The highlight of the Easter program is a wet cake. Easter cake "wet"

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

There are ordinary Easter cakes for Easter, but there are unusual ones, such as, for example, this wet Easter cake. A recipe with a photo step by step will help you bake a wonderful treat for the holiday.
This year I baked traditional Easter cakes for the holiday, but I also added “wet” ones to them. Everyone liked them so much that I regretted that I only baked half. It must be multiplied by two, and preferably by three, because because of its unsurpassed taste, it is eaten very first. “Wet” Easter cake is perfectly stored and in a couple of days it will be as fresh, although I doubt that your relatives will not eat it before that.

Required products:
- 750 grams of flour,
- 500 grams of granulated sugar,
- 200 grams of sour cream,
- 200 grams of butter,
- 3-4 pcs. chicken eggs,
- 60 grams of fresh alcohol yeast,
- 150 grams of milk.

How to cook with a photo step by step

Like any pastry on rich yeast dough, I start cooking Easter cakes with dough kneading. I crumble alcohol fresh yeast to warm milk.

I pour a couple of tablespoons of granulated sugar from the total.

Also flour: I pour literally a couple of spoons so that the dough can become magnificent. I leave this product on the stove, and the oven is already on, so it will be warm on top and the dough will become more magnificent in 30 minutes, bubbles will appear in it.

I drive in chicken eggs to the lush dough, everything at once.

Pour the previously melted butter into the dough.

I put sour cream in the dough, stir with a spoon so that all the ingredients are combined with each other.

I pour in all the remaining granulated sugar so that the Easter cakes come out sweet.

I sift all the flour that remains into the liquid mass.

I knead the dough, or rather mix it with either a spoon or a whisk, since it turned out to be unusually liquid, so the cake will then be wet. But not raw, fear not. I put the dough to rise near a warm place, cover it with a lid.

After 1-1.5 hours, such a lush dough is obtained, I stir it so that it is more convenient to put it into molds.

With a spoon, I literally pour the dough into tin cans, and oiled paper is already in them.

After 15 minutes, I put the molds with the dough in the oven, which is already preheated to 180C. I bake cookies for 35-45 minutes. They turn out tall, lush and ruddy.

I decorate the cooled cakes with sweet icing and sprinkle with various decorations.

In the section, it is clearly seen that the cake turned out to be baked, loose, but at the same time it tastes soft, tender and as if wet. This is the best Easter cake ever!
Here's how to bake

Easter cake The most delicious recipe with photos and videos offers an oven made from premium flour, previously sifted through a kitchen sieve. This simple action gives the dough a special fluffiness and makes it incredibly tender, fluffy, airy and melting. From the products you will still need fresh chicken eggs, sugar, butter, yeast and milk, and the fragrant spices that make up the composition will give a special pronounced aroma to rich pastries. In addition to raisins, you can add dried apricots, prunes, candied fruits, marmalade or nuts to the dough. Here, fantasy should not be limited, because there are no very strict canons, and any improvisation is not only welcome, but also recommended.

Sweet Easter cake - the most delicious recipe with a photo

The most delicious recipe with step-by-step photos will tell you how to bake a rich and fluffy Easter cake at home. The peculiarity of the method is that the basis for the dough is egg yolks and fatty butter. Due to this, pastries are unusually tender, airy and melting. And the presence of cognac and saffron tincture in the composition provides the Easter cake with a completely magical, unique aroma.

Ingredients for making the most delicious Easter cake

For the test

  • premium flour - 1 kg
  • milk - 1 tbsp
  • raw yeast - 50 g
  • yolks - 10 pcs
  • squirrels - 3 pcs
  • sugar - 250 g
  • salt - ½ tsp
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet
  • butter 82.5% - 200 g
  • cognac - 50 ml
  • lemon zest - 3 tsp
  • ground nutmeg - ½ tsp
  • raisins - 100 g
  • candied fruits - 50 g
  • saffron tincture - 1 tbsp

For glaze

  • protein - 1 pc.
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 2 tsp
  • powdered sugar - 200 g

Step-by-step instructions on how to cook Easter cake according to the most delicious recipe with a photo

  1. For dough, heat half a glass of milk a little, add yeast mashed with a fork and stir well so that the components dissolve. Then add 100 grams of flour, mix well again and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Boil the remaining milk in a separate container, pour in the flour sifted through a sieve (100 g) and quickly stir with a silicone spatula so that no lumps and clots remain. When the mass becomes homogeneous, pour it into the yeast, stir and send to a dry, warm place for 60-90 minutes.
  3. Combine yolks and whites at room temperature, salt and both types of sugar and beat with a mixer into a lush, creamy mass.
  4. Pour ½ egg dressing into the dough, add 250 grams of sifted flour, knead well until smooth and put in heat for 1 hour.
  5. Melt the butter in a water bath. Prepare lemon zest, spices and cognac.
  6. Introduce the second part of the yolk mass into the dough, add half a kilogram of flour and knead the dough well so that in the end it stops sticking to your hands.
  7. Introduce warm oil in small portions, add zest and spices, pour in cognac, knead until smooth and leave warm for another 1 hour so that the dough comes up.
  8. Wash the pitted raisins well, dry them, mix with candied fruit, roll in flour and knead into the dough. Keep in a warm place until the volume has doubled in size.
  9. Punch down the risen dough and arrange on molds, greased from the inside with oil. Give a little time for the mass to rise and send it to a well-heated oven. Oven at 180 degrees until done.
  10. For the glaze, slightly froth the protein with a fork, add lemon juice, pour in powdered sugar and beat until a dense creamy consistency.
  11. Decorate ready-made Easter cakes with protein glaze and other traditional elements of Easter decor and put on the festive table.

An easy and quick recipe for the most delicious cake with dry yeast

If it is not possible to devote a lot of time to Easter baking, you can use this easy recipe and very quickly make a delicious, rich cake with dry yeast. The secret of the speed lies in the fact that the pastries are prepared according to a simplified program and are given a total of only about an hour to rise. By using low-fat milk and margarine instead of butter, the dough is quite fluffy and easy to rise even in such a short time.

Essential Ingredients for the Dry Yeast Instant Cake Recipe

  • skimmed milk - ½ l
  • sugar - 380 g
  • premium flour - 1.25 kg
  • eggs - 6 pcs
  • dry yeast - 10 tsp
  • creamy margarine - 240 g
  • vanillin - 1 sachet
  • salt - 2/3 tsp
  • raisins - 350 g

Step-by-step instructions for a quick recipe for baking Easter cake with dry yeast

  1. Warm the milk a little and dissolve the dry yeast in it. Leave for 10 minutes for the components to react.
  2. Beat eggs with sugar until white and add to the milk-yeast mass. Put creamy margarine dissolved in a water bath there, add salt and vanillin, add flour sifted through a kitchen sieve and stir very carefully. The finished dough should be absolutely homogeneous, plastic and soft.
  3. Rinse raisins in running water, put in a colander to dry, roll in flour and knead into the dough so that it is evenly distributed.
  4. Lubricate the inside of the baking dishes with butter, fill 1/3 with the prepared dough and let it rise for 30-40 minutes.
  5. Preheat the oven well and bake Easter cakes in it at a temperature of 180 degrees until cooked. Then take out, cool and decorate in an original way with Easter elements of food decor.

Soft, moist and juicy Easter cake - the best recipe with a photo step by step

This is one of the best recipes for making moist, soft and juicy homemade Easter cake. The dough, kneaded with sour cream and olive oil, turns out to be tender and quite fatty, keeps its shape perfectly and does not crumble during cutting.

Ingredients for a step-by-step recipe for making a moist, soft cake

  • premium wheat flour - 750 g
  • milk 3.2% - 250 ml
  • eggs - 4 pcs
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp
  • olive oil - 40 ml
  • butter - 40 g
  • margarine - 65 g
  • sour cream 20% - 100 g
  • raw yeast - 25 g
  • salt - 1/3 tsp
  • raisins - 100 g
  • vanillin - ½ tsp

Step-by-step instructions for baking a soft and moist Easter cake

  1. Beat the egg, 50 grams of sugar and olive oil with a whisk in a separate container. Pour boiling milk, cool to room temperature, add mashed yeast and send for half an hour to proof.
  2. Take the remaining eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. Cool the whites a little and beat with half the remaining sugar.
  3. Grind the yolks with the second half of the sugar, butter and margarine until the solid components are completely dissolved in the liquid ones. Salt and add vanilla.
  4. Add to the milk-yeast mixture, first the yolk, then the protein mass and stir very well. Then introduce sour cream and start kneading the dough, gradually introducing the flour sifted through a sieve in small portions.
  5. Then put the dough on the table and continue to knead with your hands slightly moistened with olive oil. At the exit, the mass should become plastic and moderately soft.
  6. Fold the finished dough into a large saucepan, cover with a towel and put in a warm place for 2.5-3 hours. During this time, it should increase in volume by 2-3 times. Then knead, add raisins and knead thoroughly.
  7. Grease the baking pans with butter and fill them about halfway with the batter. Leave for half an hour to rise and send to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees.
  8. Bake until cooked, then remove to cool, decorate with Easter decor and serve.

Delicious and easy recipe for Easter cake at home

You can bake a rich Easter cake at home according to this simple recipe. The dough prepared in this way has a delicate, soft structure, a pleasant, sweet taste and a delicate creamy aroma. If desired, at the time of kneading, it is appropriate to add fragrant spices such as vanilla, nutmeg, cordamom or cinnamon. They will add richness and unusual spicy notes to the delicacy.

Essential Ingredients for a Delicious Easter Cake

For the test

  • milk - 750 ml
  • butter - 180 g
  • raw yeast - 40 g
  • egg - 6 pcs
  • flour - 1.65 kg
  • sugar - 12 tbsp
  • salt - 1.5 tsp
  • raisins - 150 g
  • dried apricots - 150 g

For glaze

  • squirrels - 3 pcs
  • powdered sugar - 150 g
  • confectionery dressing - 1 pack

Step-by-step instructions for a simple Easter cake recipe

  1. Knead raw yeast, pour into a deep container, add half of the total sugar, dilute with warmed, but not boiling milk and send for 10-15 minutes in a warm place.
  2. When a fluffy “cap” appears on the dough, add the eggs and the remaining sugar, and then mix well.
  3. Pour the flour previously sifted through a sieve, pour in the remaining warm milk and knead the mass thoroughly until a completely homogeneous consistency. In the process, salt and add melted butter at room temperature.
  4. Rinse raisins and dried apricots in running water, soak for 15 minutes in boiling water, dry in a colander, chop into small pieces, roll in flour and add to the dough. Mix well again so that the berries are evenly distributed over the dough. Mark the container with the workpiece in a warm place for an hour.
  5. When the dough has increased by 2-3 times, gently punch it down and arrange it in molds, previously greased with butter from the inside. Fill out no more than half of the entire form. Leave for 30-40 minutes in a warm place so that the dough comes up again.
  6. Bake in a well-heated oven at 180 degrees for 25 minutes to an hour, depending on the size of the cake.
  7. For glaze, combine chilled proteins with salt and powdered sugar and beat into a strong dense foam.
  8. Lubricate the surface of hot cakes with icing, decorate according to your own taste and serve to guests.

If you are afraid to bake Easter cakes - in vain. This recipe calls for a sourdough , but it 's not difficult at all , and the end product tastes amazing . Be prepared for the fact that it will take you half a day to cook Easter cakes, but it's worth it.


To prepare 12 Easter wet Easter cakes of medium size you will need:

  • milk - 500 ml;
  • pressed yeast - 100 g;
  • yolks - 5 pieces.;
  • sugar - 700 g;
  • sour cream - 100 g;
  • margarine - 100 g;
  • flour - 1.5 kg flour;
  • vegetable oil ;
  • zest of one lemon;
  • raisins and candied fruits - to taste.

If you have a large family, the proportions can be doubled.


one . Heat the milk a little so that it is above room temperature, but not too hot either. Dissolve the yeast block in it. Stir until a homogeneous liquid mass is formed, which will acquire a beige tint.

2. Add a glass of sugar and so much flour to this mass so that the dough is as thick as for pancakes. This is steam. It must be covered with a lid and left for an hour in a warm place.

3. While the dough is rising , prepare the rest of the ingredients .

Grate the lemon zest , and fill the raisins with water to swell a little , melt the margarine to a liquid state . Remove the sour cream from the refrigerator so that it reaches room temperature.

four . After an hour, you will notice that the dough has risen and seems to be breathing.

To not mu you need to add crushed yolks (leave the proteins in the refrigerator, make glaze from them), melted margarine, room temperature sour cream, lemon zest, sugar, flour, raisins, candied fruits.

The dough should be slightly thicker than for pancakes. Add enough vegetable oil so that it does not stick to your hands. Knead, do not worry that the dough has fallen again.

Now it should be covered with a lid, wrapped and left in a warm room for 2.5-3.5 hours - the dough should rise 3 times. For an accelerated effect, you can turn on the heater next to the tank. By the way, immediately pick up a suitable container or two, because if the dough rises to the very lid and touches it, it will fall off, but this should not be.

5 . While the dough is coming up, oil the molds. After the time has elapsed, take the dough out, then fill the molds with it by 1/3 and put in the oven for 35-40 minutes. Keep an eye on your Easter cakes, as depending on your oven, they may take less time to cook.

6 . Take the Easter cakes out of the molds carefully, it is better when they have cooled down a bit.

Hot Easter Easter cakes are very fragile and tender. When they have cooled , decorate them with glaze made from whipped 3 egg whites with 100 g of sugar .

Happy Easter and bon appetit!

Many people remember their childhood and grandmother's Easter cakes... What they were like: dense, heavy, incredibly tasty. Now Easter cakes are more like bread or a cake, but grandmothers made completely different ones ... Is it possible to bake such a yummy? Yes! We want to offer you several recipes for a wet Easter cake.

Curd cake

You will need:

  • flour ~ 350-400 g;
  • cottage cheese - 250 g;
  • milk - 70 ml;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • yeast - 25 g "live" or 6 g dry;
  • vanilla sugar - 0.5 tsp;
  • raisins - 80 g;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp

The most important rule: to cook cottage cheese cake, all products must be at room temperature.

We start by soaking the raisins in boiling water for 10-15 minutes, dry and sprinkle with flour. Set aside and start preparing the dough. We crumble yeast into barely warm milk, add 1 teaspoon of sugar and 2 full tablespoons of flour. Cover with a towel and leave for 20-30 minutes in a warm place. During this time, the volume of the finished dough will double, and the surface will begin to actively bubble.

Beat soft butter with sugar until smooth, then add the eggs one at a time. Now it's the turn of the curd. Rub it with salt and vanilla sugar. We combine the finished dough with the curd mass and mix again. Part of the flour (2 cups) sift twice. Gradually stir into curd mixture. You need to mix for a long time - at least 15 minutes. A little secret: it is necessary that mixing requires effort. If the dough is easy to knead - it is liquid, add a little flour.

Cover the kneaded dough with a towel and put it in a warm place for 15 minutes. It will rise a little more and it will become a little easier to knead. Now add prepared raisins. By the way, if you want, you can add candied fruits and nuts. Again, mix everything well.

Lubricate baking molds with oil, silicone - just moisten a little with water. We fill them with dough for a third. Next, cover with cling film and a towel - and again in a warm place. The dough should come up to the edge of the mold, and it will take a lot of time - from half an hour to an hour and a half.

Now we remove the film and “plant” the Easter cakes in an oven preheated to 180 ° C. After 15 minutes, lower the temperature to 160 ° C. The time required for baking depends on the size of the cake. We check readiness with some thin wooden stick. Another little trick: so that the top of the cake does not burn, as soon as it turns red, we cover it with parchment for baking.

Cool the finished cookies on a wire rack. If the Easter cakes are large, then it is better to lay them on their side on a towel, and then periodically roll them from one side to the other in order to maintain the correct shape. After the Easter cakes have cooled, decorate them with fruit or protein glaze and sugar confetti.

Another wet cake recipe

First, we prepare the products:

  • eggs - 10 pcs.;
  • milk - 1 liter;
  • flour - 1 kg;
  • sour cream - 200 g;
  • sugar - 600 g;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • yeast (raw or live) - 80 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.

In this version of the recipe, first beat 10 egg yolks with a teaspoon of salt. We put the mass in the refrigerator for three hours. In the meantime, dissolve the raw yeast in a liter of lukewarm milk. Sift flour and mix with milk. The density of the dough is like pancakes. Set aside the dough in the heat for an hour and a half.

Next, we take out the yolks and add the dough, sour cream, sugar, butter, vanillin, flour to them. Mix until the same density as before, and again put in heat. As soon as the dough rises, add the raisins and lay out in oiled molds to a third of their height. We “plant” our wet Easter cakes in the oven, heated to 170-180 ° C. We take out when ready and decorate as our heart desires.

Easter cake according to an old recipe

Such Easter cakes are wet and heavy. They are very tasty, but cooking them is quite difficult and time consuming. We take:

  • milk - 0.5 l;
  • dry or live yeast - 125 g;
  • flour - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 750 g;
  • butter - 0.5 kg;
  • yolks - 10 pcs.;
  • proteins - 8 pcs.;
  • vanilla sugar - 2 sachets;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • raisins, nuts, dried apricots - as much as you want.

Sift the flour, beat the yolks with sugar. In warm milk, add yeast, 2 tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of salt. Wait 5 minutes for the mixture to rise. Melt the butter, cool to room temperature and set aside to cool, but for now mix the yeast, milk and beaten yolks. Beat the resulting mass well. Beat egg whites separately, add them to the yolk mixture and mix again.

Pour 6 cups of flour in small portions, alternating with the addition of warm butter. Mix the whole mass well and set aside the dough in a warm place, covering it with a towel. This "primary" dough should double in volume. As soon as this happened, add vanilla sugar and the rest of the flour to it. You need to knead for a long time - at least half an hour. And again we put in heat to approach. The dough should also double in size this time. The next step is to add raisins, nuts, knead again. Now we lay out the dough in prepared forms, filling them by two thirds.

We put the cakes in the oven - it should be well warmed up. We cover the finished and cooled Easter cakes with icing and decorate.

I'm back with my Easter itch :) I recently had a situation: one local coding shop invited me to hold Easter cakes for the MK staff. I came to this bakery with my favorite sourdough panettone recipe according to Peter Reinhart, we kneaded, baked, the Easter cakes turned out delicious, airy, fragrant. They tried it, but did not appreciate it, it turned out that they were expecting a completely different result - not a delicate layered structure, but density and heaviness, “like a grandmother baked”, so that they were heavy, rich, moist, juicy. This puzzled me: firstly, it’s too subjective a criterion, you never know how you can imagine grandma’s cakes, after all, everyone had their own grandmother and every grandmother had their own cakes. Although latently I imagined this "grandmother's" cake: rich in taste, a little moist, heavy, as if with cottage cheese. I myself, when I tried to bake my first Easter cakes a few years ago, wanted to get just such, but it turned out to be sweetish buns. Therefore, until now, I have lived with an unfinished Easter cake gestalt.

And now, it so happened, I again had to return to the image of my grandmother's Easter cake, and I decided to just bake, observe and think: how to comprehend this difference. After another attempt, the family tried my fresh, still warm Easter cakes and said: “You have a fluffy bun, such a soft one, it crumbles and exfoliates on the cut, but it is necessary that the cut be even, dense, like a cupcake.” And then it dawned on me. Like a cupcake! But “grandmother's cakes” were precisely this that differed from a bun - in structure! I mentioned several times on the blog and at master classes that if the pastry does not develop gluten during kneading, the output will be a sourdough cake, that is, the structure of the crumb will be just a cupcake: dense and juicy, not lacy.

Inspired by a conjecture, for several days I reviewed modern and old recipes for Easter cakes, ran through brioche and panettone, looked at the guests and TU and this is what I understood. In most cases, the recipes for Easter cakes are similar to each other, moreover, both modern and old, grandmother's. They have approximately the same amount of muffin: butter on average 20-35%, eggs about 20-25%, sugar 30-35%, in addition, cream, sour cream or milk is sometimes used as a liquid, but in small quantities. All of them, of course, are designed for yeast, and the dough is made in the sponge method, the sponge is placed either overnight with a third of the flour and a small amount yeast, or in the morning with all the yeast and part of the muffin. But at the same time, cakes are different for everyone! Grandmothers - heavy, dense, wet, and modern housewives - dry, lush, airy, bakeries. Why???

The work of the Swedish artist Anders Zorn "Cooking bread"

The reason, it seems to me, lies in the conditions, in everyday life. How did our grandmothers or even great-grandmothers live? Most in the villages, no one had either Chinese or Swedish dough mixers, there were hard-working hands, a large family, relatives and neighbors, for whom, as tradition and master's duty demanded, it was necessary to bake Easter cakes for a week in advance. Therefore, grandmothers baked a lot, kneading manually immediately a large amount of sweet dough. Have you tried kneading with your hands at least bread, not rich dough from, for example, 3 kg. flour? Seven sweats will come down until you manage to somehow develop gluten, I’m not talking about the gluten window, you can’t even remember about it. I recently had to knead exactly this amount for a French roll. I puffed for at least 40 minutes, bouncing and pushing and rubbing the dough with all my might, it was so difficult, but I could not achieve a good result. And kneading sweet dough is even more difficult! Now imagine: grandmothers in the village kneaded pastry from 4-5 kg. flour., oil was sometimes added immediately, sometimes melted, and all these features of adding oil most directly influenced the result. And, it seems to me, it was precisely because of the peculiarities of the kneading, because of the underdevelopment of gluten that the Easter cake obtained this dense, moist structure desired by many, because during fermentation such dough could not grow so much upwards, could not stretch and hold a lot of air, therefore it turned out dense, as they say in Ukraine, "Paska". And it's not that grandmothers put a lot of muffin, muffin was, as usual, as now, brioche, for example, has even more butter, and stollen / panettone, which is on the blog, there is also a lot of oil (almost 50%, unlike the Easter cake 30%), but the Easter cake is dense and moist, and the panettone is airy and lacy. It seems to me that the kneading technology, or rather, the kneading features, play a decisive role in the structure of rich products and, in order to check this, I decided to conduct an experiment :)

I recently showed you the recipe mom's cake on seeded homemade flour, but in this recipe there was only one option that I baked, the second was left behind the scenes. Here I want to show you the second one and compare it with the one I have already shown. The composition of the dough is the same, the difference is only in the kneading method, and, accordingly, in the behavior of the dough and the result. But in both cases, it turned out incredibly tasty. In the first version, I kneaded, trying not to strongly develop the gluten of the dough, immediately adding almost all the sugar to the butter. Kneading the second time, first I achieved a smooth elastic dough, and then I added baking. The difference is very noticeable!

Kneading without developing gluten. The dough is like a cream, it practically did not hold its shape.

Kneading with gluten development. The dough without sugar and butter was kneaded until elastic, gradually added sugar, piece by piece, added butter in several approaches. The dough turned out completely different: elastic, holding its shape.

See how different it turned out. The first is torn, creamy, the second is elastic, stretches.

And now how it showed itself in the process. Here are two Easter cakes from different dough at the end of proofing. Can you guess where the one from the dough with developed gluten is? The one above!

But finished, the difference is noticeable :)

And structure. The first cake on the cut is even, does not crumble, does not exfoliate. The second is airy, soft, like a pillow!

They are really different in structure and in how the taste manifests itself in this structure. Both are very tasty though. It seems to me that on Easter cake made of white flour, this difference is even more noticeable. Here, for example, are dough products with developed gluten.

And here are the Easter cakes, from which I wanted to get a kimenno dense Easter cake structure. They are certainly not like cupcakes, but much closer to the truth than the ones above. But those above were baked according to European recipes, where lightness and lace inside the roll are welcomed.

I hope the principle is clear, but I will say a few more words. It seems to me that the tradition of kneading Easter cakes with your hands is explained precisely by the way your hands act on the dough - not very much, not very quickly. And the way it was easier to do, kneading with your hands: they quickly added butter to the dough so that it finally began to peel off the table and hands. But in almost every old recipe, housewives are advised to knead until the dough starts to come off the table and hands already after adding oil. At the same time, after adding oil, it is very difficult for the dough to develop gluten, and it begins to stick off the table not because it develops it, but because of the added fat. Yes, and hands cannot work with dough as efficiently as a dough mixer, especially when compared with a planetary one, although the Swedish Ankarsrum is quite suitable for kneading dough for Easter cakes, because it kneads very carefully, for which its work is even compared with manual. True, now not every housewife will decide on such a feat - knead the dough for Easter cakes with her hands. My mother, for example, is just such a rare hero: from year to year she bakes her most delicious cakes, kneads with her hands, heats the butter, brings it in almost immediately, and she turns out soooo delicious! These were her pasques last year.

And, by the way, they can be stored for a very long time. We usually put them in an enamel pan lined with wrapping paper and cover with a lid. It turns out a whole large pan of Easter cakes, which we treat our neighbors, pass on to relatives, send by mail to friends, and still have a week left for ourselves. And then two!