How to marinate liver for frying overnight. Wine marinade recipe

Beef liver is without a doubt very useful product. But it’s not always possible to cook it to your liking. Although each of us has our own little secrets and favorite recipes.

The liver in the marinade turns out very soft and juicy. Even when cold, it is eaten with pleasure.

But no matter how hard the housewife tries, the liver turns out to be somewhat harsh. That’s why they say it’s “not for everybody”: not all household members are eager to try it. And here the irreplaceable and familiar baking soda will come to our aid.

The benefits of beef by-product

Liver is an offal from which housewives love to prepare dishes both on weekdays and on holidays. It is an ingredient in many dishes and is often served with a side dish. Even a simple menu takes on sophistication with her participation. In addition, it is easily digestible and contains a small amount of fat. It can be described in three words: tasty, healthy, inexpensive.

The rich composition will give strength, vigor and health:

  • amino acids: the building blocks of protein;
  • a large number of vitamins, among which the first place in concentration is occupied by vitamins C and B2, but the most important liver vitamin is A, 400g of beef liver will provide its daily requirement;
  • mineral elements, among them selenium stands out - a powerful antioxidant that reduces the risk of malignant tumors and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Beef liver contains 18% protein, 5.3% carbohydrates and only 3.7% fat. The total calorie content of 100 g is 127 kcal. It is recommended for the treatment of a number of diseases.

Recipe for soft liver almost “Stroganoff style”

This recipe is not so simple, but it is worth it. Prepare and see for yourself. We use the following components as necessary components:

  • 500 g beef liver.
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour.
  • 2 heads onions.
  • 1 tbsp. l. tomato paste.
  • 450 g sour cream.
  • 1/3 cup sodium bicarbonate.
  • salt, sugar, spices - to taste.

The fewer films and ducts, the softer the liver.

The secret of preparation is as follows:
We wash the by-product, remove the films and cut it into small cubes, place it in a container and add soda powder to make it soft and tender. Mix thoroughly and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
After this, we wash the pieces, add salt, pepper, bread them in flour and fry over a hot “fire” for 3 minutes. Then add the pre-chopped onion and fry for another 5 minutes. In another frying pan, heat the flour until creamy and add it to the liver. Bring to a boil, stirring with tomato and sour cream. Simmer for a few minutes.

Taste it. Add salt or spices at your discretion. You can sprinkle herbs on top.

The culinary method “couldn’t be simpler”

To make a dish tasty, you don’t always need to cast a spell over it “30 years and 3 years.” All you have to do is find a simple recipe and learn how to use it. To prepare, we need beef liver, soda powder, flour, salt and pepper. Don't forget the frying oil.

  1. Cut the offal into small pieces and dip in soda.
  2. Let it sit for a couple of hours.
  3. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
  4. Wash well and bread in flour.
  5. Place in hot oil and fry for 15 minutes.

That's it, the dish is ready, you can try it. Thanks to the soda, the liver acquired a spongy structure and became tender.

Unusual and tasty

This recipe gives the offal the smell of meat, “killing” the specific smell. And if you add to this that it turns out tender and tasty, then the desire to cook it immediately arises.

It is necessary to fry the liver in a well-heated frying pan.

We use the product set:

  • 1 kg of beef liver.
  • 2 eggs.
  • A few garlic cloves.
  • 1 tsp. baking soda.
  • Salt and sugar to taste.
  • 1 onion.
  • A little flour and vegetable oil.

Wash the liver, chop it and put it in any convenient container. Add the main ingredients: salt, sugar, eggs, soda, chopped garlic. After mixing the ingredients, put them in a cool place for an hour.

Mix again, roll one piece at a time in flour and fry. Remove and fry the onion rings in the same oil. Then place the onion on top fried liver. So preparing fried liver with onions is not difficult!

The offal can be kept in the refrigerator for more than one hour, but for a longer time - it will be better saturated with spices and become more tender, thanks to sodium bicarbonate.

Method of cooking in garlic marinade

You can prepare liver by-product using different marinades. It all depends on your taste and desire. We'll try to cook savory dish V garlic sauce. Already while you are preparing it, your appetite increases tenfold!

The recipe cannot be called simple, and the number of ingredients is not small, but cooking the liver in a marinade with soda is worth it. Have to take:

  • 600 g beef liver.
  • Egg.
  • 1 tsp. salt and sugar.
  • 0.5 tsp. sodium bicarbonate.
  • A few cloves of garlic.
  • 1 head of onion.
  • A little butter and flour.

We thoroughly wash the liver and cut it into large pieces, removing the film along the way. Then prepare the marinade: mix the egg with soda, sugar and salt, add chopped garlic. The marinade should be left in a cool place for a couple of hours (overnight is possible).

Garlic marinade gives the liver a unique taste

Fry the onion in half rings. While it is frying, bread the liver pieces in flour. Remove the onion and fry the liver in the same oil for 3 minutes. Then mix with onions and leave on low heat for 3-5 minutes. Are you convinced that preparing the dish is not so difficult?

You can check the readiness of the dish as follows: if you cut the liver, it should not be red inside.

Soda and milk method

Tender liver without bitterness can be prepared with soda and milk. This is a simple recipe with a small number of ingredients: half a kilogram of offal, 200 ml of milk, 1 tsp. soda, flour for breading, salt and spices to taste.

Step by step instructions:

  1. Cut the liver into small slices up to 1 cm.
  2. Dilute soda powder in milk and soak in it original product for 2-3 hours.
  3. Rinse thoroughly, removing any remaining soda.
  4. Salt and pepper the liver slices and roll in flour.
  5. Fry in hot vegetable oil on both sides until cooked.

You will receive a delicious dish: tender liver slices that melt in your mouth.

Don't neglect these recipes. They are not so complicated, and the taste and benefits will justify themselves. Don't forget about the soda, because you want a gentle product. And perhaps soon your family will have a new favorite dish.

Today everyone knows that shish kebab made from beef liver - wonderful dish for household members and guests. Making it is not as difficult as you might think. What recipes and secrets are there for its preparation? More on this and more below.

Beef liver shashlik on the grill

Do you want to treat your guests to delicious barbecue? Cook it on the grill according to special recipe, which we will describe below.

How to make?

How to cook in a fat mesh

There is nothing more beautiful than liver cooked in own juice with the addition of fat mesh. How to cook for real decent dish, we will describe below.

Required ingredients:

  • beef liver - 480 grams;
  • beef fat mesh - 280 grams;
  • spices - to taste.

Cooking time: 50 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 grams: 210 kcal.

How to cook?

  1. Cut the well-washed liver into large pieces. Roll each piece well in meat spices.
  2. We take the fat mesh and cut it into pieces so as to completely cover each piece of liver.
  3. We wrap the liver in fat, thereby obtaining small envelopes.
  4. We take out a baking dish and cover it with cooking paper.
  5. We place the future kebab on paper. In this case, each piece must be at a sufficient distance from the other.
  6. Cook the kebab in the oven at 200 degrees for 35 minutes.
  7. As soon as the appetizing aroma and beautiful color appear, you can remove the dish and serve it on the table.

Wine marinade recipe

Shish kebab marinated in wine is one of the most beautiful and delicate dishes. How to prepare it, read below.

Required ingredients:

  • beef liver - 460 grams;
  • onions - 5 pieces;
  • red table wine - 1 bottle;
  • olive oil - 2 large spoons;
  • lemon - 0.5 pieces;
  • spices - to taste.

Cooking time: 5 hours 40 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 grams: 205 kcal.

How to cook?

  1. First marinate the liver. To do this, cut it into large pieces, salt everything well, pepper it and put it in a saucepan.
  2. Place onion slices and lemon slices on top of it.
  3. Pour oil and wine into the prepared mixture. Cover the pan with a plate and place a press on top of it.
  4. Marinate for all 5 hours. Next, cook the kebab with onions in the oven in a special form or on the grill on skewers. Cooking time will depend on the method chosen. So, in the first option, cook for 30, and in the second - 15 minutes.
  5. Serve with lemon and onion.

Beef liver shashlik in sour cream

There is nothing better than liver cooked with sour cream. With this dish you can surprise your guests and please your household. We will talk about this step by step below.

Required ingredients:

  • beef liver - 530 grams;
  • onions - 8 pieces;
  • sour cream - 45 milliliters;
  • cilantro - 1 bunch;
  • ground herbs - to taste;
  • spices - to taste.

Cooking time: 3 hours 45 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 grams: 225 kcal.

Cooking stages:

  1. Coarsely chop the offal. Sprinkle it with dry herbs and other spices. Mix everything well and put it in a saucepan.
  2. Cut the onion into rings and place on the liver. Next, put fresh herbs on it and pour sour cream over everything.
  3. Mix everything again and leave under the closed lid for 3 hours.
  4. Fry the beef in the oven at 220 degrees for 25 minutes. Serve the prepared dish with fresh cilantro.

Recipe with mushrooms

Mushrooms with meat - perfect combination for aromatic and the most delicate dish. Can be done best kebab. Let's consider detailed recipe below.

Required ingredients:

  • beef liver - 650 grams;
  • champignons - 390 grams;
  • beef lard - 220 grams;
  • onion - 4 pieces;
  • olive oil - 3 large spoons;
  • spices - to taste.

Cooking time: 5 hours 45 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 grams: 250 kcal.

How to cook?

  1. This appetizing dish is very easy to prepare. First we take and wash beef liver. Cut it into medium pieces. Let's soak each of them in spices.
  2. We cut the washed champignons and salt them. Moreover, it is important to cut lengthwise into large pieces.
  3. Thinly slice the lard and leave it aside.
  4. Marinate the liver in olive oil with chopped onion rings for five hours.
  5. We take skewers and string the liver alternately, then the lard, and then the mushrooms and onions. This will make something like a canapé.
  6. Grill the kebab on birch or oak coals for 10-15 minutes. It is important not to overexpose it.
  7. When ready, transfer the liver to a serving plate and serve to your household or guests.

Shish kebab with vegetables

There is no better kebab in Caucasian cuisine. Today it is made from absolutely any type of meat. Below we will look at the preparation of a traditional Caucasian aromatic dish from beef liver.

Required ingredients:

  • beef liver - 650 grams;
  • onions - 7 pieces;
  • carrots - 3 pieces;
  • soy sauce - 350 milliliters;
  • spices - to taste.

Cooking time: 5 hours 30 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 grams: 215 kcal.

How to cook?

  1. Let's marinate the future masterpiece. Take the liver and cut everything medium, not very finely.
  2. Next, take the onion and cut it into thin rings. In this case, you can take any bow.
  3. Lubricate each piece of liver with spices and soy sauce.
  4. Coarsely chop the carrots.
  5. Place in layers: meat, onions, carrots. We make a press and marinate the beef for five hours.
  6. Fry the beef shish kebab with vegetables on skewers until fully cooked. Serve to the table.
  1. Beef liver is a product that should be selected carefully. Spend a little more time choosing it to purchase decent product. The liver should have a rich color and not smell like animal urine.
  2. When choosing, you should pay special attention to the structure of the offal. Press it with your finger. If a dent remains, the liver is not suitable for cooking.
  3. To obtain a pleasant, delicate taste of the liver, marinate it in kefir. Moreover, take kefir with low fat content.
  4. When choosing, look carefully at its color. If the liver is too dark, do not take it, as this indicates that the animal was old and sick.
  5. Use grapevines instead of skewers. This is what makes the best dish.
  6. To obtain a fragrant and tasty dish, do not use liver that has already been frozen. It will taste bad.
  7. When marinating, do not use vinegar. It not only interrupts the delicate taste of the liver, but also destroys all its beneficial properties.
  8. Do not overcook the shish kebab on the coals or in the oven. Such a dish will contain dangerous carcinogens that negatively affect human health.
  9. Try to wear gauze with water or a respirator on your face while cooking. The fact is that during the preparation of a traditional Caucasian dish, dangerous substances are released that negatively affect health.
  10. Marinate everything in herbs rich in various antioxidants and useful microelements. They will be transferred to the liver and make it more useful.
  11. To make the kebab juicier and imbued with the delicious smell of wood, use branches of birch, grapes, oak, apple or pear.
  12. Try not to press the kebab too closely together so that it cooks well and acquires a wonderful taste.
  13. Use seasonings for meat and actively pour lemon over everything to make the liver much juicier and more tender.

On the video there is a recipe for making the most delicious liver shish kebab:

This article is for those who do not yet know how to cook beef liver tasty and soft or who want to expand their culinary experience by trying a couple of new recipes. The excellent taste and nutritional characteristics of this product will allow you to get a dish that is amazing in all respects.

How to cook delicious beef liver?

Beef liver, recipes for which can be either incredibly simple and laconic or sophisticated and multi-component, with the right approach always turns out incredibly tasty and, without a doubt, healthy.

  1. Before cooking, the offal is prepared properly: rinsed, dried and removed from vessels and film.
  2. It is not recommended to exceed the time heat treatment liver. Prolonged frying or cooking makes it hard, rubbery and not tasty.
  3. The best marinade for beef liver is milk or kefir. Dairy products relieve the offal from its often inherent bitterness, making it juicier and softer.

Beef liver fried with onions

Next, how to cook beef liver tasty and soft with the addition of onions, which will give the slices a special piquancy and aroma. If desired, the offal can be seasoned with additional ground nutmeg, a mixture of aromatic Italian or Provençal herbs, and soak in milk before cooking.


  • liver – 500 g;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • flour – 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • oil – 50 ml.


  1. The liver is cut into slices no more than a centimeter thick.
  2. Dip the pieces in flour, place in a frying pan with hot oil, fry for 3 minutes on each side, and transfer to a bowl.
  3. Add onions to the oil, sauté until soft, add liver, add salt, pepper, and season with seasonings as desired.
  4. After a couple of minutes of simmering, the beef liver with onions will be ready to serve.

Beef liver cutlets - recipe

Beef liver cutlets are a simple recipe and do not require the cook to have any special skill or extensive experience. IN in this case the risk of obtaining a hard offal is reduced, since when twisted and when combined with other components it exhibits its properties differently, although, as before, it does not require long-term frying.


  • liver – 500 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • semolina – 6 tbsp. spoon;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • oil – 50 ml.


  1. Fry the onion in oil and grind it together with the liver in a blender or meat grinder.
  2. Add garlic, salt, pepper, semolina to the puree and stir.
  3. Let the base sit for 30-40 minutes, after which the cutlets are fried like pancakes, placing portions of minced meat into hot oil with a spoon and browning on both sides.

Beef liver chops

The following recipe is about how to make beef liver tasty and soft by making chops from it. In this version, the offal is amazingly tasty and always pleases with the desired delicate texture. The prepared slices should be beaten carefully, placing them between two layers of cling film.


  • liver – 500 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • semolina – 6 tbsp. spoon;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • oil – 50 ml.


  1. The liver is cut into pieces 2 cm thick, filled with kefir and left in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  2. Dry the soaked pieces with napkins, season with garlic, salt and pepper, and leave for another 20-30 minutes.
  3. The pieces are beaten, breaded in flour, dipped in beaten, salted eggs and placed in heated oil.
  4. In 7-10 minutes, the fried beef liver will be ready.

Beef liver goulash

Beef liver goulash with gravy is tasty and appetizing, prepared taking into account the recommendations described below. The dish can be made thicker or, on the contrary, increase the amount of liquid by adding more water or broth, or use a different composition of components that partially determine the taste of the dish.


  • liver – 700 g;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • carrots and bell peppers – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • flour – ½ cup;
  • milk – 200 ml;
  • sour cream – 100 g;
  • tomato sauce – 100 g;
  • salt, pepper, spices - to taste;
  • oil – 50 ml;
  • water or broth – 150 ml.


  1. Diced liver is soaked in milk, then breaded in flour and left for 5 minutes.
  2. Sauté onions and carrots in oil, add liver and fry for 5 minutes.
  3. Lay down bell pepper, sour cream, tomato, add water or broth, season to taste, add garlic and let it boil.
  4. After 7-10 minutes of simmering, the beef liver gravy will be ready.

Beef liver stroganoff with sour cream

  • A kilogram of liver;
  • A little soda;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Salt;
  • Flour;
  • Oil for frying;
  • A piece of butter;
  • Greenery.

Thoroughly clean the liver from the transparent film, cut out the veins and large veins, cut into portions, the thickness of one piece is from 7 to 10 mm. Sprinkle the prepared liver with a small amount and let it sit for a while, then rinse it and pat dry with a towel. Salt and pepper the liver, then roll each piece in flour and fry in a frying pan with hot oil on both sides for three minutes. If the piece is larger than needed, you can fry it for five minutes. When the liver is ready, it is placed on a plate and decorated with herbs and a piece of butter, which, when melted, gives the liver a special mild taste.

with oranges

  • Half a kilo of liver;
  • A couple of spoons of mustard;
  • Flour;
  • Oil for frying;
  • Salt and pepper;
  • Ground ginger;
  • Dry red wine one hundred milliliters;
  • A piece of butter;
  • Two oranges.

We manually clean the liver from the film and use a knife to remove unnecessary veins, veins and pieces of muscle. Cut into portions less than one centimeter thick, grease each piece with mustard, which will make it even softer. Before frying beef liver, roll it in small quantity flour and fry in a frying pan for two minutes on high heat and another three minutes on low under the lid. Then we take out the liver, and pour half a glass of cold water into this frying pan, bring to a boil and strain through cheesecloth. We cut one orange into neat rings, and put the second orange through a juicer. Mix water with butter with juice and wine, keep on low heat, without letting it boil, for about five minutes. I put the liver pieces on a plate and decorate them, you can serve them separately or pour them over the liver.

Secrets and tips for cooking beef liver

  • It can not only be fried, but also stewed. How long does it take to stew beef liver? In fact, you need to simmer it exactly as long as you fry it; if you simmer it over high heat, then five minutes, maximum seven, will be enough;
  • It will be tender and soft if it is soaked in milk before frying;
  • Pre-marinated in mustard, it will also become softer;
  • It needs to be salted at the very end, and peppered first, black ground pepper removes unpleasant odor;
  • The offal rolled in flour cooks quickly and does not become hard.

In this article, we tried to tell you how to fry beef liver, as well as the best seasonings to add and methods to use to make it softer and tastier. This valuable product for our body is best consumed once a week.

The benefits of liver and the stunning taste of dishes made from it are no secret to anyone. The easiest and fastest way to prepare is pork, chicken or beef liver, fried with onions. The recipe in its simplest form is probably known to everyone. However, despite its simplicity, not always a novice cook can boast of a worthy result - secrets, tricks and subtleties exist in the preparation of any dish. This article reveals the secrets and offers options for more complex (but also more delicious!) dishes from fried liver.

Just liver and onions

The dish is amazingly primitive if you know how to cook it. with onions, will remain soft if two conditions are met:

  1. Do not keep it in the pan for a long time. That is, fry over high heat.
  2. Salt at the very end. Salt causes the offal to tan and become tough if you add it at the beginning of cooking.

If you are preparing the most ordinary, without any frills, fried beef liver with onions, the recipe instructs you to wash the offal well and remove all kinds of films from it. Then it is cut into small sticks, each of them is dipped in flour and quickly fried. As soon as the side is browned, the piece is turned over and the browned side is salted. When the slices are ready, they are transferred to a plate and added with salt, and onion half rings are placed in the vacated frying pan. Once golden, place on the liver and keep covered for five minutes.

Venetian-style liver

The preparation method is much more complicated and additional components will be required. But the result is very tender and juicy beef liver, fried with onions. The step-by-step recipe looks like this.

  1. Mix olive oil and butter in equal quantities.
  2. When the mixture is heated, the chopped onion is fried in it. It can be cut arbitrarily, as you like - into cubes or half rings.
  3. As soon as the onion is browned, small pieces of liver (about a quarter of a kilogram) are tossed into it; over fairly high heat they are fried on all sides.
  4. Having achieved a pronounced blush, pour in a glass of broth and the juice of half a lemon.
  5. After about five minutes of stewing, chopped parsley is poured in, and the frying pan is immediately removed from the stove.

Already when serving, the liver can be sprinkled with onions and zest. IN additional spices it doesn’t need it - and so it turns out aromatic and tasty.

Fried liver in sour cream

Sour cream is an indispensable component for preparing many meat dishes. Beef liver fried with onions is also good. The recipe suggests soaking small pieces of liver in milk for half an hour (not necessary, but it tastes better) and beating very lightly. Each slice (in the case described, not breaded in any way) is very quickly fried, salted and peppered. In a separate frying pan, a large amount of onion is fried until a tasty color. Each slice of offal is topped with a pile of golden fried meat and a spoonful of sour cream. Then you can finish frying on the stove under the lid, or you can put it on a sheet and finish baking for about a quarter of an hour.

Apple and onion recipe

You won’t surprise anyone with sour cream. But this version can amaze even cooks with great imagination. Fried beef liver with onions turns out even more airy, the recipe of which is supplemented with apples. It’s nice that it requires almost no additional movements from the cook. A pound of offal (washed and peeled, of course) is quickly fried until there is no bleeding when pierced. Placed in a frying pan large slices two apples (without seeds, but with peel). After three minutes of frying together, add two coarsely chopped onions and add pepper and salt. After about five minutes you can serve it for dinner.

Liver in soy sauce

For this delicacy, the offal must be cut into cubes and soaked in soy sauce for ten minutes. During this time, the oil in the frying pan will have time to heat up. Thanks to marinating, a very soft and unusual beef liver is obtained, fried with onions. The recipe also includes pickled garlic - best in sour cream and honey, but any other will do. You only need a little bit of it, just two slices. IN as a last resort And you can take a fresh one, just be prepared for the smell to be more pungent. The liver is fried quickly; In parallel, two medium-sized chopped onions are sprinkled with a spoon of sugar. When the liver is almost ready, add onion. Over high heat, it quickly caramelizes and gives the finished dish an indescribable charm.

Even those who don’t particularly appreciate offal will certainly enjoy beef liver fried with onions. The recipe (any of the proposed ones) can be improved! Good luck with your culinary experiments.

It will be useful for any housewife to know how to cook liver, because this is a product beloved by many, characterized by its beneficial composition and high nutritional value. The variety of offal dishes excites the imagination, so it’s worth learning how to cook the most delicious of them to amaze guests at a holiday or household members on weekdays.

Secrets of cooking liver

For most cooks, cooking liver is complex process, but this is due to inability to select and process the product. You should find out how to cook the liver so that it turns out soft - pour milk or soda solution. The variety of options that can be prepared from the liver is great - there are also simple dishes like salads, snacks in the form of pates, cakes or pancakes with gravy.

As second courses, you can prepare roast, stewed liver with vegetables, potatoes, and mushrooms. It can be fried, stewed, baked or boiled, and then twisted. You can use pork, beef or poultry liver; the instructions will tell you how to make each of them. The types of offal have a rich taste with light notes of tenderness and a specific aroma. How to make delicious snacks quickly and tasty, read below.

How to choose the right liver

It will be important for any cook to choose a liver to make delicious food at home. Any fresh product is characterized by a pleasant sweetish aroma, absence of damage, large vessels, elastic and smooth surface:

  • Chicken liver is brown-burgundy in color with a shiny surface and a sweetish aroma. Frozen offal should not be orange and have a thick layer of glaze.
  • Veal liver is light brown in color, moist, elastic consistency, without a gray coating.
  • Beef liver has the color of ripe cherry with scarlet blood and notes of a sweet smell, a white film that easily separates from the main meat.
  • Pork liver is brown in color, with a smooth surface without spots.

How long to cook the liver

How long the liver is cooked depends on the type and processing of the offal. You need to simmer the liver for no more than 20 minutes - fry with onions and pour sour cream for taste. If frying is intended, it is recommended to cook chicken liver for 10 minutes, pork liver, which must first be soaked in milk or water, for 20 minutes, and beef liver for 10 minutes. For uniform frying or stewing, cooks are advised to first cut a large piece into thin slices.

Liver dishes - recipes with photos

Today it is not difficult for any cook to find necessary recipes from the liver. For this, it is better to choose a step-by-step recipe on how to cook liver, with visual illustrations, photo or video content. The variety of options for liver snacks is surprising - there are cutlets, cakes, baking in the oven, stewing in a slow cooker. It is good to combine the offal with juicy vegetables- carrots, onions, and pour sour cream or cream. A homemade liver recipe will be useful to everyone.

Liver cutlets recipe step by step

  • Cooking time: 30 min.
  • Number of servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 167 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Kitchen: author's.

It is quick to prepare liver cutlets, which are perfect for lunch or dinner if served with mashed potatoes or porridge, noodles and sauce. Fresh vegetables also go well as a side dish for cutlets made from any type of liver. For a child, chicken liver is suitable, and for an adult - pork or beef, first soaked in milk.


  • liver – 0.75 kg;
  • onion – 20 g;
  • carrots – 40 g;
  • eggs – 70 g;
  • potato starch – 25 g;
  • Sunflower oil – 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the liver with onions and carrots, add eggs and starch.
  2. Fry in a greased frying pan on both sides until golden brown.

Liver cake - recipe with photo

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 308 kcal.
  • Purpose: for a snack.
  • Kitchen: author's.

As hearty snack the recipe will do how to make liver cake. It looks like a real confectionery masterpiece, but in fact it becomes a meat food that is perfect for the holiday table. Guests will be surprised when they see it in front of them, and will be even more amazed by the rich, mouth-watering taste amazing food. To get a well-soaked dish, put it in the refrigerator for 6 hours before serving.


  • hard cheese – 50 g;
  • wheat flour - glass;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • milk - a glass;
  • pork liver – half a kilo;
  • sunflower oil – 50 ml;
  • mayonnaise – 2 packets;
  • dill – 10 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the liver from the film, grind it in a blender, add flour, eggs, and salt.
  2. Pour in milk to obtain a thick dough. Prepare several cakes in a frying pan.
  3. Grease the cakes with mayonnaise, fold into a cake, sprinkle with grated cheese and chopped dill.
  4. After 6 hours of infusion, serve, cutting into portions.

Chicken liver soup

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 64 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Kitchen: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Chicken liver soup is nourishing but dietary, which is good to serve on the dinner table if you are losing weight. To make the first one satisfy even a child, you should take chicken liver, which is more tender in consistency. Added zucchini, cauliflower and potatoes add benefits and vitamins to the food, and boiled potatoes give the desired thickness. rice cereal. Making such a puree soup is not so easy.


  • potatoes – 200 g;
  • zucchini – ½ piece;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • cauliflower – 0.3 kg;
  • rice – 40 g;
  • chicken liver – 150 g;
  • olive oil – 20 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the liver in salted water for 10 minutes, grind with a blender.
  2. Boil potatoes, carrots, rice, cauliflower, zucchini for half an hour. Grind with a blender.
  3. Combine both masses, boil slowly, season with olive oil and salt.
  4. If desired, you can use beef broth for dilution. thick soup or add cream to it.

Chicken liver fried in sour cream

  • Cooking time: 40 min.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 146 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Kitchen: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Chicken liver fried with onions in sour cream is considered traditional for many families. This hearty second course perfectly nourishes the body, gives strength and energy. The liver in this design is best combined with simple side dishes– rice, buckwheat, pearl barley, it is easy to prepare in a dietary way with vegetables. The pronounced meat taste with the creaminess of sour cream is offset by the sharpness of the onion.


  • chicken liver – 1 kg;
  • onion – 50 g;
  • sour cream - a glass;
  • vegetable oil – 30 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop the onion, fry in oil until golden, add the liver, stirring, and bring until half cooked.
  2. Season with sour cream, salt, simmer for 20 minutes.

Liver salad recipe

  • Cooking time: 30 min.
  • Number of servings: 7 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 115 kcal.
  • Purpose: for a snack.
  • Kitchen: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

An experienced housewife can quickly prepare a salad with liver, which has a rich taste due to the combination of mushrooms, beans and traditional vegetables. It can be served warm or hot, but even when cooled it is very tasty and does not lose its benefits. Refueling can be classic mayonnaise, low-fat sour cream or natural yogurt with garlic and chopped herbs.


  • red beans – 200 g;
  • chicken liver – half a kilo;
  • onion – 150 g;
  • carrots – 200 g;
  • vegetable oil – 20 ml;
  • canned champignons – 150 g;
  • sour cream – 75 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop the onion into cubes, grate the carrots, and fry in a frying pan with butter.
  2. Boil the liver and beans separately, cut the meat into strips.
  3. Chop the mushrooms and mix all the ingredients.
  4. Season with salt, sour cream and pepper.

Stroganoff-style liver in a slow cooker

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 130 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

A traditional recipe for Russian cuisine is the preparation of liver Stroganov style, which has been popular for several centuries. Modern housewives have gained an advantage in preparing snacks thanks to the presence of a multicooker, which will make the food ideal in consistency, prevent it from burning and retain all the juiciness and aromas of the added spices.


  • beef liver – 0.75 kg;
  • milk – 2 tbsp.;
  • sour cream - a glass;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • green onions– bundle;
  • dill - a bunch.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the liver into strips, pour in milk, drain after 35 minutes.
  2. Cut the onions into rings, fry in multi-cook mode at 160 degrees for 5 minutes. Add the liver, stirring, cook for 6 minutes, pour in sour cream.
  3. Bring until soft, add salt and pepper. Garnish with chopped herbs.

Beef liver recipe in a frying pan

  • Cooking time: 35 min.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 188 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Kitchen: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: simple.

Another classic recipe is to cook beef liver in a frying pan, which turns out evenly cooked and delicious. This option refers to the fact that something delicious can be prepared from the liver to please all family members or even surprise guests by serving them such a snack directly in a small-diameter frying pan. The liver recipe will tell you about the secrets of making a homemade dish.


  • beef liver – 0.6-0.7 kg;
  • onion – 40 g;
  • olive oil – 60 ml;
  • flour – 40 g;
  • garlic – 5 cloves.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the liver into pieces, beat through cling film, pepper, roll in flour, fry on each side for 2 minutes, add salt.
  2. In the same oil, fry chopped onion with crushed garlic, place the liver on top, and leave to brew under the lid for 5 minutes.

Boiled liver pate

  • Cooking time: 45 min.
  • Number of servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 215 kcal.
  • Purpose: for a snack.
  • Kitchen: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Boiled beef liver pate will be a tasty spread on sandwiches. It can be eaten with rye or wheat bread as a snack or as a snack for tea or coffee in the morning for breakfast. For a child, this option will be doubly useful - it will saturate the body with vitamins and energize the child for the upcoming school day. right and how to do it homemade pate from it for snacks, the recipe will tell you.


  • beef liver – 0.55 kg;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • butter – 200 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the liver for 10 minutes in cold water, changing it a couple of times to release the bitterness.
  2. Boil the carrots, chop the onion and fry until golden brown.
  3. Rinse the liver, cook for 15 minutes, cool, remove the ducts and film.
  4. Mix all ingredients and grind through a meat grinder twice. Salt and pepper.

Liver with mushrooms in sour cream sauce

  • Cooking time: 30 min.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 105 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Kitchen: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

To make a soft liver with sour cream sauce, it is poured with rich sour cream or cream, stewed with spices and mushrooms. It turns out to be an incredibly tasty snack that goes well with mashed potatoes, boiled pasta or cereals. Cook it best chicken by-product, because it turns out to be exquisitely tender and not so high in calories.


  • chicken liver – 0.6 kg;
  • champignons – 200 g;
  • onion – 200 g;
  • water – 50 ml;
  • carrots – 100 g;
  • sour cream – 250 ml;
  • flour – 40 g;
  • hops-suneli – 10 g;
  • dill – 30 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat a frying pan, fry chopped onions, mushroom slices, grated carrots until the moisture evaporates.
  2. Add the liver, after 5 minutes season with salt, spices, and flour. Pour in sour cream and water, add chopped dill. Simmer for 15 minutes.

Liver with potatoes in the oven

  • Cooking time: 1.5 hours.
  • Number of servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 71 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Kitchen: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

The liver baked in the oven along with potatoes and other vegetables turns out tasty and aromatic. It’s easy to prepare a 2-in-1 dish – a side dish and a main dish – in less than an hour, excluding soaking. Any vegetables are suitable for a side dish - onions, zucchini, carrots. If desired, you can add green beans, eggplants and tomatoes. To get an appetizing crust, you can sprinkle the food with cheese crumbs when ready.


  • chicken liver – 0.25 kg;
  • potatoes – 200 g;
  • zucchini – 200 g;
  • carrots – 100 g;
  • onion – 50 g;
  • water – 250 ml;
  • milk – half a glass;
  • sunflower oil– 20 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour milk over the liver for an hour.
  2. Cut the onion and zucchini into cubes, slice the potatoes, grate the carrots.
  3. Lightly fry all the vegetables, add the liver. After a few minutes of frying, add water, salt and pepper, and close with a lid.
  4. Place in the oven for 25 minutes at 195 degrees.

The main question for cooks is how to cook liver deliciously so that it turns out soft and without bitterness. Chefs with extensive experience in cooking offer the following secrets on how to properly prepare offal:

  1. Soaking in milk, sour cream, kefir for an hour or in a weak solution of soda and water for 2-3 hours will help remove the bitterness and specific taste of the liver.
  2. To prevent the product from being hard, dry and rubbery, you need to salt it at the end.
  3. Before boiling, beef liver must be cleared of film - rinsed cold water, pour warm for a couple of minutes, make a cut in the film and separate with your thumb.
  4. pork wrap It's even easier to remove because it's thin. The offal is washed, scalded with boiling water, and after cutting, the film is removed from one side with your fingers.
  5. Large veins and vessels can impart bitterness. It will help to remove them sharp knife, which must be positioned along the vessels and ducts.
  6. For tenderness and softness of the liver pieces, it is better to prepare them thinly sliced, up to 1.5 cm thick.
  7. You can prepare juicy liver by frying for 5 minutes on each side in a well-heated frying pan. To get an appetizing crust, the pieces are rolled in flour.
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Perhaps only the lazy did not talk about the benefits of offal. How much delicious dishes you can cook with them! Today we will look at how to fry beef liver so that it turns out tender and juicy. We offer a selection of several simple recipes.

Cooking lesson from experienced chefs

How to properly fry beef liver? There are a few simple secrets here:

  • When frying offal, you need to use a breading mixture, for example, sifted flour or crackers. Then the liver will be soft inside.
  • How long does it take to fry beef liver? The rule is simple: the less time the offal is fried, the softer and tastier it will be. The main thing is not to overcook the liver, as it will become covered with a very thick crust.
  • If there are no tomatoes, add tomato paste or thick juice to the dish.
  • Add a little freshly squeezed lemon juice to the marinade or breading mixture. This will help preserve the juiciness of the offal and give the dish a spicy note.
  • It is better to soak the liver in purified water or milk before frying.

Classic and simplest recipe

First, let's look at how to properly fry beef liver with onions. This recipe has long been considered a classic and is very easy to make.


  • 0.5 kg beef liver;
  • 1-2 onions;
  • ½ tsp. table salt;
  • sifted flour;
  • purified vegetable oil.


Advice! To make it easier to remove the film and cut the liver, lightly freeze it. There is another secret - pour boiling water over the offal.

On a note! You can complement the taste of fried liver sour cream sauce and a variety of vegetables.

Tender and juicy liver chops

How to fry beef liver so that it is soft? Try to cook flavorful and juicy chops. The recipe is simple and you can make it in minutes. delicious lunch or dinner.

Advice! Since the liver will need to be beaten off, it should not be completely thawed. Frozen offal is easier to work with.


  • 0.5 kg beef liver;
  • 1-2 eggs;
  • sifted flour;
  • salt;
  • refined vegetable oil;
  • ground black pepper.


Attention! Checking whether the liver chops are ready is simple: pierce them with a fork. If clear juice is released without bloody impurities, then the dish is ready.

Grill steaks with spicy sauce

Let's look at one more interesting way how to fry beef liver in a frying pan. The highlight of this dish is the sauce made from onions and bacon. This dish is best served with a potato side dish.


  • 0.5 kg beef liver;
  • 50-70 g bacon;
  • 1-2 onions;
  • ½ tbsp. sifted flour;
  • salt;
  • milk;
  • ground black and cayenne pepper;
  • 30 g soft butter;
  • refined vegetable oil;
  • 1 tbsp. purified water;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. guilt.


Attention! You only need a little oil as the bacon will release fat.

The secret of this dish lies in the mustard, which we will use to grease the liver pieces right in the frying pan. Mustard will work a real miracle even with the most delicate offal.


  • ¼ tbsp. sifted flour;
  • 0.5 kg beef liver;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • 2 tbsp. l. purified vegetable oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. soft butter;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. any mustard.


  1. Wash the offal, dry it and cut it into pieces 1 cm thick.
  2. Sift the flour and mix with ground pepper and salt.
  3. Dredge each piece of liver in flour on all sides.
  4. In a frying pan, heat the vegetable oil and butter.
  5. Fry the liver pieces until golden.
  6. Then grease them on both sides with mustard. Fry for another 2-3 minutes on each side.
  7. This liver goes harmoniously with mint sauce, potatoes and tomatoes.

Among many, many shashlik recipes, liver shish kebab recipes rightfully occupy their special place. When properly prepared, such kebab turns out surprisingly juicy, aromatic, tender and excitingly unusual. Thanks to his bright taste and its special piquancy, liver kebab has gained enormous popularity in many countries around the world. The hero of our story today enjoys special love in Egypt and Uzbekistan. Ask the residents of Tashkent where you can try the most delicious dumba-jigar, and they will immediately name a dozen kebab shops where this delicacy is best prepared. But Russian picnic lovers undeservedly ignore this kebab. And completely in vain. Try this dish just once and it will definitely become one of your favorites. Today we will tell you how to cook liver kebab.

As is the case with any other truly folk and popular dish, there are very, very many recipes for liver shish kebab. In every country, in every city, and maybe in every home, such kebab is prepared in its own way. For example, in Egypt, pieces of liver are pre-marinated with spices and tamarind or lemon, and in Uzbekistan, pieces of liver are arranged in pieces lamb fat. Soy sauce and a little garlic will give your kebab a magical aroma Chinese cuisine, but fresh spices and olive oil will remind you of the Mediterranean.

Despite the apparent simplicity of preparation, liver kebab, like any other kebab, requires knowledge of some secrets and tricks. We should not forget that the liver is one of the most capricious meat products. A little inattention or haste, and instead of tender and juicy kebab you risk getting a skewer with dry and tasteless pieces of overcooked liver.

But no need to worry! Today “Culinary Eden” has collected and prepared for you the most necessary and important tips, secrets and recipes that will definitely help you prepare truly delicious and aromatic dish and will tell even the most inexperienced picnic lovers how to cook liver kebab.

1. The most delicious kebab comes from beef, and even better from veal liver, although also from pork and even chicken liver you can prepare an excellently tasty and aromatic dish. In order for your kebab to turn out truly juicy and tender, it is very important to choose the right liver. Fresh, unfrozen liver is best, because such a product is most convenient to carefully examine, check and smell. In addition, a liver that has not been frozen fully retains all its taste qualities, and dishes from it turn out noticeably softer and juicier. If for some reason you have to use frozen liver for your barbecue, then try to be as careful as possible about the process of defrosting it. Defrost the liver at a temperature no higher than +5⁰, placing it in a deep bowl, covered with a lid or cling film. Long-term defrosting at a low temperature will allow you to preserve the taste of the liver as fully as possible.

2. When choosing fresh beef or veal liver, pay attention to its color, density and smell. The color of the liver should be even, red, without spots. Too light or, on the contrary, too dark color of the liver will tell you that it is not fresh enough or has not been stored properly. The surface of a good fresh liver should be even, smooth, and when cut, the liver should be slightly rough, and in no case too wet. The front part of the liver, which contains fewer large vessels and veins, is best suited for barbecue. Be sure to smell the liver before purchasing! Fresh liver has a pleasant sweetish smell. Any unpleasant odors should make you refuse to buy - a tasty kebab will not come out of such a liver.

3. Traditionally, the most delicious is considered to be liver kebab, fried over vine coals, which impart a special enchanting aroma to this dish. But, alas, it is almost impossible to extract such coals in the conditions of central Russia. And here coals from birch, aspen or apple logs will come to our aid, and also better mixture such coals. You can also use ready-made coals, sold in any supermarket, just make sure that they are not soaked in special liquids that help light your coals easily, but often spoil dishes cooked on them with extraneous chemical odors.

4. When preparing liver kebabs, it is very important to carefully monitor the frying time, because liver dishes are very easy to dry out. Traditionally, there are two degrees of readiness for liver kebab - with blood and without. It is very easy to determine the degree of readiness; just make a deep cut on one of the pieces. The main thing is that even if you like barbecue with blood, the blood flowing from a piece of liver should be completely transparent, without a hint of turbidity - just clear, slightly reddish meat juice. If you like well-fried kebab, be careful and try not to let it dry out. Cooking time for well done but still juicy and tender kebab from the liver does not exceed 15 - 17 minutes.

5. Let's try to cook a real Uzbek dumba-jigar - liver kebab with lamb fat. 500 gr. Rinse fresh beef liver thoroughly, remove film and ducts, chop into pieces 4 by 4 cm and place in a bowl. Add 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of cumin and 2 tbsp. spoons of finely chopped green cilantro. Mix everything thoroughly and leave in a cool place for 15 minutes. 300 gr. Cut the lamb fat into cubes slightly smaller than the liver pieces. Thread pieces of liver onto skewers, alternating them with pieces of lamb fat. Grill over coals for 10 - 15 minutes. Serve with salad fresh onions and greenery.

6. Lamb liver shish kebab in a casserole is very tasty. Don’t be alarmed, the seal is easy to buy at any market, in the meat aisles. 500 gr. chopped lamb liver in large pieces. Spread a small piece of omentum, place a piece of liver in the center, salt, sprinkle with cumin or cumin, add one or two rings hot pepper and a sprig of cilantro. Carefully wrap the spiced liver in an omentum. Repeat the operation with all remaining liver pieces. Place the prepared liver in a bowl, add three onions cut into rings and 30 g. chopped green cilantro. Mix very carefully and leave in a cool place for 1 - 2 hours. Thread the liver pieces in a casing onto skewers and fry over coals for 10 - 15 minutes. Serve with hot sauce and fresh vegetables.

7. Shish kebab made from liver aged in wine marinade. 500 gr. Rinse the beef liver, remove films and ducts, cut into large pieces and place in a bowl for marinating. Prepare the marinade separately. Mix 200 ml. dry white wine, 100 ml. olive oil, 50 ml. lemon juice, ½ teaspoon black pepper and ½ teaspoon ground coriander. Cut two large onions into rings, sprinkle with coarse salt and lightly crush with your hands until the juice releases. Mix the liver and onion, pour in the marinade and mix everything thoroughly again. Leave the liver prepared in this way in a cool place for 10 - 12 hours to marinate. Grill over coals as usual. Serve with pickled vegetables or vegetable salsa.

8. Shish kebab made from veal liver soaked in spicy oil turns out to be very juicy and soft. 450 gr. Clean the veal liver from films and ducts and chop into small pieces. In a deep frying pan, heat 8 tbsp to 50⁰. spoons of vegetable oil, add to it ½ teaspoon of cumin, ½ teaspoon of hot pepper, ½ teaspoon of ground paprika and mix thoroughly. Then add to spiced oil pieces of liver, salt to taste, mix again and leave warm for 30 minutes. Thread the pieces of liver prepared in this way onto skewers, alternating them with halves of onions and pieces of sweet pepper. Grill over coals as usual. Serve garnished with fresh herbs and lemon slices.

9. Shish kebab made from liver and apples will delight you with its bright aroma And delicate taste. Peel one kilogram of beef liver from films and ducts and cut into small pieces. Core two large Antonov apples. Grate one apple coarse grater, cut the other into large pieces, slightly smaller than liver pieces. Place apple slices and applesauce in a marinating bowl, add two onions, cut into slices, liver, 4 tbsp. spoons soy sauce, 1 tbsp. spoon apple cider vinegar, ½ glass of water and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped parsley. Mix everything thoroughly and leave in a cool place for one hour. Thread the liver pieces onto skewers, alternating them with apple slices and onion rings. Grill over coals as usual.

10. Original Belgian recipe will allow you not only to enjoy the delicate taste of juicy kebab, but also to surprise your friends with its unusual appearance. Rinse one kilogram of veal liver thoroughly, remove films and ducts and cut into long strips 4 cm wide and 1 cm thick. Mix one glass of sour cream with ½ teaspoon of black pepper, 1 teaspoon of ground coriander and 1 tbsp. spoon of chopped parsley. Carefully beat each strip of liver, add salt to taste, brush with sour cream and spices and roll up. Thread the finished rolls onto skewers, brush the top with the remaining sour cream and fry over coals until cooked. Serve with boiled rice and a salad of fresh vegetables.

And on the pages of “Culinary Eden” you can always find even more proven recipes that will definitely tell you how to cook liver kebab.