Juicy duck stuffed with apples and orange and ginger caramel gravy for the holiday. Delicious duck stuffed with apples in the oven

baked duck, stuffed with apples - classic recipe, which exists in many cuisines different countries world for centuries. But how delicious is this dish? You will find the answer to this question in this article.
Recipe content:

The basics of proper cooking baked duck stuffed with apples in the oven

The duck is cooked in pieces, minced products are made, but it is considered the most delicious - baked whole carcass with filling, variations of which, there are many. The most popular and well-known fillings are: potatoes, rice, lingonberries, buckwheat with mushrooms, vegetables, legumes, nuts, fruits, dried fruits and apples.

Before cooking, the carcass is well washed, dried, marinated and rubbed inside and out with salt and spices. Then they fill it with stuffing, sew the edges with a thread and send the bird to the oven. You can bake it on a regular baking sheet with high sides, or in a roaster.

The most important thing in this recipe is to get a juicy, soft and rich taste. Therefore, it is necessary to accurately calculate the cooking time of the duck. For 1 kilogram duck meat 45 minutes of baking is taken after the oven is fully heated. Here you also need to add an additional 25 minutes to brown the crust. If you decide to cook the bird in the oven in pieces, it will take about 90 minutes. It depends on the initial softness of the meat and the size of the pieces.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 260 kcal.
  • Servings Per Container - 6
  • Cooking time - about 2 hours for baking, 1.5 hours for marinating, 30 minutes for preparation


  • Duck carcass - 1 pc.
  • Apples - 5-7 pcs. depending on size
  • Mayonnaise - 100 g
  • Wasabi sauce - 1 tsp
  • Salt - 1 tsp or to taste
  • Black ground pepper - 0.5 tsp or to taste

Cooking baked duck stuffed with apples

1. Prepare the marinade. To do this, pour mayonnaise into a deep bowl, put wasabi sauce, salt and black pepper. Mix well so that the spices are evenly distributed.

2. Wash the duck, remove all fat from the tail, dry with a cotton towel and wipe well with marinade inside and out.

3. Wrap the duck cling film and put it in the refrigerator to marinate for at least 1.5 hours. My duck can spend the whole night in this state, and I cook it the next day for dinner. It is not necessary to wrap the bird with cling film, I do this so as not to stain the refrigerator.

4. After a while, prepare the apples. Wash them and dry them. With a special knife, remove the core and cut into pieces of any size. Although you can stuff the bird with whole apples.

5. Stuff the duck with apples. Wrap it with a sleeve or food foil and send it to bake in a preheated oven for about 2 hours. Exact time baking will depend on the size of your carcass. Lay the bird on the baking sheet with the breasts down to prevent them from drying out. 20 minutes before the bird is ready, remove the sleeve so that the bird is browned.

Serve the finished bird with a side dish, spicy sauces, sour snacks, herbs and dry red wine.

  1. If the carcass is frozen, then you need to completely defrost it by shifting from freezer into the refrigerator. Then rinse the duck thoroughly and pat dry. Cut off the lower phalanxes of the wings, otherwise they will burn during baking, break the duck wings themselves at the base so that they do not turn out when baking in the oven. The tail must be cut off, there is nothing in it except fat, which can give a peculiar aftertaste.

  2. If you become the owner of a not very well plucked duck, then you will have to work harder. With tweezers (preferably not your own manicure ones), you will have to pluck out protruding bristles. The procedure is tedious and long, since the bristles are oily and do not particularly want to be removed from the skin. If patience and time are not enough for this, then remove the bristles at least from the breast, back and hips.
  3. Before we stuff the duck with apples and send it to the oven to bake, we will marinate it. So, the next step is preparing the marinade. Mix honey, oil, salt, pepper mixture, crushed garlic and basil in a bowl.
  4. Coat the duck with the resulting mixture, wrap with cling film and put in this form in the refrigerator. It is desirable to marinate the carcass overnight (8 hours), at least 3 hours.
  5. When the duck is marinated, you need to turn on the oven so that it warms up to 180 ° C and prepare the filling. For the filling, wash the apples, orange and lemon, grate the lemon zest, peel the apples and orange and cut into pieces, removing the seeds. Squeeze juice from lemon. In a bowl, mix the sliced ​​oranges and apples, lemon zest and juice.
  6. It doesn’t matter how the duck is gutted - only through a cut at the tail or with a cut in the breast, anyway, after stuffing it will need to be sewn up. To do this, prepare a thick tailor's needle and thick cotton threads or linen cord.
  7. Stuff the weft through the incision and sew tightly, securing the ends of the thread.

  8. Duck with apples is baked in the oven in foil or in a special baking bag (I have the next step by step photo you see it in the package), what to choose, there is no difference, the main thing is that the dimensions of the foil and the package correspond to the size of the duck. The foil must be laid in such a way that the juice and fat during baking do not flow onto the baking sheet and do not evaporate.
  9. Put the packed duck in a preheated oven for 2.5 hours, then very carefully cut the top of the foil or bag to pour the carcass with the juice that has been released and put it back to form a beautiful golden crust.
  10. Drain the juice with fat into a separate cup, on the basis of this mixture you can prepare a wonderful sauce, simply by adding one tablespoon of flour, diluted a small amount water and bring the mixture to a boil.

The festive duck stuffed with apples is ready! Serve it whole big platter and split into portioned pieces already at the table. For a side dish, you can cook potatoes, rice or vegetables, by the way, potatoes can be baked in a bag with duck.

And other dishes that have repeatedly helped me out, due to their simplicity and low cost.

But what to serve as a main dish that will become a decoration holiday table, I haven't decided yet. But I'm sure it will be a bird. But goose or duck - this is the question that I seriously thought about. On the one hand, the goose wins in size, but on the other hand, this meat has a specific taste. The duck is smaller, but its taste is more familiar.

In general, I decided to make a few selections of the most good recipes both for the goose and for the duck, and then choose the one that seems the most interesting.

And this competition will begin with a duck baked in the oven with apples. There are a lot of recipes for preparing this dish, undoubtedly worthy of the head of the table, so I chose those that do not require any exotic ingredients and are guaranteed to work for everyone.

I won't bore you with my thoughts, let's get started.

Duck with apples in the oven: a simple recipe for juicy meat

I always start my experiments with the most simple recipes to understand the basic principles of cooking. And only then I try more complex, in terms of the number of ingredients, methods. And I advise you to adhere to this rule if you are mastering something new.

So, the first on the list is the most-most easy option poultry roasting.

For him, we need duck, apples and salt and pepper. It is advisable to take a duck fresh (not defrosted) weighing 2-2.5 kg, and use sour varieties of apples, as they keep their shape better when baked and do not fall apart to a puree state.

The number of apples directly depends on the size of the carcass. On average 2-4.


1. We carefully examine the carcass for the remaining feathers, check that there is nothing left inside except fat and scrape the skin with a knife to get rid of the possibly remaining feather bases.

Then thoroughly rinse it inside and out with cold running water and dry it with a paper towel.

An important point: a tubercle is easily felt on the upper surface of the duck's tail. This is a gland that secretes feather lubricant. It must be cut out, otherwise the meat will “blur” and will not be tasty.

2. Mix 1 tablespoon of salt with 1/3 tablespoon of ground black pepper in a bowl and rub the duck both inside and out with this mixture.

Leave the carcass to marinate for 2 hours.

3. After that, tightly stuff the apples, cut into quarters, inside.

4. And we sew the abdomen with a coarse thread.

It must be sewn tightly so that the juice secreted during baking remains inside. The juiciness of the finished dish directly depends on this.

5. Put the duck on a baking sheet with high sides (or in the largest baking dish), lightly greased vegetable oil, and pour 300-400 ml of cold water.

6. We direct the baking sheet into the oven, heated to 180 degrees. We note the time, based on the calculation that it takes 45 minutes to bake 1 kg of duck.

Once every 20-30 minutes, pour the carcass with the melted and accumulated fat in the pan.

You can make sure that it is ready by piercing the brisket. wooden skewer. This is the densest meat and if it is easily pierced, then the dish is ready.

You can take it out and serve it on the table.

How to bake duck in honey and soy sauce in the sleeve

You won’t surprise anyone with baking in the sleeve for a long time, this method ensures that the meat does not burn. But so that the meat does not dry out and is soft and juicy, the duck must first be marinated. I suggest using this honey soy marinade with ginger.

Marinade Ingredients:

  • Soy sauce - 30 ml
  • Honey - 1 tbsp.
  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp.
  • Balsamic vinegar - 3 tablespoons
  • Chopped ginger root - 2 tbsp


1. We cut off all the excess from the carcass, then wash it thoroughly and dry it with a paper towel, after which we rub it with salt and pepper inside and out.

The amount of spices depends on the size of the bird, but on average it is 1 tablespoon of salt and a third of a tablespoon of pepper.

2. Prepare the marinade by combining all the indicated ingredients in one deep bowl.

3. Pour marinade over the duck, cover with cling film and put in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

4. After marinating, proceed to stuffing. We take 4 green apples, remove the core and divide them into 4 parts.

5. And we fill the carcass with them.

It is not necessary to sew up or stab the abdomen, the bag in which the roasting will take place will retain all the juices.

6. We put the duck in the baking sleeve, tie it at both ends, if necessary, make a couple of holes in it to let out excess steam (if they are not provided by the manufacturer) and send it to the oven, heated to 200 degrees for 90 minutes.

After this time, I usually cut the bag and keep the meat for another 10 minutes in the oven to form a crisp.

Duck in apples with oranges baked in foil

For a change, we stuff the duck not only with apples, but also with oranges. And we also bake apples separately as a side dish.

In addition, for the recipe you will need:

  • Onion
  • Prunes
  • Potato

For marinade:

  • Mayonnaise
  • Pepper
  • Garlic

We take these products in any desired quantity, as long as it fits on a baking sheet.


1. Wash the duck, cut off all the excess and lay it out on a baking sheet, which we pre-cover with foil.

2. The amount of marinade depends on the size of the carcass. We prepare it at the rate of 0.5 tsp. salt + 1/4 tsp ground pepper+ 1 garlic clove for every 5 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise. You can, of course, change this proportion to your liking.

Coat the outside of the duck with the resulting sauce.

3. Stuff the duck equally with apples and oranges. A couple of medium apples and one orange will fit.

4. Wrap the carcass in foil and leave to marinate for a couple of hours.

5. After that, without unfolding the foil, we send the baking sheet to the oven, heated to 200 degrees for 2 hours.

After 2 hours, we take out a baking sheet and pour sliced ​​\u200b\u200band salted potatoes into it (quantity optional).

If there is too much melted fat on the baking sheet, then it is better to drain it.

6. Again we send the duck to the oven and mark for 20 minutes. After this time, open the oven and add sliced ​​\u200b\u200bapples to the potatoes. Let's take another 10 minutes.

7. Open the oven again, sprinkle the potatoes with onion half rings and prunes. We unfold the foil to get a crispy crust.

8. In last time close the oven and wait another 15 minutes.

Done, ready to serve.

Recipe for duck stuffed with apples and potatoes

The oven can be used in many different ways. If you have a special grill (and it has long been included in the oven package), then you can cook meat separately from vegetables, which will significantly increase the number of cooked servings.

This is how you can bake two carcasses with potatoes at once.

You will need:

  • 2 ducks, each weighing about 2 kg
  • 4 large apples
  • 1 large onion
  • 2 kg potatoes


1. Rub the prepared carcasses with salt (on average, it takes 1 tablespoon each), put in a bowl, cover with cling film and leave to marinate in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours.

2. After that, stuff the ducks with apples. For each we take 2 sweet apples. We cut one into 4 parts, the other is left whole, taking out only the middle.

First, we put in the cut, and then the whole, creating a kind of cork so that less juice flows out.

This method allows you not to sew up the abdomen.

3. We wrap the wings and legs with foil so that they do not turn black and dry out during baking. And toothpicks, with which the wings are pinned to the chest, and a piece of foil, with which the legs are tied together, will help to keep the shape.

4. Cut the onion into half rings and put on a baking sheet. Place potato wedges on top. Salt to taste.

5. We put the duck on the grill and place it in the center of the oven. Place the baking sheet with the potatoes down. Do not preheat the oven, it must be cold.

6. Turn on the oven, set the temperature to 160 degrees and bake for 2.5-3 hours. Periodically water the carcasses with juice flowing onto a baking sheet.

2 hours after the start of cooking, carefully turn the ducks over and put them on a baking sheet with potatoes. We remove the grid. Continue baking until the meat is fully cooked. We check the readiness with a wooden stick - it should easily pierce the breast.

Enjoy your meal!

Duck with apples and prunes in a roaster

Well, there is another way worthy of attention. I like him because ready meal can be served in portions and in beautiful design. Just like in a restaurant.


  • Butchered duck
  • Apples - 3 medium
  • Prunes - 100-150 g
  • Onions - 3-4 medium heads


1. Put the onion sliced ​​into rings, prunes and pitted apple slices in a duck bowl (or other suitable baking dish that has a lid).

2. Rub each piece of butchered duck with a mixture of salt and pepper and place on top of the apples.

The proportions of salt and pepper are still the same: 1 tablespoon of salt and 1/3 pepper for 1 carcass.

3. Cover the chicken with a lid and send it to the oven, heated to 180 degrees for 2-2.5 hours. Every 40 minutes we open the lid and pour the meat with the juice that flows out so that each piece is well saturated and remains juicy.

Ready. Enjoy your meal!

Video on how to cook a whole duck

If you still have questions about how to prepare a carcass for baking, then I suggest watching this short but very informative video. In addition, the cooking method itself is very interesting. The only moment when I cooked on it myself, I replaced the rum with cognac.

Here are the cooking methods that I personally like the most. They are simple and understandable. No need to run around looking for lingonberries, quince and other ingredients that are not so easy to find here. I do not like this pathos and consider it superfluous.

And one more pleasant moment: all these options (I counted 5 of them in total) are easily combined with each other. For example, a duck in foil can be marinated not in mayonnaise, but in honey soy sauce and then bake in foil. Or on the grid. Or just opposite. Do it the way you're most comfortable with it.

And that's all I have, thank you for your attention.

  1. If the carcass is frozen, then you need to completely defrost it by transferring it from the freezer to the refrigerator. Then rinse the duck thoroughly and pat dry. Cut off the lower phalanxes of the wings, otherwise they will burn during baking, break the duck wings themselves at the base so that they do not turn out when baking in the oven. The tail must be cut off, there is nothing in it except fat, which can give a peculiar aftertaste.

  2. If you become the owner of a not very well plucked duck, then you will have to work harder. With tweezers (preferably not your own manicure ones), you will have to pluck out protruding bristles. The procedure is tedious and long, since the bristles are oily and do not particularly want to be removed from the skin. If patience and time are not enough for this, then remove the bristles at least from the breast, back and hips.
  3. Before we stuff the duck with apples and send it to the oven to bake, we will marinate it. So, the next step is preparing the marinade. Mix honey, oil, salt, pepper mixture, crushed garlic and basil in a bowl.
  4. Coat the duck with the resulting mixture, wrap with cling film and put in this form in the refrigerator. It is desirable to marinate the carcass overnight (8 hours), at least 3 hours.
  5. When the duck is marinated, you need to turn on the oven so that it warms up to 180 ° C and prepare the filling. For the filling, wash the apples, orange and lemon, grate the lemon zest, peel the apples and orange and cut into pieces, removing the seeds. Squeeze juice from lemon. In a bowl, mix the sliced ​​oranges and apples, lemon zest and juice.
  6. It doesn’t matter how the duck is gutted - only through a cut at the tail or with a cut in the breast, anyway, after stuffing it will need to be sewn up. To do this, prepare a thick tailor's needle and thick cotton threads or linen cord.
  7. Stuff the weft through the incision and sew tightly, securing the ends of the thread.

  8. The duck with apples is baked in the oven in foil or in a special baking bag (you can see it in the bag in my next step-by-step photo), there is no difference what to choose, the main thing is that the foil and bag sizes match the size of the duck. The foil must be laid in such a way that the juice and fat during baking do not flow onto the baking sheet and do not evaporate.
  9. Put the packed duck in a preheated oven for 2.5 hours, then very carefully cut the top of the foil or bag to pour the carcass with the juice that has been released and put it back to form a beautiful golden crust.
  10. Drain the juice with fat into a separate cup, on the basis of this mixture you can prepare a wonderful sauce by simply adding one tablespoon of flour, diluted with a little water and bringing the mixture to a boil, stirring.

The festive duck stuffed with apples is ready! Serve it whole on a large platter and cut into portions already at the table. For a side dish, you can cook potatoes, rice or vegetables, by the way, potatoes can be baked in a bag with duck.

Hello dear readers and guests of the blog!
The holidays are coming soon, so we are already thinking about what to cook for the New Year and Christmas table. I offer you a cool recipe - duck stuffed with apples and the features of its preparation. Most famous recipe of all poultry recipes, this is Peking Duck, but this duck cannot be cooked at home, as ducks are baked in special ovens in restaurants. Therefore, it is better to cook the duck, much more in a simple way suitable for home cooking.

From the article you will learn:

Duck stuffed with apples and orange-ginger sauce

The duck is the most popular dish in France, China and Southeast Asia. Duck meat is good source protein, niacin, phosphorus, riboflavin, iron, zinc, vitamin B-6, and thiamine and, in smaller amounts, vitamin B-12, folic acid, and magnesium.

Green apples and shallots, tangerines and rosemary, oranges and ginger, garlic and allspice are great ingredients to make flavorful toppings, side dishes and even savory sauces.

caramelized onion with apple cider give the dish a rich aroma, which allows you to keep the meat soft and juicy. Try to create your own recipe that would be perfect for your family collection holiday recipes. I offer a proprietary recipe for making juicy apple, orange, lemon, ginger, caramel duck, which everyone will like without exception. Try it and you will see for yourself.


For cooking domestic duck with apples in orange-ginger, caramel sauce we need:

  • duck of medium size, weighing up to 5 kg,
  • plastic bag apple juice 2 liters
  • 5-8 green apples
  • 5 pieces orange, zest of one lemon,
  • 2 medium sized ginger root
  • a few sprigs of thyme and rosemary
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch,
  • 50 gr. sugar, 100 gr. butter,
  • 100 gr. apple cider vinegar salt and pepper to taste.

How to make duck marinade

In order to cook apple marinade, you need to finely chop the ginger root and not much larger than one apple, transfer to a large glass dish and pour two liters of ordinary apple juice, and add salt and pepper to taste. The marinade should taste sweet and salty, immerse the duck in it and leave it for 2 days on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator so that the duck marinates well and absorbs all the flavors of apple and ginger. After 2 days, we take the duck out of the marinade and put it on the table.

How to cook stuffed duck with apples

Step by step duck recipe:

  1. We take four green apples, cut them into four parts and stuff the duck tightly with apple halves. In order for the filling not to leak out and crawl out during cooking, we do such a trick, we take an incision in the right side of the carcass and drag the left leg into this incision, we do the same with the right leg, that is, we drag it into the incision made, into left side of the carcass. Thus, the legs will be fixed perfectly and no tourniquet will be needed.
  2. We put the duck on an oiled brazier, on the bottom of which you can put 2 sprigs of rosemary and thyme. We bake the duck at a temperature of 160-180 C for 40 minutes. While the duck is baking in the oven, it's time to start preparing the sauce.
  3. We grate the lemon zest on a fine grater, cut the zest from two oranges and chop coarsely, then put it on the stove to boil in two glasses of water. Squeeze the juice from the oranges, strain and leave in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. Then finely chopped ginger is added to the orange zest and boiled until soft, filter the resulting mixture, leave for a while to rest.
  4. Now let's try to make caramel from sugar. Pour the sugar into a saucepan and stir with a wooden spoon until the sugar is completely dissolved, then add the vinegar and mix again, lumps will appear, but don't be scared, because the vinegar will still do its job and the sugar will completely dissolve in it.
  5. Then, for viscosity, we take a tablespoon of corn starch, dilute in half a glass of water and pour the mixture into Orange juice, and then in a small stream add the contents to the strained mixture from orange peel and ginger. Then we mix the caramel with the orange mixture and boil it down to the state of liquid sour cream, for half an hour. That's all. The sauce is ready. The sauce should turn out bright orange, fragrant.

You can serve apples baked with cinnamon for a side dish, for this you need 2 apples, a core, it has a duck, generously pour sauce over the duck and on the sides of the plate itself, as if drawing beautiful orange patterns and next to it, on the edge of the dish with a dense side, put two baked apples ( by the way, the number of apples can be calculated and baked, based on the number of invited guests, so that everyone gets an apple). Voila! stuffed duck ready. Bon appetit!