Sweet Pepper Recipe. Whole canned pepper recipe for the winter in oil and honey

Sweet bell pepper Great for preparing for the winter. Peppers can be preserved both on their own and combined with other vegetables - zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, and also pickled. Peppers can be stuffed before pickling or baked and made lecho. Preserving peppers is a fairly simple process that will keep the family happy all winter long. Pepper in winter acts as a side dish for fish, meat dishes or served as an appetizer on its own. So, canning peppers are the best recipes.

Preserving bell peppers for stuffing

  • 3000 gr red sweet bell pepper;
  • 1000 ml of water;
  • 2 tbsp salt;
  • 2 tbsp Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp vinegar;
  • 5 black peppercorns.
How to cook: Wash peppers, remove seeds. Throw 5 pods of pepper alternately into salted boiling water, leave for 5-6 minutes. Prepare the marinade separately. To do this, mix black pepper, vinegar, sugar, salt and water and boil. Put the pepper in sterile jars, pour hot marinade. Sterilize jars of pepper for 15 minutes in a water bath. Roll up. Once completely cooled, store in a cool place. In winter, stuff pepper blanks with meat or minced vegetable. Enjoy your meal!

Pickled peppers, canned for the winter

    4000 gr of bell pepper;
for the marinade:
    1000 ml of water; 200 g of 9% vinegar; 200 g of sugar; 200 g sunflower oil;2 tbsp. salt; 2 bay leaves; 6 black peppercorns; 2 cloves; 2 allspice peas.
How to cook pickled canned peppers: Wash the pepper and remove the seeds. Cut into quarters. Boil all ingredients for the marinade, except vinegar, for five minutes. Add vinegar at the end. Dip the pepper in boiling water and blanch for two minutes. Remove the pieces of pepper with a slotted spoon and lower them into the marinade, boiling over low heat, for five minutes. Arrange the finished pepper in sterile jars, pour over the hot marinade and roll up. Try not to put too much pepper in the jars, there should be room for the marinade. Turn the jars over, wrap them in a warm towel and wait for them to cool completely, then store them in a cool place.

Peppers preserved in oil and honey

    3000 g of sweet red pepper; 500 ml of water; 200 g of sunflower oil; 4 tbsp. honey; 2 tbsp. sugar; 2 tbsp. salt; 110-120 ml of 9% vinegar; 5-8 bay leaves; 5 peas of allspice; 10 peas of black pepper; 5 cloves.
How to cook: Wash peppers, cut and remove seeds. cut it up large pieces and place in a large saucepan. Mix pepper with honey, oil, sugar, salt and water. Spices can be tied in a piece of gauze. Place the saucepan over medium heat and stir in the peppers with a wooden spatula, as the bottom layers will heat up much faster than the top. After some time, all the peppers will warm up thoroughly, settle and end up in the marinade. Boil peppers with honey and oil for about 6 minutes, no more. Add vinegar at the end. Place hot peppers with marinade in pre-sterilized jars and roll up. Turn over, wrap with a warm towel. Once all jars have cooled down, store them in a cool place.

Canned Green Tomatoes with Peppers

    5000 g of bell pepper; 5000 g of green tomatoes; 300 g of garlic; 1000 g of onion;
for the marinade:
    2 stack vinegar; 2 stack. vegetable oil; 2 stack. sugar; 2 tbsp. salt.
How to cook: Wash vegetables. Cut the tomatoes into slices and mix with chopped garlic. Stuff the peeled bell pepper with tomato mass with garlic. Put the peppers in a saucepan, sprinkle with chopped onions. Add parsley to taste. Boil the marinade from the indicated ingredients. Pour peppers with marinade and boil for 15 minutes. Ready hot stuffed with tomatoes Spread the peppers in pre-sterilized jars, pour the marinade over and roll up. After complete cooling, put the jars in a cool place.

Preservation of sweet peppers: Bulgarian pepper in tomato with vegetables

    1000 gr sweet pepper; 2500 gr red tomatoes; 250 gr carrots; 5-6 teeth. garlic; 10 sprigs of dill and parsley; 2 tbsp. 9% vinegar; 2 tbsp. sugar; 2 tbsp. salt; 150 gr of vegetable oil.
How to cook: Wash greens and vegetables, clean them. Prepare a tomato from ripe red tomatoes. To do this, grind them with a meat grinder and cook for 40 minutes over low heat. Cut the pepper into narrow strips. Chop or grate carrots. Cut greens. Dip all vegetables in a boiling tomato. Send whole garlic cloves, vegetable oil, sugar, salt, vinegar there and cook for ten minutes. Spread out hot pepper in a tomato in sterile jars and roll up. Turn over, wrap in a warm towel and leave to cool completely. Put the jars in a cold place.

How to cook pickled bell peppers for the winter: video

How to do delicious sunset from bell pepper at home? We offer you a simple recipe that every housewife can make at home.

A simple recipe for pickled bell peppers for the winter

A lot of sweet pepper has been born and you do not know what to do with it? Let's roll up the bell pepper for the winter. Our recipes with photos will help you roll up such delicious peppers, you will lick your fingers right!

We will consider several options for preparing blanks, but, in turn, you yourself decide on the recipe and then share your taste sensations.

Roasted bell pepper

If you love home-made soft sweet peppers, then this preservation recipe is just for you. Roasting makes the peppers softer and juicier.

Ingredients per liter jar

  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • vinegar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • medium bell pepper - 1.6 kg.


1. To make the workpiece multi-colored, we take red, yellow and green peppers. We clear the seeds, remove the stalks, rinse, cut in half, and then in half again.

2. Put the prepared pepper on a hot frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry until soft over low heat.

3. While the pepper is cooking, prepare boiling water.

4. Pour granulated sugar and salt into a sterilized jar, pour a spoonful of vinegar, shift the soft pepper and sprinkle with finely chopped garlic on top. Pour out the remaining vinegar.

5. Pour boiling water to the edges of the jar and cork with lids.

6. Cover the seam with a blanket and leave it alone for a few hours to cool.

Quick Pickled Pepper Recipe

This method is suitable for those who do not want to stand at the stove for several hours, rolling up Bulgarian pepper, on summer days.

Ingredients for 4 liter jars

  • Bulgarian pepper - 3.7 kg;
  • water - 800 ml;
  • vinegar 9% - 160 ml;
  • sunflower oil - 160 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 150 g;
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • cloves - 3 buds;
  • black pepper - 5 peas;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • allspice - 3 peas.


1. We free the pepper from seeds and wash it well.

2. Cut into 4 parts, if the pepper is large, then cut into 6 parts.

3. Dip the prepared pepper in boiling water and blanch for a couple of minutes.

4. For the marinade, pour 800 ml of filtered water into a separate saucepan, add salt, granulated sugar, cloves, allspice and black pepper, lavrushka and oil. Bring the mixture to a boil, reduce the flame, but only so that the water boils a little.

5. Cook the marinade for 5 minutes, then pour the vinegar.

6. Bell pepper transfer to a colander and dip it in the marinade for 6-8 minutes.

7. We lay out the pepper in sterilized jars, pour hot marinade. Close with lids.


You don’t need to clog jars with bell pepper, that’s how much it will go in the first time, so roll it up.

8. Now we wait until the rolls cool down and put them away for storage.

Roasted peppers in their own juice

We offer you a very tasty recipe for roasted peppers in own juice without the addition of vinegar and water. This taste and aroma beckons so much that it is impossible to resist ...

Ingredients for 2 liter jars

  • bell pepper -1.6 kg;
  • olive oil- 70 ml;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 50 ml;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon with a slide;
  • black pepper - 7 peas;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • granulated sugar - 1 teaspoon with a slide.


1. We wash the pepper, put it on a baking sheet previously covered with baking paper, send it to the oven for 45 minutes. We bake at a temperature of 210 degrees.

2. Put the hot pepper in a container, leave to cool.

3. We sterilize jars of the required volume and corresponding lids.

4. C roasted peppers peel off the skin, carefully get rid of the stalks and seeds.

5. Drain the released juice into a separate container.

6. Cut the pepper as we want and transfer it to prepared jars without tamping. Add a few peas of black pepper (you can add allspice peas).

7. Now pour the lemon juice into the juice of the peppers, add the remaining ingredients and mix well so that the grains of granulated sugar and salt are completely dissolved.

8. Pour the finished marinade into jars of pepper, without adding 1 cm to the brim.

9. We take a deep pan, cover the bottom with a cloth and set the jars. Pour cool tap water into a container up to the shoulders of the jars. We cover with boiled lids and bring the contents of the pan to a boil, reduce the flame, boil for about 20 minutes.

10. The sterilization stage has passed, now we tightly twist the lids and cool.

Peppers stuffed with cabbage

A vegetable snack in winter is always useful. Bell pepper can be stuffed different vegetables, but the most suitable option is cabbage. Just imagine soft sweet pepper, which hides crispy pickled cabbage. Mmm, yummy!


  • sweet pepper of medium size - 45 pcs.;
  • chili pepper pod - 1 pc.;
  • sunflower oil - 0.5 cups;
  • white cabbage - 2.7 kg;
  • garlic - 13 cloves;
  • parsley, dill - in a bunch;
  • filtered water - 1 liter;
  • vinegar 9% - 0.5 cups;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • medium carrot - 2 pcs.


1. We clean the sweet pepper from seeds, blanch in boiling water for about 5 minutes, take it out, cool it.

2. Finely chop the cabbage, add grated carrots, salt, zhamkaem a little and mix.

3. Greens, garlic and hot pepper chop, add to the cabbage. Mix all ingredients well.

4. During this time, our peppers have cooled down. We fill them with the resulting filling and put them in jars.

5. Let's start preparing the marinade. Pour salt, granulated sugar into the water, pour vegetable oil, boil for 5 minutes. Add vinegar.

6. Pour the marinade into glass jars and cover with a lid.

7. Sterilize the stuffed bell pepper in a saucepan with water as follows: 1 liter - 30 minutes, 2 liters - 40 minutes.

8. With a quick movement of the hand, we screw the jars with lids, turn them upside down and wrap them in a blanket or blanket until they cool completely.

Bulgarian pepper in tomato juice

For those who love home tomato juice and sweet, crunchy peppers, we offer you to prepare an interesting seaming, which contains your favorite products.


  • red bell pepper - 2.7 kg;
  • homemade tomato juice - 1.7 liters;
  • olive or vegetable oil - 0.5 cups;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • rock salt - 75 g;
  • vinegar - 0.6 cups.


1. First of all, we sterilize jars and lids.

2. Pour tomato juice, oil, vinegar into a deep saucepan with a thick bottom, pour sugar and rock salt. Mix everything well, bring to a boil, reduce the flame and cook for 8-10 minutes.

3. We clean the pepper from seeds, cut the stalks and cut into strips, 1.5 cm wide.

4. We shift the pepper into a saucepan with marinade, simmer under a closed lid for 20-25 minutes. Don't forget to stir constantly.

5. We shift ready pepper into jars with a slotted spoon, pour boiling marinade, without adding 1 cm to the brim. Cover with lids, put the jars on a baking sheet and send to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

6. We cork the finished jars with lids, turn them upside down and leave to cool on the table.

7. We store in the pantry or cellar.

On any winter day, you can open a delicious preparation with bell pepper and enjoy its extraordinary taste.

Do you want to cook Bulgarian pepper with honey? Then watch the step by step video recipe

Pepper canning occupies a place of honor among hostesses winter preparations. It can be combined with various vegetables, spices and herbs, marinated, baked, preserved in oil, added to borscht dressings, etc. Consider the following cooking options.

Canning Peppers: Recipes

Stuffed vegetables.

1.2 celery roots and 2.5 parsley roots blanch for a couple of minutes, peel, crumble into slices. 420 g of onion finely chopped, mix, salt. Prepare in the same way 10 kg of sweet pepper, 4 kg of carrots. Fry vegetables for minced meat, salt. Cut the fruits on the side to stuff them. The stalks along with the seeds should be left. Tie the prepared fruits with celery stalks, place them in dense rows in a separate bowl, pour in the brine, and place the load. The brine is prepared as follows: in 10 liters of water, add a garlic clove, 35 b. carnations, 16 pcs. bay pepper, 720 g of salt, boil it all, let it cool, strain.

Preserving hot pepper recipes.

Spicy sauce.

Select a few hot peppers and simmer for a small amount oil with the pan covered. As soon as a film forms on the fruit, remove it. Before carrying out this procedure, be sure to wear gloves. Grind the peppercorns together with the seed pods using a blender. In another pan, fry the tomatoes without skins, carrots and onions. Put the chopped pepper, simmer until the tomato juice evaporates. Lightly salt, pack in sterilized jars.

How about you?

Pickled vegetables.

Wash 1 kg of hot peppers, leave to dry. Mix 125 ml sunflower oil, 420 ml vinegar, 2 tbsp. spoons of salt, 4 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar. Chop the parsley with dill, peel the garlic, chop the carrots into cubes. Fry peppercorns in a dry frying pan with regular stirring. Stir the prepared fruits with carrots, garlic and herbs. Salt, tamp, sterilize jars. Pour in the marinade, salt, set for 10 minutes to sterilize. Seal, leave to cool.

Troika salad.

Required products:

Eggplant, tomatoes - 3 pcs.
- large bell pepper, onion - 3 pcs.
- hot pepper - 0.3 pod
- salt - ½ teaspoon
- garlic clove - 3 pcs.
- sunflower oil - 120 ml
- sugar - a tablespoon
- vinegar - a tablespoon

Cooking steps:

Rinse the eggplants, crumble into circles, add salt, stir, leave for 20 minutes, rinse off the salt. Wash the tomatoes, cut into several pieces, cut out the green stem. Wash the peppers, cut into 2 parts, clean from seed boxes, crumble into strips. Wash hot peppers, peel, finely chop. Peel the onion, wash, crumble into half rings. Chop the peeled garlic finely. Add vegetable oil to the pan, put the chopped vegetables, boil, put the garlic, salt, sprinkle with sugar, pour in the vinegar, stir with a spatula. Cover the pan with a lid, boil for half an hour over low heat. Wash jars, sterilize with lids. Put in a jar, cover with a lid, cork.

How about you?

Canning bell pepper recipe.

520 g of tomatoes, carrots, sweet peppers, crumble into strips, and 3 heads onion- rings. Peel the garlic, chop, fry together with onions in a pan until golden, add carrots, peppers, tomatoes, fry for another 5 minutes. Transfer the fried vegetables to a bowl, add the squeezed Apple juice(255 ml), 720 g of physalis, 40 g of salt and 50 g of granulated sugar, mix thoroughly. As soon as the juice stands out, boil the mass for half an hour. Pour into sterile jars, roll up.

Vegetable stew.


Sweet pepper - 1 kg
- young zucchini - 2 kg
- eggplant - 2 kg
- carrots, onions, tomatoes - 1 kg each
- rock salt– 55 g
- sugar - 220 g
- vinegar - 120 g
- sunflower oil - ½ liter

Cooking steps:

Wash the eggplant, peel, crumble into pieces, sprinkle with coarse salt, stir, leave for 20 minutes, rinse thoroughly. Wash young zucchini, peel, cut off the tails, cut into cubes. Wash the peppers, cut into strips when peeled. Peel the onion with carrots, rinse. Chop the carrot into strips, cut the onion into cubes or incomplete rings. Put all the vegetables in a saucepan, salt, put granulated sugar, mix thoroughly. Add sunflower oil. Put the saucepan with the salad on the fire, boil with occasional stirring. Simmer over low heat for half an hour. If the stew is too thick, add ½ liter of water, add vinegar, stir, simmer for another 5 minutes. Pack in sterile jars.

Do and .

Recipe with tomatoes.

Select tomatoes of the same ripeness, wash, dry. Wash a couple of bunches of dill, horseradish leaves, let dry properly. Peel 0.1 kg of pepper from grains and stalk, chop coarsely. Roughly chop the hot pepper and dill. Prepare the bolona, ​​put the tomatoes in them, sprinkle with spices and herbs. Make a brine: boil water, salt, boil well. Pour the cooled brine into the tomatoes, leave for three days so that the mass ferments. Drain the brine, boil, pour over the tomatoes again. Seal the bolons tightly, put in a cool place.

Hungarian recipe with cauliflower.

1 kg bell pepper wash thoroughly, free from seeds, cut into pieces lengthwise. Grind 155 g of celery and parsley roots each, put in a large bowl, alternating between them. At the very bottom and on top should be garlic. Sprinkle everything with black pepper and salt, compact so that the vegetables release their juice, pour hot marinade over, leave for 12 hours. Drain the filling, boil twice, pour over and drain the marinade. AT last time sterilize 20 minutes.

delicious condiment.

420 g of tomatoes and 1 kg of pepper, rinse a few sprigs of celery, remove seeds and stalk. Peel a couple of garlic cloves separately. Boil the vegetables until soft, rub through a sieve, mix everything together. Boil, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt, 1 tsp. granulated sugar, 1 tsp ground red spices. Boil well, pour hot into pre-prepared jars, cover with boiled lids, sterilize for 40 minutes. Seal tightly, let cool.

Prepare and.

Preserving peppers for the winter recipes

Cabbage option.

Free the fleshy and green fruits from seeds, blanch for 4 minutes in boiling water, immediately cool in cool water. 1 kg pepper chopped small pieces, 1 kg of cabbage, peel, chop, as for sauerkraut. Peel 200 g of onion, chop into small pieces. Mix all prepared vegetables, salt. Make a filling: in a liter of water, stir 0.35 liters of vinegar and 220 g of granulated sugar. ¼ fill fill jars, fill 'em up vegetable mixture so that the fill is on top. You don't need to cast it. Pasteurize at 90 degrees.

Option with herbs and garlic.

Divide 2 kg of red pepper into four parts, free from grains. Boil the marinade from 1 cup of vinegar, 1 tbsp. butter, a tablespoon of sugar and salt. Dip the peppers there, let it boil for a couple of minutes, put it in hot containers, cork.

spicy seasoning With walnuts.

Rinse 520 g of bell pepper, remove seeds, stuff with peeled garlic cloves, pass through a meat grinder. Red bitter pepper, along with ripe tomatoes, also pass through a meat grinder, add salt, mix well, add chopped cilantro, ground walnuts, peanut butter. Pack by glass jars, close tightly.

The blanks presented by us have been popular with housewives for more than one year. They are happy to cook them, and delight their loved ones every year. Pepper is perfectly combined with other types of vegetables, as well as herbs and various spices. Jars with twists can be stored for several years in a row. However, there may be some doubts about this, since they are so tasty that they simply cannot stand on the shelves for so long. Supplement them with cereals, fish, meat, etc.

Pepper canning can be produced by different ways. It can be pickling, salting, cooking salads, caviar, adjika ... We hope you enjoy the following recipes.

Canning Peppers: Recipes

Option with tomato juice.

Wash 2 kg of tomatoes, cut the stalks, pass through a meat grinder, boil for 15 minutes. Salt. Wash peppercorns, free from grains and stalks, put in a saucepan where tomato juice is boiled, boil them until soft. In order for the fruits to soften faster, put them in the microwave for 10 minutes, setting the maximum power. Boil in juice for ten minutes, pour in a teaspoon of vinegar. Arrange the vegetables in pre-prepared jars, roll up, wrap until completely cooled.

Learn and.

Delicious salad recipe.

Add 1 tbsp to the pot. vinegar, one glass of vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. granulated sugar and water, a tablespoon of salt. Mix it all up, put it on the stove, boil it. Rinse 5 kg of pepper, peel them, crumble into rings, pour into a bowl. Arrange in jars, after preparing them, close with lids, cork.

Canned bell pepper

Recipe "in Ukrainian".

Wash the sweet peppers, remove the seeds, crumble into rings, fold tightly in containers, pour in brine, add a small pinch citric acid. Sterilize for 20 minutes. After that, twist the jars, cool, take to storage. For the brine, mix: a liter of water, 70 g of sugar and 40 g of salt.

It turns out very tasty.

Oil filled option.

Cut 6 kg of washed bell pepper into pieces, put in a saucepan, pour over? liters of sunflower oil, put a glass of sugar, half a glass of salt, pour in? Art. vinegar. Let simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. At the end of cooking, put the head of garlic, dill, parsley, boil for 5 minutes. Arrange vegetables in containers, roll up. The brine does not need to be poured. Roll hot.

Preserving Sweet Peppers

Salty preparation.

Prepare 1 kg of peppercorns, stuff them with a mixture of 100 g of sugar and 70 g of salt, put them in a saucepan, sprinkle with a salt-sugar mixture, leave for a day. Transfer the fruits to a sterile container, pour in the brine after aging, compact the fruits, cover with vegetable oil. Cork containers, put in the refrigerator.

Recipes for canning bell peppers.

Cut the sweet pepper in half, clean the seeds, wash, dry, crumble into long strips. Line a baking sheet with baking paper, lay the cooked pods, lightly salt, sprinkle with oil, set to bake at a temperature of 200 g, cook until soft, about 20 minutes. Wash greens and dry. Cut 2 garlic heads into slices. Wash hot peppers, dry, cut out the seeds with the stalk, crumble into pieces. At the bottom of the sterilized jar, lay mint and parsley, hot pepper, a few garlic cloves. Add sea ​​salt, pour in olive oil and? tsp apple cider vinegar. Tighten the container with lids, put in a bowl with poured hot water, boil, turn down the heat so that the water boils only slightly. Sterilize containers 8 min. Take out the container, roll up tightly, turn over, cool, wrap in a blanket. Store in a cool room.

Pickled peppers - very delicious preparation for the winter, which will wonderfully decorate your table. Everyone has their own recipe for pickled peppers. Someone prefers the old way of their granny, someone invents their own. In any case, a blank of bell pepper is a great reason to please your family by opening a jar or two of this wonderful preservation. Pickled peppers have their own unique, unique taste. On our website you will find delicious recipes this wonderful appetizer. Enjoy and make your loved ones happy this winter wonderful dish, a simple recipes with step by step photos taken to help you in cooking!

The best recipes with photos

The last notes

kerescan - Jul 17th, 2015

You have probably harvested or tried these pickled vegetables. But have you tried pickled peppers with honey? BUT cauliflower? I love to make many new homemade preparations every harvesting season. A colleague gave me this delicious, unusual and simple recipe for preservation with honey and vinegar. I suggest that you try to make such a preparation.