How to preserve boiled eggs for a long time. Shelf life of fresh eggs

Eggs are one of the most popular products in the kitchen. They are rarely bought “to the point”; they are usually purchased with a reserve and then kept at home. But, just like any products, they have guaranteed shelf life and ways to extend them.

Storage rules

They are probably the only one natural product, which nature supplies with ready-made packaging - a shell. To extend shelf life, you need to help natural packaging maintain the freshness of the filling it contains. Shelf life depends on various factors, but there are rules that are the same for any environmental conditions. Compliance with these simple rules extends the shelf life of any eggs.

  1. Shell preservation. An intact shell is designed for gas exchange between the air and the contents of the egg. And through the cracks of the shell, bacteria immediately penetrate inside, and the contents quickly deteriorate. Minor damage to the shell makes it impossible to guarantee safety when optimal conditions. For the same reason, it is not recommended to stack eggs one on top of the other. Then the intact shell may crack during storage.
  2. It is better to lay eggs in a vertical position and always with the sharp end down. With this arrangement, the best gas exchange occurs, since the blunt end of the shell contains more pores, and they provide oxygen in and carbon dioxide out.
  3. The selected conditions must be kept constant. Frequent or sudden changes in temperature, light or humidity do not contribute to an increase in maintenance time.
  4. Do not wash before storing for a long period of time. An intact shell is covered with a thin protective film, which additionally prevents bacteria from penetrating inside. A simple wipe with a damp cloth will remove this film.
    Exceptions to this rule must be made for waterfowl. Duck and goose eggs must be washed before laying. But here we are talking about consumer health.

What factors influence safety?

It is difficult to list all the factors influencing safety - there are many of them. But the main ones are:

  1. Temperature. The lower its value, the longer than eggs will retain freshness. But at minus 2 degrees their contents freeze and lose some taste qualities. Therefore, the optimal temperature to maintain is considered to be plus 1 - 4 degrees.
  2. Humidity. Oddly enough, in dry air the warranty period is reduced. For long periods, it is recommended to maintain a relative humidity of 80 – 85%. Humidity above 85% already has a negative effect on preservation.
  3. Storage term. This is the main unknown in determining the exact timing. When buying a store-bought product, you can find out the date of its production (sorting) - it is indicated on the packaging. But the conditions under which the eggs were stored prior to acquisition are completely unknown.

How to properly store eggs in the refrigerator?

The refrigerator provides such temperature conditions that you can store raw eggs for 1 - 2 weeks without thinking about the conditions. For longer periods it is recommended:

  1. Do not place on the refrigerator door. Opening the door changes the temperature of all products located on it. This has a negative impact on safety.
  2. Do not place near strong-smelling products. Pungent odors actively penetrate the shell.
  3. Keep in closed containers. It’s better to use cardboard ones rather than plastic ones. Cardboard absorbs foreign odors and better retains moisture inside the container.

Refrigerated shelf life (days):

How to store at room temperature?

The maximum storage temperature is 20 degrees. If it is higher, it is difficult to guarantee anything.

  • Humidity 75 – 85%.
  • No direct sunlight.
  • Keep in closed containers or wrap in paper.
  • Maintaining constant parameters - no thermal changes, drafts.

For long-term storage, shell processing is necessary. For example, boiled Easter eggs last longer thanks to the paint on the shell.

How long can you store without refrigeration?

If the above conditions are met, eggs can be kept until consumed:

  • Raw – up to 25 days;
  • Hard-boiled – from 2 to 3 days;
  • Easter – up to 5 days.

Which eggs last longer?

When selling, there are two categories - dietary and canteen. Dietary products must be sold no later than 7 days after demolition. For canteens, the sales period is 25 days. It is clear that dietary product more suitable for further storage.

Those with a brown shell last longer than white ones. But this is not due to color, but to the fact that brown shells are thicker, which has a positive effect on preservation.

How to store quail eggs?

Quail eggs, in addition to their small size, have three features:

  • They have a strong shell, which when damaged does not crack, but becomes wrinkled. But it is also thinner, which reduces their shelf life;
  • their contents do not rot over time, but dry out to almost complete disappearance;
  • they contain the enzyme lysozyme, which prevents the formation of bacteria.

You can keep them:

  • In the refrigerator - 60 days raw, and no more than 5 days cooked;
  • Outside the refrigerator - 30 days at a temperature not exceeding 20 degrees. Boiled - no more than a day.

How to store goose eggs?

They are larger in size than chickens and have a thicker shell. Keeping them fresh should be easier and longer, if not for one feature - they must be washed with soap or soda before storage. The pores on the thick shell themselves are larger than those of chicken. Therefore, dirt and microbes located on the shell penetrate inside more easily. Yes, washing shortens shelf life, but safety comes to the fore here. Keeping unwashed waterfowl eggs exposes you to the risk of a dangerous disease.

Due to their large size, standard shelves and containers are not suitable for them.

Store in the refrigerator at 2 – 12 degrees for two weeks.

How long does a duck egg last?

Features and storage conditions differ little from goose. Thorough washing is also necessary.

Storage duration is even shorter: in the refrigerator – 7 – 10 days (boiled – 2 – 3 days)

How long do hatching eggs last?

Storage requirements for the incubator are more stringent than for food consumption. The temperature should not fall below 12 degrees. Maintaining stable temperature and humidity ranges is a must.

If this is observed, the guaranteed shelf life is as follows:

How long does a cracked egg last?

The broken egg must be poured into a tightly closed container. If unopened, it can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 days. Outside the refrigerator, it should be consumed within 12 hours, no later.

If you use the freezer, it will last for several months. But the taste will no longer be of the same quality.

How long can a peeled egg be stored?

Hard-boiled and peeled eggs lack any protection, and this is irreparable. Therefore, at room conditions they should not be kept for longer than 12 hours. The refrigerator can extend storage up to two days.

Eggs are low calorie product, rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids. These substances are necessary for good health and good functioning of the body. Many people eat boiled eggs daily. In addition, they are included in the recipe various dishes. Sometimes it is not possible to use all the prepared products at once. Therefore, you need to know how long boiled eggs last in the refrigerator.

Shelf life

Storage duration boiled eggs there is much less in the refrigerator than fresh ones. This is because when exposed to high temperatures, the shell becomes more porous. As a result, the product is more susceptible to air and bacteria. Store-bought eggs have a shorter shelf life than homemade eggs. This is due to their pre-sale processing.

Hard-boiled eggs remain usable for 5–7 days, soft-boiled eggs – 3–4 days. If the shell cracks during cooking, the shelf life does not exceed 2-3 days.

Eggs colored with natural dyes, e.g. onion skins, beet juice, turmeric, have a final shelf life of 1 week. After decorating with thermal film, the product can be stored for no more than 2 days, as a violation of temperature exchange occurs. If water gets under the film during cooking, the eggs are no longer suitable for consumption on the second day.

After shelling the eggs, place them in a container with a lid. In this case, the shelf life in the refrigerator is about 2-3 days.

Signs of freshness

Sometimes it is necessary to determine the freshness of already boiled eggs. Shelf life is affected by cooking method and freshness. original product by the time of cooking. A freshly boiled egg is difficult to peel; the film between the white and the shell is tight. Stale food has a specific rotten smell.

Remember that freshness is difficult to determine by the color of a boiled egg. Only if the product has been in the refrigerator for a long time does the protein become grayish.

How to extend the shelf life

To keep boiled eggs in the refrigerator for as long as possible, it is important to adhere to the right technology preparations. To prevent the shell from cracking and thus reducing the final shelf life of the product, it is recommended to pour warm or even cool water over the eggs and put them on fire. Thanks to this, there will be no sudden temperature changes, which leads to damage to the protective layer.

Don't keep eggs near raw fish or meat. For storage, a container that closes tightly and does not allow air to pass through is best. Special cells are ineffective because they do not protect the product from temperature changes and air flows when the refrigerator door is frequently opened. You should not freeze eggs, as this disrupts their cellular structure and reduces their shelf life.

Pay attention to the expiration date of the product indicated on the packaging. But if eggs are cooked correctly, they can be consumed even after this term ends. To do this, you need to hard-boil them over low heat for 10 minutes.

Boiled eggs should not be stored in the refrigerator longer than allowed. It is also important to prepare them correctly and not keep them near raw meat or fish.

In order not to get poisoned or spoil the dish, you need to know the expiration date of the eggs you use. It depends on the storage temperature and heat treatment.

The shelf life of eggs directly depends on the storage temperature

When purchasing a product in a store, the expiration date can be found on the packaging. As a rule, the manufacturer must indicate the date of its production.

Shelf life of raw eggs

The shelf life of eggs for consumption depends on the date of production. Storage conditions also play an equally important role.

If the eggs were purchased at the market, they must be consumed within the next week, since it is impossible to determine the exact date when they were laid by the chickens.

The shelf life also depends on the chosen location:

  • if the product is contained at room temperature, then the shelf life is limited to a week (at best);
  • Eggs can sit in a refrigerator and remain good for up to six weeks.

The optimal storage period for raw eggs does not exceed a month.

Shelf life of boiled eggs

It is recommended to store boiled eggs in the refrigerator at a temperature range of +2…+4. After cooking is completed, the product must be cooled in cold water and place in a plastic container. The container must be closed. This storage method helps preserve eggs for two weeks.

Boiled eggs can be stored at room temperature if necessary, but the shelf life of the product is reduced to two to three days. In this case, the room temperature should not rise above +20.

Soft-boiled eggs have a runny core. And this affects the shelf life of the product.

  • The shelf life of eggs in the refrigerator in this case does not exceed two days. They need to be kept on middle shelves, where the temperature is kept in the range of +3...+4 degrees.
  • If soft-boiled eggs cannot be stored in a refrigerator, then the shelf life is reduced to a day.

Fully welded and additionally painted food coloring eggs that are prepared for Easter also have their own shelf life.

  • To lengthen the period, pysanky must be cooked completely. The core should become hard. In this form they can be stored on the refrigerator shelf for a whole week.
  • If the Easter eggs lie on the table at room temperature, then they must be eaten within the next three to four days.

The shelf life of Easter eggs can be increased. To do this, rub the surface of the eggs with vegetable oil. The product will not only give them an attractive shine, but will also clog the pores in the shell.

Eggs that do not have damaged shells can be stored for storage. There should be no contamination on their surface, as bacteria can penetrate inside.

Eggs are a product that no housewife can do without. To keep the eggs fresh and useful qualities as long as possible, they must be stored properly. You will learn in detail how this is done from this article.

How long to store boiled eggs

Boiled eggs can be kept in the refrigerator for up to ten days, provided that they are whole and without cracks. If they are present, then the maximum time is 3-4 days. After this time, active proliferation of microbes begins in the product, which can lead to poisoning.

If it is not possible to place the testicles in a cold place, then you can store them warm for a couple of days. If you want to extend the shelf life, you can lubricate the shell sunflower oil. If you are going outdoors and take boiled eggs with you, then, firstly, you need to wrap them in paper, and secondly, you should eat them, the sooner the better. But they should be kept for no more than 12 hours.

Storage times are provided that the eggs are hard-boiled, undamaged and stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container. For long-term storage, you can also lubricate with oil. If the product has a specific smell during cleaning, or a gray-blue tint, it is best to throw it away, since the process of decay has already begun.

How long to store raw eggs

Most often, the shelf life and shelf life of eggs depends on where they were purchased. It is recommended that you purchase them from stores so that they are labeled when they are packed up and taken down. It is very difficult to track such information in the market.

At temperature conditions From 0 to 19 degrees the product can be stored for about a month. They should be stored wrapped in paper. You can also dilute salt in water and keep eggs in this solution in a cool place. Shelf life is approximately 40 days.

How long to store eggs in the refrigerator

Eggs in the refrigerator should be kept at the back wall, or in the drawers for vegetables and fruits, but in no case on the door. Constantly opening the door changes the temperature and causes movement, which reduces the shelf life of the product. With the right approach, eggs can be stored for up to 4 months. They should be stored in the packaging in which they were purchased or in a special container.

In this case, the eggs should be placed with the sharp tip down. You should not wash them after purchasing, and if you have washed them, it is better to use them within 30 days. Raw eggs from stores they are stored for about 30 days, homemade - 90 days.

Quail eggs are stored for no more than 3 months, duck eggs for a couple of weeks, and eggs are similar in storage to. To prevent eggs from absorbing any aromas, they should be kept away from fish and strong-smelling foods.

How to properly store eggs

Raw fresh eggs are stored in a cool place with a humidity of 85% and a temperature of 0-19 degrees. Several options to keep the product fresh for as long as possible:

  1. Brush each egg with oil or fat. Place them in a box with sawdust or sand, sharp ends down, and cover with a bag on top. Shelf life is a couple of months.
  2. Place the product in a clay dish and pour a solution of diluted slaked lime on top. This storage option prolongs the freshness of eggs for almost a year, although a specific taste appears.
  3. Brush each egg fresh egg white in a couple of layers. Then wrap it in dry paper and put it in a cool, dark place.
  4. You can grease the testicles with a mixture of vegetable oil. Shelf life up to a year.
  5. To keep the product for up to 3 weeks, you can make a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate, dip the eggs in there for a couple of seconds and dry them. Either do sugar syrup, and also lower the eggs for a while, and then let them dry.
  6. Place the eggs in a small box at some distance, sprinkling them big amount plain salt.

Chicken eggs are a product that is consumed by people all over the planet. The reason for such culinary preferences is obvious - it is a source of protein and nutrients, vitamins, and the cost is low. Chicken eggs are an essential component of many dishes; without them it is impossible to cook delicious dough or cream, they are used in the preparation of salads, they are a binding component in the preparation of minced meat and curd dishes. They are also consumed raw, boiled and fried. They often resort to using boiled eggs as travel food, taking into account the possibility of relatively long-term storage of this product at room temperature. But how long can you store boiled eggs, how to do it correctly so as not to harm your health?

  • Fresh chicken eggs store it correctly
  • How to properly boil eggs
  • How long to store boiled eggs

Store fresh chicken eggs properly in the refrigerator

Purchased fresh eggs should be stored in the refrigerator. It is best to place them closer to the cold back wall. Nutritionists do not approve of storage in special cells located on the doors - this place in the refrigerator is relatively warm, and frequent opening of the doors leads to the fact that the product experiences constant temperature changes. It should be stored in special packaging, away from products with strong odors.

Storage fresh eggs refrigeration should not exceed 5 weeks from the date of production. The possibility of preserving the product for such a long period is possible due to the presence of a special protective film on the surface. For this reason, eggs should not be washed when storing, but immediately before cooking. Storage in freezer is permissible, but it can hardly be considered advisable - when low temperatures the white and yolk freeze. The optimal temperature is considered to be +4 degrees.

The freshness of eggs will remain for some period even at room temperature. But at a temperature of, for example, +20 degrees, their shelf life will be significantly reduced; one day in such conditions will be equal to seven days of storing the product in the refrigerator.

How to properly boil eggs

Cooking boiled eggs, which is familiar to every housewife, also requires some attention. It should be remembered that harmful microbes and bacteria, and in particular salmonella, are resistant even to prolonged heat treatment. Sufficient temperature for their active reproduction is the range from +7 to +45 degrees, the most active reproduction occurs at 35-37 degrees. When boiling, salmonella die, so the boiling time should be extended to 8-9 minutes. This will reduce the likelihood of salmonellosis infection to a minimum. For the purpose of disinfection, omelet or scrambled eggs should be fried until the product is completely dry.

How long to store boiled eggs

The shelf life of a cooked product depends on many factors:

  • Firstly, how fresh the product you managed to purchase is also important in what conditions it was stored in the store and on the way from the farm to the counter.
  • You can leave for storage only those specimens whose shells have not acquired cracks or other damage during cooking. Otherwise, reliable protection of the product contained in the shell will not be provided - pathogenic microbes can penetrate inside through the cracks.
  • You can store boiled eggs in the refrigerator for a week; the optimal temperature for this is from 2" to 4" C. Eggs taken on the road in the warm season should be consumed within 12 hours. It's best to keep them wrapped in paper napkins - discard the plastic bag.

The possibility of relatively long-term storage allows you to prepare this product in advance, but you should not forget the rules and terms of its storage - violations can cause poisoning and salmonella infection.

Storing boiled eggs without refrigeration

In a room with moderate temperatures, boiled eggs can be stored without a refrigerator, but this time will be limited to 2-3 days. Significantly longer, about a week stored Easter eggs. The fact is that after painting, most housewives treat it with sunflower oil to make the surface shine. Small pores on the shell are clogged and the product is stored longer.

I hope that the information on how long to store boiled eggs and how to do it correctly will be useful to you. The precautions recommended in the article will protect you from unwanted problems. Remember to use long-term storage Prepared foods should be consumed if necessary; nutritionists consider freshly prepared food to be the most beneficial.