Home salted cabbage for the winter. Quick pickling cabbage in a jar

This is the most popular preparation among housewives. There are probably no people who have never tried to pickle cabbage for the winter. Crispy, sour, various additives, ranging from carrots and apples, and ending with various spices. Even honey, and that, can be added. Tasty and healthy. A storehouse of vitamins in a jar that will support you all winter. Vitamin C alone is worth something in the winter! And you don't have to go to the pharmacy. The mass preparation of this product is just beginning. We will not stand aside, we will also pickle, ferment, marinate. In order to diversify your menu in winter and cook both the first and the second. Or a simple salad with onion and vegetable oil. Persuaded? Shall we cook?

How to salt cabbage in jars for the winter: a simple recipe

For salting, take a strong head of cabbage, juicy carrots, salt and water. The cabbage will be salted in a salty brine, this is quite easy and not very troublesome. The method is called cold because the brine does not boil. From the simplest and cheapest ingredients, you can make a blank that will turn out not only juicy, but also crispy. It is convenient to prepare such an appetizer at home, so that at the right time, when the guests unexpectedly appeared, you could treat them to a wonderful cabbage!


  • 1 kg. white cabbage;
  • 200gr. carrots;
  • 150gr. salt;
  • 1.5l. water.

How to salt cabbage for the winter in jars to be crispy

We leave it in the room to salt for 1-2 days, then close the lids and store in the refrigerator.

Salting cabbage for the winter in brine recipes are very tasty

I will share a delicious, proven over the years recipe for seaming. Why I love it: for its simplicity and speed of preparation. You can taste it in a day. You won't even have time to salivate when everything is ready. And the products are the simplest, affordable. Exotic is certainly good, but the soul asks for its own, dear. So - this dish will always be happy. I'm so sure.

What do we need:

  • 0.5 head of cabbage;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 0.5 l. water;
  • 1 tbsp salt;
  • 0.5 tbsp Sahara.

How to salt cabbage for the winter

When is it better to salt cabbage for the winter according to the lunar calendar

Knowledgeable people - astrologers, advise salting only on the growing moon. 1-3-5 days after the new moon. Then the product is obtained with a pleasant aroma, crispy, white. Without mucus and darkening.

It is impossible to engage in harvesting on the full moon and on the waning moon, the result is soft, not tasty, and quickly deteriorates.

Good days for cooking:

  • October 2018: 08.10 - 12.10, 18.10 - 22.10, 25.10.
  • November 2018: 11/8, 11/14 - 11/15, 11/17 - 11/20, 11/22, 11/24, 11/25.
  • December 2018: 12.12, 14.12, 17.12, 19.12, 24.12, 26.12 - 27.12, 29.12.

In ancient times, not only the phases of the moon were noted, but also the day of the week played a significant role in the preservation of vegetables. They said that if vegetables are feminine, then they should be harvested on the same days - Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. This is probably correct. But already in times closer to us, they noticed that if a man cooks, then his day is Monday or Thursday. And for a woman, days were set aside - Wednesday or Saturday. But Wednesday was more popular. There was no mention of Friday at all. So everything is relative...

They are also guided by the signs of the zodiac. In what sign is the waxing moon giving the go-ahead for salting? These are Taurus, Aries, Sagittarius Capricorn. Start shredding. On other days, refrain.

To comply or not to comply folk omens it's up to you to decide. In my opinion, a major role in proper preparation plays and sort.

How to salt cabbage for the winter

Choose a white-headed beauty of the best late variety. Early or precocious will not be so especially crispy. The fork should be elastic, white, without damage, not dry. Color - soft cream. I chose the variety for myself - Geneva, Belarusian is not bad, Slava - also proved itself from the best side. Taste, bitterness should be absent, the taste is sweet, the sound is crisp. If the head is slightly frozen, remove the top leaves and you can use it. But if the head is completely frozen, it’s better not to risk it and don’t buy it. Nothing good will come of this.

It is better to take wooden dishes for harvesting (barrel, tub), but if this is not possible, use enameled (pot, bucket) or glass (jars). Do not use aluminum or some other - it will oxidize, the vegetable will turn black, and it will be bitter. I won’t say about plastic, you can also add salt in it, but I don’t risk it.

Salting cabbage in jars for the winter with aspirin

This is a pretty controversial recipe. The fact is that acetylsalicylic acid, or as the people also call aspirin, is used instead of vinegar. There are enough medicines in our life, skeptics will say, and they will be right. Vinegar is a synthetic extract, experts will object, it is also harmful to the body, one can argue about its safety .... And there is nothing to object. So it's a double edged sword. But when using aspirin, pickled products are stored for a very long time, almost a year. Moreover, the crunchiness and taste remain unchanged. And here is the recipe itself:

  • medium cabbage - 2 pcs;
  • carrots - 1-2 pieces;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp;
  • rock salt - 3 tablespoons;
  • bay leaf - 2 pieces;
  • black peppercorns - 8 pcs;
  • acetylsalicylic acid - 2-3pcs;
  • water for filling.
  1. Prepare vegetables, cabbage and carrots, peel and wash under running water.
  2. Banks will be sterilized.
  3. We chop the forks into “noodles”, chop the carrots on a grater with large holes. We mix.
  4. At the bottom of a clean, dry 3 liter jar, pour 1/3 tbsp. sugar, salt, 3 peppercorns, 1 bay leaf. Grind an aspirin tablet into powder. We divide this proportion by three times - at the bottom, middle and at the end - under the neck of the dish.
  5. Banks up to half fill vegetable mixture. Then the same proportions of spices, again a mixture of vegetables and at the end a tablet with spices.
  6. We boil water, pour hot liquid into a jar, after 5 minutes add it to the very neck, tighten the lid. Leave to cool and then put in a cool place.

Thanks to a small tablet, cabbage will not ferment, spoil, or become moldy. The color will remain natural, white. It won't affect the taste.

That's the whole recipe. Who liked it and you want to cook, I will be glad that I shared it for good reason.

  • 1 How to salt properly classic cabbage for the winter?
  • 2 Salting cabbage in a cold way
  • 3 Recipe for cooking with beets for the winter
  • 4 How to salt cabbage in a barrel?
  • 5 Salting in a bucket
  • 6 How to pickle cabbage so that it is crispy?
  • 7 In a pan for the winter
  • 8 hot way

For many cooks, pickling and sauerkraut are one and the same. The cooking process is really similar, but for salting they use large quantity salt and takes less time to get finished product. And such a cabbage is stored much longer than sauerkraut. Many people have a question about when to salt cabbage. This is best done in the middle of autumn, using strong, tight heads of cabbage.

How to salt classic cabbage for the winter?

A good snack turns out to be gently sour, pleasantly crunchy.

It is best to cut heads for pickling after the first frost. This will help the cabbage become juicier and more delicious.


  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons with a slide;
  • cabbage - 2 heads;
  • dill - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry grains;
  • carrot - 3 pcs.


  1. For cooking, you will need to prepare deep dishes (ideally, a basin). Chop the cabbage and send to the container you have chosen.
  2. Sprinkle with salt and mash.
  3. Grate a carrot. You can use a grater for Korean carrot or regular, with large holes. Send to cabbage.
  4. Cover with dill seeds. Stir. Tamp very tightly and put oppression on top.
  5. Store in a cold place. You can put it on the balcony, but the refrigerator will not work.
  6. A couple of times a day, pierce the workpiece with a long knife around the edges. This procedure is necessary so that the resulting gas finds an outlet. If it is not released, then the cabbage will turn out with a taste of bitterness.
  7. In three days the dish will be ready. It can already be stored in the refrigerator, having previously decomposed into a smaller container.

Salting cabbage in a cold way

You can salt cabbage quickly and tasty in a jar. To make the food crispy, you must observe simple recommendations which you will find in our recipe.


  • salt - 100 g;
  • cabbage - 1000 g of white cabbage;
  • vinegar - 50 ml (9%);
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • water - 300 ml;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • black pepper - 5 peas;
  • oil - 50 ml vegetable;
  • sugar - 50 g.


  1. Shred the cabbage. Grind carrots using a large grater. Cut garlic cloves.
  2. Pour salt into sugar. Pour in oil, add vinegar and mix.
  3. To boil water. Add to mixture and stir. All crystals should dissolve.
  4. Cool down. Add the garlic cloves to the brine, add the pepper and stir.
  5. Combine cabbage with carrots. Mix and squeeze well with your hands. You need more juice to stand out.
  6. Put it in the bank. Pour in the brine and cover with a lid. Hold for two hours and mix again. Until fully prepared to withstand seven hours.

Recipe for cooking with beets for the winter

Everyone is used to making salting with the addition of carrots, but no less delicious option cooking - cabbage with beets. Young heads of green color are not suitable. Use only a late variety with tight large heads.


  • salt - 120 g;
  • cabbage - 4000 g of white cabbage;
  • water - 2100 ml;
  • sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • beets - 550 g;
  • cloves - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • laurel - 5 sheets;
  • horseradish - 2 roots;
  • pepper - 7 peas.


  1. chopped cabbage (needed large pieces). Beets will be required small cubes.
  2. Boil water and cool. Place the parsley, add peppercorns with salt and granulated sugar. Place cloves and stir.
  3. Grate garlic cloves. Submit to liquid.
  4. Chop horseradish, combine with brine. Mix.
  5. Combine cabbage with beets, pour liquid and put under pressure.

Store for a couple of days in a cool place away from light. Then transfer to glass container close the lid and store in the refrigerator.

How to salt cabbage in a barrel?

In this recipe, you will learn how to properly salt cabbage using a barrel as a container.


  • cranberries - 210 g;
  • White cabbage- 10 kg;
  • salt - 250 g;
  • carrot - 370 g.


  1. Rinse the barrel, pour over boiling water. To be preserved taste qualities product, add a little flour to the bottom and cover with a cabbage leaf.
  2. Chop heads. Make it thinner. The shape needs a straw.
  3. Grate for Korean snacks carrot. You can also just cut it very thinly to make straws.
  4. Mix vegetables. Sprinkle with salt.
  5. Place in a barrel and tamp strongly - a lot of juice should stand out.
  6. Drop the cranberries. Mix.
  7. Do not fill the barrel to the brim. There should be room for the brine to stand out. Close the top with cabbage leaves and cover with canvas.

Occasionally, the workpiece should be pierced with a sharp rod or a long knife - this will help the gas escape. If you leave it inside, then the workpiece will turn out bitter and soft.

Salting in a bucket

For cooking, you need a plastic bucket. The recipe is for a 10 liter. This is a convenient and practical option for harvesting for the winter, for which white cabbage is best suited.


  • horseradish - 1 root;
  • cabbage - 8 kg;
  • salt - 8 tbsp. large spoons;
  • carrots - 4 pcs.


  1. Shred the cabbage. Do not use stumps. Grate a carrot.
  2. Place the vegetables in a bowl and stir.
  3. Chop the horseradish, sprinkle with salt and mix again. With force, press the vegetables with your hands so that the cabbage gives more juice.
  4. Send the entire mass to a bucket, on top of which oppression should be placed.
  5. Leave the snack to ferment. Occasionally pierce with a long knife, releasing gas.

Endure a week. Then you can transfer the vegetables to smaller containers and store in the refrigerator.

How to pickle cabbage so that it is crispy?

Everyone dreams of crispy vegetable snack, but not everyone is able to achieve the perfect result. If you regularly encounter difficulties, then this variation is a godsend.


  • cabbage - 2200 g;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • carrot - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. large spoons;
  • laurel - 4 leaves;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • black pepper - 3 peas.


  1. To boil water. Pour sugar, then salt, mix, completely dissolving the ingredients.
  2. Chop heads. Coarsely chop the carrots. Connect vegetables. Add laurel and pepper. Mix.
  3. Place the blank in a jar and be sure to tamp. Pour in brine - it should completely cover the products.
  4. Cover with gauze, which is pre-folded in several layers.

Leave the snack warm for three days. Pierce once a day with a long knife.

In a pan for the winter

It is very convenient to do the workpiece in a saucepan. No need to figure out where to get the container and how to store it.


  • laurel - 3 leaves;
  • cabbage - 3000 g;
  • pepper - 5 black peas;
  • salt - 75 g;
  • carrot - 3 pcs.


  1. Remove the top layer of leaves and any damaged ones.
  2. Chop the heads (do not use the stalk), sprinkle with salt and squeeze. The vegetable should release juice.
  3. Grate carrots. Send to the cabbage and mix again.
  4. Add laurel, toss in peppercorns.
  5. Place the vegetable preparation in the pan and be sure to tamp. Put oppression.
  6. Keep in the room for three days, occasionally piercing with a long knife.

You can store a crispy snack in the same container or transfer it to jars for convenience.

hot way

This option is the fastest. The dish will turn out tasty and crispy.


  • head of cabbage - 3 kg;
  • vinegar - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • carrot - 3 pcs.;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • garlic - 8 cloves;
  • water - 1500 ml;
  • dill seed - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • allspice - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Chop a head of cabbage. Grind carrots with coarse grater. Finely chop garlic cloves.
  2. Mix vegetables. Sprinkle with spicy seeds, add pepper and mix.
  3. tamp down vegetable cutting in jars that have been sterilized in advance.
  4. Pour salt into water. Sprinkle with sugar. Boil.
  5. Pour in vinegar and immediately pour into jars.

Such a blank can be immediately rolled up and stored without a refrigerator.

To prepare delicious sauerkraut, you need to buy a hard, juicy head of cabbage, preferably white-headed rather than green. Before you start, cut and try raw cabbage, if it seems that the cabbage is bitter - it is better to cook something else out of it.

One of the most important conditions pickles and sourdough cabbage - purity. All utensils, as well as the table and hands when cutting, laying and piercing cabbage, must be clean so that the cabbage is fermented with the "necessary" bacterium.


I always try to put a few apple slices at the bottom of the dishes in which I salt the cabbage. It gives its flavor to cabbage a little and there is an opinion that with an apple salted cabbage crispier than without it. But without an apple, cabbage also turns out good. Apples are delicious too.

Then you need to mix the carrots and cabbage, add salt and mix the cabbage again. This can be done in a large bowl or directly on the table.

After adding salt, the cabbage must be quickly placed in a container in which the cabbage will be fermented (a saucepan or a bucket with a volume of at least 3.5 liters.)

Salts for salting cabbage should be taken 2% of the total weight of cabbage with carrots. I have total weight shredded cabbage with carrots turned out to be 2 kg, so I take 40 grams of salt (this is 2 tablespoons without a slide).

We tightly lay the cabbage in a bucket and build a press (I put a plate on top and put 3 liter jar with tomato). Cabbage juice will immediately cover the plate. Further, the amount of juice will increase and on the second day air bubbles will appear on the surface.

1-2 times a day, the press should be removed and the cabbage should be pierced to the bottom with a clean knitting needle or knife, expelling air bubbles.

So cabbage is fermented at a temperature in the kitchen of 18-22 ° C for 3 days. Then try the cabbage, if the taste is good, remove the press and put it in the refrigerator (if there is not enough space in the refrigerator, you can put the cabbage tightly in jars and pour cabbage juice over it). If the cabbage has not fermented yet, we wait another 1 day.

In the cold, the fermentation process will end, and if the cabbage is not put in the refrigerator, it can become very sour and deteriorate (after all, we have a small amount of cabbage, and the temperature in the kitchen is usually warm.)

I use peppercorns in the recipe. I crush them a little and put them between the cabbage when laying it. Also use dill seeds or small leaves bay leaf(anything one). When fermented, the cabbage gets their aroma from these spices.

Refreshing, tasty, healthy sauerkraut is ready! Now it is enough to add onion and fragrant vegetable oil and you can enjoy.

Salted cabbage in winter is just a storehouse of vitamins! Such an easy-to-prepare product is always in demand on the menu. You can just fill vegetable oil and with pleasure to eat with boiled potatoes, or you can cook a lot of salads, vinaigrette. Casserole, braised cabbage, cabbage soup or borscht - all dishes and do not count! As well as the ways of its preparation.

Today when vegetables are sold all year round, there is absolutely no need to salt the cabbage with barrels, buckets and invent a suitable place for storage. It is quite possible pickle two or three jars, calmly put them in the refrigerator, and as it is destroyed, cook more.

So, salting cabbage for the winter in jars. There are several ways to prepare it.

The cold way to pickle cabbage

The main difference is cold and hot. Cold is the easiest. However, and cold principle there isn't just one either.

Salting "dry" way

The most traditional is the old reliable "dry". For him, all you need to do is prepare vegetables and dishes.

  • cabbage;
  • carrots in a ratio of 1: 4;
  • salt at the rate of 20 grams per 1 kg of vegetables.

Chop vegetables, mix in a deep bowl and rub your hands well. The kneading process is similar to kneading dough. It is necessary to crush until a lot of juice is formed. You can “knead” the cabbage separately, and then add the carrots. In this case, the finished pickle will taste more vigorous. If you mix everything at once, then the taste will turn out to be sweeter, and the brine will acquire a beautiful carrot color.

Then leave to ferment in the room, piercing the cabbage several times a day with a splinter. After 3-4 days, put the jars in the refrigerator.

Salting cabbage in brine

The recipe for salting in brine is simple. Prepare food:

  • ]cabbage - forks weighing approximately 2 kg;
  • carrots - half a kilogram;
  • water - 4 liters;
  • salt - 8 tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar - 4 tablespoons.

That's the whole set. In addition, you will need two three-liter jars, a deep container, such as a bowl, a cabbage shredder or a special knife and a grater for Korean carrots.

Now the process itself. The first thing to do is boil the brine. Since the method is cold, the brine, respectively, must be cold. This means that it should be prepared in advance so that by the time the vegetables are cut, it has already cooled down. Bring water to a boil and add salt and sugar to it. Wait until they are completely dissolved, while not removing from heat. Then just leave to cool.

Cabbage for pickling must be taken winter varieties. Her forks are dense, juicy, crispy, slightly sweet. Heads of cabbage are especially good, having the shape of a ball flattened from above and below.

Chop all the cabbage finely, grate the carrots. Combine them in a bowl and mix a little so that the vegetables are evenly distributed among themselves. Now all this needs to be packed very tightly into jars.

Banks, of course, must be thoroughly washed, and even better, sterilized. Vegetables need take very hard as the container is filled, so that even small voids in the contents do not remain at all. Thus, fill both jars to the neck.

And the last - pour brine. It will have to be poured gradually. Since the vegetables are stacked very tightly, the liquid will penetrate to the bottom of the jar rather slowly. Therefore, it will be necessary, after pouring a certain amount, to wait until all the water is gone, and add more. And so on, until the container is filled with brine to the top.

Next, you should only leave the jars in the fermentation room for two or three days. All this time, the cabbage must be periodically pierced in order to give an outlet to the gases formed during souring. On the third day, you should try the pickle for readiness. The temperature in the apartment can be different, and the time of its preparation depends on this. As soon as the taste turned out to be what you wanted, you need to close the jars with lids and put them in the refrigerator. There they will be perfectly stored in the winter.

What to salt cabbage

The recipe for salting in this way is, of course, easier. You do not need to spend a lot of effort on "kneading" vegetables, just pour it with cold brine and let it stand for several days. And you can do it not only in glass jars. Since you need to stuff vegetables for pickling very hard, and in a jar it is not very convenient to do this. Can be used food grade plastic containers, enamel pan or can, ceramic barrels. The process of laying cabbage in them will be much easier.

Of course, this amount of cabbage is not enough for the whole winter, and the volume of the refrigerator is unlikely to allow storing it there. great amount cans. But you can gradually, as needed, add one more jar of salt, and thus, sauerkraut will be on the menu all winter.

Salted cabbage with beets

When salting, you can use not only cabbage and carrots. The original is cooking with beets. There are many variations of this recipe, but the most common. But with the addition of beets, you need to be careful. The fact is that it is able to give some softness to cabbage, in addition, the finished product will have a specific taste. Therefore, beets should be put on the basis of for 2 kg of cabbage literally 100 grams.

The cooking method should be chosen - with brine. But when putting vegetables in jars, you should add garlic and cumin, and put a horseradish leaf on the bottom. Put a few mustard seeds in the brine. These additives will spiciness, astringent to neutralize the emollient properties of the beets, and enhance the special taste. The rest of the process will remain unchanged. In winter, such a recipe is even more useful, since the beets will add their vitamins, and the presence of garlic will enhance the preventive effect of vitamin C.

Salted cabbage with apples and cranberries

But it’s good to put a few slices in cabbage with carrots sour apple winter variety, for example, Antonovka. Everyone knows the recipe too. with cranberries. For this, it is best to buy berries not in a store, but in the market. In winter, this is not at all difficult to do. It will be necessary to put it while mixing the cabbage and tamp it not so hard, otherwise all the berries will burst. Cranberries will hardly change the taste of the finished pickle in any way, but they will look original on the table and add spice when they hit the tongue.

Recipe for pickling cabbage in water

Another recipe for sauerkraut. It is in many ways similar to cooking it in brine, but the brine itself does not have to be cooked.

Products and their proportions are the same as in the brine recipe. Only if, in the case of brine, the amount of water poured into the cabbage does not matter - salt and sugar are put in the pan in advance, then here you will have to measure how much water fits in the jar. On average for one three-liter jar filled with vegetables, you need 2 liters of liquid.

So, prepared vegetables are placed in jars or other containers in a known way. Next, the entire contents are poured with cold boiled water to the very top. Depending on how much water was poured, you need to pour salt directly into the jar, based on the proportion per liter of liquid 2 tablespoons.

Now you can put, as always, wander. It is also necessary to pierce and keep it warm for several days. Then you need to put sugar directly into the jar again. Remembering how much water was poured into the jar, sugar count 1 tablespoon per liter.

Allow the sugar to completely dissolve and seep into the vegetables, this will take several hours. And then close the jars and put them in the cold. You can speed up the process of dissolving sugar. To do this, pour a little brine into another container, dissolve all the necessary sugar in it and pour it back.

This recipe is almost the same as using brine, but much simpler.

Salted cabbage recipe

Cabbage does not need to be shredded for pickling. You can salt it by cutting into large or not very slices, slices. Many people prefer just such a recipe for salting for the winter. Of course, simple glass jars. good to use enameled, ceramic or plastic cans, barrels. You can even use food-grade plastic buckets. Or jars larger than three liters with a wide neck.

At the bottom of the container, you should put cabbage leaves, stalks, apples, whole medium-sized carrots. It is better to cut some carrots and cabbage. Next, lay the pieces of heads of cabbage, sprinkling them with chopped vegetables. As it fills, compact by pressing with your hands. Lay the very top with chopped cabbage and carrots and press well too.

Then pour all the contents with cold brine. Further, the process is similar to the previous recipes.

You can store large containers on a cold balcony, unless they are glass. Of course, if the winter is frosty. Because freezing and thawing will make the product inedible. Five-liter jars will fit in the refrigerator.

As you can see, you can salt cabbage in a completely different way. There are many recipes. cold way- just one of options. With such salting, the product will prepare for a few days. hot method allows to be a finished product in a few hours. However, cold salting is often preferred.