Duck stuffed with rice baked in the oven. How to bake duck in the oven with rice? Best Recipes

With rice. The recipe for this dish, and more than one, we will be happy to provide you in this article. As a rule, many people prefer to cook chicken even for the festive table, completely unfairly ignoring such an interesting in terms of palatability a bird like a duck. Moreover, properly baked, it is quite capable of becoming the highlight of the solemn menu. Its meat goes well with the most different ingredients, it is almost impossible to cover all the available recipes in one review, so we decided to focus on the most successful, beloved by many combination and talk about how with rice.

Carcass preparation

Baked in the oven, it may well become the hallmark and pride of any hostess. Following all the requirements of the recipe will be the key to success, but still special attention should be paid to preparatory stage. With a duck, unlike chicken, you still have to tinker a little. First of all, you need to pay attention to the fact that there are no spinous processes and feathers on the carcass. All this must be removed very carefully. Then, if you do not want your dish to float in fat, be sure to carefully cut off all excess fat, and at the same time remove the tail. After that, the bird must be washed and then carefully dried.

Grocery list

In order for the oven with rice, the following ingredients are required:

How to cook

Some people think that baking duck in the oven with rice is a simple matter, not much different from cooking chicken. In some ways, they are partly right, however, there are still some nuances. Start by preparing the filling. First you need to boil the rice, and always until half cooked. After that, you need to fry in oil (if possible - olive oil), finely chopped onions and grated carrots. Mix all the ingredients and be sure to leave the filling to infuse for a while. In the meantime, it comes to condition, you should start preparing the bird.

Garlic must be passed through a press or grated on the smallest grater. Mix it with rosemary, salt and pepper, and then rub the bird with this mixture. Leave to marinate in a warm place for thirty minutes. Further still easier. Put the filling inside the carcass, and fill the remaining space with diced apples. Then it remains only to sew up the hole and send the bird to the preheated oven. Bake should be at a temperature not exceeding one hundred and sixty degrees, from time to time watering the duck with the juice that stands out. Cooking time depends, of course, on the age of the bird, but, as a rule, it takes no more than two hours. A duck baked in the oven with rice is considered ready if clear juice is released when the carcass is pierced.

And now let's improve our recipe a little.

How to prepare baked duck with prunes

Rice and prunes (cooked in the oven, these components complement each other incredibly harmoniously) will be stuffed in this case our bird. The principle of preparation is almost the same, but the ingredients will be slightly different. So, in addition to the duck itself, you need to stock up:

  • One hundred grams of prunes (better, of course, pitted).
  • Butter - a couple of tablespoons.
  • Garlic - five cloves.
  • Oregano - a teaspoon is enough.
  • Rice - one glass.
  • Pepper and salt.

Cooking process

First, we prepare the duck as described above, then we rub it with oil and, without sparing, with a mixture of pepper and salt. We also cook rice in the same way as in the first version, and then mix it with oregano, chopped garlic, prunes, and butter. Pepper-salt. Prunes, by the way, are better to hold in boiling water for several minutes before sending them to the filling.

This time we will bake in foil, at one hundred and eighty degrees, from time to time unfolding and pouring the bird with the juice that stands out. Cooking will also take about two hours, and after that you need to remove the foil and hold the dish for another thirty minutes in the oven so that it is beautifully browned. After that, the rice, baked in the oven, is ready to be served on festive table. It remains only to transfer it to a dish and decorate with herbs.

duck in the sleeve

This is definitely a brilliant invention. Not only does the sleeve save the hostess from the dreary prospect of wiping the oven from burnt fat, but also the meat in it turns out much juicier, and even cooks faster. In our case, there is another plus. The filling can not only be put inside the duck, but also placed next to the bird, as a result of which the rice will acquire a completely different taste. And to make it even more interesting, we will add to it vegetable mix.

So, in addition to the duck, we also stock up:

  • Sweet pepper - take two pieces.
  • Carrots - also two things.
  • Leek - one stalk is enough.
  • Rice - one glass.
  • A mixture of pink, white and black peppers - 2 tbsp. l.
  • A teaspoon of coriander.

How to cook

Here everything is generally very simple. Rice does not need to be precooked. Cut all the vegetables the way you like, but not very large. Then they (except pepper) need to be sautéed, after seasoning with coriander and salt. The duck itself needs to be rubbed with salt and the existing mixture of peppers, having previously, of course, prepared it, as we talked about above. Then you place all the available ingredients in the abdomen, sew up the hole, and put the bird itself in the sleeve. If you decide to cook rice separately, then stuff the duck with only vegetables. The grits will need to be put in the sleeve next to the bird.

Make small cuts on the sleeve and send the dish to the oven. One and a half hours will be enough for cooking if your bird is not very old yet. After this time, cut the sleeve and bake for another 15 minutes to get a beautiful crust.

Bon appetit!

Not every housewife knows how to properly bake a duck in the oven with rice. The recipe for this dish, and more than one, we will be happy to provide you in this article. As a rule, many people prefer to cook chicken even for the festive table, completely unfairly ignoring such an interesting bird in terms of taste as a duck. Moreover, properly baked, it is quite capable of becoming the highlight of the solemn menu. Its meat goes well with a variety of ingredients, it is almost impossible to cover all the available recipes in one review, so we decided to focus on the most successful combination loved by many and talk about how to bake duck in the oven with rice.

Duck with rice, baked in the oven, may well become a calling card and a source of pride for any housewife. Following all the requirements of the recipe will be the key to success, but still special attention should be paid to the preparatory stage. With a duck, unlike chicken, you still have to tinker a little. First of all, you need to pay attention to the fact that there are no spinous processes and feathers on the carcass. All this must be removed very carefully. Then, if you do not want your dish to float in fat, be sure to carefully cut off all excess fat, and at the same time remove the tail. After that, the bird must be washed and then carefully dried.

Some people think that baking duck in the oven with rice is a simple matter, not much different from cooking chicken. In some ways, they are partly right, however, there are still some nuances. Start by preparing the filling. First you need to boil the rice, and always until half cooked. After that, you need to fry in oil (if possible - olive oil), finely chopped onions and grated carrots. Mix all the ingredients and be sure to leave the filling to infuse for a while. In the meantime, it comes to condition, you should start preparing the bird.

Garlic must be passed through a press or grated on the smallest grater. Mix it with rosemary, salt and pepper, and then rub the bird with this mixture. Leave to marinate in a warm place for thirty minutes. Further still easier. Put the filling inside the carcass, and fill the remaining space with diced apples. Then it remains only to sew up the hole and send the bird to the preheated oven. Bake should be at a temperature not exceeding one hundred and sixty degrees, from time to time watering the duck with the juice that stands out. Cooking time depends, of course, on the age of the bird, but, as a rule, it takes no more than two hours. A duck baked in the oven with rice is considered ready if clear juice is released when the carcass is pierced.

And now let's improve our recipe a little.

In this case, we will fill our bird with rice and prunes (cooked in the oven, these components complement each other incredibly harmoniously). The principle of preparation is almost the same, but the ingredients will be slightly different. So, in addition to the duck itself, you need to stock up:

  • One hundred grams of prunes (better, of course, pitted).

  • Butter - a couple of tablespoons.

  • Garlic - five cloves.

  • Oregano - a teaspoon is enough.

  • Rice - one glass.

  • Pepper and salt.

First, we prepare the duck as described above, then we rub it with oil and, without sparing, with a mixture of pepper and salt. We also cook rice in the same way as in the first

option, and then mix it with oregano, chopped garlic, prunes, butter. Pepper-salt. Prunes, by the way, are better to hold in boiling water for several minutes before sending them to the filling.

This time we will bake in foil, at one hundred and eighty degrees, from time to time unfolding and pouring the bird with the juice that stands out. Cooking will also take about two hours, and after that you need to remove the foil and hold the dish for another thirty minutes in the oven so that it is beautifully browned. After that, the duck stuffed with rice, baked in the oven, is ready to serve on the festive table. It remains only to transfer it to a dish and decorate with herbs.

This is definitely a brilliant invention. Not only does the sleeve save the hostess from the dreary prospect of wiping the oven from burnt fat, but also the meat in it turns out much juicier, and even cooks faster. In our case, there is another plus. The filling can not only be put inside the duck, but also placed next to the bird, as a result of which the rice will acquire a completely different taste. And to make it even more interesting, we will add a vegetable mixture to it.
So, in addition to the duck, we also stock up:

  • Sweet pepper - take two pieces.

  • Carrots - also two things.

  • Leek - one stalk is enough.

  • Rice - one glass.

  • A mixture of pink, white and black peppers - 2 tbsp. l.

  • A teaspoon of coriander.

Here everything is generally very simple. Rice does not need to be precooked. Cut all the vegetables the way you like, but not very large. Then they (except pepper) need to be sautéed, after seasoning with coriander and salt. The duck itself needs to be rubbed with salt and the existing mixture of peppers, having previously, of course, prepared it, as we talked about above. Then you place all the available ingredients in the abdomen, sew up the hole, and put the bird itself in the sleeve. If you decide to cook rice separately, then stuff the duck with only vegetables. The grits will need to be put in the sleeve next to the bird.

Make small cuts on the sleeve and send the dish to the oven. One and a half hours will be enough for cooking if your bird is not very old yet. After this time, cut the sleeve and bake for another 15 minutes to get a beautiful crust.

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A festive table is not complete without a fragrant hot dish. It could be or. Whatever the dish, it must certainly be beautiful and tasty. Such a dish can be a duck baked in the oven with rice and prunes. Today I will offer you a recipe for duck with rice baked in the oven in a spicy crust. If you are ready, then let's start right now.

Ingredients needed to cook duck with rice baked in the oven:

- duck - 2.5 kg,
- rice - 1 cup,
- prunes - 100 grams,
- apples - 3 pcs.,
- black ground pepper- taste,
- salt - to taste,
- mustard - 2 tbsp. spoons,
- flower honey - 2 tbsp. spoons,
- seasoning for duck - to taste.

How to cook with a photo step by step

Duck with rice in the oven: step by step recipe with photo

Let's start preparing the duck marinade. To do this, in a separate container, mix two tablespoons of flower honey with two tablespoons of mustard.

Add seasoning to the same ingredients. Mix everything thoroughly.

Wash the duck under running water cold water. We separate from the ichor and grease it with our marinade. We leave it in the marinade for about an hour and a half.

Then we prepare the filling, the so-called side dish. To do this, pre-boil the rice until cooked and be sure to salt it. Add prunes to it to taste.

We stuff the pickled duck with the filling (rice with prunes). We sew the stuffed duck or chip it with toothpicks, or we fix it with special metal staples.

Prepare the foil for baking, spread it on the surface of the table with the shiny side up.

Put the prepared duck in the middle of the foil.

Close the foil tightly and send the duck to a baking sheet. Pour about one glass of water on the baking sheet in which our duck lies, and bake for about 2 hours at a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius. Then we open the foil, cover the duck with apples (previously washed and cut into slices). We bake for another half an hour the already open duck at the same temperature. Do not forget to periodically water the duck with fat extracted from it.
We serve our duck with rice, baked in the oven, spread the baked apples in a circle, decorating the duck with lettuce. Enjoy your meal!


Duck with rice, apples and oranges– traditional holiday dish. Duck stuffed with fruit looks bright, solemn, and besides, it is amazingly tasty. Soaked in fruit and meat juices, crumbly, soft, fluffy rice melts in your mouth. Try to bake duck with rice and apples at home according to our recipe and you will be satisfied.

Recipe stuffed duck includes several nuances and stages of carcass preparation. A large duck is more suitable for stuffing, so take duck carcass weighing at least 2.5 kilograms. It is better to defrost the carcass in the refrigerator, and not with room temperature: This way the meat will drain less. Rice for minced meat should be chosen friable varieties, as for pilaf. And also, stuffed bird it is advisable to leave overnight for impregnation with marinade or spices. But it is necessary to bake the duck in the oven in the sleeve or without it before serving.

As garnish will do rice baked in a carcass, which is usually completely raked out of the duck and placed in a voluminous dish. Sliced ​​duck meat is placed on top of the rice large pieces, and pour it all over with the gravy that formed in the brazier or sleeve during baking. Also good for meat mashed potatoes or baked potato wedges and various vegetable salads. Yes, and the filling can be modified by adding nuts, grapes, apricots or prunes, and get new taste experiences.

Baking a duck with your own hands in the oven is easy if you follow the tips above. And tasty dish it will turn out quickly and easily with the help of our step-by-step photo recipe.


  • (2-2.5 kg)

  • (1 st.)

  • (3 pcs.)

  • (2 pcs.)

  • (2 tablespoons)

  • (1 tsp)

  • (1 tsp)

  • (1 tsp)

  • (2-3 tablespoons)

  • (taste)

Cooking steps

    Prepare necessary ingredients to cooking. Defrost the carcass, and rinse the fruits and rice thoroughly.

    When the duck is defrosted, it is necessary to remove the offal from it, excess fat and neck. Next, sew up the skin in the place where the neck was, with a needle and thread.

    Rub the inside of the duck lightly with salt and spices. Outside, you can also coat the carcass a little with spices and salt. Sometimes spices are bred in a small amount soy sauce or marinade for frying or roasting meat.

    Then boil 2-3 liters of water in a saucepan, add 1 tsp. salt without a slide and pour 1 tbsp. rice. Boil the rice until half cooked so that the rice grains are just a little firm in taste. It is better to undercook cereal than to get fine porridge after baking.

    boiled rice rinse in running water so that the grains do not stick together. When the rice drains, transfer it to a deep dish, add 1 tbsp. l. without a slide of a mixture of spices, add salt to taste. Also pour into the cereal 3 tbsp. l. hot butter and add one finely chopped apple and orange.

    minced rice mix thoroughly and immediately stuff the carcass with them. If all the proportions of poultry and rice are met, then the rice mixture will fill everything inside without residue. Next, you need to darn the bird again with threads.

    Remove stuffed game for at least an hour (and ideally overnight) in a cold place. Before cooking, rub the duck again with spices and salt, and then coat vegetable oil or mayonnaise. Thanks to the latter, the crust will turn out darker and crispier.

    Grease a deep broiler or goose dish completely. Cut 2 apples and 1 orange small pieces, and then spread the fruit on the bottom of a deep container and sprinkle them with salt and spices. Put the duck carcass on the fruit with the belly up, while the wings of the bird should be tightly pressed or tied to the duck.

    Bake the duck in an oven preheated to 220 degrees Celsius. Cooking takes about 3 hours, during this period of time the carcass should be turned over a couple of times. The degree of readiness is determined by cutting the breast or leg: if there is no pink juice in the cut, then the bird is almost ready.

    The duck, baked with apples and spices, has acquired a golden brown color and exudes an appetizing smell. The hot carcass is carefully cut with scissors and the entire filling is laid out in a separate dish.

    Duck with rice, apples and oranges is ready. Ready meal, garnished with lettuce, herbs, apple slices or orange slices, serve hot. In a gravy boat, the meat can be served with orange-apple sauce, which was formed in the brazier during the frying process.

    Bon appetit!