Salted cabbage is fast and tasty. Quick salted cabbage recipe with vinegar.

Today we’ll talk about how to properly pickle cabbage and it’s delicious as grandma cooked for us in childhood. . On the dinner table, cabbage has always taken pride of place. In the old days, this vegetable, rich in vitamins and minerals, replaced fast food during fasts. Cabbage was harvested for the winter and spring, in barrels, subsequently used for cooking various dishes. This process was laborious and time consuming. Now, with the advent of varieties that can be stored until the new harvest, cabbage can be salted in small containers throughout the winter-spring period. Consider in this article recipes for how to pickle and pickle cabbage.


At the end of autumn, when valuable product food is fully matured, a sacrament takes place in the kitchens: the housewives ferment, pickle, and preserve cabbage. Each has its own little secrets. How do they do it? Here are just some recipes for harvesting juicy, crispy, spicy, sour and such healthy cabbage. Now you will learn how to pickle cabbage correctly yourself. You can also check out.

pickled cabbage recipe

For this, dense, white heads of late and medium varieties are suitable: And so the recipes for pickled cabbage ..

  • 3 kg cabbage finely chopped
  • peel and grate carrots - depends on desire,
  • for 3 kg - 60 g of salt,
  • prepare the marinade: for 1 kg of vegetables, take - sugar (0.2 kg) + vinegar essence (20 g), + 0.5 l of liquid (water), + black pepper (peas) + 4 bay leaves. Mix all components, boil, cool.

Mix cabbage and carrots, sprinkle with salt, carefully and tightly fold into prepared clean jars, pour in the chilled marinade, cover the dishes with foil, parchment paper. After a week (it depends on the air temperature), the cooked product can be consumed.

Sauerkraut (chopped)

We cook our own sauerkraut (chopped), according to the recipe, for this we need. Select juicy, tight heads of cabbage (10 kg), clean from contaminated and top leaves, wash, cut in half, remove the stalk and chop; 300 g carrots wash, peel, rub.

Put a layer of cabbage leaves in an enameled pan, the next - shredded cabbage and carrots, sprinkle with salt, press the whole vegetable mixture well. Again, put the cabbage and carrots, salt (you need 0.25 kg of salt for the whole mass), press and repeat until all the cabbage is laid. Top with leaves. Leave for two hours, then press down and place a wooden circle, a lid with a weight, so that the cabbage is covered with brine. If your cabbage is not juicy, then in this case, pour a liter of salt water on the bottom. Place the pot in a warm place to start the fermentation process.

It is necessary to monitor the fermentation: remove the foam, remove the emerging mold and make holes in the layers, releasing carbon dioxide.

Ready pretty cabbage is better to shift into glass jars and refrigerate. It is stored for a long time, and is suitable for making borscht, vinaigrette, saltwort, dumplings, salads, etc. It is an excellent cleanser. Nutritionists recommend including it in the diet for diabetes, obesity, liver and heart diseases.

Cabbage with beets

How to pickle cabbage with beets? Everything is very simple. Vegetables: cabbage (4 kg), a little garlic, salad beets (from 220 to 260), hot pepper 2 pcs., horseradish (80 g), a bunch of parsley, wash and peel. Cut the cabbage into pieces of 250 g; chop horseradish, garlic, parsley; cut the beets into slices or cubes. Arrange the vegetables in a wide enamelware, pour warm brine (200 sugar + 4 liters of water + 200 g salt), cover with gauze, cabbage leaves, put circle and load. Put the dishes with the prepared salt in a warm place for three days, then transfer to a cool place. Cabbage with beets will turn out to be a beautiful cherry-raspberry color, spicy, crispy. Transfer it to glass jars and store in the cold, prepare salads from it, adding ingredients to your liking.

Cauliflower differs from its close relatives: Savoy, kohlrabi, broccoli in a rich composition of nutrients, great taste. It can be fermented in the same way as white cabbage. And since pickle cauliflower quickly.

Choose a white, healthy head of cabbage, clean it, disassemble it into small buds - inflorescences, blanch for a minute and cool immediately. Peel the carrots and cut nicely. Close the bottom of the dish in which you salt grape leaves, celery, dill and fold in layers of cauliflower, carrots, finely chopped garlic. You can add coarsely chopped bell pepper. Top with herbs: dill, celery, parsley. It is convenient to immediately put vegetables in a three-liter jar.

Boil the brine: add sugar (20 g) + salt (45 g) + bay leaves + peppercorns to one liter of boiling water. Cool the liquid, pour over the cabbage. Cover the jar with a lid, foil, leave warm for 2 days, then put it in a cool place.

If you want to cauliflower was spicy, you can add the spices you prefer.

White cabbage marinated with nuts - rare and very tasty dish. Cook it according to this recipe, and you will be satisfied.

Take 0.9 kg of cabbage, cut into pieces (5x5), blanch for three minutes, refrigerate immediately; add onion - finely chopped (from 100 to 150 g), grated nuts (90 g), garlic; place in a large bowl; add vinegar (9% -200 g), salt (35 g), mix well, put in jars, pour boiled, slightly chilled water. Banks can be sterilized - 0.5 l - ten minutes. after boiling water, liter - 15-18 minutes, cover with lids and roll up. And you can cover with lids, parchment paper and leave the vegetables in the bowl for several days (5-8).

If desired, enrich the cabbage with vegetables cut into pieces (3x3): bell peppers, carrots, squash, apples, beets (cabbage will be burgundy).

Korean cabbage

Recipe for salting cabbage in Korean. Cut the cabbage in half and put in a steep salt solution for 28 hours to make the leaves elastic; grind in a meat grinder, with a fine grate, garlic and hot pepper, add salted soy sauce(sold in the store), refrigerate for several hours. You can add any spices you like to this mixture.

When the leaves of the cabbage halves become plastic and flexible, wash them with clean water; bend each leaf and spread with the prepared spicy mixture; put in a saucepan under oppression for a day. This is how we got cabbage in Korean, very tasty and fast!

Cabbage at home

Homemade salted cabbage is never boring, it is tasty and healthy, because there is more vitamin C in sauerkraut than in lemons. Salting is based on the process of lactic acid fermentation of the sugar contained in the product. At the same time, lactic acid gives the finished cabbage a pleasant sour taste. Therefore, for cooking, choose late cabbage, with high content Sahara. Take healthy, dense, white heads of cabbage so that they are not frostbitten.

Place the container with cooked cabbage in a wide bowl: during fermentation, juice is released, which can flow down the walls of the jar. Pour this juice back into the jar. You can prepare fresh brine for topping up (per liter of water - 25 g table salt).

Be sure to remove foam, mold during fermentation, rinse the load, mug, napkins.

If you use a special shredder to cut cabbage, then take care of your hands, use gloves - steel knives are very sharp.

Store the finished product at a temperature of +1 to +3 degrees.

salt preparation technology delicious cabbage simple, has many ways: with fruits, vegetables, spices and spices, as well as whole, large pieces.

Now you know how to pickle cabbage correctly, now you have a lot of recipes in stock, try it.

Success depends on your imagination and preferences, and don't be afraid to experiment!

How to quickly pickle cabbage , because if we apply classic recipe, fermentation will last up to ten days, and we need to have the product after a few hours. Of course, there is a way out. Now we will look at several recipes for quick salting cabbage.

How to quickly pickle cabbage: Cabbage - carrot recipe

For cooking sauerkraut we will need:

  • white cabbage - 1 kg,
  • carrots - 3 pieces,
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • vegetable oil 100ml,
  • vinegar 9% - ten tablespoons,
  • sugar - half a tablespoon,
  • coarse salt - 1 tablespoon and half a liter of water.

Cooking cabbage is to cut it into strips. Then we clean, wash and rub on coarse grater carrot. Let's skip the garlic through the press. Mix the cooked vegetables in a suitable saucepan, you can in a large bowl. Dissolve sugar in water, then salt, add sunflower oil and vinegar at the end, bring the marinade to a boil. Pour cabbage and carrot mixture with boiling marinade. Top with a plate of a suitable size, turned upside down. We put oppression on top. After 5-6 hours of fermentation in a warm place salted cabbage ready to use.

How to quickly pickle cabbage with beets

For this recipe we will need:

  • cabbage - 2 kg,
  • beets - 2 pieces,
  • carrots - 2 pieces,
  • vinegar 9% - 100ml,
  • vegetable oil a third of a tablespoon,
  • sugar -1 tablespoon,
  • salt - 2 tablespoons.

Cabbage is shredded. Carrots and beets are rubbed on a coarse grater. Vegetable mix knead in a saucepan until the juice starts to stand out. With vinegar vegetable oil, sugar and salt, prepare the brine, bring it to a boil. Pour into a bowl with vegetables. From above we cover with a plate on which we put the load. After 3-5 hours, cabbage can be eaten.

How to quickly pickle cabbage pieces

We will need:

  • head of cabbage,
  • 0.5 kilograms of beets,
  • 0.5 kilograms of carrots,
  • liter of water,
  • a tablespoon of vinegar and vegetable oil,
  • two tablespoons of salt
  • a tablespoon of sugar
  • pepper - peas and a couple of bay leaves.

Cut the cabbage into eight pieces and remove the stalk. We rub carrots and beets on a coarse grater. We prepare the marinade and boil it. Put the vegetables in a saucepan and pour over the boiling marinade. We put it under oppression and after 6-8 hours the salad is ready.

And at the end of the answer to the question how to quickly pickle cabbage Here is a recipe for lovers of spicy dishes.

Recipe for pickling spicy cabbage

Required products:

  • carrots 0.5 kg,
  • garlic one head,
  • red ground pepper(spicy) one teaspoon,
  • black peppercorns,
  • vinegar essence 2.5 tablespoons,
  • coarse salt 2.5 tablespoons,
  • cabbage 3 kg.

The cabbage is shredded. We rub the carrots, chop the garlic. Mix carrots with garlic and peppers. We prepare the brine, for this we dissolve sugar, salt and salt in a glass of raw water. vinegar essence. In a large saucepan, spread the cabbage in layers, pouring a mixture of carrots with garlic and pepper between the layers. Pour the brine, lay oppression. If the brine does not cover the cabbage, you should not worry, after a couple of hours the cabbage will release the juice and it will be enough. This salad is infused longer than the previous ones. He needs to wander until ready - a day. To store lettuce, arrange it in jars along with the brine. Close with a polyethylene lid. Now the salad can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.

Now knowing how to quickly pickle cabbage, we will be able to serve it on the table, at the first need. Enjoy your meal.

cabbage is for human body source of vitamin C. As you know, in winter time we lack it, so we try to consume fortified foods. Sauerkraut is considered very healthy dish. Until spring, we can use it and get the substances necessary for the body. We will talk about how to pickle cabbage tastier in this article. We offer caring hostesses an interesting recipe.

Salting cabbage

This vegetable can be cooked in different ways, but consider how it tastes better to pickle cabbage. For four three-liter jars you will need:

  • fresh white cabbage in the amount of 6 kg;
  • fresh large carrots - 7 pcs.;
  • spices (pepper, Bay leaf);
  • salt in the amount of 14 tablespoons;
  • sugar - about 7 tablespoons;
  • about 7 liters of drinking water.

delicious: step by step technology

You can salt cabbage in jars, in a barrel or in another container convenient for you. We suggest using the usual three-liter jars. In them, the product is well stored, and the container itself does not take up much space in the cellar. In addition, the transparency of the jar allows you to monitor how the salting process is going on.

1 step

First, the vegetable should be chopped properly. For this, there are special graters with a flat blade. You can do this with a knife, but shredding will save you time and effort. Do not rub cabbage stalks!

2 step

After preparing the cabbage, you need to wash and peel the carrots. It is crushed using an ordinary coarse grater.

3 step

Mix chopped vegetables, mix in a large container. It is convenient to do this in a basin or a large saucepan. Do not salt and press with your hands.

4 step

Arrange chopped vegetables in prepared jars (washed and dry). Tamp tightly, to the top. Shift each layer with peas and parsley leaves. It is enough to make three bookmarks: at the very bottom, in the middle and at the top. Garlic lovers can add a few cloves.

5 step

What is the best way to pickle cabbage? For good taste you need a brine. It is prepared as follows: per liter of drinking water you need to take 2 large spoons of salt and 1 spoon (large) of sugar. Spoons should be without a slide. In a large saucepan, dilute the indicated amount of sugar and salt in 7 liters of water.

6 step

Fill jars with rammed cabbage with brine. Do not try to use the entire volume. You should have a little more than 0.5 liters left. Put the leftovers in the refrigerator. You will need them, because after 4 days the cabbage will absorb the liquid and additional brine will be required in order to completely cover the ingredients. You can store cabbage for a long time, but always in a cold place.

7 step

Cover the jars with plastic lids, take them to a cool place. After 3-4 days, you will add liquid to the containers,

then tightly seal with lids. Sometimes water can seep through the lid. There's nothing wrong with that, it's just not very cool in the cellar. You can put a regular plate under the jar. If you will store cabbage in the refrigerator, then just do not fill the jars to the very top. Leave a few inches to spare.

We serve cabbage to the table

Now you know, the Snack can be eaten after 5-7 days. And you can leave it in the cellar or basement until winter. On frosty evenings there is nothing better hot potato with herring and crispy sauerkraut. Enjoy your meal!

- the dish, at first glance, is simple. In general, there is nothing to be smart about, it is enough to chop the vegetable, mash with salt, add a little carrot, sprinkle with dill seed. AT suitable container decompose and keep warm for several days. However, the result does not always correspond to the efforts and expectations made, sometimes your favorite snack comes out unattractive, bland. How to pickle cabbage so that it is crispy, juicy and moderately sour? Buying the “right” forks is half the battle.

Delicious cabbage: a choice of heads of cabbage for pickling

Medium and late-ripening varieties are suitable for pickling (“Glory”, “Gift”, “Gingerbread Man”, “Gribovsky Zimny”). Their forks are dense, not heavy in size, with protruding sides, as if flattened. If the upper green leaves are not removed from the heads, it means that they were stored correctly, they did not freeze. Pay attention to the stalks, a white cut is a sign of freshness; in stale, wilted cabbage, it is beige or even brown. By the way, the length of the "stumps" should be at least 2 centimeters.

Be sure to inspect the heads of cabbage, carefully, from all sides, cracked, with dark spots, signs of rot, bad smell it’s better not to take it, it’s tasty, with an appetizing crunch, it still won’t work out of such raw materials. It is recommended to give preference to large forks, weight from 3 to 5 kg guarantees maturity. Such a vegetable was filled with juices over the summer, contains right amount Sahara. And without it, the normal fermentation process is impossible, on which cabbage pickling is actually based.

Tips: how to pickle cabbage deliciously

- In the old days, cabbage for the winter in oak barrels fermented, now mostly in glass jars and enameled pans, buckets. The main thing is that there are no chips on the inner surface, contact with metal spoils the cabbage. Therefore, it is not salted in iron and aluminum containers. In addition to dishes made of wood, glass, ceramics, food-grade plastic containers are also used.

Preparation of cabbage for sauerkraut is carried out in a well-ventilated area. We advise you to treat the tabletop, cutting board on which it is to be chopped with a solution of table salt (a tablespoon per liter of hot boiled water). Rinse with salted boiling water and containers for laying cabbage. They can also be wiped from the inside with vodka, alcohol or apple cider vinegar. And, of course, cooking cabbage (cutting, rubbing with salt) is done only with cleanly washed hands. This is one of the main conditions for pickling cabbage so that it is crispy. After all, when exclusively lactic acid bacteria participate in fermentation, cabbage for the winter succeeds, which is necessary. But the forks themselves are not washed, only the outer leaves are removed.

With iodized salt, vegetables are not preserved, cabbage is not fermented with it, it turns out tasteless and soft. It is advisable to take the usual rock salt medium or coarse grinding, at the rate of 2.5-3% by weight original product. That is, 25-30 g (about a heaping tablespoon) per kilogram of chopped cabbage. Slightly salted salad to taste. Of course, you can get by with less salt, which is undoubtedly more useful, but such a cabbage will definitely not be crispy. And you need to eat it faster, until it peroxides.

When asked how tasty it is to pickle cabbage and keep all the vitamins in it, I will answer without hesitation: cut it neither finely nor coarsely. Stop at the golden mean. Strips of medium width (0.5-0.6 mm), certainly the same, will be salted and ripened at the same time.

By the way, you should not knead them with special zeal, like dough, a few pressures are enough. But you need to mix the ingredients carefully. And put it tightly in a container, tamp it in a jar with a wooden pestle so that the cabbage is in brine. During salting, it is pierced a couple of times a day with a needle, a torch, long, so that it reaches the bottom. Thus, carbon dioxide formed during fermentation is removed from the workpiece. If this is not done, the cabbage in brine will come out not only flabby, slimy, but also bitter.

As soon as the cabbage reaches, usually for 3-4 days, it is cleaned in a cool place, in a cellar, refrigerator. It is perfectly stored at temperatures from -2 to +2 degrees. It is advisable not to keep it in the cold, the crunch will disappear, and some of the nutrients (enzymes, vitamins).

And here are some more “believe it or not” tips on how to pickle cabbage so that it is crispy. They say that it is better to do conservation on a growing moon, 5-6 days after the new moon are considered ideal. Moreover, cutting and kneading is always in a good mood. Previously, in the villages they salted cabbage with a cheerful company, making jokes, singing perky ditties.

cabbage quickly and tasty: a classic recipe

Salting cabbage in large volumes is not relevant now, by the spring, when immunity needs enhanced support, useful material in the vitamin product are partially destroyed, and the taste changes, of course, not for the better. In addition, it is problematic to store large stocks in the apartment. Therefore, salting in small portions is beneficial, since this vegetable is sold in stores all year round.

And so, cabbage in a jar, for example, in a three-liter? It will fit a four-kilogram fork and 2-3 carrots, their weight should not exceed 10% of the weight of the cabbage. Carrots and the color of the workpiece will “revive”, and fermentation due to sugar will accelerate. Have the same function Rye bread, a black crust is placed on the bottom of the container, honey and, do not be surprised, vodka (20-30 ml - per 3 liters). Here is a ready-made solution for you, how to pickle cabbage quickly and tasty. However, first things first.

The upper dirty leaves are removed from the head, the stalk is removed and discarded, nitrates accumulate in it. Carrots are washed, peeled and rubbed on a coarse grater. The forks are divided into 4 parts, each quarter is alternately chopped into medium-sized strips. Sprinkle with a tablespoon of table (can be sea) salt. Add grated carrots, mix and lightly crush. Then pour from the cutting board into a clean and dry glass container. If desired, flavored with dry dill seeds (cumin), compacted. After laying the last batch, they are carefully tamped, juice should stand out. By the way, during the fermentation process, its level will rise, so the jar is not filled to the neck, leaving 5-6 cm of free space, and put on a plate. Otherwise, the brine will spill onto the table.

The container is covered with a double-folded gauze napkin. Every day, morning and evening, they pierce the pickle with a skewer (knitting needle), releasing carbon dioxide, and collect the foam with a spoon. If the kitchen is hot, more than 22 degrees Celsius, on the third day the cabbage will become quite sour. It is placed in the refrigerator, where the fermentation gradually fades. After a day or two, you can eat a vigorous snack. It's old, everyone famous recipe how to pickle cabbage so that it is crispy, sour and very tasty. But there are other options for your favorite snack.

Quick cabbage with horseradish and garlic

Spicy food lovers will appreciate this original dish. Its preparation begins with a marinade. Pour 1 liter of water into the pan, pour a glass of sugar, one tablespoon of salt and 3-4 peas of black pepper. The ingredients are for a 3 liter jar. Boil for 5 minutes covered, then cool until room temperature and seasoned with apple cider vinegar and refined sunflower oil(200 ml each). Cabbage (large fork) is chopped, carrots (4-5 pieces) are cut into small strips or grated. Grind two peeled horseradish roots with garlic (1 head). In order not to cry from the explosive smell, they put on the exit mouth of the meat grinder plastic bag. You can use ready-made pureed horseradish from the store, adding garlic to it.

We proceed to the main stage, how to pickle cabbage in a jar of hot seasonings. Mix chopped vegetables with a mixture of horseradish and garlic, spread in a glass container, compacting with a spoon. Pour in the prepared marinade, cover with a plastic lid and place in a cool place. After 2 days quick cabbage will be ready, and if it stands longer, it will become even more vigorous and tastier.

How to salt cabbage "Bavarian style"

The Germans cook cabbage with apples and cumin. Its seeds (3 tablespoons) are heated in a dry frying pan and ground with a pestle. In Germany white cabbage it is customary to chop finely, but in this case it will definitely not crunch. Therefore, we advise you to cut it (3.5 kg) into small rectangles, and three apples (without cores) into thin slices. A couple of carrots are grated. AT enamel saucepan cabbage is mashed together with salt (2-3 tablespoons), cumin and juniper berries (10-15 pieces). Carrots and apples are added, leveled and pressed with oppression. As a load, you can use, for example, a jar of water.

Otherwise, the algorithm of actions on how to salt cabbage in German is no different from the traditional Russian method. Do not forget to pierce the pickle, remove the foam, but do not overexpose in heat. Otherwise, the appetizer will come out very picky. Store it in the refrigerator, serve as, or as a side dish to fried sausages. Overeat!

Surely you also have your own “branded” ones, how to pickle cabbage so that it is crispy and tasty. Let's exchange experiences and share secrets.

Posted by: snow queen
Date of: 29.02.2016 / 23:30

You don't have to wait long to enjoy pickled cabbage.

There are many recipes fast food.

And after a few hours, a bowl of snacks will flaunt on the table.

Let's cook?

Pickled Instant Cabbage - General Principles and Rules

Pickled only juicy heads of cabbage, most often autumn ones. Lying and winter cabbage not used for harvesting. The vegetable is chopped on a special grater or knife, then put in a basin or in large saucepan, slightly wrinkled by hand to reduce volume.

What is added to the workpiece:

. carrot;

. onion;

. different greens;

Pour cabbage with vegetables with a marinade of salt, sugar, vinegar and oil. Since it is an instant preparation, a boiling mixture is often used, sometimes warm. cold marinade rarely poured, as it is more suitable for long pickling.

After pouring, the workpiece is kept warm for several hours, then cleaned in the cold. Before use, squeeze out the excess marinade, put oil in the cabbage, add onions, herbs. Since the workpiece has a mild salty taste, it is great for salads.

Recipe 1: Pickled Instant Cabbage "Daily"

Many housewives are familiar with this recipe. This instant pickled cabbage can be eaten for 24 hours, and it is prepared very simply and quickly.


. 2.5 kg of cabbage;

. liter of water;

. 100 grams of oil;

. 100 grams of sugar;

. 1.5 tablespoons of salt;

. 400 grams of carrots;

. vinegar 9%;

. 3 cloves of garlic.


1. Shred the cabbage in any way, preferably with thin straws, so that it marinates faster and easier. We put it in the basin.

2. We rub coarsely the carrot, chop the garlic and send it to the basin to the cabbage. Lightly knead with your hands to reduce the volume of vegetables.

3. We shift the vegetables into a more suitable size pan or jars.

4. For the marinade, boil water with sugar, salt and butter, boil for 2-3 minutes and add 90 grams of vinegar at the end.

5. Let the marinade cool for about 10 minutes, it should remain hot.

6. Pour the prepared cabbage with vegetables and leave it warm for a day. Then you can take a sample. This preparation is stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe 2: Instant Pickled Cabbage with Beets in 8 Hours

Very bright version beautiful snack from pickled cabbage of instant preparation. It is better to use beets fresh and juicy so that they color the vegetables well and give the workpiece a beautiful color.


. 2 kg of cabbage;

. 2 carrots (large);

. 1 beet (about 150-200 grams);

. garlic to taste;

. 80 ml of oil;

. 1 spoon of salt;

. 80 ml of vinegar 6%;

. 4 spoons of sugar.


1. Cut the carrot lengthwise into 2 parts and chop in semicircles. The slices should be thin.

2. If you put garlic, then simply cut each clove into circles.

3. We just chop the cabbage.

4. We clean the beets and rub them with straws so that they look like cabbage. It will not be visible in the workpiece.

5. We combine all the vegetables, mix.

6. For the marinade, boil 300 grams of water, add salt and sugar, mix until dissolved. At the end, pour in the oil, then add the vinegar. We turn off the fire.

7. Pour vegetables with hot marinade, put on a glove, and until the mixture has cooled, mix.

8. We put oppression and leave it warm for 6-8 hours. If done in the morning, then for dinner it will already be possible to enjoy a bright snack! But do not forget to put the leftovers in jars and put them in the refrigerator.

Recipe 3: Instant Korean Pickled Cabbage

Another option for instant pickled cabbage with beets, but you can do it without it. But in this case, for beauty, you can put a carrot. In any case, the appetizer is very rich and fragrant. The appetizer is large-sized, which also saves time on chopping the head.


. 2-2.5 kg of cabbage;

. a head of garlic;

. 1 beet;

. 1 bay leaf;

. 0.5 tsp coriander;

. 2 stars of carnation;

. 0.5 cups of oil;

. a spoonful of salt and sugar;

. liter of water;

. 100 ml of vinegar.


1. Remove the top leaves from the head of cabbage and cut it into large pieces with sides of 5-7 centimeters. We put it in an enameled saucepan.

2. Add grated beets, which also need to be peeled. It is better to lay the beets in layers so that the pieces are evenly colored.

3. We clean the head of garlic, cut each clove into 2 parts and throw it into the pan.

4. To prepare the marinade, boil salt and sugar in a liter of water, add oil, cook for 5 minutes.

5. Now pour in the vinegar, crushed coriander seeds and cloves. Turn off the stove.

6. Pour cabbage with beets with boiling marinade, cover with a plate or an inverted lid of a smaller diameter and put oppression of 2-3 kg.

7. Leave the workpiece warm for 15-20 hours and you're done! Then Korean snack put away in the cold.

Recipe 4: Instant Spicy Pickled Cabbage

For this appetizer you will need a string hot peppers red or green. getting ready spicy cabbage about a day, but the longer it stays, the saltier and more vigorous it becomes.


. 2 kg of cabbage;

. 300 grams of carrots;

. 1-2 sharp pods;

. 200 grams of oil;

. 100 grams of vinegar 9%;

. head of garlic.

For brine:

. liter of water;

. three spoons of sugar;

. 2 spoons of salt.

If desired, add greens, any seasonings (bay leaf, peppercorns, coriander), you can put beets and make a bright preparation.


1. Peeled carrots rub or cut into large strips.

2. Cabbage should be cut into cubes with sides of 2 centimeters. Remove the top leaves and stalk. You can also immediately cut off thick veins, as they will take a very long time to salt.

3. We clean the head of garlic, remove the tails from the pepper and chop everything finely.

4. We put cabbage, carrots and a spicy garlic mixture with pepper in a jar.

5. Boil salt and sugar in water, pour in oil and vinegar, cool to a warm state.

6. Fill the jar and leave to marinate in the heat, but after a day we must put it in the refrigerator or put it in the cellar.

Recipe 5: Instant Pickled Cabbage "In 2 Hours"

There is simply no faster pickled cabbage recipe! Great option preparing a salad for dinner or lunch. In addition to the main products, you will need bell pepper, preferably a bright color, so that the dish is more beautiful.


. 0.6 kg of cabbage;

. 1 Bell pepper;

. 2 cloves of garlic;

. 3 peppercorns;

. 1 small carrot or half of a large one;

. liter of water;

. 2 tablespoons of salt;

. 50 grams of sugar;

. 2 bay leaves;

. 100 grams of 9% vinegar.


1. Cut into strips sweet pepper, also rub the peeled carrots.

2. Shred the cabbage in the usual way grated or cut with a special knife.

3. We clean the garlic, cut it not very finely, better in thin slices.

4. Mix all the vegetables.

5. For marinade, boil salt with sugar and a liter of water. Add vinegar. Then we put all the other spices, except for bay leaves. Remove from fire immediately.

6. Pour the cooked vegetables with boiling water, let stand for 15 minutes, then stick in the bay leaves and cool for up to an hour.

7. Now you need to remove the cabbage from the brine with your hands, do not squeeze it hard. We put it in a jar and cool it for another hour in the refrigerator.

8. Then pour oil, add greens, onion and you can serve! In the refrigerator, such a blank costs no more than 4 days.

Recipe 6: Instant Cauliflower Pickled

For some reason, many pickle only white cabbage and simply forget about cauliflower. In fact, it turns out no worse. And many like it even more because of their delicate taste. Recipe quick snack, which can be put on the table within 6 hours after preparation. But it is better to marinate overnight, until the morning it will infuse and salt well.


. 1 head of cauliflower;

. 2 tablespoons of salt and sugar;

. 100 ml of oil;

. 15 grams of vinegar 70%;

. 1 bay leaf;

. 4 peppercorns;

. 3 cloves of garlic;


1. We disassemble the cabbage into small inflorescences. For convenience, you can use a knife and separate too large parts. If there are suspicions that insects live inside, then you can soak the head of cabbage for half an hour in salt water, all living creatures will leave it.

2. We put the inflorescences in a jar, which must be thoroughly washed with soda.

3. We also throw laurel, peppercorns, peeled and chopped garlic into pieces.

4. Pour a liter of water, put salt and sugar into it, pour in the oil and immediately vinegar. We boil for a minute.

5. Pour out hot marinade in a jar with inflorescences, cover and cool at room temperature.

6. After 4 hours, you can put the jars in the refrigerator so that the snack cools down well.

Recipe 7: Instant Pot Draniki with Pickled Cabbage

A wonderful recipe for potato pancakes, bright and unusual. Thanks to pickled cabbage, they are very tasty, juicy, with a pronounced taste.


. 4 potatoes;

. 150 grams of cabbage;

. 0,5 bell pepper;

. 1 onion;

. salt, oil;

. 2-4 tablespoons of starch.


1. Finely chop the onion and bell pepper, add greens and squeezed cabbage. If the pieces are long, then you can cut a little with a knife.

2. Rub the potatoes last.

3. Break the egg, salt, pepper, put 2 tablespoons of starch. If a lot of liquid forms in the bowl during frying, then we will add more.

4. Mix the mass well with a spoon and fry in hot oil on both sides until golden brown.

5. Draniki are served hot with sour cream.

Recipe 8: Pickled Cabbage Snack Salad

The second name of the salad is "Christmas". Pickled cabbage does not have such a bright and pronounced taste as sauerkraut. But it's great for various salads and combines with many products.


. 150 grams of pickled mushrooms;

. 1 clove of garlic;

. 1 onion;

. 1 tsp Sahara;

. 2-3 pickles;

. pepper, greens;

. for refueling unrefined oil;

. 1-2 sweet peppers.


1. Squeeze the cabbage from the marinade, put in a bowl.

2. We also do with mushrooms. But if they are not small, then cut into slices or straws.

3. Cucumbers with pepper cut into cubes and sent to the rest of the ingredients.

4. Chop the greens and a clove of garlic, throw in a salad. You can add more garlic if you like the spicy taste.

5. Add sugar, black pepper, mix. Fill with oil and you're done!

Recipe 9: Instant Pickled Cabbage with Peas

Another option for serving instant pickled cabbage. This dish looks fun and bright on the table, it turns out tasty and fragrant.


. 500 grams of cabbage;

. 1 onion;

. 2 spoons of lingonberries or cranberries;

. 100 grams canned peas;

. 30 grams of oil;

. parsley leaves or other herbs


1. Cut the onion into thin rings, put in a colander and pour over boiling water from the kettle. Let it cool for now.

2. Drain the marinade from the peas, send it to the cabbage.

3. Add lingonberries, cooled onions, oil and mix.

4. Put in a salad bowl and decorate with herbs.

Recipe 10: Pickled Cabbage with Apples

Unusual appetizer of cabbage with mayonnaise dressing. It is better not to replace sour cream, as it does not go well with pickles. Green apples are required to prepare the appetizer.


. 2 apples;

. 700 grams of pickled cabbage;

. 100 ml of mayonnaise;

. 2 pickles;

. 1 bulb.


1. Finely chop the cucumbers and onions, put them in a bowl.

2. Add pickled cabbage, which is well squeezed out of the liquid.

3. Peel the apples, cut into small strips. Throw to the rest of the ingredients.

4. Add mayonnaise and you're done! To taste, add sugar and black pepper to the salad, and, if desired, put greens for beauty.

Recipe 11: Instant Pickled Cabbage Salad with Smoked Sausages

The recipe for a hearty and not annoying salad, which can be prepared very quickly. It will especially help out when you need a quick bite to eat, but there is no time for cooking. Ideally used hunting sausages, but you can take any other type of sausage, even smoked sausages.


. 200 grams of pickled cabbage;

. clove of garlic;

. 2 hunting sausages;

. 1 spoon of mayonnaise;

. 1 cucumber or tomato;


1. Cut the cucumber or tomato small cubes, combine with cabbage.

2. Add chopped garlic and herbs.

3. Put sausages cut into thin circles. If other products are used, then straws or cubes can be made, depending on the original shape of the product.

4. Put mayonnaise, mix and you're done!

Recipe 12: Pickled Instant Cabbage with Beans

Delicious and very healthy salad, for which you need lightly salted pickled cabbage. We take canned beans, but if there is time, then you can boil them.


. 400 grams of cabbage;

. 1 can of beans (in their juice)

. 1 bunch of green onions;

. 40 ml of oil;

. 1 sweet pepper.


1. Cut into small pieces green onion and mix with cabbage.

2. Add the beans, with which you need to drain the marinade well. If it is slimy, then it is better to rinse the beans and let the water drain.

3. We remove the seeds from the pepper, cut into thin strips or cubes, and send it as an appetizer.

4. Fill with oil and serve! For spiciness, you can add a clove of garlic, a little ground pepper or a spoonful of diluted mustard.

Instant Pickled Cabbage - Tips and Tricks

. How colder pickle, the longer the cabbage will salt, but the crisp and juicier will remain. Conversely, hot filling shortens the cooking time of the snack, but the pieces are slightly cooked and become softer, not so crispy. You can divide the cabbage into two parts and pour half with hot marinade, and the second part with cooled. While the first one is being eaten, the second one will be ready.

. Pickled cabbage will turn out especially beautiful if you grate carrots into long strips for Korean snacks.

. Vinegar - required ingredient marinade. But if you are afraid of its harm or do not like the pronounced aroma, then replace table vinegar apple. It is much healthier and has a milder taste.

. Cabbage loves sugar, so it is always added to the marinade, and in more than salt.