Irish cream coffee. Irish coffee recipe.

Irish coffee is a cocktail based on coffee and whiskey, with the addition of sugar and whipped cream. What to treat friends who came to you winter evening? Of course, Irish coffee, which has a noble taste, warms and relaxes after a busy day. How did real Irish coffee appear, how to make it at home, how to properly serve and serve the drink?

Briosa with Irish coffee aroma. . If you're a coffee drinker, then you definitely know what an enchanting flavor Irish coffee specializes in. Well, now you don't have to just limit yourself to this type of coffee, but you can also enjoy a special flavor with a cupcake.

To give it a traditional Irish look, Bakery's savvy cupcakes and tarts adorn this clover blossom pattern. Thus, this type of cake is the perfect choice for coffee lovers and not only! Briosa with avocado. . Each of us knows how healthy avocados are for health! Well, how can you consume health drops but in a sweet taste?

Irish coffee: the real story

Irish coffee has long been a commercially successful brand, with beautiful story. It began when the chef of a restaurant located in Ireland's Shannon Airport served coffee to frozen tourists with a hefty portion of Irish whiskey and whipped cream. This recipe he called Irish (Irish). In Russian transcription, we pronounce Irish. Coffee quickly became popular.

Although this is an unusual cupcake, surely sweet lovers would love to try it, right? Warm weather also changes our habits. The ritual of the coffee drink often moves to the terrace, balcony or grass garden. And while the morning cup of coffee hardly changes, the sun gets hotter during the day and wants something cold and refreshing. Fortunately, this coffee is a versatile drink 🙂.

Here are a few great recipes for your coffee. Add if necessary required amount Sahara. Add half a cup of strong coffee and mix with cold water. Block until the entire drink is cool. Place a glass of ice or a cup in ice cubes, add a drink and spray with whipped cream. ¾ cup ground coffee 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 3 glasses cold water 1 cup condensed milk Ice cubes. Mix ground beef and cinnamon together. Fill up the coffee maker. Pour the condensed milk into the coffee pot, mix with the boiled coffee until it becomes homogeneous.

  • On July 19, in the Irish city of Foynes, where Shannon Airport is located, an international Irish Coffee Day is held, where baristas from all over the world prepare a drink according to the famous recipe.
  • In the cult bar of San Francisco "Buena Vista", the first Irish coffee was prepared in 1952, which is still reminded by a commemorative plaque to visitors.
  • It is believed that true Irish coffee is very difficult to prepare due to the unavailability of real farm cream in the cities - cream from a can or store is not suitable for real Irish.
  • It is said that the first portions of the drink were served in a beer glass, and not in traditional cups, since there were not enough of them at hand, so glassware had to be used. As a sign of respect for the tradition, Irish is served in glass goblets.
  • Irish coffee is the only classic cocktail that contains natural coffee.
  • Irish coffee is included in the barmen's card and approved by the International Association of Bartenders.

It cannot be argued that the resourceful chef's recipe has become a revolution. The Irish have been adding local Irish whiskey to their coffee for many years. The inventive chef-bartender only modified the traditional recipe by decorating and pouring the drink into unusual glasses.

Pour coffee into glasses or cups with ice cubes already dipped. Pour coffee into a coffee pot, pour coffee into a glass, add sugar and mix it. Stir until completely dissolved. Wrap ice cubes. Spray the whipped cream. You can decorate chocolate chips and nuts.

Pour the coffee into the coffee pot, mix the coffee with coconut milk. Add condensed milk and mix thoroughly until it is smooth. Pour ice cubes into a glass of coffee and pour over the coffee. You can decorate with mussels, coffee and chocolate chips. Mix it with condensed milk until smooth. In a glass of coffee, add ice cubes, pour over the coffee and spray with whipped cream.

Irish coffee recipe

The classic recipe includes coffee, Irish whiskey, granulated sugar and whipped cream for garnish.


  • 1 part whiskey.
  • 2 parts coffee.
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar.

In a specific portion, the proportions may look like this:

  • Irish whiskey - 50 ml.
  • Coffee - 100 ml.
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar.
  • 2 tablespoons of whipped cream.

Cooking features

Mix it with chocolate milk to homogeneity. Pour chocolate yogurt chocolate powder, peanut butter and add ice cubes. Shake everything with a mixer until the mass becomes thick, and then put in a glass. You can decorate chopped nuts.

Mix it with cold water and condensed milk in one bottle. Pour in the slices and shake the mixer until the drink is thick. Pour everything into coffee cups. Mix coffee, condensed milk and vanilla sugar in one dish. Stir until a solid mass is formed. Pour ice cubes into coffee glasses and pour over the drink.

  • You will need Jamesonor Bushmills or Jameson whiskey. Replacement is not recommended.
  • Coffee can be brewed in a cezve or a French press. The main thing is that the drink is strong.
  • Sugar can be brown or white. V traditional recipe use white. Some pre-caramelize sugar or replace it with syrup.
  • Cream must be at least 30% fat. Ideally, this should be farm cream, which was allowed to stand for two days, and then whipped in a shaker with ice to the state of strong peaks.

How to cook?

¼ cup strong coffee ¼ cup chocolate syrup 1 tablespoon vanilla syrup ¼ cup cold milk chocolate whipped cream. Pour coffee, chocolate and vanilla syrup and cold milk into one bowl and mix thoroughly until smooth. Add ice cubes and mix well until thick. Pour the drink into a coffee spoon, spray with whipped cream and sprinkle with chocolate chips.

Pour coffee, caramel and vanilla syrup and cold milk into one bowl and mix thoroughly until smooth. Add ice cubes and mix well until the mixture becomes thick. Pour the drink into a coffee spoon, spray with whipped cream and sprinkle with caramel syrup.

  1. Brew coffee. Better from medium roast Arabica beans, insisting ground coffee in french press.
  2. Pour coffee into a glass, put sugar and stir until completely dissolved.
  3. Measure out your whiskey. Before adding to coffee, whiskey can be set on fire.
  4. Gently, in a thin stream, pour the whiskey into the coffee.
  5. Whip cream with finely crushed ice.
  6. Spread whipped cream over drink.

Irish coffee is drunk without stirring, skipping strong and rich drink through a creamy layer that enriches the palate with sweet, silky notes.

Such a "bad day" is unacceptable in a respectable cafe that adheres to strict standards. And for a chemist, this is an interesting task. Ideally, it's not enough to know which beans are being cooked. Most people know that water can be "cool" or "soft". The water in Vilnius is a little softer.

Hendon learned from computer simulations and experimentally tested barristers. Roasted coffee beans contain compounds such as lemon acid, lactic acid, eugenol. The amount of all these compounds varies from bean to bean, which is why each type of coffee has a complex, distinctive taste.

The recipe is quite affordable for cooking at home. The shaker can be replaced with a blender.

There are other variations of the classic Irish coffee recipe. The option when the cream is not whipped is quite popular, such a recipe is even easier to cook at home.

  1. Sugar and whiskey are placed in a glass and heated over a fire.
  2. After the sugar has dissolved, the whiskey is set on fire.
  3. Pour coffee in a thin stream.
  4. Cream is poured over the knife so that it does not mix with coffee, but remains on top.

Over time, deviations from the canonical recipe appeared. One of the most famous variations was Irish cream coffee. In it, whiskey is replaced with a soft creamy liqueur Baileys.

But there is also difficulty in the water. And the more these ions, the harder the water. Some solid water compounds "pop" with some coffee compounds as they are mixed. For example, the more water compounds stick to the eugenol, the more intense the "forest" flavor in the coffee will be.

Magnesium is an exceptionally "sticky" ion - meaning that when you boil coffee in high magnesium water, you'll get coffee with a stronger aroma. However, while hard water is somewhat of a lottery, since it is not known which hardness has more ions, soft water is usually useless for coffee drinkers.

The proportions remain the same as for the classic Irish, but the volume is made a little more.

  • Baileys liqueur - 75 ml.
  • Coffee - 150 ml.
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon.
  • Whipped cream - 2 tablespoons.

How is Irish cream coffee made?

  • Strong coffee is poured into a glass.
  • Add a spoonful of brown sugar or regular white, pre-caramelized to a light brown color.
  • Pour in the liquor.
  • Decorate with whipped cream and grated chocolate.

Drink Irish cream without stirring.

Soft water often contains sodium, but it doesn't "smear" without flavors. This means that even with the same beans, you will get a much stronger coffee flavor if you use hard water with a high concentration of magnesium rather than softened or distilled water.

Hendon is a rarity among coffee lovers: as many do not drink coffee at the same time, and the interactions of molecules are known as their fingers. Therefore, it is not easy for ordinary people to adjust the composition of water, as soon as the desire to try tasty coffee. But the good news is that no special knowledge is required. If you know what kind of water you are using, you can buy this coffee hardness. Get started, find out what the hardness of the water you're using is, and armed with that data to buy beans for hard or soft water, the scientist says experienced coffee roasters should know.

This recipe has its own own version utensils, which is called so - a glass for Irish coffee.

  • A glass for Irish has a capacity of 220-240 ml. On sale there are dishes of large volumes - for 300 and even 400 ml, but latte and other drinks are served in such glasses. Classic Irish coffee is simply not prepared in such portions.
  • The ware has a low leg, the round basis and the glass handle.
  • Glasses are made of fairly thick glass so that the drink does not cool too quickly.

The material allows not only to enjoy the taste, but also to admire the structure of the layered drink. Irish coffee introduced the fashion for serving coffee and coffee-based drinks in glass goblets.

Toasters will test the fruits of their labor using their tap water, so you can at least expect a roasted coffee near your home to be optimally matched to your home's water. Hendon suggested that the giant café chain was "not good for coffee and water"—that chain standardizes the taste of coffee at all points of sale using purified water.

Different traditions of drinking coffee. The most popular espresso coffee in Italy. It is often used to stand in a bar. Capuchin is also here. However, it is usually drunk in the country only in the morning. When you order a cappuccino coffee in the evening or in the evening, you will be curious to look at it.

Calories in Irish coffee

Thanks to the presence strong alcohol, sugar and heavy cream, Irish coffee is a high-calorie drink.

One serving of the canonical recipe contains approximately 230-240 kilocalories, which is comparable to some cakes and pastries.

The strength of the Irish coffee cocktail is about 12-15 degrees, so they drink it after work and in no case drive after a portion of the drink.

Turkey especially loves coffee. The locals describe perfect coffee like black: hell is hell, strong as death and sweet as love. Most often, this drink is sipped during the day. The French cannot imagine a morning without lace. The latter is inseparable from a pair of French fluffy dough horns.

Cuba loves strong black coffee. It is taken several times a day. Especially in the morning to help wake up. Later in the afternoon, when we communicate with friends. In this country, coffee is an integral part of communication. In Saudi Arabia, strict rules must be followed when drinking coffee. This drink is first served by the elders. Also often used is cardamom, which is served with dry dates to quell the bitterness.

Irish coffee cost

In coffee houses and restaurants, the cost of Irish coffee ranges from 180 to 400 rubles per serving. The average price is 220-250 rubles per serving.

If you prepare a drink at home, then the approximate cost of a serving will be about 150 rubles. The difference is insignificant, but you know exactly the type of whiskey in your coffee, and the quality of the cream from which the foam cap is made.

In Ireland, your favorite coffee is like a cocktail. It later spread throughout the world and is still popular today. In Mexico, coffee is traditionally served with cinnamon sticks and served in earthenware cups. Locals are convinced that this gives coffee a special taste.

In Ethiopia, this drinking ceremony resembles a ritual that lasts about 2 hours. Here the coffee is flavored with sugar, but with a pinch of salt or a lump of butter. In some African tribes this drink was eaten rather than drunk. The "energy balls" were made from fruits and greens.


  1. Is an alcoholic cocktail based on coffee.
  2. It has a rich taste, high calorie content and strength.
  3. It is used after work or on vacation.
  4. Served in glass goblets with handles.
  5. For good taste it is important to choose not only good coffee but also real Irish whiskey and quality cream.

Have you tried Irish coffee yet?

The King of England ordered all cafes to be closed because they believed that people were preparing in it who were preparing to plot against him. Arabica is the most popular type of coffee in the world. It is chosen by 70% of people. 30% of people drink strong coffee. It is bitter and has 50% more caffeine.

Coffee is the second most popular in the world. The amount of dying coffee is about 100 cups. Of course, it all depends on his strength. Most coffee beans are grown in Brazil. About 65% of coffee is consumed in the morning. by the most expensive coffee in the world is Kopi Luwak. It is made from palm musk - indigenous mammals - digested coffee beans.

The idea of ​​adding alcohol to coffee is not new. So, coffee drink with cognac is called Armenian, if you add rum to coffee, you get a Pharisee, and Irish coffee is nothing more than coffee with whiskey, garnished with a cap of whipped cream. It is the preparation of this drink that we will deal with today.

The history of Irish coffee is amazing. The creator of this drink is Joseph Sheridan, the chef of a restaurant located at the Irish Shannon International Airport. It was Joseph who warmed the passengers arriving from the USA by treating them to coffee with whiskey. When guests from America asked the name of this coffee, he replied that it was Irish coffee. Under this name, the drink is now known throughout the world.

Coffee is the second most popular drink underwater. Fewer roasted coffee beans contain less caffeine. The creamy drink stays hot 20% longer. Coffee grounds suitable for snails and snails. They only need to find a place where these animals are corrupted.

Planted milk has a weaker effect, as this product inhibits the absorption of caffeine. Can Buttered Coffee Give You Mountains of Energy? At the same time burn fat and lift abdominal muscles? Yak butter tea is a multi-millennium bioaccum, conceived in the Himalayas. Harsh conditions called for a practical approach at the local level. Because calories are meant to keep you warm, which keeps you alive, a hot, stimulating drink with fat is the best energy you'd like.

The modern variation of Irish coffee is somewhat different from that proposed by Joseph, the drink is served not in cups, but in transparent tall coffee glasses with a stem, known as Irish. However, in memory of the creator of this legendary drink Every year on July 19, Foynes celebrates Irish Coffee Day, where baristas from all over the world meet to compete in the art of creating Irish Coffee.

Vanilla ice cream with skimmed milk under such conditions it would be an irresistible joke. The quality of life and physical performance of the body are growing. Therefore, since the Muscular Mind belongs, the following are not theoretical conclusions, but practice and facts.

On the left, how people imagine coffee with butter. Right - as real coffee With butter. Improved until he developed a version of his drink and dubbed it as Bulletproof Coffee on the Internet. By the way, all bulletproof ideology should be taken in a figurative sense.

Irish coffee. Classic recipe

You will need:

  • water - 80 ml,
  • finely ground coffee beans - 1 teaspoon,
  • whiskey (of course Irish) - 40 ml,
  • whipped cream - for decoration.

Cooking method

  1. In the coffee machine, we brew espresso or, using a Turk, we prepare Turkish coffee from the specified amount of coffee and water.
  2. We warm up the Irish glass. To do this, you can hold it under a stream for some time. hot water, and then wipe dry or use the appropriate function of the coffee maker.
  3. Pour sugar into a glass.
  4. Pour in the hot coffee and whiskey, leaving room in the glass for the whipped cream. Mix well until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  5. Spread whipped cream on top of coffee. They will not only improve the taste of the drink, but also allow it to stay hot longer. You don't need to mix.
  6. Irish coffee is ready. Try!

Irish ice coffee

Despite the fact that the first portion of Irish coffee was prepared in order to warm passengers at a cold airport, today the ice version of this drink is very popular.

What is original bulletproof coffee?

It is the body, the biology, the methods that are "intact". From high quality coffee beans, good oil, extract coconut oil and marketing. But coffee with butter is something more. It's the symbol of the entire biohazard movement. They are regularly tested in the laboratory to avoid mycotoxins. This is a mold that grows on a variety of foods. And the state has official regulations on the percentage of mycotoxins that can be found on imported products.

Similar to sprinkling on Lithuanian grains. Myotoxins haven't been seen by the naked eye, they haven't tasted them, and they don't get into you. However, their appropriate dose may cause discomfort. And long-term use and harm to health. The shape is especially liked by already ground coffee beans and is most often found on solid coffee.

If you wish to cook cold coffee in Irish, you will need:

  • water - 60 ml,
  • Irish whiskey - 30 ml,
  • freshly ground coffee beans - 1 teaspoon
  • brown sugar - 1 teaspoon,
  • vanilla extract - a few drops,
  • whipped cream - for serving
  • ice - 3-4 cubes.

Cooking method

  1. We brew a portion of espresso or classic black coffee in a Turk in a coffee machine. We filter. We cool.
  2. Whip cream with vanilla extract in a blender.
  3. Pour whiskey into an Irish glass.
  4. Add sugar.
  5. Pour in cold coffee. Mix everything thoroughly.
  6. I put ice.
  7. Gently pour whipped cream with vanilla extract over ice.
  8. Cold Irish coffee is ready. enjoy it unusual taste. Happy coffee drinking!