Gummy bear gummies recipe. How to Make Natural Gummi Bears That Taste Like Real Juice

Intriguing title, isn't it?

Inspired by the educational activities of my virtual friend, who actively tells those who are interested in the cruelty (cruelty) that exists in our civilized society (albeit implicitly and not immediately evident), I decided to go through a few key points why some people refuse animal products and why some don't.

Gummy bears and other gummies are indeed the product of violence and murder, because they are mostly made from gelatin, which is obtained from the bones of livestock. This is essentially the same jelly, which, probably, was cooked by all Russians. That is, to make gelatin gummies, you have to kill a cow and cut off her legs to isolate the necessary protein. Violence and murder? True.

Farther. During the production of some expensive varieties cheese used rennet extract, which is extracted from the stomachs of dairy calves, and there are also special cheeses made using enzymes from the tonsils of young calves and lambs. Agree, quite cruel and inhumane. But, everything is not so bad here, thanks to the achievements of science. Now it is possible to obtain these valuable enzymes in a biotechnological laboratory using genetic engineering and special strains of bacteria. So this is a wonderful achievement of biotechnology.

At the same time, I wondered for a long time why vegans refuse dairy products, because if a cow is milked to get milk, she will not suffer from this, but will suffer if, on the contrary, she is not milked (mastitis and other diseases). That is, it seems like there is no cruelty here at first glance. But in fact there is. Turns out to get milk in industrial scale, it is necessary to separate the cows from their calves. Cows can only produce milk if they have recently given birth. And in order for them to constantly give milk, they need to give birth regularly, and farmers need to regularly take calves from them. Both the cow and the calf suffer from a rupture, they know how to feel not worse than a man, and it is foolish to believe that they are stupid and do not understand. They have a consciousness, not as developed as a human, but enough to be aware of the pain of loss. Even chickens with tiny brains are capable of empathy. Those who do not believe, I will send those to read the two-volume book by Alexander Markov "The Evolution of Man ...". The book is excellent, read in one breath.

However, small households can certainly afford to keep a cow and a calf together, so there is probably no such cruelty in ordinary village yards.

Chicken eggs. Let's say, maybe this should be considered cruelty in eating fertilized eggs (to be honest, I don't care a little about this), however, I do not see cruelty in eating so-called. "chicken periods" - eggs that were not fertilized because the rooster lives behind a wall and does not have access to chickens. Another thing is keeping chickens in cramped cages with sawing off their beaks - of course, this is inhumane. However, there are free range farms and I try to buy just such eggs. Another thing is that these free range farms should be more carefully controlled by the relevant organizations, otherwise there will be a repetition of the story with eggs from Ella (the brand "By Ellah" was disgraced not so long ago by its cruel attitude towards chickens, although on the label they wrote about happy chickens in the wild) .

Honey. It is produced by bees to feed their young. Basically, it's bee vomit. A person takes some of the honey from the bees, but always leaves it so that they have enough to feed. In my opinion, this is not so cruel, especially if you breed bees in apiaries on purpose, where beekeepers also give them extra sugar (at least for the winter) so that they do not suffer. So, I do not see any particular cruelty in the production of honey. Beekeepers are not interested in their bees dying of starvation, so they will reimburse what they took, and, I think, compensation methods have long been developed.
And in general, farmers are never interested in their animals suffering, otherwise they will lose production.

A fish. Fishing is still carried out by ancient methods, when for every kilogram of fish caught, several kilograms of other sea creatures die, the same shrimp, for example. Without going into details, I will say that most of the fishing methods currently used are very inhumane and lead to the indirect death of many, many small marine animals.

I'll stop there for now.

I understand that many animal products are based on cruelty, I condemn them, I don’t like it, I don’t like that shrimp die just like that, without much benefit; I don't like that chickens are kept in terrible conditions and hurt; I am horrified that the cow is aware that her throat is about to be cut, and she is still cut ...

However, I continue to eat all of the above and do not intend to change my diet. I don't even quite understand why. Yes, I feel sorry for them and I personally wouldn’t cut anyone’s throat and saw off their beak and wouldn’t separate them from their mother, but Grishkovets quite accurately expressed my thoughts (in his well-known production): " Here I am - I eat a dog ... and I ... delicious".

Grishkovets Evgeny. "How I ate the dog"

“We had Kolya I. a Korean on our ship. Surname I. He was quiet, small, downtrodden and dirty. He spoke Russian poorly ... He was not his own Uzbeks, and he was not a Russian countryman. time was not lucky. Either he loses his hat, then his pillow is like a frog. They didn’t let him go on dismissals, and suddenly it turns out that our Yi is also a demobilization ... And that you need to respect him and stop oppressing him, that is, let the guy breathe.

And from his first dismissal And came with a dead dog in a bag. All let's yell at him, come on, they say, this dog overboard. But he doesn't. Offended. None. Yes, so hard.

Then we see: and he was offended greatly. He dragged the dog somewhere, hid it, and ... well, he was offended. At night he sits and cries. I ... they say, calm down, old man, spit you. And you need to understand - disgusting, this dog. And he lays it out to me, so bitterly that he slaughtered the dog in accordance with all the rules, that the dog is what he needs, that he was looking for such a whole day. And he did all this to please us. Korean dish... And he cried again. Got offended a lot.

I remember how we were at night: Kolya I, Abror-Uzbek - the cook and I - sat and ate this dog, which Kolya cooked for a long time, and then worried, fearing my reaction. And I sat and thought: “Here I am - I eat a dog. Maybe now some girl, tired of sobbing, sobbing, just dozed off, and before that, she and dad, with a flashlight, searched all the yards, sheds, interviewed and called all the friends - where is your favorite dog. Tomorrow the search will continue, announcements will be written by a child’s hand, and a photograph of a puppy with a ribbon around its neck will hang over the crib for a long time ... Or some grandmother looks out into the street, looks into the darkness and, at every rustle, hurries to the door, opens it ..., and into the silence of the entrance, without any hope ... - Bonik, Bonik, Bonik ... And then he sits down at the kitchen table covered with oilcloth, looks at the bowl and bowl of water in the corner of the kitchen and cries.

I ate, ate, thought, understood that inside me, in my stomach, there was already a piece of this gullible and defenseless creature, which, probably, turned over on its back when Kolya lured him, and wagged its tail ... I ate, tried to feel the rebellion in myself, and me ... it was delicious. Kolya cooked delicious food. I thought, until the last, that I would not be able to eat, but I could."

Multi-colored, fruity, chewy bears. I remember when I tried them for the first time ... Since then, these are my favorite sweets. I don't know a single child who doesn't love this. delicious treat. And cooking them at home, as it turned out, is very simple. We stock up on molds, choose our favorite fruit flavor, and after 30 minutes we enjoy homemade gummy bears.

To start, I show silicone molds. I ordered them online from Amazon -

Now about the bears themselves. The recipe is very simple and convenient because you can play with any freshly squeezed juices and grated berries. For adults, you can also add a little alcohol. The main thing then is not to confuse "children's" and "adult" bears)))

I will describe 2 recipes. The first uses fresh juices and / or berries, and in the second, the process is simplified by using ready-made colored jelly powder.

It is advisable to use juices that have a bright color. For example: orange, carrot, cranberry, strawberry.
Juice can be replaced with grated berries diluted with water. Berries can also be frozen. They need to be defrosted first.

Since the bears contain gelatin, you should avoid using kiwi and fresh pineapple. Their enzymes will not allow the jelly to harden.

Recipe #1


1 st. juice (240 ml) Instead of juice, you can use grated berries diluted with water. Proportion 1/3 tbsp. grated berries and 2/3 tbsp. water
1 tbsp honey (optional if the juice is not sweet enough)
3 bags of powdered gelatin (7g each = 21g = 3 tbsp)


Pour gelatin over juice and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Let it boil for 1 min and remove from heat
Fill molds with jelly using a pipette
Put molds in the freezer for 15-20 minutes
Ready bears to store in the refrigerator

Recipe #2


1/2 st. water (120ml)
2 packets of powdered gelatin (7g each = 14g = 2 tbsp)
1 sachet of ready-made colored jelly powder (85g)


Mix gelatin and jelly powder, add water, and stir constantly, bring to a boil. Let it boil for 1 min and remove from heat
Fill molds with jelly using a pipette
Put molds in the freezer for 15-20 minutes
Ready bears to store in the refrigerator

fruit and vegetable juices- the basis of such marmalade. They give the delicacy not only a special taste, but also a rich color.
Pink: beets, strawberries, carrots and some lemon juice but.
Orange: Carrots, oranges, ginger and some mango juice.
Yellow: yellow pepper, yellow beets, yellow pears, yellow apple and some lemon juice.
Green: cabbage, kiwi, cucumber, green apple, Green grapes.
Purple: purple cabbage, blackberries, blueberries, some types of beets and apples, dark grapes.

How to make Gummi Bears Marmalade:

Pour juice into a small saucepan. Add gelatin and let stand for a few minutes.

When the gelatin swells, stir. Put the saucepan on medium heat. Heat up without bringing to a boil. The gelatin should completely dissolve and the juice should thicken a bit.

Add honey and vanilla extract.

Pour the mixture into molds and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.

Ready marmalade can be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for 2-3 weeks.