What can you drink gin with. How to eat and dilute gin - the best combinations of drinks and dishes

Did you know that the true drink of the British is gin- v last years back in fashion? New varieties of aristocratic alcohol appear on the British market almost every week. Experts speak of the beginning of a "golden age" for gin.

Strong alcohol, which is also called juniper vodka, appeared in the 16th century in Holland. It was obtained by insisting natural wheat (corn or barley) alcohol on carefully selected juniper berries. Anise, almonds, orange and lemon zest, coriander, cardamom, violet root and other natural spices were added during the infusion process. Then the resulting tincture was subjected to distillation. Astringent rich taste is the merit of juniper. It is he, enriched with other spices, that gives gin that peculiar taste that is so appreciated by true connoisseurs. strong drinks.

Drink of aristocrats or?

There is a whole science to how to drink gin properly. Everyone for whom this issue is relevant will be interested to know that it is used by 3 different ways.

  1. Diluted. Great option for those who prefer to regulate the strength of alcohol. To reduce the strength of gin, it is customary to mix it with carbonated mineral water, citrus juice or cola. There are no strict proportions here. You can dilute juniper vodka at your own discretion. The standard method is 1:1, that is, the same amount of soft drink is added to a glass filled with gin by ½.
  2. V pure form. Such a drink - it is called "London dry" - is cooled to t 4-6 ° C and put on the table at the beginning of dinner as an aperitif. "London dry gin" stimulates the appetite, causing a cold sensation in the mouth, which contrasts with the intoxicating effect of alcohol. The characteristic taste and aroma of juniper in the right undiluted drink should prevail over the smell and taste of other herbal supplements. This is achieved through a special manufacturing technology. Olives, lime and lemon slices, and even pickled onions are served as an appetizer for pure gin. These products enhance the taste unique drink.
  3. Gin Cocktails. Thanks to the revival of classic cocktail culture in the 60s of the last century, interest in gin has increased significantly. For example, today one of the famous London bars every two weeks invites those who wish to taste new cocktails, introduces guests to different ways of flavoring gin. Some varieties have a citrusy aroma, while others have a floral or spicy aroma.

The high alcohol content and clean mild flavor allow the gin to be mixed with other ingredients to achieve moderate strength. original drinks. The popularity of cocktails: "Apricot Flower", "Adam and Eve", "Gin and Tonic" and others was ensured by their unusual flavors.

Gin Cocktail Recipes

  • Gin tonic is the most famous gin-based cocktail. It contains 1 part gin, 2 parts tonic and crushed ice. The drink is served in a tall glass with a thick bottom, which is decorated with a slice of lemon.
  • "Adam and Eve" - ​​a cocktail, for the preparation of which they take 2 hours of gin and honey liquor, 1 hour of lemon juice and a little pomegranate syrup, getting the original bittersweet drink.
  • What do the representatives of the weaker sex drink gin with? For them, there are at least interesting recipes. One of them - "Apricot Flower". To get such a cocktail in a shaker, mix in equal proportions gin and apricot liqueur, add a couple of spoons of lime juice, ice and tonic to taste.

It is curious that only a few people around the world know all the intricacies of making, proportions and ingredients of real gin. The more pleasant it is to uncork the bottle, let the drink out and join the world of the elite!

Some call gin juniper vodka, but true connoisseurs of this unique drink, they know that it has little in common with vodka. Cheap varieties of gin are actually made from alcohol with the addition of aromatic essences and the subsequent dilution of the drink to the desired strength, but such alcohol can be called gin with a big stretch. Expensive varieties are made using a completely different technology: neutral alcohol obtained from grain is infused on aromatic raw materials with the obligatory inclusion of juniper berries in its composition, then it is diluted and distilled again, that is, it undergoes repeated distillation. On the bottles with it, you will almost certainly find the inscription Distilled Gin (distilled gin). This drink will have a rich bouquet and a long aftertaste. To fully appreciate its taste and aroma, you need to know how to drink gin correctly. Of course, these recommendations do not apply to “juniper vodka” - it is only suitable for making cocktails, but they also come out with less pleasant taste than those made from real distilled gin.

Dealing with elite alcohol I want to get the most out of using it. To do this, you need to know how to drink it and what to eat. This also applies to gin, the culture of consumption of which has certain subtleties.

  • Gin is poured into elongated piles with a thick bottom, which are called “horses” in the language of bartenders. It will be excellent if the dishes are chilled beforehand.
  • Gin is served cold. In order to taste this drink, its temperature should be 4-6 degrees. To get this, a bottle of alcohol is placed in a freezer or refrigerator for a while, where the appropriate temperature is set.
  • You can drink gin neat or diluted. In its pure form, I drink it in one gulp. At first you will feel a burning cold, then it will be replaced by the heat characteristic of alcohol. A piece of fruit lowered into a pile helps to soften the taste of alcohol: kiwi, lemon, lime. People who don't love strong alcohol, can dilute it clean still water in a ratio of 1:1, 1:2 or even 1:3. Diluted gin in one gulp is optional.
  • Gin whets the appetite, so it is most often served as an aperitif.
  • Gin can be used as one of the ingredients alcoholic cocktail. Some connoisseurs argue that it is in the composition of cocktails that the taste of gin is best revealed. One way or another, but the variety of recipes allows almost everyone to find the option that they like.

It is unacceptable to drink gin, but eating it with one of the products suitable for this drink will not be a sign of bad taste.

What to eat gin

Gin pairs well with most different snacks. The most suitable are:

  • beef steak or other hot meat dishes;
  • hot snacks from fish;
  • sausages and smoked meats, cold cuts;
  • cheese, preferably hard varieties;
  • aspic from the tongue or other meat products;
  • sandwiches with caviar;
  • salads with meat, fish, cheese;
  • olives;
  • marinated mushrooms;
  • pickled onion;
  • fruits, especially kiwi, peaches, grapes, grapefruit and other citrus fruits;
  • bitter and milk chocolate;
  • cakes;
  • marshmallow, marshmallow and marmalade.

From such an abundance of snacks suitable for gin, it is difficult not to choose a dish that will appeal to you and your guests.

Gin and tonic

  • gin - 100 ml;
  • tonic (with quinine) - 0.2 l;
  • lud - to taste;
  • lemon - 1 slice.

Cooking method:

  • Place ice cubes in the bottom of a tall glass. Ideally, they should reach the middle of the glass.
  • Pour in the gin first, then the tonic.
  • Place a slice of lemon on top or side.

Usually a cocktail is served with a straw, but you can do without it by placing the lemon directly on the ice before filling the glass with liquid components. Gin tonic is considered one of the most popular drinks in America, many people make it at home.

Bronx cocktail

  • gin - 20 ml;
  • vermouth (preferably Rosso martini) - 10 ml;
  • orange juice - 20 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Squeeze the juice from an orange, measure out the right amount.
  • Cut the zest from the fruit to make a neat spiral.
  • Mix juice, vermouth and gin with a shaker. Shake for at least a minute to mix the ingredients well.
  • Fill an elongated stemmed glass with the resulting mixture. You can also use a martini glass.

It remains to decorate the cocktail orange peel and offer guests.

Cocktail "Lady Chatterley"

  • gin - 30 ml;
  • liqueur "Curaço" - 10 ml;
  • vermouth - 10 ml;
  • orange juice - 10 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Combine the ingredients and shake well in a shaker.
  • Fill champagne glasses with the cocktail.

Light bubbles may form around the edges of the drink, they are not removed. The cocktail looks solemn, suitable for a festive buffet table.

Cocktail "Chiki-puki"

  • gin - 15 ml;
  • limoncello - 20 ml;
  • blackcurrant liqueur - 15 ml;
  • black ground pepper- a pinch.

Cooking method:

  • Grind the pepper with a special grinder.
  • Prepare a glass. The best fit is high, but not too voluminous.
  • Pour gin into the bottom of the glass.
  • Carefully spoon in the limoncello.
  • Lay the next layer of blackcurrant liqueur.
  • Sprinkle the liqueur with pepper.

The layered cocktail made according to this recipe looks bright and seductive. Pepper allows you to balance the taste of ingredients that have a pronounced sweet and sour taste. If you want its presence in the cocktail to be a mystery, you can sprinkle it not on the top, but on the middle layer, hiding it between limoncello and blackcurrant liqueur.

Cocktail "Alexander"

  • coffee liqueur - 30 ml;
  • gin - 30 ml;
  • fat cream - 30 ml;
  • crushed ice - 100 g;
  • nutmeg - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  • Mix the ingredients and shake them in a shaker with ice for a minute.
  • Strain the resulting mixture.
  • Fill a tall glass or martini glass with the cocktail.
  • Sprinkle with nutmeg.

Most of the cocktails with gin have fruity notes, the same variant stands out against their background with a noble creamy coffee taste with a unique aftertaste.

Cocktail "001"

  • gin - 40 ml;
  • currant syrup - 20 ml;
  • "Sprite" or a similar drink - 100 ml;
  • crushed ice - to taste;
  • sprig of mint - for decoration.

Cooking method:

  • To the bottom tall glass For cocktails, add a handful of crushed ice.
  • Pour syrup over ice.
  • Then pour in the gin.
  • Last pour in "Sprite".

It remains to decorate the glass with mint, insert a tube into it and serve. A straw is a must as the drink is classified as a long drink. She can also mix the ingredients if desired.

Arno cocktail

  • peach liqueur - 30 ml;
  • vermouth - 30 ml;
  • gin - 30 ml;
  • ice cubes - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Mix liqueur, vermouth and gin with a shaker.
  • At the bottom of a martini glass or other, but wide and thin-stemmed, put a few ice cubes.
  • Fill the glass with your prepared drink.

The drink turns out to be strong, but so pleasant in taste that it is easy to drink and almost everyone likes it, especially ladies.

Cocktail "White Lady"

  • gin - 50 ml;
  • egg white - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - a pinch;
  • cream - 30 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Place the ingredients in the shaker container, shake it vigorously for a minute.
  • Fill a tall glass with the cocktail.

As a decoration, you can use chopped lemon zest, sprinkling it on the surface of the cocktail.

Gin is one of the most unusual alcoholic beverages, with characteristic juniper notes. Many connoisseurs enjoy using it in its pure form. The taste of gin in cocktails is interesting.

When a bottle of gin falls into your hands, the question immediately arises of how best to drink it. Anyone can dilute soda, but this alcohol has much more potential. Learn how to drink juniper vodka.

1 The Rules Of The Genre Say You Drink Your Gin Clean

To appreciate the taste of an alcoholic beverage, it must be drunk clean. All gourmets and bartenders talk about it. Therefore, anyone who wants to appreciate the quality of this alcoholic drink at its true worth, you need to prepare for the thrill. The fact is that gin is a burning and strong alcohol.

The British say that gin tastes like metal. No one has yet liked the idea of ​​swallowing hot iron, so the drink is cooled to 6 ° C, or even lower.

Today, the average strength of this alcohol is 35.5 degrees, although there are varieties on sale that contain up to 47% alcohol. So, on the one hand, the fortress, on the other, the invigorating taste of the drink. What to do to alcohol "gone"?

It is best to drink juniper vodka strongly chilled. cold drink easier to swallow, and the peculiar aftertaste will not be as intense. You will feel all the herbs that are part of the drink. In addition, after a couple of seconds, the drinker is enveloped in a wave of pleasant warmth.

As a rule, ice is added to gin and this does not violate the laws of the genre. in large pieces a couple of ice cubes are placed in a tumbler glass and gin is poured over them. So the drink "cools down" and immediately takes on a little water, losing in the fortress.

If there is no ice, it is permissible to add a little water to pure alcohol. She won't change taste qualities On the contrary, it will help them open up. The main thing is that it should be water without gas. It is advisable to use mineral table water, then the gin will not become cloudy. Although this is already a second matter, because the taste of the drink does not change from changing its color.

The question of how to drink pure gin is answered in different ways. Some say that only in one gulp, others savor the alcohol in small sips, heating it under the tongue. It all comes down to individual susceptibility and sensitivity. Remember, if pure alcohol does not suit you, then it will be right for you to drink it diluted.

It's important to know!

The devastating effect on the brain is one of the most terrible consequences of the effects of alcoholic beverages on a person. Elena Malysheva: ALCOHOLISM CAN BE OVERCOME! Save your loved ones, they are in great danger!

2 Cocktails known all over the world

For bartenders, gin is a universal spirit. It not only guarantees the desired degree at minimum quantity, but also gives the cocktail a peculiar taste. This is often speculated on, so you need to make sure that they pour it into your glass, and not something dubious. There are many recipes for cocktails with this alcohol, but their quality directly depends on the originality of the base alcohol. This point has been clarified, now let's figure out what you can order in almost any bar in the world.

The martini is by far the most famous gin-based cocktail. A classic martini includes a little gin and a couple of drops of vermouth. The James Bond drink is popular with both men and women. Another cocktail from the legendary spy is Vesper. It consists of vodka, gin, vermouth and a large number ice. V without fail should be garnished with lemon zest.

Cocktails White and Black Russian are also familiar to many people. They provide a powerful blend of gin with vodka and coffee liqueur. Many people make this cocktail only with vodka, but this is not at all the same. Gin and tonic will get you drunk in any bar, and it will not be difficult to mix it in the kitchen. It's just a gin and soda and large quantity ice. The strength of the mixture is regulated by the amount of soda.

Salty Dog is a cocktail not very famous in Russian-speaking countries, but the whole of Europe drinks it. The composition is simple - juniper vodka, grapefruit juice, salt and ice. Salt greatly changes the taste and adds a spicy unusualness to it.

There are many cocktails with juniper vodka, because not many daredevils can drink it pure today. If you are also not great at absorbing hard liquor, then you will be interested to know what to mix with gin.

3 Feel free to experiment!

Figuring out how to drink clean gin is easy, buying a cocktail at a bar is also not a problem, but preparing a mixture to taste on own kitchen not for everyone. In order not to get into an awkward position, it is worth figuring out what this alcohol should be mixed with.

  • Vermouth is a versatile option. A certain similarity in manufacturing techniques makes these two drinks surprisingly compatible. At the same time, it is important to keep correct ratio. Either very little gin and a lot of vermouth, or very little vermouth and a lot of gin.
  • Vodka is suitable for lovers of strong drinks and strong cocktails, after which it is difficult to stand on your feet. Mixing such a cocktail, do not forget about the hangover the next day.
  • Ginger ale - not common here, but in England it is considered the best supplement to juniper vodka. For Europeans, this mixture is like vodka with beer for the Slavs.
  • Citrus juices always go well with gin. They veil sharp taste components and go well with fresh notes of alcohol.
  • Cranberry and currant fruit drinks are the perfect addition to gin. Mix alcohol with such a fruit drink, add frappe ice and a chic cocktail is ready. Your guests will be delighted.

As decorations, it would be right to take green olives, zest and slices of citrus fruits, mint, sugar and salt crumbs. These little tricks cost almost nothing, but they radically change the serving of the drink. There are a lot of imported liquor on the shelves. Some variations are simply not worth considering, but anyone can learn how to serve gin.

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Gin is strong alcoholic drink, which is used in its pure form and in cocktails. Its strength depends on the country of origin and ranges from 34-47 degrees. It goes well with cola, tonic, liquor. Traditionally, an alcoholic drink is drunk chilled, in small sips, to feel the subtle notes of juniper, almonds and spices that are present in its composition. When using a cocktail, it is important to know about its properties. It can cause both benefit and harm to the human body.

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    Rules for drinking

    Gin tonic was originally invented to quench thirst. Optimum temperature drinking a drink - 4–6 degrees. It is enough to put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to cool. If the ratio of gin and tonic is 1:1 or 2:3, then it is better to pour the drink into a classic rock. For a cocktail with a lot of tonic content, a collins or highball is ideal.

    Gin tonic increases appetite, so it is recommended to drink it before meals.

    After alcohol enters the mouth, a person feels a burning cold, which is soon replaced by the warmth characteristic of all alcoholic beverages.


    The appetizer should be chosen correctly to emphasize refined taste drink. Below are the options for traditional snacks:

    • Cheese combined with fish - simple and delicious sandwich, the preparation of which does not take much time, but will be a great addition to the gin and tonic.
    • In England, it is customary to eat smoked meats, as well as hard varieties cheese: Aseda, Bakshtein, Bosphorus.
    • Olives, pickled mushrooms, fresh vegetable salads.
    • Sandwiches with red and black caviar.
    • From fruits, preference should be given to grapes, grapefruit, kiwi and peaches.
    • Chocolate, marmalade, marshmallows, cakes.

    cocktail recipes

    Gin tastes quite bitter, so it is customary to mix it with vodka, mint and apricot liqueur, brandy, freshly squeezed citrus juices, and cola.

    Cook at home delicious cocktail simple enough.

    Classic recipe


    • half fill the highball with ice;
    • chilled gin must be poured to the level of half the ice;
    • add a couple of drops of lime or lemon;
    • to the top, the glass is filled with tonic (you can take a regular tonic in a jar, which is sold in stores);
    • the rim should be decorated with a slice of lime and put a cocktail tube into the drink.

    cola cocktail

    To prepare two servings you will need:

    • 100 ml of gin;
    • 200 ml cola;
    • two slices of lemon;

    Four ice cubes should be put in glasses, then gin and cola are added. Mix all the ingredients with a spoon and squeeze the juice from the lemon slice. A delicious refreshing drink is ready!

    Cucumber Gin Tonic

    Original Cucumber Cocktail Recipe:

    1. 1. One cucumber is cut into thin slices. If you cut a vegetable beforehand, it will lose its flavor, so you should not do this.
    2. 2. In a glass, you need to beautifully spread the cucumber with four large ice cubes.
    3. 3. Slowly pour in 60 ml of gin and 120 ml of tonic.
    4. 4. All ingredients are lightly mixed.

    Popular brands of gin

    There are two types of gin - Dutch (Jenever) and English. English is divided into three types:

    1. 1. Plymouth (Plymouth Gin), the raw material for which is wheat.
    2. 2. London dry gin.
    3. 3. Yellow Gin is the most expensive. A distinctive feature of this brand of drink is that it is aged in sherry casks.

    Almost all brands of gin taste dry, only Dutch producers add a little sugar to alcohol.

    Top 5 best brands gin:

    • British gin Gordon's leads the world in sales. His recipe was invented over two centuries ago and hasn't changed since then. The composition of the drink includes juniper, coriander, orange and lemon peel, licorice. The exact recipe is kept secret by the producers, only twelve people know it.
    • Beefeater- rich drink, the depth of taste of which is achieved by soaking herbs and additives before distillation. One more hallmark This brand is a different strength of the drink. Alcohol is supplied to the United States with a strength of 47 degrees, and on the European continent - 40 degrees.
    • Booth's is a golden yellow drink with a characteristic rich smell. This is one of the oldest brands. The drink is aged oak barrels from sherry.
    • Greenall's Original London Dry Gin is a classic London dry gin. A drink with a mild taste and a characteristic smell of juniper.
    • London Town is a joint Russian-British gin. The taste of the drink is quite sharp, so experts recommend using it for making cocktails.

    To identify a quality gin, you have to taste it. real drink distinguishes fresh fragrance juniper and spices.

Refined and aristocratic with a refined aroma, the alcoholic drink conquered the inhabitants of the whole world. This is a strong alcohol, which is obtained by distilling grain alcohol with a tincture of juniper, coriander, orange, lemon, almond and some spices. Thanks to various additives the drink acquires a characteristic taste and smell. But each alcohol manufacturer keeps the exact composition and proportions of the ingredients secret.

Danish gin is made by mixing wheat and barley malt with spices, dry juniper fruits and aromatic herbs. A mixture of all ingredients should be infused and fermented. The drink is then distilled twice. The result is a strong gin, which should be drunk from small glasses.

Features of London Gin

This type includes, for example, gin "Gordon's". Every nightlife bartender knows how to drink it. This is a more popular drink than Danish. This is probably due primarily to the fact that dry gin can be diluted to make cocktails. Although the Dutch drink is more fragrant, it is London that prevails on the shelves of stores.

To prepare a drink, grain alcohol diluted with water up to 45 degrees is used. It is mixed with juniper tincture and other aromatic ingredients, then distilled. The result is a drink whose strength ranges from 37.5 to 50 degrees. If the gin is made in this way, then the category DISTILLED GIN is always indicated on the label. How they drink gin with such a mark is known only to successful businessmen.

The DISTILLED GIN category means that the drink belongs to the elite class, which means it has a high cost. If there is no such inscription, then the drink was made according to a more simplified scheme. In this case, raw alcohol is simply mixed with aromatic additives, diluted with water and bottled. The drink is not subjected to secondary distillation. Gin connoisseurs will surely notice the admixture of fusel oils.

Drinking undiluted gin

True gourmets and fans of the drink drink pure gin. And you need to use it in a piping cold state. Therefore, before pouring the drink into the vessel, you need to cool it. You just need to know how to drink gin in undiluted form. The bottle with a drink must be wiped and served on the table. Then pour the alcohol into chilled glasses, under which you need to put napkins. When filling the container with a drink, hold the bottle firmly.

You need to carefully pour the gin into a glass, trying not to raise the sediment at the bottom, otherwise the taste will deteriorate. It is customary to fill the container up to half. This is required by the rules of etiquette. The glass should not be decorated with fruit slices or other accessories; the drink does not require additional decor.

How to drink gin and tonic

The classic and most popular way to drink the drink is to mix it with tonic water. To prepare it, you need to take a quality gin, and the tonic must be fresh. You will also need ice, which must be made from mineral or distilled water.

Here classic recipe: Fill glass halfway with ice, add one part gin and shake lightly. Then you need to pour two parts of the tonic. Proportions are not fundamental. Everyone can choose the amount of alcohol to their liking.

How to drink Beefeater gin

The recipe for this drink was compiled back in 1920. This is a bright alcohol with a pronounced taste and pleasant aroma. Only 6 employees of the company know the authentic recipe for "Beefeater". Its components remain unchanged for many years. It is noteworthy that the drink is the only gin that is made only in London.

"Beefeater" can be mixed with tonic just like other types of gin. Some men prefer to use it in its pure form, despite the fact that the strength of the drink is 47 degrees. Women are advised to dilute gin with cola, mineral water, cranberry juice. Don't forget the ice. This is the basis of any gin.

Gin London Hill

It is also a popular drink among gins. It contains many berries. Such a drink is well suited for the base of a martini cocktail. This is the answer to the question of how to drink London gin. The popularity of the drink is associated with a lower cost compared to, for example, Bombay Sapphire. But the taste of gin is well balanced and no less pleasant. This is because the drink contains exotic ingredients: licorice, cassia bark, orris root and Meleget pepper.

In general, any gin is good in its own way. The main thing is that the manufacturer produces a drink according to all requirements with double distillation. That's the only way to enjoy pleasant taste drink.