Popular alcoholic cocktails in the scheme. The composition of cocktails are divided into two types

You can prepare simple and delicious alcoholic cocktails at home. After all, house parties are very popular today. It's fun, interesting and much cheaper than going to a club. Arranging a party at home, you only need to pick up groovy music, come up with entertainment and prepare treats for guests.

We bring to your attention the most simple and popular recipes alcoholic cocktails for home party.

Pina colada

Caribbean low-alcohol cocktail, which harmoniously combines rum, Pineapple juice and coconut milk.

  • light (white) rum - 30 ml
  • pineapple juice - 100 ml
  • coconut milk (or Malibu liqueur) - 30 ml
  • cream 15% fat (optional) - 15 ml
  • ice cubes - a few pieces
  • pineapple slice for garnish

All ingredients (except a slice of pineapple) are whipped in a blender. A cocktail served with a straw.

If one of your guests does not drink alcohol, exclude rum from the ingredients, and replace the liquor coconut milk or syrup.

Pina Colada - cocktail recipe (video)


Refreshing Cuban cocktail based on lime and mint. It is said that Ernest Hemingway was very fond of this drink.

To make a mojito, you need the following ingredients:

  • fresh mint - a few sprigs
  • cane brown sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • half a lime
  • "Sprite" - 60 ml
  • white rum- 50 ml
  • several ice cubes

Pour sugar into a glass, squeeze lime juice into it. Then lay out the mint leaves and knead them with a fork. We pour ice. Pour the rum and then the Sprite. For a simplified recipe, in the absence of lime, it can be replaced with lemon, rum with vodka, cane sugar- ordinary. Of course, it is better not to do this, as the taste will change. But this recipe will turn out much more economical. =)

For the non-alcoholic Mojito, just don't use rum.

Mojito - cocktail video recipe

Bloody Mary

The leader of sales in Russian bars. It is very easy to prepare at home.

To prepare this cocktail you will need the following ingredients:

  • tomato juice- 150 gr.
  • vodka - 75 ml
  • salt - a pinch
  • pepper - a pinch
  • celery sprig for garnish and appetizer

Most often, "Bloody Mary" is prepared in layers. This is easy to do: pour tomato juice into a glass. Then carefully pour vodka along the knife blade. Salt and pepper. Insert a sprig of celery into the glass.

The cocktail is traditionally served with two straws. Layers can be mixed, or a person can vary the consumption of juice and vodka using straws.

Bloody Mary - cocktail recipe (video)

Brave macho

Favorite cocktail of many men. In general, mixing alcohol with carbonated drinks is not recommended due to the possibility of rapid intoxication. But if you are not afraid that one of your guests will be "carried", try to make this cocktail.

To prepare it you will need:

To prepare a drink, you just need to mix all the ingredients.

Cognac with cola - cocktail recipe (video)


A festive champagne cocktail that your friends will appreciate.

To make this cocktail you will need:

  • dry champagne - 150 ml
  • orange liqueur - 20 ml
  • Orange juice- 50 ml
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon

The rim of the glass is dipped into liquor and then into sugar. This is how the sugar rim is made. Champagne, the remaining 10 ml of liquor and orange juice are mixed and poured into a glass. You can decorate the cocktail with orange zest.

Mimosa - cocktail video recipe


A popular female cocktail, the favorite drink of the heroines of the Sex and the City series.

For it you will need the following ingredients:

  • vodka with lemon flavor - 45 ml
  • orange liqueur "Quanto" - 15 ml
  • cranberry juice- 30 ml
  • lime juice -8 ml

All cocktail ingredients are mixed in a shaker and poured into a chilled glass.

"Cosmo" is recommended to drink slowly to capture all the notes of its taste.

Cosmopolitan - cocktail recipe (video)


Popular Mexican cocktail.

To prepare it, you will need:

  • tequila - 40 ml
  • orange liqueur - 20 ml
  • lime or lemon juice - 40 ml
  • coarse salt - 1 teaspoon
  • ice cubes - a few pieces

Wet the edges of the vocal in water. Dip it in salt to get a rim. Mix tequila, liqueur and lime juice in a shaker. pour into glasses. You can use lemon for decoration.

Drinking this cocktail is recommended in small sips, holding the drink in your mouth to get the desired aftertaste.

Classic Margarita - recipe (video)

Strawberry Margarita - recipe (video)

golden velvet

The original cocktail unusual taste. However, it is not recommended to drink it in large quantities because of the risk of getting drunk quickly.

To prepare a cocktail you will need:

  • champagne - 100 ml
  • light beer - 100 ml
  • pineapple juice - 25 ml

All ingredients are mixed and poured into a glass. The cocktail is served without ice.

Champagne cocktails - video recipes


Popular youth cocktail.

For cooking you need:

  • vodka - 50 ml
  • orange juice - 150 ml
  • ice cubes - a few pieces

Vodka and juice are mixed and poured into a glass. Served cocktail with ice. The glass can be garnished with a slice of lemon or orange.

Screwdriver - cocktail recipe video

champagne ice

Dessert champagne cocktail with ice cream.

The following ingredients are required for its preparation:

  • dry champagne - 50 ml
  • ice cream - 100 gr
  • strawberries - 50 gr
  • mint - 3 leaves

Strawberries and mint are cut into pieces and placed in a glass. Ice cream is added there and champagne is poured. The cocktail is served with a straw as a dessert. Strawberries are eaten with a spoon.

Rossini cocktail with champagne and strawberries - recipe (video)

As you can see, there are many delicious alcoholic cocktails, and most of them are quite simple. I think with the help of the above recipes you will definitely be able to please and surprise your guests.

Average alcoholic cocktails contain 18-23 degrees of alcohol, they are easy to drink without causing discomfort. But there are extreme drinks with a strength of more than 40%, after three or four servings of which even the most experienced persistent fighters “give up”. When compiling the rating, drinks were evaluated by alcohol content, taste, availability of ingredients.

All proposed cocktails are prepared using the "Build" method - chilled components are alternately poured into a glass (pile) and mixed. The most simple technology ideal for home use. Drink in one gulp!

1. "Urine analysis" (57.5%)


  • Bacardi 151 - 50 ml;
  • tequila - 50 ml.

After a few servings, most tasters begin to involuntarily urinate, hence the name of the cocktail. To enhance the effect, serve hot!

2. "River of Blood" (53.3%)


  • Stroh 80 (Austrian spiced rum) - 30 ml;
  • silver tequila - 30 ml;
  • vodka - 30 ml.

A red cocktail that resembles blood. It is drunk relatively easily, but quickly knocks you down.

3. Green Vesper (47.5%)


  • vodka - 30 ml;
  • gin - 40 ml;
  • absinthe - 15 ml.

After the vodka martini, James Bond's second favorite cocktail is enhanced with absinthe. Two to three servings quickly loosen the tongue of any target.

4. Dead German (42.5%)


  • Jagermeister (Jägermeister) - 50 ml;
  • Rumple Minze (mint schnapps) - 50 ml.

Favorite strong cocktail in Germany, after it the Germans "dead" until the morning.

5. Three Wise Men (40%)


  • Jim Beam - 30 ml;
  • Johnnie Walker - 30 ml;
  • Jack Daniels - 30 ml.

Another name is "man's three best friends". Sometimes a fourth “wise man” (girlfriend) is added to the composition - Jose Cuervo golden tequila.

6. Gorgeous Bob (40%)


  • Aftershock liqueur - 30 ml;
  • whiskey - 30 ml;
  • golden tequila - 30 ml.

According to legend, the simple guy Bob came up with the recipe, after tasting his friends in a drunken stupor shouted to him: “Great!”.

7. "Death at noon" (32.5%)


  • absinthe - 30 ml;
  • champagne (10%) - 50 ml.

Original green color complemented by a mild flavor. Due to carbon dioxide in champagne, intoxication occurs very quickly. The best option to quickly "get drunk and forget."

8. Headhunter (29%)


  • Bacardi 151 - 40 ml;
  • strong dark beer - 75 ml.

Rum with beer, also known as "Cuban ruff", quickly takes away the mind. After a few servings, even bar patrons lose their heads.

On the eve of Friday, I decided to make the TOP of the most popular alcoholic cocktails


One of the most popular and favorite drinks. Its history begins in the 16th century, and the brave English pirates are considered to be the “authors”, who began to add to their favorite strong alcohol(and simply moonshine) lime and mint. But it is difficult to establish the place of birth, because the pirates never sat in one place, but still, it is generally accepted that it was in Cuba that Mojito "began his dizzying career." Adding to strong alcoholic drink such components, they made the drink not only palatable, but also useful (prevention of cholera). Mojito recipes that have come down to us are almost a hundred years old. There are different variations of this mix, but the most popular remains classic recipe, where the main ingredient is Bacardi rum.

Where does this name come from? There are several versions… The name comes from words similar in pronunciation, which are translated from different languages ​​as “slightly wet”, “little witchcraft”, and there is also a similar name for Cuban sauce.

So, the composition of the cocktail includes:
Bacardi 50 ml
half a lime
Peppermint leaves (at least 5-6)
sugar syrup
Soda (carbonated water) 50 ml.
And, of course, crushed ice.

Mojito is served in a tall glass, garnished with mint leaves and drunk through a straw.

Pina colada

The favorite of the female half of all parties. Light and rich with tropical notes, it cheers up, gives a unique feeling and pleases with its unusual look. There are alcoholic and non-alcoholic Pina Coladas. And what is very important, both options are equally tasty - this is a valuable property of a cocktail. A drink made in coconut or pineapple not only looks spectacular, but is also the most delicious. The name of this drink translates as “filtered pineapple” and it came to us from Puerto Rico, where it was originally called fresh strained pineapple juice, later rum was added to it, and even later Piña Colada appeared in one of the bars. He immediately gained a bunch of fans, became the pride of Puerto Ricans and the official drink of the country.

The classic pina colada cocktail is prepared in a blender and here are its ingredients:
Pineapple juice - 90 ml
Coconut cream - 30 ml
Light rum - 30 ml

Add ice and beat. The drink is served in a glass decorated with drunk cherry or a piece of pineapple. There may be other cocktail options.

Blue Hawaii

The unusual color distinguishes it from other alcoholic beverages. The unique color and pleasant taste will leave an unforgettable impression after getting to know this cocktail. It appeared in the middle of the last century, and was invented by the bartender of the Hilton Hawaiian Village hotel. And the reason for the "invention" was the order of the alcohol company to promote the new Blue Curacao liquor. After several options, it was decided to stop on this lineup. And the name, probably, appeared thanks to a hit with the same name.

The taste of this cocktail is a tropical mix combined with rum and liquor. All these ingredients give an amazing heady taste, which is loved all over the world and glorified the exotic island.

The composition of the cocktail is:
Light rum - 20 ml
Coconut liqueur (Malibu) - 20 ml
Pineapple juice - 40 ml
Blue Curacao - 20 ml

Thoroughly mix all the ingredients and crushed ice in a shaker, pour into a glass, decorate with an umbrella, an orange slice or a cherry and ... Enjoy! It can be drunk at any time of the day, it perfectly refreshes and tones.

Sex on the beach

Relatively young and very popular cocktail. He first appeared under the name "Sand in shorts" in the eighties of the last century, when there were hippies with crazy parties on the beaches.

Now it can be found in any self-respecting bar. It is always in the top, has a bright color and a pleasant taste and is quite easy to prepare. For its pleasant fruity taste, the fair sex simply adores it, and the name will leave few people indifferent, because it evokes pleasant thoughts. The characters of the series "Santa Barbara" brought incredible popularity to this cocktail all over the world, because in almost every series the characters enjoyed it.

“Sex on the Beach” gained such wild popularity in such a short time, but for various reasons: firstly, it is very tasty, secondly, alcohol is almost not felt in it, thanks to fruits and berries, and thirdly, it is easy to cooking, even at home.

Vodka - 60 ml
Peach liqueur - 30ml
Cranberry juice - 60ml
Orange juice - 60ml

Pour all ingredients into a shaker with ice, shake well. Strain the drink, pour into a highball with ice, garnish with an orange slice - and here it is "Sex on the Beach"!


One of the most famous cocktails! It is impossible to imagine any club party without this drink, which conquered all continents. In the middle of the last century, this tricolor sweetish drink was created in one of the bars in Malibu. The name was given to him in honor of the American bomber-missile carrier Boeing B-52. There are other versions of the origin of this cocktail, but the version with a bomber is still considered the most real.

It is desirable to cook B-52 in the presence of the guest who ordered it, firstly, in order to impress with your knowledge and skills, and, secondly, you must definitely explain how you need to drink this shot.

Of course, professional bartenders will make this cocktail better, but it is possible at home too.

To cook you will need:
Coffee liqueur (Kahlúa) – 20ml – bottom layer
Then Cream liqueur (Baileys) - 20 ml
And the top layer will be Orange liqueur (Cointreau) – 20ml

The whole difficulty lies in the uniform distribution of drinks - so that they do not mix. Liqueurs should be added along the blade of a knife or the back of a cocktail spoon. This must be done slowly and carefully. When the drink is ready, you can just drink it, or you can set it on fire. In the second case, you need to drink through a straw, lowering it to the lowest layer and very quickly so that the straw does not melt, and instead of the delicious taste of B-52, you do not feel the taste of melted plastic. It is not recommended to abuse the drink, because after 3-4 servings the euphoria may end and severe intoxication may set in.


A legendary cocktail that almost everyone knows or has at least heard of. And, of course, there are a huge number of versions about the origin of the name, and, of course, they are all associated with a girl named Margarita. But, in any case, this chic drink was born in Latin America somewhere in the period 1935-1940. And since then, "Margarita" has been walking the planet and is the favorite drink of millions.

If you tried this cocktail in a restaurant and became a fan of it, you can make it yourself at home.

Classic "Margarita" consists of:
30 ml tequila
30ml lime
15ml orange liqueur
And the constant companion of any cocktail is crushed ice.

All this must be mixed in a shaker, shake everything well and pour into a pre-prepared glass. And the preparation of the glass is as follows - the edges of the glass must be moistened and dipped in salt so that a delicate “crown” appears, then decorate with a slice of lime.


The International Bartending Association recognized this cocktail in 1986, and the cult television series Sex and the City brought it worldwide fame. After all, every evening on the TV screen, charming beauties enjoyed the Cosmopolitan. Today, at almost every party, you can see chic ladies with stylish glasses in their hands. And of course, like any such popular drink, Cosmopolitan has a mysterious origin - there are several versions, and which of them is the most truthful is unknown ... One of the versions - the cocktail was created as an addition (PR - action) to vodka with lemon flavor Absolut Citron. This drink with a mild taste and aroma of cranberries can be tasted not only in bars, but also prepared at home!

We take:
45 ml vodka (preferably with lemon flavor)
15ml Cointreau liqueur
Lime juice 5-7 ml
30ml cranberry juice
We mix everything in a shaker and pour into a glass, which must be cooled in advance - either with pieces of ice, or simply in the refrigerator. Cosmopolitan is usually served without decorations. It is customary to drink it in small sips to feel the soft and original taste.


n appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century in a small town on Liberty Island. Its history is quite prosaic. No one imagined that thanks to a simple chance and ingenuity of a young man, a legendary and beloved cocktail would be born. When the bar ran out of gin, I had to treat the guests to rum, but in order to like the drink, I had to add sugar and lime juice to it. This combination made a splash among the guests, and the world received a new wonderful drink, which was called "Daiquiri"!

The classic recipe for this cocktail looks like this:
White rum - 45ml
Lime juice - 20 ml
Sugar - 5g
Crushed ice about 100g

In a chilled shaker, mix all the ingredients, mix everything very carefully and pour into a cold glass. It's simple, but the taste and effect is amazing!

Now there are a lot of variants of Daiquiri in the world: with banana, strawberry, passion fruit, coffee liqueur, etc. Rum, lime and ... your imagination!

Cuba Libre

“Por Cuba Libre!” that was the toast that American soldiers made for a free Cuba. In the post-war period, the Americans began to supply this country with bottled syrup of their favorite drink. And the favorite drink of Cubans has always been rum, of which there was a huge amount on the island of Liberty. Americans have mixed two favorite drinks of two different countries, added a little lime - and here it is an exotic drink that very quickly found its fans not only in Cuba, but throughout the world. And since toasts to a free Cuba were often heard in bars, the cocktail got its name! And even during the Prohibition period, Cuba Libre not only did not give up its positions, but also became one of the most popular drinks. Now a lot different options of this cocktail, we offer you a classic recipe.

White rum - 50 ml
Coca-Cola - 120ml
Lime juice - 10 ml

Fill the glass almost to the top with ice, squeeze a small lime wedge into the glass and leave it between the ice cubes. Pour Cola and rum, decorate with a lime wedge. Everything ingenious is simple!

Bloody Mary

Such a legendary cocktail cannot have one well-known history of appearance. So, many argue that the cocktail is so named after the ardent Catholic Queen Mary I Tudor of England, because for her brutal reprisals she received the nickname Bloody Mary. Another version is connected by Ernest Hemingway - an amateur strong drinks when he returned home "on the merry" his wife, whose name was Mary, gave him scandals. The writer experimentally established that the components of Bloody Mary perfectly “remove” the smell of fumes and there is a chance to avoid a scandal ... There were several more people who claimed authorship. And, nevertheless, Fernando Pita Petio is considered to be the official author. Initially, this drink was considered an excellent "anti-hangover" remedy.

In the first official mention of this drink, it was said that it consisted of juice and vodka. And Fernando added other ingredients, and the recipe began to look like this:
Tomato juice - 150ml
Vodka - 75ml
Lemon juice - 15ml
Salt, pepper, celery sprig.

And if desired, you can add three drops of Tobasco and Worcesters sauces. A cocktail is served in a highball, garnished with celery, and drunk through a straw. There is a version of a “two-tiered” cocktail, when the first layer is red tomato juice, and the second is vodka, but red and black pepper and salt are still added there. This option is very popular in Poland, because outwardly it resembles the flag of the country. In Russia, many people cook this option at home.

We present to you new unique recipes for the most original and unusual cocktails, the ideological basis of which are the plots of popular films and virtual heroes. You have not tried such cocktails yet. But now you can make them yourself at home!

1. "Metroid"

Cocktail Ingredients: apple and coconut rum, sprite, kiwi and strawberry juice mix.

Cocktail history:"Metroid" and externally, and the taste is something fantastic! No wonder this marvelous drink with three strawberry berries, floating in a green liquid, was named after the iconic computer game created by Nintendo.

2. "God of War" or "Kratos"

Cocktail Ingredients: Cocktail has the same explosive power as its video game namesake. This is due to the fact that among its ingredients there are vanilla and strawberry rum, amaretto, energy drink Everclear, strawberry syrup and milk.

Cocktail history: The character after whom this drink is named, the computer hero Kratos, first appeared in the video game "God of War", released in 2005. He won the attention huge amount fans to fight and win in the virtual space.

3. "Street Fighter"

Cocktail Ingredients: Jasmine tea with vodka, lychee liqueur, Blue Curacao and Chinese cold tea Chun Li.

Cocktail history: this cocktail is as beautiful and dangerous as the multi-platform fighting video game from which it takes its name.

4 Doctor Who

Cocktail history: The cocktail takes its name from the BBC's iconic British sci-fi television series about a mysterious alien time traveler known as The Doctor. Together with his companions, he explores time and space, simultaneously solving various problems and restoring justice.

Cocktail Ingredients: There are two cocktail recipes: one is based on Blue Curacao, blueberry vodka, sprite and rum, and the second differs only in that Midori liqueur is added instead of vodka. But in any case, both of these original cocktails are delicious and mysterious, like the very image of "Doctor Who".

5. Giggling Yoda

Cocktail history: That was the name of one of the main characters of Star Wars, the wisest and most powerful Jedi of his time. Be sure to try this intergalactic cocktail called Giggling Yoda!

Cocktail Ingredients: In the drink fresh fruits, ginger ale and vodka, and appearance ideally, it should be indistinguishable from the muddy waters of the Dagoba swamp from the movie saga.

6. Kiss of the Vampire

Cocktail history: Castlevania is a series of video games created by Konami, where the player is immersed in the atmosphere of gothic, horror and mysticism. This is a whole kingdom of vampires, werewolves and other evil spirits. The dark world-inspired cocktail is called the Vampire's Kiss, and it tastes as intoxicatingly seductive as kissing an otherworldly creature under the cover of night.

Cocktail Ingredients: It contains red wine and passion fruit liqueur.

7. "Tick"

Cocktail history: The cocktail got its name from the American television animated series Tick, which ridicules and parodies popular comics about superheroes and supervillains. The protagonist Tick wears a blue latex uniform and has two blue antennae on his head. In the drink, this was visualized as two Twizzlers blue sticks of chewy licorice paired with Tick Blueberry lemonade.

Cocktail Ingredients: In addition to the unusual appearance and original taste, the combination of blueberry soda lemonade with liquor and vodka also creates a delicious aroma.

8. "Blood Trail"

Cocktail Ingredients: Despite the intimidating appearance of this cocktail, it tastes surprisingly pleasant, because it contains peach schnapps, cranberry juice and vodka.

Cocktail history: He owes his name to the American television series of the Showtime channel, based on the novel by Jeffrey Lindsay "Dexter's Dreaming Demon". The series follows Dexter Morgan, a fictional serial killer who works as a blood splatter forensic scientist for the Miami Police Department.

9. Dirt Block

Cocktail history: Mine Craft is a computer game where the world is completely made up of blocks (landscape, objects, mobs, player), hence the name for the spectacular cocktail.

Cocktail Ingredients: It contains vanilla Kahlua, amaretto, milk chocolate and cookie crumbs. It is best served in square clear glasses to preserve the cubic effect.

10. "Portal"

Cocktail history: Portal- computer game in the genre of "puzzle from the first person", the events of which unfold in the Laboratory for the study of the nature of portals, and the player is a girl named Chell, who is being tested inside the Laboratory.

Cocktail Ingredients: Named after the game, the cocktail contains lemonade, limoncello and Everclear energy drink.

11. "Blade"

Cocktail history:"Blade" is an action movie with elements of a horror film, the main character of which is Blade, half-human, half-vampire, taking revenge on ordinary vampires for the death of his mother, who was bitten by them during pregnancy. He is armed with a titanium alloy sword, a submachine gun with silver bullets, and has all the abilities of a vampire - superhuman strength, speed, agility and survivability. But at the same time, he is not afraid of light, garlic, silver, and although he is thirsty for blood, he copes with it with a special serum.

Cocktail Ingredients: The composition of such a whey, that is, the Blade cocktail of the same name, includes Blue Curacao, Bacardi 151, tequila and Everclear energy drink, which, of course, is tastier and much more pleasant than blood.

12. The Nightmare Before Christmas

Cocktail history: The cocktail got its name in honor of the American musical film of the same name about a resident of the city of Halloween, who accidentally finds a portal to the city of Christmas and, in order to dispel the annual monotony, decides to celebrate this new holiday according to their old traditions.

Cocktail Ingredients: The composition of the drink includes pumpkin or toffee pudding (your choice), rum and whipped cream.

13. "Modern Warfare"

Cocktail history: Modern Warfare, as you know, is a popular computer game, the plot of which is connected with the modern military operations of the US and British intelligence agencies, as well as regular units. The action itself takes place on the territory of virtual Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and the Middle East. The cocktail itself is unlikely to force you to deploy hostilities around you, except to compete for another portion.

Cocktail Ingredients: as part of the drink limoncello, crème de menth, Jagermeister, Baileys, energy drink and black vodka.

The list of the most popular bar cocktails consists of the following drinks:

  • "Mojito";
  • "Blue Hawaii";
  • "Cosmopolitan";
  • "Pina colada";
  • "Sex on the Beach";
  • "Daiquiri";
  • "Margarita";
  • "B52";
  • "Long Island";
  • "Jellyfish";
  • "Piranha";
  • "Oasis";
  • "Limoncello".

These and many other delicious exotic drinks are prepared right in front of visitors at the bar counter. The following bar cocktail recipes will come in handy for those who decide to make their own alcoholic drinks at home.

Bar cocktails "Mojito", "Cosmopolitan" and "Pina Colada"


This is a light invigorating drink based on white rum and mint leaves.

The traditional composition looks like this:

  • lime;
  • fresh mint leaves;
  • white rum - 60 ml;
  • 100 ml soda water;
  • sugar syrup- 15 ml;

Mojito preparation:

Take tumbler, put mint leaves on its bottom, add sugar syrup and lime juice.

Pour in crushed ice.

Top with soda water and white rum. Stir gently and drink through a straw.

The popularity of the alcoholic "Mojito" is due to the unique combination of sweetness, lime acidity and mint freshness. There are other options for preparing the drink; in some establishments, strawberries, orange or apple juice are also added to it.


Alcoholic cocktail "Cosmopolitan" became popular after the appearance on television of the series "Sex and the City". His heroines constantly drank at parties. Cosmopolitan first appeared in the 70s, when its recipe was created by American mixologist Dale de Gough.


  • 30 ml of vodka with citrus flavor;
  • Triple Sec - 15 ml;
  • 30 ml cranberry juice;
  • one lime;
  • orange slice for decoration;


Vodka cranberry juice and Triple Sec pour into a shaker.

Squeeze the juice out of the lime - with your hands or using a citrus press.

Pour the drink into a cocktail glass on a high leg, decorate it with an orange slice or orange zest.

"Pina colada".

This popular sweet cocktail came to us from the Caribbean, where it was first made. "Pina Colada" - "filtered pineapple", as strained fresh pineapple juice used to be called. Soon the juice began to be mixed with rum and sugar, so he moved into the category low alcohol drinks, popular today in nightlife.


  • pineapple juice, white rum - 60 ml each;
  • coconut cream- 75 ml;
  • for decoration - whipped cream, cherry and pineapple slices;
  • ice cubes.

Preparing the Pina Colada:

Place the pineapple juice, white rum and coconut cream in a blender and blend until smooth.

Pour the entire mixture from the blender into a cocktail glass, add ice.

Top the drink with whipped cream and fruit.

In some bars, Pina Colada also includes Baileys liqueur.

Recipes for bar cocktails "Daiquiri", "Sex on the Beach" and "Margarita"


Now under the name "Daiquiri" there is a whole group of alcoholic cocktails, although initially it was just one drink. It first appeared in Cuba when a man named Jenning Kos decided to combine rum, sugar, lime juice and ice in one glass. The cocktail has such a beautiful name thanks to the Daiquiri village in which it originated.


  • 60 ml of white rum;
  • sugar syrup - 15 ml;
  • lime;

Preparing the Daiquiri:

Pour rum, sugar syrup and lime juice into a shaker.

Add ice to these ingredients and shake the shaker well.

Pour the contents of the shaker into a glass.

Bar cocktail "Daiquiri" is ready to drink!

"Sex on the Beach"

A low-alcohol drink with such a provocative and enticing name is liked by many girls.

It is prepared on the basis of such components:

  • vodka - 50 ml;
  • peach liqueur - 25 ml;
  • pineapple juice and cranberry juice - 40 ml each;
  • for decoration - pineapple and raspberries;
  • ice cubes.

Preparing a cocktail "Sex on the Beach" is quite simple:

Mix all ingredients in a shaker and shake well.

Pour the finished drink into a highball glass filled with ice.

"Sex on the beach" decorate with a slice of pineapple and raspberries.


Margarita is one of the most popular summer alcoholic drinks.

To prepare this Margarita bar alcoholic cocktail recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 50 ml tequila;
  • orange juice - 25 ml;
  • sugar syrup - 10 ml;
  • one lime;
  • salt or sugar to decorate the glass;

Preparation of the margarita cocktail:

Pour tequila and orange juice into a shaker, squeeze lime juice on top, fill everything with ice and beat all the ingredients well.

Pour the drink into a wide cocktail glass with a high stem.

Garnish the rim of the glass with salt or sugar.

Preparation of bar cocktails "B52", "Long Island" and "Medusa"

"At 52".

This is a cocktail consisting of three layers of different liquors. Its peculiarity is that you need to drink it in one gulp, without mixing the layers. This is a very interesting bar cocktail, and not only the method of its preparation is of interest, but also the peculiarity of the alcoholic effect on the one who drinks B52. Fortress alcoholic drink in classic version cooking averages 27 degrees. "B52" is not easy to prepare, so in any case it will turn out better when prepared by a professional bartender, but you can try to make it yourself at home.


  • coffee liqueur "Captain Black";
  • liquor Irish Cream;
  • Quantreau liqueur.

To prepare a drink, prepare a knife and a glass with a capacity of 100 ml.

Dip the knife into the glass, and carefully pour the coffee liqueur onto the blade.

Then pour in the Irish Cream liqueur in the same way. Everything must be done as slowly and smoothly as possible so that two layers of liquor do not mix.

The top layer will be Quantreau liqueur, it must be poured into a glass in the same way as the two previous components.

The result should be three different layers of liqueurs, of which the drink consists. However, "B52" is not yet ready for use. Now the three-layer drink needs to be set on fire.

You need to drink a cocktail burning, inserting a straw into a glass. Properly prepared and drunk "B52" should be cool at the beginning of drinking, and then it becomes warmer and warmer.

"Long Island".

This drink appeared on Long Island in New York.


  • vodka;
  • gin;
  • tequila;
  • white rum;
  • Triple Sec;
  • sugar syrup;
  • lemon slice;
  • cola;

All drinks should be taken in 20 ml.


Mix all the alcoholic components of the cocktail in a highball glass.

Separately, in a container, combine cola and ice, pour into a glass.

For decoration, use lemon wedge and some bright tubes.



  • 10 ml of absinthe;
  • 20 ml of cocoa liqueur and Triple Seca;
  • 5 ml Irish Cream.


Alcoholic drinks in a glass should be poured in layers using a knife or a bar spoon. The layers go in this order: cocoa liqueur, triple sec, absinthe.

To decorate the cocktail, you need to beautifully pour Irish Cream on top - drop by drop through a straw.

Making bar cocktails at home is an interesting and exciting process, at the end of which you can enjoy pleasant taste favorite alcoholic drink.