Prepare cranberry juice. Get rid of diseases of the genitourinary system

Morse from frozen cranberries is identical to the juice squeezed from freshly picked berries in taste and the presence of valuable trace elements. A rich sweet and sour drink with a stunning ruby ​​color is incredibly beneficial for the body, and in some cases can compete with medicines in the fight against colds. For pregnant women who need to stay away from antibiotics, this is a lifesaver. The main thing is to take the drink under the supervision of a doctor.

Cranberry juice is nothing more than natural juice squeezed and diluted with cake broth. What is water for? To soften the pronounced sweet and sour taste of the drink.

Morse is very popular in Russian cuisine. He is credited with almost miraculous properties due to the presence of a large number of useful substances in the berries.

Chemical composition

Wild or cultivated berries are rich in glucose and fructose, organic acids and pectins.

Of the vitamins, ascorbic acid, A, B 1, B 2, B 5, B 6, K 1 and PP take the leading position.

Doctors have proven that the biologically active substances of the berry have an anti-inflammatory effect and.

Cranberries are capable of:

  • enhance the effect of antibiotics
  • accelerate the healing of wounds (abscesses, burns)
  • cure beriberi
  • prevent urinary tract infections
  • overcome the temperature (fever)
  • relieve the patient's condition with rheumatism and cystitis.

Interesting! Before people learned how to make synthetic antibiotics, healers successfully used cranberries to fight ailments. Traditional healers still do not let the valuable berry out of their attention.

How to cook fruit drink from frozen cranberries? We present proven ways to process raw materials, but first we recommend that you familiarize yourself with general tips.

  • unquestioning observance of the proportions of the components when brewing a drink. The amount of freshly squeezed juice in the fruit drink must be ≥ 30%
  • put honey in warm drink otherwise it will quickly lose its medicinal properties
  • before putting the berry in the blender, it must first be defrosted. The thawed water is poured
  • lemon balm, rosehip, lemon and other fruit additives dramatically change the flavor of fruit drink, and also expand the range of useful elements.

So how do you cook cranberry juice from frozen berries? Step by step instructions.

Classic recipe

  • 5-6 full Art. spoons of sugar
  • 200 g frozen cranberries
  • 2 liters of water.

Frozen berry room temperature instantly covered with snow-white hoarfrost. Beauty is indescribable, just right to photograph. It is impossible to knead the ice beads by hand, so they are left in a bowl to thaw. To speed up the process, you can pour the berry cold water for a quarter of an hour. After making sure that the product is soft, the cranberries are washed in a colander. Then it is pounded into gruel (mashed potatoes) using a pusher or blender.

At the next stage, juice must be squeezed out of the raw material. You will need a fine sieve or a piece of gauze folded in 2-4 layers. Here you will have to try to squeeze out all the liquid from the berry to the last drop. Not without a push.

Ready natural juice is poured into a glass container. You can't drink it. It's too acidic and concentrated. The remaining cake is poured with cold water and brought to a boil. The pomace should be cooked for no more than a minute. As soon as the water boils, add sugar and stir. The pot is removed from the burner. The broth is infused for at least half an hour.

It remains to strain it with a fine strainer and combine with natural juice. Morse prepared according to classic recipe, ready. You can call guests, take a sample.

Interesting! Gourmets add turmeric, cinnamon and other favorite spices to the drink.

Cranberry + rosehip

The variety of the taste of the drink is achieved thanks to the companion products. This cranberry juice recipe contains rose hips. Is it worth emphasizing that the benefits of such an alliance are doubled? Rosehip is also a valuable medicinal berry, indispensable in the season of colds, with edema, weakened immunity.

  • 2 liters of water
  • 5-6 tbsp Sahara
  • 500 g cranberries
  • 100 g rose hips.

The beginning of the preparation of the drink is non-standard and comes down to the processing of wild rose. Dry fruits are thoroughly washed, poured into a thermos with a liter of water (at a temperature close to boiling water), let it brew for a day.

Traditionally, pure juice is squeezed using gauze or a strainer. It can be sweetened right away.

The cake is brought to a boil in a liter of water, boiled for 1-2 minutes. After removing from the heat, the resulting strain is filtered into a container with sweet cranberry juice. Infused rose hips are also poured there (of course, with the help of a sieve).

Healthy fruit drink from frozen cranberries and dry rose hips is ready.

Important! long heat treatment berries destroy valuable substances. You should not cook food and prepare fruit drinks for the future. It is better to prepare a fresh drink for 1-2 days.

Cranberry + lemon + honey

The smell of citrus will give any berry drink such a unique aroma that involuntarily salivates. Cranberry juice is no exception.

  • a glass of frozen berries
  • half a lemon (lime)
  • 2-3 tbsp honey
  • liter of water.
Getting started with cranberries is standard. Ice beads are thawed, softened, to be crushed to a puree mass.

Remove the seeds from half a lemon. The product, together with the zest, is cut into pieces and crushed in a blender.

Combine cranberry and lemon gruel, season with honey.

The aromatic mass is left to infuse for 1-2 hours, after which it is poured hot water. While the juice is cooling, it is periodically stirred.

The chilled drink is filtered in any convenient way, poured into glasses, decorated with a slice of lime and crushed ice.

Cranberry + orange + cinnamon

The benefit of this cranberry juice is to tone the body. Orange is generally credited with the ability to improve mood. Need to cheer up? Remember the recipe.

  • 300 g cranberries
  • 2 large oranges
  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 5 tbsp Sahara
  • cinnamon stick.

Oranges are washed, peeled, and thick, homogeneous juice is squeezed out in a convenient way.

Cranberries are defrosted, ground with a blender to a puree state, passed through a sieve.

Strained juices are combined together, cleaned in the refrigerator to cool.

Orange zest and pomace are poured with water, brought to a boil. Sprinkle sugar and throw in a cinnamon stick. After 1-2 minutes, the broth is removed from the heat, set aside to infuse until completely cooled.

On a note! You can use tangerines or grapefruit in this recipe. The last product will give the drink a spicy bitterness.

Cranberry + ginger

Ginger root is indispensable in the SARS season. Hot spice stimulates the immune system well, and in combination with cranberries, it makes the body invulnerable.

Morse composition:

  • 250 g cranberries
  • 20-30 g ginger root
  • liter of boiling water
  • 2-3 tbsp liquid honey.

Frozen cranberries are placed in a colander to thaw. Excess water will drain, and the soft product will be prepared for further kneading. With an ordinary spoon or crush, the berries are ground, literally squeezing out the ruby ​​juice.

Freshly squeezed liquid is passed through gauze. The pomace is poured with boiling water and put on fire for languishing.

The peeled root on a grater is turned into shavings. Ginger is sent to boiling water.

After 2-5 minutes, the broth is removed, cooled, filtered through gauze into a jug. They also send natural cranberry juice and 1-2 thin sticks of ginger.

It is better to sweeten the fruit drink with honey after it has completely cooled. This will preserve all the valuable trace elements of the product.

Cranberries + carrots

Frozen cranberry juice with carrots is also very useful. This recipe can be taken caring mothers and prepare a drink for your beloved children. There is no need to talk about the value of carrots for a growing organism. This is the prevention of anemia, and vision loss and many other ailments.

Morse composition:

  • glass of frozen cranberries
  • ½ kg carrots
  • sugar to taste
  • 4 glasses of water.

Working with cranberries is similar to all the above recipes. If desired, the cake can be set aside altogether, and only squeezed berry juice can be used (then 1 cup of water is enough).

Peeled carrots are crushed on a grater, pressed with a pusher or passed through a juicer.

Combine juices, pour sugar (honey). Spice lovers add anise stars or a little cinnamon to this cranberry juice.

Fruit drink recipe without cooking

Doctors are categorically against defrosting cranberries and, moreover, boiling the berries. They believe that only quick freezing and storage in a vacuum can preserve the valuable substances of the product. The following drink will bring the maximum benefit to the body.

Frozen hard cranberries are crushed in a blender. The slurry is poured into water at room temperature, mixed well. Sugar and honey are added to taste. Drinking juice should be about an hour later, when the berry will transfer valuable substances to water.

On a note! Re-freezing cranberries will lead to a partial loss of vitamins and other trace elements.

Cranberry juice is considered one of the favorite drinks of most people. Due to the content of vitamin C, the berry composition strengthens the immune system, fights viral infections, and reduces fever. Morse is useful for children from three years old and pregnant women, as well as people suffering from pyelonephritis, slow metabolism, and swelling. The drug is easily digested and has practically no contraindications. The exception is gastric ulcer.

Features of cooking cranberry juice

  1. Many recipes include honey as an ingredient. It is the strongest allergen, so the amount of the component is calculated taking into account individual characteristics. Honey is added in a cool form, it can not be heated to temperatures above 40 degrees.
  2. When cooking fruit drink, it is important to observe the proportions of water and cranberry juice. To extract maximum benefit the drink must contain at least 40% berry nectar.
  3. Before grinding the fruit, protect your hands with gloves. Cranberry juice is highly irritating and stains the skin. Use glass, ceramic or plastic utensils throughout cooking. Metal fixtures oxidize quickly.
  4. If the fruit drink is prepared from freshly frozen fruits, remove them from the chamber in advance, rinse with water and leave at room temperature to thaw. Don't use the microwave or hot water.
  5. After preparation, the drink is stored in the refrigerator, the shelf life is 3 days. After the allotted time, fruit drink will lose its useful qualities.
  6. The amount of sugar in the drug is adjusted according to personal preferences. The riper the berries, the less sweetener required. Dieters should replace beetroot sand with cane or stevia (available in health food stores).
  7. To preserve all the vitamins and minerals of cranberries, brewing juice should not exceed the time specified in the instructions. People who prepare a drink daily in large quantities you should buy a blender. The device is necessary for grinding berries, it is used instead of a sieve and pestle.
  8. If you do not have time to cook fruit drinks, do otherwise. Grind the berries with honey or granulated sugar, send to glass container and seal. Add the mixture to tea, compote or mix with water to get the necessary vitamins.

Cranberry juice: a classic recipe

  • filtered water - 2.2 l.
  • sugar - 140-160 gr. (at the discretion of)
  • cranberries - 230 gr.
  1. Ripe and undamaged berries are used to prepare fruit drinks. Go through all the fruits, exclude unsuitable specimens. Drain the cranberries in a colander or sieve, rinse with water. Leave for 15 minutes to drain the liquid.
  2. Now you need to turn the berries into porridge. To do this, use a blender, juicer, meat grinder or kitchen pestle. If desired, you can pass the fruits through a sieve so that the contents fall into a separate container.
  3. When the berries are crushed, prepare a large piece of gauze. Place mashed potatoes in it, squeeze out the juice, and leave the cake on cheesecloth. Squeeze the fruit very carefully. Now pour drinking water into the pot.
  4. Put the liquid on the stove and wait for it to boil. As soon as this happens, add granulated sugar, cake and cranberry juice. Stir, reduce the burner to a minimum. Boil for 10 minutes, turn off the heat.
  5. Cover the juice with a lid, leave for a third of an hour to infuse. Prepare a small sieve, line it with gauze. Strain the drink into a separate clean pitcher. Store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Cranberry and ginger juice

  • granulated cane sugar - 270 gr.
  • drinking water - 2.8 liters.
  • ginger (root) - the amount at the discretion
  • cranberries (fresh or frozen) - 330 gr.
  1. Pour water into a heat-resistant bowl and bring to a boil. Pour in sugar, stir until the crystals dissolve. Next, turn off the burner, cool to room temperature.
  2. Wash the cranberries if they are fresh. Leave in a colander to drain water. Rinse frozen fruits under the tap, soak for half an hour to thaw.
  3. Grate the ginger root or grind it in a blender, add to the pan with sugar. Pour the washed berries here. Put the mixture on fire again, bring to the first bubbles.
  4. As soon as the composition boils, turn off the stove, cover the container with a lid. Cool for 2 hours, filter through cheesecloth. Pour into a jug, store in the refrigerator.

  • granulated sugar - 35 gr.
  • frozen cranberries - 270 gr.
  • purified water - 1.25 l.
  1. Throw the frozen fruits in a colander, rinse with cold water from the tap. Leave the sieve at room temperature, the berries should melt completely.
  2. When this happens, mash the cranberries. You can use a table pestle for potatoes, a blender or a juicer.
  3. Cut off a piece of gauze, fold it in four. Line a colander with a cloth, send the puree inside. Squeeze out the juice, and leave the cake in a gauze bag.
  4. Now separate the juice and the remaining dry peel. Put the second component in a saucepan, add water and bring the mass to a boil. Sweeten to taste, wait for the sugar grains to dissolve.
  5. Strain the mixture from the pan, mix with the previously squeezed cranberry juice. Heat up to a temperature of 45-50 degrees, turn off and cool. Pour into a pitcher with a lid.

Cranberry blueberry juice

  • drinking water - 1.6 l.
  • cranberries - 325-350 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 220 gr.
  • blueberries - 350 gr.
  1. Wash the cranberries and blueberries, transfer the berries to a sieve and leave for 10 minutes to drain the water. Mix the fruits with granulated sugar, move to the blender bowl. Grind into porridge, then pour in water, bring the mass to homogeneity.
  2. Beat the contents for about 3 minutes, then pass the composition through a sieve or gauze. If the juice turned out to be very viscous, dilute it with water to the desired consistency.
  3. Taste the product, add sugar if necessary. Stir until the crystals dissolve, strain again. Pour the drink into a jug, send it to the cold.

Cranberry juice with rose hips

  • wild rose hips fresh or dried - 120 gr.
  • frozen cranberries - 570 gr.
  • sugar - 140 gr.
  • drinking water - 2.2 liters.
  1. Remove the fruits from the packaging, rinse ice water, put in a bowl. Leave for half an hour until completely thawed. Now mash the fruit with a pestle to the state of gruel. You can use a juicer or blender.
  2. Prepare gauze by connecting it in 3 layers. Put the puree in a cloth, separate the juice from the cake. Move the pulp to a saucepan, add drinking water. Pour sugar and washed rose hips.
  3. Put the contents on medium heat, wait for it to boil. When this happens, reduce the burner to a minimum, cook for another 10 minutes. Now pour in the cranberry juice, stir.
  4. Remove the dishes from the heat, cover with a lid, leave for 4 hours to infuse. Filter the contents, leaving only the juice. Pour the cooled drink into a jug, enjoy.

  • honey - 110 gr.
  • cranberries - 420 gr.
  • water - 1.8 l.
  1. Select good specimens, remove the dented and rotten ones, they will not be needed. Wash the fruits and let them dry. Now grind the cranberries into porridge in any convenient way (blender, pestle).
  2. Lay 3 layers of gauze in a colander or use a fine sieve. Strain the berries into a separate bowl. Now squeeze the juice, move the pulp into a saucepan, fill with water.
  3. Send the composition to the fire, add honey, wait for it to boil. Stir the liquid. About 7 minutes after boiling, pour in the squeezed juice.
  4. Strain the mixture through cheesecloth, discard the pulp. Cool the finished fruit drink, pour it into a jug or jar. Cover the drink with a lid, put in the refrigerator.

Mint cranberry juice

  • granulated sugar or honey - 145 gr.
  • ripe cranberries - 550 gr.
  • fresh melissa - 10-15 gr.
  • drinking water - 2.3 liters.
  1. Sort the berries, rinse them under the tap, let the moisture drain. Now mash the fruits into porridge with a pestle or blender. Using gauze, separate the pulp from the juice.
  2. Pour the cake with water, add sugar / honey. Put a heat-resistant container on the stove, bring to a boil. Simmer until the granules are dissolved.
  3. Rinse the sprigs of mint, mash in a mortar, add to the hot broth. Pour cranberry juice here, cover the juice with a lid. After half an hour, filter the contents.
  4. Discard the cake, pour the juice into a storage container. Put in the refrigerator, leave for 5 hours. After this period, you can start tasting fruit drinks.

  • filtered water - 1.2 l.
  • cranberries - 830-850 gr.
  • lemon zest - 100 gr.
  • lemon juice - 80 ml.
  • granulated sugar (preferably brown) - 160 gr.
  1. Sort the cranberries, rinse them under the tap. Wash the lemon, remove the zest from it. Grate the peel of citrus, combine with cranberries and grind into porridge with a blender.
  2. Now squeeze the juice from the lemon pulp, send it to the cranberries with zest. Pour in the sugar here. Boil drinking water, pour the mixture with it.
  3. Place all ingredients in a saucepan, put the contents on fire. Simmer for 10 minutes after boiling, then turn off the burner. Close the container tightly with a lid, let cool.
  4. Strain the mixture, transfer to a pitcher. Put in the cold for infusion, after about 10-12 hours you can start tasting cranberry and lemon juice.

Morse from cranberries and viburnum

  • vanilla sugar- 25 gr.
  • cranberries - 540 gr.
  • ripe viburnum - 180 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 380 gr.
  • purified water - 1.75 l.
  1. Take 200 gr. granulated sugar, mix with washed and dried cranberries. Stir the contents with a spoon, put on a sieve. Pass the juice into a separate bowl, set the pulp aside, you will need it later.
  2. 180 gr. combine sugar with cranberry juice, refrigerate. Start preparing viburnum. Sort it out, separate from the branches and rinse. Mix with vanilla, move to a saucepan, pour in water.
  3. Put the dishes on the stove, boil the mixture for 10 minutes. After this time, add the infused cranberry juice and berry pomace, mix.
  4. Cook the composition for another quarter of an hour. Then turn off the burner, pass the decoction through 5 layers of gauze. Discard the pulp, cool the juice and pour into a decanter.

It is easy to prepare a fruit drink from frozen fruits if you follow the technology. You can combine cranberries with other berries (blueberries, lingonberries, currants, viburnum, lemongrass, etc.) to get a new taste. Melissa is also often added to the drink, lemon juice or zest, ground cinnamon.

Video: how to quickly cook cranberry juice

One of the healthiest, most popular and delicious drinks is cranberry juice. It refreshes, has anti-inflammatory, tonic effect. It has been proven that cranberries increase a person's working capacity, perfectly restore strength, and give vital energy.

This drink can be consumed both cold and warm. Cranberry juice is considered the most useful. Cranberries are the leader among berries in terms of the amount of trace elements and vitamins. Her beneficial features used in cosmetology, in medicine, but this berry is most widely used in cooking.

Tea, jam is prepared from it, used in baking and various drinks, the berry has the ability to reduce arterial pressure, destroy pathogens, especially during a cold.

Cranberry juice improves the functioning of the gastric tract, removes toxins and toxins, strengthens the immune system, and prevents the development of anemia. Morse also has a strong antioxidant effect, does not contain preservatives, and therefore is suitable for baby food.

Cranberry is useful for nursing mothers, helps to restore strength after childbirth, stimulates milk production. One glass of cranberry juice contains daily allowance iron and calcium.

It is advisable to drink the drink before meals, up to 2 liters of fruit drink per day, after two weeks you need to take a break, and then continue again. At regular use fruit juice, you can quickly normalize metabolic processes and reduce the parameters of the figure to the desired ones.

Recipe 1 - Frozen cranberry juice

How to cook fruit drink from frozen berries so that it does not lose its taste and beneficial properties?


  1. Frozen cranberries - 500 g.
  2. Sugar -300 g.
  3. Boiled water - 2 liters.


Before preparing fruit drinks according to this recipe, you need to get the frozen berries from the freezer and put them in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, take out the cranberries, rinse thoroughly, put on gauze and crush the berries with a wooden crush until juice appears.

Next, squeeze the resulting mass well, dilute with warm boiled water and add sugar. Stir the drink thoroughly until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved. Optionally, you can add a couple of sprigs of mint. Cool and serve.

Recipe 2 - Cranberry juice with honey


  1. Water - 1 l.
  2. Cranberries - 300 g.
  3. Honey - 100 g.


Wash cranberries thoroughly and wash. Grind the berries in a blender or mash in a bowl with a tablespoon. Using gauze, squeeze out all the juice and pour it into a jar or bottle, close tightly and put in the refrigerator.

Berry squeezes pour water, bring to a boil and cook for ten minutes. Let cool at room temperature and strain well. Now mix the juice from the refrigerator with cranberry broth, add honey and mix thoroughly. This morse can be consumed both cold and warm.

Recipe 3 - Cranberry juice cooked in a slow cooker

Cranberry juice cooked in a slow cooker perfectly retains all its beneficial properties and vitamins. In this recipe, the slow cooker replaces the thermos in which the drink will be infused.

  1. Cranberries -500 g
  2. Water - 2 liters.
  3. Sugar - 300 g.


First of all, it is necessary to sort out all the berries and rinse them thoroughly. Then place all the cranberries in a colander or sieve and mash with a spoon. This must be done over a bowl or plate into which the juice secreted by the cranberries will run.

Pour sugar into the multicooker bowl, add the resulting juice from the berries, put the cake. Boil water and pour boiling water over all the ingredients. Mix thoroughly, cover and leave to infuse for four hours. After this time, strain the juice and serve.

Recipe 4 - Cranberry juice without boiling

This recipe is good because cranberry juice does not need to be boiled at all, this method will preserve all the useful properties and vitamins of the berry. But it will take a little more time and effort to prepare this drink.

Required products:

  1. Cranberry - 700 g.
  2. Sugar - 500 g.
  3. Water - 2 liters.
  4. Cinnamon - 3 g.

Cooking process

Sort cranberries and wash well. Next, pour them over with boiling water, and then rinse again, only in cold water. Mash the berries with a spoon, add a glass of water to them, mix and squeeze this mass through gauze or a dense cloth.

Place the squeezed berries in a bowl and pour a glass of boiling water, mix and squeeze again. Repeat this procedure one more time and discard the squeezes. Mix the resulting juice with cold water, add sugar and cinnamon, and you can drink it with pleasure.

Recipe 5 - Cranberry juice with rose hips

Very tasty and healthy drink. Rosehip gives cranberry juice a delicate flavor and pleasant aroma.

Required Ingredients:

  1. Cranberries - 500 g.
  2. Rosehip - 300 g.
  3. Sugar to taste.
  4. Water - 2 liters.

Cooking process

Sort the cranberries, rinse, mash in a deep bowl with a wooden pusher. Strain the juice of mashed berries through cheesecloth and squeeze well. Put the cake in a saucepan and pour hot water, bring to a boil and boil for a few minutes.

Then carefully strain the broth and add sugar to taste. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. In parallel, prepare an infusion of wild rose. To do this, sort the rose hips, rinse, put them in a thermos and pour hot boiled water.

It is best to insist the wild rose all night. Ready infusion carefully strain and mix with cranberry juice. Useful and delicious drink ready.

Recipe 6 - Cranberry juice with lemon

Lemon adds to cranberry juice pleasant sourness and unusual fresh fragrance. This drink perfectly quenches thirst on a hot summer day. Preparing with the addition of lemon is easy and quick.

Required Ingredients:

  1. Cranberry - 800 g.
  2. Sugar - 150 g.
  3. Zest of one lemon.
  4. Juice of one lemon.
  5. Water.

Cooking process

Sort cranberries, rinse and rub thoroughly with lemon. You can do this with a blender. Next, put the berries with sugar in a large container, add the lemon zest and lemon juice. Pour boiling water over the mixture.

Leave to cool, then tightly cover the container with a lid and put it in the refrigerator to cool. Infuse the drink for twelve hours. Before use, it is recommended to strain the drink thoroughly.

Recipe 7 - Cranberry juice with mint

Mint gives cranberry juice a pleasant refreshing taste. The total cooking time for this recipe does not exceed thirty minutes. One serving of this drink contains less than fifty calories.

Required Ingredients:

  1. Cranberries - 500 g.
  2. Water - 2 liters.
  3. Sugar - 150 g.
  4. Mint - a few branches.

The process of making a drink

Sort the cranberries, rinse and put in a bowl. Mash the berries with a wooden crush, squeeze the cranberry juice into a bowl. Put the cake in a saucepan, add mint, pour water and put on the stove. Bring to a boil and cook for ten minutes.

Strain the broth carefully into a clean saucepan. Stir sugar in hot broth until completely dissolved. Then pour in the cranberry juice. Morse mix well and leave to cool. Serve garnished with a sprig of mint.

Recipe 8 - Cranberry Vanilla Juice

Required Ingredients:

  1. Water - 1 l.
  2. Cranberries - 300 g.
  3. Sugar - 100 g.
  4. Vanilla sugar - 20 g.
  5. Rowan red - 200 g.


Grind the cranberries in a deep bowl with a wooden pusher and squeeze out the juice. Pour granulated sugar and one tablespoon of vanillin into a container, add ready-made juice, mix all the ingredients thoroughly, close the lid and put in a cold place.

Pour the pomace from the berries with one liter of water, add one glass of crushed rowan berries, put on the stove, bring to a boil and cook for ten minutes. Then carefully strain the broth and cool. After that, pour the cranberry juice with sugar into the chilled broth, mix everything well. Can be served at the table.

Recipe 9 - Cranberry and Blueberry Morse

Required Ingredients:

  1. Cranberries - 300 g.
  2. Blueberries - 300 g.
  3. Sugar - 200 g.
  4. Water cold, boiled - 1.5 liters.


Pour sugar and berries into a blender, add half a liter of water, close the lid and mix everything thoroughly. Beat for two minutes. Then strain through a sieve, if the mixture is too thick, dilute with more water. Add sugar and water if needed. Cool, you can enjoy the great taste of healthy fruit drink.

Recipe 10 - Cranberry juice with ginger

Required Ingredients:

  1. Water - 3 liters.
  2. Cranberries - 300 g.
  3. Ginger - to taste.
  4. Sugar - 250 g.

Preparing a drink

Pour water into a saucepan, pour sugar and put on the stove, bring to a boil. Remove from fire, cool. Wash the cranberries thoroughly, grate or chop the ginger small pieces, put in a saucepan with chilled sweet water.

We put on the stove, bring to a boil and immediately turn off the heat, remove from the stove and leave to cool. Then we filter into a jug and remove the refrigerator to infuse for several hours.

Recipe 11 - Cranberry-Viburnum Juice

Cooking Ingredients:

  1. Cranberries - 500 g.
  2. Sugar - 400 g.
  3. Kalina - 200 g.
  4. Vanilla sugar - 20 g.
  5. Water - 1.5 liters.


Mix cranberries and half of the sugar and carefully grind through a sieve. The pulp is set aside. Add the remaining sugar to the juice, stir and put in the refrigerator.

Rub viburnum with a spoon in a deep bowl. Pour water into a saucepan, add vanilla sugar and bring to a boil. Add crushed viburnum and cranberry cake to boiling water, bring to a boil and cook for ten minutes.

Remove from heat, strain the broth and cool. Pour in the chilled cranberry juice with sugar and stir thoroughly. After a few minutes, you can serve.

Recipe 12 - Cranberry-tangerine juice

Required ingredients;

  1. Cranberries - 300 g.
  2. Tangerines - 400 g.
  3. Sugar - 100 g.
  4. Water - 300 ml.


We wash the cranberries, dry them and squeeze out all the juice. Set aside the remaining pulp. We wash the tangerines, remove the zest and put it aside. Squeeze out all the juice from the tangerine, mix it with cranberry juice and ready mix put in the refrigerator.

Put the cake from tangerines and cranberries into the pan, add sugar, pour in water and half the tangerine zest. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for ten minutes.

Remove from heat and strain the broth, cool. Then we mix the broth with juice from tangerines and cranberries and pour into a jug. Ready fruit drink is served to the table.

Ready cranberry juice can be stored in the refrigerator for four days, after this time the drink begins to lose its beneficial properties. Some prefer the drink more sweet, someone - sour.

You can adjust the taste by adding different amount granulated sugar. To preserve the beneficial properties and vitamins of the squeezed berries, it is recommended to pour the juice only into the cooled cranberry juice.

In order to prepare a healthier drink, sugar can be replaced with honey. The amount of honey or sugar directly depends on the ripeness of the berries than sweeter than berries, the less you need to add granulated sugar or honey.

The longer you cook the berries, the more useful properties and vitamins are lost from them. If you are used to cooking this drink every day, it is better to use a blender when cooking, in order to significantly reduce the cooking time.

When squeezing cranberries, the juice can irritate the skin of the hands, and therefore it is recommended to wear gloves. If you are limited in time, then you can cook useful blank for cranberry juice, from fresh berries.

To do this, grind the cranberries with a blender along with honey or granulated sugar, tightly cork the jar and put it in the refrigerator. Such a healthy berry mixture can be added to compote, tea, or simply to warm boiled water. For the preparation of cranberry fruit drink, it is recommended to use only unbroken enameled dishes.

Drink juice for pleasure and be healthy!

We will cook cranberry juice from frozen berries. This is an excellent remedy for strengthening the immune system and normalizing the temperature. Also, the drink has a bactericidal effect - it will help to cope with both red throat and pyelonephritis. At the same time, the preparation of cranberry juice does not take much time.

Below I will talk about:

  • How to make frozen cranberry juice
  • The benefits of cranberry juice
  • Cranberry juice for children

Cranberry juice from frozen berries

For me, this drink is most relevant in winter. After all, cranberry juice for colds and for its prevention is the first remedy. So I cook cranberry juice from frozen cranberries. I buy it by weight or in packs of 400 grams.

The last time I took a berry from the Fifth Season company. I liked that it is mostly small. And the bones are correspondingly smaller in it. Therefore, part of it was fed to her son in a thawed form under the guise of lingonberries, which he eats with great pleasure.

Back to the recipe for cranberry juice. Frozen berries must be washed well. I wash cranberries warm water. I will defrost.

Now the berries need to be crushed. I add a quarter cup of purified water to a glass of berries and grind everything together in a blender. Now squeeze out the mixture. It is possible through a sieve or gauze. Set the juice aside for now.

We shift the squeezed berry into a saucepan and add one and a half liters of water and half a glass of sugar. All this is brought to a boil. Then, on low heat, you need to hold for another five to ten minutes. We squeeze the berry. We cool the broth.

When the broth of berries has cooled down, add cranberry juice to it, which we received at the beginning of cooking. All. Ready. If desired, you can add a little honey, then the drink will turn out even more useful.

The benefits of cranberry juice

It would seem that he squeezed the juice - and drink it. But it's not the best the best option. In berries very a large number of acids (including benzoic, malic and citric) and drinking such juice undiluted is not useful. There are many other benefits in cranberries that will not get into the juice only when squeezed. So we boil them down. These include iron, potassium, calcium, sodium and other macro and micronutrients.

All these substances in cranberries are perfectly balanced and well absorbed by the body. But the benefits of cranberry juice are not limited to vitaminization. Cranberries are natural antibiotics. It is effective at elevated temperature, thirst, fever. Therefore, it is necessary to drink cranberry juice with a cold.

Also, these berries have bactericidal and diuretic properties. So, they will be useful for pyelonephritis. And for pregnant women, cranberry juice will help with swelling. These berries also increase appetite and improve digestion.

Cranberry juice for children

Usually you don’t want to stuff children with different medicines, as long as there is an opportunity to help them in simple folk ways. These include cranberry juice. Young children should be given a more diluted drink. And it is better to observe the first time to make sure that there is no allergy.

If the child tolerates the berry normally, then starting in the fall, give it regularly. You can alternate cranberries and lingonberries. So that the child does not get bored, you can simply offer a berry covered with sugar, then fruit drink, or simply add it as a decoration or addition to desserts.

Cranberry juice for children is very useful. But you do not need to directly stuff the child. A glass of fruit drink or a handful of berries in a day or two is enough. This will help strengthen the immune system without any chemicals. And if the child still catches the virus, then cranberries will help to transfer the disease faster and easier.

Cranberry juice is a refreshing drink. Cranberries are the record holder among berries in terms of the amount of antioxidants and vitamin C. A cup of hot cranberry juice can really bring down the fever and support the body in the fight against colds. Especially if you catch the disease at the very beginning. However, it is not at all necessary to use cranberry juice as remedy. It’s much more pleasant to cook it just like that, for the sake of pleasure, so that the aroma spreads around the house wild berries. I love the natural taste of cranberries, without the newfangled additives. Therefore, I will tell you how to cook cranberry juice in classic version while retaining the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals. Cranberries, water, sugar - and nothing else. Instead of sugar, you can safely take honey - it does not clog the taste of cranberries, but, on the contrary, emphasizes favorably. This is a recipe for those who cook cranberry juice for the first time. And so we will take quite a few berries - literally two glasses of fruit drink. Try it, like it, and then, with a calm soul, boil a whole pan. If you are interested in playing with the taste of fruit drink, then try adding a chicken stick or star anise or a couple of cloves to the drink. A good combination of cranberries with fresh ginger root. It is important to overdo it here, otherwise only a bright ruby ​​​​color will remain in the drink from cranberries. Put literally two thin slices of the root into the finished fruit drink - then the ginger will give the drink a barely perceptible spicy shade and, of course, enhance the beneficial properties of the fruit drink.

Ingredients (350 grams of finished fruit drink):

  • frozen cranberries - 130 g
  • pure water - 300 g
  • sugar or flower honey - 60-70 g.

How to cook cranberry juice

Cranberries, if the berry is frozen, take it out in advance freezer, let the berry thaw in a gentle way - on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for about 6-8 hours. Rinse the berries under a thin stream of cool water. If the cranberries are fresh, sort and wash them.

Put the cranberries in a deep bowl, use a wooden spatula to mash each berry, rubbing them thoroughly together.

Transfer the berries to a pre-folded double layer of clean cheesecloth, squeeze out the cranberry juice, set it aside for now.

Transfer the berry cake to a bowl, fill with clean water, put on the stove. Bring the liquid to a boil over low heat, turn off the heat.

Now strain the drink, filter the cake and discard.

When the liquid becomes warm, dissolve the norm of granulated sugar or flower honey in it.

Now pour in the cranberry juice. Stir everything again, cool completely, pour into beautiful glasses and serve.

Enjoy your meal!