Buckwheat soup without meat. Buckwheat soup: how to cook a delicious soup with buckwheat? Lean potato soup with buckwheat

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

In my understanding, a fasting day is when I cook lighter and more dietary food. These are, as a rule, vegetarian lean dishes - soups (last time we cooked with you), grilled vegetables, salads, fruits. And I do this primarily because our body needs to be given days off from time to time, and if you eat fatty, heavy foods every day, then sooner or later problems from the gastrointestinal tract will manifest themselves in full growth. And then the doctor will prescribe a therapeutic diet along with a course of treatment, but only often such a diet is designed for a lifetime.

So, as for me, such problems are very easy to avoid if you just consciously treat your health and switch to the right way of eating. If you think that nothing can replace the taste of fried appetizing wings or pork chop, then you simply do not know how to cook a dish worthy of haute cuisine from vegetables or more tender meat, such as chicken, turkey or rabbit meat.

That is why I will tell you how to cook a simple but very tasty buckwheat soup on the water with the addition of sautéed vegetables. It is very simple, and most importantly - tasty and healthy!

The recipe is for 4 servings.

- water - 2 l.,
- buckwheat - 1/2 tbsp.,
- potato tubers - 2 pcs.,
- carrot root - 1 pc.,
- turnip onion - 1 pc.,
- sunflower oil - 30 ml.,
- rock or sea salt
- spices, bay leaf, herbs.

Recipe with photo step by step:

We sort out buckwheat from dark kernels, then wash it several times.

Peeled potatoes cut into cubes.

Put potato cubes and buckwheat in a pot of boiling water, cook for 20 minutes.

At this time, we peel the root crop of carrots and onions.
We chop the onion quite finely, and cut the carrots either into strips, or simply chop them with a grater.

Saute the vegetables in a frying pan with oil until they are soft and tender.

Put them in a saucepan and cook for another 5-10 minutes. It is important to cook the dish on moderate heat in order to preserve all the flavor and nutrients of the ingredients as much as possible.

Add salt, spices and finely chopped parsley, dill or basil to taste and turn off the heat.

Also, for a change, in the post you can cook

You can cook a light lean soup at least every day, because it is done quickly, but it is also eaten with a bang! I show and tell how to cook lean buckwheat soup in a hurry!

  • Buckwheat 0.5 cups
  • Potato 2 pieces
  • Water 1.5 Liters
  • Carrot 1 piece
  • Bay leaf 3 pieces
  • Dill 1 Bunch
  • Vegetable oil, spices to taste

First, put potatoes and buckwheat to boil, I put them to boil at the same time. Rinse the buckwheat, cut the potatoes into cubes. Bring the water in a saucepan to a boil, and only then throw in the cereal and potatoes. You can also pour cold water and just put it, but it will take longer to cook. Cook for 20 minutes over medium heat. In the meantime, prepare the frying: grate the carrots, cut the onion into small cubes. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil, fry the vegetables for 5 minutes (until golden brown).

Then transfer the sautéed vegetables to the soup pot, add spices and bay leaf, cook for another 10 minutes.

If the potatoes and buckwheat are cooked, turn off the heat and let the soup cool down. Ready lean buckwheat soup can be served with herbs. Bon Appetit!

Lean buckwheat soup- very tasty, fragrant first course for your dinner table. It will definitely appeal to those who fast, who follow their figure or adhere to a diet. This soup can and should be given to children.


To prepare lean buckwheat soup you will need:

potatoes - 3-4 pieces;

water - 2-2.5 liters;

carrots - 0.5 pcs.;

onion (small) - 1 pc.;

buckwheat - 3 tbsp. l.;

refined vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp. l.;

salt - to taste;

dried herbs (seasoning) - 1 tsp;

bay leaf - 1 pc.;

freshly ground black pepper and herbs for serving.

Cooking steps

Cut the peeled onions, potatoes and carrots into pieces, place in a saucepan, pour water, when the water boils, remove the foam.

Rinse buckwheat.

Add buckwheat, vegetable oil to a saucepan with vegetables and cook for 30-35 minutes (until cooked) over low heat under a covered lid.

When the vegetables and buckwheat are cooked, mash the contents of the pan a little with a crush (but not too much, a couple of pressures), salt. Put on fire again, add dried herbs and bay leaf.

Boil the soup over low heat for another 5-7 minutes. Delicious lean buckwheat soup is ready! Pour into bowls, sprinkle with freshly ground black pepper and chopped herbs, serve.

step by step recipe with photo

Lean buckwheat soup can be prepared during fasting or on any other day - this is a light, healthy dish that can be served for lunch or dinner. If you decide to cook it in a slow cooker, then all the hassle will be reduced to a minimum - you only need to cut the vegetables, send them to the slow cooker along with buckwheat and pour water. The soup will be ready in 30-40 minutes. Cooking soup on the stove is not much harder - unless you have to fry it.


  • 2-3 potatoes
  • 70 g buckwheat
  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 100 g frozen mixed vegetables
  • 1 tsp salt (no slide)
  • 1/5 tsp spices for soup
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 st. l. frying oils


1. Put water in a saucepan on the stove. While it boils, peel, wash and randomly chop the potatoes. Send it and the bay leaf to the already boiling water. After boiling again, remove the foam and reduce the heat.

2. It is convenient to use frozen vegetable mix for soup. The recipe uses a mixture prepared at home, it includes sweet pepper, tomato, onion, zucchini. The soup will turn out tastier if the vegetables are slightly thawed and fried in a pan in a small amount of butter or vegetable oil.

3. Sort the buckwheat for soup, rinse if desired, then pour it into the soup immediately after boiling water with potatoes.

4. In a frying pan, heat a little oil for frying and fry the vegetables for 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Cooking method:

Steam buckwheat for five minutes (pour boiling water over it), drain the water. Pour buckwheat and potatoes cut into medium-sized cubes with water, put on the stove.

While the water boils, cut the liver into small cubes, mix with flour and fry. Chop the onion, grate the carrots and transfer to the liver, continuing to sauté.

Put fried vegetables and liver into boiling water with buckwheat and potatoes. Salt the liquid, add spices as desired (ground pepper, bay leaves) and cook until tender. Sprinkle the soup in a bowl with herbs.

Recipe 3: Buckwheat soup with mushrooms

It would seem that completely different products - buckwheat and mushrooms, but how interesting they are combined in the soup! It cooks quickly, because. ingredients do not require long heat treatment. You can use dried, frozen or fresh mushrooms. Dried (50-70g) do not forget to soak for an hour first. And the water in which they were soaked is also added to the pan for more flavor. Well, like any soup with mushrooms, it is best served with sour cream. The number of products is indicated for 2 liters of water.

Ingredients: 300 fresh mushrooms, 1 onion, carrot and tomato (or a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste), two or three medium potatoes, ½ cup buckwheat (maybe a little more if you like thicker soup), sour cream, herbs, vegetable oil, spices and, of course, salt.

Cooking method

Put water to boil. In order not to waste time, it is worth looking into other products. Peel vegetables, wash buckwheat. Cut the potatoes into strips or medium-sized slices. Chop the onion, coarsely grate the carrot. Mushrooms cut into plates.

Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the onion, add the mushrooms, continuing to fry until they give juice. Carrots and tomatoes are placed next in the pan in turn. Tomatoes pre-prepare - scald with boiling water, peel and chop. You can use tomato paste, but better quality tomato sauce or homemade preparations - mild adjika or grated tomatoes with pepper. Mix the mass in a frying pan and simmer-fry until the liquid evaporates.

Here the water boils in a pot. We throw potatoes and buckwheat there, and after ten minutes, fry with tomato and mushrooms. Soup, as expected, must be salted, pepper and other spices (optional) and boiled until tender. During this time, the potatoes and buckwheat will become completely soft, and the soup will reach the desired consistency in density. Then it is poured into plates and tasted.

To make buckwheat soup lighter and more transparent, at the beginning of cooking, you need to add a whole peeled onion, and at the end of cooking, remove it from the pan.

To make the soup less greasy, carrots with onions can be added raw, without frying.

This soup is loved by both adults and children. Soup with buckwheat differs not only in the availability of ingredients. The recipe for buckwheat soup is very simple to prepare, even a novice hostess can handle it. And yet, I haven't made it in a long time. And today I cooked a pot of soup and my family ate 2 bowls of this soup.

For some reason, I was never interested in how to cook soup with buckwheat when I was little, I didn’t eat first courses at all. But then somehow I went to visit a friend, and she cooked lean buckwheat soup. It is without meat, poultry, even without mushrooms.

The best part is that the products for this dish are almost always at home. And in Lent you cook it in vegetable oil. And if the vegetables are only slightly simmered in a pan, and not fried, you get a dietary buckwheat soup. And on normal days, you can use butter. Then you will get a more satisfying first course. Now let's move on to how to cook buckwheat soup.


  • 2 tbsp buckwheat
  • 2 liters of water
  • 1 bulb
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 potatoes
  • 50 grams of vegetable or butter
  • black pepper
  • Bay leaf


To start cooking soup with buckwheat, put a saucepan with clean water on a small fire. Rinse the buckwheat with cold water. To do this, either put buckwheat in a sieve, or fill it with cold water 3-4 times. Water from buckwheat should become clean.

We put the washed buckwheat in a saucepan with water. Bring water to a boil and reduce heat to low. People often ask how much buckwheat is boiled in soup. Everything is quite simple - after boiling for 5-7 minutes and with vegetables for 5 minutes. In the meantime, we clean the vegetables. Finely chop the onion, carrots can be chopped, or grated. Peel potatoes and cut into cubes. Immediately add the potatoes to the buckwheat in the soup.

Melt the butter in a frying pan, start frying the onion. When the onion starts to become translucent, add the carrots. During the frying process, it may turn out that there is not enough butter. Add another piece of butter. Or you can use vegetable oil instead of butter. Because this buckwheat soup without meat, you get a lean soup with buckwheat. Fry the onions and carrots over low heat for 5 minutes. If you want dietary buckwheat soup, just stew the vegetables a little under the lid, you can use water at all if your diet does not even allow using vegetable oil.

Add carrots and onions to the soup with buckwheat and potatoes. Salt and pepper the soup. Bring to a boil. I put a bay leaf. Cook for about 5 more minutes. We turn off the fire. Cover with a lid and let it brew. Serve with greens.
This soup can be cooked in chicken or meat broth. But I cook exactly as described in the recipe. My family calls it "ax soup", because. I cook it when there is very little time or did not have time to go to the market for meat. While I was writing a recipe for buckwheat soup, my daughter looked at the monitor and asked why I had not cooked this delicious soup for a long time.

Bon Appetit!