Vegetable stew for multicooker. Vegetable stew in a slow cooker - several recipes for a delicious lunch

A bouquet of various vegetables stewed in a close vegetarian company is an ideal dietary dish. The energy value of such a stew, as a rule, is 25-30 kilocalories per hundred grams of the product. At the same time, it has an exceptionally rich vitamin and mineral composition. In addition, while passing through the digestive tract, they act as universal cleaners.

In tightly closed multicookers, the whole vegetable stew retains not only nutrients, but also the taste and aroma of all ingredients.

Let us consider in detail the methods of preparing vegetable stew in a slow cooker, a step-by-step recipe with a photo, the features of this process in kitchen appliances of leading brands, as well as the use of the resulting dish in a diet menu.

From a set of vegetables to a delicious stew

For the most fragrant, tasty and healthy dish, you will need high-quality ingredients:

  • Mature, best of all - grown in a country house or a private courtyard in environmentally friendly conditions.
  • Natural, not containing dyes, flavor enhancers and preservatives.
  • Water that has passed through the filter, purified, spring.

General Recipe:

  • Vegetables. The set is the most diverse, rich in season. The universal triple - , . To this trio, you can add almost any component from the vegetable category in various combinations -,. , green peas, green peas - fresh and frozen. , swede, squash, as well as root and assorted greens.
  • Glass of water.
  • - refined, odorless.
  • Salt and spices. Especially useful here are a variety of peppers and mixtures of spicy dried herbs.


  • Wash, peel and cut vegetables thoroughly. Onions - in squares or half rings, carrots - in cubes or thin strips, zucchini, potatoes and peppers - in cubes, chop ordinary cabbage, divide cauliflower. Frozen vegetables, if they are part of the stew, are washed with cold water, but not thawed.
  • For a strictly dietary dish, in the preparation of which frying is completely excluded, quite a bit of vegetable oil is poured into the cooking bowl and the prepared vegetables are laid out in such a way that onions are at the very bottom and carrots are on top of it. It is for these two vegetables that direct contact with oil is especially useful - the taste of onions improves, and the beneficial carotenes of carrots are dissolved and stored precisely in a fatty environment. The rest of the vegetable company is laid out in layers on top, sprinkled with spices and poured with water. Then close the lid and set the "Extinguishing" mode for an hour.
  • If the nature of the food allows frying, then carrots and onions are sautéed for no more than ten minutes in a small amount of refined vegetable oil, poured into a multicooker bowl. At the same time, the "Frying" or "Baking" mode is set. Then the rest of the vegetable ensemble joins the onions and carrots in layers, and the tomatoes, if they are included in the set, are located at the very top, and the potatoes occupy the middle-lower positions. Salt and spices are added in moderation, water is added and the stew is cooked for one and a half to two hours according to the “Stew” program or another suitable one - the specific name of the optimal mode depends on the model of kitchen appliances. The resulting dish does not belong to high-calorie - 100 g contains, depending on the vegetable ensemble, from 25 to 100 kilocalories.

Leading brand technology - process features

Making vegetable stew in machines of different brands has its own specifics. For example, the equipment of an international company " Polaris» (« Polaris”) has a corresponding program “ Extinguishing» with a cooking time of 60 minutes. Sometimes a one and a half hour mode is also used " beans».

In domestic multicookers " Redmond» (« Redmond”), you can set the mode “ Extinguishing" or " Bakery products". In both cases, the cooking time is 60 minutes. Then, depending on the composition of the vegetable company, if necessary, use an additional fifteen-minute " Heating».

Multicookers of Asian companies Panasonic» (« Panasonic”) prepare a vegetarian stew for 45 minutes in the “ Bakery products».

On multicookers of the international concern " Philips» (« Philips”) to cook vegetable stew, turn on the “ Extinguishing". Ready time is 60 minutes.

Kitchen units of the international brand " Mulinex» (« Moulinex”) are provided with suitable programs “ Bakery products" (up to an hour) and " Extinguishing” (from one to one and a half hours).

Multicooker stew in dietary practice

A set of various vegetables cooked in a sealed cooking bowl not only fully preserves the valuable composition, aroma and taste of the stew, but also successfully combines dietary properties, especially useful for losing weight:

  • Low, no more than 100 kilocalories per 100 g of product, calorie content. If potatoes are completely excluded from the stew, this value can be reduced to a minimum of 25 kilocalories.
  • Slowly digestible, thanks to which, with a low calorie intake, it is possible to get rid of the feeling of hunger.
  • Saturation with natural vitamin and mineral complexes, which are the more diverse, the richer the vegetable bouquet.
  • Intensive cleansing effect produced by plant fibers that gently "sweep" accumulated toxins.

As a result, using vegetable stew prepared in a slow cooker as the main dish of the target diet menu, it is possible to effectively get rid of excess weight. In addition, due to the intake of vitamin-mineral complexes and general cleansing of the body, both the condition of the skin and the functions of the body as a whole improve. Such supplements are best combined with pumpkin.

  • Fruits, as such - in particular, the most democratic apples, preferably sour varieties. This fruit is "friends" with almost all vegetables.
  • Mushrooms - whether from the store or aspen mushrooms from the forest, will not add calories to the stew, but they will give it a special taste.
  • Nuts - especially walnuts, perfectly shading zucchini and / or eggplant.
  • Dairy products - sour cream, cream, butter. These ingredients are appropriate in a stew with a slightly limited calorie content, especially since the best vegetable product that they complement is potatoes.
  • How to cook vegetable stew in a slow cooker - video

    The presented video shows the preparation of vegetable stew in the Polaris multicooker. An available vegetable composition was used - white cabbage, potatoes, sweet peppers, carrots, onions, garlic, tomato, young zucchini, celery stalk, dill and parsley. Roasting is not carried out, and cooking in the Polaris multicooker is on the Beans mode.

    In a slow cooker, vegetable stew retains the entire set of useful qualities of each ingredient. A low-calorie, vitamin, cleansing dish is an excellent component of slim and healthy diets.

    Do you cook vegetable stews in a slow cooker? Do you have your own, exclusive vegetable bouquets? What additions to vegetable stews do you find especially successful? Do you use "multi-cooker" stews as a diet food? Share your culinary experience and practical observations with us in the comments!

    It's no secret that vegetables are healthy, especially when stewed. The slow cooker perfectly preserves all the beneficial properties of the fruit. It is very convenient to cook, stew or fry in it. How about stew? Using the following recipes, you can make easy, healthy, satisfying and diet meals.

    How to cook in a slow cooker from young fruits

    Ingredients: cabbage, zucchini, carrots, onions, tomatoes, garlic, potatoes, olive oil, salt, pepper. Vegetables - 1 each, except for potatoes. Take it 4-5 pcs.

    Cooking vegetable stew: steps

    1. Fry chopped (diced) onions and carrots in a bowl in olive oil for 5 minutes with the "Baking" function. Add salt, spices.

    2. Cut potatoes into cubes. Transfer the onions and carrots to another plate. Pour the potatoes into the bowl and pour in the oil. Add salt, pepper. Fry for 10 minutes in the same mode. Peel the zucchini, make cubes out of it. Pour carrot-onion fry into potatoes. Add zucchini, shredded cabbage and diced tomatoes. Put finely chopped garlic, pour salt, pepper, stir everything. Pour 100 ml of water and simmer for an hour. You see, there is nothing complicated about how to cook vegetable stew in a slow cooker.

    Vegetable stew with chicken

    Ingredients (vegetable): 1 zucchini, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 1 bell pepper, 3 potatoes, 2 garlic (cloves).

    Other components: chicken thighs - 2 pieces, herbs (basil, dill), salt, spices, sunflower oil.

    How to cook vegetable stew in a slow cooker: description

    Onions, peppers and carrots chop into cubes of any size. Put in a multicooker bowl treated with oil. Then put a layer of potatoes, chicken on it, and the rest of the vegetables, including tomatoes, on top. They will keep their appearance perfectly if you put them last, at the very top. In the process of laying the ingredients, do not forget to salt and pepper. Set the time to 75 minutes with the "Extinguish" function.

    Vegetable stew sour cream

    What you need: tomatoes, onions, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, sour cream, butter, salt, spices. Take all vegetables one at a time, except for tubers - you need 4 pcs. Take 1/4 cabbage.

    How to cook this stew

    Cut the cabbage into strips, rub the carrots, the rest of the vegetables into medium cubes. Pour oil into a multicooker bowl, fry onions and carrots with the "Baking" function for 10 minutes. Next, pour other vegetables, salt, pepper, add bay leaf. Stir sour cream in warm water, pour into stew, mix. Set the "Baking" mode, cook the stew for 50 minutes.

    Vegetable stew in the multicooker "Redmond" with eggplant

    Ingredients required: eggplant, pepper, zucchini, onion, potato, salt, pepper, oil, garlic. Vegetables take all in approximately equal quantities.

    First, chop the pepper and onion into small cubes. Pour the oil into the multicooker bowl, lower the vegetables there and fry in the "Frying" mode for 10 minutes. Eggplant (pre-soaked) and potatoes cut into strips, put in a slow cooker, salt, pour spices. Pour water (1 multi-glass), but so that it does not cover the vegetables. Set the "Extinguishing" mode for 40 minutes. Open the lid, pour in the chopped garlic, close it again so that the vegetables are saturated with the aromas of garlic. Serve stew with herbs (dill, parsley, basil) as a side dish or main course.

    Stew in a slow cooker comes out just excellent. The thing is that in this miracle pan the food is cooked at low temperatures, that is, it languishes, and therefore it is possible to save more useful substances than if you make a similar meal on the stove. It is thanks to this languor that the stew turns out to be more juicy, tasty and fragrant. Another argument in favor of using a slow cooker is the fact that the amount of oil used can be reduced to a minimum or completely abandoned. During the cooking process, there is no need for periodic mixing of dishes, because in a slow cooker they warm up evenly and do not burn.

    A variety of products are suitable for making stews: all kinds of vegetables, legumes, mushrooms, meat, poultry and even fish. Each ingredient is cut into small slices, fried in oil, then put together and stewed with water. But stew can be cooked not only with ordinary water. It turns out very tasty if you separately make a sauce based on tomato paste, garlic, bell pepper, Provencal herbs and spicy greens. All the ingredients are ground in a blender, spread to the main products and the dish is stewed for the time necessary for its preparation.

    Photo of lean vegetable stew in a slow cooker

    Vegetable stew in a slow cooker turns out to be incredibly colorful, fragrant and very tasty. Moreover, this miracle pan allows you to significantly save time and effort on cooking. You can make vegetable stew from fresh or frozen vegetables. You can also cook a dish with the addition of fresh tomatoes, cabbage, broccoli, mushrooms, green peas - feel free to experiment with the composition of the products, and every time you will get a new dish.


    • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
    • zucchini - 2 pcs. (young, small size);
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • green beans - 100 g;
    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • greens - a bunch (dill, parsley, cilantro);
    • garlic - 4 cloves;
    • water - 1 multi-glass;
    • tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l. (or 2 ripe tomatoes);
    • vegetable oil;
    • Bulgarian pepper - 3 pcs. (preferably different colors);
    • salt pepper.

    Cooking method:

    1. All vegetables are thoroughly washed and cleaned.
    2. We cut the pepper into cubes, onion and zucchini (if the vegetable is young, then it is not necessary to peel it) - into large cubes, carrots - into circles. We cut the beans in random order, but not very finely. Mince the garlic. Cut potatoes into medium sized cubes.
    3. Pour oil into the multicooker bowl, activate the “Frying” mode, put carrots, onions, cook vegetables for 15 minutes, constantly mixing the ingredients.
    4. Put all the other vegetables and garlic in the bowl, put salt and pepper to taste. Mix all products well.
    5. Mix water with tomato paste, pour into a bowl. We close the lid.
    6. Finely chop the greens, add to the stew 5 minutes before the end of the regime.

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    Photo of zucchini and pork stew in a slow cooker

    Hearty thick and incredibly tasty stew with pork and vegetables will be a good lunch or dinner. Everything is prepared simply: we cut all the ingredients and put them in a bowl in sequence, and the multicooker will do the rest. It is advisable to choose lean pork. In addition to the vegetables indicated in the recipe, you can add any others that will be in the kitchen: cauliflower or white cabbage, kohlrabi, corn, peas, beans.


    • pork - 500 g;
    • eggplant - 1 pc.;
    • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.;
    • garlic - 3 cloves;
    • zucchini - 1 pc.;
    • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • salt pepper;
    • vegetable oil;
    • fresh basil.

    Cooking method:

    1. Pork cut into pieces.
    2. We wash the vegetables, eggplant, potatoes, and cut the tomatoes into cubes, carrots into circles, pepper into cubes, chop the onion and garlic. We clean the zucchini (if we use a young vegetable, then leave the peel), cut into small cubes.
    3. Pour oil into the multicooker bowl, set the "Frying" mode. We spread the pieces of pork, fry until a pleasant golden brown for 15 minutes.
    4. Add onions and carrots, salt, pepper, mix the ingredients, cook for another 10 minutes.
    5. We spread the remaining vegetables, mix, pour in water (150 ml). We close the lid of the multicooker, activate the "Extinguishing" mode, cook for 60 minutes.
    6. We lay out the finished stew on plates, decorate with fresh basil or parsley.

    Photo of eggplant and beef stew in a slow cooker

    Hearty, with a surprisingly rich aroma, the stew will please with its amazing taste and beautiful appearance. For this dish, we use beef tenderloin and vegetables: potatoes, carrots, eggplant, tomatoes, bell peppers and onions. You can add fresh green beans, zucchini, white cabbage and other vegetables that are on hand.


    • beef - 300 g;
    • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
    • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • eggplant - 1 pc.;
    • parsley - a bunch;
    • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
    • water - 150 ml;
    • garlic - 4 cloves;
    • hops-suneli;
    • salt, red and black pepper;
    • vegetable oil.

    Cooking method:

    1. Cut the meat into small pieces.
    2. We set the “Frying” mode, pour a little oil into the slow cooker, warm it up, spread the chopped beef, fry until golden brown.
    3. Peel the onion, wash the tomatoes, cut the ingredients into cubes. We wash the carrots, rub on a grater. Vegetables are sent to the meat. We also add suneli hops, both types of pepper and salt. We mix.
    4. We remove the seeds from the bell pepper, cut the flesh into cubes.
    5. Cut the eggplant into medium sized cubes.
    6. Pepper and eggplant are also transferred to the bowl.
    7. Peel potatoes, cut into small pieces. Mince the garlic. We transfer the ingredients to the multicooker bowl with the rest of the products. Mix everything thoroughly, salt a little.
    8. Pour in water, close the lid of the multicooker.
    9. Set the mode "Extinguishing", cook for 60 minutes.
    10. Put the finished stew on plates, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.

    Now you know how to cook stew in a slow cooker according to the recipe with a photo. Enjoy your meal!

    In vegetable stew, the composition and ratio of products is absolutely not fundamental: they can be anything. We use any vegetables that grow in the garden, are in the refrigerator or are sold in the nearest store. Potatoes, green peas, cabbage, zucchini, carrots, bell peppers - the more varied the set of ingredients, the tastier the stew. To make the dish more satisfying, it is good to put meat products in the stew: pork, chicken, beef, lamb. Do not forget about spices and greens - a hearty, bright and fragrant dish is ready! Experienced chefs will tell you how to cook delicious vegetable stew in a slow cooker:
    • The stew will turn out more delicious if all the vegetables are pre-fried, then put together, add water and cook in the “Stew” mode.
    • To keep the vegetables in their appearance and not fall apart into porridge, cut them into medium-sized pieces, not small ones.
    • There are not many vegetables in vegetable stew. Feel free to add any vegetables that are at hand: beans, asparagus, cauliflower, turnips, eggplant, frozen or fresh green peas, garlic.
    • Vegetable stew can be served in different ways: as a full-fledged hot dish or a cold appetizer, presented with bread as sandwiches.
    • Eggplant before adding to the dish must be cut into pieces, sprinkle with salt and leave for 15 minutes. This will remove excess bitterness from the vegetable.
    • If you add tomatoes to the stew, then first pour over the vegetables with boiling water and remove the skin from them.

    Summer-autumn, when the vegetable season is in full swing, we enjoy them to the fullest - we eat raw in salads, stew, fry, scald, stuff, marinate, and so on. And we don’t translate any kind of casseroles and stews at all. So today for dinner we have vegetable stew in a slow cooker - a recipe with a photo step by step, as usual, I present. It is very tasty and satisfying, besides the recipe is lean, and vegetarian, for those who are interested.

    • 1.5 medium zucchini
    • 2 sweet peppers and eggplant
    • half a fork of small cabbage
    • 2 onions (I have a trifle, so more)
    • 4 small potatoes
    • 3 tomatoes
    • some parsley
    • a piece of pumpkin (150 grams) (you can replace it with a carrot)
    • 1 spoon of tomato paste
    • 0.5 cups of water
    • 2-3 tablespoons of oil
    • salt pepper

    How to cook vegetable stew in a slow cooker:

    In general, I like to cook everything in a slow cooker, and stewing vegetables in it is a nice thing. All the products, as they put it, took it out whole and took it out, there is no need to interfere, despite the fact that they often turn into porridge later, stew for themselves, as in an oven, everything turns out tasty and fragrant. I laid the vegetables, turned it on, and went to watch the series or iron the linen.

    Yes, so, initially we will wash all the vegetables, put them on the table so as not to forget anything.

    Then we clean and cut everything (I cut everything into a small cube, you can do it larger, and at least with figures, as you know). Shred the cabbage not finely, that is, not like a salad, thin, but larger.

    Now mix everything in a bowl, add salt, pepper, maybe what other spices you want - I added Provence herbs, it turned out very fragrant! Then dilute the tomato in some water, send it there, to the vegetables.

    Now pour the oil into the bowl of the multi, and dump the entire contents of the bowl into it. I have a large bowl, 5 liters, so everything fits nicely. You can, if your bowl is small, reduce the amount of products.

    That's it, turn on the slow cooker - since I have it full to the brim today, I set it for 55 minutes, choosing the Extinguishing mode, I usually set it to 45, and everything is perfectly stewed.

    Stew for Vegetarians

    This is a classic of the genre. Very easy to prepare and healthy dish, which is also suitable for baby food. You will not spend a lot of time cooking stew in a slow cooker, and the result will definitely impress you. So, to prepare the recipe, you will need products:

    • medium-sized potatoes (preferably young) - 4-5 pieces;
    • 2 medium sized carrots;
    • tomatoes - 2 pieces (if there are no fresh ones, you can use tomatoes canned in their own juice);
    • zucchini - 2 pieces;
    • Bulgarian red pepper - 3 pieces;
    • vegetable oil, garlic, salt and black pepper to taste.


    Wash all vegetables and cut into cubes. Put the products in the multicooker bowl in the following order: potatoes, carrots, peppers, zucchini and tomatoes at the very end. Put finely chopped garlic between the layers. Add 1 tablespoon (tablespoon) of vegetable oil, a pinch of salt and pepper and cook in the “baking” mode for 45 minutes. During cooking, do not add water, as tomatoes and zucchini will release juice. Stirring the stew is also not worth it, so that the vegetables do not lose their shape, and the dish does not turn into porridge. You can add your favorite spices if you wish. Serve with or without any side dish.

    Stew in a slow cooker with meat and mushrooms

    This is a recipe "for adults" who love not only tasty, but also hearty food. For cooking, use the following products:

    • meat - 1/2 kg;
    • 250 grams of champignons;
    • 4 large potatoes;
    • 1 young zucchini;
    • tomatoes - 1 piece;
    • carrots and onions - 1 each;
    • garlic, vegetable oil, salt, pepper and any spices you like.


    Cut all vegetables and meat into cubes, grate the carrots and finely chop the onion. Mushrooms can be left whole if they are not very large, or you can cut them in half or quarters. First, cook the meat in the “frying” mode for 20 minutes, add the carrots and onions and cook for another 10 minutes. Add vegetables and mushrooms, salt, spices and pepper, pour about 1 glass of water and cook with the lid closed in the “baking” mode for 45 minutes or "stew/stewing" for an hour. After the set time has elapsed, you will receive a delicious dish that all your household will certainly love. But it is worth noting that each multicooker has its own cooking modes. We cooked our meals in the Philips multicooker. You need to study your slow cooker before you start cooking in it, so that you know which cooking mode will be optimal for each dish.

    What else can be added to stew in a slow cooker?

    Ragout is a truly versatile dish. Properly selected elements will make it a favorite for any family member. In addition to the above products, you can use any others you like. These are, first of all, vegetables: eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes, bell peppers and so on. A more satisfying vegetable stew will be if it is cooked with sour cream. If we talk about meat, then pork has become a classic addition to the stew, but in order to make the dish more dietary, you can take chicken or rabbit. In any case, no matter what products you prefer, stew in a slow cooker always turns out to be insanely tasty and fragrant!