Pumpkin in the oven with sugar and apples. Pumpkin with apples in the oven - a great dessert

Recipes with pumpkin in the oven.

Autumn is the time when you need to drink tea, pick onions and “orange watermelons” in the field. It is "orange watermelons" that many people are used to calling pumpkins. This useful product can become the basis of desserts, soups, hearty main courses. Today you will learn how to bake a pumpkin by adding a variety of ingredients to it.

How to deliciously bake pumpkin with honey in the oven: recipe

The general principle of cooking is quite simple: the pumpkin is cut into pieces, additional ingredients are added, and baked. But let baking pumpkin seem simple to you, the cooking process still requires studying the following points that professional chefs have shared with us:

  • Do you want to bake a pumpkin without adding additional ingredients? Then pour water into the pan so that the pumpkin does not dry out.
  • Try to choose only sweet pumpkin, for example, muscat.
  • Use a ceramic baking dish for baking pumpkin and put it in a cool place before cooking.
  • Cook thin slices at 180°C. If the slices are thicker, then the temperature should be 190 °C.

Before the holidays, whether New Year or Christmas, many hostesses begin to think about what to cook for the festive table. Trying to find something unusual and tasty, they take an ordinary pumpkin, since it makes the most the best dishes. Prepare and you the recipe that we offer you.

You will have to take the right amount:

  • Pumpkin pulp - 600 g
  • Cinnamon - 2 tsp
  • Vanilla sugar - 2 tsp
  • Flower honey - 2 tbsp.


  • Salt the pumpkin slices, arrange on a baking sheet. Bake 20 min
  • Prepare the spice mixture. Mix vanilla, honey, cinnamon. Rub mixture into all pieces.
  • Bake pumpkin again for 20 minutes

How to deliciously bake pumpkin with sugar in the oven: recipe

Pumpkin with the addition of granulated sugar is a tasty and healthy dish for the body. You can replace breakfast or a full afternoon snack with this dish. Yes, and the dish is prepared in various ways. The interesting thing is that you will have to take the most ordinary components that are in every home.

  • Pumpkin - 600 g
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Lemon - 1 pc.


  • Clean the pumpkin first. Cut into pieces. Sprinkle with sugar. Cut the lemon into small pieces. Add to pumpkin.
  • Mix the ingredients. Put on a baking sheet, cover with a lid, put in the oven for 30 minutes.
  • Then remove the lid, mix the ingredients again. Bake another 15 minutes. Do not cover with a lid.
  • Pumpkin baked with this method will remind you of marmalade.

How to deliciously bake a pumpkin with nuts in the oven?

As a rule, all children are sweet. But there are adults who do not refuse sweets. And if these sweets are still useful, then they will become desirable and loved on every table. The following dish belongs to such sweets. Prepare this dish too, taking the right amount:

  • Pumpkins - 500 g
  • Walnuts - 100 g
  • Honey - 2 tbsp.
  • granulated sugar
  • vanilla


  • Wash the pumpkin, peel, cut into small pieces. Put on the prepared mold, sprinkle with sugar, vanilla.
  • Pour some water into the pan. Send to the oven for 40 minutes. Bake until pumpkin is soft.
  • Roast the nuts. Grind.
  • Take out the pumpkin, put it on a large plate, pour honey over it, sprinkle with chopped nuts at the end.

Consume warm or cool. Still, it will be delicious.

How to bake a pumpkin with apples in the oven?

Are you going to bake a pumpkin for the first time? Want to tidy up your figure, but don't know which pumpkin recipe to choose? Choose the next meal. Moreover, not only you, but also your children will like it. Take:

  • Pumpkin pulp - 500 g
  • Apples - 4 pcs
  • Filtered water - 1/2 cup
  • Lemon - 1/2
  • Sugar


  • Peel apples and pumpkins. Cut the ingredients into small pieces
  • Squeeze juice from a lemon, sprinkle apples with it. You can sprinkle the pumpkin to make it softer.
  • Put the pumpkin on a baking sheet, spread it evenly over the surface. Put apples on pumpkin
  • Boil the syrup. Mix sugar and water in a bowl. Boil, boil the syrup a little. Sugar must dissolve
  • Pour the syrup into the pan. Bake the dish for approximately 30 minutes

How to bake pumpkin with cheese in the oven?

The original recipe is always popular and loved by hostesses. Especially when the dish is easy to prepare. Try baking pumpkin with cheese. Take the right amount:

  • Pumpkins - 800 g
  • Hard cheese - 120 g
  • Pine nuts - 60 g
  • condiments


  • Cut the pumpkin into pieces, remove the seeds with fibers
  • Grate the cheese. It must be solid
  • Sprinkle seasonings over pumpkin. Put it on a baking sheet
  • Bake 25 min
  • Take out the pumpkin. Sprinkle cheese and nuts on top.
  • Bake another 20 minutes

How to bake pumpkin with cream in the oven?

Previously, we all baked pumpkin only with sugar or honey. But today, cooking has become so diverse that it allows you to choose a dish for any holiday, even from a pumpkin. You can cook the next dish for breakfast or treat your loved ones for dinner. For baking, take:

  • Pumpkin - 500 g
  • Butter - 25 g
  • Cream - 1 tbsp
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Vanilla sugar


  • Clean the pumpkin. Remove skin, seeds
  • Cut the pumpkin into slices, sprinkle with granulated sugar and vanilla
  • Set aside for a while to soak the product
  • In oiled pots, place the pumpkin tightly
  • Fill the pots with cream, they should cover the pumpkin
  • Put the dishes with the contents in the oven. Bake 60 min
  • When the pumpkin is baked, take the pots out to cool.

How to bake pumpkin with onions in the oven?

Baked pumpkin - delicious and healthy food. No wonder our grandmothers cooked the most variety of dishes: they put pumpkin in pies, in pies, cooked it with vegetables ... But the most delicious pumpkin It turns out if you cook it as an independent dish.

Pumpkin baked with onions great dish. You can cook it for lunch, for the arrival of guests, and just for the sake of treating yourself to something delicious on a boring, Saturday evening.

To prepare, take:

  • Pumpkin pulp - 600 g
  • Bulb - 1 pc.
  • Mustard - 2 tbsp
  • condiments


  • Cut the pumpkin into slices, boil for 7 minutes. in salt water over low heat.
  • Drain the water from the pumpkin.
  • Cut the onion into rings, fry a little.
  • Grease a baking sheet with oil, put a pumpkin, then fried onions, spread mustard on top.
  • Bake 25 min.

How to deliciously bake a pumpkin with meat in the oven?

For cooking, take the most ripe pumpkin weighing 2 kg, no more. Choose a pumpkin that is stable so it doesn't wobble in the mold. Rinse the vegetable, cut off the top "lid". Take out the pulp and seeds. After that stuff it.

Put the meat raw, but it is advisable to fry it in advance or marinate it. Cereals, mushrooms, cheese or other vegetables are perfect for meat. Season the minced meat with spices, add sauce of your choice. Fill the pumpkin, cover with a “lid”, set to bake.

Now consider one of the options for baking pumpkin with minced meat. The dish is very aromatic and juicy. If your meat is fatty, then low-fat sour cream is suitable as a sauce. If the meat is lean, it is better to take 20% sour cream.

For baking, take:

  • pumpkin
  • Meat - 750 g
  • Onion - 2 pcs
  • Sour cream - 250 ml
  • condiments


  • Wash the meat, cut into pieces, put in a pan and simmer
  • Chop the onion, add it to the meat, fry for 2 minutes
  • Add sour cream, season. Add greenery
  • Wash the pumpkin, prepare it and fill it with meat stuffing
  • Cover with a lid and bake for about 90 minutes

How to deliciously bake a pumpkin in a pot in the oven?

Ceramic dishes are ideal for this dish. Plus, take a ripe pumpkin and cream. If you want, add nuts or dried fruits. So, you need to take the following amount of products:

  • Pumpkin pulp - 500 g
  • Cream - 500 ml
  • Raisins - 120 g
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Sugar - 25 g
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet


  • Prepare the Components
  • Remove the peel from the pumpkin, clean the inside. Cut the pulp into small pieces
  • Add sugar and vanilla to pumpkin
  • Add raisins. Mix everything and set aside for a while
  • Grease the pots
  • Put pumpkin mixture in them
  • Pour in the cream. They should not completely cover the pumpkin cubes.
  • Cover the pots, bake for 60 minutes

How to deliciously bake a pumpkin in foil in the oven?

essence this preparation lies in the fact that the desired temperature is maintained exactly where the filling itself is located. In addition, during cooking, the pumpkin will give a lot of juice, and the foil will hold it so that it does not spread. Thus, the pumpkin will turn out juicy and you will not need to wash the mold.

To prepare, take:

  • Pumpkin weighing 2 kg - 1 pc.
  • Pear - 5 pcs
  • Raisins - 60 g
  • Honey - 3 tbsp.


  • Prepare the pumpkin. Cut off the top of it, remove the insides. Coat the inner walls with honey
  • Peel the pears, cut into slices. Rinse the raisins. Put the ingredients in the pumpkin
  • Wrap in foil and shape into a bowl. cover the pumpkin
  • Put the pumpkin to bake for 140 minutes
  • Top with sweet sauce

How to deliciously bake a whole pumpkin in the oven?

We have already described to you the recipes for baking whole pumpkins. We offer you another good recipe. Prepare it on Saturday evening, call your family and friends, spend a weekend evening with your loved ones. And for cooking, you should take the right number of such products:

  • small pumpkin
  • Cream - 500 ml
  • Cheese - 400 g
  • nutmeg
  • Butter
  • condiments


  • Wash the pumpkin, dry it. Remove the top and innards. Cut pumpkin flesh into slices
  • Grate the cheese. Add cream
  • Add seasonings and nutmeg
  • Add oil. Cover the pumpkin
  • Bake for about 90 minutes until the flesh is soft

How to deliciously bake a pumpkin with slices, slices in the oven?

One of the most delicious combinations- spicy garlic and tender pumpkin. Serve such a baked dish to the table as an independent dish or as a side dish for meat. You only have to take:

  • Pumpkin - 1 piece of medium size
  • Olive oil
  • Garlic - 2 cloves


  • Preheat the oven
  • Now prepare the pumpkin: wash it, cut it in half. Remove the core, cut the vegetable into slices or pieces
  • Put the pumpkin on the mold. Place the peeled garlic cloves on top.
  • Bake for approximately 20 minutes. Then turn the pumpkin over. Bake another 20 minutes

Enjoy your meal!

Video: Pumpkin baked with honey and nuts

Relevant at any time of the year, but especially good in the autumn-spring period, when the body lacks vitamins so much, baked pumpkin with apples in the oven. It is this method of preparation that allows you to save the maximum amount of food in the products. useful substances, and this orange vegetable in this regard is a real champion.

Why baking is good

Pumpkin with apples, baked in the oven correctly, will retain all the richness of its taste, aroma and remain as juicy as possible, without losing all its usefulness. it the perfect dish for those who are struggling with kilograms or watching their weight, since it does not require the addition of oil and sugar at all. In general, baking is considered one of the most successful options in terms of heat treatment, preserving the fullness of the taste of the product, convenient, fast way, which does not take much time from the hostess. Note that this type of cooking also implies the formation of a crisp, as in conventional frying, but it does not harm the body, since it does not contain cholesterol.

Healthy dessert

Everyone loves sweets, and even if we do not use them every day, from time to time we are simply terribly drawn to something really harmful, high-calorie and tasty. And here, too, a pumpkin baked in the oven will come to the rescue. Sweet, with apples and a small amount fragrant natural honey, it will not only bring us pleasure, but it will not spoil our mood at all, because the thoughts that you have eaten something harmful again will definitely not appear after such a dessert.

Let's start with elementary

Pumpkin should be present in the diet of every family, we will explain why. This vegetable is infinitely rich in vitamins, trace elements and fiber, which is so necessary for everyone for excellent digestion. It is endlessly recommended by nutritionists as a means for a good mood and normalization of weight. There is almost the same amount of carotene here as in carrots, and thanks to its antioxidant abilities, pumpkin perfectly deals with various kinds of toxins, toxins and cholesterol that have accumulated in our body. The most common classic is pumpkin with apples baked in the oven in slices.

Classic recipe

Often the pumpkin is sold already very large, ripe, cut into big chunks. Such a vegetable usually has a very dense skin, which must be removed, and its size does not allow the whole product to be baked. In such cases, hostesses proceed as follows:

The peel must be removed, it is very hard, and it is quite difficult to do this with an ordinary knife, for starters, it is recommended to wash the pumpkin and heat it in the oven for a while so that the vegetable softens and its peel becomes more pliable, now you can cut it with a sharp knife.

Such a baked pumpkin with apples in the oven does not require special culinary skills, everything is simply cut into beautiful neat pieces with a diameter of a couple of centimeters, you can also remove a fairly dense peel from apples.

We heat the oven to two hundred degrees, line the baking sheet with foil, pour our sliced ​​\u200b\u200bon it, add a little cinnamon and sugar, cover tightly with a second sheet of foil (necessarily with the shiny side inward) and send to bake for a quarter of an hour. Ready meal You can decorate with mint leaves or pine nuts.

Pot of apples

Pumpkin is a very versatile product, there are a lot of recipes for cooking from it, but a young vegetable with a still thin delicate skin that does not have to be peeled looks most impressive. Such a pumpkin baked in the oven whole with apples will decorate any festive table and sure to amaze everyone present. It is impossible not to appreciate it, since large apple slices in a pumpkin pot - this is unusual, interesting and intriguing. I want to try these amber-colored pieces soaked in pumpkin juice, flavored with honey and very fragrant. The benefits of such a dessert are twofold - it causes aesthetic pleasure and includes only useful components.

Pumpkin with raisins and nuts

First, prepare the fruits we need for cooking. The pumpkin should be washed well, the skin should not be touched, but the top should be carefully cut off in the manner of a cap. Remove the core with seeds with a large spoon. Good hostesses here they note that the vegetable is best baked if its walls are not thick, so it is better to clean out part of the pulp from its sides. Put it in a separate bowl, you will need it when we cook apples with pumpkin baked in the oven. The recipe for such a dish is very simple, but has several variations, which consist in changing the additional ingredients.

Delicious Ingredients

The main ingredients in any of these recipes will be pumpkin and, of course, large ripe apples, better than sweet and sour varieties, they will dilute the taste and make it multifaceted. But the baked pumpkin with apples in the oven acquires its charm and unusualness precisely thanks to the additional components that give this dish real brightness and completeness.

  1. Honey - no need to put a lot of it, pumpkin is already very sweet vegetable, but its presence makes such a dessert even more fragrant and healthy.
  2. Cinnamon - goes well with apples, the best classic solution.
  3. Nuts - any, you can walnuts, pine nuts, or you can just peel and add to the composition pumpkin seeds.
  4. Chocolate - will make the dish truly festive.
  5. Berries - fresh or frozen, another storehouse of vitamins and wonderful taste.

Fast and very tasty

Such a pumpkin stuffed with apples, baked in the oven, will surely surprise everyone around. And even those who are skeptical about this vegetable will certainly want to try such an unusual dish.

  1. Having decided on the ingredients, we proceed to the direct preparation of the dish for baking. Apples should not be cut too finely, like the remaining pumpkin pulp, pieces of 2-3 centimeters will be ideal, they will retain their shape well during cooking, and they will give enough juice, keeping some of it in themselves.
  2. Coat the inner walls of the vegetable with honey, mix the already chopped ingredients (apples and pumpkin) with cinnamon, nuts, seeds and send inside. Here we note that our pot must be well filled, in the process heat treatment the cubes will sit tighter, and if the filling is insufficient, the pumpkin with apples baked in the oven will be half empty, and its top will be half-cooked.
  3. Break the chocolate into large crumbs and lay the top layer on the fruit. The dish is prepared, you can close it with our previously carved pumpkin lid and pack it in foil.
  4. Be sure to do this with the shiny side inward so that all the heat enters the pumpkin, do not leave gaps and crevices, this will preserve all the flavor of the future dish and reduce its cooking time. Usually it is an hour, a maximum of one and a half, it all depends on the size of the fetus and the width of its walls. Baked pumpkin with apples in the oven is ready if its flesh is easily pierced with a fork.

How to choose a good pumpkin

This important aspect is responsible for all final result our process, so it is worth paying special attention to it.

1. We consider only whole vegetables, small in size, but heavy enough if you pick them up, which indicates a good density and quality of the pumpkin.

2. The color of the fruit should be uniform, not necessarily bright, and its ripeness can be easily determined by the leg - if it is green, then the vegetable was removed from the garden unripe.

3. There should be no visible defects, spots, wrinkles on the pumpkin. Press on it with your finger, if it is fresh, then the walls of the fetus will be firm and will not bend.

4. If total weight vegetables will be no more than two kilograms, it will be really tasty to bake a pumpkin with apples in the oven. Large fruits are already ripe, their walls and peel are very dense, and not everyone will find an oven of this size.

Note to the owner

If you managed to find several suitable sizes and appearance vegetables, buy them all. Pumpkin is perfectly stored for a month without a refrigerator in a whole unpeeled form. Experienced cooks in this matter recommend:

give preference winter varieties vegetables, they do not spoil for a long time, and a whole pumpkin with apples baked in the oven turns out to be more fragrant with them;

If you are worried about safety or kept the product for a long time without a refrigerator, but you will not need it soon, you can freeze the pumpkin, just cut it into large cubes, wrap it in cellophane and put it in the freezer for storage;

This vegetable is very pleasant taste, which goes well not only with sweet ingredients, many people like to bake it with cheese, garlic and spices, which give the dish a distinctness and give a unique flavor, it is worth a try.

Garlic squash with rice

Baked pumpkin with apples in the oven is incredibly tasty, but its savory variation is no less interesting and healthy.

  1. Prepare vegetables and fruits in the same way, and add a few cloves of chopped garlic to them and mix all the ingredients with clean washed rice.
  2. We settle our filling in a pumpkin, rub it on top more cheese and close the vegetable with an edible lid.
  3. Such a cooking process is no different from the one described above, this dish harmonizes well with aromatic herbs and spices, ideally as a full-fledged and most healthy side dish for any meat.
  4. Be sure to turn on the oven before you start preparing food so that it has time to warm up well.
  5. In the unsweetened version of the dish, it is recommended to add a little olive oil.
  6. You can experiment endlessly with vegetables, fruits and spices as additives. Freshly baked pumpkin is good in any combination, the main thing here is that it is ripe, fragrant and cooked with love.


Everyone knows that pumpkin is very healthy vegetable and every person should consume gourd periodically. However, it happens that I cooked a vegetable, and the taste is not at all what I expected. In order for you to get real pleasure, we suggest you cook a pumpkin with apples in the oven according to our recipes. simple recipes. You will be surprised incomparable taste and you will want to cook such a delicacy every weekend.

Pumpkin with apples in foil baked in the oven

Required Ingredients:

  • pumpkin pulp - 0.5 kg;
  • apples - 0.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 200 g.

Cooking process:

Rinse the pumpkin and cut into medium cubes. Then we clean the apples, remove the core and cut into slices. We mix apples with pumpkin, fall asleep with sugar and transfer to foil.

We close the ingredients with foil, carefully fasten the edges and put on a baking sheet. We bake the dish at 200 degrees for twenty minutes. Arrange the finished dish in bowls and serve, sprinkled with chopped walnuts.

Pumpkin dessert with apples baked in the oven

Required Ingredients:

  • pumpkin pulp - 0.5 kg;
  • apples - 0.5 kg;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 100 g.

Cooking process:

Rinse the pumpkin and apples, peel and cut into medium slices. We put the ingredients in a saucepan and fill with water so that the contents of the saucepan are completely covered.

Place the saucepan over medium heat and boil the pumpkin and apples for ten minutes. Let the ingredients cool down.

Now separate the yolks from the whites. Beat egg whites with a pinch of salt until fluffy. Grind the yolks with sugar and mix with pumpkin and apples. We spread the mass in a special form and fill it with whipped proteins.

Sending everything to hot oven and bake at 200 degrees for about twenty minutes. Ready dessert cool in the refrigerator and serve.

Pumpkin with apples and cinnamon baked in the oven

Required Ingredients:

  • pumpkin pulp - 400 g;
  • apples - 400 g;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • granulated sugar - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking process:

Rinse apples with pumpkin and cut into medium pieces. We spread the ingredients in a deep container and fall asleep with 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar and cinnamon, mix.

The resulting mass is laid out in a special form and put in a hot oven. We bake at 180 degrees until the pumpkin with apples acquires a golden crust.

During this time, mix sour cream with granulated sugar until the grains are completely dissolved and pour the ruddy dish with the resulting mass. Cover with foil and return to the oven for ten minutes.

After the time has elapsed, let the delicacy cool, then serve it on the table, spreading it in bowls with a scoop of creamy ice cream.

Pumpkin with apples and quince baked in the oven

Required Ingredients:

  • pumpkin - 300 g;
  • apples - 300 g;
  • quince - 200 g;
  • granulated sugar - 100 g;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking process:

First, prepare the ingredients, rinse the pumpkin and fruit, peel and cut into equal medium slices. Put the fruit with pumpkin in a container, sprinkle with 50 grams of sugar and mix, let stand for a while so that the juice appears.

Now take a baking sheet, grease vegetable oil and spread the fruit with pumpkin, evenly distribute over the entire surface of the baking sheet. Preheat the oven and bake the dish for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

At the end of cooking, sprinkle the delicacy with cinnamon and the remaining sugar, bake for another five minutes and remove from the oven.

Cool the dish and arrange on serving plates. Serve with honey and nuts.

Enjoy your meal.

Pumpkin is an orange beauty that is found in the most different dishes from soups to desserts and winter preparations. It is especially delicious baked. Yes, even with an apple! The beauty!

Baked Pumpkin with Apples - General Cooking Principles

Pumpkin can be baked in pieces or whole. In the second version, the vegetable is usually stuffed, after removing the seeds with loose pulp. Pieces of the product are baked in a mold or on a baking sheet; foil can be used.

Apples for baking should be used only hard. Soft, overripe and loose fruits will quickly turn into porridge and spoil the dish.

What else can be added:


Dried fruits;

fresh berries and fruits;

For taste, granulated sugar or honey, lemon juice or diluted acid is added. Pumpkin with apples is usually baked in the oven. the duration depends on many factors: the degree of ripeness of the fruit and humidity, additional ingredients, fillings used. You need to check the pumpkin, for this, pieces of pulp are pierced with a toothpick or a match.

Baked pumpkin with apples and raisins

A chic dessert made from simple and useful products. Be sure to use natural bee honey, nuts and seeds you can use any.


0.8 kg of pumpkin;

2 spoons of honey;

1 tsp cinnamon;

3 apples;

0.5 cups of sour cream;

A handful of raisins;

50 g plums. oils;



1. Piece butter grease the form in which we will bake the dish. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs. You can take the usual semolina.

2. Put the rest of the oil in a pan, melt it.

3. Cut the pumpkin into cubes, put it in a frying pan and cook over low heat for about seven minutes. Turn off.

4. Cut the apples into slices, sort out the raisins, rinse.

5. We chop nuts. You can use sunflower or pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds. We put into the dish what is in the house.

6. Put a layer of pumpkin in the form, sprinkle with raisins.

7. Lay the pieces of apples on top of the pieces.

8. Prepare the filling of honey and sour cream, stir them thoroughly. If the honey is thick, then melt it before that.

9. Add cinnamon and prepared nuts to the filling.

10. Evenly cover the layer of apples with the prepared sauce.

11. We put the dish in an oven preheated to 240 C °. We bake at a high temperature for about 20 minutes until a beautiful crust appears on the apples.

Plain baked pumpkin with apples and sugar

The recipe for the simplest baked pumpkin with apples, which can be made in five minutes and brought to readiness in the oven. White sugar can be used, but brown sand is better for baking.


400 g pumpkin;

3 apples;

100 ml of water;

5-6 spoons of sugar.


1. We heat the water on the stove, add sugar, stir, set aside, let the grains dissolve.

2. We clean the pumpkin, cut it into arbitrary cubes, put it in the first layer in any greased form.

3. We clean the apples, cut them into the same cubes, put the pieces on top of the pumpkin.

4. Pour all this with sugar dissolved in water.

5. Put in the oven, bake the pumpkin with apples for about 25-30 minutes. If the pieces are small, it may take less time. We heat the stove to 200 C °.

Baked pumpkin with whole apples

A whole pumpkin baked with apples in the oven looks spectacular on the table and will become its main decoration. You can add any dried fruits and nuts to the filling. Here is an example.


Pumpkin up to 1.5 kg;

3 Golden apples;

30 g of oil;

80 g sour cream;

2 tablespoons of nuts;

0.5 cups of raisins;

a pinch of cinnamon;

1 teaspoon sugar (adjust to taste)


1. The top of the washed pumpkin is cut off, 2-3 cm high. It will be a lid. Take out all the pulp with seeds.

2. Heat the oil in a frying pan, put the apples cut into slices, fry over high heat to evaporate the juice. Cool down.

3. Mix apples with washed raisins, nuts, cinnamon.

4. Put the stuffing inside the pumpkin.

5. Sour cream should be mixed with a spoonful of sugar.

6. Pour the filling over the top.

7. Close the pumpkin with a lid, place on a baking sheet or in a suitable shape.

8. Send to an oven preheated to 200 degrees, bake the pumpkin until the pulp is ready. This will take about an hour. The crust does not need to be lubricated, without it it will become ruddy and shiny.

Baked pumpkin with apple slices

Another simplest way cooking a baked dish, for which you need a piece of foil and any sugar.


300 g pumpkin;

2-3 apples;

2 spoons of sugar;

1 tsp oils;

Cinnamon optional.


1. If the foil is thin, then use 2 layers. We form a trough from a piece with small sides up to two centimeters. They will retain the secreted juice.

2. We transfer the trough into a mold or onto a baking sheet. You can do it right in the form, so as not to miscalculate with the size.

3. Lubricate the foil with oil.

4. Cut the pumpkin into long slices, up to one centimeter thick.

5. Cut apples large pieces. The skin does not need to be removed, the core with seeds is removed immediately.

6. Put pumpkin slices and apples on greased foil in one layer. Alternate in any order.

7. Mix sugar with cinnamon. Or use only sand. A beautiful crust on a pumpkin is formed from brown sugar. But you can also use white sand.

8. Sprinkle the stacked pieces with sugar, send the dish to bake.

9. At a temperature of 200 it will take twenty minutes, but look at the readiness of your dish.

Baked pumpkin with meringue apples

Recipe for a very delicate dessert air cloud meringue. You can take a little more pumpkin or apples, but the total amount of products should not change.


2 egg whites;

A little lemon juice (you can take diluted acid)

0.2 kg of apples;

Pumpkins 0.3 kg;

50 grams of raisins;

A couple of spoons of nuts;

0.5 tsp cinnamon;

20 g of oil;

0.5 cups of powder (you can sugar).


1. A mold with a diameter of about 20 cm should be greased with a piece of butter.

2. Pour raisins hot water, let it swell a little.

3. Turn on the oven at 180.

4. Cut the apples into 8 pieces, remove the middle.

5. The pumpkin should be cut into approximately the same pieces as the apples turned out. Arrange everything together in a mold, pour lemon juice.

6. Remove the soaked raisins from the water and add to the mold as well.

7. Sprinkle the dish with cinnamon, bake for a quarter of an hour.

8. Finely chop the nuts.

9. During this time, you need to cook nut meringue. Beat the chilled egg whites until stiff.

10. Introduce Gradually powdered sugar. Sand can also be used, but it will take longer to beat until all the grains are dissolved.

11. Add nuts, stir.

12. Remove the mold from the oven. Put the meringue on top of the apples with pumpkin, smooth the layer with a spoon.

13. Put it back in the oven, lowering the temperature to 150 degrees. Prepare dessert for another half an hour. Cool down.

Baked pumpkin with apples, rice and dried fruits

Another recipe for baked pumpkin with whole apples. For this dish, it is better to use long rice.


1 small pumpkin up to 1 kg;

100 g of rice;

2 apples;

A large handful of dried fruits;

100 ml cream;


1. Rice is boiled until cooked, all water is drained.

2. Apples are peeled, diced, sent to rice.

3. Dried fruits must be washed. Raisins are laid whole, dried apricots with prunes and other large fruits can be cut.

4. Mix dried fruits with boiled rice and apples. You can fill the filling with cinnamon.

5. At the washed pumpkin, the lid is cut off from the side of the tail, the pulp is selected.

6. Put the filling inside the pumpkin, pour a little cream over it. You can use sour cream the same way.

7. Close the lid, bake until the pulp is soft in the oven. If the crust is thin, set to 200 degrees. If there is a lot of pulp, then you can make the temperature slightly lower than 180-190.

Baked pumpkin with apples, orange and lemon

Option very fragrant dessert from baked pumpkin with citruses and apples. Take one small orange, it will be enough for this amount of pumpkin.


2 apples;

1 orange;

0.5 lemon;

Pumpkins 0.4 kg;

5 st. l. Sahara.


1. Peeled pumpkin and apples are cut into identical cubes about one centimeter, mixed, placed in a mold.

2. The pulp of an orange and a lemon is also cut, but very finely.

3. Arrange the citrus slices on top of the pumpkin and apple.

4. Sprinkle everything on top with sugar.

5. Cover with foil, bake at a moderate temperature for 20 minutes.

6. Remove, mix with a spatula, cook without foil for another 15 minutes until the pumpkin is soft. Evaporate some of the juice.

7. We take out the dish completely, mix it so that all the pieces are covered with syrup. At this stage, you can sprinkle the dessert with liquor, sprinkle with cinnamon, and cool.

The pumpkin will cook for a long time if it gets sour apple juice. Therefore, you can first bring the vegetable to half-cookedness, then add apples to it.

Leftover baked pumpkin with apples can be used as a base for pancakes. You need to grind everything thoroughly, add an egg, a little semolina or flour. If you put cottage cheese, you will get wonderful cheesecakes: bright and fragrant. AT pure form the baked dish can be used as a filling for pies, pancakes, rolls.

Citruses are the perfect supplement for pumpkin dishes. They neutralize the flavor of the vegetable, turn the dish into real dessert. It is not necessary to use the whole fruit, in most recipes you can do with just the zest.

Both pumpkin and apples go well with meat. Therefore, they can be used not only for desserts, but also for main courses.