Karski meat recipe - quick and tasty. Karski barbecue: the right meat, the right marinade, cooking technology. Pork shish kebab.

The Karski meat recipe was especially popular in the CIS countries. There is a version that the dish was named after the Turkish fortress Kars, which was taken by Russian troops in the Crimean War. Such meat is cooked on the bone, and, in fact, is very a simple dish. The main task is to withstand the meat in a special marinade required amount hours (from 4 to 8). It is best to leave the meat in the marinade overnight, then it will turn out to be as juicy as possible. For the recipe, you can use any meat, even poultry. Bon appetit!

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • Pork entrecote - 2 pcs.
  • A mixture of dry peppers - to taste
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Olive oil - to taste
  • Salt - to taste

Cooking Karski Meat

In order for the pork entrecote to turn out soft and juicy, it must be marinated for a long time. A prerequisite before pickling entrecote: it must be room temperature. It is best to leave the meat in the marinade for at least 8 hours.

Prepare the meat marinade. You will need a mixture of dry peppers: black and white pepper, ginger, mustard, paprika, marjoram, parsley, basil, coriander. This is complemented by olive oil, onion and salt. Mix the ingredients in a bowl, add the chopped onions. Then take two pork entrecote and rub them well with this mixture.

Put the meat in a saucepan or bowl with high sides, cover with cling film. Put the entrecote in a cool place for 8 hours so that they absorb all the spices and salt.

After the meat is marinated, it will need to be fried in a special grill pan. Fry on each side until golden brown. Then transfer to the meat in the oven, heated to 180C and hold there until fully cooked.

Serve the meat on a large plate along with vegetables and lettuce. Sprinkle the entrecote on top with finely chopped herbs (parsley, dill, celery). Bon appetit!

Pork jelly recipe

Kholodets - old Russian dish, years invariably decorating festive table. We will cook jelly from pork knuckle and a piece of meat.

Ingredients for pork chops

  • 1 pork knuckle
  • 500 g pork
  • 1 head onion
  • 2-3 bay leaves
  • 6 allspice peas
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 2.5 liters of water
  • Salt.

Cooking pork jelly

We prepare the rudder. If there are hairs on it, then you should scorch it with fire. Then you will need to wash and put the shank in water for two hours. Now scrape the shank with a knife - it should become smooth and white.

Pour water into a saucepan, put the knuckle and a piece of pork there.

Bring the water with meat to a boil, remove the foam, reduce the heat. Loosely cover the pot with a lid. The meat should be cooked for another 5 hours.

Control the rate at which the water boils (let it simmer gently) and check that the meat does not stick to the bottom.

Going out into nature, fishing or country evenings rarely do without barbecue. However, it is usually prepared once and for all in the chosen way, without being too eager to experiment. But it's not interesting! Thus, we deprive ourselves of many culinary pleasures. We offer to master the barbecue in Karski, which is radically different from what we usually indulge in. Maybe it will become your favorite version of this meat dish.

What kind of meat to take

Like all other, more familiar options, the recipe for a real Karska barbecue involves the use of exclusively lamb. However, not everyone is suitable for the intended purposes. We need the kidney part cut from the loin, namely the pulp, which includes small bones located across it. In addition, mutton kidneys, which will be a kind of stopper for the rest of the meat, are sure to be included in the Karski barbecue.

What to pickle

Standard variations of marinades for "Kara" are not very suitable. First, remember the peculiar smell of lamb, which is desirable to eliminate. Secondly, the kidney cut is softer than the others, and most of the ingredients in the usual marinades can make the meat tougher. Traditionally used next composition: about half a liter unrefined and unflavored vegetable oil plus one hundred grams of brandy (you can vodka) and spices: nutmeg, barberry (or sumac), basil, salt and pepper. When marinating, the meat is sprinkled with chopped herbs and onion rings and slightly compacted. Those who wish can change the oil low-fat kefir, only the marinating time will be somewhat longer.

Cooking technology: real Karski shish kebab

The main condition for obtaining the original "Kara" is not to grind when cutting lamb. The pieces must be very large. After keeping them in the marinade (at least four hours, it is recommended to leave it overnight), the lamb is lowered onto a large skewer alternately with the fat tail raw fat. It takes about 200 grams for every kilogram of meat.

The correct barbecue in Karski is fried for a long time, with constant turning, according to the principle of shawarma. The meat baked to a depth of a centimeter is cut off, and the skewer is returned to the coals. The cook, of course, cannot leave the brazier, but the meat turns out to be the most tender and delicious.

Adapted Recipe

The very approach to the "karsky", with a gradual cutting off finished meat, not everyone will like it. It’s somehow more customary to get your own skewer in your hands at a picnic and enjoy eating it. For supporters of this principle, karski shish kebab is more suitable, the recipe of which allows individual cooking.

The correct part of the lamb is cut in thick strips, but not divided into separate pieces: this will be a personal portion for each participant in the Sabantuy, and the cuts are needed for better pickling. While the meat is languishing in the marinade, the kidneys are washed well and kept three times for half an hour in cold fresh water. Finally, they are placed in water with salt and lemon juice - for an hour. When the lamb is aged in the marinade for at least three hours, the kidneys are added to it along with herbs (for example, tarragon), mixed, a load is placed on the container, and aging, already in the cold, continues for another two or three hours. When frying, a half of a kidney is put on a skewer, then lamb, and at the end - the second half. They keep the Karski kebab from losing juice. Since the meat is lowered in a rather large piece, albeit incised, it is more convenient to fry on two skewers located in parallel - this way the lamb does not spin.

The best sauce for "karsky"

You also need to be able to serve kebab in Karski style: ordinary sauces, of course, will not spoil it at all, but they will dull the taste and make it rather primitive. It is better to work a little and prepare for unusual barbecue unusual sauce.

  1. Onion finely chopped, scalded and rolled cold water- excessive sharpness and bitterness are not needed here.
  2. The peeled apple and mango are finely cut. You can also grate, but in this sauce the piquancy is in the pieces.
  3. The tomato is peeled and also finely crumbled.
  4. The zest is removed from the lime and the juice is squeezed out.
  5. All prepared components are mixed, refueled olive oil(the sauce should turn out thick), half a spoonful of sugar, pepper, salt and tabasco.

The expected taste is sharp and sweet-sour. You need to adjust the flavor shades, consistent with your preferences, but with the same products.

"Native" version

Like it or not, lamb is a kind of meat and not acceptable to everyone. So our people have developed Karski pork barbecue. The cut is taken as for a regular barbecue, but it is cut in a radically different way: the washed and dried meat is cut into long, twenty centimeters, not very thick slices. The marinade is made taking into account the "Kara" taste; for him, four onions are cut in half rings (per 800 grams of pork) and poured with a mixture of a stack of cognac, half a glass (about 150 ml) of olive oil, a spoonful of lemon juice and two - soy sauce. Black pepper, chili, coriander and marjoram are taken from spices. The ratio is free, decide for yourself. The meat is immersed in the marinade and “massaged” a little in it. It is necessary to withstand pork for four hours, but it is not forbidden to leave it all night.

Let's move on to the heat. A half of a medium-sized tomato is put on a skewer (you can also take other vegetables, such as eggplant mugs), followed by pork along a slice, and fixed with the second half of a tomato. The structure is wrapped in fatty network- it is sold in any good butcher shop - and goes to the grill. After 20 minutes you can savor.

If you want to please yourself and the whole family with delicious and fragrant meat dish, which is not difficult to cook, pay attention to the Karski meat recipe. This dish came to us from Turkey, and is a success all over the world.

Required Ingredients

For cooking you will need 500 grams pork entrecote, two carrots, two onions, 200 grams of chopped champignons or other mushrooms, 200 grams of sour cream, spices and salt to taste, 60 grams of vegetable or olive oil.

Cooking instructions

First, fry carrots and onions in vegetable or olive oil. Pre-cut the vegetables into strips. Pork meat should be juicy and soft, pre-marinate it. Please note that for cooking, the temperature of the entrecote must be at room temperature. Great if you can marinate pork for at least 8-9 hours. For the marinade, use coriander, basil, parsley, marjoram, paprika, mustard, ginger, white and black pepper. Top this mixture with onion, salt and olive oil. Rub the entrecote with the composition and remove to marinate in a cool place. Note that marinating meat is not always used. But if you have free time, you should not refuse to soak the product in spices.

After the pork is ready, cut it into strips - not too thin. Add spices and some salt. Do not forget that the meat is already marinated. Add the fried onions and carrots to the pork. Add sour cream and chopped mushrooms. Heat up the pan and simmer the food. Please note that the fire must be slow. The extinguishing process will take 30 minutes.

As soon as the meat is stewed, put it on a bowl, garnish with olives and herbs. The best accompaniment to a meal is mashed potatoes or french fries. It is worth eating Karski meat until it has cooled down.

11 chose

Barbecue Karski!- and having accepted the order, the waiter leaves, so that later due time bring one to the table most popular dishes from pre-revolutionary times. Order barbecue in Soviet-era restaurants kara style it was special chic. Alas, these days it is rare where you will be served not only the real Kars, but at least a semblance of that delicious dish. It would seem something simpler - grilled meat on a spit! Alas, many culinary traditions are overgrown with innovations, sometimes changing beyond recognition. Shish kebab has become a familiar and simple picnic and weekend dish, with a thousand and one recipes. But only real barbecue in Karski remained the property the best restaurants world and outstanding "home" chefs. Shall we try to join their ranks?

How it was

In Armenia, barbecue is called khorovats, and in Azerbaijan kebab, in Turkey shish kebab, and Georgia for dear guests will be served mtsvadi, fried on a dry vine. Where did Karski shish kebab come from? The siege of the Kars fortress by Russian troops lasted five months in 1855 under the command of General Nikolai Muravyov. The capture of the fortress was so important that for this victory Muravyov received the title of Count of Karsky! Returning to St. Petersburg, Count Karsky brought to the capital not only stories about battles, but also the fashion for a new dish - lamb shish kebab, called Kara in honor of the fortress and the hero who took it.

Its main difference from other cooking methods is that it is prepared from large pieces of meat or one taken from a certain part of the carcass and wrapped in a fatty net. The marinade for Karski barbecue is also special - in addition to salt, onion and spices, cognac is used or, in last resort, dry wine. Together with a piece of meat, a tomato and pickled onions, as well as specially prepared lamb kidneys, are put on a skewer. Today, Kars shish kebab is called any, cooked from large pieces of any meat or on the bone, even pork, but we know that only lambs could graze near Kars, and we will not let ourselves be deceived!

So, if you are ready to start the sacrament of cooking barbecue in Karski, then first of all we take on the most important thing - the marinade!

Marinade for barbecue in Karski:

  • 8-10 bulbs
  • 50 g cognac
  • lemon juice, squeezed from 2 lemons or a glass of dry wine
  • salt, allspice, ground cloves (at the tip of a knife)
  • finely chopped cilantro, dill, basil

Meat for barbecue

  • lamb - kidney part, cut into long oblong pieces weighing up to 500 g
  • lamb kidneys (one per skewer)
  • if you do not accept mutton - so be it, take pork, but remember that this is sacrilege, although it is also very tasty!

Immerse the meat in the marinade from 3-4 to 6-8 hours, clean the kidneys from films (it’s good to soak them for a couple of hours beforehand). We cut small onions in half, we take small tomatoes - whole.

We string meat, onion, tomato and kidney on a skewer. If the pieces of meat are not very long, then you can alternate the onion, tomato and pieces of meat. The kebab is fried for 20-30 minutes on coals, carefully sprinkled with dry wine. If you took a rather thick piece, then frying on the outside, it can remain raw inside, so it can be cut off the skewer gradually - in portions. Serve this miracle to the table with big amount greens, tkemali sauce and dry wine. good cognac It won't ruin your meal either!

The author does not claim to be 100% authentic for the recipe for kara barbecue, since he was not at the site of the siege of the fortress, but in his distant Soviet childhood he ate it in the glorious city of Rostov-on-Don and hopes that you will like this option.

Shashlik is one of ancient dishes peoples of Eurasia. The ideas and practice of cooking kebabs and other similar dishes (frying meat, fish, mushrooms and/or vegetables on a spit over cooling coals) developed independently among different tribes and peoples. According to one of the versions, the original recipe for Karski shish kebab comes from Mesopotamia.

At present, the recipe for karski shish kebab is presented in Armenian cuisine and culinary traditions other peoples of Transcaucasia. Now this dish is prepared mainly in catering establishments.

How is it different from other barbecue options?

The difference in the method of cooking kebabs in Karski is as follows: meat from the lumbar part of the lamb carcass is cut large pieces sometimes weighing up to 500 g. In order for the kebab to be fried evenly, the pieces of meat are trimmed with a knife to give approximately the same shape and size. The meat alternates on a skewer with pieces of tail fat.

The composition of the marinade is also unique and well defined.

Since the readiness of the karski kebab is achieved gradually as it cooks, the meat is periodically cut off with a knife along the edges, and served in the form of thin slices (approximately 1.5 cm thick) while the rest continues to roast on a spit.

Karski shish kebab - recipe


  • lamb - 2 kg;
  • fat tail fat– up to 500 kg;
  • For marinade:
  • onion - 5-8 pcs.;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • grape vinegar natural - 1-2 tbsp. spoons;
  • - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • fresh herbs(cilantro, basil, parsley, tarragon, dill);
  • dry ground (allspice, black and hot red pepper, cloves, coriander, and others as desired);
  • coarse salt.


Peeled onion greens, garlic pass through a meat grinder or better chop in a blender. Add the zest cut from the lemon and chopped, ground spices, pour cognac, vinegar and lemon juice. Salt and mix the marinade.

We cut the meat into large pieces, and the lard - in approximately the same shape, but more thinly and leave it in enameled (or glass, ceramic) working container with marinade for 4-8 hours.

By the right time, we make a fire in the brazier, on firewood from fruit trees. When the coals are well burned out, and there is almost no fire, we plant the meat, interspersing pieces of bacon on skewers and fry, sprinkling with dark wine or strained marinade.

You can serve karski shish kebab in pita bread with finely chopped fresh vegetables and greenery. Do not forget also about wine, cognac or other strong Caucasian alcoholic drinks as well as fresh fruit.