Creative name for a cafe. Original and beautiful name for a cafe - the best options

What is a cafe? This is a facility that provides services. Catering and rest. It looks a bit like a restaurant, but has a few restrictions on the range. There are self service cafes.


The cafe has a rather long history, which has not received any confirmation.

The fact is that this type of public catering appeared relatively long ago. Therefore, only the most plausible version should be considered.

According to her, in 1554, the world's first coffee house was opened in Istanbul. It was called The Circle of Thinkers. In America, the first institution of this type was opened only in 1670. It was located in Boston. The first cafe in Europe is considered to be in Austria, located on the territory of Vienna. This happened after the victory in the war in 1683. If we talk about the Commonwealth, then this type of establishment first appeared in Warsaw only in 1724.


If we talk about the range of products, then the institution is divided into a confectionery, a coffee shop, an ice cream parlor, a grill, a bar, an Internet cafe.

The classification is also based on location. There are stationary and street cafes. It should be noted that this species catering can be located in a separate building, but often, unlike a large number of restaurants, it is located inside a building on the ground floor, and can also exist as an extension.

Another type of cafe is roadside. Often they are located near any establishments along the roads, which have either local or federal significance. At the moment, seasonal cafes have become common. We are talking about those buildings located near the coast of the sea or river, open mainly only during the warm period. If we talk about ski resorts, then on the contrary, such a cafe will work in winter.

In countries where the temperate climate prevails, often all establishments operate outdoors during the warm season.

If divided by the contingent, then there are art cafes, that is, clubs for children, youth, the so-called gay-friendly, and others. It should also be noted that in addition to coffee shops there are tea establishments and cafes. Thus, according to the type of activity, cafes can be divided into a large number of various options.

Standard Cafe

If we talk about the main activity of the cafe, it should be noted that there are universal establishments. Consider what it is.

Speaking of cafes that work with self-service, it should be noted that they use clear broths for first courses. The rest of the range consists of popular and uncomplicated options. Often these are scrambled eggs, sausages, sausages, as well as spring rolls.

If we talk about cafes with waiters, then special specialties are served, however, as a rule, we are talking about those that can be prepared quickly. The menu is made up of hot drinks, while there must be at least 10 of them according to GOST, followed by cold drinks. Confectionery are required, there are also about 10 options. Next - cold and hot dishes.

In general, a universal cafe is suitable for visitors to relax, which is why the trading floor should be decorated with special decorative elements, you need to take care of the lighting, as well as the calorie content of the establishment. The microclimate must be maintained by exhaust ventilation. Furniture items should be standard, their design is often light. Tables should be covered with a special coating. Dinnerware should ideally be either glass or stainless steel or other materials.

Such an establishment often has a vestibule, a cloakroom, as well as restrooms. Considering the main activity of the cafe, it should be noted that the premises should consist of a hall and a utility room. Sandwiches and hot drinks need to be prepared directly in the kitchen, while the rest of the products often come already cooked. The area of ​​one seat in a cafe must be at least 1.6 square meters.

coffee house

In short, this is the name of the establishments where coffee is sold and coffee drinks. If we consider it broadly, then this is a gastronomic type room, which can be called a place for personal meetings or just communication. Here, at the request of the consumer, coffee, cake, ice cream, teas can be served. different varieties, juices, as well as alcoholic or carbonated drinks. Often in the countries of the East and Asia, hookah and flavored tobacco are sold in coffee houses.

Coffee houses in the world

In the Russian Federation, a coffee house first appeared during the reign of Peter I. These establishments existed until the creation Soviet Union. After its formation, all coffee houses were closed. In the early nineties, their work was revived. At the same time, it should be noted that, according to statistics, now almost half of the residents of every major city in the Federation go to such an institution at least once a week.

The Viennese coffee house is distinguished separately. This is a company that provides catering directly in Vienna. Now in the capital of Austria, such establishments play a huge role in the development of culture and traditions. It should be noted that this type of cafe activity is quite important for the Austrians, according to their tradition, a person should order a drink in it and, sitting at a table, read the newspapers offered by the establishment. This is hallmark and business card of any Viennese institution.

In the Netherlands, where the sale of cannabis, better known as cannabis, is legal, most of the shops where it is sold are called coffee houses.

If we talk about the Middle East, then this institution is a social place where men gather. As for other people, they come to coffee houses in order to read books, watch TV, listen to music, that is, eating is not the main and authoritative when visiting such an institution. In addition, in the countries of the Middle East, hookah is sold in all coffee houses. This service is considered traditional.

Coffee house features

According to statistics, more than 70% of people are considered regular customers of coffee shops after visiting such an institution at least once in their life on the recommendation of their friends. At the moment, the largest coffee company is Starbucks. It is spread all over the world. Its cafes are open in 58 countries, and if we talk about the number of branches, the network has more than 19 thousand establishments. They function as the main activity of the cafe - universal.

Many historians know what the Boston Tea Party is. This is a protest action that was started by the colonists in 1773. The preparation of this uprising was carried out in a coffee shop. At that time it was called "Green Dragon".

The world has the largest insurance market. It's called "Lloyd's of London" and was originally a coffee shop. After the expiration of a short period of time, it has grown to unrealistic proportions.

It should also be noted that the stock exchange and main bank New York City were formerly known as coffeehouses. They were on Wall Street.


Cabaret, which is also known as a café chantan, is an establishment that provides entertainment services. Often sketches and plays are held here, some dance numbers are shown, entertainers perform, songs are sung and so on.

It should be noted that this type of cafe is of French origin. It involved Louis Napoleon, who, as you know, was the emperor of France. The fact is that he forbade singing chanson songs in public places, that is, on the street, squares, and so on, so cafes or cabarets were founded.

The world's first institution of this type was opened in 1881. It was called "Black Cat". Was in Paris. The head of the institution invited talented famous poets and musicians here, so the cabaret became quite popular. Accordingly, under the influence of fame, in a few years such establishments arose throughout France.

The first German cabaret was opened in Berlin already in 1901.

red windmill

In 1889, a cabaret was opened in Paris, which is now a classic. It's called the Moulin Rouge. Literally translated into Russian as "Red Mill". Over time, this type of establishment has already become more famous as a place where frank dances are performed. Cabaret fame was brought by artists who danced in cancan and burlesque styles.

ice cream parlor

Consider the types of children's cafes - ice cream parlor. This institution is considered the most democratic and simple in terms of leisure activities. By type of activity - cafe-restaurant. All family members, including children, can come here.

If you want to expand the range, then you need to use pastries, frozen desserts, and so on. Often this type of fast food cafe is located either in a separate building or directly in the premises of a restaurant.

An ice cream maker is required. At the same time, it should be designed not only for the use natural products, but also ready mixes. Accordingly, it is necessary to purchase additional kitchen equipment, it must be made of stainless steel. We are talking about refrigerators, tables, racks, shelves and so on. A showcase should be placed on the trading floor, which will directly demonstrate the entire range, as well as furniture and devices for preparing coffee or tea.


The main types of cafes also include bistros. This is an establishment that has the type of restaurant-cafe, where they sell only simple meals. Previously, this word meant the owner who kept such a room. In Russia, a similar term refers to either a bar or a small restaurant.

If we talk about the origin of the name, then there is a popular version that connects the French word bistro with the Russian "quickly". According to this theory, during the occupation of the French capital in 1814, the Cossacks demanded that local waiters be served much faster. Accordingly, this is how the name of the establishments where dishes are prepared and served at lightning speed arose.

However, this version cannot be considered reliable. The fact is that the word "bistro" in French was first mentioned no earlier than the 1880s. At this time, the Russian presence in Paris was not noticed. But on the other hand, there are dialects, as well as just slang words that can mean the owners of the tavern, the names alcoholic drink, Species Traders and so on.

Internet cafe

This establishment can also be called a general cafe. According to GOST, it is understood that people who need access to the Internet come here. Often meals are served here, you can drink coffee or drinks, chat.

Special establishments also operate under the rule that Internet access is free of charge. In this case, it is simply included in the cost of entry.

Internet cafes will be very convenient for those who are in a foreign city and do not have the opportunity to go online or who do not have a computer at home.

If we talk about history, then there is an opinion that this type of cafe is an offshoot of the coffee house. The fact is that the latter is considered an institution where people come to talk, read books, write any notes or letters.

In 2000-2003, in Moscow and other regions of the Russian Federation, Internet cafes reached the peak of their popularity. At that time, there was even a federal program, thanks to which access points were specially installed in post offices.

After the mobile network appeared, as well as large tablets became commonplace for ordinary citizens, interest in Internet cafes began to gradually decline. Now this baton has been taken over by such establishments that simply have free Wi-Fi access. They are more cost-effective and therefore much more profitable to maintain them.

It should also be noted that since 2008, a ban on gambling has been introduced in the Russian Federation. That is why, from that period, illegal cafes with slot machines operating under the guise of Internet establishments have been created. Because of this, all cafes, the types of services which in any way intersect with computer services, become very interesting to regulatory authorities.

OKVED: activities of restaurants and cafes

According to Russian legislation, which has been in force since 2003, this grouping includes the sale of products outside the enterprise, the provision of food in wagons and on ships. The activities of eateries, which are forms of fast food, as well as establishments with or without a form of self-service, are also included in this group.

Trading through vending machines is not included in this type of activity (cafe) according to OKVED.


At the moment there is great amount types of cafes, so there is plenty to choose from. It should be noted that there are more such establishments every year, as they do not lose their popularity, but, on the contrary, only gain.

It should be noted that the most well-known now among entrepreneurs is the question of what type of business the cafe has. When creating such an institution, you need to contact lawyers. They will tell you how to properly organize the device from a legal point of view. The fact is that there are special nuances that are not supported in the Russian Federation and are not included in the cafe standards, respectively, it will be difficult to obtain a license. For successful creation, it is enough just to write a business plan or download a ready-made one from the Internet. This will allow you to earn money as quickly and without problems.

If you decide to open a cafe, then, in addition to choosing an excellent coffee machine, interior style and original recipes desserts and drinks, the choice of name remains an important step. You need to choose a name that can interest even a casual passerby so much that he wants to visit your establishment.

As a rule, a cafe is a place where a cozy atmosphere reigns, where people like to meet for a cup of coffee or lunch. This feature must be taken into account when choosing a name: beat the word “coffee” itself as a drink or a coffee house as an institution. Come up with an original name that will convey the mood and atmosphere.
Basic rules to consider when choosing beautiful name for a cafe: it should be short and memorable, evoke positive emotions, be associated with the type of your activity, and also work for a specific audience (for example, it can be a children's cafe, lounge, roadside, cafe-shop, etc.).

Do you have several interesting options names in your head? In order not to repeat or pick up more ideas, look at the name of existing establishments in your industry. Think it over well and choose the best option.

Examples of cafe names and logos

Keywords in this industry:

coffee, latte, espresso, cup, tea, caffeine, grains, barista, breakfast, lunch, desserts, drinks, aroma, comfort, friendly, family, original, creative, house.

How to create a logo for a cafe?

Make your establishment more attractive and recognizable with a good logo. Logaster will help you create a cool logo quickly and easily. All you need is a few minutes of your time and some inspiration.

A creative approach to choosing names for restaurants and cafes can be called one of the features of St. Petersburg. This trend does not bypass even the most inconspicuous food outlets. For example, recently a fan of Timati even decided to rename his shawarma kiosk to Black Star Shawerma. In general, choosing the names of famous personalities as the names of St. Petersburg catering establishments is already an ingrained tradition, which was even noted by Moscow advertiser Igor Saifullin last year. He then noted on Facebook that in St. Petersburg they often beat up some notorious names, combining them with the names of dishes, and as a result, Wong Kar Wine, Jack and Chan and Sandwich are obtained. The author of the post even invited his subscribers to think about other similar names, and then Vermicelli Obama, Delusional Food, Vinaigrette Garbo, Grigory SamoLeps, Friedrich Schnitzel and Warry Porter were born. Such a pool of creative ideas could be useful to restaurateurs, especially considering that such names seem to marketers to be very successful.

"The use of film images, playing on the names of actors works well for positioning. For example, the names Wong Car Wine or "Jack and Chan" correspond to the cuisine of the establishments and attract the appropriate audience. Separation of consumer interests at the naming level helps him identify the establishment as adequate to his taste and intellectual preferences. You can quickly be remembered and give guests a feeling of meeting their needs, "- explains the appearance of such names, the art director of the advertising group" Konstantin Ishmukhamedov.

Good luck and misses

Over the past few years, St. Petersburg has experienced a real boom in the emergence of establishments with a very unusual names, among which are "Pedro and Gomez visiting Larisa", "", "Sandwich", "", "Larisuvannuhochu". Konstantin Ishmukhamedov considers the last institution an example of successful naming.

“Of course, it’s not the name itself that is remembered, but the impression that it creates. And the emotions that it evokes. The audience at this institution is characterized by moderate taste preferences. They remember the funny name, and everything works out well for restaurateurs,” he says.

In honor of Lenin and a backpack

Marketers are of the opinion that the name of the institution does not affect its subsequent success too much. Nevertheless, you should be more careful with creativity, refusing obviously unpleasant associations.

“The name, of course, can attract attention, but you won’t go far with one name. Although some may scare away. For example, the same “Girobas” - I think that it scares away some part of the audience, since the associative series is not very pleasant , because few people want to be fat," says Victoria Kulibanova.

She also notes that it makes sense to give preference to easy-to-pronounce names, to make sure that the name is attractive to the audience for which it is intended, and also to some extent reflect the concept of the institution.

"The right cultural associations help to successfully compete with similar establishments of the same price level and menu category. For example, BURO ("Bureau") loses BURGER LAB ("Burger Lab") in identity. BURO is too abstract for street food, and BURGER LAB includes in the name a concept that is read without effort. As a result, BURO is saved by word of mouth and the location of the institution, but if they were on the same street, then BURGER LAB would select 50% of their audience," Konstantin Ishmukhamedov also notes.

However, the restaurateurs themselves do not always follow the rules, but rely on their own preferences and sympathies.

"We've got a lot going on with 'Mishka', there's a talking husky named Mishka on the internet, but it's actually just a backpack our co-founder had called 'Mishka' and we looked at how it was written and it seemed cool. It's emotional and a cozy word then described everything we wanted to do. As for the "Society of Clean Plates" - this is Bonch-Bruevich's story about Lenin, but we did not mean this, and few people read this Soviet association. We just liked the phrase, it it means not that the plates are washed well, but that everyone eats up,” says Alexander Berkovsky.

Creative for tax

It is interesting that St. Petersburg restaurateurs show ingenuity and do not even neglect the issue of the name of legal entities. Thus, the St. Petersburg Union bar officially bears the name Sredny Klass LLC, and the restaurants of the St. Petersburg network are listed as Stallone LLC and Schwarzenegger LLC according to the documents. Customers of the restaurant "Society of Clean Plates" and the bar "Mishka" receive checks with the inscriptions LLC "Kotiki" and LLC "Unicorns".

"The name of a legal entity is a thing that has nothing to do with marketing, except perhaps with "marketing" aimed at tax. It just shows our attitude to life, it seems to us that we are doing something fun and enjoyable. By the way, sometimes it doesn't matter they react to this, in the same tax, in the inspection bodies. At least they notice and a little bit, maybe it affects people, like the handwriting of a student who wrote an essay, "explains the appearance in the constituent documents of" Kotikov "and "Unicorns" Alexander Berkovsky.

When you say "Irish", what do you think of?

If you say "Lola", who do you see?

Which establishment has better coffee - "Bull Frog" or "Cow Cafe"?

Where is it better to cook - in "Quick and Easy" or in "Crazy"?

When opening a cafe or restaurant, choosing a unique, memorable name is an important part of the business planning process.

The name you give your cafe or restaurant can have an impact on its success. Every word has meaning, and words create stories that are backed up by visual stereotypes.

Let's look at the features of the naming of a catering establishment.

Simplename for a fast food cafe

How beautiful to name a cafe or restaurant: stages

  1. Study of the market and competitive environment. This is necessary to understand how competitors position themselves and what the owner needs to stand out in the market.
  2. Target audience analysis to determine what customers expect from you and what influences their choice.
  3. Positioning strategy development- this is a way to correctly present the features of the institution.
  4. Name generation. Using the previous three steps, you can narrow the search for the optimal name. Having studied all the nuances, experts will select the most beautiful names for a cafe or restaurant.
  5. Bestoptions tested in focus groups. With their help, they choose the optimal name for the institution.

Branding agency KOLORO will conduct market and target audience analysis. Also, the company's specialists will study the competitive environment in order to identify possible risks and minimize them.

How to name a cafe

  1. The name reflects the atmosphere. You should not call the cafe "Egg" if, apart from the omelette, eggs are not used anywhere.
  2. When using your own name, it is worth considering how this will affect SEO. For example, naming a cafe "Lamonosov" would cause the restaurant's website to not appear on the first page of Google search results (after correcting it to Lomonosov).
  3. The name of the establishment should be easy to remember. For example, "Swallow", "Sreda", "Bank" (restaurants in Moscow).

Popular cafe namewhich is easy to remember

  1. It is important to consider the cuisine that is offered to visitors. You should not call the restaurant "U Ashot" if the menu is only sushi.
  2. It is worth checking how the name sounds in conversation. The answer "I'm in Ikra" to the question "Where are you?" sounds better than "I'm in the Groove."
  3. The name must be unique. Using someone else's name will cause unpleasant consequences.

At the KOLORO branding agency for a cafe or restaurant, they will suggest the best one and create your establishment.

Original spelling of the restaurant name

What is the best name for a cafe: options

  1. Title generator. On the Internet, you can find dozens of name generator sites for establishments of any caliber. All you need to do is enter a name, the type of products you plan to sell, location, and the robot will pick up the name of a cafe or restaurant. Many restaurant name generators simply combine similar sounds or random words. This is the easiest, but not the most successful way of naming a cafeteria.
  2. Thinking about the name of the cafe, first imagine how it will look, for example, on a cup or clothes of a waiter. If the potential name does not fit or looks awkward, you should choose another one. For example, The Laughing Goat is a fun name for a coffee shop in the USA, which was chosen in this way.

Cafehe Laughing Goat("The Laughing Goat")

  1. Experiments with the word: add letters or remove, swap or connect two words. For example, celebrity chef Wolfgang Puck named his very first restaurant Spago. There is also a restaurant "RGO" ("Russian Geographical Society") - for those who like to travel.
  2. When naming a restaurant, you can use a significant date in your life or a favorite place. So it was with the Attika restaurant in Melbourne (Australia), which was recognized best restaurant countries in 2017.
  3. Brainstorm with creative people to get a list of original titles. Thus, the name of the coffee house Cofax appeared. This is an abbreviation of the phrase "coffee in Fairfax" (Los Angeles area, USA). The name came about during a discussion about the Dodgers (Los Angeles baseball team). The creators of the coffee house realized that if we combine the phrase "coffee at Fairfax", we get Cofax, which coincided with the theme.

Learn how naming docks work from KOLORO branding agency. To do this, just look at the . We know how to name a cafe so that it makes a profit.

creative cafe name

How to come up with a name for a cafe or restaurant: popular ways

When choosing a restaurant name, consider the impression it will leave on customers. Will it be unforgettable? Can they say the name or write it down?

  1. The cafeteria can be named after its location. This was done with The French Laundry (eng. "French Laundry" Napa Valley, California, USA). This is one of the most popular restaurants in the country. The restaurant building housed a French laundry during the 19th century. The building was once a brothel, but the owners of the restaurant refrained from using such names.
  2. The original name for a fast food cafe is the name of the main dish. Thus, customers will know that, for example, in Pelmennaya they will enjoy the taste of stuffed dough dishes (vareniki, dumplings, khinkali), and not Peking duck.

Family restaurant name

  1. A cafe or restaurant is the brainchild of the owner, so the name of the owner or people dear to him can be used in the name. The oldest catering establishment was opened in 1725 in Madrid. Then it was called Botin, and the Botin spouses owned it. While waiting for a decision on admission to the Royal Academy of Arts, the artist Francisco Goya worked as a dishwasher in the tavern. In the XIX century, the nephew of the last owners became the owner of the restaurant, so the name was changed to Sobrino de Botin. Under this name, it is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The restaurant has become one of the most visited places in Madrid.
  2. Using numbers in the title is another option to distinguish yourself in the market. For example, the restaurant of Caucasian cuisine "5642 height". This figure is the height of the highest point in Europe, Elbrus.
  3. The name depends on the format of the institution. For the name of the anti-cafe, words related to time are suitable, for example, “Dial”, Local Time. In the name of a children's cafe, you should use the names of fairy-tale characters, sweets, images from the world of children's fantasies: Orange Cow, Totya Motya.
  4. Contact the specialists of the KOLORO branding agency. We have created a corporate identity and a unique name for the restaurant.

To make a restaurant profitable, everything must be taken into account: from the interior to the menu design. The name plays an important role in the process of creating a business. It should attract the attention of guests, cause a desire to visit the institution.

How to create an attractive name? How to come up with a restaurant name in accordance with the cuisine and concept? Read about naming rules right now!

How to come up with a restaurant name: basic requirements

To develop a name, you can contact marketers. Professional help will be expensive, but you will get ready-made options that will fit your basic needs.

To independently develop the concept of the institution, come up with the name of the restaurant and the menu, use these tips:

  • Use simple words that are easy to remember, spell and pronounce.
  • Analyze what associative series, which calls the title. Unpleasant associations will cause rejection of potential visitors. The complete absence of associations will not bring profit.
  • Try to convey through the title the main idea, concept of a restaurant. You can rely on the style of the interior, the nationality of the cuisine, the location of the establishment.
  • Remember about harmony. A pleasant-sounding name is easy to remember and evokes positive emotions.
  • Be original. Check your chosen names for uniqueness.

How beautiful to name a restaurant and where to get inspiration

How can you name a restaurant based on the menu or cuisine? Can't think of it? Look for examples of the best restaurateurs in the world. This will help you expand your horizons and come up with an interesting idea.

How to name a restaurant of European cuisine: what to look for

European cuisine is a rather broad concept. As a rule, continental breakfasts are presented on the menu, italian pizzas and pasta, German strudel, and french desserts. Therefore, bet on the features of the kitchen will not work. You need to determine how your institution differs from competitors.

Most modern restaurateurs prefer to call the restaurant in English. This will help expand your target audience. For example, Grand Family, "Real food restaurant".

How to name an Italian restaurant: examples from the homeland of pizza

To come up with the name of an Italian-style restaurant, first decide on the format of the establishment. Exist different types Italian restaurants: hostaria, osteria, taverna, trattoria, enoteca.

If you don't know what to name a restaurant Italian cuisine try to combine the designation of the type of institution with the name of the city, Italian surname, literary character. For example, a premium-class restaurant stylized as a country house can be called Taverna Rivoli(Rivoli is a small Italian city in the province of Turin).

One of the famous places in Italy Osteria francescana. Osteria - wine restaurant with snacks, francescana translates as "Franciscan". Similar example - "Enoteca Pinchiorri".

How to name a French restaurant with Parisian elegance

In France, they do not face the problem of the name. Often enough to combine the word "restaurant" with the name of the owner. It would be impossible to name a French restaurant in Moscow according to this principle. Another option is to use the name of the restaurateur in the French manner. For example, "Restaurant d'Helene".

When choosing the name of an institution, consider its positioning. Option for a family establishment with a menu for children "Le petite prince". place with a wide range of drinks "Aquarius"(translated as “aquarius”), If you are positioning a restaurant with a wide range of wines, a suitable name is "Château du vin".

How to name a restaurant of Russian cuisine and attract attention

In order to attractively name a restaurant with national Russian cuisine, it is necessary to emphasize its belonging to Russian culture. Try to strengthen positive associations, because most of the visitors to national restaurants in Moscow are tourists.

Appropriate titles - "Russian Sun", "Dr. Zhivago". Often the names of great Russian writers and poets are used in the names of restaurants - Pushkin, Chekhov.

To stand out from competitors and interest visitors, use Russian words that have no analogues in the West. For example, "Vatrushka", "Hut".

How to name a Russian restaurant and interest tourists? Write the name in transliteration - "Zabava", "Ded Mazay".


Attract visitors by reflecting the assortment of the menu in the title. Don't know what to call a meat restaurant? The answer lies on the surface "Meat&Vine", "Hunter's Prey", "Much Meat".

Experiment with names. Try to convey the features of the cuisine, the atmosphere, the style, the emotions that you want to see in the guests. Write down all the options, make associative chains, cut off everything banal and too complicated.