What to cook from potatoes with a minimum. Meat and poultry dishes

One of the most common vegetables is, of course, potatoes. What kind of dishes mankind has not come up with from this truly great food product.

In almost any dish, be it the first, second, third or even dessert, you can find recipes using potatoes or potato starch.

Salads, soups, side dishes, main courses, drinks, pastries everywhere it is applicable and very popular.

How to cook french fries at home

So delicious garnish will do to any meal

Cut the potatoes into slices 6-7 mm thick

We cut the plates into strips with a thickness of the same 6 - 7 mm, try to cut the strips the same way, then the potatoes will fry evenly

After cutting, potatoes must be washed cold water to wash off the starch that appeared during cutting, then your potatoes will not stick together during frying

Pour the washed potatoes into a bowl and pat dry with paper towels to remove water.

We put a frying pan on the fire, pour refined sunflower oil so that it covers the bottom of the pan by 6 - 8 mm, pour the potatoes into the heated oil

The oil should be hot enough so that the potatoes are immediately fried and not boiled. Do not try to throw everything at once, it is better to fry a little, several times, stir regularly so that it is fried evenly

We spread the finished potatoes on paper towels in order to remove excess oil, put them in a bowl, salt, mix - the french fries are ready.

Recipe - French meat with potatoes in the oven

The well-known meat in French with potatoes, under baked cheese, a dish proven over the years, able to feed a family, is perceived with a bang by guests at holiday table, tasty, satisfying and very easy to prepare.

A step-by-step recipe for rustic potatoes in the oven

Thoroughly wash the potatoes with a brush and, without peeling, cut them into large pieces

Sprinkle the potatoes with granulated garlic, seasoning for potatoes, black pepper, paprika, salt and mix

Add vegetable oil, mix again

We spread the potatoes on a baking sheet and put in a preheated oven to 180 degrees. for 30 - 40 minutes

Potato ready

We shift it to a dish and sprinkle with herbs.

How to cook potato zrazy with meat

Very tasty potato zrazy With minced meat prepared quickly and easily

We clean the potatoes, boil them in salted water, drain, dry and scroll through a meat grinder, in mashed potatoes add egg

Boiled meat is also scrolled through a meat grinder

In the resulting minced meat, add the onion fried in vegetable oil and mix everything well.

Roll the mashed potatoes into balls and roll them in flour.

From the balls we make small cakes and spread the minced meat on them

Roll up into a pie

Panning in flour

In the vegetable oil heated in a frying pan, spread the zrazy to fry

When golden brown, flip over and fry the other side

Put on a plate and serve with sour cream, you can with ketchup

When preparing this dish, you can add seasonings for potatoes to mashed potatoes, seasonings from herbs, garlic, a mixture of peppers to minced meat at your discretion. There are no restrictions here, everything is at your discretion and taste preferences.

Recipe for fried potatoes with mushrooms

A simple and tasty dish that takes only 40 minutes to prepare.


  • 1.2 kg potatoes
  • 400 grams of mushrooms
  • 3 onions
  • 3 tooth garlic
  • Salt pepper
  • Vegetable oil

Prepare these foods

  • Peel the vegetables, cut the mushrooms into 4 pieces
  • Finely chop the onion, garlic
  • Put the onion and garlic in the heated oil in a frying pan, fry
  • While the onion is fried, cut into strips, peeled potatoes
  • When the onion is fried until golden, put it from the pan on a plate.
  • Add a little oil and fry the mushrooms
  • AT large frying pan pour oil, heat up and spread the potatoes
  • Stir occasionally, salt
  • When the potatoes are ready, add the fried mushrooms and onion with garlic to it, mix
  • Fry for another 5 minutes, potatoes with mushrooms are ready, you can sprinkle with dill and serve

How to cook chicken with potatoes in a bag

A very tasty dish that is cooked in the oven, for its preparation you will need whole chicken, potatoes, spices.

Garlic potatoes in the oven, recipe with photo

Delicious and fragrant potatoes prepared very quickly and easily

You need: Boiled potatoes, garlic, mayonnaise, cheese, herbs

Boiled potatoes cut into two halves

Grate the cheese and finely chop the dill

Mix dill with cheese and add crushed garlic, garlic

We spread the mayonnaise and mix the whole mixture thoroughly.

Lay out the baking dish parchment paper, lubricate it vegetable oil.

We spread our mixture on each half of the potatoes.

Spread across the form

We put in the oven, preheated to 160 degrees and bake until cooked

Baked meat with potatoes "Book"

Let's cook the baked meat "Book", and as a side dish, potatoes "Gentle".

At the end, watch the video, advice from Lazerson

Secrets of cooking delicious potato dishes at home

Potato dishes- This is one of the most popular categories of side dishes around the world. First, potatoes in any way cooking it turns out very tasty, secondly, it is extremely useful, thirdly, cooking this vegetable at home is quite simple, and, fourthly, this product is very inexpensive.

Potatoes can be cooked simple meals for every day, and quite original holiday ones. In addition, it is combined in one form or another with almost any product: with meat, poultry, fish, seafood, mushrooms, vegetables.

Potato can be called a universal vegetable for cooking, which, however, predetermined its popularity and demand.

The only disadvantage of potatoes and dishes from it can be called a high calorie content, and especially in fried. According to this indicator, the vegetable is ahead of even pasta and flour products. Therefore, it should be consumed within reason, otherwise the passion for delicious potatoes will soon lead to weight gain.

The main secret of cooking is not only delicious, but also healthy potatoes, which no recipe will reveal to you, is to peel the potato peel as thinly as possible. The fact is that it is under it that the greatest number of useful elements is concentrated. In addition, to avoid the loss of these substances, potatoes must be cut immediately before cooking and stored in water for no more than one hour.

Potato dishes in any kind of cooking can often be cooked on hastily. Therefore, they are ideal for those hostesses who, after a long day at work, need to quickly feed their family and at the same time make sure that it turns out tasty and satisfying.

Since potatoes can be served different ways cooking, then in each case, each recipe has its own characteristics and secrets of cooking. We will not generalize them, but we will take a closer look later on how to whip up fried, baked, boiled, stewed potatoes, as well as mashed potatoes and french fries at home.

Boiled potatoes and mashed potatoes

There are two main ways to boil potatoes for cooking: in peeled form and in uniforms. The first method is used for preparing side dishes, and the second is most often used in recipes for preparing any other dishes in which potatoes are included as one of the constituent components.

In order to cook boiled potatoes in a peeled form, they must first be peeled, respectively. As mentioned earlier, the top layer should be cut as thin as possible. Peeled tubers of small size can be left whole, while large ones should be cut. In this case, the pieces of potatoes should be approximately the same. This will ensure they cook evenly. And the cooking process will go faster. However, it is not worth grinding with pieces, since in this case the loss useful substances there will be more vegetables.

So, peeled and cut potatoes are poured with cold water so that it only covers the vegetable. Bring water to a boil over high heat. The potatoes are salted and continue to cook, reducing the fire. Readiness is checked with a knife. If he is in boiled potatoes enters easily, then the vegetable is ready.

Many dishes, such as Vinaigrette or Herring under a fur coat, offer to boil potatoes in their uniforms. This is no more difficult to do than in the previous case. So, the potatoes are thoroughly washed and sent to a container with cold water. Salt is immediately added there. She will not let the potatoes fall apart during cooking. Cook until done.

Boiled potatoes in uniforms will be easier to peel if, after cooking, they are immediately poured with ice water.

As for mashed potatoes, there are many recipes for its preparation. However, there are still some general recommendations for its preparation. So, tastier and more aromatic mashed potatoes will turn out if, when boiling potatoes, add a whole, but peeled onion, to the pan with it. By the way, potatoes cooked in this way can be bred not with milk, but with potato-onion broth. It will be no less delicious.

A dish like mashed potatoes requires diligence. Knead the finished vegetable with a crush should be as long as possible.

Don't be sorry by any means butter in homemade puree from potatoes, and then it will turn out to be no less tasty than cooked by a professional chef.

Fried, stewed, baked

Fried potato dishes are especially popular among all other potato dishes. They turn out very tasty, and besides, they are quite high-calorie. Therefore, it is better not to be zealous with their consumption.

Cook at home fried potatoes quite easy. First of all, it is worth starting with the choice of a vegetable variety. The most suitable are those that contain less starch. It is such a potato that turns out to be fried with a crispy crust. However, starchy varieties can also be used, but then such a vegetable must first be soaked in water and washed several times.

Cut potatoes for frying into pieces of the same shape and size. The size of the pieces should not be very large, but not too small.

Spread the potatoes should be on a well-hot pan, and fry on a fire slightly less than average. In this case, it is necessary to use a sufficient amount of oil, but not so that the vegetable floats in it.

For the entire cooking process, potatoes are stirred no more than three to four times. If you do this more often, then it will simply fall apart. For the same reason, it is salted just a couple of minutes before it is ready. Spices are also added at the very end, otherwise they will overcook and burn.

That's all the main secrets of recipes for cooking fried potatoes!

Stewed potatoes are wonderful dish in a hurry, which for its preparation requires a minimum of effort. It is prepared according to the same principle as fried potatoes, only the abundance of oil is replaced with water. If the recipe for such a dish requires juicy vegetables, no liquid is added at all. Particularly good stewed potatoes with meat.

Salt stew from potatoes should be closer to the end of cooking, otherwise the vegetable may fall apart during cooking.

As for baked potatoes, you can cook it completely different recipes- in a peel, in a sleeve, in foil, with the addition of sauce or vegetable oils and spices. There are a lot of options. All the features of this or that method of baking potatoes at home can be found in the corresponding recipes. Here, an important rule is, as in the two previous cases, the use of non-starchy vegetable varieties.

Roasting, stewing, baking - these are the ways of cooking potatoes that make them especially tasty. You can learn more about them in the corresponding recipes with step-by-step photos of this section of the site.

Deep-fried potatoes

Recently, with the advent of fast food, french fries have become especially popular. Traditionally, it is cooked in special devices - deep fryers. The principle of preparation is as follows - potatoes are poured into a special net and lowered into a container with boiling oil. When ready, take out and salt. Here is such a simple recipe. However, such potatoes are even more fatty and high-calorie than fried potatoes.

However, to cook at home really delicious potatoes Fries need to take into account the following nuances:

  1. potatoes should not be too starchy, otherwise they will fall apart during cooking;
  2. for cooking, it is best to use special oil for deep-frying, but if this is not available, then any refined and deodorized vegetable oil will do;
  3. before you send the potatoes to deep fat, they must be dried, and in addition, the oil in deep fat must be heated to 170-190 degrees;
  4. add salt and spices to french fries only after removing them from the deep fryer.

Delicious french fries can be prepared using not only deep fat, but also an ordinary frying pan, slow cooker, microwave. At home, it can even be cooked in the oven.

mass detailed recipes with step-by-step photos on cooking french fries can be found in this section of the site.

In custody…

Whatever potato dish you decide to cook as a side dish, it will definitely turn out delicious. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations of the selected recipe with step-by-step photos, as well as those recommendations that are given in this article.

For more information on how to cook various potato dishes at home in a hurry, see step by step photos recipes collected in this section of the site.

The first thing that comes to mind when the question of cooking a potato dinner arises is to boil the tubers, stew, or just fry in a pan. But when the usual methods of cooking a vegetable are already pretty fed up, you can use more original ideas and figure out something unusual for the evening meal.

Quick Dinner in a Hurry - Potato Recipes

Potatoes for dinner - quick and tasty


  • medium-sized potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • cheese durum varieties- 120 g;
  • butter - 95 g.
  • garlic cloves - 4 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 90 g;
  • ham or bacon - 220 g;
  • coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper - to taste.


AT this case we need medium-sized potato tubers, oblong regular shape. They must be thoroughly washed with a brush and dried. Now we cut the fruits across the “accordion”, without cutting a little to the end, and grease the cuts with a mixture of butter and grated garlic. We place the blanks on a baking sheet or in a baking dish and send them to the oven preheated to 195 degrees for about an hour. Depending on the variety and maturity of the potatoes, the baking time may vary - we check the readiness of the vegetable after thirty minutes of cooking, extending the process if necessary. About ten minutes before readiness, we insert slices of cheese into the cuts.

While the potatoes are being cooked, fry thinly and medium-sized ham or bacon in butter until golden brown, and mix sour cream with salt, pepper and chopped fresh herbs.

Put the hot potatoes on a plate, season with sour cream on top and sprinkle with fried ham or bacon.

What to cook for dinner from potatoes and minced meat?

Incredibly tasty potato casserole with minced meat is obtained. It is made quickly, cooked in the oven and turns out to be ruddy, fragrant and tender.


  • potatoes - 560 g;
  • minced meat - 520 g;
  • tomatoes - 230 g;
  • Bulgarian sweet pepper - 230 g;
  • bulb bulbs - 740 g;
  • - 120 g;
  • sunflower or olive oil - 25 ml;
  • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • coarse salt - to taste;
  • or sour cream - 120 g;
  • selected chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • green onion, dill, parsley, basil - to taste;
  • coarse salt, dry Italian herbs and freshly ground pepper - to taste.


Potatoes must be peeled and cut into thin slices or grated. Seasoning the potato mass with fragrant Italian herbs and sunflower oil, put it in an oiled baking dish. Top with a layer of sour cream or mayonnaise, and then distribute the peeled and chopped onions and minced meat. Sprinkle the dish with garlic cloves, then lay out the pepper slices and fresh tomatoes, season the vegetables on top again with sour cream or mayonnaise, Italian herbs and salt and place on the middle shelf of the oven heated to 195 degrees. After thirty minutes, pour the components in the form of beaten eggs with salt and pepper, bake for ten minutes, then crush the surface of the dish with cheese chips and brown it for another ten minutes or until desired golden brown. If desired, egg filling can be omitted - it will turn out no less tasty.

Similarly, you can cook a similar casserole of potatoes and pieces of meat for dinner. Instead of minced meat, in this case, we use chopped and beaten slices of pork or chicken seasoned with spices and salt. Here it is better to cut the potatoes into circles, but instead bell pepper use an additional portion of potato slices, which are placed along with tomatoes on top of meat pieces.

It is hard to imagine Russian cuisine without potatoes. And somehow it doesn’t fit in my head that some three hundred years ago our ancestors did without potatoes, and some especially lively citizens even raised potato riots, not wanting to “poison” overseas vegetables. And now, for almost any housewife, the absence of potatoes can cause, if not panic, then some kind of inconvenience. Potato dishes can be very different, whether it's the first, second or even dessert. Potatoes are used to make wonderful bread and cakes. And most importantly, cooking from potatoes is quick and easy. The most democratic product!

But, oddly enough, not everyone knows how to properly cook potatoes. There are some rules that should not be broken. The fact is that the quality of potato dishes depends on the presence of starch in it and on how it is converted in potatoes under the influence of high temperature, liquid and acidic environment. So, for example, potatoes will never boil in an acidic environment. That's why sauerkraut for cabbage soup or salted cucumbers for pickle, stew separately and put in a saucepan shortly before the end of cooking, otherwise the potatoes will be dense, as if undercooked. But when cooking potatoes for salads, this feature will come in handy. Potatoes of some varieties are very soft and can even fall apart - and in these cases it will help lemon acid or vinegar.

Even the simplest dish - - not everyone knows how to cook correctly. Jacket potatoes or peeled tubers should be put in boiling salted water and boiled under a lid. The fact is that if you put potatoes in cold water and put on fire, then the temperature inside the tubers will reach 70 ° C only after 20-25 minutes, and during this time at least 10% of starch is saccharified in potatoes under the influence of heating. The resulting sugar turns into a decoction, and the potatoes are sticky. A completely different picture will be obtained if the potatoes are dipped in boiling water: after 5-6 minutes, the enzymes lose their activity, the starch is not hydrolyzed, and the loss of nutrients is significantly reduced. And potatoes cook much faster. After cooking, immediately drain the water, and dry the potatoes over low heat, covered with a lid.

. In order to weld good potatoes for a salad or to take a “brake” with you on the road, cook fret potatoes. Make the so-called hypertonic brine - a very concentrated salt solution (350 g of salt per 1 liter of water). Not all salt will dissolve in water, it's not scary. Put the washed, unpeeled tubers into a cold solution and put on a strong fire. If the salt dissolves during heating, add more. After boiling, cook under a loosely closed lid over fairly high heat. Try to keep all tubers covered with water. When cooking, the potatoes sizzle, as if they were fried in oil - this boils away the water, its vapors do not allow the brine to penetrate inside. Therefore, such potatoes must be salted before use. Potatoes are cooked for about 15 minutes. The longer the cooking time, the smaller and firmer the potatoes will be. As soon as the potatoes are ready, immediately take them out of the brine, do not let them stay in it for a minute. If the potatoes were cooked for storage not in the cold (for example, on the road), leave them at room temperature without washing - the salt forms a dense crust that protects the potatoes from spoilage. Do not pour out the solution after cooking, it can be used more than a dozen times. Potatoes boiled in this way taste like baked potatoes.

. There are several subtleties in the preparation of this dish, having learned which, you will prepare an amazing mashed potatoes (and not “mint”, which hardens like a stone when it cools). Boiled potatoes rub through a sieve while hot, add butter, pour in almost boiling milk in 2-3 doses and beat thoroughly until fluffy. Whipping is a must! In order to delay the inevitable hardening of mashed potatoes during cooling, add to it during cooking fresh eggs or yolks and refined vegetable oil (it can be added as much or half as much as butter). Instead of milk, you can add hot cream. When rubbing a hot potato, the cells of its tissues remain intact, and the puree does not become sticky.

If you want to make your family happy fried potatoes with a crispy crust, you need to try a little, but the result is worth it! Cut the potatoes into sticks, slices or cubes - as desired. Rinse in cold water and dry on a towel. Roll the potato slices in flour (or a mixture of flour and egg powder, it tastes better). Heat oil in a heavy bottomed pan and add potatoes. The layer of potatoes should not exceed 4-5 cm. Fry, stirring, until tender, without covering with a lid. Salt after the formation of a golden crust.

Properly cooked french fries are considered as dietary as boiled ones! This statement in no way applies to potatoes served in fast food cafes, where potatoes are fried in an incomprehensible way, rarely filtered in order to save money. So, for starters, let's prepare deep fat: a mixture of refined vegetable oil and ghee lard in a ratio of 1: 1, but it is possible that deep-frying can consist only of vegetable oil. Pour the deep-frying into a tall saucepan, and the oil should not fill it more than half. The oil must be heated to 180-190°C. Cut the potatoes into long sticks, rinse with cold water and dry on a towel. In no case do you need to add salt, because of this, the potatoes will get wet and will absorb fat too much. Place the potato wedges in a special grid and dip into the boiling oil. Potatoes should be 8-10 times less than butter. After the formation of a golden crust, remove the potatoes, let the oil drain and sprinkle fine salt, which can be additionally flavored with seasonings. Don't fry the potatoes too hard, this will ruin the taste. ready meal and causes the fryer to burn. (Fryers can be reused several times if they are properly fried.) Deep-fried potatoes can be cut with special device, which cuts potatoes in the form of spirals. Tubers with holes after cutting the spirals can be stuffed with minced meat and baked.

And now you can cook more complex dishes from potatoes. Although, if you look, there is nothing complicated in their preparation.

4-5 potatoes
1 egg
flour, salt.

Boil potatoes in their skins, peel and chop in any way. Salt, add egg and flour and knead soft dough(do not overdo it with flour, otherwise the finished gnocchi will be like dumplings). Blind sausages, cut into pieces, roll into balls and press each one lightly to make pucks. Boil the gnocchi in salted water. Serve with sour cream. Gnocchi can be prepared in advance, frozen, and then boiled until half cooked, put in pots and baked with cheese, ham, etc.

Potatoes baked in bacon

Pepper the peeled potatoes, wrap with thin strips of bacon, wrap in foil and bake in a hot oven for 30 minutes. Great recipe for a picnic!

4-5 potatoes
100 g champignons,
50 g butter,
salt, pepper, sour cream, onion or garlic, herbs.

Cut the mushrooms into thin slices. Cut the peeled tubers into thin circles, without cutting a little to the end, so that they open like a fan. Put slices of mushrooms, sprigs of herbs into each cut, salt, pepper, put crushed garlic or grated onion on top. Arrange the potatoes in a greased dish, pour over the melted butter and place in hot oven for 40 minutes. For a picnic, wrap each accordion potato in foil and bake for 30 minutes.

5-6 potatoes,
100 g hunting sausages,
5 eggs
250 ml milk
salt pepper.

Cut the potatoes and sausages into circles and stew in olive oil until tender. Beat eggs with milk, salt and pepper. Put the potatoes and sausages in a baking dish and pour over the eggs. Bake at 180°C for about 30 minutes.

5-6 potatoes,
2 eggs,
1 tbsp flour,
salt pepper.

Grate raw potatoes on the coarse grater, add eggs and flour, mix gently. Blind small cutlets and fry them in vegetable oil. Submit immediately. If pancakes stand, they will become dense. In this case, they can be stewed in sour cream with garlic, diluted with water and lightly salted.

300 g potatoes
200 g cottage cheese,
300 g flour
300 g berries,
1 egg
butter, sour cream, salt.

Boil the peeled potatoes in salted water and cool. Grind in a blender or crush. Mix with egg and cottage cheese, add flour and knead the dough. Roll the dough into balls the size of Walnut. Roll each ball into a cake and put one whole berry in the middle. Connect the edges of the cake and form a ball again. Boil dumplings in salted water for 7-10 minutes. Serve with butter or sour cream, sprinkled with sugar.


400 g potatoes
300 g of meat,
100 g fresh pork fat,
2 bulbs
1 egg
3 tbsp flour,
vegetable oil, salt, pepper.

Pass the meat through a meat grinder, cut the fat small cubes, chop the onion. Lightly fry the lard, put the onion and simmer until half cooked. Put the minced meat and fry until tender, salt and pepper. Boil potatoes in their skins, cool, peel and chop. Mix with egg, flour and salt, knead the dough. Divide by identical pieces, make cakes, put the cooled filling and form cutlets. Roll in flour or breadcrumbs and fry until golden brown or bake in the oven. Stuffing for zraz can be anything: mushrooms, eggs with onions, cheese, cabbage, fish, shrimp ...


1 potato tuber
2 stack flour,
¼ tsp Sahara,
1 ½ tsp salt,
⅔ stack. warm water or potato broth
3 tbsp olive oil,
⅔ tsp dry yeast,
1-2 ripe tomatoes
1 tsp dried oregano.

Boil the peeled potatoes until tender in salted water and grind in mashed potatoes. Take off right amount decoction and cool to 30°C. Dilute the yeast with sugar in the broth and leave for 10 minutes. Sift the flour, pour in the yeast, mix and add the mashed potatoes and salt. Stir with a wooden spoon and pour in 2 tbsp. olive oil. Knead soft with your hands elastic dough. Roll a ball out of it, sprinkle with flour, cover with a towel and leave for 1-2 hours. Transfer the risen dough to the mold and stretch it along the bottom and sides of the mold. Peel the tomatoes, cut into rings or cubes and place on the dough, sprinkle with oregano, salt and drizzle with the remaining oil. Cover with a towel and leave for another hour. After that, put in the oven, preheated to 210-220 ° C, for 40 minutes. Transfer the cooked focaccia to the table and let cool slightly.

it good recipe for a delicious dish of yesterday's mashed potatoes. Shape the puree into small balls, dredge in flour, dip in the beaten egg and dredge again in breadcrumbs or grated wheat bread. Deep fry the croquettes. In puree, you can add 2-3 tbsp. grainy mustard, it will turn out spicy.

One more recipe hearty dinner leftover puree. Add 1-2 eggs to mashed potatoes, 3-4 tbsp. flour and knead into a soft dough. Add chopped herbs and spices. In a form, greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, put the dough rolled out into a layer and wrap it around the edges of the form. Put a layer on the dough grated cheese, onion fried in vegetable oil, diced ham or fried minced meat, a layer of cheese. Pour in the egg and sour cream mixture. Set to bake at 180°C until browned.

Korean style potatoes


3-4 potatoes
4-5 garlic cloves,
ground coriander, soy sauce, ground black and red pepper - as much as possible, since the dish should turn out to be quite spicy.

Grate peeled potatoes Korean carrots to make a long straw. Rinse the potatoes several times in running water until the starch is completely washed off. A large number of salt water and acidify with vinegar and boil. With the water boiling rapidly, put the potatoes in the pan and soak for exactly 1 minute. Quickly drain the boiling water and rinse the potatoes with cold water like pasta. Add vinegar, black and red pepper, coriander, crushed garlic and soy sauce, mix and refrigerate for an hour.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to list all potato dishes in one article. But a great many recipes can be found on the pages of our site!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Is it possible to cook from simple products delicious food fast? Of course you can! Using the simplest products, which are almost always found in the refrigerator or in the pantry, you can cook interesting dishes and create a whole varied menu structure!

Quick potato dishes

Easy to prepare and simple recipe. Suitable for garnish or as independent dish for dinner.


  • potato tubers - half a kilo;
  • vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp. l.;
  • fresh dill and rosemary - 60 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - a pinch.


  1. Dip all the greens selected for this recipe in a cup of cold water. Knead it there with your hands so that all possible dirt flies off.
  2. Remove greens and place on paper towels to dry.
  3. Then finely chop the greens with a knife.
  4. Clean the potatoes.
  5. Rinse it with cold water.
  6. Cut each tuber into four pieces. First along, then across the potato. If it is large, there may be more pieces. And small potatoes, on the contrary, can not even be cut.
  7. Place the potatoes in a saucepan.
  8. Fill with water to the edge of the pieces.
  9. Place the stovetop on moderate heat.
  10. When the broth boils, remove the foam.
  11. Cover the saucepan with a lid.
  12. After about a quarter of an hour (depending on the size of the cut), the potatoes will be ready.
  13. Drain all the broth.
  14. Next, place the vegetable oil in the pan.
  15. Put on fire.
  16. Place the potato pieces in there.
  17. Fry it in oil until golden brown in places.
  18. Put the potatoes on a dish and sprinkle with fresh finely chopped herbs.

Baked potato wedges with sauce

As a result of cooking, tender baked potatoes are obtained. Complexity step by step recipe- low.



  1. Start with potatoes. Clean and rinse it.
  2. Then cut each potato crosswise into circles a little less than 1 cm thick.
  3. Turn on the oven to heat up to 180°C.
  4. Cover the baking sheet with special paper and coat its surface with vegetable oil.
  5. Lay the potato slices on the greased surface.
  6. Send to the oven for a quarter of an hour.
  7. Now prepare the sauce. Free the onion, carrot and garlic from the skin and rinse in water.
  8. Finely chop the turnip onion into cubes, it needs to be chopped almost into crumbs.
  9. Rub the carrot through a grater.
  10. Press the garlic through a press, crushing it into a pulp.
  11. Pour 15 ml of vegetable oil into the pan.
  12. Put the cooked vegetables in there.
  13. Fry while stirring with a spatula.
  14. When the vegetables are golden, remove the pan from the stove.
  15. Transfer the fried vegetables to a separate bowl, add sour cream.
  16. Season with dry herbs and salt.
  17. Stir the sauce.
  18. Remove the baking sheet with the potatoes from the oven.
  19. If the potatoes are not cooked through, you can turn them over.
  20. Then put some sauce on each circle.
  21. Send to the oven for another quarter of an hour.

Meat and poultry dishes

juicy meat cutlets with vegetables do not need a side dish, only lemon sauce. The complexity of cooking is medium, you need the ability to fry cutlets in a pan.



  1. Peel the selected vegetables and rinse with water.
  2. Then chop all these vegetables. It can be in a meat grinder or through a grater.
  3. Take a mixing bowl. Put the pork and ground beef in there.
  4. Soak bread in cream and add to minced meat.
  5. Throw in the chopped vegetables.
  6. Season the minced meat with salt, sprinkle with any ground pepper or a mixture of peppers.
  7. Enter the egg.
  8. Stir the mince until smooth.
  9. Then divide it into small parts - blanks cutlets.
  10. Bread them in breadcrumbs. You can also use wheat flour for this.
  11. Heat the pan with vegetable oil and fry the cutlets on it on both sides until cooked.
  12. Rinse and dry the young greens.
  13. Grind the greens into gruel with a blender.
  14. Melt the butter.
  15. Pour in the lemon juice and add the green pulp.
  16. Stir the sauce.
  17. Pour sauce over cooked cutlets before serving.

Soft inside and crispy outside chicken legs in sweet currant sauce. The complexity of preparation is medium.



  1. Rinse the chicken legs in water and pat dry with a paper towel.
  2. Put them in a bowl.
  3. Pour olive oil, add salt and ground pepper.
  4. Mix everything and rub the chicken with spices.
  5. Leave to marinate for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Then heat the pan and put the chicken legs on it.
  7. Fry them until golden brown.
  8. Transfer to a baking sheet and bake at 200°C for 15 minutes until the meat is done.
  9. In the meantime, peel and rinse the currants.
  10. Put it in a blender bowl and grind it into a puree.
  11. Transfer the puree to a small saucepan or saucepan.
  12. Add honey and soy sauce.
  13. Bring sweet and sour mixture to a boil.
  14. Remove from fire.
  15. Put the finished chicken legs on a dish, pour currant sauce.

First meal

A variety of low-calorie summer soup vegetables and fresh herbs. The complexity of preparation is low.



  1. Peel and rinse all vegetables and herbs with water.
  2. Cut the onion and garlic into small cubes.
  3. Put the butter in a saucepan.
  4. Put on fire.
  5. Add the onion, garlic, mint and rosemary to the pot.
  6. Pass everything in oil, stirring with a spatula, about 5 minutes.
  7. Then pour half of the vegetable stock into the pot.
  8. Cut the zucchini into cubes and transfer to a bowl.
  9. When the broth boils, add green peas.
  10. Season the soup with salt and ground pepper.
  11. Cook with the lid half closed until the zucchini is soft.
  12. In the meantime, in a separate saucepan, bring the cream almost to a boil and remove from heat.
  13. Then remove the pot of soup from the heat and puree with an immersion blender until smooth.
  14. Return the soup to the heat and pour over the remaining vegetable broth.
  15. Bring the soup to a boil and pour in the cream.
  16. Stir the soup and remove from heat.

Delicate taste of cheese chicken broth with vegetables. The complexity of preparation is medium.



  1. Rinse chicken meat and cut into cubes.
  2. Place the cubes in a saucepan.
  3. Fill ¾ of the pot with water and place on slow fire for cooking.
  4. Put the peppercorns on the chicken.
  5. Peel and wash potatoes. Cut into cubes.
  6. Peel and rinse onions with carrots. Cut into strips.
  7. Pour olive oil into a frying pan and add vegetables.
  8. Pass the vegetables with straws until they are fried.
  9. Then, when the broth in the pan boils, remove the foam and cook for another 10 minutes.
  10. Then add potatoes to the chicken first, and then, after boiling again, the sautéed vegetables.
  11. Processed cheese (not " cheese product”) cut into cubes and send to the soup.
  12. Mix everything and season with salt.
  13. Simmer until potatoes are soft and cheese is completely melted. It's about a quarter of an hour.
  14. In the meantime, sort and rinse the parsley. Cut it into small pieces.
  15. At the very end of cooking, add greens and stir the soup.
  16. Turn off the heat immediately and cover the soup with a lid for 10 minutes. Then you can pour it into bowls.


Low-calorie soft cheese sandwiches with a light cumin flavor. The complexity of preparation is low.



  1. Rinse the chicken fillet in water and wipe off the water with a paper towel.
  2. Place the fillets in a bowl and sprinkle with salt and ground pepper.
  3. Spray lightly with vegetable oil and cover with a bag.
  4. Leave to marinate for 10 minutes.
  5. In the meantime, sprinkle the sesame seeds into a dry frying pan.
  6. Put on a slow fire and brown them a little.
  7. Then send the fillet to the pan.
  8. While stirring, roll the meat in the seeds.
  9. Simmer until moisture evaporates.
  10. Then fry until the chicken is done.
  11. In the meantime, dry the toast bread a little in the oven on a dry baking sheet. Pieces can be used whole or cut into triangles diagonally.
  12. Finely chop the sweet pepper.
  13. Cool the fried chicken a little, and also cut into small cubes.
  14. Grind the cumin seeds in a mortar into crumbs.
  15. Pour them into a bowl, put curd cheese and sour cream in it.
  16. Stir the sauce.
  17. Rinse lettuce in water and pat dry with paper towels.
  18. Spread a layer of sauce on each piece of toast.
  19. Top with pieces of bell pepper and chicken.
  20. Cover with lettuce leaves. If necessary, they can be torn into copies by hand.
  21. Then, if you have more bread left, cover the sandwiches with it.

Light vitamin salad with greens and delicate taste curd cheese. The complexity of preparation is low.



  1. Rinse lettuce mix in cold water and pat dry on paper towels.
  2. Peel the apple and cut into thin slices. Immediately transfer to a salad mixing bowl and drizzle with lemon juice.
  3. Tear there with your hands lettuce leaves.
  4. Add olive oil, soy sauce and balsamic vinegar.
  5. Curd cheese, forming small dumplings with two teaspoons (transferring cheese from one spoon to another), put in a bowl.
  6. Mix salad and serve.


The combination of a slightly sour taste of sorrel with sweet cottage cheese. To prepare this dessert at least you need to know how to bake thin pancakes and twist the stuffing in them.



  1. Sort the sorrel and rinse under cold water.
  2. Then put it in a blender bowl and add 20-30 ml of water.
  3. Grind the sorrel into a pulp.
  4. Pour the milk into a suitable bowl.
  5. Add eggs, 20 g sugar and salt there.
  6. Beat everything with a whisk until smooth.
  7. Then add flour in several passes.
  8. Mix the dough well with a whisk.
  9. Then add sorrel and baking soda to the dough.
  10. Pour in vegetable oil.
  11. stir pancake dough and set it aside for now to “ripen”.
  12. Granular cottage cheese can be rubbed through an iron sieve.
  13. Add the remaining sugar and sour cream to the curd.
  14. Stir. This is pancake filling.
  15. Return to the test. Stir it again.
  16. Place a pancake pan over medium heat to heat up.
  17. Then bake thin pancakes from sorrel dough.
  18. Stuff each pancake with sweet cottage cheese.

Sweet gelled dessert with fresh cherries. The complexity of preparation is low.


  • fresh cherry - 150 g;
  • granulated sugar - 100 g;
  • gelatin (powder) - a bag.


  1. Sort the cherries, rinse in a cup of cool water.
  2. Remove the seeds from the berries in any convenient way.
  3. Transfer the berries to a bowl.
  4. Sprinkle with sugar.
  5. Let the cherry brew and release the juice for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Pour the gelatin into a bowl and pour warm water(enough 8 tablespoons).
  7. Stir gelatin and leave to infuse.
  8. Place the saucepan with the cherry on a slow fire.
  9. Stir and bring to a boil. The foam will need to be removed.
  10. Boil the cherries in the syrup for 20-25 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  11. In the meantime, put a bowl of gelatin on a slow fire.
  12. While stirring with a spoon, wait until the gelatin dissolves in the water. Do not boil it under any circumstances.
  13. Then stir the cherries again and remove them from the stove.
  14. Pour gelatin with water into cherries and mix well.
  15. Pour the mixture into molds or glasses.
  16. Send the jelly to the refrigerator to harden for 1-1.5 hours.

Festive table in a hurry

An extraordinary dish that combines the sweetness of melon, the taste of chicken and the aroma of wine. The complexity of preparation is high.


  • chicken - 1 pc.;
  • collective farm melon - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • red dessert wine- 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - to taste.


  1. Rinse the chicken in cold water, if there are remnants of feathers or hemp, remove them.
  2. Then chop the chicken into small pieces. It should turn out so that all these pieces subsequently enter the volume of the melon. You can remove the skin from the chicken if you like.
  3. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan.
  4. Put chicken pieces in it. Fry quickly over high heat until golden brown.
  5. Pour a glass of hot water into the pan. Cover and simmer.
  6. When the liquid has almost evaporated, add salt and wine.
  7. Stir and fry for another minute.
  8. Remove the skillet from the stove.
  9. Rinse the melon under running water and pat dry with a towel.
  10. Cut off the top part, as if removing the lid.
  11. Scoop out the seeds from the melon with a spoon.
  12. Then, using the same spoon, scoop out enough flesh to fit the chicken pieces tightly.
  13. Now put the pieces in the melon.
  14. Cover with a lid - melon top. You can fasten the makeshift lid with toothpicks to create a steamer effect inside.
  15. Place the stuffed melon in a suitably sized pot.
  16. Pour between the walls of the pan and melon hot water and put on a slow fire for 1-1.5 hours
  17. When serving, melon can be put on a dish or divided in advance into pieces of chicken (main course) and stewed melon pulp (garnish for chicken).

Slightly sour vegetable salad with apple and steamed millet. The complexity of preparation is low.



  1. Pour millet into a deep bowl, cover with cold water.
  2. Stir with your hands and at the same time drain the cloudy water.
  3. Do this procedure several times.
  4. Then put the millet in a saucepan and pour boiling water over it.
  5. Cover the lid and leave to infuse for 20 minutes. Then, bypassing the broth, put the swollen millet into a salad mixing bowl. However, you can simply boil the millet until half cooked and put it on a fine sieve to remove moisture.
  6. Wash and clean all the vegetables chosen for this recipe.
  7. Cut the tomato, pepper and apple into small cubes and add to the millet.
  8. Grind the garlic in a puree and also put it to the products.
  9. Finely chop the parsley and send to the salad.
  10. Add salt, ground pepper, lemon juice and olive oil.
  11. Stir the salad.
  12. Lay the washed and dried lettuce leaves around the edge of a serving plate or dish. But the leaves should not hang from the plate.
  13. Put the prepared salad on the lettuce leaves in a neat slide. It is ready to use.

The recipe is simple and hearty meal you will find in the following video:

As seen to cook quick and delicious dinner With interesting dishes, no overseas expensive products. It is enough that every day fills our refrigerator. simple products, their quick processing and decoration - this is a recipe for a quick dinner!

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