What is table wine. What is the difference between table wine and dessert wine?

The "Table" itself already implies that this wine is served at the table as a light drink that will go well with food. Its difference is that sugar is not added to it, because of this it has a small content of about 12-14%. This wine has a pleasant taste and aroma.

Red and rosé table wines differ in color. Often, the area where the grapes were grown is not even indicated, it is simply indicated, which is, as it were, a trademark. The thing is that in the manufacture of these wines, mass production technologies are used, and grapes and other raw materials are not sorted in the same way as is done with fine wines.

Table wines are most often divided into:
- dry,
- semi-dry,
- semi-sweet, to which they add Not a large number of Sahara.

In many countries, such wines are served at the table, since a small use of them does not harm, but only helps the body to absorb food and relieve nervous tension. There are even sanatoriums that have a wine procedure, where you can try different types of life-giving drink without harming your own health.

Knowing the classification of table wines, you can choose the type that is close to your taste: most often women like semi-sweet varieties, while men like dry ones.

local wines

Local wines are a type of wine, but they are made from selected grape varieties that grow in a particular area. Moreover, the possibility of even mixing different batches of berries is often excluded, so that there is no violation of the integrity of the taste of the future drink. Naturally, with this approach, the label must indicate the geographical region, the area where this wine was made.

Local wine labels are allowed to indicate the year of the grape harvest, unlike table wine, which does not indicate the year or region of production.

Local wines should have a natural strength of approximately 10-12%. However, due to the mass production of wine and high commercial demand, local wines that have names in the form of geo-referencing are gradually losing their uniqueness. Today you can meet, which are commonly called sepazhny. Such wines are bright taste and a rich bouquet, they are certainly tasty, but gourmets do not consider them "clean", because they are made from several grape varieties.

By the way, local wines are very long term storage, for which they can change the taste and open up with new notes. This is what makes them special. In general, local wine can be called copyright, because it is produced in exceptional places, often using unique methods, it is often collectible, vintage.

The technology for making a refreshing and invigorating drink by fermenting grape or fruit juices was known in ancient Greece, Egypt and Rome. The Romans called him "vineri" - "giving strength." Modern name This drink is wine, it is produced in many countries of the world, including in the southern regions of Russia.

The secret of making wine and its benefits

Grape juice contains a lot of sugar, so if you leave it to stand in an open container, microorganisms, in particular yeast fungus, get into it and begin to actively multiply. Its spores cause the fermentation process, and due to the fact that the fungus feeds on sugar, the juice turns sour. When making wine, it is necessary to create the most favorable atmosphere for the fungus for its intensive reproduction and to provide for this a sufficient supply of oxygen and heat. In the process of fermentation, wine is obtained, and its types are the result of the use of various technologies - fortification, aging, adding sugar, etc.

Wines contain many vitamins, in particular B1, B6, B12, PP, P and C, as well as folic (B9) and pantothenic (B5) acids, they contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body and provide normal functioning nervous system and organs of the gastrointestinal tract. It contains: phosphorus, nitrogenous, pectin substances, sugar, as well as mineral salts of iron, copper, zinc, etc. Wine, especially red wine, has a complex effect on, has bioenergetic and bactericidal properties, the ability to remove heavy metals and radioactive substances.

For the manufacture of port or Madeira, ordinary or vintage, up to 15 grape varieties can be used.

Wine classification

Each country traditionally engaged in winemaking: France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, Russia, etc., uses its own wines. Russian wines are divided into effervescent and still, the former contain carbon dioxide, while the latter lack it. In addition, there is a division of wines according to sugar content and:
- canteens, in which sugar is not added, their strength is 9-14 °;
- dessert semi-sweet, containing 3-10% sugar, strength 9-15°;
- dessert strong, containing 3-13% sugar, with a strength of 17-20 °;
- sweet and liqueur desserts, containing 16-32% sugar, with a strength of 13-16 °;
- effervescent, naturally and artificially carbonated.
Varietal wines are made only from grapes of one particular variety, blended wines and grapes of several varieties.

There are wines, etc., the lowest for ordinary wines, the highest for vintage and collection wines. Ordinary wines differ from vintage and collection wines in terms of aging. Ordinary, white and wines include young unaged wines - bottled 3-12 months after processing the grapes for juice. As a rule, these are cheap wines, for which imported raw materials or mixed varieties can be used.

Vintage wines must be aged - at least 1.5 years, fortified and dessert - at least 2 years. They are made using special technologies and only a certain variety used for the production of a particular brand of wine. Fine wines have characteristic taste qualities. Collection wines include vintage wines of especially high quality, they are additionally aged in barrels for at least 3 years.

As they said in the old days, drinking is not a sin, if it is to health and to the glory of God! It is difficult to imagine any feast or celebration without wine. In different parts of the world, various nationalities use this drink and create new varieties. In many countries it is considered that drinking table wine at home is a whole ritual, with its own traditions and conventions. For several millennia, wine has been bringing joy to people and “rejoicing hearts”, of course, if the drink is of high quality and consumed in moderation.

Wine Payments: This is the maximum administrative qualification granted to a winery. These are wines of prestige prestige, originating from the “payment”, that is, a place or a rural place with characteristics and its own microclimate that distinguishes it and distinguishes its surroundings. If the payment is in a qualified appellation of origin, it may be called a "qualified payment". Spain has 14 wines.

Table wines are those that are not protected in any appellation of origin as well as its origin. It is often made with grapes from different wine regions. These wines are not allowed to include the following information on the label. Provenance wine region Crop year Grape variety. . We must not forget those who have a territorial reference, the so-called wine of the land, which is a geographical indication, for the tables.

Everyday wine on the table

As a rule, table wine is not aged, its purpose is everyday use. Table wines are distinguished by their sugar content: dry - up to one percent sugar content, semi-dry - from one to two and a half percent, and semi-sweet - from two and a half to seven. Many nations use table wine just to quench their thirst, and do not look at any degrees and percentages. Someone thinks that it is unhealthy and you should not replace water with wine. But it all depends on the quality of the wine and, of course, the amount drunk. Entire treatises have been written about the benefits of wine, and its merits are no longer in doubt.

Do not think that table wine or herb wine, as many connoisseurs call them, is of poor quality. But when you reach a supermarket or a specialty store, you look at their labels and you don't know what that means. These guys have them at home and we usually accompany them with pizza, pasta, chicken or appetizers or with some dessert.

But the most important thing is that you cannot try new brands and that you are always ready to try new tastes and denominations. And then there is the denomination of origin, the most famous in Spain. Rioja Ribera del Duero Penedes Ribeiro. . Depending on where you live you can have different meanings, but as a rule this class is made from grapes with a maximum alcohol content of 14%, but in Europe the rules are more stringent.

Table wine of good quality depends on the composition, and the composition depends on the type of wine. Europeans divide wines into separate (or varietal) and blended. The difference is that varietals are made from the same grape variety, while blended grapes contain different varieties. All information about the wine is printed on the label, which is located on the back of the container. When serving, the wine must have a certain temperature. Each variety has its own, because it is thanks to this that you can show all the advantages and reveal the taste of wine.

But what you should know is to choose the right one. That is why it is very important to know how to buy any wine of these characteristics. Whether it is red or white, for many of us this variety is cheap, we pick up at the store and because we are experts, because we do not even look at the type of grapes where it is, but we know that it is good for all types products.

Only you will be able to determine the quality, but it would be unfair that we at least comment or give some secrets so that his selections are as high as possible. And then, obviously, to determine what to take home, we consider the price. Currently, there is a wide range of very affordable ones that are below 5 euros.

Varieties of table wines

Table wines are made from grapes huge amount varieties. Among the table wines there are white, and red, and even rosé. They differ from other types of wines in that they do not need long-term maturation and are prepared without adding any additional ingredients. Table grape wines contain very little sugar and are not fortified.

What we finally long for is to drink this glass, on a Sunday afternoon or while we are making a meal, or we are looking for a moment of relaxation while enjoying an exquisite red wine. Tenga imagines that white, after a hard day's work, can be a real pleasure, and that, of course, this good wine is priceless.

But, whatever your taste, you can find sweet wine from Spain. You can find in your supermarket, the next time you visit the one that best suits your choice. We advise you to try soft and neutral at first, gradually turn on the variety and discover the one that best suits your taste.

The color of table wines varies from light straw to dark garnet. Georgian table wines are considered one of the best, which successfully compete with vintage French ones. Often, according to connoisseurs, Kakhetian wines from Georgia are superior in quality to European ones. They are produced from grape varieties Mtsvane, Saperavi, Rkatsiteli. They are distinguished by an unforgettable delicate bouquet and taste.

A typical Galich wine can be fruity and fresh, and can be a good start. And within the whites we have to take into account if we are looking for fruity or sweet. Many times in specialized establishments they often ask if we want fruity or dry.

If you like fruity, ask for Verdejo or Moscatel. Only "table wines" can be classified as "noble wines", originating from grape varieties considered to be preferred in the region in which they were produced, whose growth or aging age is at least two years. The second fermentation lasts min. from 9 months It has a less intense aroma. It is less acidic and sweet.

  • O. de Leon, upper Penedès and Conca de Barbera.
  • Alcohol gradation fluctuates between 7-9º.
  • Its alcohol gradation at the time of consumption will be no more than 18º.
  • Produced from wine 10º.
  • Made from wine 8-9º.
  • The second fermentation lasts min. 12 months of intense fragrance.
  • It is more sour and sweeter.
These are those that, due to the grape varieties from which they come, or by special processing methods, are preserved when in the bottles the carbon dioxide is part of the fermentation of own or added sugar and that when the bottle is opened it slowly releases the bubbles, without reaching foam.

All varieties of table wines received not original names, but according to the names of grape varieties, or the area where the grapes are grown. There are also compound names - Anapa-Riesling, Abrau-Riesling and others, there are many examples. Most table wines are varietal, that is, they are made from varietal grapes without mixing different wine materials. Azerbaijani table wines made from Matras and Tavkveri grapes are highly valued in the world. Delicious table wines are also produced in the North Caucasus. They are made from Riesling grapes, these are wines from Novorossiysk and Anapa.

Let's find out what makes each of them different

The distinction between different classifications of grapes is established according to its morphological characteristics: the size and shape of clusters, the thickness of the skin, the number of seeds in the berry, or the ripening time. In addition, all three types are cultivated differently.

In the case of table grapes, they are varieties susceptible to atmospheric conditions; we could say that they prefer mild or even warm temperatures. Most table grapes are found in the Mediterranean. They require compact pulp, thick grains, and no pips if possible. They are also very sun-friendly and have their own light requirements. This explains why they are grown mainly in the form of a vine, thus producing a large plant cover that acts as a "sunscreen".

In the most "grape" country in the world, France, table wine is produced exclusively from those grape varieties that are grown on the territory of their country. Usually for this they take several varieties of grapes from various French wine-growing provinces. Real table wine from France has a special inscription on the label - Vin de Table de France. This is a kind of quality mark for local table wine. However, such "marks" are typical for most European table wines: producers are responsible to consumers for the high quality of their products.

What is geographical wine

By the way, did you know that Turkey is the third table grape producer in the world? Their gastronomic tastes make this fruit present in many of their recipes. The grape leaf is also highly regarded in Turkish cuisine, as it is used in the development of "Dolma", one of his favorite dishes.

There are about 50 varieties of table grapes sold in Spain, some of which are also known as "Aledo" or "Alicante". This last variety serves to give good luck to the next one, as it ripens in late October from December. But can you make wine with table grapes? Yes, you can; but it doesn't fit.

To summarize: table wines are drinks for every day. Usually they are not put on the table for guests, but they drink in the family circle - on weekends and at dinner. This type of wine is distinguished by its lightness and lower density. A pleasant bouquet, excellent taste - all this makes table wine very popular. For regular consumption, table wines are simply diluted with water. The strength is reduced, but the taste remains unchanged.

Raisins are very popular and consume dried fruits. They can be made in two ways: let the air dry in ventilated areas, or apply artificial heat through machines. You can try to make them at home in the oven or in microwave oven. end result is a very sweet grape, as the sugars are concentrated and there is a lot of flavor, which can be stored for a long time due to the loss of most of the water it contained.

The term "passages" does not mean that the fetus is "past". To make raisins, grapes must be sweet, with little acidity, no seeds, and small in size. In the supermarket we can find three types: Nutmeg raisins, Currants and Sultans.

  • Currant: This is a black grape, seedless, originating from Corinth.
  • They are very fragrant and very small in size.
  • They are fleshy, large in size, strongly sweet and fragrant.
Again in this sector, it is surprising that Turkey is the world leader in the production of raisins.

Julia Sergeeva

An ordinary buyer cannot always understand what is the fundamental difference between them. And if everything is even more or less clear with the color and the country of the manufacturer, then how to determine the degree of strength, sugar content and aging?

Reducing the risk of heart disease

However, there are basic morphological requirements for winemaking. The intensity of light, temperature, rainfall or even wind determines the “calling of the grapes”.

  • The climate is a determining factor of the wine potential.
  • It requires heat, is sensitive to frost and is resistant to lack of moisture.
Wines can be classified according to various characteristics such as color, age, sugar content, etc.

Knowing some of the basic characteristics of wine is important so that you can choose the most appropriate pairing for each dish in your meal. Reserve. 1 year at least in oak barrels and 2 years in bottle. Over 2 years in oak barrels and 3 more bottles.

Wine classification

All grape wines are divided into two main types - sparkling (effervescent and champagne) and still wines. If we talk about quiet (not containing carbonic acid), then all of them, in turn, are divided into three categories - table, fortified and dessert. Table wines have the lowest strength (no more than 14% vol.) and are produced according to the technology natural fermentation. Depending on the sugar content, table wines are divided into dry, semi-dry and semi-sweet. They can be white, red and pink in color.

We must remember that wine that has more years is not better. Being a "live" product has an optimal point from which it can start to go bad. The age of wine is measured by vintage. All vintages are different and can be very different depending on the many factors that make a big difference in climate during that year.

White wines tend to have a shorter life than red wines. A few white wines usually last over 2 or 3 years, while a good red wine can last several decades. Although there are always exceptions that prove the rule. But there may be different types gradations depending on the type and origin of the wine.

The next two categories of wines are fortified (aged), which allow the addition of rectified alcohol in the production technology, and dessert wines, which are flavored with various additives and have high content Sahara.

How and with what to use table wines

Having dealt with the main classification of wines, you also need to know that the definition of "table" is not always indicated on the label. The correct name for table wine is "ordinary" wine, as labels are usually labeled. Ordinary wine began to be called table wine due to the fact that these wines, in terms of their taste, are most optimally suited for consumption during meals. And if we talk specifically about the use of ordinary wines, then, depending on their classification, to different types certain wines are served.

Although we have a dedicated section on wine, we can give some ideas about the concepts used in wine tastings so that we can catalog and include them in the classifications above. Most wines go through a tasting process, which makes it possible to classify them.

Wine tasting map

Also known as a tasting card. Basic concepts that we can find. Everyone who represents him sees and understands. Wine and vineyards are inseparable from our culture. Since a man leaves graphic evidence for history, he appears on stage with a jug of wine in his hand: in Egyptian paintings, in Greek amphorae, in Roman mosaics.

For example, white dry and semi dry wine served with fish and poultry dishes. A heavier meat meal involves the use of rich red wines, and depending on the type of meat served, the appropriate wine is selected. For example, beef goes well with red wine of any degree of sweetness, but dry red wine is most suitable for fatty pork.

Despite such an ancestral wine culture, its social, literary and mystical projection, the Law took a long time to enter this area, which was alien to it, while it belonged to the world of sense or sense gratification. It was only when wine became a health, public order or economic issue - and government agencies were interested in these issues - that is when pragmatists and laws appeared, first prohibiting, and then stimulating and regulating production, marketing and consumption.

What is table wine

Over time, this remarkable legal body was overwhelmed by the technological advances and expansion of this branch of agricultural production, and its forecasts were insufficient or inadequate for the new situation created in the environment by the European Economic Community.

Rosé table wines are served with light salad appetizers and as an aperitif before dinner. It is allowed to serve rose wines with some desserts and fruits. Rosé and white wines can be consumed throughout the meal, while red wines are usually only served with the main course.

It is impossible not to mention the classic use of table wines as an addition to a picnic. On fresh air Any ordinary wine goes well with appetizers of cheese, bread and cold meat.

An ordinary buyer cannot always understand what is the fundamental difference between them. And if everything is even more or less clear with the color and the country of the manufacturer, then how to determine the degree of strength, sugar content and aging?

Wine classification

All grape wines are divided into two main types - sparkling (effervescent and champagne) and still wines. If we talk about quiet (not containing carbonic acid), then all of them, in turn, are divided into three categories - table, fortified and dessert. Table wines have the lowest strength (no more than 14% vol.) and are produced using natural fermentation technology. Depending on the sugar content, table wines are divided into dry, semi-dry and semi-sweet. They can be white, red and pink in color.

The next two categories of wines are fortified (aged), which allow the addition of rectified alcohol in the production technology, and dessert wines, which are flavored various additives and have a high sugar content.

How and with what to use table wines

Having dealt with the main classification of wines, you also need to know that the definition of "table" is not always indicated on the label. The correct table wine is "ordinary" wine, as labels are usually labeled. Ordinary wine began to be called table wine due to the fact that these wines, in terms of their taste, are most optimally suited for consumption during meals. And if we talk specifically about the use of ordinary wines, then, depending on their classification, certain wines are served with different types of food.

For example, dry white wine is served with fish and poultry dishes. A heavier meat meal involves the use of rich red wines, and depending on the type of meat served, the appropriate wine is selected. For example, beef goes well with any degree of sweetness, but dry red wine is most suitable for fatty pork.

Rosé table wines are served with light salad appetizers and as an aperitif before dinner. It is allowed to serve rose wines with some desserts and fruits. Rosé and white wines can be consumed throughout the meal, while red wines are usually only served with the main course.

It is impossible not to mention the classic use of table wines as an addition to a picnic. In the fresh air, any ordinary wine goes well with appetizers of cheese, bread and cold meat.

In this article, I will simply and simply talk about the most common rules for choosing a good wine.

My advice is more suitable for amateurs and ordinary wine lovers who get lost among hundreds of identical bottles in supermarkets.

And of course, I warn you that Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health!

1. With the help of sugar, manufacturers hide the low quality of raw materials

Sugar is rarely added to high-quality and good wine.

The wine, which is made from quality grapes, is grown in areas with such a climate that during the season the berries have time to absorb the sun's rays, water, heat, nutrients and minerals from the soil. Therefore, the taste of wine becomes rich and rich due to climatic conditions and a long period of ripening of berries, and not to the fact that sugar was added to the wine.

2. Bottle labels should always say ‘natural wine’

This inscription will mean that the wine is made from high-quality raw materials - grapes, without the addition of flavor enhancers and other unscrupulous production technologies.

3. Table wine does not mean bad wine.

Table wines are present in the basic lines of almost all manufacturers. This does not mean that poor quality raw materials were used for its production.

Table wine is used to prepare sauces and other dishes, but it is also a great accompaniment to simple everyday meals.

Expensive wines are usually drunk as an accompaniment to unusual fine dining or on holidays.

4. There is no need to be afraid of the mention of sulfur dioxide on the label.

Sulfur dioxide is a substance found in grape juice and is also added to finished wine to prevent it from re-fermenting in the bottle.

5. Expensive wine does not mean tasty wine.

This is probably the most useful advice for ordinary people, not connoisseurs and not connoisseurs of wine.

Very often people buy expensive wine for several thousand rubles, and then they are disappointed with its taste.

It's very easy to explain. taste buds connoisseurs train for years. Exquisite wines rarely have a pleasant taste for a beginner; rather, this taste is simply not clear to a beginner. Therefore, it is difficult to appreciate it. The taste for good and expensive wine develops gradually, for this you can, for example, go to a sommelier school.

6. Do not choose the wines of recognized leaders in the production of wine.

Recognized leaders in wine production are Italy and France. French and Italian wines are known and appreciated all over the world. Therefore, it is logical that even beginners try to find good wine on the wine shelves of these countries. But this is the main mistake when choosing a pleasant and drinkable wine that lovers can appreciate.

To be sure to buy good wine, pay attention to the wines of countries such as Chile, Spain, Argentina, New Zealand or Australia. Decent wines from Chile and Spain can be bought at lower prices than wines from France and Italy, however, their taste will definitely not disappoint you!

In one of the following articles, I will go into more detail about why the wines of France and Italy are often disappointing in their taste, as well as what makes up the taste of wine.

Choose good wine!

And enjoy life!

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  • Differences between table and dessert wines

Winemaking is a special industry Food Industry. The current classification of wines is able to explain the difference between table and dessert wines, natural and special, still and sparkling, etc.

A Brief History of the Development of Winemaking

The history of origin begins with the ancient world. Scientists say that the first glass of the drink appeared millennia ago. The ancient Romans and Greeks were able to make a significant contribution to the development of wine culture. The drink was mostly consumed in the southern regions, where grapes grew. Until the middle of the 19th century, mankind had no idea that the fermentation of wines is due to the presence of yeast bacteria in the product. In 1957, a French microbiologist and chemist proved this discovery.

Wine making begins with the harvest.

If the ancient inhabitants established winemaking from their own experience, then in the 20th century, winemaking art began to rely on scientific achievements. Berries began to be collected not only manually, but also with the help of machinery. Presses of improved modification began to appear, the method of filtering the semi-finished product has changed. Winemakers learned and began to apply the best conditions for storing wine.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, production standards have emerged. France was the first country to distribute this document in its regions. The second half of the last century was a favorable time for the active development of wine production, improving their quality and popularity.

A wide range of wines produced in the world has a certain classification that will help any interested person understand this product. The raw materials that are put into action divide wines into grape, berry, fruit, vegetable and multi-component (multi-sort).

Grape drinks are made from the juice of grapes with the addition of sugar. The production process excludes the addition of other products to grape wine. Fruit spirits are more often made from apples or pears. Melons, watermelons, maple and birch sap, rhubarb and rose petals give the wines a vegetable name. Multi-sort products are prepared by combining different different varieties grape berries. Such wines are divided into blended and sepazhny.

The type of wine depends on the color of the grapes.

The opinion among qualified winemaking specialists has taken root that real wine can only be made from the best grape varieties. In addition, wines are distinguished by color. Fermentation and grape variety divides the final product into red, rosé and white drinks.

The classification according to the content of sugar and alcohol determined the following positions: table wines, fortified and sparkling. The duration of exposure divided the described product into branded and ordinary products. The production technology of any wine determines its product group: table, strong and flavored.

In turn, table solar drinks differ in sugar content, are divided into semi-sweet and dry, with a residual sugar content. Fortified and flavored wines can be strong and dessert.

Winemaking is the oldest branch of the food industry; over the centuries, masters have developed tens of thousands of recipes for making wines. To assist collectors, a classification of wines has been developed in compiling wine catalogs. Thanks to her, it was possible to systematize recipes. Anyone can figure out the difference between table and dessert wines. Homemade wines from the factory. Young sparkling wines from old "still" wines.


Scientists have long proved that winemaking originated in ancient times. The main contribution to the development of production was made by the inhabitants of the southern regions, who are still considered the best winemakers today. In ancient times, the Romans and the Greeks were the first to "ennoble" wild thousand-year-old wine. From that moment began a new history of winemaking, which slowly developed until the middle of the 20th century. Perhaps things would move faster if people knew how wines were fermented. And that yeast bacteria play an important role in this process. Only in the middle of the 20th century did scientists make this discovery.

If in ancient and Middle Ages winemakers set up production from their own experience, as their fathers and grandfathers taught. Modern winemakers rely entirely on scientific achievements.

  • For example, today grapes are harvested not only by hand, but also by machines.
  • Improved old cars.
  • Methods for filtering the semi-finished product are being improved.
  • Masters were able to unravel, many are hidden, for example, how to protect wines from aging.
  • That for the preparation of sweet wines, the berries need to be slightly dried, thereby increasing the sweetness of the drink.

Classification of table and dessert wines. "what's on the label"?

Here you can get complete information about the contents of the bottle, for example, depending on the quality and aging time of the wine. Professionals divide them into young, vintage and collectible.

Young - a wine that is immediately put up for sale without aging. Vintage - high-quality grape varieties are used for preparation. Specially grown for the preparation of specific vintage wines. Here the cooking technology is calculated in minutes.

  • Each wine has its own wine-growing region (neighborhood).
  • Your holding period.

Collection vintage wines. For the preparation, selection varieties of the highest quality are used, the minimum aging period in a barrel is six years. And in bottles for at least three years.

Fortress and sugar content on the label. Wines are divided into two large groups.

By amount of sugar:

  • Dry.
  • Semi-sweet.

Fortified wine, and fragrant dessert. By amount of sugar:

  • Semi-sweet.
  • Sweet.
  • Liquor.

Unlike sweet wines, table wines are obtained by complete fermentation of natural juice. In sweet wines, fermentation depends on the amount of sugar. Thus, fermentation is interrupted. As a result of "incomplete" fermentation, sweet wine acquires a sweet and sour taste. Ethyl alcohol is added to dessert wines to preserve the fragrant bouquet and shade.

What is the difference between table wine and sweet wine?

Dessert and table wines differ in taste, strength and purpose. Dessert wines contain a large amount of sugar. In contrast to strong table wine, which goes well with hidalgo, meat and fish. Sweet wine is served with dessert (hence the name - dessert wines).

For the preparation of table wine, natural juice "without additives" is used. Unlike sweet wine, which has sugar added to it. The strength of the drink will depend only on the natural sugar contained in the berries.

To prepare dessert wine, juice and pulp are used, sugar is added. Fermentation is often stopped by alcoholization.

For the preparation of table wines, certain grape varieties are used. Dessert wines are mainly made from mixed varieties:

  • Muscat.
  • Tokay.
  • Cahors.
  • Malaga.

Professionals advise cooling dessert wine. Often at tastings, chilled drinks, fruits or cookies are served.

What is the difference between dry wine and sweet wine

  • Dry wine is served with main courses.
  • In the process of preparing dry wines, alcohol is not added.
  • The fortress of dry wine does not exceed 11 revolutions.
  • The minimum amount of sugar is one percent in dry wine. In table semi-sweet from three to eight percent.

Unlike sweet wine, dry wine cannot be stored for a long time. If sweet wines get better with age. That dry wine is gaining momentum, turns into vinegar essence.

Taste qualities

Unlike strong table wines, delicate sweet wine needs to be savored. Table wine has a pleasant refreshing taste. For example, light white wines in summer save you from thirst. Dessert wine is a harmony of flavors. Only a professional can describe a wine bouquet from the first sip. All elements are chosen so that none of them is felt separately.

Table wine is coarse and harsh. From the first sip it is dominated by tannins. Dessert wine has a mild taste. In contrast to table dry wines, which have a sour-tart taste in the foreground. Dessert wine is sweet and thick. Table wine is watery and clear.

As they said in the old days, drinking is not a sin, if it is to health and to the glory of God! It is difficult to imagine any feast or celebration without wine. In different parts of the world, various nationalities use this drink and create new varieties. In many countries it is believed that drinking table wine at home is a whole ritual, with its own traditions and conventions. For several millennia, wine has been bringing joy to people and “rejoicing hearts”, of course, if the drink is of high quality and consumed in moderation.

Everyday wine on the table

As a rule, table wine is not aged, its purpose is everyday use. Table wines are distinguished by their sugar content: dry - up to one percent sugar content, semi-dry - from one to two and a half percent, and semi-sweet - from two and a half to seven. Many nations use table wine just to quench their thirst, and do not look at any degrees and percentages. Someone thinks that it is unhealthy and you should not replace water with wine. But it all depends on the quality of the wine and, of course, the amount drunk. Entire treatises have been written about the benefits of wine, and its merits are no longer in doubt.

Table wine of good quality depends on the composition, and the composition depends on the type of wine. Europeans divide wines into separate (or varietal) and blended. The difference is that varietals are made from the same grape variety, while blended grapes contain different varieties. All information about the wine is printed on the label, which is located on the back of the container. When serving, the wine must have a certain temperature. Each variety has its own, because it is thanks to this that you can show all the advantages and reveal the taste of wine.

Varieties of table wines

Table wines are made from grapes of a huge number of varieties. Among the table wines there are white, and red, and even rosé. They differ from other types of wines in that they do not need long-term maturation and are prepared without adding any additional ingredients. Table grape wines contain very little sugar and are not fortified.

The color of table wines varies from light straw to dark garnet. Georgian table wines are considered one of the best, which successfully compete with vintage French ones. Often, according to connoisseurs, Kakhetian wines from Georgia are superior in quality to European ones. They are produced from grape varieties Mtsvane, Saperavi, Rkatsiteli. They are distinguished by an unforgettable delicate bouquet and taste.

All varieties of table wines received not original names, but according to the names of grape varieties, or the area where the grapes are grown. There are also compound names - Anapa-Riesling, Abrau-Riesling and others, there are many examples. Most table wines are varietal, that is, they are made from varietal grapes without mixing different wine materials. Azerbaijani table wines made from Matras and Tavkveri grapes are highly valued in the world. Delicious table wines are also produced in the North Caucasus. They are made from Riesling grapes, these are wines from Novorossiysk and Anapa.

In the most "grape" country in the world, France, table wine is produced exclusively from those grape varieties that are grown on the territory of their country. Usually for this they take several varieties of grapes from various French wine-growing provinces. Real table wine from France has a special inscription on the label - Vin de Table de France. This is a kind of quality mark for local table wine. However, such "marks" are typical for most European table wines: producers are responsible to consumers for the high quality of their products.

To summarize: table wines are drinks for every day. Usually they are not put on the table for guests, but they drink in the family circle - on weekends and at dinner. This type of wine is distinguished by its lightness and lower density. A pleasant bouquet, excellent taste - all this makes table wine very popular. For regular consumption, table wines are simply diluted with water. The strength is reduced, but the taste remains unchanged.

Julia Sergeeva

If your goal is to diversify and complement the feast, you should get to know table wine better.

In general, the following types of wine are distinguished:

  • canteen;
  • dessert sweet;
  • dessert strong;
  • sparkling;
  • flavored.

Table wine

A sparkling wine

Dessert wine

As you already understood, table wine got its name due to the fact that it is used as an accompaniment to a meal. These are mostly dry varieties. Sugar is not used in the production of dry wine. Such a drink contains 9-14% alcohol and only 0.3% sugar.

These species are distinguished by pleasant acidity, mild taste, light varietal aroma. Red, rosé and white wines are distinguished by color.

The fermentation process of red wine involves grape juice with skins, seeds and ridges. For pink, pulp is used. Moreover, it is not available in white. Any person can independently prepare table wine. For this, 3 kg of grapes will be enough. It must first be sorted out so that there are no damaged and rotten berries. Next, clean the fruits from the ridges. The next step is to put a little bit of the berries in a colander that should be set over enamel saucepan. Now start kneading the grapes with the back of your fist.

What happened should be poured into a clean jar and covered with gauze. Now we are waiting for a few days until fermentation takes place. In this case, the container should be in a warm place.

As soon as the pulp begins to float, the juice from the container must be poured into an enamel pan using a colander. The pulp must be squeezed out with gauze. Assembled grape juice merges into a clean jar, on which a water seal is installed. There is nothing difficult in its manufacture. You will need a double plastic cover with a hole where the rubber hose will be inserted. The other end of this tube should be in a glass of water. This fluid will need to be changed every other day.

As soon as fermentation comes to an end (usually this process takes from 12 to 20 days), sediment will fall out, and the wine will begin to lighten. Try to carefully drain the drink from the sediment into a clean container. Reinstall the shutter. The container must be placed in a cool place where the temperature does not fall below 15ºС. A cellar is perfect for this purpose. The duration of the procedure is 2 weeks. This time is sufficient for complete precipitation to occur. The acidity level of the drink becomes lower, and it itself becomes lighter. The clarified liquid must be removed from the sediment and bottled. Everything, the wine is ready! Now it can be consumed or left in the cellar. A refrigerator will work too.

It so happened that table wine is not subjected to aging. It is used for everyday use.




Table species are classified according to the sugar content in the product:

  • dry, if the percentage of sugar is 1;
  • semi-dry, if the percentage of sugar content ranges from 1 to 2.5;
  • semi-sweet, if the proportion of sugar content is from 2 to 7%.

For many peoples, table wine is simply a drink that quenches thirst. And for them it does not matter how many degrees and percentages there are. To some, this seems wild and harmful. These people don't understand how plain water can be exchanged for wine. However, the quality of the drink and, of course, the amount of product consumed are of great importance. No wonder that entire treatises were dedicated to him. It makes no sense to remind once again about the merits of this drink: everything has long been said and written.

The quality of the product is influenced by the composition, which, in turn, depends on the type of wine. Europeans have their own classification: sepazhny (it is also called varietal) and blended. They differ in that only one type of grape is taken to make varietal wine, but several varieties are needed for blended wine. All detailed information about the drink you can find on the label, which is placed on the back of the bottle. When wine is served on the table, it must be at a certain temperature. For each variety, this value is different. Thanks to this, you will have the opportunity to appreciate all the advantages of the drink and reveal its taste.

Many different grape varieties are used to make table wine. As mentioned earlier, there are white, red, and pink varieties. The main difference between a table drink and its counterparts is that it does not require long-term maturation; nothing superfluous is added to its composition. Table grape wine contains very little sugar. It is not fixed.

Many different grape varieties are used to make table wine.

The color can be either light straw or dark garnet. Georgian is considered to be the best table wine. It is a worthy competitor to vintage French species. If you believe the words of true connoisseurs and connoisseurs of this drink, the quality of the Kakhetian product from Georgia is comparable to the best European standards. For its production, varieties such as Mtsvane, Saperavi and Rkatsiteli are taken. The main difference is an unforgettable delicate bouquet and taste.

Different types of product cannot boast original name. This is either the name of the grape variety from which the drink was produced, or, alternatively, the name of the area where the raw material was grown. True, there are compound names.

Table wine is predominantly varietal. Azerbaijani is considered especially valuable. A drink from the North Caucasus is not inferior to him in taste.

Azerbaijani wine

France is called the most grape country. For the production of the drink, only raw materials are taken that grow within the country. French wine is distinguished by a special inscription on the label. Something like a kind of quality mark for local table wines. Still, the manufacturer here bears full responsibility to consumers for the quality of their product.

Here it can be mentioned once again that this drink is intended for daily use. It so happened that this product is not offered to guests, but is drunk exclusively in the family circle - on weekends or at dinner. It is lightweight and less dense.

This grape product owes its popularity to a pleasant bouquet and excellent taste. When the drink is consumed regularly, it can be diluted plain water. The fortress becomes lower, but the taste does not change.

We got a little acquainted with the classification of the drink, now we can move on. But it should be borne in mind that it is not always indicated on the label that the wine is table wine. To speak correctly is ordinary. This is the inscription you can see on the bottle. Why then is it called the dining room?

The fact is that the drink has taste qualities that make it optimal for consumption during a meal. And since we have already begun to get acquainted with ordinary wine, it is worth clarifying which drink will be served with a particular food.

If you are planning to dine with a dish of fish or poultry, then choose a dry white or semi-dry wine.

White wine goes well with fish

In the company with heavy meat food, red saturated should go. It is also important what kind of meat you are going to eat. For example, for beef the best choice there will be red wine with any degree of sweetness. Fatty pork is more suitable red dry.

Rosé table wine is a partner for light salad appetizers. This type of drink can also be a good aperitif before a lunch meal. Rosé wine goes well with dessert and fruit.

Rose and white wine can be drunk throughout the meal. But red is most often served with the main course.

Table wine at a picnic is a great idea

It is necessary to mention that the use of table wine as an addition to a picnic is considered a classic. What could be better than dining outdoors with an ordinary wine?

The production of dry table wine is carried out by the method of complete fermentation of grape must. The alcohol share in such a product is 9-14%. It must be noted that the formation of alcohol occurs from the fact that sugar is fermented. According to the amount of sugar, wine is classified: dry, semi-dry and semi-sweet.

Table dry wine was recognized as useful. Most often, this product is taken with meat and fish dishes. Georgian table varieties are considered the best.

Georgian table wines are considered the best

Almost all table wines have a delicate taste and pleasant sourness. If you chose the red version of the drink, then before drinking it can be slightly warmed up (a little higher room temperature). Thanks to this, the bouquet will open more fully.

As for dessert wine, raw materials with a higher sugar content are used for its production. In order to increase the concentration of sugar, the grapes are dried before production. Thus it becomes sweeter. In dessert wine, the alcohol content can reach 17%.

Unlike table drinks, which are mostly varietal, dessert drinks are a blended option.

TO confectionery and dessert wine is suitable for ice cream

According to connoisseurs, they should be served with fruits, ice cream and confectionery. Before using the product, it is advisable to cool it to 16ºС.

Each country has its own laws. But there are moments in which the legislation is practically the same. On the label of table wine, there is no need to indicate information about the year of his birth or place of origin. Another thing is if the drink is branded. In this case, the place of origin must always be indicated. The more complete the information, the more likely it is that the product is really of high quality.

How is the taste of a drink determined?

And finally, a little advice on how to properly assess the taste of wine.

First you need to take a little drink in your mouth. A little bit - just to get a taste. As soon as you take a sip, exhale through your nose.

At the next stage, it is necessary to make sure that the liquid passes over the entire surface of the tongue. Be sure to open your mouth a little at this moment and inhale the air. This will help to bring out the aroma brighter, and the olfactory system will begin to perform its functions better. If you follow all the steps correctly, like a real taster, you will feel just an incredible amount of smells. After all, wine becomes more active when it comes into contact with air.

One more thing: wine is not a strong liquor. So there is no need to drink it in one gulp. This approach is usually used when stronger alcoholic beverages are consumed. And in the case of a grape product, it is necessary to slowly enjoy its taste and aroma.

This is the official (lowest) category of most national wine classification systems based on quality and origin. Grapes for table wine can be grown in one country, and the wine itself is made in another. Labels with such wine will contain the word "table" in the corresponding language:

  • France Vin de table
  • Italy Vino da tavola
  • Spain Vino de mesa
  • Germany Tafelwein
  • USA Table wine
  • Greece Επιτραπεζιου οίνου
  • Montenegro Stolno wine
  • Bulgaria Refectory wine (not a table, so a meal)

Inscription: "Made in France. Table wine." Where the grapes come from is unknown.

If a country is indicated on the table wine label, then the country of origin of raw materials and wine production are the same:

Inscription: "French table wine". This means that it is made in France and the grapes are also from France.

With the advent of the common European wine classification in 2010, the category "wine without geographical indication", which is identical to the “table wine” category in terms of the level of the drink, but has some differences in the design of the labels.

Differences of the pan-European category from the national "table wines":

  • There is no word "table" on the label, only the name of the country of manufacture.
  • There is no way to determine the country of origin of raw materials.
  • It is permissible to indicate the grape variety and vintage (which is prohibited for table wines in France).

What distinguishes table wines?

Table wines and the aforementioned new pan-European category are distinguished by a simple bouquet, low cost and minimal quality control: the only thing they monitor is that this wine is made only from grapes and is safe for health. There are no requirements for taste characteristics, varietal composition and constancy of parameters (fortress, acidity, sweetness, etc.) for such wines.

This does not mean that table wine is not tasty and even worth buying whole box. This means that you will never know from the label what to expect from the contents of the bottle. This table category differs from wines controlled by origin and produced according to the rules of the so-called