How to quickly pickle watermelon pieces. Getting ready to pickle watermelons

You don't know about this yet delicious dish like salted watermelons? You've lost a lot, salted watermelons are perfect for a holiday or as a snack for lunch. They are salted in barrels or jars, whole or in pieces - whatever your desire. Top up your notepad wonderful recipe, and the cellar - delicious preparations.

Choosing watermelons for pickling

For pickles, choose red, thin-skinned, not overripe watermelons. Very ripe berries that are pickled will be tasteless and slippery to the touch. Do not buy damaged or very large melons. It’s good if you grow watermelons in your summer cottage, they do not contain harmful nitrates. Watermelons with dense pink flesh are best suited for pickling. The crumbly pulp is unsuitable for storing for the winter. Perfect option– melons weighing no more than two kilograms. Carry out barrel pickling in September, when it gets cooler. In hot weather it is difficult to achieve the desired temperature for fermentation.

Getting ready to pickle watermelons

Prepare for salting:

  • wash watermelons with warm water;
  • cut off the circles from the inflorescence side until the pulp appears;
  • Make several punctures on the washed watermelons with a sharp wooden stick or knitting needle. This is necessary if you pickle the whole melon crop. Punctures improve the penetration of brine into the watermelon. Place the puncture points symmetrically;
  • for pickles in jars, cut the watermelon into even slices 15-20 mm thick. Cut the circles into pieces to fit into the jar;
  • prepare jars or a barrel for the preparation. Rinse jars with solution baking soda and steam sterilize for 10 minutes. Scald a well-washed barrel with boiling water.

Salting watermelons in a barrel

Prepare small watermelons. Place them in a clean barrel. It's good if the barrel is wooden. If you haven’t found it, it will do plastic container. Make the brine in advance using one of the following methods:

  • For 10 liters of cold water, take 400 g of coarse salt and 1.2 kg of sugar. Dissolve the food ingredients in water, pour the brine over the watermelons placed in the container. This recipe will give you the sweet-salty taste of prepared melons;
  • For 10 liters of cold water, take 700 g of coarse salt. Pour brine over the watermelons; when ready, they will be salty. The brine should completely cover the melons in the container;
  • cover the watermelons in the barrel with clean gauze or a piece of cloth;
  • Place a weight on top of the fabric - a small bucket of water, a stone or something similar.

Leave the container with watermelons in the apartment for three days, then take it out to the cellar. After three to four weeks, try the delicious dish.

Salting watermelons in jars

The process of pickling melons in a jar will take no more than 30 minutes. Prepare:

  • 3 liters of boiled water;
  • watermelon weighing up to 10 kg;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of coarse salt;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of vinegar.

Place the watermelon cut into slices evenly into the prepared three liter jars. Let's start with the brine:

  • pour water into the pan and add salt;
  • boil the salt solution for 10 minutes;
  • filter the brine through gauze folded in four layers;
  • Boil the brine again and add vinegar. Then filter it again;
  • boil the brine in last time with added sugar;
  • pour the brine into jars with watermelons and screw on the lids;
  • Turn the jars upside down and place in the designated area. Wrap them in a warm cloth and do not touch them until they cool down.

Place the workpiece for storage in a cool, dark place, preferably in a cellar. You can store salted watermelons in jars at home, but first sterilize the workpiece at a temperature of 100 degrees. If you don't do this, the lids on the jars will swell and the watermelons will disappear.

Salted watermelons delight with a pleasant aroma and delicious taste. You can upgrade any recipe. Add different herbs, herbs and spices - they will become the perfect complement and will give the pickles new flavor notes.


For pickling, you can take only ripe fruits without damage, preferably with a thin crust. Best time for cooking - at the end of October, since this unusual dish can be stored for only a few months and only at low temperatures. To pickle fruits in a barrel, it is advisable to use only ripe and uniformly shaped late varieties of watermelons. On average, one watermelon should weigh about three kilograms.

Pickling ripe watermelon fruits in a barrel

Wash the watermelons thoroughly and prick each of them in 10 different places using a wooden stick. This way they will be better saturated with brine, the fermentation process will be accelerated, and the taste will be more pronounced. Prepare: wash and dry it thoroughly, after which you can proceed. Carefully place the fruits on the bottom of the barrel and fill with the prepared brine: for every 10 liters of water there is 800 g of salt. It is not necessary to add any spices, since the appetizer will turn out great as is. We first cover the prepared barrels with gauze and then with a wooden lid. Watermelons can be stored in any cool place - they will be ready in about a month.

Watermelons can also be salted in regular glass jars any volume. Wash the fruits thoroughly, cut off the thin rind, and cut into medium pieces. Many housewives decide to leave the rind, but in this case the sterilization process takes about 20-30 minutes, but if the watermelons are without rind, only 10 minutes. There are several recipes for this pickling. We will look at them all, and you will choose the one most suitable for yourself.

Method 1

This recipe calls for the use (for each liter of water):

  • 1 spoons of sugar;
  • 1 spoon of vinegar (9%);
  • 1 spoon of salt.

Carefully place the watermelon cut into pieces into the jars, add salt and sugar. Pour boiling water over everything and sterilize the jars for 10 minutes. After this, pour vinegar into the container and roll up the jars.

Method 2

For a 3-liter jar, prepare three aspirin tablets and two tablespoons each of salt and sugar. First, the jars should be sterilized, after which fruit slices are placed in them, topped up hot water. After this, take a short 10-minute break, pour the settled water into a separate saucepan, add the remaining ingredients there and boil again. We put aspirin in a jar, pour in the resulting brine and roll up the containers.

Pickling watermelon in a glass jar

Method 3

To prepare one can of pickled watermelon we will need:

  • spoon of salt;
  • two spoons of sugar;
  • spoon 70% vinegar essence.

We rinse the jars thoroughly, but do not sterilize them yet. Place watermelon pieces in them, sprinkle salt and sugar on top, pour in vinegar and clean water. Close the container with a metal lid and sterilize for about 40 minutes.

Method 4

This recipe may seem a little strange at first due to ingredients such as honey and horseradish, but you will never forget the taste of this amazing dish. To prepare, take:

  • 1 spoon of honey;
  • 30 g horseradish;
  • 3 aspirin tablets;
  • 1 spoon of salt.

Sterilize the containers, place horseradish cut into thin slices on the bottom, and watermelon on top. You also need to pour the rest of the ingredients into the jar, pour boiling water over it and roll it up. After this, wrap the containers with pickled watermelon and wait until they cool.

But what if you are expecting guests in a couple of days and would really like to treat them? unusual dish? There is one great recipe quick salting. The instructions for preparing pickled fruits are as follows:

  1. Cut the watermelon into medium-sized pieces.
  2. Pour two tablespoons of salt, a spoonful of sugar and dry mustard on the table, mix the ingredients.
  3. Manually rub each slice with the dry mixture.
  4. We put all the pieces in a pan, put the press on top and send almost ready dish in the refrigerator for two days.

For salting watermelons in this way, we use fine-grained river sand - no other sand will do. Pour sand into a large basin, add cold water and rinse thoroughly, stirring with a wooden stick. After the first rinse, follow the water along with foreign impurities. Repeat cleaning the sand at least two more times until only sand remains in the container and the water is clear.

Pour sand into the bottom of the barrel in a layer of up to 10 cm, place watermelons on top. At the same time, remember that there should be a distance of at least 2 cm between the walls of the barrel and the fruits. A layer of sand about 5 cm thick is again poured on top and the fruits cut into pieces are again placed on top. So fill the entire barrel, and the last layer of sand should be at least 20 cm. Next, prepare the brine - take 500 g of salt per 10 liters of water. Fill the filled barrel with brine. It is important to remember that sand absorbs liquid rather slowly, and therefore brine must be periodically added so that it covers the sand.

A barrel of sand for pickling watermelons

If you see that while adding brine the watermelon layer is “bare”, you will have to add more sand, otherwise salting the watermelon will not work. Absorption of the brine takes about three days.

When storing watermelons, be sure to occasionally check that there is at least a 10 cm layer of brine on top of the sand at all times. Otherwise, your fruits will simply become moldy. By the way, this recipe is more suitable for preparing watermelons with a thick rind - fruits with a thin rind may tear when removed from the barrel, sand will get inside, and as a result they will become unsuitable for consumption. Fruits salted in this way can be stored for almost six months without losing their taste.

Another unusual recipe using cabbage. You will need small, strong watermelons weighing about 2 kg. Wash the fruits thoroughly before storing. Then place salted and pre-sauerkraut cabbage in a layer of up to 10 cm at the bottom of the barrel, and watermelons on top. The resulting voids between the fruits must be filled with cabbage. The last layer is sauerkraut. Cover the watermelons with clean gauze, place a press on top and store the barrel in the cellar. Watermelons salted in this way can be stored for no more than three months. By the way, a similar recipe is used to prepare.

Watermelons with sauerkraut

Another interesting recipe involves pickling along with apples. First, prepare the brine - take 800 g of salt per bucket of water. Next, we proceed in exactly the same way as in the previous method: we put strong fruits in the barrel, fill the voids between the fruits with apples, but the free space between the watermelons and the walls of the barrel must be filled with purified river sand. As the barrel is filled with watermelons, pour brine into the container. The top layer of fruit is covered with sand in a layer of 35 cm and filled with brine. Store barrels in a cool place.

The beginning of autumn is the time when watermelons ripen. One of the ways to prepare them for autumn and winter is salting, which is usually done in wooden barrels or glass jars.

For pickling watermelons in a wooden barrel, fruits of late varieties of small and medium sizes with a thin rind without damage, dense and juicy pulp, having the correct shape, weighing up to two kilograms, are suitable. You should not take unripe, frostbitten or overripe watermelons. With the aim of long-term storage It is better to pickle them at the end of October.

When using jars, I use recipes based on taste preferences.

A universal way to pickle watermelons

According to this recipe, watermelons can be prepared for the winter or eaten after four days. For one liter of water take:

  • one tablespoon each of salt and sugar;
  • a teaspoon of honey;
  • garlic;
  • dill;
  • a few currant and cherry leaves.

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Place honey, sliced ​​watermelon at the bottom of the jar, sprinkle with garlic, dill, cherry and currant leaves. Prepared separately water solution with sugar and salt, which is brought to a boil and poured into jars.

Watermelons are fermented for three to four days, without putting lids on the jars.

After this, the berry is ready to eat. If watermelon is canned for the winter, then the brine is drained, boiled again, poured into jars, covered with lids and rolled up.

Recipes for pickling watermelons in barrels

Watermelons are sorted, the stems are cut off and washed thoroughly. To improve lactic acid fermentation, it is recommended to pierce the skin of watermelons in several places with a wooden needle and place the fruits in previously prepared barrels.

Recipe 1

Having previously estimated the free volume of the container, you need to prepare a brine (60-70 g of salt per liter of water). The barrel is carefully sealed and the prepared brine is carefully poured through a special hole. They are kept for several days at a temperature of about 20°C, then opened and carefully examined. If mold is present, it must be removed, brine added and installed indoors in a closed state, but at a cooler temperature - from -1 to +1 °C. Fermentation of watermelons lasts for 15-20 days. After this they are ready to eat.

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Recipe 2

There is no need to chop the fruits in this recipe.

The bottom of the steamed and cleaned barrel is covered with a layer of clean river sand about seven centimeters. One row of watermelons is placed on it and covered with a second layer of sand. Such actions alternate until the container is full. Then brine is poured into it and the steps are repeated as in recipe No. 1.

The barrel is not covered with a lid, since the top row of berries will be hidden by sand. The watermelons need to ferment in a warm place for a couple of days, then the container is taken out to a dark, cool room. Such homemade pickling allows you to maintain their shape and excellent taste.

The striped berry season is slowly coming to an end and over time the last fruits will disappear from the garden beds and store shelves. And many people with a sweet tooth want to preserve a piece of summer and enjoy its taste as long as possible. The only way out is to pickle watermelons for the winter at home.

Save watermelons in fresh problematic. But there are other ways to prepare berries, including pickling. Let's take a closer look at the technology for salting striped delicacies and pay attention to important points. Thanks to the information received, you can easily do excellent preparation for the winter.

Classic recipe for pickling watermelons in jars

If you decide to pickle watermelons for the winter and have not done this before, I advise you to start with the classic recipe. It is as simple as possible and strongly resembles the technology used to pickle cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and other vegetables and fruits.


  • Watermelon – 2 kg.
  • Water – 1 liter.
  • Vinegar – 50 ml.
  • Sugar – 3 tablespoons.
  • Salt – 1.5 tablespoons.

How to cook:

  1. For pickling, use whole watermelons without damage. Rinse each berry with water, dry and cut into small pieces. Fill the prepared jars with slices.
  2. Make the brine. To do this, add salt, sugar and vinegar to boiling water and cook for literally 30 seconds. Fill the jars with hot brine.
  3. Place the filled containers in large saucepan, pour water up to the hanger and sterilize for 20 minutes. Next, roll up the lids and leave upside down under the blanket until cool.

Video recipe

Some chefs remove the crust from watermelons when pickling. This procedure is optional; most importantly, do not use store-bought watermelons for winter preparation, especially if the season has just begun. Otherwise, nitrates, which are rich in early berries, will end up in the jar with the treat.

How to properly salt watermelons in a barrel

Now watermelons are salted in jars and other small containers, but previously they used wooden barrels. Pickling striped fruits in such a container is not difficult, and you can get an excellent result. It all comes down to the right choice and preparing the product, preparing a good brine and ensuring optimal storage conditions.


  • Watermelons - the quantity depends on the capacity of the barrel.
  • Water - the volume depends on the capacity of the barrel.
  • Salt - at the rate of 700 g per 10 liters of liquid.


  1. Rinse the watermelons with water and dry with a towel. Use a toothpick to make a dozen symmetrical punctures in each berry, then place it in a clean barrel and fill with brine until it completely covers the fruit.
  2. Cover the container with a piece of clean cloth, place a wooden circle scalded with boiling water on top and place a heavy object. The main thing is that the circle does not float, otherwise air will penetrate into the container and the workpiece will deteriorate.
  3. Leave the covered barrel for a day at room temperature, then put it in a cool place. In three weeks, the watermelons will be thoroughly salted and will become suitable for human consumption.

Video cooking

There are many ways to pickle in a barrel. Some involve the use of sugar, others spices. This recipe does not contain these ingredients, which helps preserve the natural flavor of watermelons.

What is better to ferment or pickle watermelons?

Watermelons are prepared for the winter different ways, including pickling and salting. The first technology is based on the use of vinegar, and the second is based on the action of lactic acid bacteria contained in berries.

Each method is good, but fans of the delicacy claim that watermelons soaked in barrels are tastier and healthier, since the product does not pass through heat treatment. In fact, only experimentally can one determine The best way, because everyone has their own tastes.

The benefits and harms of pickled watermelons

Pickling is a popular way to prepare watermelons. At the same time, the calorie content of the product is only slightly higher than the nutritional value fresh berries and is 40 kcal per 100 grams. Therefore, preparation is appropriate when dietary nutrition.

Salted watermelon is saturated with hydrochloric acids and big amount dietary fiber. It contains a lot of copper, cobalt, chlorine, zinc and sulfur. These minerals are necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Like any other product, in some cases, salted watermelons cause harm to the body. The product is not recommended for people who have:

  1. Impaired urine flow.
  2. Stomach upset.
  3. Stones in the body.

Watermelon provides a strong diuretic effect. As a result, the stones move out of place, causing severe pain. Even healthy people It is not recommended to eat salted watermelons after a salty meal, since salt slows down the outflow of fluid from the body and causes swelling.

It is strictly forbidden to eat watermelons whose nitrate content exceeds the norm. If you bought watermelons before pickling, and their purity is in doubt, eat only the core. It contains fewer harmful substances.

Watermelons are salted different ways. Some recipes call for salting own juice, others are based on the use of spices. There are also combined options.

  1. If you like spicy pickles, it is recommended to add a little ginger, coriander, allspice, garlic, currant or cherry leaves to the container with watermelons.
  2. Watermelons go well with other ingredients. We are talking about apples, cabbage and green tomatoes, which best complement their taste.
  3. Such preservation is stored for a long time if it is provided optimal conditions for storage. The mold that appears is carefully removed and a little brine is added to the container. Oppression is also doused with boiling water.

If you want to get a tasty treat, keep the pickles in a cool place and control the pickling process. In reply home preparation will thank unsurpassed taste and a lot of culinary experiences.

Is watermelon a berry or a fruit?

Interest Ask, is not it? In the old days, gardeners from all over the world had an extensive discussion about this matter. It’s not surprising, because watermelon tastes very similar to fruit. But there is a discrepancy here, because most fruits grow on trees. Watermelon also has similarities with vegetables. It's about the nature of growth.

It took many years to solve this breeding problem. In the last century, the procedure for classifying all horticultural crops was completed. As a result, watermelon was classified as a berry. So, according to generally accepted terminology, watermelon is a berry, not a fruit or a vegetable.

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Since we are again in a long mushroom-free period, I am having fun by fermenting watermelons.
It started with the fact that we bought a watermelon, and it turned out to be ripe, but not sweet. I remembered a delicacy popular in the southern regions - soaked watermelons. I quickly found on the Internet several recipes for “pickling” watermelon in slices.

Prepare a quick pickle marinade:


1 tbsp. salt + 1 tbsp. sugar per 1 liter of water (you don’t need to boil it, just boiled water). Place the watermelon slices in a suitable container (you can add sprigs of dill and parsley and a few slices of garlic), pour in the marinade, and press down lightly with something so that everything is covered with brine. And we wait for the process of lactic acid fermentation to start. The first time I started to ferment only on the 2nd day.
2-3 days after the start of fermentation, you can transfer it to a container and put it in the refrigerator (of course, fill it with brine). After another day you can eat.



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Subsequent batches can be fermented using the remaining brine, adding freshly prepared brine if necessary. In this case, it begins to ferment much earlier and can be transferred to the refrigerator after 2-3 days.

Delicious, I can't stop eating. The wife, however, does not accept the innovation yet. In her understanding sweet watermelon and brine are categorically incompatible things.

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Pickled watermelon for the winter



Another option winter harvesting watermelons - pickling. The cooking process takes a small amount of time, and the appetizer turns out tasty and quite spicy. Most often I serve slices of pickled watermelon at the holiday table when I try to surprise my guests. I would like to present to your attention several proven methods of pickling, maybe someday they will come in handy for you.


For this preparation, it is best to take unripe berries; they will not spread out in the jar, but will retain their shape. You can roll it up with or without the peel, in pieces, cubes or slices, it all depends on the desire of the housewife and her imagination.


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Marinated watermelon slices

Ingredients (for three liter jar):

  • 1 large watermelon;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 30 grams of rock salt;
  • 100 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 70 ml 9% vinegar;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 1 medium bunch of greens;
  • 4-5 peas of allspice.



Wash the berries thoroughly, carefully cut into small slices so that they do not crack. Place the prepared greens at the bottom of the glass jar, Bay leaf, garlic, place the prepared watermelon slices tightly on top.


Boil water in a saucepan or saucepan, pour it into a jar, let it cool, and pour it back into the container. Pour granulated sugar into it, rock salt, boil the mixture, remove from heat, add 9% vinegar. Pour the prepared marinade over the watermelon slices to the brim. glass containers, carefully roll up the lid, wrap it in a blanket or fur coat, and let cool completely. Store the seaming in the cellar for no more than one year.

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Pickled watermelon without peel

This recipe is designed for one three-liter jar of pickled winter preparation.

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  • 1 large ripe watermelon;
  • 60 ml 9% vinegar;
  • 25 grams of rock salt;
  • 75 grams of sugar;
  • 1.5 liters of water.



Wash the watermelon thoroughly with a brush, carefully remove the rind, cut the pulp into small pieces, and remove the seeds if possible. Sterilize the jar for 12-15 minutes, place the prepared watermelon in it.
Prepare the marinade mixture in a saucepan. Boil water, pour sugar and rock salt into it. Boil the resulting mixture, pour it into a jar for 5-6 minutes, drain, and repeat this process again. Before you start rolling, pour the liquid back into the container, bring it to a boil, add vinegar, pour into a glass container to the brim, cover with a lid, sterilize, and roll.


Store jars in a cellar or basement. Pieces of pickled watermelon can be served as a separate item snack dish or use as one of the elements in canapés.


Pickled watermelons with citric acid


  • 1 medium sized watermelon;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • 25 grams of salt;
  • 10 grams of citric acid;
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic;
  • 1-2 bay leaves;
  • 5-7 peas of allspice;
  • 1.5 liters of water.



Sterilize the jar and lid for 10-15 minutes. Place bay leaf, peppercorns, and garlic at the bottom of the glass container. Wash the watermelon, cut into slices along with the peel, place tightly on the bottom of the jar. Boil water in a saucepan, pour it into a container, close the lid tightly, and let cool well. Pour the liquid into a container, add salt, sugar, stir the ingredients thoroughly until all the crystals dissolve, put on the fire again, boil, pour into the jar again, pour on top citric acid, roll up the lid. Be sure to wrap the hot seamer in a blanket or fur coat, cool it and store it in a cool room.


Pickled watermelon in a saucepan


  • 1 medium sized watermelon;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of salt;
  • 3 tablespoons sugar;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • 10 grams of dill or celery.



Rinse the watermelon, cut into slices, place tightly in a saucepan. Place garlic, dill or celery in a container with chopped berries. Pour water into a bowl, add sugar and salt, stir, pour the resulting mixture over the slices, and place a weight on top (an eggplant or a bowl of water). After 2-3 days, a tasty and aromatic snack will be ready.

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Marinated watermelon with tomatoes and mustard

This recipe makes three bottles of delicious and aromatic snack volume 3 liters.

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  • 2.5 kilograms of tomatoes;
  • 1 medium-sized unripe watermelon;
  • 3 heads of garlic;
  • 30 peppercorns;
  • 9 pcs. bay leaf;
  • 10 grams of dill seeds;
  • 30 grams of dry mustard;
  • 35 grams of rock salt (per liter of water);
  • 35 grams of sugar (per liter of water);
  • 75 ml vinegar essence.



Sterilize jars and lids for 10-15 minutes. In each container, place 10 peppercorns, three bay leaves, and several cloves of garlic.


Wash the watermelon, remove the peel, cut into pieces. Place the tomatoes and prepared berry slices into jars (preferably place one at a time), pour boiling water over them for 10 minutes, drain the liquid into a saucepan. Boil, add salt, dill seeds and sugar, stir. Pour the resulting marinade into jars, add mustard and essence, roll up, and wrap tightly in a blanket. Cold billet store in the cellar.


Pickled watermelon with aspirin tablets

This is a fairly simple way to prepare a tasty delicacy in winter; there is no need for sterilization during the preparation process, and this, in turn, makes the housewife’s work easier.

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  • 700 ml water;
  • 1 medium sized watermelon;
  • 2 aspirin tablets;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • 25 grams of salt.



Rinse the watermelon thoroughly, cut into small slices, and place them tightly in a jar. Add sugar, salt and aspirin tablets to a glass container. Boil water in a saucepan, pour it over the watermelon, roll it up, and wrap it tightly in a blanket. Store the cooled jar in the refrigerator or cellar.

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Spicy pickled watermelons in a jar


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  • 1 medium sized watermelon;
  • 70 ml 9% vinegar;
  • 1 chili pepper (small);
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 25 grams of sugar;
  • 25 grams of rock salt;
  • 10 grams of dill umbrellas;
  • 5-6 black peppercorns.



Rinse the watermelon thoroughly under running water, cut into small slices (you can cut off the rind). Place dill umbrellas, garlic cloves, peppercorns, chili peppers at the bottom of the jar, and place watermelon slices tightly on top of the spices. Boil the code in a saucepan, pour it into a jar, let it brew for a while, pour it back into the container. Boil the liquid, add sugar and rock salt, bring to a boil, boil for 1-2 minutes. Add vinegar to the resulting brine, pour it into a jar, roll it up, turn it over, and wrap it tightly with a fur coat or a warm blanket. Store finished seams in a cool, dark room or cellar.


These recipes have already been tested by me several times. personal experience. I often pickle homemade watermelons that are a little underripe. The benefit is obvious - the fruits do not disappear, there are always several jars of ready-made fruits in the cellar. delicious snack. I serve it as a separate delicacy for lovers of unusual marinated dishes, or as an addition to meat dishes or boiled vegetables. Try one of my favorite recipes and you will be pleased with the results!



How to salt watermelons correctly

How to salt watermelons, and most importantly, why is it necessary?


One of the favorite delicacies of many people in winter period- salted watermelons homemade. They are ideal for the holiday table as a snack dish or decoration. Exists great amount variety of options, according to which you can prepare this delicious berry. It can be salted in a barrel or glass jars, in pieces or whole, with the addition of vinegar, honey or various spices.

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How to salt whole watermelons in a barrel

To really get tasty treat, prepare small, unripe watermelons for pickling. They should under no circumstances be lethargic.



Ingredients for brine (option No. 1):

  • 10 liters of cold water;
  • 400 grams of rock salt;
  • 1.2 kilograms of sugar.

Ingredients for brine (option No. 2):

  • 10 liters of cold water;
  • 700 grams of rock salt.

Before you start pickling, prepare a barrel, preferably a wooden one. Wash it thoroughly and pour boiling water over it. Make several punctures on the prepared watermelons - this will improve the penetration of the brine into the berries. Place them in a container.


The next stage is preparing the brine. If you want the watermelons to have a salty taste, use the second brine option; if they are sweet and salty, use the first one. All necessary ingredients dissolve in the water obtained by the liquid, pour over the watermelons (the brine should cover them). Cover the berries drenched in brine with gauze or cloth, place wooden mugs and weights on top (you can use a clean stone, bucket or eggplant with water). After 2-3 days, take the barrel to the cellar. It will take 2-4 weeks for the watermelons to be completely salted.


Whole salted watermelons can be consumed as a separate snack, dessert or side dish. They will become a real decoration festive table and will not leave anyone indifferent.

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How to pickle watermelons in a jar with honey and garlic

In this recipe, the amount of ingredients is calculated for one three-liter jar.

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  • 3 tablespoons rock salt;
  • 3 tablespoons honey;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 aspirin tablets;
  • 1 medium-sized unripe watermelon.

Cut the watermelon into medium-sized pieces and place in a sterilized jar (the peel does not need to be removed). Add all ingredients to a jar, pour boiling water over it, roll it up and cover tightly with a blanket. Place the cooled container in a cool room.

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How to pickle watermelons in a jar with vinegar


  • 30 grams of rock salt;
  • 15 ml 9% vinegar;
  • 20 grams of sugar.

Wash the watermelon, cut into pieces, put in a jar and pour boiling water over it for 15-20 minutes. Drain the water, use a measuring cup to determine the amount of expressed liquid, and for each liter add vinegar, sugar and salt. Boil the brine again, pour it over the watermelon and roll it up. Wrap the jar tightly with a blanket. Place the cold bottle in the cellar or basement.



Salted watermelon in its own juice (early ripening)


  • 1 unripe watermelon;
  • 1 tablespoon dry mustard;
  • 1 tablespoon rock salt;
  • 1 tablespoon sugar.

Wash the watermelon under running water and cut it. Prepare a mixture of salt, sugar and mustard. Sprinkle the bottom of the prepared pan with this mixture, lay out the pieces of watermelon, and again sprinkle with homemade seasoning on top. When the installation is complete, place the weight on top. Place the pan with watermelon in a warm place, after 4-5 days it will be delicious spicy snack will be ready. Rinse the finished slices in the resulting juice; it will wash away the remaining mustard from their surface.

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Pickled watermelons in a jar


  • 5 kilograms of watermelon;
  • 1 cup 9% vinegar;
  • 250 grams of sugar;
  • 125 grams of salt;
  • 4 liters of water.

Rinse the watermelon under running water, cut it into quarters and place in a jar. Prepare the marinade in a saucepan. To do this, boil water, add vinegar, salt and sugar to it. Boil it for 3-5 minutes. Pour the marinade into a jar, roll it up and wrap it in a warm blanket. Store pickled watermelons in a cool, dark room or refrigerator.

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Long-lasting salted watermelons


  • 1 medium sized watermelon.
  • 50 grams of salt;
  • 30 grams of sugar.
  • 2-3 teaspoons of acetic acid.

Wash the prepared watermelons under running water, carefully cut into pieces and place in a jar. Pour boiling water over them for 10-15 minutes and pour the liquid into a saucepan. Boil water and pour it over the watermelon slices again, the procedure lasts 5-7 minutes. Drain again and measure its quantity.
The next step is preparing the brine for the watermelon. Add salt and sugar to the liquid that was drained from the jar (based on the amount per 1 liter of water), boil for 2-3 minutes and pour it into the jar. Add acetic acid(calculation: 1 teaspoon per liter jar). Roll up and wrap with a blanket. Store in a cool place. To give watermelon spicy taste, add coriander to the jar, nutmeg or ginger.



Spicy salted watermelons


  • 1 medium sized watermelon;
  • 4-5 pcs. allspice;
  • 1-2 leaves of bay leaf;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic.
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • 30 grams of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon acetic acid.

Sterilize the jar for 10-15 minutes, put garlic, bay leaf and pepper on the bottom. Cut the watermelon into slices and put it in a jar. Prepare the brine: boil water in a saucepan, add salt and sugar, cook for 5-7 minutes. Pour it into a jar, add acetic acid and close the lid. Wrap the rolls in a blanket, and after cooling completely, take them to the cellar.

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Salted watermelons with apples in a barrel


  • 10 ripe watermelons medium size;
  • 5-6 kilograms of apples;
  • 10-15 leaves of currant and cherry;
  • rye straw;
  • 750 grams of rock salt;
  • 10 liters of water.

Wash the barrel and pour boiling water over it. Place the prepared watermelons in a barrel, pour the apples into the voids between the berries, and add cherry and currant leaves. Wash the straw, pour boiling water over it and place it between the fruit and the wall of the container.


Prepare the brine: dissolve 750 grams of salt in 10 liters of water (if you need more than 10 liters of brine, then the quantity of its ingredients must be increased). Pour it into a filled barrel, cover it with a cloth, put the mugs and pressure. The barrel should only be stored in a dark, cool place, otherwise the pickles may spoil. After 2-3 weeks, the watermelons will be ready to eat.


Salted watermelons prepared according to the options proposed above have an unforgettable taste and aroma. You can improve any of the recipes at your discretion, desire and taste. Various spices, herbs, spices will be an excellent addition to the proposed recipe. Prepare salted watermelons, leave feedback on what you did, and be sure to share our selection of recipes with your friends!

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Bon appetit!
