What are the benefits of purple cabbage for the body? A)

It has bluish-violet, sometimes with a purple tint, leaves, the specific color of which is already visible in the seedlings. The presence of this color is due to increased content a special substance - anthocyanin.

Red cabbage It is characterized by late ripening and does not have early ripening varieties. The period of growth and development lasts up to 160 days. The heads of cabbage are dense, mostly round, oval, flat-round, less often cone-shaped, weighing 1.0-3.2 kg (depending on the variety). The stem and internodes are very shortened, the root is powerful and branched. Seeds form in the second year of life. The fruit is a pod reaching 8-12 cm in length. The seeds are round, brownish-brown in color.

This is a cold-resistant crop. Optimal temperature for plant growth and development 15-17 °C. Hardened seedlings can withstand short-term frosts of -5...-8 °C; adult plants -7...-8 °C. Thanks to its well-developed root system, red cabbage is more heat-resistant than other types, so it is less likely to experience flowering. The plant is very light-loving; when grown in shade, developmental phases are delayed, the leaves become green-violet, the head becomes loose, and it forms 2-3 weeks later than in plants growing in well-lit areas. The crop is demanding on soil moisture, especially during the period of formation of a rosette of leaves - before they close in the rows and at the beginning of the formation of a head of cabbage. But it doesn’t tolerate waterlogging well, so you need to avoid low-lying places where water stagnates, or grow it on ridges.

The coastal countries of the Mediterranean Sea are considered the birthplace of red cabbage, as well as white cabbage. From there it spread to Western European countries. It was brought to Russia in the 17th century.

Calorie content of red cabbage

It is only 26 kcal. Consumption of this product does not cause obesity.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Beneficial properties of red cabbage

Red cabbage contains proteins, fiber, enzymes, phytoncides, sugar, iron, potassium, magnesium; vitamin, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, PP, Provitamin A and carotene. Carotene is contained 4 times more than in white cabbage

The healing properties of red cabbage are also due to the content it contains. large quantity salts of potassium, magnesium, iron, enzymes, phytoncides. Compared to white cabbage, it is a bit dry, but richer in nutrients and vitamins. The phytoncides contained in red cabbage prevent the development of tuberculosis bacillus. Even in ancient Rome, red cabbage juice was used to treat lung diseases, and is still used today to treat acute and chronic bronchitis.

Red cabbage is recommended to be included in the diet of people suffering from hypertension, as it helps lower blood pressure. Its medicinal properties are also used to prevent vascular diseases.

It is useful to eat it before a feast in order to delay the effects of drinking too much wine. It promotes wound healing and is useful against jaundice - the spillage of bile. The essence from it is a universal remedy.

Red cabbage is not as widespread as white cabbage because it is not as versatile in use. It is not so actively grown in garden plots due to the peculiarities of its biochemical composition and the specificity of its use in cooking. The same anthocyanin, which is responsible for the color of this cabbage, gives it a sharpness that is not to everyone’s taste.

Red cabbage juice is used in the same cases as white cabbage juice. Therefore, you can absolutely safely use recipes intended for juice white cabbage.

It should only be noted that red cabbage juice, due to big amount bioflavonoids, properties to reduce vascular permeability are more pronounced. Therefore, it is indicated for increased capillary fragility and bleeding.

It is difficult to find a person who does not use fresh vegetables, in particular cabbage. This herbal product occupies a dominant position in the diet of every second resident of our country. In Russia, the most popular varieties are: white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and red cabbage. Their benefits have been carefully studied and tested for centuries.

In today's publication we will talk about which differs from other varieties in its bright color. Not many people are aware of healing properties And biochemical composition In this article, we will try to provide as accessible and detailed information as possible about this interesting and extremely useful plant for our body. In addition, we will describe a couple of fortified recipes.

When to harvest and how to choose vegetables at the market?

I would like to clarify that all subspecies of cabbage originated from a wild plant. True, each of them has a slightly different vitamin and mineral complex. Each subspecies is planted at different times of the year. the benefits and harms of which have always interested scientists, tolerates frost well and does not require special care. However, to obtain a high-quality and good harvest, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil, water, hill up and feed.

This cabbage is loved by many amateur gardeners. The harvest begins to be harvested as it ripens, depending on the species. Late varieties are harvested in the fall - early October. After which they are removed to the basements. The plant is stored for a long time and is less susceptible to rotting, unlike its relative - white cabbage.

For those who are not involved in gardening and prefer to buy food at the market or in a store, we recommend paying close attention to the external characteristics of this vegetable. Firstly, it should not have mechanical damage, rotten leaves or unpleasant odor. Secondly, fresh cabbage will never be lethargic and faded. A quality plant has leaves that are elastic, shiny and heavy, with a characteristic aroma.

Red cabbage: benefits and healing properties

First of all, let's start discussing the external color. The color of the leaves is due to the presence of a special substance - the flavonoid anthocyanin. Thanks to this pigment, the plant has an unusual color. In addition, anthocyanin has antioxidant properties, affects the activity of enzymes in the body, for this reason it is used in folk and official medicine. The natural substance neutralizes heavy metals, free radicals, harmful waste and toxins.

Red cabbage has been repeatedly proven to improve the elasticity and permeability of blood vessels. Its benefit lies in the ability to protect the structure of cells and tissues from destruction. Recommended for people living in radioactive regions. It has also been established that the vegetable stabilizes blood pressure, cholesterol levels and strengthens the immune system.

According to researchers, red cabbage, the benefits of which are undeniable, alleviates symptoms during menopause (hot flashes, irritability, migraines). It is impossible not to note the presence of ascorbic acid and protein compounds in the composition, without which normal development of the body is impossible. The plant contains quite a lot of retinol, a vitamin that is responsible for the normal functioning of the visual, nervous and immune systems.

It is difficult to overestimate the healing power of vegetables. An indispensable plant for the gastrointestinal tract: cleanses, restores digestion, heals small ulcers. Can't be ignored dietary properties. Experts unanimously declare that the vegetable quickly saturates, fills with vitamins, dulls hunger and promotes weight loss. The composition does not contain sucrose and starch, so there will be no harm to the figure. There are only 26 kcal per 100 grams of product.

A little about the harm

Red cabbage, the benefits and contraindications of which must be studied before consumption, has a small number of restrictions. It should be used with caution in case of ulcerative pathology of the duodenum. It is recommended to stew or boil the vegetable. Dosage should be minimized in case of excessive gas formation and colic.

Use in cooking

Many countries around the world use red cabbage. The benefits of the vegetable remain even after heat treatment: stewing, boiling, frying. It is mainly consumed fresh, salted or pickled. It is worth noting that it is better not to eat the top leaves and heads of cabbage, as nitrates accumulate in them. We invite you to familiarize yourself with interesting options preparations.

Recipe with added cranberries

Ingredients for the dish:

  • Half a glass of filtered water.
  • ½ part red cabbage.
  • Two hundred grams of fresh cranberries.
  • Dessert spoon of grated ginger root.
  • Soy sauce - 20 g.
  • and sugar - a tablespoon.

Crush the washed cranberries in a mortar and pass the resulting juice through cheesecloth or a fine strainer. Chop the cabbage into thin strips and pour fruit drink and let it brew for half an hour. Season the pickled vegetable with the remaining ingredients: soy sauce, ginger, butter and granulated sugar.

This salad is perfect with meat and fish dishes. It goes harmoniously with carrots, apples, tomatoes, beets, and red cabbage. Benefits (recipes relieve vitamin deficiency) fresh salads doubly great in winter.

With horseradish and pineapple

This is a spicy salad for real gourmets. Interesting combination light sourness and delicate sweetness gives excellent results. The dish includes:

  • 300 grams of red cabbage.
  • Bell pepper.
  • Ripe pineapple (canned) in the amount of 300 grams.
  • Lemon.
  • A bunch of parsley.
  • Garlic - three cloves.
  • Ready horseradish - dessert spoon.
  • Mayonnaise - 50 g.

Squeeze lemon juice, pour the chopped pineapple over it. Chop the cabbage into strips, mash with your hands, mix with wedges and place in a salad bowl. Add pineapples. Make the dressing: squeeze garlic into mayonnaise, season with horseradish and salt. Combine the finished sauce with the ingredients and garnish the dish with chopped parsley.

As you can see, red cabbage is prepared in different interpretations. The benefit of the plant is to saturate the body with a whole range of minerals and vitamins.

So we have listed all the characteristics and properties of the vegetable product. It is difficult to find equals to this plant, so do not miss the opportunity to enjoy it. Red cabbage has a healing effect on all human organs and tissues. The benefits and harms, as we found out, are incomparable. Of course, cabbage has many more healing qualities than contraindications. Be healthy and happy!


What are the benefits of red cabbage?

On the shelves of vegetable stores you can often find the usual cabbage, but with red-violet or bluish leaves. The popularity of red cabbage is slightly lower than the usual white cabbage, but it also has enough fans. What benefit or harm can it bring to the body?

It is believed that the homeland of red cabbage is the Mediterranean and countries North Africa, and although it can easily tolerate harsher climates, we grow it in much smaller quantities. Perhaps this is due to unusual taste. However, it is an excellent base for salads, it can be fermented and pickled, and prepared in soups and side dishes. Dishes prepared from red cabbage will surprise you with their excellent taste and delight the eye with unusual colors.

In addition, this vegetable contains many vitamins and minerals, which allow not only to avoid vitamin deficiency, but also to cope with many diseases. Despite the fact that red cabbage differs in appearance from the usual white cabbage only in the color of the leaves, it has more pronounced beneficial properties:

  • Anthocyanins provide the color of the leaves, they also give a pungent and even bitter taste, as well as:
  1. They influence the condition of the vascular wall, increasing its strength and reducing permeability both at the level of large arteries and veins, and at the level of the smallest venules and capillaries;
  2. Gently reduce arterial pressure, due to which cabbage is recommended to be consumed regularly by those suffering from hypertension;
  3. They have antioxidant properties, helping to remove radionuclides and free radicals from the body.
  • Another substance that gives red cabbage unique properties- this is selenium. In addition to the fact that it stimulates the production of antibodies and removes toxins, saturates muscles with oxygen and helps maintain normal blood pressure levels, selenium normalizes work thyroid gland.
  • Vitamins can increase energy metabolism, normalize the processes of hematopoiesis and cell growth, and stimulate metabolism.

In Russia, red cabbage has been known since the 17th century. Even then, it was recommended to eat it before a feast in order to reduce the effects of drunk wine, it was used to heal wounds, and with its help, bile spillage was treated.

  • High fiber content is another feature of red cabbage, for which nutritionists love it so much. Red cabbage contains one and a half times more of these fibers than white cabbage. By including this vegetable in your menu, you don’t have to worry about regular bowel movements and don’t be afraid of intestinal atony. Coarse fibers red cabbage will perfectly cleanse the intestinal walls, absorbing toxins and fats. The low calorie content of this product, in turn, allows you to effectively combat overweight without limiting the size of portions.

Red cabbage contains much more vitamins and minerals than other varieties.
  • Phytoncides, known for their antibacterial properties, are also part of this healthy vegetable. Due to their high content, red cabbage has long been used in the treatment of infectious processes, in particular tuberculosis, and its juice helps fight bronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory system.
  • The vitamin C content in red cabbage leaves is four times higher than that of its white cabbage relative, which means it supports the immune system many times more effectively.
  • The high content of antibacterial substances is responsible for the wound-healing properties of the juice of its leaves. With its help, you can not only stimulate the healing of superficial scratches and wounds, but also accelerate the scarring of stomach ulcers.

Recent studies have shown that regular use Red cabbage reduces the risk of developing breast cancer in women by 50%, since the same anthocyanins that color the leaves and give them a specific taste also prevent the development of tumor cells.

Composition and calorie content

100 gm of this vegetable contains only 26 kcal. These include:

  • proteins: 3 kcal (12%);
  • fats: 2 kcal (7%);
  • carbohydrates: 20 kcal (78%).

Such indicators are considered one of the lowest not only among other varieties of cabbage, but also among all vegetables in general. Despite low calorie content, red cabbage contains vitamins and microelements that allow you to cover a significant portion of the daily requirement.

Table: Vitamin content

Although the leaves of this plant are denser than those of its white cabbage relative, it contains much more juice, because water makes up 90% of its mass. The microelements dissolved in it are also diverse. For example, 100 g of this vegetable contains 302 mg of potassium, which is necessary for normal heart function, which is almost a fifth of the daily value. Red cabbage is rich in iron, calcium and magnesium salts.

Zinc, which is part of red cabbage, stimulates libido.

Like all representatives of this family, red cabbage perfectly preserves useful material and vitamins throughout winter period. When choosing a head of cabbage, preference should be given to smaller and denser ones. It is believed that they are the most juicy and aromatic.

What can you cook from red cabbage?

Red cabbage has long been widely used in cooking. It serves as an excellent basis for salads, main courses, side dishes, and retains its beneficial properties even when fermented or pickled. Another feature of this bright vegetable is that depending on the processing it changes its color. For example, if you add vinegar or other acid to a salad with red cabbage, its leaves will turn a bright raspberry color, and in an alkaline environment (with the addition of soda), this vegetable turns blue. For this ability, in the old days, red cabbage was considered a magical plant and was called “blue cabbage,” and modern housewives love it for its ability to prepare original colorful dishes.

Modern cooking offers a huge selection of red cabbage dishes for all occasions - from breakfast to a quick fix before the gala dinner.

Photo gallery of healthy dishes

Stewed red cabbage will harmoniously complement any dish. Puree red cabbage soup is hearty and beautiful dish Red cabbage salad with rice will perfectly satisfy your hunger Red cabbage salad with orange will delight you with its fresh taste Stewed red cabbage is an excellent side dish for meat dishes Red cabbage gratin with potatoes and apples came to us from French cuisine

Contraindications and harm

  • The only direct contraindication is individual intolerance.
  • It is not recommended to eat the upper leaves of heads of cabbage and stalks, since it is in these parts of the plant that the concentration of nitrates is highest.
  • People with diseases of the stomach and duodenum should add red cabbage to their diet with caution. In such cases, it is better not to eat it raw at all, but to subject it to heat treatment for at least an hour before use.

Despite the fact that red cabbage has a sharper taste and its leaves are tougher than those of its white relative, the content of vitamins and useful minerals it is much higher. Thanks to its low calorie content, even those who carefully watch their figure can enjoy red cabbage dishes. But you shouldn’t get too carried away with this product. Recommended by nutritionists daily norm is 200 g.

Red cabbage is considered no less popular than white cabbage. The benefits and harms of this type of vegetable have been studied by specialists for a long time, but not every average person knows this. But there are many red cabbage lovers among us. Let's talk about this topic today.

Chemical composition

We often purchase red cabbage for making salads or soups. But in addition to gastronomic properties, this vegetable also has enormous benefits, which are associated with an amazing chemical composition.

Why do you think red cabbage is so valued by folk healers, supporters of traditional medicine and gourmets? Its health benefits and harms are of unprecedented interest, and in order to evaluate them objectively, you should study the composition of the vegetable.


  • retinol;
  • potassium;
  • vitamin B2;
  • phosphorus;
  • vitamin H;
  • sodium;
  • tocopherol;
  • calcium;
  • vitamin C;
  • magnesium;
  • vitamin PP;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • vitamin B9;
  • pyridoxine;
  • vitamin B1.

On a note! Purple has an amazing composition cabbage leaf. Benefits and harms are inextricably linked with vitamins, micro- and macroelements contained in red cabbage. Just imagine that a 200 g serving of cabbage will allow you to almost completely satisfy your body’s daily requirement for ascorbic acid.

This is not the only reason why red cabbage is valued. The benefits and harms to the body are of interest to people trying to get rid of excess weight. Red cabbage - dietary vegetable, the nutritional value which barely reaches 20 kilocalories. You can safely include this product in your diet.

Red cabbage: benefits and harm, recipes

The luminaries of world medicine and traditional healers have long been convinced of the benefits of red cabbage. This vegetable is available to everyone without exception and has an amazing composition. This is precisely the reason for the benefits of purple cabbage.

Useful properties of the vegetable:

  • hair strengthening;
  • giving the skin firmness and elasticity;
  • strengthening nail plates;
  • helping to smooth out small wrinkles;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • restoration of mineral and vitamin balance;
  • removal of toxins, toxic compounds and salts from the body;
  • strengthening vascular walls;
  • prevention of tuberculosis;
  • lowering harmful cholesterol levels;
  • helping to restore blood pressure levels;
  • treatment of stomach ulcers;
  • normalization of digestive processes.

Red cabbage contains fiber and dietary fiber. Their presence helps improve intestinal motility. But it is strictly contraindicated to abuse this vegetable, otherwise side symptoms in the form of diarrhea may develop. It is not recommended to eat this type of cabbage for people suffering from gastric ulcers during a relapse.

Important! Red cabbage is strictly contraindicated in case of allergic reactions and individual intolerance. There is no need to introduce such a vegetable into the diet of small children, as this can cause the development of diathesis.

Otherwise, purple cabbage is very healthy, and it should definitely appear periodically in our everyday menu.

Culinary secrets

As already mentioned, red cabbage can be used to make many amazing dishes. IN fresh it is added to salads and snacks. Cabbage of this variety is also subjected to heat treatment in the form of frying and stewing.

Quick salad

Guests are on the doorstep and you don’t know what to cook? Make a red cabbage salad. Literally 10 minutes - and delicious dish ready to eat. The perfect complement it will go with seafood and sour cream.

On a note! Refuel vegetable salads with purple cabbage natural yoghurt, cream or mayonnaise. Just keep in mind that when you add such ingredients, the calorie content of the treat will increase proportionally.


  • red cabbage – 250 g;
  • boiled squid – 300 g;
  • canned dessert corn – 150 g;
  • carrots - 1 root vegetable;
  • greens - half a bunch;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon. spoon;
  • fresh cucumber – 1 piece;
  • mayonnaise.


For those on a diet

Red cabbage is a dietary vegetable whose calorie content is negligible. Moreover, consuming this vegetable also brings enormous health benefits. You can cook simple diet salad with amazing taste.


  • red cabbage - half a fork;
  • sour cream with a fat concentration of 15% - 100 ml;
  • soy sauce – 1-2 table. spoons;
  • sweet bell pepper – 1 piece;
  • pitted olives – ½ can;
  • curd cheese – 70-100 g.


Red cabbage- a plant of the cabbage family. The heads of this vegetable are small and quite dense, and they are colored purple-red (see photo).

This plant appeared on the Mediterranean coast, and then spread to many other countries.

Beneficial features

The vitamin and mineral composition of red cabbage is quite extensive, and therefore it is not surprising that this vegetable has a lot of beneficial properties.

If we compare red cabbage with white cabbage, we can conclude that the former has 4 times more beta-carotene.

The unusual color of cabbage is due to the content of anthocyanins, which also strengthen capillaries and improve their elasticity. Considering this, we can say that red cabbage good for heart and vascular diseases. In addition, anthocyanins normalize the state of collagen not only in skin tissues, but also in the whole body. Thereby this type Cabbage can rightfully be considered the fountain of youth. Another useful property anthocyanins – they can improve vision and heal various diseases eyes, and they also prevent the effects of radiation on the body. This substance is also prevents the development of leukemia.

Red cabbage contains phytoncides that have the ability to suppress the activity of tuberculosis pathogens. The juice of this cabbage helps to cope with acute and chronic bronchitis, as well as other respiratory problems.

It has been noted that regular consumption of this vegetable, due to its vegetable protein content, has a positive effect on the process of hematopoiesis, as well as on the functioning of the kidneys and thyroid gland.

Due to high content Selenium in red cabbage improves the functioning of the thyroid gland, and also normalizes the supply of oxygen to cells. It also helps remove toxins and heavy metals from the body.

Zinc, which is found in this vegetable, has a positive effect on brain function.

Red cabbage is also rich in lactic acid and fiber, which has a positive effect on the state of the intestinal microflora, as well as these substances helps eliminate excess cholesterol.

This vegetable helps you lose weight, which means it can be safely added to the list of allowed foods during the diet.

Use in cooking

Red cabbage is not used in cooking as often as other varieties, although this is completely undeserved.

The main reason for the dislike of red cabbage is its hardness, which can be eliminated by simply pouring boiling water over the head of cabbage.

In its raw form, the vegetable is used for cooking. various salads, which combine perfectly with meat and help the easy digestion of animal products.

This plant is perfect for pickling and pickling; for example, this cabbage is salted using apples and cranberries.

Healthy side dishes are prepared from red cabbage, which are ideally combined with other products not only of plant, but also of animal origin.

The benefits of red cabbage and treatment

The benefits of red cabbage will be noticeable for people suffering from hypertension, since Regular consumption of vegetables will bring your blood pressure back to normal.. The vegetable also has a diuretic effect, which is essential for various chronic diseases.

IN folk medicine Red cabbage treatment is also widely known. For example, juice with honey is used to get rid of a cough, and the leaves are applied to abrasions and bruises. Wound healing occurs thanks to anthocyanins, which strengthen capillaries.

Another useful property of red cabbage is its ability to neutralize the effects of alcohol, so before the feast you should eat a plate of salad from this vegetable.

Harm of red cabbage and contraindications

Red cabbage can be harmful to people who have stomach diseases and other digestive system problems. This vegetable is contraindicated for ulcers.