The benefits and harms of soy products. Soy and Thyroid

Soy is a plant in the legume family. Its uniqueness is that soy is the only plant that supplies complete protein with the best combination amino acids close to the animal. There are also enough fats in soy, but there are few carbohydrates.

In addition, soybean contains many phospholipids (soybean is the leader among plants), linoleic acid, tocopherols (also the leader among vegetable oils), lecithin and choline, isoflavones (phytoestrogens) and many more useful nutrients.

Read about whether soy is harmful, about the controversy surrounding this product, read here:. This is an objective and balanced analysis, without speculation and "intimidation", which is full of runet. This article is devoted to the composition of soy.

soy proteins

The World Health Organization, evaluating the quality of proteins for children and adults, put the isolate soy protein the maximum score is 1. This means that biological value it is no less than the value of meat and dairy protein. Soy protein is excellently absorbed by the body.

Squirrels- 35-40% (in other legumes 20-30)

soy fat

Zhirov soy also contains a lot of -, unsaturated: polyunsaturated (linoleic acid, linolenic acid) and monounsaturated (oleic acid).

Saturated fats (palmitic acid) are much less.

Fats - up to 40% (in other legumes 2-14%) Of them:

  • Unsaturated fats - 86%
  • Linoleic acid and linolenic acid - 63% (linolenic - 7%)
  • Oleic acid - 23%
  • Saturated fat - 14% (cf. in animal fats 41-66%)

The role of linoleic acid, and especially linolenic acid, a vegetable version of omega-3 fatty acids, is very important, the acid prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and reduces the risk of developing certain types of cancer. This fundamental property of soy allows us to consider it an anti-atherosclerotic product that lowers cholesterol.

Phospholipids - 1.6-2.2% Phospholipids increase the detoxifying ability of the liver, reduce the need for insulin in diabetics, and prevent degenerative changes in nerve cells, muscles, and capillaries. Tocopherols - 830-1200 mg/kg Tocopherols - allow you to stay strong and young for a long time, they increase the body's protective properties and potency to the greatest extent.

soy carbs

Carbohydrates - 20-30% (soluble sugars, polysaccharides).

Among carbohydrates, raffinoses and stachyoses help reduce the risk of dysbiosis and cancer (they are food for bifidobacteria).

More about the composition of soy in numbers:

Macro- and microelements (in mg per 100 g of seeds):

  • potassium - 1607
  • phosphorus - 603
  • calcium - 348
  • magnesium - 226
  • sulfur - 214
  • silicon - 177
  • chlorine - 64
  • sodium - 44
  • iron - 9670
  • manganese - 2800
  • boron - 750
  • aluminum 700
  • copper - 500
  • nickel - 304
  • molybdenum - 99
  • cobalt - 31.2
  • iodine - 8.2


  • β-carotene - 0.15-0.20
  • vitamin E - 17.3
  • pyridoxine (B6) - 0.7-1.3
  • niacin (PP) - 2.1-3.5
  • pantothenic acid (B3) - 1.3-2.23
  • riboflavin (B2) - 0.22-0.38
  • thiamine (B1) - 0.94-1.8
  • choline - 270
  • biotin - 6.0-9.0 mcg
  • folic acid - 180-200.11 mcg

(Data "About composition of soy in numbers" taken from Wikipedia).


What soy products do we know? soy products- tofu, tempeh, misso, natto, soy sauce, soy flour, soy meat, soy nuts and soy milk and others. Soy and soy products are widely used in East Asian (especially Japanese and Chinese) and vegetarian cuisine.

Read more: composition, benefits, use in cooking, how to choose.

What is GM soy? Soybeans are one of the crops currently being genetically modified. GM soybeans are found in an increasing number of products. How safe it is is debatable. However, soybean producers are required to indicate on product packaging and labeling whether or not it contains genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Soya is one of the oldest crops used by man for economic and food purposes. Today it is very popular among supporters. healthy eating, although there are still disputes between scientists and nutritionists regarding who is good for eating soy and soy is good for disease prevention. But practice shows that it is impossible to deny its benefits for the body, the main thing is to figure out how to properly use soy products for a particular person. Soy benefits and harms are the main question for many today, especially in such moments as during pregnancy and lactation, the overall effect on the female and male body, for children and from what age, as well as contraindications for various diseases.

From this article you will learn:

Soy benefits and harms

Soya herbaceous plant actively growing on all continents of the Earth. Soybeans are not technically beans, but are called so because of their similarity. appearance and culture belonging to the legume family. Research scientists say that they have been used as food for more than 3 thousand years.

Due to the high content of protein, vitamins and minerals in the composition, today soy products are used as an effective alternative to dairy and meat foods.

How soybeans grow

The plant consists of low bare or pubescent stems with a height of 15 cm to 2 meters or more. All cultivated species have ternate leaves, purple and white corolla. Oval fruits - soybeans - contain up to 3 seeds. Their length, as a rule, is 4-6 cm. The sizes are very different: from 60-100 g per 1000 seeds, up to 310 g and more. On average, this amount accounts for 150-200 grams of mass.

Soybeans: composition and calorie content

The basic food components in the composition of the product are in the following approximate proportions:

  • proteins: 35%;
  • fats: 17%;
  • carbohydrates: 17%.

calories in pure form is ~364 kcal per 100 grams.

Shares useful substances composed of:

  • water: 12%;
  • ash compounds: 5%;
  • starch: 11.5%;
  • sugar: 5.7%;
  • alimentary fiber: 13,5%;
  • fatty acid: unsaturated - 14.35%, saturated - 2.5%.

Ash substances, which largely determine the benefits of soy, are represented by the richness of the nutrients that are found in them. Soy grains contain vitamins A, B1-B9, E, H, PP, as well as micro and macro elements: potassium, calcium, silicon, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine, iron, iodine, cobalt, copper, molybdenum, fluorine, chromium and zinc. Useful composition also supplement 12 essential and 8 non-essential amino acids.

The world's top three crop producers are Argentina, Brazil and the United States. China is in 4th position (almost 10 times less than the USA, and 4 times less than Argentina). Russia occupies the 11th line in this rating.

What is soy made from

The answer to this question depends on which of the products in question. The basic raw materials are the fruits of the plant:

  • flour is made from grated beans;
  • miso, doenjang, gochujang pastes - made from flour with additional ingredients;
  • milk - based on flour;
  • oil - pressed from the fruit;
  • natto - from boiled and fermented seeds;
  • yuba - milk foam;
  • Tofu is a fermented cheese made from soy milk.

Genetically Modified Soy (GMO)

Soybean culture in the modern world is one of the most frequently genetically modified plants. Most soy products are made from GM varieties. Almost all countries allow them to be imported, but do not allow GM varieties to be grown on their territory. In Russia, this issue should be resolved in 2017.

Transgenic research does not increase the yield of a crop, but simplifies its care, reducing production costs. Advocates for this type of soy also focus on reducing and removing trans fats from the food product.

In international practice, IP certification can be used to distinguish a transgenic product, while in the EU and the Russian Federation, information about its presence in a product (if more than 0.9%) must be indicated on the label.

Foods high in soy

Today, soy can often be found in the composition of inexpensive sausage products, where it is added as a cheap ingredient that increases nutritional value. However, the level of this component is so low that such sausage cannot be attributed to products with a high content of it.

  • soy sauce;
  • tofu cheese;
  • soy milk;
  • soy seed oil;
  • Soy meat;
  • chocolate, in the manufacture of which soybeans are used instead of cocoa beans;
  • pastes: miso, doenjang, gochujang;
  • boiled edamame beans.

Is soy good for the body

First of all, soy products are useful for those whose diet does not provide the body with a sufficient amount of protein, vegetable or animal. The beneficial effect for vegans and vegetarians will also be enhanced by a diverse vitamin and mineral complex.

The beneficial properties of soy for the body are hidden in its composition:

  1. Due to the ease of digestion and the presence of lecithin, which speeds up metabolism, it promotes weight loss, makes various diets more effective.
  2. Choline and lecithin help to remove the so-called bad cholesterol from the body, therefore, are useful for the prevention of heart disease;
  3. Tocopherol has a strong antioxidant effect, slowing down cell aging and preventing the oncological activity of free radicals.
  4. B vitamins have a positive effect on work nervous system, metabolism, brain function and general well-being of the whole organism.
  5. Due to the presence of copper and iron in the composition, soy products prevent the development of anemia.
  6. For female body value lies in reducing the negative symptoms of menopause.
  7. The removal of heavy metals and radionuclides is accelerated, which is especially important for residents of regions with poor ecology;
  8. Thanks to the antioxidant effect, the tissues of the whole organism are rejuvenated and become more beautiful.
  9. Research scientists have shown that the use of products of this culture increases insulin receptors, which helps in preventing diabetes.
  10. The high content of dietary fiber helps to cleanse the digestive system of ballast and stabilize its functions.
  11. It is believed that the constant consumption of it by East Asian peoples is the reason for the smaller number of cancer patients relative to global indicators.
  12. The American Heart Association found that the culture is good for the heart and blood vessels, stabilizes their work, and reduces the risk of diseases.
  13. The abundance of fiber in soy helps to improve digestion. Indigestible dietary fiber swells in the stomach and folds like a brush. Passage through the organs, such an accumulation collects and removes with it the ballast food residues. In addition, soft fibers have a massaging effect on the walls of organs - it stimulates blood circulation, secretory functions and the overall functioning of the system increase.

Soy benefits and harms for women

  • Soy is believed to reduce estrogen production, thereby reducing the risk of breast cancer.
  • Regular consumption of soy (if there are no complications on the thyroid gland) leads to a decrease in the risk of developing osteoporosis, mitigation of the symptoms of menopause.
  • Soy products contain lecithin, which improves the breakdown of fats in the liver and prevents their accumulation.

In order for soybean sprouts to become an ally for women, and not an enemy in maintaining health, it is recommended to use only products obtained by natural processing methods: beans, meat, milk, sauce, cheese.

Soy benefits and harms for men

Nowadays, it is widely believed that products made from this legume adversely affect men's health. Supporters of this idea talk about a decrease in sperm production. But it is not so. In fact, due to a large number protein, the volume of sperm increases, and the number of spermatozoa remains at the same level, which creates the appearance of a drop in concentration.
There are also suggestions that soy products lead to a decrease in testosterone production. However, clinical studies show that such an effect is possible only with abuse.

The effect of soy on the brain

The benefits of this product for the brain are due to the relationship of absorption with phenylalanine and tyrosine. These amino acids improve the activity of the body, maintain the tone of the nervous system and muscles, prevent the development of senile diseases, which are accompanied by tremors and weakness in the limbs.

Studies by specialists from the National Institutes of Health in Sweden have shown that the effect of soy on brain function comes through the thyroid hormone tyrosine. It regulates the migration and growth of neurons. However, its use due to the action of isoflavones suppresses the function of the organ and provokes the development of goiter. Similar results were shown by the work of Japanese scientists.

Some scientists say that there is a direct link between the consumption of soy products and mental dementia. However, the results of their research are not yet recognized as reliable by the official scientific community. On the contrary, there are suggestions that due to the presence of isoflavones, these products improve brain function. As an example, advocates of soy cite the followers of the American Seventh-day Adventist Church. They eat a lot of tofu cheese, but they are not inferior to other Americans of the same age in intelligence, memory and cognitive functions.

soy for gout

The inclusion of soy in the diet of a patient with gout is considered positively by nutritionists, because it contributes to a rapid and increased excretion uric acid from the body.

Diet for gout - what you can eat and what not, except for soy:

  • Permissible: fruits (melons, apples, bananas, plums, apricots), vegetables (garlic, onions, corn, cabbage, eggplant, herbs, cucumbers, beets), berries, nuts.
  • Inadmissible: fried meat, fish, smoked, canned food, sausages, cheeses, raspberries, cranberries, figs, mustard, horseradish.

For a beneficial effect, you can add not only soybeans to your diet, but also products made from them: tofu, milk, asparagus, pasta, sauce. The exception is gout on the legs - with it, doctors do not recommend eating any legumes.

Is soy harmful to health: contraindications

Today, there is widespread information that the use of soy adversely affects the functioning of the thyroid gland. This is true, but applies to those who eat it regularly and in large quantities. This action is associated with strumagenic substances (which, by the way, are also present in large quantities in millet, cabbage, asparagus, radish, horseradish, turnip). They disrupt the function of the thyroid gland, lead to the appearance of goiter, if there are few iodine-containing foods in the diet. If strumagenic substances are balanced by the presence of iodine, the risk is significantly reduced.

It should be remembered that soy products are strong allergens. For this reason, they are not advised to include in the diet of young children, whose body is not yet strong enough. With a strong effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland, soybeans can lay the foundation for the emergence various diseases in future.

Why is soy dangerous for humans?

Modern medicine recommends giving up soy products to people who have dysfunctions of the thyroid gland and the entire endocrine system. Moreover, you should be examined by a doctor if the problems began after the inclusion of soy in the diet. Ignoring is fraught with weakness, the development of pathologies of other organs and systems, serious disorders of immunity and metabolism.
Limitation of use should be urolithiasis, because in some cases soybeans provoke the formation of deposits.

For the reasons described above, soy foods can adversely affect brain function, especially at risk of developing Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, or senile sclerosis.

Modern researchers argue that the frequent use of soy is harmful to the male body, suppressing "male power". The fault of this again lies in hormones - endocrine functions are disrupted, as a result of which sperm activity and testosterone production decrease.

How justified is the use of soy during pregnancy and lactation?

Soy for women who are breastfeeding or carrying babies cannot be a strictly prohibited product, but its use should be treated with rational caution. In general, it is good for the body, as it provides a lot of protein, fatty acids, folic acid and antioxidants.

However, during lactation and pregnancy, harm from soy is also possible:

  • The presence of estrogen-mimicking substances can adversely affect the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Excess fiber disrupts the healthy functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to bloating, flatulence, and colic.
  • She is one of the strongest allergens, to which babies are very vulnerable.

Soybeans and their derivatives should not be included in the child's diet until the basic development of the body is completed, so they should be refrained from until the age of six months.

Soy in the children's diet - the opinions of scientists

The debate about whether soy will benefit children and whether it will lead to developmental complications is still relevant. Proponents of the product cite the centuries-old practice of eating soy in Japan and China. Opponents also refer to modern studies that speak of negative impact for the functioning of the thyroid gland. Individual hormone levels child's body very sensitive to diet.

The consequence of this is not always the development of diseases - problems can be expressed in early puberty or an increased amount of certain hormones (for example, estrogen in boys).
It is best to eliminate the possibility of complications by giving such food to the child with great care until the age of one.

soy is useful or harmful - which is more?

We can say that for a person who does not limit himself in any way in the use of certain products, soy is not very useful, but not harmful product. For the sake of taste and a new culinary experience, it is quite possible to use it.

And for an organism that, due to the rejection of meat, receives little protein, the inclusion of soy products in the diet is more beneficial than not. The main thing is to strike a balance between abundance and abuse. Making sure that it does not provoke the appearance of diseases and does not impair work internal organs, you can use this useful and affordable product with peace of mind. In short, knowing in which cases soy is harmful, and in which it can help the body well, you can quite confidently include it in your diet without fear of serious consequences.

A.V. Mosov, doctor, head of the expert direction of NP "Roskontrol":
I believe that soy products are unfairly unpopular, because soy is the only complete replacement for animal protein - meat, fish, dairy products, eggs. In addition to protein, it contains healthy fats, slowly digestible carbohydrates and vitamins. If we are talking about fasting nutrition or vegetarianism, then such a replacement, except for soy, can hardly be done. In addition, soy milk and products made from soy are suitable for those who are lactose intolerant.

2. More soy protein is bad for health

For reference:

Soy protein powder can be added to, for example, morning oatmeal or milkshake. Of all soy products, soy concentrate contains the most protein (80.7%). In second place is dry soy meat (58.1%), and in third place is defatted soy flour (about 47%).
Soybeans contain almost the entire set of macro- and microelements: potassium - 1607 mg per 100 g, calcium - 348 mg per 100 g, silicon - 177 mg per 100 g, magnesium - 226 mg per 100 g, phosphorus - 603 mg per 100 g, iodine - 8 .2 mcg per 100g, copper - 500 mcg per 100g.

People who watch their diet stick to a certain amount of nutrients that they consume per day - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Each nutrient must have a certain amount for optimal functioning of the body.
How many soy foods can you eat daily? Here, restrictions can only be due to the norms of a person's need for protein - for an adult, this is 75 g per day, of which at least 60% should be animal or soy protein. The use of protein in quantities greater than 100-120 g per day is not justified, unless, of course, you are an athlete.

3. Soy is a dietary product that promotes weight loss

When losing weight, it is considered correct to replace the usual high-calorie foods“light”: bread for whole grain bread, sour cream for low-fat yogurt, meat for soy substitute. In fact, if you replace regular meat in your diet with a soy product, it will not lead to weight loss. In order to lose weight, it is important to review the entire diet.

5. Soy products should not be eaten by pregnant women.

WHO studies have not revealed the negative impact of products with transgenic soybeans on human health

Soy is a representative of one of the oldest legume crops. All sorts of discussions have been going on for a long time about its benefits and harm to human health. East Asia is considered its homeland, but it is cultivated everywhere. Its fruits are very rich in vegetable protein, therefore they successfully replace animal products. Soy has an amazing calorific ability. Not having its own taste and smell, it is able to absorb them from the outside, replacing any products from natural animal meat, including sausage, pate and other meat delicacies, and soy meat analogues do not contain cholesterol, they are better absorbed and do not lead to obesity. Defatted flour is made from soy (by pressing protein fibers until the structure changes), as well as soy milk. It contains 40% of proteins that completely replace animal proteins, as well as iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, sodium, phosphorus, vitamins B1, B9, C, D, E and unsaturated fatty acids.

Soy - 11 Health Benefits

  1. Cancer prevention

    Cancer is one of the many causes of death in modern society. The consumption of soy products theoretically increases the incidence of breast cancer. However, most scientific studies indicate that consumption of soy products may, on the contrary, reduce the risk of breast cancer. Research results also show that the product has a protective effect against prostate cancer in men. Soy components such as isoflavones, lectin, and lunasin have potential cancer-preventive effects.

  2. For heart health

    Soya - supplier minimum quantity fat. Soybeans are actually a good source of healthy, unsaturated fats that help lower your overall cholesterol levels. This avoids diseases such as atherosclerosis, which can lead to heart attack and stroke. In addition, soy has some specific fatty acids that are essential for a healthy circulatory system. Linoleic and linolenic, two fatty acids found in soy, greatly help regulate smooth muscle function in the body, and help maintain proper blood pressure levels. Soy fibers help lower cholesterol levels in the body by scraping, cleansing the walls of blood vessels and arteries.

  3. Normalizes sleep

    Soybeans help control a number of aspects of your metabolism, which can help reduce sleep disturbances and prevent insomnia. In addition, soy is characterized high content magnesium, a mineral that has been directly linked to improving the quality, duration, and restfulness of your sleep.

  4. Activates metabolism

    As mentioned earlier, soy is an extremely important source of protein. When the body contains enough protein, the metabolic system gets a serious boost. Proteins are the building blocks of cells, blood vessels, and virtually every important part human body. Soy proteins ensure the proper state of cell regeneration. It is very difficult to get enough protein when you follow a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, so soy is good source and an excellent substitute for proteins typically found in red meat, chicken, eggs, dairy, and fish.

  5. Prevents the development of anemia

    Soy is quite high in copper and iron, both of which are essential for the formation of red blood cells, which, once in the body, deliver oxygen, leading to the healthy functioning of all body systems. It maximizes metabolism and increases energy levels and helps prevent anemia.

  6. The benefits of soy for women

    Menopause is the period in a woman's life when menstruation stops. This condition is often accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as sweating, mood swings, and hot flashes that occur due to a decrease in estrogen levels. However, Asian women, especially Japanese women, are much less likely to experience menopause-related symptoms than Western women. The higher consumption of soy products in Asia explains this difference. Studies show that the isoflavones found in soy can significantly help alleviate menopausal symptoms.

  7. Prevents birth defects in babies

    Soy contains an impressive amount of complex levels of vitamins and folic acid, which is very important for pregnant women. Folic acid guarantees the prevention of neural tube defects in infants.

  8. Treats osteoporosis

    Soy is very useful for people suffering from osteoporosis, decreased bone density and increased risk fractures, especially in the elderly. Frequent consumption of soy products with isoflavones may help reduce the risk of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.

  9. Helps with weight loss

    Sprouted soy works both ways and can do both good and bad. First of all, soy, as well as soy, is an appetite suppressant, which can help people eliminate overeating that leads to obesity and all the risks associated with it. In addition, soybean sprouts provide plenty of fiber and protein, which can lead to weight gain when consumed in large quantities. Thus, soy is beneficial for both people who want to lose weight and those who want to gain it.

  10. Prevents diabetes

    Diabetes is one of the most dangerous diseases. The use of germinated soy is, of course, effective method prevention and treatment of this disease, mainly because soy has been shown to increase insulin receptors in the body, thereby helping to effectively manage the disease or prevent its occurrence. Earlier studies show that soy products reduce the prospect of developing type 2 diabetes.

  11. Stimulates the digestive system

    Soy fiber is one of the most important parts of the plant in terms of the digestive system. Fiber strengthens the stool, which makes it move through the digestive system effortlessly. In a similar way, fiber stimulates peristaltic movements and smooth muscle contractions, which aid in the proper passage of food. Fiber is very important for our body because constipation can be a very serious condition and lead to colon cancer.

Soy - harm and contraindications

Besides the fact that soy products are very useful, they can be harmful to certain categories of people and create some Negative consequences, For example:

  • Migraine. The high content of isoflavones in soy can lead to the development of a disease such as migraine.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland. In some cases, soy products have caused disturbances normal functioning thyroid gland, especially in children and infants. Even adults suffering from hypothyroidism are advised to consult a doctor before taking soy products. Studies have shown that soy can lead to hormonal changes and the development of goiter symptoms.
  • Allergy. Many people suffer from food allergies. It can occur on peanuts, milk, shellfish, and soy. Signs and symptoms of a soy allergy can include a runny nose, itching, rash, difficulty breathing, trouble swallowing, dizziness, feeling faint, and a significant drop in blood pressure.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders. Some gastrointestinal problems are sometimes associated with soy foods. Abuse of soy can lead to indigestion, nausea, loose stools.
  • Harm to the male body. Soy is both beneficial for the male body and can be harmful. Studies by many scientists show that soy consumption can affect testosterone levels in men, the content of phytoestrogens in it reduces male sexual desire. Research also suggests that soy consumption may affect sperm quality in men.
  • Soy affects the female body. Scientific studies also prove that soy is not only useful, but in some cases harmful to the female body. The risks of possible tumor growth among women, as well as breast cancer due to excessive consumption of soy, have been identified.

What else is useful?

Some products contain soy. counting soy healthier than meat, many are trying to replace our usual food with it, without thinking about the question - is soy useful for our body?

Soy is one of the oldest annual plants that belongs to the legume family. It is also called the "miracle plant". Soybeans were first grown in China. Then soybean moved to Korea, to Japan, and this crop came to Europe in 1740. The French were the first to eat it.

After the study of soybean by the Americans in 1804, the mass and purposeful cultivation of this plant began. Expedition of V. Poyarkov in 1643 - 1646 visited the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, where they saw soybean crops from the Manchu-Tungus people. But the Russian people did not show much interest in this culture. Only after the World Exhibition was held in Vienna in 1873 did practitioners become interested in soybeans.

Soy composition

Soybeans are rich in substances useful for human life. They are not only very nutritious, but also medicinal. For example, soy contains isoflavones, which prevent the formation and development of certain forms of cancer. And genestein stops heart disease in the early stages - vascular system. Also, soy is rich in lecithin, choline and other substances that play a role in the treatment of many serious diseases, fibers, group vitamins - B, C and E, omega - 3. Soy contains the entire set of amino acids, which means that its usefulness is ahead of pork and beef.

Benefits of soy

Soy is rich in vegetable protein, which is more in it than in eggs, fish and meat. Soy protein is very important for the proper functioning of the body. Vegetable proteins are absorbed by 90%. Soy products contain substances that positively affect the balance of trace elements in the body. Lecithin is the most useful in soy. It is very important for the brain, for its work. Lecithin helps cells recover, monitors blood cholesterol levels, fights Parkinson's disease, atherosclerosis and other human diseases. Also, the presence of lecithin slows down aging, so soy is very famous among the elderly.

Soy lecithin helps produce energy, nourishes the growing body, and this is especially important in childhood.

The composition of soy includes the entire set of amino acids, which means that its usefulness is ahead of pork and beef.

Recently, Americans have increasingly begun to add soy to their diet. Studies have shown that eating soy products has a positive effect on human health. You need to know that only soy in its pure form is beneficial. In no way does this apply to those products in which soy is only an additive.

American researchers are unanimous that if you include 25 to 50 grams of soy protein in your diet throughout the day, you can reduce the level of "bad cholesterol". And, as you know, such cholesterol clogs blood vessels, which leads to heart disease.

Positive dynamics in the use of soy was noticed in women during the onset of menopause. With age, the process of estrogen production in women slows down, and soy can make up for their lack.

Harm of soy

In a documentary study of 3,734 older men, it was found that those who ate soy for 50% of their lives had a greater risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

Other studies by Asian researchers have shown that men who consume soy twice a week in their diet are more prone to mental impairment than those who never eat soy at all.

Some believe that eating soy leads to infertility and obesity.

Also, soy is useful for people of all ages. The isoflavones present in soybeans are very similar in composition to the female hormone estrogen, and frequent consumption of soy can upset the balance of hormones in the body. And this can be dangerous for women who are preparing to conceive, planning a pregnancy, but especially for pregnant women.

Scientists - pediatricians at Cornell University are confident that a deficiency of thyroid hormones can occur precisely from the frequent use of soy products. Appears excess weight, suffer from constipation, overwork. All this leads to general apathy.

The presence of soy, according to some researchers, leads to brain volume and weight loss.

Numerous studies have shown that soybeans contain both nutrients that are beneficial to the body and anti-nutrients that can harm health. The anticoagulant properties, pronounced in raw soy, neutralize vitamin K, which provides a level of coagulation, and also participates in the process of calcium absorption. Unlimited consumption of soy can lead to mineral deficiencies, pancreatic hypertrophy.

Soybeans contain lectins that stick together blood cells, which leads to the suppression of their growth. And this is fraught with consequences for the body.


Before today in the world of science, they cannot come to a consensus on the benefits and harms of soybeans.

If soy is not included in the category genetically modified product, but grown in a natural way, then its beneficial features far outweigh the harmful ones.

From the foregoing, the conclusion suggests itself that whether or not to use soy products should be decided by each person independently, regardless of the opinion of another.

Soy, Soy products — Video