Rye bread recipe. Rye bread with pumpkin puree

Experienced housewives claim to cook rye homebaked bread in the oven is no more difficult than baking regular pie. But the taste of such a loaf will be special, completely different from the store counterpart. In this article, you will learn how to cook rye in the oven and learn some tricks to make this process simple and enjoyable.

in the oven

Nutritionists say that this type of bread is much healthier than yeast bread. This simple recipe will help you make your own tea leaves, and then bake a delicious loaf. Read how to bake rye bread at home in the oven:

  • For brewing, mix two spoons rye malt, 30 grams rye flour, 130 ml of boiling water. Mix all the ingredients, wrap the dishes with them in a towel and leave to cool.
  • To prepare the dough, you will need to sift 200 grams of rye flour and 150 grams of wheat. After that, add a teaspoon of salt, 30 grams of molasses and 170 ml of water. Here you also need to put active tea leaves and knead the dough.
  • Leave the base for the future loaf to roam in a warm place for about four hours.
  • Shape the dough into a loaf and place in a greased baking dish. Leave the workpiece for one more hour.
  • Preheat the oven and send the dough into it for one hour.

When the bread is ready, turn off the oven and let it lie inside for a while. After that, the loaf can be cut and served.

in the oven

To make homemade bread fragrant, culinary specialists include in its composition various additives. This time we suggest you add flax seeds to the dough. How to bake rye bread in the oven? Read the instructions carefully and act with us:

  • In a suitable container, mix 250 grams of wheat and 600 grams of rye flour, and add flax seeds (150 grams) to them.
  • Mix 40 grams of yeast with water (eight tablespoons are enough) and sugar (one teaspoon). Cover the dough with a cloth and put in a warm place. When it starts bubbling, add a tablespoon of salt to it.
  • Mix flour, 500 ml of water and sourdough, kneading a plastic dough. Leave the product to rise for about 40 minutes in a warm place.
  • Place the blank in a baking dish, make an incision in its center sharp knife, sprinkle with water and sprinkle with flour. Cook the bread in a preheated oven for about an hour.

If you want your loaf to be lush, then do not open the oven for the first 40 minutes so as not to release the heat. To make the bread even more attractive, you can sprinkle it with flax, cumin or sesame seeds.

Rye bread at home in the oven

If you prefer to eat natural products then take a look at this recipe. We will tell you how to make simple bread without flavorings and fillers. Ready product it turns out soft, fragrant and with Baking rye bread in the oven is very simple:

  • In a small bowl, combine one and a half tablespoons of sugar, one tablespoon of dry yeast and one and a half cups of warm water. Mix the ingredients and leave the dough to ferment for 20 or 30 minutes in a warm place.
  • In a separate bowl, sift through a sieve one and a half glasses of rye and one and a half glasses of wheat flour. Add a teaspoon of salt to the dry mixture and stir.
  • When the dough is foamy, pour it into the flour, add two tablespoons of vegetable oil and knead the dough. Send the workpiece to a warm place for three hours so that it increases sufficiently in volume.
  • When enough time has passed, the dough should be punched down and placed in a baking dish greased with vegetable oil.
  • Cover the future bread with a towel and leave it to stand for another 20 minutes. After that, place it in a preheated oven and bake until done.

After the oven is turned off, the bread should stand in it for another 15 minutes.

Rye bread with leavened wort

This simple recipe will help you make fragrant rye bread at home in the oven:

  • AT suitable dishes sift 300 grams of rye and 200 grams of wheat flour. Add to them two tablespoons of dry yeast, one and a half teaspoons of salt, 300 grams of water, one tablespoon of honey, kvass wort and vegetable oil.
  • Knead homogeneous dough a food processor or mixer with dough attachments will help you. It will take a long time to mix the ingredients - at least ten minutes.
  • As a result, you will get a fairly sticky dough, which should be divided into two parts and molded into two loaves. Put the future bread on a baking sheet, sprinkle it with flour and leave to rise.
  • When the dough has increased in volume, turn on the oven and bake the bread for half an hour.

Do not cut the loaves hot, as they will be quite sticky. Let them cool on a wire rack and then serve.

Rye bread

Homemade bread is a great addition to lunch or dinner. How to cook rye bread at home in the oven:

  • Mix a tablespoon of kvass wort with a glass of water.
  • Place 250 grams of wheat and rye flour into the combine, as well as salt, sugar and yeast - one and a half teaspoons each. Add two tablespoons of ground rye bran, a spoonful of vegetable oil and diluted wort. Add some water if necessary.
  • Knead the dough for at least 10 minutes, and then divide it into eight equal parts.
  • Form rectangles one centimeter thick from the blanks, put on a baking sheet, sprinkle with bran and leave in a cold oven for an hour and a half.
  • When the dough has risen, bake it for 25 minutes.

multigrain bread

Baking rye bread at home in the oven is not difficult at all. Read the recipe for its preparation and act with us:

  • Knead the dough from 200 grams of wheat, 80 grams of whole grain and 120 grams of rye flour. Add rye bran (10 grams) to the mixture, cereals(30 grams), peeled seeds (30 grams), two tablespoons of rye molasses (can be replaced with wort or malt), two teaspoons of yeast, a tablespoon of oil and a teaspoon of honey. Don't forget to put two tablespoons of salt and 300 ml of water.
  • Divide the finished product into six parts, each of which should be rolled into a rectangular cake, and then rolled up.
  • Put the finished loaves on a baking sheet in the oven and leave for an hour without heating. Then bake the bread for 30 minutes.

Unleavened bread

Read the recipe for another healthy homemade bread:

  • Mix in a bowl of 400 grams of wheat and rye flour, 70 grams of ground bran, 100 grams of powdered milk, two teaspoons of salt, a teaspoon of soda, seven teaspoons of sugar, a little citric acid. For flavor, add coriander, star anise, and cinnamon to taste. Pour 600 ml of kefir into the dry mixture and knead the dough.
  • Place the workpiece in a greased form and place in a warm place for several hours or overnight.
  • Bake the bread until done in a preheated oven.

Before serving the loaf to the table, let it cool on the oven grate. After that, cut the bread and put it on a dish.


Baking rye bread in the oven can be your favorite pastime. So read our recommendations and experiment with recipes. We are sure that your loved ones will enjoy the pastries prepared at home, and they will no longer think about the bread bought in the nearest store.

As you know, bread is the head of everything. And if earlier store-bought bread was fragrant, healthy and tasty, today it is not at all like that. And that is why many refuse it and choose homemade bread. And rye is especially useful. But how to cook it?


Rye bread contains useful substances: dietary fiber, essential amino acids, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iodine, iron, calcium, vitamins of group B, PP, A, E and so on. And all this makes such a product very, very useful.

Useful properties of rye bread:

  • Thanks to high content rough dietary fiber bread stimulates intestinal peristalsis, thereby normalizing digestion, and also removes toxins from the body.
  • Potassium is good for of cardio-vascular system because it strengthens the heart muscle.
  • Magnesium, which is also included in the composition, is necessary for normal operation nervous system and muscles. In addition, he takes part in many metabolic processes.
  • The zinc contained in rye bread has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, which helps fight infections.
  • B vitamins are necessary for the normalization of metabolism, as well as for the regeneration and preservation of the integrity of cells and tissues.
  • Vitamin E, which is also present in the composition, is responsible for the normal condition of the skin, nails and mucous membranes. That is why rye bread is especially useful for women.
  • Such a product is useful for diabetics, because it does not increase blood glucose levels. The fact is that bread contains complex carbohydrates, which are released gradually and are spent on energy production.
  • Since iron is included in the composition, the product is recommended to be used for the prevention and treatment of anemia.
  • The composition of rye bread includes substances that neutralize the activity of free radicals and protect against the development of cancer.
  • This product is also useful for weight loss, because its calorie content is only 170-200 calories per 100 grams, and this is very little compared, for example, with white bread or even a loaf.

Can everyone eat it?

Rye bread contraindicated in duodenal ulcer or stomach ulcer, gastritis with hyperacidity, as well as some other diseases of the digestive tract. The fact is that this product can increase the acidity of gastric juice and cause fermentation, which will provoke increased gas formation.

How to cook?

How to cook delicious and fragrant rye bread at home? There are several important points that will allow you to make truly appetizing and healthy bread.


The main ingredient in rye bread is, of course, rye flour. It is coarser and darker than wheat, which is more familiar to many, and that is why the bread turns out dark and not as fluffy as white.

Traditionally, rye bread is prepared not with the addition of yeast, but with a special leaven that replaces the yeast and allows the dough not to dry out during baking, to rise and become porous. Sourdough is made from the same rye flour and water or whey.

As for the rest of the ingredients, everything will depend on the recipe you choose.

Cooking features

It is most convenient to bake rye bread in a bread machine. Such a device will simplify and speed up the baking process as much as possible and will do part of the work for you. But if you don’t have a bread machine, then you can cook bread in the oven, this will not affect its quality and taste.


We offer recipes for rye bread.

Sourdough bread

To make rye bread without yeast, prepare the following ingredients:

For sourdough:

  • 400 ml of serum or plain water;
  • 400 grams of rye flour.

For test:

  • 400 ml of water;
  • 700-800 grams of flour;
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 1 tablespoon of cumin;
  • 1 tablespoon sesame;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. First prepare the starter. To do this, heat 100 ml of whey (or water) to about 38-40 degrees, mix with 100 grams of flour and put it in a dark place. After a day, add another 100 grams of flour and 100 ml of water. Repeat the process until all components are gone. When the starter begins to bubble, you can use it.
  2. Mix the starter with water (warm it up a little).
  3. Gradually add flour. Its quantity may vary, but the dough should be quite dense.
  4. Add sugar, salt, cumin and sesame seeds to the dough.
  5. Form a loaf, put it on a baking sheet (grease the bottom with vegetable oil).
  6. Bake bread in the oven at 170 degrees for about an hour until cooked (a crust will appear).
  7. Ready!

yeast bread

How to bake bread with yeast?

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 500 grams of rye flour;
  • 350 ml of boiled water;
  • 1 full teaspoon dry quick yeast;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 50 grams of flax seeds;
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil.


  1. Sift the flour to make the bread fluffier.
  2. Add sugar, flaxseeds, yeast and salt, mix everything.
  3. Gradually add warm water and knead the dough. It should turn out quite steep and dense in consistency.
  4. Remove the dough in a warm place. When it has doubled in size, add vegetable oil, mix everything, then put the dough back into the heat.
  5. Lubricate the bottom of the baking dish with butter, place the dough in it.
  6. Bake bread for about an hour in an oven preheated to 170-180 degrees.
  7. Ready!

Bread with malt

For cooking you need:

  • 500 grams of rye flour;
  • 400 ml of water;
  • 2 teaspoons dry yeast;
  • 40 grams of malt;
  • 3 tablespoons of honey;
  • ½ teaspoon coriander.


  1. Malt pour 80 ml of boiling water, leave to cool.
  2. Mix flour, yeast and spices. Gradually pour in the remaining water, heating it.
  3. Add honey and warm malt, knead the dough.
  4. Put the dough in a greased mold, bake for an hour at 180 degrees.

Some useful tips:

  1. Since rye flour contains special resinous substances, the bread is denser and practically does not rise. If you want to slightly "raise" the dough and make it more magnificent, then add wheat flour. You can also use corn, buckwheat or any other flour. But still, the amount of rye should be the largest.
  2. To make bread fragrant, spicy and even more useful, spices, seasonings and various natural supplements, such as flax seeds, cumin, cardamom, sesame and so on. But it's still not worth overdoing it.
  3. Bread can be stored room temperature, since it does not deteriorate, is not afraid of mold and practically does not get stale. But still, the shelf life should not exceed 3-4 days.
  4. Each housewife has her own signature recipe, obtained by trial and error. So do not be afraid to experiment: change the proportions of ingredients, add spices and seasonings, look for the best combinations.

Be sure to cook fragrant rye bread according to one of the proposed recipes!

Rye bread appeared in Russia in the 17th century; before that, only wheat bread was mainly baked. But since then, black bread has been one of the favorites on the table. After all, it is both healthy (contains fewer calories) and tasty. And baking it is not as difficult as it seems.

homemade brown bread recipe

You can bake bread both in a bread machine and in conventional oven. Only the technologies for preparing the dough will differ. In the first case, the hostess just needs to put food in the oven and get already finished product. In the second - you have to knead the dough yourself.

To make regular rye bread, you don't need as many ingredients as you might think. The list includes: - 200 ml of milk; - 1 tbsp. vegetable oil; - 90 g of wheat flour; - 180 g of rye flour; - 1/2 tsp. salt; - 1/2 tsp. sugar; - 1.5 tsp dry yeast; - 1/2 tbsp. baking powder. The indicated dosage of products is enough for baking one half-kilogram loaf of black bread.

Making bread is not difficult. If you are going to do everything in the oven, then just load the products in the order indicated in the list. If you are planning self-cooking test, follow the instructions below. To begin with, slightly warm the milk and dilute the yeast in it, let the dough brew. At this time, start kneading the dough. Combine all products in turn and mix thoroughly. Do not forget to add milk with yeast here. Your main task is to get soft elastic dough without any lumps. After kneading, let the dough rest in a warm place. Cover with a towel and place closer to the battery. Beat a couple of times and then you can start baking. Put the dough in a mold, let it rise a little and put it in an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees. Leave for 40 minutes - an hour.

You can check the readiness of baking by simply piercing it with a long toothpick. If, after pulling it out of the bread, crumbs remain on it, then the baking is not ready yet.

To give a special taste to rye bread, you can sprinkle the dough (even before you send it to the oven) with cumin. The taste of the product will be very interesting.

The recipe for traditional "Darnitsky" bread is as follows. To prepare you will need: - 1 tbsp. rye flour; - 2.5 tbsp. wheat flour; - 2 tsp dry yeast; - 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar; - 1.25 tbsp. water; - 1 tsp salt; - 1.5 tbsp. powdered milk or cream; - 1 tsp. cocoa - 1 tsp instant coffee; - 1 tbsp. honey; - 2 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Sift flour beforehand. This is necessary so that she breathes, and the dough turns out to be more magnificent, while the bread is more spongy. Then lay out the ingredients for making bread in a specific order. To start, flour, salt, milk powder, honey, cocoa and coffee. Then make a deepening in this mixture and add dry yeast, vegetable oil, water, vinegar into it. Mix everything very well and let the dough stand. Then place it in a mold and put it in the oven. After cooking, let the pastry cool and you can eat bread.

Borodinsky is also among the black breads. To prepare it, you will need sourdough (even if you make this bread in a bread machine). For a 750 g loaf you will need: for sourdough: - 3 tbsp. malt; - 1.5 tsp ground coriander; - 75 g of rye flour; - 250 ml of hot water. for the test: - sourdough; - 135 ml of water; - a quarter tablespoon of vegetable oil; - 0.5 tsp. salt; - 2 tbsp. sugar; - 1 tbsp. honey; - 325 g of rye flour; - 75 g of wheat flour of the second grade; - 1 tbsp. gluten; - 1.5 tbsp. dry sourdough; - 1 tsp dry yeast; - coriander for sprinkling.

You can buy specific products such as gluten, malt and dry sourdough in specialized bakery shops. Alternatively, you can order these products online.

First, make a starter. Sift rye flour into a bowl, add malt and ground coriander to it, pour boiling water over it and mix everything thoroughly. Then leave to brew for 2 hours. It is better if at this time you place the sourdough in a place where heat is well preserved - a thermos or a preheated oven.

Take care of the dough: stir the honey in water, then put the cooled sourdough on it and add all the other ingredients. Knead a soft and elastic dough. After kneading, flatten the dough with wet hands and sprinkle with coriander seeds. Leave everything to ferment for 3 hours. At the end of this time, put the bread in the oven to bake until cooked. Homemade variations of "Borodinsky" bread are no less tasty than store-bought ones.

What to consider when making brown bread yourself

If you knead the dough with warm water, you can use the accelerated baking mode (relevant for making bread in the oven).

Remember that black bread additives can be anything. If you don’t really like just rye bread, you can put cheese, fried onions, garlic, herbs and even sausage while kneading. The only thing to consider: such bread is stored for only 2 days and only in the refrigerator.

If you are going to use pressed rather than dry yeast, dilute it in warm water and leave to wander for 20 minutes in a warm place. This will be the main condition for delicious baking.

Do not hide the cooked bread immediately in the bag. Let him breathe. Otherwise, it will get wet and spoil. When properly stored, homemade bread will keep for about 4 days.

Ecology of consumption. Food and recipes: Bread made from rye flour without yeast is diabetic and curative at the same time...

Fashion on home bakery grows in last years. This is facilitated by the appearance of gadgets that help this, namely bread machines and the ever-increasing interest of people in their health and a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, today, more than ever, the question is relevant - how to bake rye bread without yeast?

Since ancient times in Russia - for many centuries the main food - lean bread made from wholemeal wheat. And this is not accidental, it is in such flour that all vitamins and grain shells are preserved to a greater extent.

Bread made from rye flour without yeast is diabetic and curative at the same time. Its use improves intestinal motility, and people who eat black (rye) bread are less likely to expose the body to the development of obesity, diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

It is very important to note that black bread helps the body to remove carcinogens and many other harmful substances, while White bread it can't. Doctors recommend that without harm to the body, consume up to 150 grams of rye bread per day - this is about 3-4 pieces.

Those who like to follow the calories they eat will also be pleasantly surprised by the numbers - 100 grams of black bread correspond to only 117 kcal.

If in your house the yeast leaves at least bread, then the whole family will definitely become healthier. Heartburn will go away, blood will improve, and therefore it is worth spending time on cooking healthy rye bread without yeast at home.

Back to the roots

The first recipe for making dough without yeast


  • Water - 800 ml;
  • Flour - 300 grams (whole grain);
  • Flour - 700 grams (rye);
  • Salt - an incomplete dessert spoon.


  • Pour water(room temperature - neither cold nor hot) into a container and pour salt, mix.
  • We take different seeds- for example, sesame, linseed, sunflower. The seeds are pre-fried a little in a pan. We pour them into our container.
  • Add 2 heaping tablespoons of homemade sourdough and mix everything again. Home sourdough thick, but you need to stir well and you can help dissolve with your hands.
  • Take whole grain flour(this is sold in stores) in its composition, bran, and the middle of the grain, and the surface are preserved. The flour must be at room temperature.
  • Sift flour into a bowl(it will be saturated with oxygen during the sifting process) and all unnecessary particles will be eliminated.
  • Add flour in small portions and mix at first everything will be liquid, and gradually thicker and thicker.
  • The dough is not quite ready at this stage. but it must be left for 20 minutes, covered with a towel, all components must be connected.
  • 20 minutes have passed, we take the dough, it has not visually changed- but in fact there was a combination of flour, salt, water, sourdough and seeds into one whole - into our future yeast-free rye bread.
  • The dough turned out thick, heavy, rested. We take it out with a wooden spoon or a silicone spatula on the board. Flour is poured on the board - about 100-120 grams.
  • We knead the dough with our hands attracting flour into it and removing excess air voids. The warmth of human hands for 2-3 minutes makes a miracle - the dough is homogeneous, thick, elastic and does not stick to the hands.
  • The dough is shaped like a ball and placed in a container for another 8-10 hours. The dough is worth this time, covered with a towel (folded 2-3 times, that is, the fabric is large), in a warm place in the room.
  • In the past hours the dough has risen and it's time to lay it out in baking dishes.
  • Shapes may vary- round, rectangular, square, large and small. The form before baking is greased with vegetable oil and lightly sprinkled with flour.
  • Baking bread in the oven about 60 minutes at 180°C. The oven is preheated.
  • Taking the bread out of the oven cool and only then remove from the molds.
  • Put in the designated place and cover with a wet (wrung out from the water) towel for a short time.

The second recipe for making dough without yeast


  • Flour - 650-700 grams peeled;
  • Honey - 2 tablespoons (replacement - sugar);
  • Vegetable oil- 1-2 tablespoons;
  • Water - 400 ml;
  • Sourdough - 6-8 tablespoons;
  • Salt - 2 teaspoons;
  • Additives - various (raisins, dried apricots, seeds).


  • The dough is kneaded of all components, all liquid ingredients and additives are first combined.
  • Next add the flour portions, sifting and mixing.
  • Ready dough laid out in forms he is allowed to stand (rise, come up) for two hours in a warm place, the forms are covered with a towel.
  • After 2 hours the dough has risen molded and ready to bake.
  • So that the dough has a beautiful crispy crust it must be well moistened from above - this can be done with a silicone brush or a spray bottle.
  • Under the bread in the oven water container is placed.
  • Bake in a preheated oven 20 minutes with an oven temperature of 200°C, open the door and moisten the surface of the dough again with water.
  • Now lower the temperature to 180 ° C and bake for another 40 minutes.
  • Ready black (rye) bread cool under a damp cloth and remove from the mold.

The third recipe for dough without yeast on mineral sparkling water without sourdough


  • 2 cups - mineral sparkling water (not cold);
  • 3-3.5 cups - whole grain rye flour;
  • ½ teaspoon - salt.


  • Mix flour with salt.
  • Gradually add sparkling water and mix well. Mix briefly.
  • The dough turned out elastic, not sticky to hands. This can be controlled by the amount of water.
  • We make buns(round, oval, loaf-shaped).
  • Lubricate with vegetable oil baking sheet.
  • Laid out rolls-blanks on a baking sheet and on each workpiece with a knife we ​​draw cuts - parallel or cells. This must be done so that under the influence of temperature and the rise of the dough, it “does not break” and cracks do not form.
  • The oven is preheated put a baking sheet in it and bake rye bread for 60 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Properly baked rye yeast-free bread is stored for 3-4 weeks without a refrigerator, also his can be frozen This greatly extends its shelf life. Again the most delicious bread from the heat - from the heat, fresh and appetizing.

Rye unleavened bread goes well with dairy products, vegetables and soup. But meat and meat products to it - not the best combination, since the simultaneous presence of bread and meat in the stomach slows down digestion and heartburn and heaviness appear.

Yeast-free sourdough (the second name is uterine)

The basis of this sourdough is lactic acid bacteria of wheat grain. In the process of fermentation, the sourdough is enriched with vitamins, which then pass into the bread. For its preparation, you need peeled rye flour and water.

  • Capacity is taken(at least 2 liters by volume), it contains 100 ml of water and 3-4 tablespoons of flour. Stir until thick cream. The mixture is placed in a dark warm place for 1 day (covered with a towel).
  • The next day, the fermentation process is observed. and not a very pleasant smell, but it speaks of the right process and the formation in the starter of the pathogenic flora we need. This flora is necessary for the nutrition of lactic acid bacteria.
  • Sourdough nutrition- 3 tablespoons of peeled rye flour and a little warm water is produced within 5 days.
  • On the fifth day- the starter has not only bubbles and a pleasant smell, but also the correct sponginess. This indicates a serious development of bacteria and the correct formation of the starter.
  • On the 6th day, you can use the sourdough for baking yeast-free rye bread.
  • Sourdough storage:
    • Add water to the sourdough in the ratio of 1 part of the sourdough and 2 parts of water - the shelf life is up to 12 days on the top coolest shelf;
    • Add flour to the sourdough, roll out the layer, dry and store for a long time at room temperature;
    • Give (give away) to friends, relatives and acquaintances with good wishes.

Homemade sourdough is the most important and useful part of yeast-free rye bread.

Sourdough with lactic bacteria makes rye bread fermented, rich in vegetable protein. Such black (rye) bread is absorbed by the body by 90-95% and is stored for a long time (for years).

Whichever recipe is chosen, the result will please any family. Miscellaneous additives when baking rye bread - flight a large number options and variety. published

Baking bread in the oven is not a simple, multi-step, painstaking process. The cook who has mastered it is rightfully considered an ace. Let's try and we learn this useful thing.

To bake bread at home in the oven, you need a clear plan of action. First you need to determine what kind of bread in the oven we want to see: rye bread in the oven, bread in the oven with yeast, yeast-free bread in the oven, sourdough bread in the oven, wheat bread in the oven, garlic bread in the oven, kefir bread in the oven. But the most important question is whether it will be white bread in the oven or black bread in the oven. Depending on the option chosen necessary products, make up dosages, measure portions.

Bread at home in the oven will turn out only when all the rules are followed. Sift flour in time, accurately heat water or milk, knead the dough correctly, etc. Bread without yeast in the oven is also possible, but it taste qualities somewhat inferior to the traditional, although its benefits are not denied by experts. The Right Recipe bread in the oven at home involves the use of yeast. Homemade bread in the oven, recipes with photos are presented on our website. Use the advice of experts, and you will get delicious bread in the oven. Let it be simple bread in the oven first. The training will do its job, and you will gradually learn how to cook bread at home in the oven. The next recipe you mastered should be homemade rye bread in the oven. It is very appetizing and fragrant, decorates any festive table. The recipe for rye bread in the oven is worth studying first. Over time, rye bread at home in the oven will become " highlight of the program» your holidays.

To bake bread in the oven, a recipe is required, because. the dosage of components is provided very exact. Even the simplest bread recipe in the oven consists of exact numbers and technological steps. Baking homemade bread in the oven according to strict instructions is a must.

When you learn how to make your own bread, when you are satisfied with your work called “bread in the oven”, recipes with photos should be shown to others. Will be especially helpful step by step recipes bread in the oven, as they are clear and understandable to beginners. The best way to remember how to cook bread in the oven is with a video.

People who adhere diet food, will be interesting recipe unleavened bread in the oven, bread crumbs in the oven. Study our tips, practice, try and you will not only know, but also teach others how to bake homemade bread in the oven.

The taste of bread largely depends on the products, their freshness, quality, exact adherence to the recipe and dosing. Adding components "by eye" is unacceptable.

Liquid ingredients (water, milk, whey) should be warm, and flour should be sifted, because in this way the dough is enriched with oxygen.

Forms for baking bread should be filled with dough by half or two-thirds of the volume so that it has room to rise. If you bake without molds on a baking sheet, you can put a large cabbage leaf, as they did in ancient times, baking bread in ovens.

Bread should be stored in wooden bread bins, enamel pots covered with a towel or cloth. But it is better to store it in a ceramic sealed container.

Approach the preparation of bread should be with special respect, slowly. At the same time, our ancestors read prayers, asked for blessings from God, and only then they got to work.