How condensed milk is cooked in a jar. How to choose the main ingredient

If you are faced with a problem and cannot find tasty boiled condensed milk with a good composition, then do not rush to get upset, because there is a way out. I will share with you several recipes for making boiled condensed milk.

Let it take a couple of hours of your time, but you will get a very tasty product. And to make your favorite delicacy really tasty, I will tell you a few rules that guide me when choosing condensed milk in a jar.

How to cook condensed milk in a jar in a saucepan

Kitchen utensils and appliances: spoon, can opener, saucepan.


How to choose the main ingredient

When choosing condensed milk, follow a few rules:

  • For the preparation of boiled condensed milk, use milk only in tin containers. Carefully inspect it, it should not have dents and rust.
  • Be sure to check the expiration date.
  • The composition of condensed milk should be as short as possible - milk and sugar. Also, the quality of the product can be checked at home. Drop a drop of iodine on milk, if a blue color appears, then the product is not of very high quality.

Step-by-step instruction

Video recipe: how much and how to cook condensed milk in a jar

Watch this video and find out how long it takes to cook condensed milk in a jar until brown.

How to cook condensed milk in the microwave

Cooking time: 10 minutes.
Output of the finished dish: 4-5 servings.
Kitchen utensils and appliances: spoon, can opener, microwave, glass bowl.


Step-by-step instruction

Video recipe: how to cook condensed milk in the microwave

From this short video you will learn how long to cook condensed milk in the microwave.

How to cook condensed milk at home

Cooking time: 2.5 hours.
Output of the finished dish: 1 liter.
Kitchenware: large bowl or saucepan, spoon.


Cooking condensed milk

Video recipe: how to cook condensed milk at home

From this video recipe you will learn how to cook condensed milk at home.

Shops and markets are full of all kinds of goods. But it is very difficult to find a really high-quality and safe product. But in the era of the Internet, you can always find a way out and use proven recipes. Try to cook. They make a great addition to any dessert.

Are your kids refusing to eat cottage cheese? Then get ready. So you will be sure that the composition does not contain vegetable fats and other harmful components.

If you love fermented milk products, then there is a recipe for you. And if you are a real turophile, then you can not help but take advantage.

I hope my recipes help you prepare your favorite treat.. And don't forget to leave your feedback in the comments and be sure to tell us if everything worked out for you.

Hearty, delicious, just melts in your mouth! It contains all the childhood dreams! But not only kids are in love with this product, we all easily turn into Winnie the Pooh when it comes to ... condensed milk. It is smeared with cakes for your favorite waffle cake, which more than once saves any hostess when guests are on the doorstep or when you want to pamper your family.

This product goes into creams or as a filling for cakes and dried fruits, for homemade sweets. Condensed milk is such a popular product in the manufacture of desserts that it is worth paying attention to it. Or rather, we will talk about how to cook condensed milk in a jar at home. Let's remove the spell of fear from some housewives before cooking condensed milk. For the purity of the experiment, everything I say is right there, before your eyes, and I will do it.

The main thing is not to explode =)

For convenience, I will divide the whole process into 3 stages:

  • Preparation for cooking condensed milk;
  • The process itself;
  • summary and important conclusions.

So, everything is in order. All we need is a can of condensed milk, a plastic bag, a saucepan and water. You can start!

Getting ready to cook condensed milk

There is a traditional sticker on the bank, we don’t need it. Yes, and she herself will peel off and it will not be very pleasant to watch how she colors the water and what she turns into. We remove it and wash the jar or wipe it with a damp cloth from dust.

Here's a secret I got from my mom. She complained more than once that the glue on which the sticker was attached cannot be washed off with any water, but during the cooking process it melts and settles on the walls of the pan. What to do? Everything is simple! We put a clean plastic bag on the jar, and the pan is protected!

And here, girls, attention! It is worth taking a large, and preferably a deep saucepan. The main rule for cooking condensed milk is that water should ALWAYS cover the jar. And therefore, in order to calmly do other things all this time, and not stand over the pan and constantly add water to it, you need a capacious container.

And one more thing, why do it right. If you constantly add cold water and lower the temperature in the pan, this will affect the quality of the finished product. Let's protect ourselves from surprises. Of course, if we see that there is critically little water in the saucepan, and cook for a long time, then it is better to add it without hesitation. But then it is better to pour water that is about to boil.
So, we put the jar vertically. I poured water 5 cm above the can of condensed milk. This allowed me not to add water for all 3.5 hours of cooking.

Cooking process

We put a saucepan with a jar of condensed milk on fire. We make the fire bigger and wait for the water to boil. All this time the pan is covered with a lid. This creates the necessary conditions for the preparation of the product.
The water boiled. Without putting the pan off the heat and without removing the lid from it, just turn down the heat. We make it very small. The process of languishing the product has begun.
From this moment on, the cooking time of condensed milk is measured.
So, my jar, weighing 380g and with a milk fat content of 8.5%, was cooked for 3.5 hours. This is the perfect time to prepare it.

Advice! Condensed milk is cooked for a long time, you can easily forget about it. Just get carried away with cleaning, and miss the time when it will be the consistency we need. We get out of the situation with the help of an alarm clock or a timer on the phone.

Time has passed, condensed milk is ready, you can safely turn off the fire. But do not rush to take the jar out of hot water. Let's let them cool down together. So milk still "reaches". And after 1.5-2 hours, you can safely remove and release the jar from the plastic bag. Boiled condensed milk is ready!

What is useful to know for those who want to learn how to cook condensed milk

It's time to take stock. Secrets, subtleties, nuances, alternatives!

Choose a quality condensed milk

Not every condensed milk is recommended to be cooked, some will not work at all. If it contains ingredients such as milk powder, flavors, vegetable fats, etc., then it’s not a fact that you can cook condensed milk, it simply won’t thicken. Only experimentally can such milk be tested for suitability for the preparation of a boiled product.

Density is determined by the composition, fat content, volume of the jar and cooking time

After I cooked a few cans of condensed milk, I accidentally made a discovery for myself! The density of the resulting product depends directly on several factors: the composition, fat content of condensed milk, the volume of the jar, the intensity of boiling and the cooking time. So, the longer the milk is boiled, the thicker it turns out (of course, we are not talking about 5-6 hours, because too long cooking can also in rare cases lead to an undesirable explosion, but to check if we are included in this number, oh, if you don't want to).

Condensed milk in a jar should be completely covered with water

Let me remind you again! It is important! Water must be filled in advance a few centimeters above the can of condensed milk. Otherwise, if it boils away, this is a direct path to the Great Bang in your apartment, but I’m afraid that you won’t be able to create a new way of originating life, but it will help you get to know the emergency doctor and the emergency room attendant. I don't think that's our goal right now. So let's be careful!

Cook on slow fire

Do not think that the process of simmering condensed milk on a small fire can be replaced by quick cooking if the fire is made larger. Better not get down to business if you do not have these 3-4 hours. Or put away from the fire if there are urgent matters. Yes, this time the desired result will not work, but there will be no explosion either.

Interestingly, many are afraid to buy condensed milk for cooking in jars that open behind the ring. But I can safely recommend them for use. In any case, they behaved the same with me, like those that are completely soldered.

Cool the jar of condensed milk slowly

Cooling condensed milk, do not rush. Do not immediately open the jar; and don't recommend adding cold water to cool it down. I definitely understood that cooling is part of the cooking process, and should be done gradually.

You can cook in different ways, but with caution

You can cook condensed milk not only in water on the stove. There are more original and fresh recipes. For example, in the microwave, oven or pressure cooker and slow cooker. And recently I heard about a new recipe: in a frying pan! But I haven't tried any of them yet, but it's interesting!
Girls! I will always be glad to hear your opinion, advice and recommendations on how to cook condensed milk in a jar at home. Your experience is interesting, and what secrets you have. Share them! But not only your positive experience is interesting, but also the stories that are lethal for condensed milk. Let's work on the mistakes together to reveal the golden recipe for cooking condensed milk.

Here, for example, is my contribution: the fat content of condensed milk should not be lower than 8-8.5%, a minimum of "otherworldly" ingredients, ideally: milk and sugar. And those who make condensed milk themselves, how do you achieve the desired result in its brewing? As you can see, there are still a lot of questions. Hopefully, with your help, we'll find out all these points soon! In the meantime, look at the consequences of the sweet explosion (photo from the Internet):

In contact with

There is nothing easier than boiling condensed milk in a jar, and almost everyone knows about this method. But if the delicacy is purchased in draft form or in any other container that is not suitable for prolonged contact with boiling water, this is not a reason to be upset. You can get this boiled condensed milk without a tin shell.

Recipe for condensed milk in a saucepan

This will require an aluminum pan, into which condensed milk is poured from the existing container. The pan is put on fire and the milk is brought to a boil with constant stirring. To do this, you can use both a wooden spatula and a regular spoon. When the condensed milk boils, it is necessary to reduce the heat and cook it until the density matches the desired one. If you do not mix the condensed milk, it can not only burn, but simply form a not very pleasant hard crust on the walls.

Stainless steel utensils are also suitable for cooking, but you should absolutely not use an enameled pan. In it, condensed milk will begin to burn simultaneously with boiling

How to cook condensed milk without a can in other ways

To cook condensed milk in the microwave, you will need two containers. Larger size - for water, smaller - directly for condensed milk. In the future, the principle of a water bath works: condensed milk is boiled by heating the water surrounding the container. The level must be organized so that the milk in the container is a couple of centimeters higher than the water in a larger container. If there is too much liquid in it, then it will simply be poured into a jar of condensed milk when boiling. The duration of cooking here largely depends on the power of the microwave and the amount of condensed milk.

The utensils for this process are those that are suitable for the microwave. These can be glass containers or ceramic.

What else should be considered when cooking

So that the dishes do not rumble when cooking on the stove, it is worth putting any piece of cloth between the bottom of the water bath and the rest of the container. - Do not set too long a time for cooking condensed milk in the microwave. If you continuously control the process, then with a standard weight of 400 g, it thickens in half an hour. - Determining the readiness of condensed milk prepared at home is quite simple. It should change color from white to pale brown, and the consistency changes from light to fairly viscous. Well-cooked condensed milk can be spread with a knife on bread, and not only used for whipping cream, so the degree of cookedness is a purely individual thing. - You can achieve chocolate color and density only when using natural milk. If milk, created on the basis of plant substances, was taken, then you should not count on a positive result.

Any food cooked at home is always tastier than store bought, be it desserts or other dishes. Do-it-yourself condensed milk will also give odds to any similar product from the supermarket. Today we will tell you how to cook condensed milk without a jar at home. In the first recipe, we will make condensed milk boiled from scratch in a regular saucepan, and in the second version, a recipe for boiled condensed milk will be provided.

When choosing condensed milk in a store, you can spend a lot of time studying the composition of the contents of cans, comparing ingredients and manufacturers. After all, I want to buy a natural product. But even among the abundance of these products, it is quite problematic to find a really high-quality product. Therefore, we suggest you cook condensed milk yourself from milk and sugar.


  • A liter of full-fat milk (preferably homemade)
  • Sugar - 1kg


Slightly warmed milk pour into a saucepan, add sugar and stir with a whisk until completely dissolved. Now we set the liquid to boil on a slow gas, not forgetting to constantly stir with a whisk. Cooking can take a little more than an hour, a maximum of one and a half. Cook until viscous.
You can make condensed milk in a water bath.

Take one large pot and one smaller one. In the first we pour water, in the second we place the ingredients for our delicacy. When the water boils, put the pan with the milk mixture on top and cook until thickened. This method is convenient because you do not need to stand at the stove all the time, but only occasionally stir the contents of the pan.

If you bought condensed milk not in an iron jar, but by weight and want to make “boiled milk” out of it, but do not know how, then we will tell you how to cook condensed milk without a jar.

  1. Pour condensed milk into an aluminum cup (not enameled, otherwise it will burn).
  2. We put on medium gas and cook, stirring with a wooden spatula.
  3. When the contents begin to thicken intensively, reduce the heat to a minimum. Now you have to keep stirring.

Cooking time depends on what color and taste you want to get the product. The longer you cook - the condensed milk becomes darker and thicker.

If there is a microwave, you can make a "varenka" in it. Pour the condensed milk into a cup and put it in the oven for 20 minutes, set the power to medium. Remove the cup every two minutes and stir the contents. If necessary, you can cook a little longer.

As you can see, cooking condensed milk without a can is very simple. We hope that our tips will be useful to you! Enjoy your meal!

Condensed milk in the oven

You can cook condensed milk without a jar in the oven or directly on the stove. To do this, condensed milk must be poured into a glass container, and the container is placed on a heat-resistant glass baking sheet. You need to add water to it, the water level should reach the edges of the jar.