Recipe for making walnut jam. Black vanilla jam from green walnuts with peel

Walnut trees have become widespread throughout the world. Sweet jam from unripe walnut stands out among others with an increased amount of vitamin C and is one of the most popular delicacies. There are many different variations. A large number of recipes for such sweetness came to us from Greece. In this article, we will look at what useful qualities has jam, how to cook it at home and storage features.

The medicinal properties of walnuts have been known since ancient Babylon. The inhabitants of this great city identified it with food for the rich, and Herodotus considered it a source vitality. Hippocrates prescribed walnut fruits for diseases of the stomach, kidneys, heart and liver.

walnut thanks medicinal properties called "tree of life". After active physical activity it perfectly satisfies hunger and restores energy, helps to overcome fatigue. Amino oxidants contained in the kernel reduce the risk of developing cancer.
The fruits of the "tree of life" are prescribed to people with diseases thyroid gland, disorders nervous system, diseases of the heart and blood vessels. They improve liver function, reduce arterial pressure, promote weight loss, strengthen memory and bone tissue.

The fruit of the walnut tree, due to its high quantity, is recommended for people living in regions with an increased radiation background. Unripe nuts combined with strengthen immunity. A large concentration of vitamins P and E helps in the fight against impotence. Green nuts accelerate wound healing, stop bleeding, help with diarrhea.

Composition of walnuts

Unripe fruits contain a large number of vitamin and mineral substances. In this regard, they are used in cooking for the preparation of jams and marinades, and in medicine for the preparation of alcohol tinctures.

Green fruits are best harvested in the first month of summer. During this period, they contain the largest number of useful elements, and the core and peel remain soft.


Dairy fruits contain vitamins, as well as,. It should be noted a particularly high concentration, in 100 g of green walnut its content is 2500-3000 mcg. For example, in ripe walnut its concentration is 50 times less, and in currants - 8 times. In addition, 100 g of walnut contains beta-carotene - 0.05 mg, - 0.4 mg, - 0.13 mg, - 77 mg, tocopherol - 23 mg, - 1 mg.

Vitamin PP helps regulate redox processes. For building muscle mass athletes consume beta-sitosterol, which is obtained from the pericarp of a walnut.

Did you know? From a burnt shell walnuts prepare high-quality activated carbon.


Unripe walnuts are rich in iodine, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc and calcium. 100 g of the product contains:

  • - 2.3 mg;
  • - 665 mg;
  • - 120 mg;
  • - 200 mg;
  • - 2 mg;
  • - 0.5 mg;
  • - 3 mg;
  • - 550 mg;
  • - 0.7 mg;
  • - 2.5 mg.

In terms of iodine content, milk nuts can be compared with. In this regard, they are recommended for use by people with impaired thyroid function. The high amount of iron contained in the fruits of the "tree of life" allows them to be used to prevent anemia.

Benefits of green walnut jam

Micro and macro elements, vitamins in unripe fruits will help maintain health. AT folk medicine based on them prepare tinctures and medicines for various diseases. One of the most tasty medicines is a jam made from green walnuts.

It is very difficult to buy such a delicacy, since it is not sold in ordinary stores and is considered delicacy. The main advantage of jam is a high iodine content, and long-term heat treatment allows you to remove bitterness. Let's look at the beneficial properties of young walnut jam.

Nut sweetness has a pleasant and unique taste with a slight bitterness. The rich composition of the jam allows you to strengthen cardiovascular system and improve brain activity. After heavy physical exertion, it helps to quickly restore energy and satisfy hunger.

Important!With uterine fibroids, women are advised to use jam from the peel of an unripe walnut.

A healthy treat helps to cope with apathy and depression. It is recommended to use it for people with iodine deficiency in the body and kidney disease. Regular use of jam will help improve potency and increase libido.

Is it possible

The benefits of walnuts are noted by many doctors, but let's see if this useful product eat for pregnant, lactating and children.

Pregnant and lactating

One of the top foods to eat is the walnut. The inclusion of this product in the diet is recommended due to its high concentration. Due to the fact that young nuts contain a large amount of useful substances, they are recommended in small quantities to strengthen the body, and during pregnancy, which is complicated by a lack of iodine, it is prescribed as a mandatory product in the diet.


Such sweetness is recommended for children in the period of active growth and suffering from rickets. For school-age children, it helps to cope with the load and to concentrate. Tannins and glucose contained in green walnut jam will help you quickly adapt to difficult school conditions.

Features of use: are there any rules?

Walnuts are very useful and high-calorie product, and the glucose contained in the jam only increases its satiety and calorie content. In this regard, it is necessary to know the features of the use of delicacies, and then its benefits for the body will be maximum.

Recommended daily rate use of this product is 2-3 tablespoons. It can be used as independent dish, and in combination with other products, for example, as a filling for pies. Green walnut jam is a great addition to.

Did you know? The walnut tree in the Caucasus is sacred, and some of them can be up to four centuries old.

Rules for choosing good nuts

Unripe walnut fruits have a green pericarp, and their shell is soft, so you need to choose the right fruits for future jam.

Nuts are better collect in May or June, as they combine milky ripeness and a storehouse of nutrients. Fruits are chosen the same size.

Important! The pericarp should not have any wormholes or spots.

To check the maturity of the fetus, it is pierced with a toothpick. It should go through with ease, in which case the nut will withstand the cooking process and retain its shape. Before making jam, especially if you are doing it for the first time, you need to study the steps and prepare everything necessary products.

Walnut Jam: A Step-by-Step Cooking Recipe

Such sweetness is one of the most popular types of jam in the world, and some even call it the "king of the sweet world." There are a large number of different recipes, consider one of them.

Grocery list

To make jam you will need 100 pieces. green walnuts and 1 kg sugar. Such a dish is prepared in June, when nuts contain the greatest amount of useful elements. It is better to collect them in an ecologically clean area, away from the highway and any production.

Step by step recipe

Important! In order to prevent hands from staining when working with young walnut fruits, it is necessary to use rubber gloves.

Green walnut jam different countries cook according to various recipes. So, for example, in Poland and Western Ukraine, vanilla is added to jam, and in Armenia - and.

Storage Features

Green walnut delicacy retains its properties for 9 months when proper storage. For the safety of all useful substances, it is better to store it in a dark place and at room temperature. The lid must be tightly closed so that air does not enter the jar. Otherwise, your efforts will be in vain.

Contraindications and possible harm

Green walnut jam - very healthy dish but it is contraindicated in people with individual intolerance and excess iodine in the body. Also, people should be careful diabetes.

Eating a treat is necessary in moderate portions, especially for people who are overweight. The combination of high-calorie nuts and glucose contributes to the set excess weight, although in minimum quantity it can help burn extra pounds.

Important! It is better for pregnant women in the second and third trimester to limit the amount healthy sweets to a minimum, as it can cause the development of a disease such as diabetes in pregnant women.

More about jam with nuts

Hostesses offer a large number a variety of recipes nutty sweetness. To give piquant taste various spices or citrus peels can be added to green walnut jam.
But very often nuts are used for stuffing various fruits. So, for example, if you add to a nut, then you get delicious jam, which is often called "royal".

With almonds

This nut is used for cooking various kinds sweets. Jam with almonds combines a wonderful soft taste of plum, cloves and cinnamon, which are in harmony with the unique notes of almonds.

Into the cold winter evening can warm you apricot jam with the addition of almonds, which combines sourness and a bright aftertaste of almonds.

With peanuts

In jams, peanuts are used as an additive to other fruits, and its use gives the taste unique notes. For example, jam with and peanuts acquires a subtle taste, and plum with peanuts has a unique taste that you will not forget for a very long time.
Green walnut jam combines excellent taste and a large number of useful elements. Can be used to make treats various additives that will make it unforgettable. The main thing is to remember that such sweetness can sometimes harm, and they should not be abused, as this is a high-calorie product.

The botanical Latin name of the walnut is Juglans regia, which literally translates as "the royal acorn of Jupiter." Such a big name is fully justified by the benefits contained in both the ripe and green fruits of this tree, so it is not surprising that walnut jam is considered “royal” among other preparations. Next, you will learn about the benefits, composition and calorie content of an unusual delicacy, as well as get acquainted with the intricacies and secrets of its preparation.

Walnut fruits are special because they change their chemical composition as they ripen. So, for example, vitamin C is found in excess in green fruits and is completely absent in mature ones, therefore the composition of walnut jam differs from the composition of dried kernels.

This delicacy is rich in:

  • amino acids (histidine, valine, glutamine, cystine, serine, asparagine, phenylalanine);
  • vitamins (B, C, A, E, K, PP and F);
  • and its mineral composition is represented by the following elements: calcium, magnesium, iodine, potassium, zinc, iron, phosphorus.

Walnut jam is quite a high-calorie product. Depending on the recipe chosen, the calorie content of the treat can range from 248 to 433 kcal / 100 g, so you should not abuse it in any case.

What is useful unusual delicacy

According to one study by British scientists, walnut jam can prevent the development of breast cancer and prostate cancer. But still, the main benefit of jam is due to the high content of iodine in it, as well as vitamins E and C.

Thanks to these substances, such a product allows you to:

  • cope with diseases caused by iodine deficiency;
  • easier to endure heavy physical exertion;
  • improve blood circulation in the vessels of the brain;
  • remove toxins, toxins and free radicals;
  • improve the quality of blood and lymph;
  • increase the body's resistance to colds and infectious diseases.

Along with the enormous benefits, there are still some contraindications in which you should refrain from using walnut jam. This is an allergy to a walnut and an excess of iodine in the body.

Basic rules and secrets of making jam

The taste of this winter harvest(however, like others) for the most part depends on the quality of the selected raw materials.

Only nuts of a certain degree of maturity, which is usually reached in the second half of June - early July, are suitable for such a jam.

And this degree of maturity is called milky-wax, when a delicate shell of milky color and waxy softness is hidden under the green peel. The size of such nuts is usually only slightly larger than an olive.

To determine if nuts are suitable for jam, a simple test will help. You need to take one green nut and try to pierce it through with a toothpick. If this can be done without much effort, then in the hands of the ideal raw material for future harvesting.

Additionally, it will not be superfluous to make sure that there are no dark spots and other various flaws on the fruits. Nuts should be selected as even as possible and of the same size.

Since green fruits have a strong bitterness, the procedure for soaking them in lime water is mandatory before making jam.

It happens like this:

  1. For 7 - 10 days, green nuts are soaked in water, and so that it does not sour, change it 3 - 4 times a day.
  2. Then lime water is prepared. 200 g of slaked lime is poured into 3 liters of water, stirred, infused for half an hour and filtered through gauze.
  3. Pour nuts with this water for 12 hours so that it completely covers them, and mix from time to time.
  4. Then the fruits are thoroughly washed under running water, pierced in several places with a fork and boiled for half an hour after boiling in a solution of alum (15 g per 1 liter of water) to remove lime residue.
  5. Walnuts, washed again after that, are ready to be used for making jam.

The collection of green walnuts and their preparation for further preservation is best done with rubber gloves, so as not to get hands painted brown for several weeks.

Classic green walnut jam

Part classic jam of green nuts, only the fruits themselves, sugar and water are included. If you do not take into account the preliminary soaking, then the cooking process differs from the usual one only in that after a preliminary five-minute boiling, the water must be drained.

Proportions of ingredients:

  • 1400 g of young nuts;
  • 1000 ml of water for syrup;
  • 600 g of granulated sugar.

Classic jam recipe step by step:

  1. Soak unripe walnuts in lime mortar. Then rinse them thoroughly, put them in a pan of a suitable displacement and send to the fire.
  2. After boiling, boil the nuts for five minutes and remove from heat. Let them brew for 2 - 3 hours, drain the water. Pour the raw materials with fresh water and repeat the procedure with a five-minute boil and tincture.
  3. Pour sugar into a dry, clean saucepan, pour in water and bring the syrup to a boil. After the second boiling, fish out the nuts with a slotted spoon and transfer to syrup.
  4. Next, cook the jam for 2.5 - 3 hours, without changing the intensity of the fire.

For storage, seal the nut treat in clean glass jars.

Armenian cooking recipe

Walnut jam in Armenian is also called “black”, because it is this color that green fruits acquire after soaking in lime mortar and boiling in syrup with spices.

For one serving of exotic treats you need to take:

  • 500 g green walnuts (about 100 pieces);
  • 2000 g of sugar;
  • 2000 ml of water;
  • 10 pieces. cloves;
  • 5 grains of cardamom;
  • 5 g cinnamon;
  • 2.5 g citric acid.


  1. Boil prepared nuts for half an hour. Then discard in a colander and cool quickly in cold water.
  2. Put water and sugar on fire and bring to a boil with constant stirring so that the syrup does not burn.
  3. From gauze folded in several layers, make a bag in which to put all the spices.
  4. Transfer the cooled nuts and a bag of spices to the hot syrup. Boil the jam over medium heat for 4 - 5 hours, then let the mass cool completely.
  5. The second time, boil the jam until the syrup is thick, when it does not spread on a cold saucer. At the end of cooking, remove the bag of spices and add citric acid.

Cork hot jam in sterile glass jars and roll up with iron lids.

Italian dessert with chocolate

The recipe for this jam is often found in Italian cookbooks, but the Italians are surprised by this preparation, since the duration of the preparation of nuts for many housewives completely discourages them from preparing it.

If two-week soaking of walnuts does not bother you, you can prepare an exquisite chocolate-flavored Italian treat, which will require:

  • 1000 g of walnuts soaked and boiled in alum;
  • 1000 g of sugar;
  • 300 ml of water;
  • 100 g cocoa powder.

Cooking technology:

  1. Make syrup from water and sugar. Immerse the prepared nuts in a boiling sweet composition and cook them for an hour and a half over medium heat.
  2. A quarter of an hour before the end of cooking, add cocoa powder and, if desired, spices (ginger, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom or red hot pepper).

The taste of the jam will be fully revealed only after several weeks of aging, so it is better to postpone the tasting and roll the delicacy into prepared jars for now. For the same reason, you should not be zealous with spices.

Jam from young walnuts

Jam from young walnuts is of two types: black (nuts for it are boiled together with green peel) and white (from peeled fruits). Since the main bitterness is concentrated in the peel, for white jam no need to soak raw materials for a long time.

To prepare such a blank from young walnuts, you need to take:

  • 1000 g of young green nuts;
  • 1400 g of granulated sugar;
  • 400 ml of water.

Cooking method:

  1. Wearing rubber gloves, cut off the green peel from young nuts so that the incompletely formed shell is exposed. Soak the peeled fruits for a day in cold water, changing it 3-4 times.
  2. Boil syrup from water and 700 g of granulated sugar. Put the soaked nuts into it and cook for a quarter of an hour after the syrup boils again. Then remove the jam from the heat and cool completely.
  3. Pour the remaining sugar into the cooled delicacy and then cook the workpiece until fully cooked (a drop of syrup should retain its shape on a cold saucer).

How to cook without lime

Soaking nuts in lime scares many housewives, which is why an alternative to such preparation using baking soda was born.

For about three liters of finished jam, you need to take:

  • 100 pieces. green walnuts;
  • 250 g of baking soda;
  • 2000 g of sugar;
  • 800 ml of water;
  • 1 lemon.


  1. Using a potato peeler, thinly slice the green skins off the nuts. Put the fruits in a pan of a suitable displacement and soak in water for two days, changing it at least four times a day.
  2. On the third day, drain the water, cover the nuts with soda and mix. Leave the fruits alone for a day, stirring them occasionally.
  3. After soda, rinse the raw materials well under running water and prick each nut in several places with a fork. Repeat the two-day soak with frequent water changes.
  4. Blanch prepared walnuts three times in boiling water. To do this, you need to boil water, lower the fruits into it for three minutes, then drain the water and repeat everything.
  5. Dip the nuts into the boiling syrup of water and sugar, let them boil for five minutes and cool the jam. Repeat the procedure twice more. For the third time, add lemon sliced ​​\u200b\u200bto the jam. After five minutes of boiling with lemon, the jam can be laid out in jars.

Nut jam with citric acid

Another version of walnut jam without the use of lime is prepared with citric acid. Of course, in this case, the preparation of an exotic delicacy will take more than one week, but the result is worth it.

Proportions of ingredients for harvesting with "lemon":

  • 40 green walnuts;
  • 600 g of sugar;
  • 2000 ml of water for boiling (1750 ml) and syrup (250 ml);
  • 5 g citric acid;
  • 10 - 15 cloves;
  • 1 stick of cinnamon.

Sequence of actions:

  1. Soak the nuts first for two days in cold water, changing it every 6 hours.
  2. After that, make several punctures in each fruit with a toothpick (fork or wooden skewer).
  3. Then soak the raw nuts for another 11 days, changing the water just as often. Each time it will turn brown - this is how bitterness comes out.
  4. Now the nuts should be peeled and immersed in water solution citric acid per day. Then boil the raw materials in it for 20 minutes and again soak in this solution for another day.
  5. After a day, drain the liquid from the nuts, rinse them thoroughly and send them to boiling syrup along with spices. After ten minutes of boiling, leave the fruits for a day in syrup so that they are saturated with spicy sweetness.
  6. It remains only to boil the jam for another half an hour and arrange it in prepared sterile jars. Now we roll them up with lids and wrap them until they cool completely.

An exotic delicacy from such familiar walnuts requires a long preparation and certain labor costs. But the result, believe me, is worth it!

Do you want to surprise your guests? healthy dessert Try making green walnut jam. Cooking a treat will take more time than cooking fruit jam, but the delicacy with marmalade berries is worth it. Color ready meal obtained from amber yellow to dark brown.

Except unusual taste and aroma, the dessert has beneficial features. is a storehouse of trace elements, vitamins and iodine. Unripe fruits are used to make jams and purees, as they contain more vitamin C than fresh nuts.

Ready-made green walnut jam can be used as a filling for pastries, and syrup can be used for impregnation biscuit cakes and for a nice tea party.

It is recommended to collect nuts for jam from the end of June in the southern regions, and until mid-July in the central ones. For jam, choose unripe fruits, with a soft, green skin and a light core. Wear waterproof gloves before peeling nuts to protect your hands from staining.

Green walnut jam with cloves and cinnamon

Use cinnamon as desired. Instead of cinnamon sticks take 1-2 tsp. ground spices per 1 kg of nuts.

The cooking time of the dish, taking into account the soaking of the fruit, is 1 week.


  • green walnuts - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • cloves - 1 tbsp;
  • purified water - 0.7-1 l;
  • cinnamon - 1-2 sticks.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the walnuts and cut off a thin layer of skin.
  2. Pour the fruits with water, rinse and change the water for 4-5 days - this should be done 2 times a day.
  3. Pour purified water into a bowl for cooking jam, add sugar, bring to a boil, stirring.
  4. Dip the nuts in syrup, let it boil, add cloves and cinnamon. Boil in several approaches for 40-50 minutes.
  5. Arrange the jam in jars and roll up the lids. Try the finished delicacy - cut the fruits into slices, pour over the syrup and serve with tea.

Jam from halves of green walnuts with lemon

This delicacy is best cooked in non-stick cookware - aluminum or stainless steel.


  • green walnuts - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • lemon - 2 pcs;
  • cinnamon - 2-3 tsp;
  • cardamom - 2 tsp;
  • water - 1.5 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Put on disposable rubber gloves and wash the nuts warm water. Peel the top layer of the peel and cut in half.
  2. Fill the fruits with water, leave for 12 hours. Change water. Do the procedure within 4 days.
  3. On the fifth day, prepare the syrup - heat the water and dissolve the sugar, bring to a boil and dip the nuts in it. Simmer for 30-40 minutes from the moment of boiling and let cool for 10-12 hours. Repeat the process 2-3 times.
  4. When the walnut slices become soft, bring the jam to a boil again, add spices and juice of two lemons, boil for 30 minutes.
  5. Sterilize jars and lids for preservation.
  6. Arrange the finished jam in jars so that the syrup covers the nuts and roll up. Turn the jars upside down, cover with a blanket, keep at room temperature for 12 hours and store in a cool room.

Unpeeled green walnut jam

To prepare such a delicacy, pick up nuts of milky ripeness, in which the core is white in section.

Baking soda is used in the recipe to soften the peel of the fruit.

The cooking time of the dish, taking into account soaking, is 10 days.


  • green walnuts - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1.7-2 kg;
  • baking soda - 120-150 gr;
  • dried cloves - 2 tsp;
  • cinnamon - 2 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the walnuts under running water, make several cuts in the peel or pierce in two places with an awl.
  2. Pour prepared fruits cold water and leave for 10 hours, change the water. Keep doing this for 6 days.
  3. On the seventh day, dilute soda in water and soak the nuts for another day.
  4. Place the prepared fruits in a cooking bowl, cover with water and cook over medium heat until soft, drain the liquid and cool the nuts. Readiness check with a skewer or fork, the fruit should be easily pierced.
  5. Prepare a syrup of sugar and 2 liters of water, shift the nuts, add cloves and cinnamon. Boil for 1 hour, let cool for 10-12 hours - do this 2 more times.
  6. Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars, seal tightly with lids and store in a cool place.

Walnuts are perhaps the most common in their family. They are simply called nuts, without specification. Greek origin and, as a rule, everyone immediately understands what it is about. The technology for making jam from these fruits is one of the most unusual and complex. And in general it is difficult to imagine what made the author of the first recipe take up its development.

Well, the experiment was a success! If you stock up on time, be patient and, of course, have all the necessary products, then the result will fully meet expectations.

Green Walnut Jam - General Cooking Principles

From unripe walnuts preparing two completely different jams- black (dark) and light. To prepare a light jam, the peel must be removed from them, the dark one is obtained if the peel is not removed.

Green fruits harvested for jam should be milky ripe. If you try to pierce such a nut with a toothpick, it will freely enter it.

Preparing jam is a long process that requires a long preparation of "raw materials". Freshly picked nuts are necessarily soaked in ordinary or lime water, and often in both.

How to soak nuts in plain water:

1. Cut off the edges of the green pulp - from the side of the tail and opposite to it. Make deep punctures in several places with the tip of a knife and insert a carnation into the holes.

2. After that, fill with clean water and soak in it for 10 days. Be sure to change the water every 12 hours.

3. On the tenth day, remove the nuts, dip them in clean boiling water and boil for ten minutes. Drain the broth, and again fill the fruits with clean water for 24 hours.

How to soak nuts in lime water:

1. Without removing the peel and without cutting off the edges, soak green fruits for 2 days in cold water. Be sure to change the water every five hours.

2. On the third day, replace ordinary water with lime mortar. For its preparation, five liters of ordinary water take a pound of slaked lime. Lime is diluted in water, kept for several hours. Then the lime mortar is drained from the sediment, nuts are poured into it and kept for at least four hours.

3. The fruits are taken out, washed thoroughly, pierced in two or three places and poured with clean filtered water. Stay in it for 48 hours.

Soak green nuts so that all the bitterness comes out of them. If this is not done, the jam will turn out bitter.

To enhance the taste and aroma, cinnamon, cloves, lemon juice, spices. An original and unusual dessert is obtained with cocoa or almonds embedded inside the walnut.

Green walnut jam is easy to prepare for the winter. The containers for it do not need to be sterilized, it is enough to wash them thoroughly with soda, then pour them over with boiling water and dry them well. After pouring the jam into jars, it is immediately rolled up with boiled lids.

One kg of young nuts;

A kilogram of refined sugar;

300 ml of water;

40 gr. cocoa;

A mixture of ground spices: ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves.

1. Rinse the prepared soaked nuts well and boil in cold water for three hours. Drain the broth, and cool the nuts.

2. Pour water into granulated sugar, stir and put on moderate heat. Cook with continuous stirring until the sugar grains are completely dissolved.

3. After the syrup is cooked, dip the boiled walnuts into it and cook the jam for at least two hours.

4. Two minutes before the end of cooking, pour off some syrup and dilute cocoa powder in it.

5. Add spices and diluted cocoa to the container with jam. Mix well and, after boiling for another minute, pour the hot jam into jars.

Light green walnut jam

Walnuts, milky ripeness - 3 kg;

Cardamom - 5 grains;

10 gr. cloves;

Two kilograms of granulated sugar;

10 gr. cinnamon;

Allspice peas - 5 pcs.

1. Remove the outer shell from the fruits and process them using one of the appropriate methods.

2. Rinse the prepared nuts thoroughly and pierce them in several places. Pour in water and boil for 10 minutes from boiling over low heat.

3. Move nuts to cold water for an hour.

4. Prepare syrup from granulated sugar. Put all the necessary seasonings on cheesecloth, tie in a "bag" and place in hot syrup along with nuts. Boil for about five minutes and set aside for 24 hours. Next, boil again in the same way and leave for another day. Repeat this procedure the next day.

5. Remove the bag of spices from the jam, and put the cinnamon. Stir well, boil the jam for another two minutes and pour into jars.

Green walnut jam with peel

Young walnuts - 1.5 kg;

Two glasses of granulated sugar.

1. Put the nuts soaked in lime solution to boil in cold water. After boiling, boil for three minutes and, turning off the stove, let it brew for two hours.

2. Then change the water, and boil the nuts again for three minutes and leave to brew in the same way. Change the water again and also boil the nuts, but do not insist anymore, but transfer them to cool in a separate bowl.

3. Dilute granulated sugar in a liter of warm water and put on medium heat. As soon as the sugar is completely dissolved, pour the nuts into the syrup and continue to cook without changing the heat for three hours.

4. After that, drain the syrup, and dip the nuts in the newly prepared hot syrup and continue to cook the jam until tender.

Green walnut jam with lemon juice

2 kg of walnuts, milky ripeness;

One kilogram of granulated sugar;

Carnation - 10 umbrellas;

Two large lemons;

1. Remove the peel from the nuts and process in one of the ways indicated in the principles.

2. Then rinse them thoroughly under the tap and boil until soft.

3. Dilute granulated sugar with 400 ml of water and put on low heat. When the sugar dissolves, bring the syrup to a boil quickly and remove from heat.

4. After it has completely cooled down, dip the cooled blanched nuts into it and pour in the freshly squeezed lemon juice. Boil the jam at a slight boil for five minutes and leave, covered with a linen towel, for a day.

5. Boil the jam in this way three times, and on the fourth boil it until tender.

Black vanilla jam from green walnuts with peel

Unripe nuts - one kilogram;

Half a kilo of granulated sugar;

A small piece of vanilla.

1. Pour the granulated sugar into a basin and, at the lowest possible heat with constant stirring, cook until the crystals disappear. After that, dip the vanilla in the syrup and cool it slightly.

2. Pour the soaked blanched nuts with warm syrup and leave. You don't need to cook.

3. The next day, remove the nuts, and put the syrup on moderate heat and cook until it thickens slightly. Let it cool down a bit and pour over the nuts again.

4. Repeat the process three more times.

5. On the fourth day, bring thick syrup to a boil. Dip the nuts in it and boil the jam for at least ten minutes with a slight boil. Then pour into containers and close.

Green walnut jam with citric acid

One kilogram of milky ripeness of nuts;

Three and a half glasses of sugar;

Filtered water - 600 ml;

1/4 teaspoon lemon.

1. Lay out the sorted fruits on paper and leave for a day so that they “wilt” slightly. Then soak them in water. How to do this correctly in water without lime is described in general principles cooking.

2. Rinse the soaked nuts thoroughly and blanch in boiling water for about five minutes. Drain the water and remove the peel from the cooled nuts.

3. After that, soak them again, but in lime water.

4. After two days, wash the fruits, chop sharp knife and soak again in ordinary water for two days, changing it every six hours.

5. After that, blanch the nuts again for a quarter of an hour and refrigerate.

6. From the indicated amount of water and sugar, boil the syrup and dip the chilled nuts into it. Boil the jam on low heat for 10 minutes, then cool and let it brew for a day.

7. After that, add “lemon” to the jam, bring to a boil and, reducing the heat, continue to cook until tender. At the end add vanillin or cinnamon.

Black jam from green walnuts with peel - "Golden mean"

One kilogram of young nuts;

Sugar - 1.2 kg;

Carnation umbrellas - 10 pieces;

Medium lemon;

A small piece of orange peel;

Almond kernels.

1. Soak nuts with peel for four days in ordinary water.

2. After soaking, remove the green peel from the fruit and soak for a day in lime water, as described in the "general principles".

3. Thoroughly wash the nuts from the remnants of lime water and dip in boiling water.

4. After 20 minutes, remove, cool slightly and pierce each in the center from the side of the tail with a sharp knife. Insert an almond into the "slot" and pour hot syrup over it.

5. Squeeze juice from half a lemon into jam, add cloves and boil for five minutes.

6. After two hours, bring the jam back to a boil and continue to cook for 10 minutes. on minimum heat. Set aside for an hour again. So repeat three times.

7. In the last cooking, put a small piece of orange peel in the jam and cook the jam until fully cooked.

Useful tips and tricks for making green walnut jam, with peel

The young peel of a walnut is excessively saturated with iodine. If the fruits are handled without gloves, the skin of the hands will turn dark brown.

If you still decide to work without gloves, soak your hands in vinegar - the skin will not stain.

It will be easier to remove the green peel if the fruits are slightly “withered”, leaving them laid out on a paper sheet.

Do not use aluminum or copper containers to make jam. It should be boiled only in enameled basins or stainless steel dishes.

The selection of suitable fruits will have to be done ahead of time. It is best to select a tree that gives suitable nuts in a year. Nuts need to be seen in the process of ripening in order to have an idea of ​​the thickness of the outer layer of green pulp. Kernels should be tasted ripe, dried and even slightly fried.

The best nuts are those that, when ripe, look large, rather elongated. Their shell is thick and light, with a large pattern. The nuclei are large, strongly elongated, with a contour resembling a chicken egg.

Very good jam from completely different fruits, small, almost spherical, with a thin dark shell. Their ripe nucleoli are sweetish, but the jam will require a little more sugar. Such nuts are less suitable for jam with peel, it will also take a little longer to keep them in water.


When jam from young walnuts appears on the table, it is impossible to resist. This is a dessert with an amazing delicate taste and an amazing aroma that can withstand fierce competition among fine sweets. It is easy to cook it yourself to please loved ones and surprise guests.

This dessert has long been made in Southeast Asia, the Near and Middle East. Through the efforts of travelers, the recipe came to the peoples of the North Caucasus and Moldova. Currently, nut jam is one of the favorite desserts in Greece, Spain, Italy, and the Kuban. AT Soviet time fan delicious jam was Joseph Stalin himself, who fell in love with a delicacy back in his native Georgia. Until now, the dessert conquers the hearts and stomachs of gourmets around the world.

The benefits of jam from young nuts

In addition to great taste, young walnut jam contains many useful elements:

  1. Vitamin C, and its amount in nuts significantly exceeds the content in citrus fruits.
  2. B vitamins and tocopherol.
  3. Nut jam contains iodine, which is necessary in the treatment of hypothyroidism.
  4. The delicacy helps in the fight against influenza, sore throat, viral diseases, insomnia, nervous disorders, hypertension.

Walnuts are rich in vitamin C and iodine

How to cook a dessert from young fruits

The process of cooking nut jam takes a long time: 6-8 days. In addition, it is quite laborious, but the taste of the product is worth the effort. Sometimes nuts are soaked for 2-3 weeks, only after that they start cooking. AT classic recipe are included the following ingredients:

  • green nuts;
  • sugar;
  • water;
  • carnation;
  • lemon or lemon acid;
  • slaked lime for soaking nuts.

Spices and spices - cardamom, cinnamon, vanillin, orange peel will help diversify the taste of delicacies. They can be added to jam in different combinations:

  • during cooking, a bag with a mixture of cinnamon, cloves and cardamom is lowered into the boiling dessert: spices will set off the delicate taste of nuts and enhance the aroma;
  • to give a touch of exoticism and enhance the taste, mix vanillin, orange zest and cinnamon - pour the mixture into the jam 10 minutes before the end of cooking, after which the delicacy is laid out in sterilized jars.

Store nut jam in the dark and cool, at a temperature of more than +20 ° C. Shelf life of treats: 12 months from the date of manufacture.

Sterilization - way heat treatment, which prevents the growth of bacteria and microorganisms in the product. Sterilize empty jars and filled ones. The easiest way is to douse jars with boiling water, and then put them on the spout of a boiling kettle. Keep it like this for 12-15 minutes. filled finished product jars are sterilized by placing them in cold water on a wooden stand. Water should be "up to the shoulders" of the container. Bring to a boil. Boil for 8-15 minutes, take out and cover with lids.

Ingredients for jam - gallery

Before boiling, the nuts are soaked in lime for 2-3 weeks. Sugar is an essential ingredient in any jam. For soaking green nuts purified water is used in lime A subtle aroma of jam will add cloves By adding lemon to the recipe, you can get a dessert with a pleasant sour aftertaste. Lime is the result of the processing of calcium, natural product, which does not provide negative impact on the body Cardamom and other spices will enhance the flavor of the jam Cinnamon adds an exotic touch to nut jam orange peel added to jam with vanilla and cinnamon

Green walnut jam - a classic step by step recipe with a photo

Take the fruits of milky ripeness. You can check it like this: we pierce the fruit with a canape skewer and if it easily enters the pulp, the nut is suitable for jam. No need to be afraid of such a check, anyway, before cooking the treat, you will have to pierce the fruit.


  • green walnuts - 4 kg;
  • sugar - 2.5 kg;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • carnation - 7 pcs.;
  • citric acid - 8 g;
  • slaked lime (100 g per 1 liter of water).


  1. My nuts, remove the tails and fill the fruits with water for 5 days. If there are doubts about the sufficient ripeness of the fruits, we keep them in water for 7 days. We change the water every 5-6 hours.

    Wash the fruits for jam and soak for several days in plain water

  2. We prepare a solution of slaked lime: 500 g per 5 liters of water. Mix and let stand 30 minutes.

    Lime mortar for soaking nuts is defended for half an hour

  3. Pour the solution into the nuts, laid out in a large container. We leave for a day. During this time, harmful substances leave the product.

    We leave walnuts in a lime solution for 24 hours

  4. After soaking, we wash the fruits. We pierce small nuts with a toothpick in 3-4 places, large ones - cut in half.
  5. Then blanch the nuts in boiling water for 15-20 minutes. Water after this time must be drained.

    Boil water in a saucepan, then add the fruits and cook for 15-20 minutes

  6. Wash the nuts with cold water. They will change color to olive. Blanch again for 30 minutes until the fruit darkens.

    After cooking, the fruits should darken to brown.

  7. Take another pot and cook sugar syrup.

    Dissolve sugar in boiling water to make syrup

  8. Pour cloves and citric acid into the syrup.

    To improve the taste of jam, cloves are added to sugar syrup.

    9. Pour the boiling syrup over the nuts and cook for 5-6 minutes. Then remove from the stove and let stand for 60 minutes.

    10. Repeat the cooking process every hour. In total, we must boil the fruits 5 times. In the final, boil the nuts for 15 minutes and pour into sterilized jars. Close with lids.

    Nut jam is poured into sterilized containers

    Walnut Jam Recipes

    There are many ways to prepare a nut dessert, because every nation, like every housewife, brings its own unique touches to this sweet delicacy.

    Fast way


    • green nuts - 100 pieces;
    • granulated sugar - 1 kg.


    1. We cut off sections with cuttings from the nuts. Fill with water and leave for 36 hours. We change the water every 3 hours.
    2. Transfer the nuts to a bowl and sprinkle with sugar.
    3. Let it brew for 3-4 hours until the juice is released.
    4. We put on low heat and cook until foam appears. We remove the foam.

    A quick way to make nut jam - video

    Armenian nut dessert: two ways

    On the liter jar prepared nuts, you need to take 1 kg of sugar and 800 ml of water.

    Preparatory stage:

    1. Soak nuts for 10 days. During the day, the water needs to be changed 4 times, but it is better to soak the nuts under a thin stream of running water.
    2. We make a lime mortar: for 7 liters of water we take 0.5 kg of lime. We stir. Let it brew for 5 minutes and drain the solution into another container to get rid of the primary sediment. We defend the solution for another 12 hours, filter.
    3. Pour nuts for 12 hours with a solution, stir occasionally. Drain the lime water and soak the fruits for 5 hours.
    4. We pierce the nuts from several sides with a toothpick.
    5. We prepare an alum solution based on the proportion of 15 g of alum per 1 liter of water. Boil nuts in it for 20 minutes. This process is necessary to neutralize lime residues.
    6. Drain the solution. We put the fruits under running water for 60 minutes, then pour boiling water and blanch for another 30 minutes.

    Preparing jam:

    1. Bring nuts in sugar syrup to a boil, cook for 15-20 minutes. Remove from heat and leave for 12 hours.
    2. We repeat the procedure of boiling and infusing nuts in syrup 3 times. Such large intervals of time are necessary for the best release of juice from the nuts.
    3. When cooking, the resulting foam must be removed.
    4. AT final stage cooking for 12 liters of jam, we need 12 g of cinnamon, 4 g of cardamom and 6 g of cloves. We put the spices in a gauze bag, dip it into the jam for 15–20 minutes, and then remove it from the nut mass.
    5. We cook the delicacy to the required density: a drop of jam, when it hits a cold plate, should keep its shape and not spread.
    6. Arrange in jars and close with lids.

    Armenian jam - video

    Second way


    • green nuts - 100 pcs.;
    • sugar - 1 kg;
    • water - 400 ml;
    • carnation - 10 pcs.;
    • lemon - 2 pcs.;
    • cardamom - 3 g;
    • cinnamon - 10 g.


    1. We prepare nuts in advance by peeling and soaking in lime mortar for a day.
    2. Boil the sugar syrup for 7-10 minutes. Let's cool down.
    3. Put the nuts in the syrup and pour in the lemon juice. Boil and leave for 24 hours. We repeat the procedure 3 times.
    4. Fruit should be soft when cooked. This indicates the readiness of the nuts.
    5. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, put the spices in a bag. We put in jam.
    6. We remove the foam from the surface of the jam. We take out the spices. We lay out the delicacy in jars.

      Nuts after cooking in syrup should darken and acquire a glossy sheen

      Ukrainian recipe


      • young nuts - 1 kg;
      • sugar - 1.2 kg;
      • lemon - 1 pc.;
      • carnation - 8 pcs.


      Italian hazelnut chocolate treat


      • boiled green nuts - 1 kg;
      • sugar - 1 kg;
      • cocoa powder - 100 g;
      • anise, cinnamon and red pepper - on the tip of a knife;
      • water - 300 ml.


      Bulgarian recipe


      • nuts - 1.1 kg;
      • sugar - 1 kg;
      • citric acid - 1 tsp;
      • zest of a medium orange;
      • vanillin on the tip of a knife;
      • water - 1 glass.


      Is it possible to cook jam without lime

      Almost all recipes say that nuts should be soaked in lime mortar. But if there are still concerns about safety chemical composition, you can do without lime.

      Soda method


      • nuts - 100 pcs.;
      • soda - 250 g;
      • lemon - 1 pc.;
      • sugar - 2 kg;
      • water - 4 tbsp.


      1. Cut the skin off the walnuts and soak them in warm water for 48 hours. We change the water every 5 hours.
      2. We fall asleep wet nuts with soda and roll the fruits well on all sides. Leave for 13 hours, periodically turn over.
      3. We wash the nuts with water and pierce with a clamp needle or fork.
      4. Fill the fruits with water for 48 hours, changing the liquid at the same frequency.
      5. Put nuts in boiling water and cook for 3 minutes. Pour the water into another container.
      6. Cool the fruits for 5 minutes and boil again in boiling brine. So we repeat 3 times.
      7. Cooking sugar syrup. We shift the fruits into it and boil for 3 minutes.
      8. We take it off the fire. We wait 5 minutes and boil again.
      9. Add chopped lemon and boil for 3 minutes.
      10. We distribute to banks.

      Method with the addition of tartaric acid

      Tartaric or tartaric acid is also used instead of lime. You can buy it at any grocery store or supermarket. Acid removes harmful elements from nuts, gives an amazing flavor to jam.


      • peeled nuts - 1 kg;
      • sugar - 1.5 kg;
      • water - 1 tbsp.;
      • wine acid- 4 g;
      • cinnamon, cloves - to taste.
