Goulash in Czech. cooking recipes

The very word "goulash", which is familiar to everyone, is of Hungarian origin. In translation, it means "shepherd" and this is not accidental, because it was the shepherds who were the first to stew pieces of meat in sauce. Over time, Czech goulash soup became known far beyond Europe. Its main feature is an unusual serving - goulash soup is served in round bread. To do this, cut off the upper part of the loaf, take out the pulp and pour the finished soup inside. How I wanted to try it! Let's try to cook.

  • 450 g beef pulp
  • 2 onions
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 2 liters of broth (meat)
  • 5 potatoes
  • ? tsp salt
  • 50 g tomato paste
  • on? tsp paprika, pepper, marjoram
  • 80 g butter
  • 50 g flour

1. Cut the garlic and onion and fry in a pan using half of the available oil. At this time, put a pot of broth on the stove.

2. Put the beef, cut into pieces, to the fried onion. In the process of frying, add spices, tomato paste and salt to the meat.

3. When the meat is fried and the broth starts to boil, put the meat with onions and spices into the pan. We also send chopped potatoes to the pan.

4. In a pan, fry the flour in butter. When the flour turns light brown, send the dressing to the soup.

5. Cover the pan with a lid and cook goulash for 30 - 40 minutes. until meat is ready.

If desired, the soup can be decorated with herbs. Cooking Czech goulash soup is quite simple and should not be difficult. At the same time, the taste of the finished dish will not leave anyone indifferent.


Czech beef goulash with dumplings

If you want to learn how to cook delicious and aromatic stew, then the original recipe for this dish will help you. This step-by-step recipe with photos will tell you in detail how to cook classic Czech beef goulash with beer and dumplings. Feel free to serve this hearty meal for lunch or dinner and no one will leave the table hungry.

Goulash is considered to be the birthplace of Hungary, where it is called thick soup. But in the Czech Republic, this is more of a second dish.

Czech cuisine is not only delicious, but also very satisfying. An example of this is the popular national dish - Czech goulash, where the main ingredients are beef and dark beer. The stew turns out juicy, soft and incredibly fragrant.

Czech goulash can be prepared from different types of meat: pork, venison, beef, rabbit, chicken breasts. In restaurants in Prague, traditional classic goulash is served from beef.

In the Czech Republic, goulash is served with beer and dumplings - pieces of boiled potato or flour dough, which are used to soak the rest of the sauce.

Classic Czech goulash - recipe with beer

To date, there are many recipes for cooking goulash. Below is a recipe for a delicious spicy dish with a thick sauce - a classic Czech beef goulash with beer and dumplings.


  • Beef - 800 gr.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • Chili pepper pod - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Onion - 2 heads
  • Dark beer - 0.5 l.
  • Wheat flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Paprika
  • Vegetable oil (lard) - for frying.

Cooking goulash in Czech

1. Before cooking, beef should be soaked in cold water and kept for 15-20 minutes. Dry and cut into small cubes of 3-4 cm.

It is better to give preference to the neck or shank, the meat should not be very fatty.

2. Fry the beef in a heavy bottomed pan, stirring constantly.

3. Wash the onion, chili pepper, garlic. Finely chop everything. Combine the ingredients with the meat and sweat everything together over low heat.

4. When the vegetables become soft, it's time to add tomato paste, finely chopped bell pepper and spices (ground paprika, cumin, salt).

Cumin is better to buy in seeds and grind before use. It is an excellent spice with a sharp, tart taste. The list of spices can be varied at will. The most commonly used spices in the Czech Republic are basil, mint, thyme, marjoram, sage and cumin.

5. Pour everything with beer and simmer for 2 hours until cooked under a closed lid. Dark beer gives a special taste to Czech goulash, it is aromatic, as it is prepared using roasted barley.

6. Fry the flour in a dry frying pan so that it darkens and gives the dish the appropriate color.

7. After the time has elapsed, add flour, mix everything and wait until the sauce thickens. It must become uniform.

The basis of gravy for goulash is meat juice, which is released during the stewing process in combination with tomato paste, garlic, onion, cumin, pepper and flour. Sometimes broth is added to the meat.

Is it possible to cook Czech goulash based on light beer? Of course you can. Dark beer enriches the beef with exquisite taste, and light beer gives the meat softness. Good beer should include only 4 ingredients: water, hops, yeast and malt.

Czech goulash can be served with baked or boiled potatoes, potato pancakes, crumbly buckwheat and even wild rice. Green onions can be used as a flavoring additive.

Czech goulash dumplings

Dumplings are considered the best side dish for meat dishes, they are very high-calorie and satisfying.


Cooking dumplings

1. Mash boiled potatoes in mashed potatoes. When the puree has cooled, add the egg and salt. Then add flour and knead the dough.

2. From it it is necessary to form a sausage with a diameter of 1.5 cm. Cut into pieces of 3-4 cm or make dumplings round (the size of a walnut).

3. Boil in salted water, stirring occasionally, and remove with a slotted spoon.


Goulash with dumplings

This is how they serve it in the Czech Republic: goulash and dumplings are a great pairing!

Traditional Czech cuisine is represented by many meat dishes, among which the best known are pork knuckle, Czech sausages, bacon, fried ribs and, of course, goulash, without which Czechs simply cannot live. Yes, yes, Hungarian goulash has its own edition in the Czech Republic.

Goulash is prepared from different meats and in different ways. An indispensable element is the stewing of meat with onions, with the obligatory paprika and cumin. Often beer, sauerkraut, tomato paste and sour cream are added to goulash. Before you - an option with dumplings. A classic that can be ordered in the Czech Republic in any restaurant and pub. I will also tell you how to cook dumplings.

Dumplings are very similar to gnocchi, the recipe of which is also in the magazine.

Recipe Ingredients

To prepare Czech goulash you will need:

  • 600-700 gr beef
  • 2 onions
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • ground black pepper
  • ground sweet paprika
  • 2-3 tablespoons vegetable oil (or lard)

How to cook Czech goulash

    Let's start with meat. As a rule, goulash needs pulp - wash it, dry it and cut it into small pieces.

Cut the onion into half rings and send it to a saucepan with heated oil to fry until translucent (do not fry too much).

As soon as the onion is slightly golden, add the chopped meat and fry for a couple more minutes, stirring, the meat will begin to let the juice out,

then salt, pepper to taste, add 1 tablespoon of ground paprika, an incomplete teaspoon of cumin, add a little water and simmer for 1-1.5 hours over low heat until the meat becomes soft.

If the water evaporates, add little by little.

While the goulash is stewing, we will make a side dish for it - potato dumplings. To prepare them, you will need 0.5 kg of potatoes, 1 egg, 1 glass of flour, salt.

Boil the potatoes and still hot mash in mashed potatoes, let cool.

Salt the cooled puree, beat in the egg and mix well.

Adding flour, knead the dough.

On a floured work surface, lay out the potato dough in parts,

we will form a sausage out of it (finger-thick)

and cut into pieces, about 3-4 cm long.

You can make dumplings round - to do this, pinch off pieces from the dough with a walnut and give it the shape of a ball.

Cook dumplings in salted boiling water, stirring occasionally. As soon as they surface, reduce the fire and boil for a couple more minutes.

We catch the finished dumplings with a slotted spoon.

While we were cooking the dumplings, the goulash was almost ready, it remains to thicken the sauce. For him, dilute 1 tablespoon of flour with water (half a glass), stir well with a fork so that there are no lumps. Add to the meat in a saucepan, stirring, so that the gravy eventually turns out to be thick and uniform. Taste for salt and adjust if necessary.

We will serve hot goulash to the table along with dumplings, watering them with gravy and garnishing with sweet onion rings.


Meat goulash soup - in search of the ideal

What is goulash - everyone knows. This is a thick and satisfying brew of meat. And the very word "goulash", which has so long and firmly entered our culinary everyday life, is Hungarian in origin. In Hungarian it is pronounced as "guyash" - it means "shepherd". That is, translated into our language, it turns out not a culinary dish, but the name of a profession or occupation. But it is called so, because it was the shepherds and nomads of the ancient Hungarian tribes who invented this dish during their long journeys through the Magyar steppes. Now goulash soup is the pride of Hungarian cuisine and the most famous national dish outside this country.

How to cook goulash soup

It is unlikely that in the conditions of a modern city apartment we will be able to cook a real, authentic, so to speak, Hungarian goulash soup. To do this, we would need at least to build a fire somewhere in the area of ​​​​the balcony, get a large sooty cauldron somewhere and hang it over it. Yes, and there would be a problem with the ingredients: after all, the ancient Magyars cooked goulash using dried meat, which they prepared in some special way for long-distance crossings. So let's not puzzle too much, but take the most ordinary cauldron and install it on a gas stove, which will perfectly cope with the role of a steppe fire. I can even bet that our goulash will turn out no worse, and even better than the Magyar. Indeed, in the arsenal of a modern housewife there is a much more diverse set of products and spices.

It is unlikely that there will be a dish more satisfying in this national cuisine than the Hungarian goulash soup. Its recipe, however, is not simple. So if you are going to feed a crowd of guests with goulash, which, in general, is quite a feasible task for this dish, then stock up not only on food, but also on patience.

Beef goulash soup

So let's get started:

  1. At the bottom of the cauldron, we begin to melt the pork fat. There will be no bacon, replace it with vegetable oil - it's not so important.
  2. We will cook beef goulash soup, which will need 1 kilogram.
  3. When the fat or oil starts to click slightly, put the pieces of this meat into it. Pork goulash soup is also prepared in Hungary, but this is already considered a departure from the traditional recipe.
  4. As soon as the meat becomes ruddy, take onions (1-2 pcs.), Cut it into rings and add to the cauldron. The fire on the stove should be reduced. Next comes paprika - perhaps the main component of this dish after meat.
  5. We do not regret it and put two full dessert spoons. The goulash should be quite spicy.
  6. Mix everything and add a glass of water.
  7. Now you need to carefully stew the meat for an hour or a little more. The water will boil down, so you need to keep an eye on it and add it if necessary.

Let's take care of vegetables: they need to be washed, peeled and cut into not too small cubes.

We will need:

  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 5 potatoes;
  • several cloves of garlic;

We send all these vegetables to a cauldron and add a little water. All this will have to be stewed for another 20-25 minutes. after that, the goulash is almost ready.

It remains only to put traditional seasonings into it:

  • black peppercorns;
  • Bay leaf;
  • caraway;
  • coriander and let stand a little under the lid.

You can diversify this dish with another component, dumplings, which are placed directly in goulash soup. Their recipe is very simple.

  1. The dough is kneaded from two eggs, salt and flour and briefly placed in the refrigerator.
  2. After half an hour, dumplings can be sculpted both for future use and then used ready-made, or made immediately before preparing goulash soup.
  3. We roll out the dough for dumplings into bundles, roll them in flour so that the dumplings do not stick together, cut into circles.
  4. Squeeze each circle lightly with your fingers, giving it the shape of a small cake, and send it to the goulash soup for 10 minutes before it is completely cooked.

How goulash is prepared in other countries

The glory of the Hungarian national dish has long since stepped beyond the borders of this country. And in Russia, every housewife prepares goulash in her own way. What can we say about the cuisines of other countries, which have introduced their culinary traditions into goulash recipes. There are a few things we can take note of.

Austrian goulash soup

Austrian goulash soup is made from veal.

  1. Meat (600-700 grams) is washed, dried with a napkin and cut into small pieces.
  2. One large head of onion is cut into rings and fried in a deep frying pan in pork fat, stirring constantly so that it does not burn, but acquires a slightly golden color.
  3. Then sprinkle with ground black pepper, pour in one tablespoon of vinegar (6%) and two tablespoons of water or meat broth.
  4. Now you can put the meat.
  5. Grate lemon zest on top, salt, squeeze three cloves of garlic with a garlic press.
  6. Simmer the meat over low heat under the lid for about 40 minutes.
  7. From time to time, the lid must be removed and checked to see if the liquid has evaporated, and, if necessary, add water or broth.
  8. Five minutes before readiness, add the right amount of water, add two tablespoons of tomato paste, bring to a boil and boil for a few more minutes.

Dumplings can also be added to the Austrian goulash soup, and seasonings are added according to your own taste.

Tyrolean goulash soup

Goulash is cooked a little differently in one of the regions of Austria - the province of Tyrol. Tyrolean goulash soup also includes sauerkraut. But first things first.

  1. About the same amount of onions is taken per pound of beef. A lot of tears will be shed until all this onion is finely chopped and sent to the pan.
  2. It needs to be slightly simmered in vegetable oil with the addition of one tablespoon of granulated sugar and one head of garlic chopped into crumbs.
  3. As soon as all this onion-garlic mass becomes translucent, put the meat and cover the pan with a lid.
  4. After 5 minutes, the meat will give juice, and then you need to add 3 tablespoons of tomato paste.
  5. It's time to transfer all this to the pan, because potatoes are on the way. 3 - 4 tubers are cut and laid to the rest of the products.
  6. Add water - it is better if it is boiling water, salt and continue to cook.
  7. When the potatoes are almost ready, put one glass of sauerkraut along with brine and spices: pepper, bay leaf, basil. Turn off the stove, cover with a lid and wait one hour until the goulash with cabbage “gets tired”.
  8. Then you can eat.

Czech Goulash Soup

Czech goulash soup is perhaps one of the most original recipes among similar goulash recipes. But it is interesting not so much for the composition of the products (it is generally standard), but for its interesting serving - after all, this goulash is served in rye bread, from which the pulp has been removed. A round loaf plays the role of a kind of edible pot. The crust is cut off from above like a lid, the pulp is removed, and goulash soup is poured inside. So, if you find something similar in our stores, you can cook the soup itself.

  1. Traditionally, we already fry one onion and a couple of crushed cloves of garlic in a pan.
  2. We put 300 grams of chopped beef to them.
  3. We fry.
  4. Then season with paprika, cumin and pepper, put the right amount of salt, pour in the meat broth, bring to a boil.
  5. Potatoes - 5-6 pieces, peel, cut into large pieces, put in boiling soup.
  6. While it is cooking, you need to make flour dressing.
  7. Melt one tablespoon of butter in a frying pan, mix with flour and fry until light brown.
  8. We add this dressing to the goulash for density and cook for another half hour.
  9. It remains only to find or bake the appropriate "dishes" for serving.


Goulash in Czech

For those who love a tasty and satisfying meal, this dish of Czech cuisine is perfect. In the Czech Republic, it is available in almost every beer bar. Very easy to prepare!


  • Beef 300 Grams
  • Onion 1-2 Pieces
  • Ground paprika 2 teaspoons
  • Cumin 1 teaspoon
  • Lard 1 Art. a spoon
  • Ground black pepper 1-2 pinch
  • Flour 1 Art. a spoon
  • Salt 0.5 teaspoons
  • Beer 1 glass

Peel the onion, finely chop and fry in a frying pan with lard.

Wash the beef, remove the films and cut into small pieces.

Add the meat to the pan to the onion, fry for about 5 minutes. Then salt and pepper.

Sprinkle with paprika and stir-fry for just a minute.

Pour the meat with beer or water, bring to a boil and reduce the heat to a small one. Add cumin and taste the sauce for salt. If necessary, add. Cover the goulash with a lid and simmer for about 1 hour.

10 minutes before the dish is ready, thicken the sauce. To do this, stir the flour in a separate bowl with a small amount of goulash liquid and stir well so that there are no lumps. Pour back into goulash and mix well.

If you want to learn how to cook delicious and aromatic stew, then the original recipe for this dish will help you. This step-by-step recipe with photos will tell you in detail how to cook classic Czech beef goulash with beer and dumplings. Feel free to serve this hearty meal for lunch or dinner and no one will leave the table hungry.

Goulash is considered to be the birthplace of Hungary, where it is called thick soup. But in the Czech Republic, this is more of a second dish.

Czech cuisine is not only delicious, but also very satisfying. An example of this is the popular national dish - Czech goulash, where the main ingredients are beef and dark beer. The stew turns out juicy, soft and incredibly fragrant.

Czech goulash can be prepared from different types of meat: pork, venison, beef, rabbit, chicken breasts. In restaurants in Prague, traditional classic goulash is served from beef.

In the Czech Republic, goulash is served with beer and dumplings - pieces of boiled potato or flour dough, which are used to soak the rest of the sauce.

Classic Czech goulash - recipe with beer

To date, there are many recipes for cooking goulash. Below is a recipe for a delicious spicy dish with a thick sauce - a classic Czech beef goulash with beer and dumplings.


  • Beef - 800 gr.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • Chili pepper pod - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Onion - 2 heads
  • Dark beer - 0.5 l.
  • Wheat flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Paprika
  • Vegetable oil (lard) - for frying.

Cooking goulash in Czech

1. Before cooking, beef should be soaked in cold water and kept for 15-20 minutes. Dry and cut into small cubes of 3-4 cm.

It is better to give preference to the neck or shank, the meat should not be very fatty.

2. Fry the beef in a heavy bottomed pan, stirring constantly.

3. Wash the onion, chili pepper, garlic. Finely chop everything. Combine the ingredients with the meat and sweat everything together over low heat.

4. When the vegetables become soft, it's time to add tomato paste, finely chopped bell pepper and spices (ground paprika, cumin, salt).

Cumin is better to buy in seeds and grind before use. It is an excellent spice with a sharp, tart taste. The list of spices can be varied at will. The most commonly used spices in the Czech Republic are basil, mint, thyme, marjoram, sage and cumin.

5. Pour everything with beer and simmer for 2 hours until cooked under a closed lid. Dark beer gives a special taste to Czech goulash, it is aromatic, as it is prepared using roasted barley.

6. Fry the flour in a dry frying pan so that it darkens and gives the dish the appropriate color.

7. After the time has elapsed, add flour, mix everything and wait until the sauce thickens. It must become uniform.
The basis of gravy for goulash is meat juice, which is released during the stewing process in combination with tomato paste, garlic, onion, cumin, pepper and flour. Sometimes broth is added to the meat.

Is it possible to cook Czech goulash based on light beer? Of course you can. Dark beer enriches the beef with exquisite taste, and light beer gives the meat softness. Good beer should include only 4 ingredients: water, hops, yeast and malt.

Czech goulash can be served with baked or boiled potatoes, potato pancakes, crumbly buckwheat and even wild rice. Green onions can be used as a flavoring additive.

Czech goulash dumplings

Dumplings are considered the best side dish for meat dishes, they are very high-calorie and satisfying.


- Potatoes - 500 gr.
- Raw egg - 1 pc.
- Wheat flour - 200 gr.
- Salt

Cooking dumplings

1. Mash boiled potatoes in mashed potatoes. When the puree has cooled, add the egg and salt. Then add flour and knead the dough.

2. From it it is necessary to form a sausage with a diameter of 1.5 cm. Cut into pieces of 3-4 cm or make dumplings round (the size of a walnut).

3. Boil in salted water, stirring occasionally, and remove with a slotted spoon.

Similar recipes:

Traditional Czech cuisine is represented by many meat dishes, among which the best known are pork knuckle, Czech sausages, bacon, fried ribs and, of course, goulash, without which Czechs simply cannot live. Yes, yes, Hungarian goulash has its own edition in the Czech Republic.

Goulash is prepared from different meats and in different ways. An indispensable element is the stewing of meat with onions, with the obligatory paprika and cumin. Often beer, sauerkraut, tomato paste and sour cream are added to goulash. Before you - an option with dumplings. A classic that can be ordered in the Czech Republic in any restaurant and pub. I will also tell you how to cook dumplings.

Dumplings are very similar to, the recipe of which is also in the magazine.


  • 600-700 gr beef
  • 2 onions
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • ground black pepper
  • ground sweet paprika
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. rast. butter or lard


    Let's start with meat. As a rule, goulash needs pulp - wash it, dry it and cut it into small pieces.

    Cut the onion into half rings and send it to a saucepan with heated oil to fry until translucent (do not fry too much).

    As soon as the onion is slightly golden, add the chopped meat and fry for a couple more minutes, stirring, the meat will begin to let the juice out,

    then salt, pepper to taste, add 1 tablespoon of ground paprika, an incomplete teaspoon of cumin, add a little water and simmer for 1-1.5 hours over low heat until the meat becomes soft.

    If the water evaporates, add little by little.

    While the goulash is stewing, we will make a side dish for it - potato dumplings. To prepare them, you will need 0.5 kg of potatoes, 1 egg, 1 glass of flour, salt.

    Boil the potatoes and still hot mash in mashed potatoes, let cool.

    Salt the cooled puree, beat in the egg and mix well. Adding flour, knead the dough. On a floured work surface, lay out the potato dough in parts,

    form it into a finger-thick sausage

    and cut into pieces, about 3-4 cm long.

    You can make dumplings round - to do this, pinch off pieces from the dough with a walnut and give it the shape of a ball.

    Cook dumplings in salted boiling water, stirring occasionally. As soon as they surface, reduce the fire and boil for a couple more minutes.

    We catch the finished dumplings with a slotted spoon.

    While we were cooking the dumplings, the goulash was almost ready, it remains to thicken the sauce. For him, dilute 1 tablespoon of flour with water (half a glass), stir well with a fork so that there are no lumps. Add to the meat in a saucepan, stirring, so that the gravy eventually turns out to be thick and uniform. Taste for salt and adjust if necessary.

    We will serve hot goulash to the table along with dumplings, watering them with gravy and garnishing with sweet onion rings.