlic soup - Česnečka (garlic)

Tripe soup - Drštková

Potato soup with mushrooms in a bread bowl - Bramboračka

Soup made with sour milk– K oprovka (koprovka)

Soup with liver meatballs – Нovězí polévka s játrovými knedlíčky

Beer soup with the addition of cheese croutons - Pivní polévka (vole pivni)

Onion soup with croutons and cheese pieces - Cibulačka (cibulachka)

Main dishes

The main course often consists of meat. Restaurants offer schnitzel, pork, goulash, beef in sauce. But be sure to try the popular baked pork knuckle Veprshov knee.

The most popular side dish is dumplings, a boiled dough product with gravy. Therefore, it is not necessary to order bread if you decide to try dumplings, although most likely they will bring bread anyway.

Potatoes are also popular in the Czech Republic (potato salad, mashed potatoes, french fries), rice, vegetable stew, sauerkraut. We really liked the Czech salads - "Shopsky", "Vlashsky", "Brno".

Hot dishes(Prilohy)

Pork knuckle baked in the oven with horseradish and mustard - Pečené vepřové koleno The weight of the dish is usually about 2.5 kg, so it is advisable to order this dish for several people.

Baked pork with dumplings and stewed cabbage- Vepřo-knedlo-zelo (veprsho-knedlo-zelo).

Baked pork ribs in honey - Pečená vepřová žebírka v medu

Dish from cold cuts(pork, duck, smoked neck, sausages) with cabbage, dumplings and flatbread – Staročeská Bašta

Meatloaf, poured mushroom sauce– Vepřová panenka s houbovou omáčkou

Pork goulash with bread or potato dumplings - Vepřový guláš (Vepřový guláš).

Skewers of several types of meat with vegetables - Královský meč (Královský sword).

Baked pork liver - Pečená vepřová játra

Beef cooked in traditional Czech style sour cream sauce. Served with a slice of lemon, soft cream, berry jam (usually lingonberry) and dumplings - Svíčková na smetaně (Svíčková on sour cream).

Beef goulash with dumplings and gravy - Pivovarský guláš (brewery goulash).

Beef steak in oil and spices - Rumpsteak s bylinkovým máslem (rumpsteak with blade of grass oil).

Stewed leg of ram - Dušená jehněčí kýta (strangled whale's lamb).

Young lamb meat with garnish - Jehněčí s jáhlovou kaší

Duck baked according to traditional recipe with apples and oranges - Pečená kachna s pomerančem a jablky (pečená kachna with orange and apples).

Baked trout - Pečený pstruh (baked pstrug).

Fried carp – Tradiční smažený kapr (traditionally lubricated kapr)

Popular Czech side dishes

Balls from potato dough, deep-fried - Krokety (croquettes)

Bread dumplings - H ouskové knedlíky (gouskove dumplings)

Potato dumplings – B ramborové knedlíky (Bramborové knedlíky)

Deep Fried Potato Parmesan Mix - Rosti

Boiled potatoes - V ařené brambory

Fry potatoes - O pékané brambory (guardian of the brambora)

Mashed potatoes - B ramborová kaše (Bramborová kaše)

French fries – B ramborové hranolky

Crispy toasts and croutons - Topinky, tousty (topinky, toast)


Apple strudel - J ablečný závin (apple zavin)

Blueberry dumplings – B orůvkové knedlíky (boruvkové dumplings)

Sweet bun from vanilla dough in the form of a tube - Trdlo (trdlo)

Hot thin wafers with filling – Oplatky (payments)

Ice cream with fruit, sweet sauce, waffles and chocolate – Zmrzlinový pohár s čerstvým ovocem

Ice cream with hot raspberry syrup - Horka laska

Sweet pancakes with ice cream topped with raspberry syrup – Zmrzlinové palačinky s horkými malinami a šlehačkou

Tiramisu with fruits - Domácí tiramisy zdobený čerstvým ovocem (Domacy tiramisu are made with stale sheep).

From this list, we tried not everything, but we tried not to get better.

But in fact, there are a huge number of national dishes in the Czech Republic, listing their names can take a long time. Nobody will be left hungry!

In the life of every person, great importance is attached to food. Everyone knows that it is a source of vitality and necessary energy. Many people like to get acquainted with the national cuisines of the world. Thus, they try to diversify their diet and add something special to it. Today the subject of our conversation will be the national dishes of the Czech Republic. And you don't have to go there to try them. We invite our readers to get acquainted with the top 10 main national dishes of the Czech Republic. You will also find recipes for some dishes in the article. Let's start dating.

National dishes of the Czech Republic: features

Each country has its own attitude to cooking. Czech cuisine has evolved over huge amount years. This issue was not without the influence of other countries. Czech cuisine can be compared with Russian. They cook soups, meat dishes, side dishes. But there are still differences. Let's move on to their description:

Food in the Czech Republic: national dishes

We suggest you try to cook them at home. Be sure to stock up on the necessary seasonings and spices. You will need them during the cooking process. Why are different sauces so popular in the Czech Republic? They help the body absorb large portions. We will introduce you to the best national dishes of the Czech Republic. What to try to cook from the proposed recipes, decide for yourself. Remember that the presented dishes are not only tasty, but also very high-calorie.

Top 10 most popular dishes

It's time to get to know the national cuisine of the Czech Republic. Having studied a large number of the necessary information and after analyzing it, we decided to compile for you the top 10 popular dishes. Let's start our list from the very end. So let's get started:

  • In tenth place - trdlo.
  • Ninth - svichkova on sour cream.
  • Eighth - fried cheese.
  • Seventh - drowned.
  • Sixth - goulash.
  • Fifth - pork ribs.
  • Fourth - garlic.
  • The third is pork knee.
  • The second is bramboraki.
  • In the first place - dumplings.

Next, we will tell you in detail how to cook some of the popular national dishes of the Czech Republic (photos will also be provided in the article). Perhaps some of you will have a desire to try them, and the piggy bank of homemade recipes will replenish.


Many names of the national dishes of the Czech Republic do not at all give an idea to the Russian tourist what kind of dish this is. Let's take it upon ourselves to fix it. After reading the article to the end, you will have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat is hidden behind the mysterious and incomprehensible names, and also learn how to cook them. Trdlo. I wonder what kind of dish it is? Those who have visited the Czech Republic know that this is a very tasty dessert. It is also called triangles or Czech trdlo buns. Sell ​​right on the street, in small kiosks. Cooked over charcoal and special devices on which the dough is wrapped. This incredibly delicious dessert is a must to eat hot. It can be with the addition of chocolate, nuts, sugar. Now we will teach you how to cook it at home.

We will need:

  • yeast;
  • flour - 2.5 cups;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • cinnamon - Art. l.;
  • egg - 2-3 pieces;
  • water - half a glass;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • nuts - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • salt;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.


Svichkova on sour cream

One of the most popular and favorite dishes in the Czech Republic. This is the name of tender meat tenderloin, which is served with a special sauce and dumplings. For cooking we need:

  • meat, preferably beef - 500 g;
  • carrots - 1-2 pieces;
  • onions - 2-3 pcs.;
  • ham or bacon - 300 g;
  • salt;
  • water;
  • milk or cream;
  • spices, herbs.

Cooking technology:


Without this dish, it is very difficult to imagine the national cuisine of the Czech Republic. For cooking we need:

  • milk;
  • eggs;
  • salt;
  • Wheat flour.

The recipe is very simple. kneading plain dough. Then we cut off small pieces from it and roll them into a sausage. Cut off small pieces from it and boil in salted, boiling water for several minutes. Can be served with sour cream, any jam, lemon, condensed milk. Dumplings can be made both salty and sweet. We think that this unusually simple dish will certainly appeal not only to adults, but also to children.

fried cheese

This dish can be great option breakfast. Let's take any hard cheese and cut it into rectangles. Next, prepare three plates. Mix in one a small amount of flour and salt, in the second we will beat a few eggs, in the third there will be breadcrumbs. Then roll the cheese in turn in each of the plates. Repeat the procedure twice. Place the cheese in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes. In a well-heated pan with sunflower oil, fry the pieces of cheese until golden brown. The dish is served only hot!


Many tourists who come to the Czech Republic remember with pleasure the fragrant and tender stew in spicy tomato sauce. We invite you to learn how to cook this amazingly delicious dish.

We will need:

  • meat - 500 g;
  • Bell pepper;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • onions - 2-3 pcs.;
  • tomato paste - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sunflower oil - for frying;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • beer - 500 ml;
  • seasonings - pepper, cumin, paprika.



We suggest you learn how to cook very easy and tasty soup with garlic. Its highlight is that it is served not in a plate, but in... bread. Let's learn how to cook this delicious dish.


  • smoked meats (bacon, ham, pork ribs);
  • potato;
  • butter;
  • egg;
  • garlic - a whole head;
  • salt and spices to taste.


  • Cut into small pieces of smoked meat and potatoes. Take a saucepan, pour water into it. When it's hot, add butter.
  • Put potatoes, and after five minutes - smoked meats. When the soup boils, chop the garlic, and add it in several portions. Salt the soup and add spices.
  • For classic garlic you will need: marjoram, black pepper, cumin. But if you do not have these spices, then it does not matter. You can add only one pepper.
  • Carefully pour the egg into the soup, stirring it well.
  • At the very end of cooking, add more garlic. Close the lid and turn off the stove. After a few minutes, the dish is ready.

If you want to feel real taste Czech soup, we recommend that you serve it in bread. To do this, it is better to take a high round bun. Cut off the top and carefully remove the crumb, leaving the bread wall. Now you can pour soup here.

The most unusual names of dishes

Readers will certainly be interested in getting to know them. The list of unusual names of national dishes of the Czech Republic will look like this:

  • Drowners. So the Czechs call ordinary sausages marinated with onions.
  • Houska - sweet bun made on the basis of yeast dough. Poppy seeds or raisins can be added to it.
  • Baked kahna. One of the popular meat dishes. This name is roast duck, which is served with stewed cabbage or potatoes.
  • Payments - Czech waffles.
  • Bramboraki. The dish tastes like potato pancakes.

Warm potato salad

Many housewives will be very interested to know if there are salads among the national dishes of the Czech Republic. Of course have. We offer you one recipe that you can easily prepare. Its peculiarity is that it is cooked warm.

Boil young potatoes in their skins. You don’t need to clean it, this is how it is usually served in the Czech Republic, but if you don’t like it, then do as is customary in your house. Potato cut into pieces. We fill with any greens. We take a small amount olive oil, a little vinegar, mustard, salt. We mix everything and season the salad. You can add a spoonful of dry white wine.

It is necessary to prepare not only comfortable shoes, but also empty the stomach. Surely everyone is well aware that Czech cuisine is tasty and satisfying, but it is also heavy. Therefore, it would be good not to forget with you some kind of remedy for heaviness in the stomach)).

When you visit a Czech restaurant for the first time, do not rush to order a dinner from several dishes at once. It is unlikely that you will be able to eat all this, since most Czech restaurants have a feature - the portion size is very large. In addition, often the second dish already includes a side dish, or even two, as well as sauces, fresh or pickled vegetables.

Czech cuisine is, at first glance, a huge variety of dishes. However, the predominance of meat, often rather fatty dishes (mainly pork) make Czech cuisine appetizing on the one hand, and on the other hand, if you look closely, the choice of dishes is not at all great: meat in different variations, soups, sausages (again, meat), snacks (also fried or pickled). Here, perhaps, is the main variety Czech cuisine. Hearty, fatty, heavy, but no doubt delicious. For three days, our stomachs endured eating such food, and then you already run to the supermarket for yogurt and fruits)).

Let us dwell in more detail on the national Czech cuisine, and towards the end of the article we will tell you where in the cities of the Czech Republic you can taste Czech dishes.

Main traditional dishes of national Czech cuisine

Czech soups

In the Czech Republic they are called voles / polevka.

In restaurants and cafes in the Czech Republic, soups have a separate place on the menu, often almost at the very beginning. Most Czech soups are thick, more like sauces. A dense consistency is achieved due to the fact that semolina or mashed vegetables, as well as butter and egg yolks, are added to these soups during cooking. Most soups in Czech cuisine are pureed.

The most common national Czech soups are:

garlic soup


Sauerkraut soup

With smoked meats or mushrooms

Various pureed vegetable soups

Goulash soups, with cheese and others

In different regions of the Czech Republic, the same soup can be prepared in different ways. What is there in the regions, the taste, texture and ingredients of soups differ depending on the restaurant.

Soups can be ordered both in a regular plate and in bread. Soups in a plate cost from 40-50 kroons, in bread an average of 80 kroons. Soups are prepared in the same way, in a saucepan, and already before serving they are poured either into a bread or into a regular plate. This does not affect the taste of the soup, except that it is more fun to eat from a bread plate, besides, the plate itself can be eaten))

The pride of the Czech Republic, the main dish of Czech cuisine

Boar knee (knuckle)

Boar knee (or just a knuckle) baked in beer, in Czech Pecene veprove koleno, you will see on the menu of any Czech restaurant or cafe. Roulka, this is satisfying! Roll, it's delicious! Knuckle, that's a lot! Rulka, this is the Czech Republic!

For many tourists, the Czech Republic is, first of all, beer. For us, Rulka has become one of the symbols of the Czech Republic. The knuckle is juicy, tender, melting in your mouth and undoubtedly the most delicious meat. With their knuckle, the Czechs outdid everyone.

The shank is served most often with several sauces, horseradish and mustard, maybe also with sauerkraut.

The weight of a portion of the shank is large, on average from one kilogram. Such a shank is often ordered for 2-3 people. The cost is from 400 crowns per handle. However, in restaurants, you can also find small shank, designed for one person.

Boar knee in large Czech cities is served not only in restaurants and cafes, but also on the street. In large braziers, huge shank are roasted on a spit over the coals. The price for 100 grams is 90 crowns, payment on the fact of weight, how much you say so much to you and they will cut it off.

It is difficult to say which knuckle is tastier, in a restaurant or “street”. Both are delicious, but so different. We recommend trying both. Street food in the Czech Republic is diverse, including the aforementioned knuckle, potato pancakes, various sausages, fried cheese, vegetables, potatoes with bacon and much more. We talked more about street food in the Czech Republic in one of the previous articles, read and see photos.

Honey pork ribs

Meaty, juicy pork ribs baked to a crispy honey crust is another excellent Czech dish that we recommend everyone to try.

Ribs are served with several types of sauces, and there are also variations with pickled vegetables. Portions are large, up to 700 grams.

Svichkova on smetane/svickova on smetane

Another famous Czech dish. Svichkova, this is baked beef, served with dumplings, thick sauce, slice of lemon, whipped cream and lingonberry sauce. And all this in one plate.

The dish is highly advertised, but we did not understand it. We didn't find it tasty, it was too much. different flavors mixed in one bowl. Sweet whipped cream with meat and sour lemon...? There are several types of dumplings, we will talk about them below in the paragraph about side dishes. In Svichkov, as a rule, dumplings are pieces of flour dough. You can compare it with an ordinary loaf, which had its crusts cut off. It is also rather doubtful as a side dish. We did not like this dish at all, but many people are delighted with it! Maybe advertising has that effect on people?


In the Czech Republic, various meat goulash with an abundance of sauces are very common. Almost every restaurant has its own goulash recipe. Goulash can be beef, pork, rabbit, poultry, liver and assorted. But most often you can find beef goulash.

To prepare goulash, pieces of meat are used, crushed cumin, garlic, pepper are added and stewed for a long time over low heat. When the meat becomes soft, the resulting sauce is seasoned with flour, tomato paste and quench again.

Goulash is served most often with the same dumplings. Less often with stewed sauerkraut.

Other meat dishes and duck

There are many meat dishes in Czech cuisine: pork necks, steaks, hams, schnitzels, etc., you can’t list everything. Come to the restaurant, choose and try. The appetite of the meat-eater is where to roam.

Duck, a separate topic for conversation. Czechs also love her and cook well. More often, the whole or part of the duck is baked in an oven with spices. Served with side dishes.

Fish in Czech cuisine

Fish in Czech cuisine is not as common as meat, but still present. An integral part of Czech fish cuisine is carp / karp. There are many various ways cooking carp: fish soup, carp chops, fried carp. On Christmas Day in the Czech Republic ("Generous Evening"), the traditional dish is fried kart with potato salad.

Side dishes in the Czech Republic

We have already said above that the main side dish of traditional Czech cuisine is knedlik/knedlik. Traditional Czech dumplings are steamed pieces of boiled flour or potato dough. Dumplings made from potato dough are tastier.

As a separate dish, small dumplings are served with sauce and bacon. Very tasty. Something hearty pito pasta is obtained.

In addition to dumplings, potatoes are common side dishes in Czech cuisine, they can also be served with bacon and sauce as an independent dish. In addition, stewed cabbage, vegetables, cereals and deep-fried potato dough balls (croquettes) serve as side dishes.

Before ordering a side dish, make sure that it is not included in the second course.

Czech snacks

All snacks in the Czech Republic can be used as snacks for beer, or as a separate dish.

The most common beer snacks in the Czech Republic are:

Cheese plates

fried cheese

A delicious dish, we ate it on both cheeks. Cheeses are very popular in the Czech Republic and fried breaded cheese is a national dish. To do this, they often take a local variety of cheese - Germelin, it is soft and fatty. Small pieces are rolled into breadcrumbs and sent to a frying pan with an abundance of oil. Cheese is served piping hot with sauces or cabbage. Crispy on top, chewy on the inside hot cheese. Mmm... yummy))


Funny name)) But this dish, with an unusual name for us, is tasty and goes well as a snack with beer.

Utopenci in the Czech Republic, a national dish, which is pickled sausages or sausages with onions and peppers. Well, like pickled cucumbers, but instead of cucumbers, sausages.

Foam in the Czech Republic generally a separate issue. There is no beer in the Czech Republic ... We will not take up space in this article and repeat ourselves, since we talked about beer in the Czech Republic in detail in a separate article, read.

Coffee and desserts in the Czech Republic

Coffee in the Czech Republic is delicious, aromatic, rich. Sweets and desserts are very diverse, from buns to pastries and cakes.

The most common national Czech desserts are:

Original fruit dumplings, with plums, apricots or strawberries. This is a kind of sweet modification of traditional dumplings;

Czech strudel / cesky strudl, puff pastry roll stuffed with apples, nuts and cinnamon. It is often served with vanilla ice cream and whipped cream and is called "zavin" / zavin, from the verb "curl" - "twist";

Of course, the famous and excellent Czech trdlo/trdlo. Street sweet. In large cities such as Prague, they sell on every corner. And the smell spreading from this delicacy is simply stunning in the city. We recommend everyone to try it, insanely delicious, especially hot, piping hot.

Trdlo is a traditional Czech delicacy made from yeast dough, sprinkled with sugar on top. Trdlo is cooked on an open fire, in barbecues, the dough is wound around a cylindrical wooden skewer (similar to a long rolling pin), rolled several times in sugar and fried over coals, constantly rotating until the dough is browned. It costs from 60 crowns.

Where in the Czech Republic to try national cuisine?!

Like they wrote something on the street. In the Czech Republic, street food is so diverse that you can eat it endlessly without going to restaurants. Or in numerous cafes and restaurants.

In the center of tourist cities, cafes and restaurants are dark, found at every turn. But, if you want to enjoy delicious Czech dishes without spending a lot of money, the same principle applies here as in any other city in the world. We depart a few blocks from the tourist routes, and go to a restaurant "for locals." Finding one is easy, these restaurants have a lot of locals.

Menus with prices, as a rule, are installed at the entrance to the establishments, you can come up and get acquainted without going inside. Walk around, take a closer look, choose and only then go to a particular restaurant.

If you are already tired of high-calorie Czech cuisine, there is always a choice in the cities of the Czech Republic. The abundance of restaurants of European, Italian, Indian and other cuisines. In any restaurant, even a national one, you can find dishes of several cuisines. The Czech Republic has delicious and juicy burgers, good pasta and pizza, chicken, etc.


These are Czech dumplings made from wheat or potato flour, boiled in water and formed into balls, then cut into slices and served hot.


A very popular dish in bars. It has many variations, but the most common is to cut beef big chunks and pour thick, slightly spicy sauce. Goulash is usually served with raw chopped onion and horseradish. (It should be noted that the name of the dish comes from the Hungarian word "gulyás", which is more like a soup.

Czech goulash is more similar to the Hungarian dish perkelt.) One type of goulash is savory goulash, which, as the name suggests, is cooked with seasonings, but it is not as spicy. Segedinsky goulash is made from pork, not beef, and cabbage.

Beef Goulash

A classic Czech dish served with sliced ​​bread (Czech. houskovy) dumplings. Usually served as a side dish fresh onion and pepper.

Pork goulash

The main dish of Czech cuisine. It is served in the same way as beef goulash, with the exception of meat: it is made from pork.


A delicacy served with beer. These are sausages that are pickled with vinegar, vegetable oil, onion, red pepper and various spices. Such preparations are usually made in the beer shops themselves or at home.

Svichkova on sour cream

Beef tenderloin in cream. Cooking method homemade dish and the food served at the bar is different. But even the quality and taste depend on the bar. But as a rule, the tenderloin is marinated and then fried with root vegetables and onions. When the meat is ready, you need to take out the vegetables and the shtava (meat juice) and wipe them. The sauce is made from cream and flour.

The meat is cut into slices and served with sauce, bread dumplings, a slice of lemon with whipped cream and cranberry sauce. Despite the fact that the name comes from a certain type of meat, the word "svickova" can also be attributed to the sauce and served with other meats, such as venison or rabbit.

Svichkova on sour cream is often called the sweet brother of Czech goulash. This is a beef tenderloin that is fried in a pot and served with a creamy sauce. Carrots give it sweetness. Served with cranberries and whipped cream.

Fried pork with dumplings and cabbage

It's for real traditional food in the Czech Republic. The basis of this dish is pork, which is served with dumplings and sauerkraut. It, of course, may seem bland and greasy, but it is one of the most beloved Czech dishes, and in Prague it can be found in many restaurants.

fruit dumplings

There are many variations of this dish. Bread and potato dumplings are also very popular. Bread is often served with gravy in which the dumplings can be dipped. Potato dumplings are served as an additional dish to fried or smoked meat. Shpekove dumplings are made from fatty bacon and are no longer so popular.

The filling of fruit dumplings is various fruits, but most often it is plum, apricots and blueberries. Served with cottage cheese or poppy seeds. Despite the fact that the dish is sweet, it is often eaten instead of the first course.


It's delicious Czech pies stuffed with fruit, jam or cottage cheese.


fried cheese(smazený sýr). It is rolled in breadcrumbs, fried and served with salad.

Fried champignons

Mushrooms are rolled in breadcrumbs and fried.


One of the Czechs' favorite dishes. It looks like big round waffles. They must be served piping hot. There are payments with chocolate or nut filling, lots of options.


This is a Czech bun. It is prepared from wheat flour, water, yeast and salt. Sprinkle with poppy seeds, cumin or salt on top. So tasty, so sweet yeast bun with an egg is available in almost every Eastern European country. As a rule, it is a braided bun with or without raisins. The Czechs and the inhabitants of Bohemia call it "houska".

For Jews, this is challah. This bun is similar to a French brioche. It is incredibly tasty both on its own and with butter or fried. Leftover buns can be used to make bread pudding or popsicles.

Pechena kahna

It's Bohemian roast duck. Served with bread dumplings and stewed red cabbage. Previously, duck or goose dishes were too expensive to afford to eat every day, so such a dish was served only on special days.


This is a medium rare steak. If you want to order a fried steak, don't forget to say "baked". It is usually served with french fries and sometimes an egg.

Fried chicken cutlets

Cutlets rolled in breadcrumbs. They are very similar to Wiener Schnitzel, but Czech cuisine does not usually use cheese. This dish is usually served with cold potato salad or boiled potatoes.

Chicken breast

Served with any side dish, but most often with potato pancakes (rubbed on a grater and fried in the form of pancakes).

Fried rabbit

Fried rabbit - very popular dish, although it can be found in restaurants infrequently. This lean meat can be cooked in a variety of ways: in a creamy sauce, fried with garlic, or cooked plain with vegetables and onions.

Czech dishes have many ways of preparation. If you like the dish itself, but don't like the sauce, just order it without the sauce ("bes omachka").

In the Czech menu you can find the following names:

  • Směs - for example, "Kuřecí směs". This means that the meat is cut into small pieces.
  • Prsa- chicken breasts.
  • Piquant, Ďábelský, Pálivý - the dish is served with spicy sauce.

I offer you a convenient list of Czech cuisine. Just print it out and take it with you to Czech restaurants.

The fact that Czech beer is one of the best in the world is undeniable. But the Czech people are not rich in beer alone. The national cuisine of the Czech Republic is able to surprise even the most distinguished gourmet with its variety. You can taste the most popular national dishes in any Czech restaurant or pub (popularly referred to as "hospoda").

Before you start choosing dishes from Jídelní lístek, order a glass of beer to your taste. Usually, most Czech restaurants offer their customers several varieties. draft beer(točené pivo) by a single brewer.

Sipping a coveted mug of your favorite beer, you can start to study the menu. In any Czech gentleman or restaurant, the waiter will bring you:

  • jídelniček (yidelniček) - food menu
  • pitníček (pittnichek) - a menu with drinks.

So, what do Czech chefs offer us to taste?

The first section of any idelnichek is Něco na začatek

Něco na začátek - literally translated into Russian - for starters. In this section, your attention is presented to a large assortment of light snacks for beer:

  • Masové prkénko (meat platter) - neatly sliced ​​bacon, ham, sausage, and added pickles and pickled peppers for spiciness.
  • Sýrové prkénko (cheese platter) - sliced ​​​​of your choice of cheeses. Most often it is a field, romadur, eden or hermelin.
  • Pivni sýr obložený is a bread spread with an original appetizer made from beer cheese, sprat, onion, butter and with a drop of beer.
  • Topinky s křupavou slaninou a česnekem - toast with crispy bacon and garlic.
  • Tatarský biftek z lososa na salátovém lůžku s opečenou bagetkou - raw minced salmon with fried long loaf. Served on a lettuce leaf.
  • Hovězí tatarák s topinkami - fried bread with raw minced beef.
  • Vltavský utopenec is a delicious marinated sausage.
  • Tlačenka s cibulí a octem - spicy brawn with onion and vinegar.
  • Grilované klobásky s křenem a hořice - delicious meat sausages grilled until crispy. Served with horseradish and spicy mustard.

Hot snacks for beer

In the section "Hot snacks for beer" you can find the following:

  • Smažený hermelín - Hermelin cheese, breaded on all sides and garnished with lingonberry sauce. In spite of unusual combination ingredients, the taste of fried hermeline is a real pleasure.
  • Grilovaný hermelín is a variation of the previous dish. The difference is that the cheese is grilled. Usually served with vegetables and sweet and sour sauce.
  • Houbové (zeleninové) rizoto - mushroom (vegetable) risotto.
  • Zapečené smetanové brambory s listovým špenátem – boiled potatoes with spinach under light sour cream sauce.

Let's move on from appetizers to main courses.

Soups – Polevky

  • Vepřo-knedlo-zelo is the most common pork dish in Czech cuisine. This is oven-baked pork with dumplings and stewed cabbage. Before serving, “veprsho-knedlo-green” is poured abundantly with gravy.
  • Pečené vepřové koleno (HIT!) – pork knuckle baked in the oven with horseradish and mustard. If you order “pechen veprshov knee” in a restaurant, be prepared for the fact that it is simply not possible to eat it alone. The dish is very popular!
  • Pečený vepřový bok - prepared in the same way as the previous dish, only from the pork side.
  • Pečená vepřová žebírka v medu is a dish that combines the unusual taste of baked pork ribs and sweet bee honey. There are a lot of ribs in one serving. By the way, "veprshov's zhebirka baked in honey" was once considered the food of the poor. Yes, poor Czechs lived well!
  • Staročeská Bašta is a difficult-to-prepare cold cuts dish. It includes baked pork, roast duck meat, smoked neck and baked sausages. From vegetables - stewed white and red cabbage, as well as potato cakes and bread dumplings. One serving of "old bashta" is enough to feed several hungry men.
  • Vepřová panenka s houbovou omáčkou - the word panenka in the context of the name of the dish means "chrysalis". That's what the Czechs call meatloaf, plentifully poured with mushroom sauce.
  • Přírodní vepřový řízek na pepři – grilled pork. As a rule, the meat is well seasoned with a mixture of ground peppers.
  • Vepřová kotleta v omáčce – despite the fact that the name of the dish contains the word kotleta, this dish is prepared from whole piece pork, which, as you might guess, is poured with sauce.
  • Veprovy guláš – delicious goulash from pork. Veprshovy goulash is served with bread or potato dumplings.
  • Královský meč - such a majestic name was given by the Czechs to meat skewers strung on a skewer in the shape of a sword. Often in restaurants they offer to taste barbecue not from one, but from several types of meat at once. The standard set is pork, beef, lamb plus vegetables.
  • Pečená vepřová játra is nothing more than pork liver cooked in the oven.
  • Moravský vrabec - under this there are several unusual name- "Moravian Sparrow" - hides pork baked in pieces.

As you can see, Czech national meat dishes are very diverse and original. But there are quite usual steaks (Vepřový steak) and pork schnitzels (Vepřový řízek) in the menu of restaurants.


Here are the most interesting Czech delights from beef meat:

  • Svíčková na smetaně - deliciously cooked beef tenderloin, floating in an amazing sour cream sauce. "Svichkova on sour cream" is served with a slice of lemon, soft cream, berry jam (usually lingonberry) and dumplings.
  • Biftek naložený v barevném pepři s omáčkou – this dish consists of bischftex and garnish neatly laid out on a plate with colorful peppers.
  • Pivovarský guláš is mine favorite dish, Goulash Made From Beef Meat. Served with dumplings and gravy.
  • Rumpsteak s bylinkovým máslem - beef rumpsteak in oil and spices.
  • Čertovy roštěnky (devil's rostenki) - such an interesting name is spicy roast beef in the Czech Republic.
  • Beef meat baked in a pot is called Moravský hrnec by the Czechs, and beef steak Hovězi steak.


The menu of Czech restaurants has a lot of game dishes (Zvěřina).

  • Bažant na víně - pheasant (bazhant) in a light wine sauce.
  • Bažantí prsa s hruškami - pheasant breasts baked with pears.
  • Divočák na pivě se zelím – beer-cooked wild boar with crispy cabbage.
  • Polada s divočáka - wild boar meat roll.
  • Dančí guláš - doe meat goulash.
  • Jelení guláš - reindeer goulash.
  • Pečená koroptev - partridge baked to a crispy crust.
  • Pečená srnčí kýta - baked chamois leg.
  • Kanec na česneku - baked with large quantity garlic boar meat.
  • Jelení řízky na víně - reindeer steak with wine sauce.
  • Zaječí Paštika - pâté made from hare meat.

Bird (Drubež)

The Drůbež section of the yidelniček has a lot of delicious poultry dishes.

  • Francouzská paštika z kachních jater is the most famous delicacy in this section. The famous foie gras pate made from duck liver is highly valued by gourmets all over the world.

The following dishes are no less exquisite:

  • Kachna s ořechy po čínsku - Chinese-style duck with nuts.
  • Kachni prsa s mangem - duck breasts baked with exotic mango.
  • Pečená kachna s pomerančem a jablky - duck baked according to a traditional recipe with apples and oranges.
  • Kuřecí křidélka - crispy chicken wings. A variety of sauces are served with kurzhechi krzhidelka.
  • Pečená kachna - duck cooked in the oven. In the Czech Republic, “pechena kahna” is traditionally served with dumplings.
  • Krutí steak - turkey steak.
  • Kuřecí plátek, steak, medailonky, řízečky - fillet, steak or chicken slices.
  • Pečená husa s ovocem - goose baked in the oven with fruit.

Fish (Ryba)

AT the best restaurants In the Czech Republic, you can find a wide range of dishes from river and sea fish. So, what delicious to expect from the "Ryba" section?

  • Pečený pstruh is a classic of the genre, baked trout.
  • Tradiční smažený kapr - no less traditional dish - fried carp.
  • Pečený kapr na česneku - carp baked with garlic.
  • Grilovaný platýs - grilled flounder.
  • Uzený kapr s křenovou omáčkou - smoked carp. It comes with horseradish sauce.
  • Smažená treska v pivním těstíčku - batter-fried cod. By the way, beer is added to the batter.
  • Pečený candát s houbovou omáčkou - pike perch cooked in the oven with mushroom sauce
  • Pečený candát se sýrovou omáčkou - the same pike perch, only with cheese sauce.
  • Grilovaný mořský jazyk na másle - grilled sole with butter.
  • Pečený tuňák - baked tuna.
  • Pečený losos na smetaně a česneku - salmon in sour cream and garlic sauce.
  • Kalamari na česneku - squid meat with garlic.
  • Pečený úhoř podávaný se šalvějovým máslem is a delicacy of baked eel. Served on the table with sage oil.
  • Grilovaná štika s bylinkovým máslem - grilled pike with spices.

side dishes

Meat, game, fish - it's all good. And how are things with side dishes? So, what can be found in the “Garnishes” (Přílohy) section. The list of side dishes offered by Czech chefs is very large:

  • Krokety are deep-fried balls made from potato dough.
  • Kari plátky - potatoes with curry seasoning, cut into circles and deep fried.
  • Hranolky are deep-fried potato figurines.
  • Rösti is a mixture of potatoes and parmesan, deep fried until golden brown.
  • Vařeny brambor - well, everything is very banal here - it's boiled potatoes.
  • Americké brambory - jacket-boiled potatoes, sliced large pieces and deep fried.
  • Kořeněné americké brambory - the same as the previous dish, only with spices.
  • Pečený brambor v alobalu - potatoes baked in foil.
  • Bramborová kaše is a traditional puree.
  • Šťouchané brambory se slaninou - potatoes stuffed with lard.
  • Bramboráčky - Bramborové placky - fried potato cakes. Prepared from grated raw potatoes.
  • Vařena zelenina - a variety of boiled vegetables.
  • Dušená rýže - boiled rice.
  • Máslová brokolice - broccoli in oil.
  • Fazolové lusky na slanině - beans fried on cracklings.
  • Topinky, tousty - crispy toast and croutons.

As you can see, Czech restaurants have dishes for every taste and budget. But that's just cook them not 5 minutes.

What if time is running out? For example, to have lunch, you have only half an hour. In this case, choose dishes from the section “Ready meals” (Hotova jídla). Here you can find several types of the first, second and garnish.