How to make strawberry jelly with gelatin. Wild berry blanks

Very tasty and useful berry. Fruit treats are loved by children and adults. Strawberries are used in fresh or preparing desserts. Jams and jams have a unique taste. Strawberry jelly is also prepared. This dish is an excellent dessert that will be useful at any festive feast, is very easy to prepare. Households can be pampered with unique berry dessert everyday.

Strawberry jelly is prepared for quick consumption or harvested for the winter. In this berry there are no substances that will contribute to the solidification of the fruit mass. The question arises whether from strawberries. In this case, gelatin will be used. quite easy to prepare. Freshly picked berries right from the garden can be turned into a sweet food loved by the kids - strawberry jelly. The recipe is pretty simple. For a sweet dessert you will need:

  • 500 grams of strawberries;
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • 40 grams of gelatin.

Preparation of strawberry jelly begins with soaking gelatin. It is poured into two glasses boiled water. It swells up within 20 minutes. At this time, the berries are prepared: they wash and remove the tails. Strawberries are poured into a saucepan and poured with water in the amount of one liter. The pot is placed on the stove to heat. As soon as the water in the container with berries boils, it is removed from the heat and sugar is added. Mix strawberry broth well. To obtain a concentrated berry syrup, sugar is completely dissolved. Next, combine hot syrup and swollen gelatin. The mixture is well stirred and poured into prepared molds for strawberry jelly. They are placed in the refrigerator to harden. A great dessert is ready.

In the summer, strawberry jelly is prepared for the winter. For preparation you need:

Preservation begins with the preparation of berries. They are sorted, cleaned and washed thoroughly. Prepared strawberries are placed in a bowl and covered with half a serving of sugar. Within a few hours, the container will be filled with juice released from the berries. After it appears, add the rest of the sugar and place the container on the fire. Strawberry mass should boil. Then it should be boiled for 15 minutes. Hot syrup is mixed in a small container and this solution is poured into the prepared strawberry mass and, stirring, boil for five minutes. The finished strawberry jelly is poured into sterile jars and rolled up. Turn the rolls upside down, leave to cool.

Strawberry jelly for the winter can be prepared with the addition of gelatin.

Ingredients for harvesting:

The berries are sorted, cleaned and washed thoroughly, placed in an enameled container, poured with water in an amount of 500 ml. Berry mass boils for 10 minutes. After that, the juice is squeezed out, which is used in the preparation of strawberry jelly. Sugar is added to filtered and boiled juice and boiled. After boiling, add swollen gelatin and a solution citric acid. Bring to a boil. The mass is boiled with regular stirring to the desired density. The finished jelly is laid out in prepared jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters. They are sterilized for 10 minutes and rolled up. You can also make jelly from assorted berries.


  • sugar - ½ cup,
  • water - 1.5 liters,
  • strawberries - 300 grams,
  • gelatin - 1.5 tbsp. spoons,
  • fresh mint - 2 sprigs.

To prepare a delicious dessert for a child, you just need to have strawberries and gelatin. Even in winter, you can always buy frozen strawberries, and in summer - fresh. Gelatin is sold in bags in any supermarket.

Strawberry jelly is a simple but very tasty dessert. Thanks to instant gelatin, your baby will be able to try strawberry jelly in just a few hours. In addition, the task is simplified, you can not only do delicious jelly from strawberries, but also cook at the same time sweet and. After all, it is from it that jelly will be prepared.

Children really like this dessert: it is refreshing, sweet and tender. Jelly preparation time is about three hours. This will depend even more on the quality of the gelatin.

Strawberry jelly - the recipe is suitable for both fresh and frozen:

Pour water into a small saucepan and add sugar. Stir and put the pan on the stove. Turn on medium heat and wait for the water to boil.

At this time, take the strawberries out of the freezer if using frozen strawberries. If your strawberries are fresh, then wash them well and remove the tails.

When the water boils, put the strawberries in a saucepan. Boil for about 25-30 minutes to make the compote rich.

When the compote is ready, turn off the fire. Pour 50 ml of compote into a deep plate. Pour in instant gelatin.

And pour another 400 ml of compote into a large bowl, in which you will make a mass for jelly.

Stir the gelatin mass with a whisk and leave for 10 minutes. By this time, the gelatin will dissolve well and the mass can be used.

Pour the gelatin mass into a large bowl with compote. Pour in a thin stream.

Pour the mass into glasses, glasses or any other beautiful and convenient dishes.

Put one fresh strawberry in each glass, and put the dessert in the refrigerator to set. Usually 2-2.5 hours is enough for complete solidification.

Before serving, place one sprig of fresh mint in each glass of dessert for garnish.

Published 13.07.2017
Posted by: FairyDawn
Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: 240 min

Be sure to make this amazing strawberry jelly, a recipe for the winter without gelatin, but despite the absence of a thickener, the jelly is thick, bright red and incredibly tasty. You can use jam to make pies, layer a cake, or make a dessert with a scoop of creamy ice cream. Store blanks in a dry, dark place. For storage, a regular kitchen cabinet or pantry is suitable. If, instead of a lid, close the jars with a piece of parchment and tie with twine, after 2-3 months the mass will turn strawberry marmalade as the moisture evaporates slowly through the paper. By the way, check out the others.
It will take 4 hours to prepare, 1.5 liters will be obtained from the indicated ingredients.
- strawberries - 1.5 kg;
- granulated sugar - 2 kg.

Recipe with photo step by step:

For the preparation of jelly, we select ripe berries without signs of spoilage. We cut off the sepals, wash the flowing strawberries cold water dry on paper towels. Add granulated sugar, leave for 3-4 hours at room temperature. During this time, the sugar will mix with the berries and the juice will stand out.

We put the berries on the stove, bring to a boil over low heat, boil for 5 minutes, cool for 30 minutes.

Now you need to chop the strawberries with sugar. An immersion blender works well for this. If you don't have a blender, transfer the mixture to the bowl of a food processor. Be careful - sugar syrup hot!

Grind the mass until smooth, put on a small fire, bring to a boil again, cook for 20 minutes.

If you don’t like jelly with grains, then wipe it through a fine sieve or filter it through several layers of gauze. However, strawberry seeds are useful, they make the texture varied.
We send the strained mass back to the stove and cook for another 20 minutes. In total, it should boil for about 35 minutes.

Wash jars in solution baking soda. Then rinse with clean water, dry in the oven at a temperature of about 100 degrees Celsius.
Pour the fruit mass into warm jars, cover with lids. At first it will be liquid, but as it cools, it will thicken.

We close the cooled jars with strawberry jelly tightly, put them in a dark, dry place.

And here's how to prepare

Tired of sweet cakes and chocolate candies? Treat yourself to the taste of spring freshness. Cook for dessert strawberry jelly. And it doesn't matter if it's not the season yet fresh berries not available.

You can make jelly from fresh or frozen strawberries, raspberries, currants. The variety of your table depends on how rich the berry stocks are on the market or in the freezer. Experience strawberry delight preparing a dessert simple recommendations. All ingredients for cooking are in any store.

Strawberries are a very useful berry. The body will be replenished with vitamin C, folic acid, iron, iodine, routine, other useful substances. Gelatin is also useful. It helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Therefore, the recipe berry jelly very popular among pregnant women, children love it. Why, you can’t pull adults away from a large portion of a fragrant dessert.

Here is a very simple recipe for making frozen strawberry jelly. To make a healthy strawberry treat, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • frozen berries - 330g;
  • granulated sugar - 50g;
  • food gelatin - 20g;
  • water (boiling water) - 500 ml;
  • boiled water (cold) - 100 mg.

Cooking method

Berries need to be taken out of the freezer, washed, and the tails removed, if any. After that, they must be left for 20 minutes so that they are completely defrosted.

Pour boiling water over the berries, grind in a blender to make strawberry puree. Pour gelatin with water for 10 minutes, then dissolve with a water bath. Add strawberry puree to gelatin, mix thoroughly. Pre-prepared molds or glasses are perfect for pouring the resulting mixture.

Dessert with whole strawberries

Another recipe is also used. There berries are added whole pieces. The recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • Strawberries - 500g;
  • Sugar - 200g;
  • Edible gelatin - 40g, sheet - 9 pcs.;
  • Water - 1l.

Soak gelatin for about 20 minutes in a glass of water. Wash strawberries thoroughly, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Then add sugar and wait until it dissolves.

After swelling, add gelatin to the syrup, pour the liquid into scans or other molds. But before that, spread the half-mast or fresh strawberries on the bottom of the containers.

frozen compote

Probably everyone likes to drink a glass of chilled compote from fragrant strawberries. This method of making dessert is also popular.

cook berry compote it takes about 30 minutes for it to be more saturated.

Then you need to let the drink brew a little. Dilute gelatin for 500 ml of compote according to the recommendations already described. Compote jelly will sparkle with a beautiful scarlet translucent color. The rich aroma of dessert will invite everyone to the kitchen. As you can see, the recipe is not complicated.

In general, no jelly recipe will take much time to prepare. The process itself takes less than an hour. But you can enjoy the dessert after 2-3 hours, after it has completely solidified in the refrigerator. For decoration, you can use strawberries or mint leaves. Jelly is very refreshing and attracts with its aroma.

Bon appetit and good mood! Summer is coming and fresh strawberries is about to hit the shelves. Buy in advance and freeze to enjoy summer berries in winter.

Video recipe for making strawberry jelly

Delicious and fragrant berry Strawberry - favorite treat many adults and children. This berry, as a symbol of summer, is saturated with the aromas of ripe earth and toasted by the rays of the gentle sun. Perhaps longing for the past summer days and is the reason why strawberry blanks are popularly loved? After all, this berry heat treatment does not lose any of its aroma or taste.

One of the most popular recipes blanks - strawberry jelly. Cooking it is not at all difficult, it is well stored, but the main advantage of this delicacy is that it can turn any frosty winter evening on a real holiday.

Berries for jelly

Ideally, only the most beautiful fruits are used for preservation. But strawberry jelly, the recipe of which involves pureing, can be prepared from almost any berry. The only condition is the absence of unripe and rotten ones.

The collected berries must be very scrupulously sorted out, the whole unformat should be thrown away, and the stalks should be torn off.

How to make jelly

Everyone knows that making jelly is a very simple matter. enough to mix berry syrup or juice with swollen gelatin and sugar and send to harden. In a few hours you will be able to enjoy delicious dessert. Another thing is strawberry jelly for the winter. It should not only be tasty and beautiful, but also stand for at least a few months. Because the cooking technology has its own nuances.

And yet, there is nothing complicated. Any hostess who has at least minimal experience in preparing homemade preparations will cope with this dish. So, we are preparing a delicious strawberry jelly.

Recipe for the winter:

  • berries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • gelatin - 40 g.


We make puree from prepared berries. It is best to use a blender. We fall asleep sugar and let it stand for a while so that its crystals dissolve and the berries release juice. At this time, steam the gelatin in a small amount hot water.

Mix gelatin with berry puree, mix thoroughly, put on a small fire. While our future jelly is cooking, do not forget to stir it.

We carefully wash and send to sterilize the jars in which our strawberry jelly will be stored, the recipe of which does not contain any artificial preservatives.

Be sure to remove the foam from the berry brew. When it boils, cook for another 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally. After that, you can pour into banks.

It is advisable to hold the jars in a water bath or sterilize in the oven. Then there will definitely not be any problems with the safety of the workpiece.

Use in cooking and serving

For this it is best to use silicone mold, then the cake will be easier to get. This dish can be highlight of the program, for example, at a birthday party or at a beach party.

Gourmet treats with strawberry jelly

There are many dishes haute cuisine using strawberry jelly in the recipe. They pour the tops of cheesecakes, fill tartlets, make decorations for cakes. Some chefs add alcohol to its composition and use pieces of this jelly to make cocktails.

Many of these dishes require certain skills, but there are some that any housewife can handle. Try it, your guests will be delighted!

For example, a dessert made from ripe strawberries, which is used as a base for filling jelly. In such a dessert, an increased amount of gelatin is used (1.5 tbsp. For 2 cups of liquid) so that the strawberries-cups keep their shape. For preparation, berry juice or decoction is used.

You can decorate the dish with powdered sugar and small pieces of lime.