How to remove the film from the pork liver. Film removal methods

The insides of the bird have long been a product from which modern culinary specialists prepare many mouth-watering and even healthy dishes. The liver is especially valued - it contains a lot of vitamins that a person needs, that's just how to clean a chicken liver, because this is a rather specific ingredient in our kitchens. more cooking!

Do I need to clean the chicken liver before cooking

Some hostesses make an unpleasant oversight - they simply wash the chicken liver, and then immediately start cooking it. But if it is not pre-processed and cleaned, then any dishes with such a product will almost certainly come out tasteless - bitter, and even with fibers that are difficult to chew.

Of course, it is unlikely that anyone will like such a treat, so there is an opinion among the people that chicken liver is completely tasteless. But this is absolutely not true.

Poultry giblets have a delicate taste, they are healthy and even considered dietary. From the liver of a chicken, you can easily cook minced meat for cutlets, you can make a filling for delicious pies, or even bake a real pie. You can also fry the liver in a pan in oil, use it instead of ordinary meat in a number of recipes that we offer to our readers.

The most important thing is to properly prepare the offal. Then any treat will come out well and no one will dare to say that the chicken liver does not have a pleasant taste.

How to remove the film from chicken liver

The very first difficulty that occurs on the way of an inexperienced cook who has taken up chicken offal is ugly and elastic films on the surface of organs. If not removed, they can become even tougher after cooking. So the question of whether they should be removed is not worth it - definitely, it is necessary.

  • The easiest way to remove an ugly white film from a fresh liver is if it is pre-processed.
  • Do not try to immediately remove this protective pleura from the offal - this is unlikely to succeed, just waste your time.
  • To quickly rid the most useful internal organ of a bird from this membrane, simply scald it with boiling water.
  • You can also dip the chicken liver in a pot of hot water for a few seconds - this works just as well.
  • After you have treated the offal with boiling water, the film will be removed from the surface of the meat much easier and easier.
  • To do this, it is slightly incised, so that it is more convenient to pick it up from one edge. And then they pull it off at an angle up and to the side, trying not to damage the integrity of the film.
  • If it still leaves very badly, then you haven’t scalded the liver enough, repeat this procedure again.

How to completely rid chicken liver of bitterness

But removing the films from the liver of a chicken is far from all. After that, it should be examined from all sides and look for blood clots. If they are, they are carefully removed or cut out.

The fact is that any blood clots remaining in the chicken liver are a potential bitterness in the dish, since clotted hepatic blood has an unpleasant taste and is very bitter due to the bile produced by this organ. So all clots, visible wreaths or just blood stains must be removed.

Next, the liver is placed in a container with cold, salted ordinary edible salt water. This trick will help draw out the remaining bitterness from the liver, so that there will simply be no unpleasant aftertaste in the offal.

Remember that the liver should be soaked only in cold water, and for at least 15-20 minutes, to ensure that all the bitterness is removed from the meat.

After this procedure, the chicken liver is washed in cold water and you can already cook dishes with it. How to do it correctly, see our article.

How to make chicken offal tastier and get rid of the typical unpleasant aftertaste

If someone in your house does not recognize the liver and does not eat any dishes based on it, you can confuse the picky gourmet if you thoroughly clean and soak the product, and then marinate it for a short time.

For this, the simplest ingredients that are usually found in any kitchen will fit.

  • First of all, the favorite in improving the taste of chicken liver is the usual onion. If you chop it finely and add it to the pan to the fried liver, its taste will noticeably improve, and the specific smell of offal will almost disappear.
  • Onion frying can also be added to cutlets and meatballs from poultry liver. In minced meat, you can pour both an already fried onion, and raw, pre-ground in a meat grinder. For a detailed master class on how to quickly cut onions, see the video of our chef.

  • Often saves the situation and fresh herbs - especially parsley. It masks the liver taste well. And do not forget about the "standard spices" - ground black pepper dishes from poultry offal will only benefit.
  • You can also marinate the liver in your favorite brine for half an hour or in a sour sauce to make it more tender, juicier and more aromatic.

Now you not only know how to clean chicken liver, but you will also be able to cook such dishes from it that will surely please the most picky guests.

Beef liver is healthy and tasty, many people are also partial to pork liver. However, despite the love for this offal, not all housewives cook it. Someone is stopped by the price, a good beef liver from private traders sometimes costs more than pulp. But most housewives do not like the preparatory process, which includes removing the film and removing the white bile ducts. It also stops the fact that the liver often turns out to be hard and dry. One of the reasons for this problem is improper preparation of the product.

So, first of all, you should get rid of the tightly adhering translucent film covering the surface of the liver. Many simply hook it with a knife and tear it off. This is fast, but part of the liver itself is removed along with the film. It happens that this method does not work, or the film does not come off well, or it often breaks and you have to pry it with a knife again and again. The structure of the liver is delicate, as a result of such actions with a sharp weapon, it is easy to damage it.

We will return to the issue of removing the film later, but for now we will learn how to choose the right liver, since even the most skilled chef cannot cook an initially poor-quality product.

Rules for choosing beef / pork liver:

Fresh liver has a slightly sweet smell, and poor-quality offal gives off an unpleasant acid;

It is important to pay attention to the color: high-quality beef liver can be identified by the rich color of ripe cherries, giving off a slight brownish tint. Pork offal is an order of magnitude lighter;

If you press your finger on the liver, then the resulting hole should quickly return to its original position;

The surface must be clean and free of any damage or stains.

How to remove the film from beef liver


The film is rubbed with coarse salt, after which it is also removed from the edge with a fingernail or knife and removed. The withdrawal process should go faster.

Removing the Film from Frozen Liver

It was mentioned above that vitamins are lost as a result of freezing, but sometimes a food supply is indispensable in the house. As a result, a frozen offal is available.

It is recommended to act without waiting for defrosting. To begin with, the liver is transferred from the freezer to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, where a slow thawing process will begin. A little more and you can remove the film. To help, a sharp knife is used to pry off the film and calmly remove it (it quickly comes off the frozen liver).

By the way, fresh liver can be frozen by holding it for half an hour in the freezer. During this time, the vitamins will not have time to collapse, and the by-product will reach a condition convenient for easy removal of the film.

Lemon juice

The process is identical to the salt method, only in this case the surface of the liver is rubbed with lemon juice, and then after a couple of minutes the film is removed without much effort and damage to the structure of the product. By the way, such a lemon “massage” will benefit the liver, it will turn out to be more tender.

How to remove the film from the pork liver

The film with pork liver is not easy to pry with a knife, because it is very thin, almost transparent.

What to do? Washed pork liver under running water is laid out in a clean bowl and poured with hot water. After 15 seconds, the offal is taken out, laid out on a cutting board, and immediately the film should be carefully removed from the uncooled liver.

This method is also suitable for beef liver, only in hot water it remains for 3 minutes.

There is another way to remove the film from pork liver, which will also improve the taste of the future dish from this product. The method consists in pre-soaking in milk, which will help to easily get rid of the film and soften the liver fibers. To process a kilogram of pork liver, half a liter of milk is required.

The liver washed under running water should be lowered into a deep bowl filled with milk. After a two-hour bath, the liver is removed and dipped in a paper towel. Film removal shouldn't be a problem.

In addition, milk will remove the characteristic bitterness of pork liver, which repels many eaters. Although due to its composition, this product is very useful for the body.

Bitterness from pork liver can also be removed with soda. The offal is cut into portions and sprinkled with baking soda. The pieces should be mixed and left for 1 hour, after which they are washed under running cold water, dried with a paper towel and fried in a pan or used to prepare any dishes.

The liver is an unthinkably suitable and appetizing offal. Chicken, beef and pork liver contain a huge number of different minerals, vitamins and amino acids.

The benefits of liver

Especially this product is rich in iron, which is so necessary for children and pregnant women. Expectant mothers are also obliged to eat as much as possible more appetizing and suitable dishes from the liver, from the fact that it contains a significant amount of folic acid.

Only one lobe of the liver contains the daily intake of vitamin A necessary for an adult, the one that is very important for the treatment and prevention of urolithiasis. It also contains an unimaginably useful substance - heparin, which keeps blood clotting normal. This quality of this product can be very significant for people prone to myocardial infarction. Meanwhile, many people do not eat liver because of its specific taste and smell.

If you cook this appetizing and suitable offal correctly, even small children will ask you for more. Not all housewives know how to cook a liver. In particular, some of them do not know that it is imperative to remove the film from it, as well as scrupulously clean it from the bile ducts.

In this article, we will tell you how to remove the film from the liver, so that any dish you cook is unimaginably appetizing.

How easy is it to remove the film from beef liver?

It’s easier for everyone to remove the film from a large frozen piece. To do this, it must be cool to rinse with warm water or briefly put in boiling water. After a short interval of time, the upper film will melt, while the product itself will remain frozen, and it will be allowed to remove it very quickly by primitively prying it with a knife and pulling it towards you.

If you are using a piece of chilled beef liver, use the following tips:

  • The liver can be scalded in advance with boiling water. After that, you need to make a small incision with a sharp knife, put a large finger under the film and carefully separate it, helping with the rest of your fingers;
  • In addition, to simplify cleaning, it is allowed to sprinkle the raw product with large table salt, or dip your fingers in it. So the film will slip out of the hands less. In addition, table salt will be able to save your dish from the unpleasant sadness that this offal occasionally gives during cooking;
  • Some housewives, before starting to cook, do a “contrast shower”. In this case, you need to put a piece in ice water for a few minutes, and then immediately pour boiling water over it. The reverse method is no less effective - first, briefly lower the liver into burning water, and then it must immediately be transferred to cold water. After that, it is enough to make an incision, slightly pull, - and, voila, the film is removed!

Is it necessary to strictly remove the film from the pork liver?

Pork liver is slightly different in structure from beef. The film that covers this offal is very thin, and its removal can cause important difficulties for housewives.

In this regard, many of them are wondering how and whether it is rigorous to remove the film from a piece of pork liver; tea is actually inconspicuous.

Meanwhile, if you ignore the film, any of your dishes can be hopelessly spoiled. In this case, the slices often turn out to be too hard, and if the bile ducts are not cut out, they can be very bitter. If the pork liver has huge streaks, it is better to first cut it into small pieces along the bile ducts. With small slices, it will be much easier to remove the film and veins.

Is it necessary to remove the film from the chicken liver?

Cooking chicken liver usually takes quite a bit of time. Dishes from this offal are very soft, and also unimaginably suitable. Even small children more often than anyone enjoy eating delicate pate or thin airy cutlets. Men usually choose a liver cake or different salads.

Meanwhile, the housewives often wonder how it is possible to remove the film from the chicken liver, the tea is too tiny, and it is actually not acceptable to pick it up with your fingers. In most cases, it is quite easy to remove large vessels and bile ducts, while the film can be left on.

If this product is soaked in milk for 1-2 hours in advance, any dish prepared from it will melt in your mouth. In this case, you will not need to spend a lot of time removing a thin, almost inconspicuous film.

How to choose the right liver?

All types of liver are identically suitable. Many mothers prefer chicken liver, because
it makes baby food that melts easily in your mouth. Meanwhile, from a piece of fresh pork or beef offal, it is also possible to easily prepare the most delicate pate or delicious liver pancakes.

Proper cleaning of this product is the key to preparing an incredibly soft and appetizing dish. However, in some cases, your food may be spoiled if you purchased a spoiled liver from a store or market.

When choosing this offal, strictly follow our recommendations:

  • despite the fact that a frozen piece is much easier to remove from the film, it is better to give preference to a chilled product;
  • choose smaller pieces, the larger the tea, the older the animal was;
  • the product should have a clear uniform color, it should not have dark crusts;
  • the surface of the piece should be smooth and elastic;
  • fresh liver has a nice sweetish aroma. A sour smell indicates that the product is spoiled.

In fact, preparing this offal is not at all difficult. After spending only a little time, you will get unimaginably appetizing and healthy dishes that will certainly appeal to every member of your household.

Delight your family more often with tender stewed liver, nutritious meatballs and a variety of spicy sauces.

The liver ranks first among meat products in terms of the content of vitamins, minerals and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Cooking liver dishes, as a rule, does not require significant time and effort. This product goes well with most vegetables, rice, nuts, dried fruits, berries and honey.

Recipes for the preparation of the liver, with all its apparent simplicity, are designed for the knowledge of certain subtleties of the preliminary processing of the product. In particular, almost any dish will turn out tender and tasty if you first clean the liver well from the film.

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Removing the film

There are several ways to remove the film from a piece of beef or pork liver quickly and without hassle. If the liver is fresh, it is recommended:

  • Put the washed piece in warm water for a few minutes;
  • Transfer the liver to a cutting board. With a sharp knife, cut a small section of the film on one side;
  • Gently grasp the film with your thumb. Using the rest of your fingers, carefully separate it from the whole piece and gradually remove it.

If the liver is frozen, you must:

  • Wash the piece well under running water;
  • Let the liver thaw a little. A short period of time will be enough for only the top film to defrost;
  • Hook it with a knife, grab it with your finger and remove it;
  • After removing the film and veins from a piece of liver, rinse it thoroughly again.

In addition, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • To facilitate the process of removing the film, you need to sprinkle a piece of liver with coarse table salt. You can pre-dip your fingers in salt;
  • The hostesses also say that the film will separate easily if the liver is soaked in milk for about an hour;
  • If the liver is with large streaks, then at first it is advisable to cut the piece into small slices. Each slice must be cut along the bile ducts and the veins and films removed with a sharp knife;
  • Pork liver can be pre-scalded with boiling water;
  • The liver of fish (cod, burbot) does not require the removal of films;
  • It will be enough to remove the bile ducts and large vessels from the chicken liver.

Liver selection

When buying a liver in a store or on the market, you should know what to look for first of all:

  • It is preferable to buy fresh liver than frozen;
  • The color of the liver should not be too light, dark or uneven;
  • The surface of a quality piece is smooth, elastic, without dry places;
  • Fresh liver smells nice, slightly sweet. A sour smell indicates that the product is spoiled.

BENEFITS OF LIVER DISHES This product is especially rich in iron, which is so necessary for children and pregnant women. Expectant mothers should also eat as many delicious and healthy liver dishes as possible, since it contains a significant amount of folic acid. Only one portion of the liver contains the daily intake of vitamin A necessary for an adult, which is very important for the treatment and prevention of urolithiasis. It also contains an incredibly useful substance - heparin, which keeps blood clotting normal. This property of this product can be very important for people prone to myocardial infarction. Meanwhile, many people do not eat liver because of its specific taste and smell. If you cook this tasty and healthy offal correctly, even small children will ask you for more. Not all housewives know how to cook a liver. In particular, some of them do not know that it is necessary to remove the film from it, and also carefully clean it from the bile ducts. In this article, we will tell you how to remove the film from the liver so that any dish you cook is incredibly tasty. HOW EASY TO REMOVE THE FILM FROM BEEF LIVER? The easiest way is to remove the film from a large frozen piece. To do this, it must be washed well with warm water or briefly put in boiling water. After a short period of time, the top film will melt, while the product itself will remain frozen, and it can be removed very quickly by simply prying it with a knife and pulling it towards you. If you are using a piece of chilled beef liver, use the following tips: You can pre-scald the liver with boiling water. Then, you need to make a small incision with a sharp knife, put your thumb under the film and carefully separate it, helping with the rest of your fingers; In addition, to facilitate cleaning, you can sprinkle the raw product with coarse table salt, or dip your fingers in it. So the film will slip out of the hands less. In addition, table salt can save your dish from the unpleasant bitterness that this offal sometimes gives during cooking; Some housewives, before starting to cook, do a “contrast shower”. In this case, you need to put a piece in ice water for a few minutes, and then immediately pour boiling water over it. The reverse method is no less effective - first, briefly lower the liver into hot water, and then it must immediately be transferred to cold water. After that, it is enough to make an incision, slightly pull, - and, voila, the film is removed! IS IT MANDATORY TO REMOVE THE FILM FROM PORK LIVER? Pork liver is slightly different in structure from beef. The film that covers this by-product is very thin, and its removal can cause serious difficulties for housewives.