Hard pear jam. Recipes with step-by-step videos of making thick jam from pears

Even 3 thousand years BC, people cultivated pears. It is believed that pears came to Europe from the ancient Greek Peloponnese peninsula, which at that time was called the land of pears.

Pears have long been grown in Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, the Caucasus, and Central Asian countries.

The medicinal properties of pears were used by Sumerian doctors.

Fresh pears improve digestion. Due to the large amount of tannins, a decoction of pears, especially wild ones, is prescribed for diarrhea. This decoction helps with coughs and fevers. It also has a diuretic, analgesic, and antiseptic effect.

Pear juice – excellent remedy to strengthen capillaries.

Pears are good because they ripen when many berries and fruits have already died. Therefore, housewives are happy to prepare them for the winter: dry them, make compotes, preserves, and jams from them.

Subtleties of cooking

  • Pears for jam should be ripe, but not soft. The jam made from green pears is soggy, pale, unattractive and unflavourful. When overripe pears are cooked (heat treated?), they become boiled, turning into porridge.
  • In order for the pear slices to cook at the same time, the fruits must be of the same degree of ripeness and the same variety.
  • The preparation of pears involves cutting off the peel and carefully cutting out the seed chambers.
  • To prevent peeled pears from darkening, keep them in slightly acidified water before cooking.
  • Small pears can be boiled whole; the rest can be cut into slices 2 cm wide.
  • If the pears are sweet, then you can use half as much sugar as for cooking apple jam. In some cases, it is enough to take only 500 g of sugar for 1 kg of pears.

Pear jam: first recipe


  • pears – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.2 kg;
  • pear decoction - 2 tbsp.

Cooking method

  • Peel ripe but firm pears. Cut in half, remove the core. Cut into slices.
  • Place the prepared pears in a wide saucepan and add water to lightly cover them. Cook until soft, but the slices should not become mushy. Drain the broth into a separate bowl.
  • Pour sugar into a cooking basin and add two glasses of broth. Stir well and bring to a boil.
  • Place the pears in the syrup and bring to a boil again, skimming off the foam. Cook until the slices are translucent.
  • Cool the jam. Place in clean, dry glass jars. Cover with parchment or tracing paper.

Pear jam: recipe two


  • pears – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1-1.2 kg.

Cooking method

  • For jam, select ripe but firm pears. Wash them under running water. Cut off the skin.
  • Cut the fruit in half and remove the core. Cut the pears into cubes.
  • Place them in the cooking basin. Add sugar. Leave for 6-8 hours. During this time, the pear will give juice.
  • Place the basin on the fire and cook at moderate boil for 35 minutes, removing the foam.
  • Remove the bowl from the stove and cool the jam for 8 hours.
  • Put it back on the heat and cook for another 35 minutes.
  • Wash and dry the jars.
  • Ready jam cool. Place into jars. Cover with parchment or tracing paper. If you want to seal the jam hermetically, then the jars and lids must first be sterilized. Pack the jam hot. Seal with lids. Turn it upside down and cool it like that.

Pear jam: recipe three


  • pears – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 3/4 cup;
  • citrus (lemon, orange or tangerine) dried peels - to taste.

Cooking method

  • Wash ripe, strong pears. Cut off the peel. Cut in half and remove seed chambers.
  • Cut the pears into slices and place in a cooking basin, sprinkling them with sugar in layers. Leave for 12 hours. During this time, the pear will give juice and some of the sugar will dissolve.
  • Pour water, stir gently. Place on the fire and cook at a moderate boil for 1 hour 20 minutes. Remove any foam that appears with a slotted spoon.
  • At the end of cooking, add dried citrus peels.
  • Leave the finished jam in the bowl until it cools completely. Then pack into dry, clean jars and cover with parchment or tracing paper.

Pear jam with lemon


  • pears – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 1 tbsp.;
  • lemon – 1 pc.

Cooking method

  • Wash ripe but firm pears. Peel off the skin. Cut into slices, immediately removing the core. Place in a cooking basin.
  • Wash the lemon and cut into slices. Remove the seeds. Place in a small saucepan, add water and boil for 3 minutes. Strain.
  • Pour sugar into a saucepan and add lemon juice. Boil the syrup.
  • Pour it over the pears. Leave for 2 hours.
  • Place the basin on the stove and bring the jam to a boil. Cook over moderate heat until done. The pear slices should become transparent and the syrup should thicken.
  • Prepare dry, sterile jars with lids. Place hot jam in them. Seal tightly. Cool upside down.

Quick pear jam


  • pears – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 1 tbsp.

Cooking method

  • Wash ripe but firm pears. Cut off the skins from them. Cut in half and remove the core. Cut into slices.
  • Place the prepared pears in a cooking basin.
  • Pour sugar into a saucepan, pour water. Boil the syrup. Pour it over the pears.
  • Bring to a boil. Cook over moderate heat in one batch until done.
  • While hot, pour the jam into sterilized jars and seal tightly tin lids. Cool by turning upside down.

Pear and orange jam


  • pears – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 2/3 cup;
  • orange – 0.5 pcs.

Cooking method

  • Wash ripe but firm pears. Cut off the peel. Cut in half and remove seed chambers. Cut into thin slices. Place the prepared pears in a cooking basin.
  • Place sugar in a saucepan and add water. Boil the syrup.
  • Pour hot syrup over pears. Bring to a boil over moderate heat and simmer for 5-6 minutes, skimming off any foam.
  • Remove the jam from the stove and leave for 8-10 hours so that the pears are soaked in syrup.
  • Put it back on the fire and cook for 5 minutes from the moment it boils.
  • Leave again for 8-10 hours. Repeat this procedure again.
  • Wash the orange and cut into pieces along with the peel. Add to pear jam. Cook everything together over moderate heat for 30 minutes. If the jam has thickened well, reduce the boil, otherwise the jam may burn.
  • Prepare jars and lids. To do this, wash them and treat them with steam or bake them in the oven.
  • Place the hot jam into dry, sterile jars and immediately seal tightly with clean, dry lids. Turn the jars upside down and cool in this position.

Helpful information

After sorting pears for jam, overripe or wrinkled fruits remain. They are used to make jam or marmalade. But if you don’t want to tinker with these preparations, then the remaining pears can be used for cosmetic purposes. For example, make a fruit mask. Ripe fruits contain a large number of vitamins, useful microelements, biologically active substances.

To prepare a fruit mask, pears are peeled and seed chambers removed, placed in a jar and thoroughly mashed. This pear puree is applied to the face, neck, chest, hands and kept for 20 minutes. Then wash it off warm water, and the skin is lubricated with cream.

Amazing pear jam for the winter- This is a wonderful dessert in its own right. homemade or an equally amazing addition to lush baked goods. It is so easy to prepare that it will amaze housewives who are just getting acquainted with such things by the simplicity of its technology. culinary recipes. The taste is quite expressive and at the same time tender. Quite often, pears for canning are combined with other berries and fruits: raspberries, apples, strawberries and, of course, citrus fruits. Such variations provide new original solutions!

What fruits are taken for cooking this? It is recommended to select more elastic and dense fruits with slightly hard skin of the varieties “Duchess”, “Limonka”, etc. But, in principle, you can use any. The main thing is that they are not spoiled or overripe. Some people prefer to cook Pear jam for the winter. Recipes-photos"from juicy late autumn fruits. Although the cook has the right to choose the specific variety and cooking period individually and independently. And all this thanks to the long ripening time of the fruit!

Regarding cooking utensils for pear treat, then you will need an aluminum or copper container in which the mass will definitely not burn and will not stick to the bottom. In addition, you will need a wooden spatula or spoon. Sealing containers - glass jars - pass mandatory sterilization in the microwave, oven or steam bath.

Classic pear treat recipe

The classic method reveals all the unique flavors of pear in all its glory. But these fruits are low-calorie and at the same time nutritious, and they do not lose their valuable qualities during heat treatment. Therefore absolutely everything “Pear jam for the winter” recipes V winter period become indispensable components of a home pantry with supplies. The proposed method does not involve repeated boiling, but is prepared in one go. The ingredients for rolling will be:

  1. 2 kilos of fleshy pears,
  2. 2 glasses of filtered water and
  3. 2.3-2.4 kg granulated sugar.

So, the fruits undergo initial preparation, are cut into convenient slices and transferred to a cooking bowl or basin. The slices are covered with sugar sand, which is leveled over the surface. Then big sharp knife or a wooden stick, the workpiece is often pierced through, and left in the room for 2-3 hours until the syrup appears. If fruits that are not juicy are selected for the recipe, then the volume of liquid specified in the recipe is added to them.

The steeped and juiced pieces are placed on moderate heat and boiled. After which the fire intensity is reduced, and the sweet mixture is boiled for about 1 hour with regular stirring. The finished product is placed together with the syrup in heated jars and hermetically sealed.

Pear jam for the winter: recipe with cinnamon

One of the most successful was the combination with ground cinnamon. Even slightly astringent, dense fruits of early varieties, which have an amazing amber, are combined with it. The sweet, appetizing mass will captivate everyone with unforgettable flavor notes, and is perfect for family tea party. On “Pear jam for the winter” simple recipe it will be necessary:

  1. 1 kg of pears,
  2. 15 g ground cinnamon,
  3. 10 g pectin,
  4. 0.5 kg sand-sugar,
  5. half a lemon.

Pears for harvesting are washed well in cold water, peeled from hard cores and hard peel (if necessary), and then cut into neat thin slices. Afterwards, the fruits are placed in a wide cooking bowl, sprinkled with granulated sugar and poured over with the juice of half a lemon. The components of the future delicacy are carefully stirred so as not to break the slices, and infused for 8-10 minutes until abundant juice is released.

Next, the slices in own juice(or rather syrup) are boiled for no longer than 10 minutes, stirring them with a wooden spoon. Pectin and cinnamon are added to the brew, and boiling continues for another 3 minutes, lifting pieces of pears from the bottom to the top. Although you can take your time with pectin, add only cinnamon and look at the consistency of the mass. If it is too liquid, then only in this case pectin is added, with which the jam is boiled for an additional couple of minutes. With pectin, the dish will certainly thicken after removing from heat and standing for a short time.

In preparation glass containers. It is filled with hot mass and closed with screw or tin lids. At the end, preservation must be sterilized for a quarter of an hour. After this heat treatment will be stored for more than one year.

Pear jam for the winter: recipe with lemon

Lemon will add a light citrus flavor and fresh aroma to the dish. And the color of the workpiece will change to a more beautiful, sunny one. To make this delicacy with citrus fruits you will need to take:

  1. 2 kilos of juicy and dense pears,
  2. 2.5 kg granulated sugar,
  3. 3 medium lemons.

You will only need water if you want to get more syrup in the roll " Pear jam with lemon for the winter».

Using this culinary method, fruits are thoroughly washed and the cores and seeds are removed. Dark spots and stalks are also removed. The pulp is cut into slices or small cubes, which are placed in a pan for cooking. Lemons are crushed into homogeneous mass in a meat grinder (along with the peel), and pour it into the pear slices. The mixture is sprinkled with granulated sugar, mixed carefully (to speed up the juice separation) and left undisturbed for about three hours. During this time, the released juice should soak and, if possible, dissolve grains of sugar.

The infused mass is placed on the stove and boiled, stirring. The jam should simmer over low heat for about an hour, skimming off the foam that regularly forms and mixing the pieces. literally poured boiling into sterilized jars and rolled up. Before it cools down, it is put away “under a fur coat”, and then transferred to a cool pantry until winter.

Recipe with almonds

An interesting variation on classic recipe it works if you add vanilla or almonds to the pear mass. The taste of such a preparation is immediately transformed into a more attractive side, becoming unusual and even mysterious. Many who treat themselves to the offered delicacy try to guess the original addition to the pears; but not everyone succeeds, and not the first time. Because the combination is truly excellent! On home recipe « Pear jam for the winter with photo"you need to prepare:

  1. 2 kilos of juicy and fleshy pears and granulated sugar,
  2. 100 g almonds (preferably ground, but chopped into small pieces will do)
  3. 1.5 liters of water
  4. And? tsp vanilla.

Vanilla has a fairly strong concentrated fragrance; therefore, if you want to fully experience the aromas of fruit accompanied by almonds, then vanilla can be excluded from the recipe.

So, pear fruits are peeled from the outer peel, tails and cores, and cut into small portions. Water is boiled in a separate container and the pear slices are dropped into it. After boiling the fruit for 3-4 minutes, the liquid from them is drained into enamel pan, where all the sugar sand is also poured. Sweet syrup is boiled, poured into slightly softened slices, and left to soak in the filling for several hours.

After 3-4 hours, the dishes with the aromatic contents are placed on moderate heat and warmed up. Having brought the brew to a boil, the heat is reduced, and the dish simmers on the stove for 10 minutes. And again there is a four-hour interval of infusion and cooling of the semi-finished jam. The second time, boiling lasts 20 minutes, and halfway through the entire cooking time, the mass is “seasoned” with chopped almonds and vanilla. The finished almond-pear jam is placed in jars and sealed with lids. The preserved food should cool wrapped in a blanket.

Recipe with mint leaves

The next method suggests combining pears with apples, and diversifying this tandem with mint leaves. It will work out great dessert: light and refreshing. The main components for blocking " Pear and apple jam for the winter"are:

  1. 1 kg of both fruits,
  2. 2-3 sprigs of mint,
  3. 2 kg granulated sugar,
  4. 1 partial tsp. citric acid.

How great it is in frosty winter weather to open pear jam, brew tea and have cozy gatherings. The delicacy will brighten up the evenings, make baked goods tastier and complement festive table.

Honey fruits make tasty and aromatic preparations, which are easy to do. Today I offer you simple and quick recipes awesome for winter pear jam.

Jars with amber contents are stored in the pantry of every experienced thrifty housewife. However, not everyone knows how to make their favorite jam.

You can be sure that there is nothing difficult about it. In addition, every step is described here. Even inexperienced girls can handle it. Shall we get started?

Amber pear jam slices

Quick jam of the fruits of paradise is distinguished by its aesthetic properties. Besides taste qualities, the confiture attracts with its amber-transparent color. For its preparation, ripe, dense varieties are selected. Northern pear will do.

Use sweets to your advantage - pear jam is rich in vitamins and microelements.


  • peeled Bere pears – 2 kg;
  • glass of water;
  • 1 kg sugar.


Cut the peeled fruits into slices.

Let's start preparing the syrup. Pour the sugar into a saucepan, which we place over medium heat, then pour in the water. At first glance, it seems that there is not enough liquid. However, the cane product will gradually dissolve organically in a glass of water. When the consistency becomes transparent and boils, the syrup is ready.

Pour the caramelized mixture over the pear slices and leave until the syrup cools completely.

Then put the sweet slices on medium heat, bring to a boil and simmer for about 5-6 minutes.

We wait for the semi-finished jam to cool down and repeat the process again. During cooking, do not forget to stir the mixture. After the second heat treatment, the fruits become transparent.

The confiture turns out a little runny. If you want a thicker consistency, cool it and repeat the procedure again.

Two kilograms of unpeeled pears yield one liter of jam.

At this stage, the pear dessert is ready to eat. To seal it for the winter, prepare jars and lids in advance.

The fruits are sweet by nature, so be careful with adding sugar. Its optimal ratio is: 1/2 bulk product to 1 part pears.

Thick pear jam with lemon for the winter: a simple recipe

This recipe will help you learn how to make thick pear jam from small homemade fruits. The hardest part of cooking is cleaning the liqueurs. Otherwise, the process will not take much effort.


  • 1.8 kg granulated sugar;
  • 3 kg of home-grown pears;
  • 400 ml water;
  • one lemon.


  1. Peel the fruit and cut out the core.
  2. Grind the fruits into slices.
  3. Cut the lemon into slices, then divide each slice into 4 parts.
  4. Prepare the syrup. Pour the sugar with water and simmer it over medium heat until the mass becomes transparent.
  5. After the syrup boils, pour it over the pear and lemon pieces. Then wait for the caramel to cool.
  6. Place the fruit and sugar mixture on the stove. Bring it to a boil, but do not boil. Cook on low, don’t forget to stir occasionally.
  7. Set the saucepan aside and cool. Then let it cook again until it starts to boil. In total, we do four such boils - each takes about half an hour.
  8. We pre-sterilize the jars and lids. Pour the finished jam into containers, twist and put away until winter.

Leave some jam in the refrigerator - it is already ready to eat.

Pear jam with orange through a meat grinder

Since orange is a tart fruit, it is recommended to take dessert varieties. For example, the Dulya pear has sweet and aromatic pulp, which is ideal for processing. Pear jam with citrus will help with colds. It is recommended to use it for preventive purposes.

To enjoy a fragrant treat in winter, take the following ingredients:

  • pears – 3 kg;
  • orange – 1.5 kg;
  • sugar – 2 kg.
  1. Grind the fruit through a meat grinder.
  2. Sprinkle the puree with sugar and leave it overnight.
  3. The next morning we begin to cook the sweet mass over low heat.
  4. Bring it to a boil and turn off the stove.
  5. Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars.
  6. We turn the containers upside down, wrap them in a towel and leave the preparations in this position for a day.
  7. It turns out thick, aromatic and delicious jam dark amber color.

Don't be afraid to experiment. Try adding different spices during cooking. Jam with cinnamon, ginger, anise and other spices captivates with its pleasant aroma and unusual taste.

Recipe for jam for a 3-liter jar

For a 3-liter jar we need at least 3 kg of already peeled pears. Usually the jam is poured into small jars so that after opening the container they can eat it before it starts to spoil.

However, for a large family, especially where the pastry chef lives, such an amount of confiture will not last long.


  • slightly unripe pears – 3.5 kg;
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  • 3 kg sugar;
  • water – 400 ml.

Cut the washed amber liqueurs into slices. We leave the peel, it contains a lot of vitamins.

Place the pieces in a saucepan and fill them with water until it covers the contents.

Add lemon juice.

Place the pan on the fire and cook the pears for 10 minutes. Then we filter them.

We leave the water. Mix it with sugar and prepare the syrup on low. Stir vigorously until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved.

When the syrup boils, boil it for another 20 minutes.

Then we put the slices into the pan. We handle the pears carefully so that the slices do not fall apart.

After boiling, wait 7 minutes, then turn off the stove. Leave the semi-finished jam for 4–6 hours. This will allow the pears to thoroughly soak in the syrup.

We repeat the process 3-4 times. The more cooking stages, the thicker the consistency.

Pour the prepared jam into a pre-treated jar, roll it up with a lid and turn the container upside down.

For jam in slices, choose firm pears. The soft flesh will cook quickly.

Read on the website Valley of Positivity:

Pear jam for the winter “Five Minutes”

Given pear delicacy cooks for only 5 minutes. The result is amazing - delicious, thick confiture beautiful shade with fruity slices. If you don’t know which variety is best to take, try making jam from wild wild pears. This is a very common type of filling in making jams.


  • pears – 5 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • citric acid – 2 tsp.

We cut the washed pears in a convenient way. We do not remove the peel.

Sprinkle the pieces with sugar. Then level it over the surface so that the fruit is not visible. Leave at least overnight. This way, the fruits will release juice.

The next morning, mix the slices and put them on the fire. We do not add water; it has developed its own liquid.

Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for 2 minutes.

Cool and leave for 10 hours. We do this so that all the pieces are saturated with syrup, become transparent and do not fall apart.

Put the jam back on the fire.

When the syrup boils, add 2 tsp. citric acid and cook for 3 minutes.

In total, the jam was cooked for only 5 minutes. Two minutes the first time and 3 minutes when cooking again.

Pour the jam into jars (do not sterilize them). It is enough to pour boiling water over the containers. It is recommended to boil the lids for 5 minutes.

Lemon extract allows sweet preparations to be stored longer. The additive does not affect the taste.

Jam from whole pears with tails in sugar syrup

Jam made from whole fruits attracts with its unusual appearance. The advantage of this cooking method is that pears cooked whole retain more beneficial properties. It doesn’t matter whether you make confiture from green or yellow fruits. In any case, it will turn out sweet and aromatic.

Pear jam is rightfully considered a tasty and unusual delicacy. The sweet mass is not only healthy, but also low-calorie. Pear jam can be consumed as a single treat or added as a filling for baked goods.

Whole pear jam

  • ripe pears - 5 kg.
  • sugar - 3 kg.
  • water - 1.5 l.
  • citric acid - 8 gr.
  1. Sterilize the jars, wash the pears and make several punctures in each pear with a knitting needle. Add drinking water and sugar to a separate pan. Place the mixture on the stove and cook the syrup.
  2. As soon as the sand is completely dissolved, throw in the prepared pears. Add a little water if necessary. Simmer the jam for 10-15 minutes. Turn off the stove and allow the mixture to cool completely.
  3. Repeat this manipulation three times. In the last step add citric acid. Gently stir the ingredients. After the time has passed, turn off the burner and pack the jam into a clean container.
  4. Roll up the jars in the usual way, turn them over and wrap them with a blanket. The next day, place the treat in a cellar or other room with similar conditions.

Pear jam with orange

  • sugar - 1 kg.
  • pear durum- 1 kg.
  • water - 200 ml.
  • orange - 1 pc.
  1. Buy autumn variety pears, wash and chop into small slices along with the peel. The middle with the bones needs to be cut out.
  2. Fill a cup with water and add a little salt. Place the pear slices in a container to soak for a while. Start cooking the syrup.
  3. Place the pan on the burner, add sugar and water. Prepare the sweet mixture. Take out the slices and wait for them to drain. Add the pear to the syrup and stir.
  4. Boil the product for 10 minutes at the minimum power of the stove, then turn off the household appliance. Cover the pan with gauze and leave the treat for 8 hours.
  5. After a while, remove the fabric, boil the composition as described above, and leave again for about 7 hours. In total, manipulations are carried out 3-4 times.
  6. Next, cut the washed orange, including the peel, into thin slices and add to the hot mixture. Boil the jam for another 25-35 minutes.
  7. After due date Pack the pear jam into sterile containers with nylon lids.

Pear jam with lime

  • soda - 6 gr.
  • hard pears - 1.2 kg.
  • sugar - 750 gr.
  • water - 0.9 l.
  • lime - 2 pcs.
  1. Take the pears, cut into thin slices, remove the core. Place the fruits in a bowl of water and stir in baking soda. Soak the slices in the solution for no more than 20 minutes. Place in a colander and rinse with running water.
  2. This manipulation is performed so that later, when cooking the fruit, the slices will turn out to be amber in color and transparent in appearance. Place the prepared slices in a cup and mix with sugar. Chop the lime into rings on top.
  3. Leave the mixture for 5 hours. Next, you should move it into a thick-bottomed container. Simmer the jam in its own juice for a third of an hour. If necessary, add a small amount of drinking water.
  4. Set the container aside and wait until it cools to room temperature. Repeat the cooking process three times followed by cooling. Any foam that forms during cooking should be removed with a dry spatula.
  5. Sterilize the jars using the standard method and distribute freshly brewed treats among them. Roll up the lids and insulate. Store the jam in the basement or refrigerator.

  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 1.7 kg.
  • pear - 2.4 kg.
  • vanilla sugar - 20 gr.
  • apple cider vinegar - 45 ml.
  • water - 400 ml.
  1. Select hard pears, rinse and halve. Get rid of seeds and peels. In a separate container, dilute 2 liters of vinegar. purified water. Place the pear in the solution for 25-35 minutes.
  2. Cut the halves into 4-5 pieces. Separately, boil the pear in 1 liter. boiling water Cook the fruit for 8 minutes. Next, place the pear on a sieve and wait for all the liquid to drain.
  3. Start cooking the syrup. Peel the lemon and grate it. Combine 400 ml zest pulp in a saucepan. water, regular and vanilla sugar.
  4. As soon as the mixture boils, add the chopped pear and cook the ingredients for 10-12 minutes. Turn off the heat and let the mixture cool.
  5. Put the mixture back on the heat, wait for bubbles to appear, and simmer the jam for 40 minutes. Further aromatic delicacy rolls up classical technology.

Pear jam with plum

  • hard pears - 1.9 kg.
  • plum - 1.1 kg.
  • sugar - 1.3 kg.
  • water - 0.2 l.
  1. Wash the pears and dry with a towel. Cut into slices, remove all excess. Place the slices in a bowl, add half the sugar, stir. Cover the fruit with a towel and leave for 9-11 hours.
  2. Drain the resulting pear juice into a separate cup. Cut up the washed plums and discard the pits. Add the fruit to the pear. Add 200 ml to the resulting juice. water and remaining granulated sugar. Place the mixture on the stove.
  3. Stir the mixture and wait until it boils. Pour the hot mixture over the fruit and cool. After this, the components need to be boiled for about 45 minutes. Mix the ingredients carefully and skim off any foam.
  4. Distribute the finished jam into portioned clean jars and cover with nylon. The next day, put the treat in the appropriate place for long-term storage. The jam is considered quite useful, as it contains a natural antibiotic - arbutin.

Pear jam with banana

  • pears - 1.5 kg.
  • plums - 250 gr.
  • bananas - 350 gr.
  • sugar - 1.1 kg.
  • water - 220 ml.
  1. Prepare the fruits by cutting them into small pieces. Place in a common cup and add half the sugar. Cover with a cloth and leave overnight.
  2. The next day, cook the syrup. Mix the remaining sand with filtered water. Add the cooked fruits to the smooth liquid.
  3. Boil the mixture 3 times for 12 minutes. In between, the mass needs to cool completely. Next, the treat is passed through a blender or food processor.
  4. Distribute the jam into sterile containers. Roll up iron lids, after cooling, store in the refrigerator or pantry.

  • water - 420 ml.
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.
  • ripe plums - 350 gr.
  • hard pears - 950 gr.
  • red apples - 450 gr.
  1. Chop the washed pears and apples, discarding the cores. Before preparing the jam, place the fruit in a bowl of salted water. Next, start cooking the syrup according to the classical method.
  2. The amount of sugar depends on the types of fruit. Drain the salty solution and transfer the pieces to a heat-resistant container. Pour hot syrup over food. Simmer the jam for 12 minutes, get rid of the foam.
  3. Remove the pan from the stove, leave for 6 hours, during the allotted time the ingredients will infuse. Then wash the plums and remove the seeds, pass the fruits through a blender. Mix the prepared gruel with the main products.
  4. Reboil the mixture on the stove for about 50 minutes. Please note that the power of the burner should be minimal. Place the prepared assortment into jars and close the lids. Turn the container upside down and wrap it in a blanket. Store in a dark place.

Pear jam with almonds

  • sugar - 1.8 kg.
  • pears - 1.9 kg.
  • vanillin - 6 gr.
  • almonds - 110 gr.
  • water - 1.6 l.
  1. Prepare the pear in the usual way, chop into slices. Boil water and place the fruit for a few minutes. Strain the broth and place the pear on a plate.
  2. Pour sugar into the hot liquid and place on the stove. Prepare syrup using classical technology. Pour the bubbling sweet base over the pear pieces in a suitable container.
  3. Leave the product for several hours. After this, the composition in a thick-bottomed pan must be brought to a boil again and simmered over low heat for at least 8 minutes.
  4. Leave the jam again for 3 hours at room temperature. After the expiration date, boil the delicacy for a quarter of an hour. 7 minutes before the end of the manipulation, add ground almonds and vanilla powder.
  5. For convenience, the nuts can be passed through a blender or coffee grinder. Next, pour the finished jam into a sterile container and cover with nylon. Once cooled, transfer to the refrigerator.

Pear jam with mint

  • pears - 1.2 kg.
  • apples - 1.1 kg.
  • sugar - 2.3 kg.
  • citric acid - 12 gr.
  • fresh mint leaves - 20 gr.
  1. Wash the fruit, cut out any excess, and chop into small square pieces. Place the ingredients in a common saucepan with a thick bottom. Pour granulated sugar over the slices, stir, and leave for 11 hours.
  2. To dissolve the sugar, pour in a little water (about 150 ml). Mix the mixture again. The next day, place the pan with the fruit on the stove and bring to a simmer over low heat. Stir, cook for 1.5 hours.
  3. 25 minutes before the end of simmering, add citric acid and mix the products thoroughly. Place mint leaves on top. Turn off the stove, remove the greens. Pour the jam into jars and roll up.
  4. Wrap the dish with the treat in a warm jacket. Once the jam has cooled, place the container in a pantry room away from sunlight. You can consume the sweet mass after a few days.

Prepare an original pear treat. You can add additional products to your liking. Try making jam with kiwi and others exotic fruits. Add if desired various nuts or spicy seasonings. Replace regular sugar with cane sugar. You can also make jam using honey. The amount of viscous composition is taken 15-25% less.

Video: pear jam for the winter

Pear is an amazing fruit with a rich supply useful vitamins, has a rich taste and aroma. Pear jam, which is prepared with the addition of berries and fruits, as well as spices and herbs, is considered popular.

Pear jam - a simple recipe

The dark amber pear treat will make sweeter than pancakes, strengthen the body's strength before the winter season.

To prepare a healthy sweet, you need to take:

  • 1000 g pears,
  • 1000 g sugar;
  • 450 ml water;
  • 1 lemon (zest).

Pear jam recipe step by step:

  1. Combine sugar and water in a saucepan, put the mixture on the fire and cook until the sweet crystals are completely dissolved.
  2. Without wasting time, peel the pear seeds and cut into slices. Prepared fruit pieces dip into hot syrup, add the zest removed from the lemon using a fine grater. It will remove excessive cloying.
  3. Cook the mixture for about two hours over moderate heat until it turns a beautiful amber color. Store in sterile glass jars until winter.

With the addition of apples

Jam made from apples and pears can vary in consistency. For example, with transparent amber slices, thick jam, confiture or jam, but in any case it is tasty and healthy.

For the simple version you will need:

  • 1000 g pears;
  • 1000 g apples;
  • 2000 g sugar;
  • 45 ml freshly squeezed apple juice;
  • 1 lemon (juice);
  • 5 g cinnamon.


  1. Cut the washed apples and pears into small pieces, having previously cut out the cores and spoiled areas, and place them in a bowl or basin of suitable capacity.
  2. Cover the fruit with sugar and pour Apple juice and squeeze lemon juice in there. Put on fire and cook until done. Five to seven minutes before the end of the cooking process, add ground cinnamon powder.

Preparation with lemon

This jam has a very beautiful name“Sunny beauty”, because these are the associations that come to mind when you see chalky pear slices mixed with citrus sun circles.

The lemon recipe involves using:

  • 3000 g pears;
  • 3000 g sugar;
  • 3 lemons;
  • 100 ml water.

How to cook pear-lemon jam:

  1. Wash and cut the fruits: pears into translucent slices, lemon into slices.
  2. In a saucepan, combine the prepared fruit raw materials with sugar, add water and cook over low heat until the syrup is beautifully golden brown.

Lingonberry jam with pears

For housewives, a more familiar combination of lingonberries and apples in jam, but if you prepare this winter preparation with pear at least once, it will become a permanent favorite for more than one year.

Ingredients used in cooking and their quantities:

  • 1000 g pear;
  • 1000 g lingonberries;
  • 2000 g granulated sugar;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 5 buds of cloves;
  • ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon.

Cooking technology:

  1. We prepare raw materials. We sort out the lingonberries and wash them. We wash the pears, peel them and cut them into small thin slices.
  2. Pour sugar into a bowl or pan with a wide bottom and pour boiling water over it, this will dissolve all the sweetener crystals faster. Put the syrup on the fire and cook until it boils.
  3. First add the pears to the boiling liquid, and after a quarter of an hour add lingonberries and spices. Cook everything over low heat until a drop of jam stops spreading on a cold saucer. This may take up to 45 minutes.
  4. Store the product in hermetically sealed jars in a dark and cool place.

With plums for the winter

This jam turns out delicious, aromatic with an interesting color added by plums. It is not simple winter preparation, these are the colors of summer that will make the cold winter brighter and tastier.

The proportions of ingredients for the dish are as follows:

  • 750 g pear;
  • 750 g plums;
  • 1200 g sugar;
  • 300 ml water.

Cooking steps:

  1. Remove the seeds from clean, washed plums, and cut the resulting halves into 2-3 slices each. Wash the pears, wipe dry, cut out the core and chop into thin slices. Important: the recipe already indicates the amount of prepared fruit without seeds and seeds.
  2. Boil sugar and water. Pour the resulting syrup over the pear slices and cook for 20 minutes. Next, the plums are added to the jam. Cook everything together for another 20-25 minutes. After this, the workpiece is ready for subsequent preservation and further storage.

Amber pear jam slices

This jam can please not only taste buds, but also the view of the most picky esthete. Transparent pear slices, drowning in thick, concentrated and sweet juice, attract the eye. And you can’t do without little secrets in this matter.

Just first about the main ingredients:

  • 1000 g pear;
  • 1000 g sugar;
  • 2-3 g of citric acid.


  1. Carefully wash and dry pears that are juicy, but with fairly dense flesh, so that excess moisture does not get into the workpiece. Next, they should be cut into slices (without the core) of equal thickness. You can use a curved knife, for example, to cut cheese. The age-old question: should I cut the skin off pears for jam or not? For this jam it is better to leave it, it will give more guarantees that amber slices maintain your integrity, but otherwise you should focus on personal preferences.
  2. Place fruit slices in a bowl with a fairly wide bottom and cover them with sugar. The thickness of the pear-sugar layer should not be more than 4-5 cm. Leave at room temperature until the juice releases. It may take a night or a whole day for it to be enough.
  3. Pears that have released their juice are subjected to two short boils and one long boil. The first and second time, the jam is allowed to simmer for one or two minutes and left until it cools completely (at least 12 hours). Cook for the third time to the required consistency.

Delicious dessert with cinnamon

In desserts, like any other dish, small details like spices and herbs play a significant role. So, one pinch of ground cinnamon and a little orange zest capable of turning unremarkable jam from beloved, but so familiar pears into exquisite delicacy. Would you like to try it?

Then let's take:

  • 1000 g pears;
  • 1000 g sugar;
  • 1 orange (zest);
  • 4 g cinnamon;
  • 3-4 g of citric acid.


  1. Sprinkle the prepared (washed and cut into small pieces) pears with sugar, mix and hold until a sufficient amount of pear juice appears.
  2. Next, cook the jam after boiling for an hour, stirring occasionally and removing the foam, and cool completely. Repeat boiling and cooling for an hour.
  3. For the third time, cook the mixture, adding orange zest, citric acid and cinnamon. After boiling the pear slices for an hour in their own juice with spices, you can put the jam in clean glass jars.

With oranges

Thick pear jam turns out delicious on its own, but if you add it to the pears sunny orange, then their duet becomes doubly delicious.

To make thick pear jam with a citrus aftertaste, you need to prepare:

  • 3000 g (already prepared) pears;
  • 1 ½ oranges;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 500-1000 g of sugar, depending on the sweetness of the raw materials.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the orange in hot water, wipe dry. Next, use the smallest grater to finely remove the orange zest. We clean the fruit itself from the thick white layer, films and seeds, and cut the resulting pulp into pieces. We prepare the pears similarly to the previous recipes.
  2. Pour water into the bottom of a wide saucepan or basin, place the pears with orange and zest. Sprinkle sugar on top, cover with a lid and put on fire. After boiling, cook over low heat until the pears are soft (20-30 minutes).
  3. Next, puree the softened fruit mass using a blender and boil to the required thickness. During this time, the jam will not only become thicker, but also darken a little.
  4. 5 g vanillin;
  5. 5 g citric acid.
  6. Sequence of culinary processes:

    1. Place a saucepan with enough water on the stove so that you can easily boil a kilogram of prepared pears in it.
    2. While the water is boiling, peel the fruit if desired and cut it into slices or slices. Place the prepared pears in boiling water and boil for 5-7 minutes until soft.
    3. Then strain the water from the fruit, but do not throw it away. You should take the volume of water indicated in the recipe and, combining the pear decoction with sugar, cook the syrup.
    4. Add vanillin, citric acid and boiled pears to the hot syrup. Boil the jam until completely cooked, then roll it into sterile jars, which after cooling, put them in a dark and cool place.

    Unusual recipe with almonds

    For an exquisite jam with almond petals, lemon zest, cognac and ginger, the ratio of ingredients will be as follows:

  • 1200 g pears;
  • 150 g almond flakes or chopped almonds;
  • 1200 g sugar;
  • 10 g grated ginger root;
  • 20 ml cognac;
  • 2 medium lemons.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Remove the zest from thoroughly washed citrus fruits and squeeze out the juice. Pear pulp(for this recipe it is better to remove the skin from the fruit) chop into cubes.
  2. Combine all the jam ingredients in one refractory container and cook, uncovered, until the pear slices are soft and have the desired consistency. The finished jam is sealed in sterile glass jars for storage.