What is better refined unrefined sunflower oil. How is refined oil made?

This is the most important information for those who decide to use natural oils. The first thing to know is what are the two main types of oils. What is the difference between them. And which oil is better to choose.

1. Types of natural oils

About the benefits of herbs natural oils and their magical cosmetic effect everyone knows. But not everyone knows that the same natural oil can be of several types.

Firstly, there are base oils (they are also called fatty oils), and essential (they are also called esters or oil extracts).

1) Refined- which has passed several additional technological degrees of purification.

2) Unrefined— passed only the primary mechanical filtration. They are also called oils of the first cold pressing or virgin oil (Virgin).

2. Usefulness of different types of oils

But does the degree of purification of natural oil affect its usefulness and how many useful substances and trace elements remain in it?

As it turns out, almost none. The usefulness of the oil is determined by the composition of the components that it contains. So, in the process of refining (additional stages of purification and filtration), the composition and amount of useful vitamins, fats and acids in it changes very slightly. Therefore, both types of oil are useful regardless of the degree of purification.

Of course in unrefined oil the amount of nutrients will be a little more. But not in all cases and not all people are suitable for unrefined oil. Why and what are the main differences, see below.

3. What are the differences between oils

So what is the difference between oils, if both types are equally useful for their use in cosmetic and health purposes?

First, the consistency. Unrefined oils are often more saturated and fatty in composition. Refined oils are softer and lighter in nature.

Secondly, the smell. Due to additional filtration and purification, refined oil is usually odorless. Unrefined - has a natural smell, each oil has its own. For example, unrefined cork oil bright aroma coconut, refined - there is no smell.

Thirdly, color. Refined oils are usually colorless and usually have a clear yellowish tint. Unrefined oils often have their own characteristic color. For example, in unrefined avocado oil - green tint avocado fruit, refined - a transparent yellowish tint.

Fourth, the shelf life. Refined oils, due to the highest degree of purification, have a longer shelf life. Unrefined has the closest look to the original source, so its shelf life is shorter.

4. Which oil to choose

As noted above, unrefined oils are more saturated beneficial substances, vitamins and microelements. Therefore, in cosmetic purposes it is usually better to use unrefined oil. But they are not always suitable for everyone.

Consider, When is it best to use refined oils?.

1) For children up to 2, 3 years old. For the delicate skin of a child, unrefined oils can be over saturated, there can be a glut. Refined oils are more neutral and are good for baby's sensitive skin.

2) For pregnant and lactating women. During pregnancy, a woman's body is more susceptible and needs psychological and physical peace. Therefore, it is better not to use unrefined oils during this period. For the sensitive and receptive body of a woman during this period, there can be many of them. Therefore, pregnant and lactating women are advised to use refined oils.

3) For sensitive, delicate, thin skin. If you have this type of skin, you need to see if there are many unrefined oils for you and how your skin will react to them. In most of these cases, the use of refined oils is recommended.

4) Susceptibility to odors. Almost all unrefined oils have a fragrance. Each oil has its own. If you are sensitive to smells, refined oils are for you. They don't have a smell.

5) In some cases, for massage and cosmetic mixtures. Perhaps creating a mixture of fatty base and essential oils You will want to get a certain flavor. In this case, it is necessary to determine whether the aroma of the unrefined oil is suitable for the overall composition of the aroma. If not, you can use refined oil.

Shea butter (karite) is extracted from the fruits of the shea tree, called the African miracle. It is widely used in cooking, but in Russia it is better known as cosmetic product for hair, face and body skin care.

When buying a product, many face the problem of choosing between refined and unrefined shea butter. The difference in price between the two types is rather big, so let's figure out if it's worth overpaying.

Shea butter refined and unrefined: the difference between them

Shea Butter Grade Classification

  • A is unrefined shea butter. Natural product obtained with water. The color is from light beige to bright yellow, the smell is slightly nutty.
  • B - refined, deodorized. White (may be yellowish), odorless.
  • C is the product obtained with the help of a solvent. White, odorless.
  • D - a product containing impurities in a small amount.
  • C - product with content a large number impurities. It is rarely used in cosmetics.

The first three classes of shea are commercial, i.e. approved for use in cosmetology and pharmacology. Most often, on the shelves of our stores and in pharmacies, shea butter of class A and B is found.

What is the difference between the two main types of product?

Unrefined shea butter is not subjected to any heat treatment upon receipt, which allows it to retain all the useful components of the raw material. The lion's share (about 80%) of its composition falls on triglycerides formed by fatty acids (palmitic, linoleic, stearic, etc.). Slightly less than 20% are unsaponifiable fats, represented mainly by caristerols. It is their joint work with triglycerides that determines the benefits of the product.

In addition, unrefined shea butter (shea butter) contains only 1% vitamin E (for example, it contains many times more). Color natural product can vary from light beige to rich yellow, the smell of a quality product is oily-nutty, in no case rancid.

What happens when shea butter is refined? During the refining process, any vegetable oil loses most of its vitamins and minerals. Shea butter after cleaning loses such richness as 1% tocopherol, but triglycerides and caristerols remain almost intact in the composition of the product. Aroma, like that, is absent.

The use of unrefined shea butter

Unrefined shea butter is used for burns, bruises, participates in the process of skin regeneration, moisturizes and nourishes. It is applied as in pure form and in combination with other care products. The fair sex use the product to moisturize dry skin.

Shea butter is very good for winter period time. It perfectly moisturizes and nourishes chapped lips in the cold, the skin of the hands.

Shea butter will also help to cope with the rough skin of the heels and elbows. Daily use will significantly improve the condition of these problem areas.

In addition, the oil is part of various anti-inflammatory ointments and lotions needed to treat skin diseases, such as acne, eczema, age spots, scars, rosacea, etc. It perfectly heals and disinfects the skin.

No less useful is shea butter for hair. Application will help solve problems such as hair loss, dullness and split ends. It is enough to apply the product several times a week to the roots of the hair and along the entire length so that your curls will thank you with incredible shine and strength.

Using Refined Shea Butter

Refined shea butter has a longer shelf life than unrefined, making it more practical to use. In addition, despite the cleaning process, it does not lose such properties as moisturizing and nourishing. Therefore, many women use refined shea butter as part of homemade face and body masks, as well as hair.

Which Shea Butter is Better: Refined or Unrefined?

So how does refined shea butter differ from unrefined, other than color and lack of flavor? That's right, it doesn't contain that 1% vitamin E. Does that make it worse? Perhaps, but not critical. In the end, it can be enriched with vitamin E, bought at the nearest pharmacy for a penny. So is it worth paying more?

Various types of oils are widely used. Most of them are used in cooking when preparing dishes, and they are also used in cosmetology for skin and hair care and in traditional medicine. Today on the shelves you can find refined and unrefined oil (the word "refined" means "purified").

Product Similarities

For the production of vegetable oil, various raw materials are taken - these can be sunflower seeds, olive fruits, corn or rapeseed. Depending on the method of production, refined and unrefined oils are distinguished.

Both products have a common initial production scheme. It includes the following steps:

  • purification of raw materials from mechanical impurities by separation in special equipment;
  • crushing and peeling seeds from the husk (in the production of sunflower oil);
  • crushing fruits on roller machines until mint is obtained;
  • heating of the raw material and its subsequent supply to the screw pressing equipment;
  • sedimentation and filtration.

Thus, unrefined oil is obtained. Finished products bottled and put on sale. To obtain a refined product, unrefined oil undergoes further processing:

  • heating to extract phosphatides;
  • free fatty acids using a chemical method;
  • deodorization - the process of removing pigment substances, carotenoids, volatile compounds and some other components;
  • freezing - a process that ensures the complete removal of wax from the product.

This is how refined deodorized oil is obtained. The partial similarity of the purified and unrefined product lies in their composition. For example, both contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, and nutrients. However, in a refined product, they are much less.

Fundamental differences

The difference between refined and unrefined oil is huge. Before being sold, the refined product undergoes multi-stage processing. The result is a light and transparent odorless liquid. It is worth noting that during purification, almost all valuable and nutritious components for the human body are removed from the oil. A clear liquid remains, which has a lubricating effect, softening properties and an anti-adhesive effect. In addition, the difference between refined oil and unrefined oil lies in some factors.

  • In a more "commodity" form. The purified product has a light golden uniform color. Unrefined oil has a darker color, and during storage it may form a precipitate.
  • In the absence of smell. Due to the deodorization process, the purified product completely loses its aroma, which is why it does not change the taste of dishes prepared with it. Unrefined oil with a smell can smell like seeds, corn, sesame (depending on the base used in the production). Due to the specific aroma, it is far from suitable for all dishes - most often it is used to prepare vegetable salads.

  • In resistance to heat treatment. Refined oil is ideal for frying or deep-frying. An unrefined product is not recommended to be heated, because during thermal exposure it begins to foam and smoke, actively releasing carcinogens.
  • In the loss of useful properties. Due to refining, almost all substances are removed from the product: both harmful and useful (vitamins, phosphatides, micro and macro elements, omega-3 and omega-6 acids). Of the advantages of refining, it can be noted that the purified product does not contain pesticides - substances harmful to human health, which are often used in the cultivation of crops.

In addition, refined oil has a longer shelf life. The purified composition is not afraid of exposure to sunlight or elevated ambient temperatures. It is intended for long-term storage in the refrigerator or at room temperature.

Unrefined vegetable fat has a short shelf life (up to 4 months in the refrigerator and up to 45 days at room conditions).

Which one is more useful?

Unrefined oil is more beneficial in its nutritional value than refined oil. It is enriched with nutrients and biologically active components. Thanks to valuable composition This particular product is widely used in cosmetology and traditional medicine. In cooking, it is used only for cooking cold dishes.

The benefits of unrefined sunflower oil when taken orally:

  • restoration of the functioning of the central nervous system, improving liver function and digestion;
  • increased immunity due to the antioxidants, vitamins, mineral components and other beneficial substances contained in the crude oil;
  • beneficial effect on brain cells and prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • restoration of reproductive function;
  • improvement of vascular elasticity and joint mobility;
  • cleansing the liver of toxins and other harmful substances;
  • improvement of metabolic processes;
  • normalization of the endocrine system;
  • improving the quality of blood composition;
  • stimulation of the production of growth hormones, which is especially important for children and adolescents;
  • normalization of work genitourinary system in women and men.

The regular inclusion of unrefined vegetable oil in food has a beneficial effect on the beauty and health of hair and skin.

In addition, the crude product is often used externally for face and hair care at home. Masks based on this component are able to restore curls, make them more “live”, smooth and silky. The use of oil for skin care helps to smooth out wrinkles, tighten the oval of the face and nourish the integument. As a result of regular use, dryness of the face is eliminated - it visually rejuvenates, acquires health and freshness.

Refined oil, compared to unrefined oil, does not have such benefits. However, it is an indispensable product for cooking fried, steamed or baked dishes. Refined vegetable oil is the best alternative to animal fats. With them, fried or baked food would be more harmful due to high content cholesterol.

In addition, refined oil is often used externally for infant skin care. The fact is that this product is considered anti-allergenic, so it does not cause rashes, irritation and itching in children.

Harm of a refined product

The benefit of refined oil lies in its resistance to heat treatment, the absence of smell and taste. All this is possible due to the removal of free fatty acids, flavoring substances and other components from raw materials. But such a product cannot be called useful. Its damage exceeds useful qualities. Below are the main disadvantages of the purified composition.

Chemical refining and heat treatment kill not only harmful substances in raw materials, but also useful ones. The result is an "empty" product, devoid of phosphatides, carotene, proteins and other components. The composition of natural oils is fundamentally different from those that have undergone a purification process. To carry out the refining process in production, specialized chemicals are used - hexane and gasoline. According to the technology, the product is further purified from these harmful substances. However, it is not possible to completely get rid of them.

The finished refined oil contains traces of hexane and gasoline. These substances are not excreted from the human body. Over time, they accumulate and lead to the formation of neoplasms.

Also, refined oil has a high calorie content. Due to the high energy value excessive consumption of the product can lead to obesity, disruption of the liver, heart and other organs and systems of the body.

refined and unrefined species oils should be consumed inside no more than 2 tablespoons (including the content of the product in dishes). For a therapeutic effect, it is recommended to drink 1 tablespoon of the composition in the morning before breakfast - this will allow you to get rid of constipation as soon as possible.

To strengthen the gums and get rid of their bleeding, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with unrefined oil. To do this, you need to put it in your mouth and rinse for 10 minutes. This procedure should be repeated every morning for 14 days.

Unrefined oil can be used in home cosmetology. It is noteworthy that this tool is universal - it is suitable for owners of any skin type. Products based on unrefined oils are "soft", so they can be used even for sensitive skin and care for the eyelids and the area around the eyes.

In order for the external use of the oil to be effective, it is important to heed some recommendations.

  • For dry and normal skin face and hands, unrefined oil should be added to the usual cream or mask. Such a composition will provide the removal of inflammation, smoothing wrinkles and softness of the skin. If the integument is prone to pore expansion, then it is best to use a refined product due to its lighter fraction.
  • You can lubricate your lips with warm unrefined oil, using it as a balm. The tool will promote the healing of microcracks, as well as protect the lips from various viruses.
  • To strengthen the nail plate, it is recommended to make warm hand baths based on unrefined oils.
  • To strengthen or restore hair, heated oil is applied from the roots to the ends of the strands and rubbed with gentle massage movements into the scalp. The action of such home procedures is also aimed at accelerating the growth of curls.
  • Vegetable oils are used for massages. They saturate the skin with nutrients that penetrate deep into the skin by heating the integument and improving blood circulation in them.

Unrefined oils have a valuable balanced composition, thanks to which they can become an alternative to store-bought cosmetic products.

  • Goods expiration date. You should always look at the production date of the product and its expiration dates, and if you choose vegetable oil, this item should not be skipped. If the composition is close to the date of "delay", then it has a high peroxide value. Such a product has a bitter taste and acquires a specific smell. It should be noted that when storing oil in inappropriate conditions (for example, being under natural or artificial lighting, a significant excess of air temperature), its shelf life decreases.
  • Oil purity. Before buying, you need to give a visual assessment of the quality of the goods. Turbidity and sediment in the purified product are unacceptable. These signs indicate non-compliance with the conditions of its storage and low quality. It is recommended to refuse such a purchase. Precipitation from unrefined oil is normal. The phospholipids contained in the crude product precipitate out. They are not synthesized by the body and come from food.

To keep the oil fresh for as long as possible, it is important to follow a few storage guidelines.

refined and unrefined product best kept in the refrigerator or in the kitchen cabinet. Optimum temperature storage - from 5 to 20 degrees. Refined oil can be stored longer than unrefined oil. The latter is desirable to use within 3-4 weeks after opening. The refined version retains its properties for a year and a half.

About which oil is better - refined or unrefined, see the following video.

Sunflower oil- a product that is extracted from vegetable raw materials and consists of fats. It is obtained by pressing or by extraction. Vegetable oil can be refined or unrefined.

What is the difference between refined sunflower oil and unrefined?

Refined oil implies multi-level purification from various impurities, and unrefined oil also undergoes some mechanical purification, but in a much smaller volume. In the modern world, oil is made refined in order to deprive it of taste - this is required for cooking different dishes. Unrefined oil has a specific smell and taste, originally characteristic of sunflower seeds. Used in fresh for dressing salads. It is better not to use unrefined oil for frying, as it smokes heavily, tastes unpleasant, and also releases a certain amount of carcinogenic substances that can harm the body.

Methods for preparing unrefined oil

Unrefined sunflower oil is obtained, as a rule, by cold or hot pressing. Cold pressing is carried out manually at home. Unrefined oil, obtained by cold pressing at a low temperature, has a light yellow tint and the aroma of fresh seeds. It is considered the most useful, as it retains the maximum of useful substances. It has a short shelf life and should be stored in a glass container in the refrigerator. In industry, a hot mechanical manufacturing method is used. This oil is brighter in color and more aromatic. roasted sunflower seeds, has more long term storage. We buy this oil in stores. Many are interested in the question of which sunflower oil is more useful - refined or unrefined. It has been scientifically proven that even with refining, the ratio of vitamins, fats and natural amino acids in the composition of the oil does not change, so both types of oil bring the same benefits.

The benefits and harms of unrefined sunflower oil

Unrefined sunflower oil contains fatty acids and minerals that a person needs. Its use reduces the risk of skin diseases, helps prevent rickets in children. In addition, with the help of it you can remove excess cholesterol from the body, cleanse blood vessels, and normalize blood circulation in the brain.

Harm can bring the use of unrefined oil above the norm, recommended daily dose is no more than 2-3 tablespoons per day. In addition, the high calorie content of this product is not suitable for people on a diet. Repeated frying in sunflower oil contributes to the evaporation of harmful substances.

Composition of unrefined sunflower oil

Unrefined sunflower oil is a fatty product and consists of 99.9% fats, it does not contain proteins and carbohydrates. It contains no harmful ingredients and various nutritional supplements. The nutritional value vegetable oil is the presence of fatty acids that the body needs to heal and strengthen cells. The composition of unrefined vegetable oil contains magnesium, calcium, iodine and zinc, but the amount of these minerals is small.

Of course, it is best to eat those foods that nature gives us. These products include sunflower oil. Healing properties of this natural product help to properly establish the work digestive system, restores work internal organs, strengthens hair and nails, improves the immune system.

In recent years, more and more often from various culinary and other programs one can hear that it is recommended to use not sunflower oil, but olive oil.

About 20 years ago there was no olive oil, we went to the market and bought only sunflower oil. Moreover, it was dark brown in color and with a strong smell. Today, sunflower oil is crystal clear and light on store shelves. And there is practically no smell.

But no one doubts the benefits of olive oil.

Let's figure out what is useful and what is not and what we usually buy.

Useful properties of sunflower oil:

  • 99.9% in sunflower oil are saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Latest play important role in creating a good cell membrane and sheaths of nerve endings.
  • Sunflower oil is rich in vitamin E. It is 3 times more than in olive oil.
  • PM contains vitamin A (retinol). This vitamin plays an important role in human development and growth. Needed for vision, and is an antioxidant in the fight against infections.
  • Rich in vitamin D (calcitriol). It also plays an important role in the growth of children's bones, the development of muscles, intestines and kidneys. Improves immunity. Responsible for blood clotting and work thyroid gland. Regulates mineral metabolism in the body.
  • Rich in vitamin E (tocopherol). It is responsible for the reproductive function and for the aging process. Helps strengthen the walls of capillaries, improve blood circulation, lower blood pressure. Protects against the action of free radicals, improves immunity.
  • Rich in vitamin F - includes lenoleic and linolenic unsaturated fatty acids, which are very important for humans.

Participate directly in the creation of cell membranes. They are responsible for the metabolism of fats in the body, do not allow cholesterol to form on the walls of blood vessels. Promote good blood circulation, improve skin and hair.

Which oil to choose: refined or unrefined?

The oil that we buy at the food preparation store is either refined or unrefined.

Any oil, whether sunflower or olive, is obtained either by pressing (mechanically) or by extraction (with the addition of chemical solvents, which are then removed from the final product).

This is how unrefined oil is obtained. If it has not been heat treated, then it is saturated with all the useful substances that we talked about above. This oil is darker, with a more pronounced smell, and you can see the sediment at the bottom of the bottle.

This oil is great for salads and is best not used for frying, as dangerous compounds are formed when heated.

Unrefined oil is subjected to further refining. And then sunflower or any other oil becomes clean, transparent and light, without a pronounced smell, but not so useful. This oil is best suited for frying and has a longer shelf life.

And which oil is more useful sunflower or olive?

Which of these vegetable oils it is more useful to fill the salad, and on which one to fry?

This will help us understand the composition of one and the other oil, moreover, in an unrefined state (since we already know that such an oil is more useful).

Amount of saturated fatty acids:

Entry of polyunsaturated fatty acids:

  • olive oil - 10%
  • sunflower oil - 72%.

Amount of monounsaturated fatty acids in oils:

  • olive - 77%
  • sunflower - 16%.

Vitamin E per 100g of product:

  • olive oil - 12 mg
  • sunflower oil - 40-60 mg

By calorie content:

  • olive oil - 899 kcal.
  • sunflower oil - 900 kcal.

This factor certainly cannot be the key to preference for a low-calorie diet.

Neither oil has a clear advantage. In one oil there is more than one, in another there is more.

I would say that they rather do not conflict, but can complement each other. The decisive moment what to choose for you can be the price and taste preferences.

For frying, use refined olive oil, which forms the least amount of harmful compounds when heated.

Food is the best medicine! Be healthy!