How to cook bread the right way. How to make delicious bread

10 recipes for making bread at home

Most delicious bread- of course, the one that you baked with your own hands

Bread on the table is a constant symbol of well-being and prosperity. Bread is a symbol of labor, home, family happiness. No one will doubt that one of the most amazing smells on earth is the smell of freshly baked bread. How tasty it is to eat a crispy crust!

Bread has always been valued and considered holy. People were anxious about grain, the harvest of a rich harvest was a holiday. Since ancient times in Russia they have been baking bread, monasteries have always been especially famous for this.

Recently, the tradition of home baking is returning. And even if it takes a lot of patience, attention, reverent attitude to the product, it's worth it. Homemade bread is the best!

1. Homemade Russian bread

. water - 350 ml
. dry yeast - 1 teaspoon, or fresh yeast - 25 g
. sugar - 1 teaspoon
. flour - about 0.5 kg
. salt - 1 teaspoon
. cumin - to taste
. vegetable oil- 2-3 tablespoons

Cooking method:
1. Pour yeast, sugar and a teaspoon of flour into a half-liter mug, mix everything dry, and then mix by adding a little water. Then pour out the rest of the water and mix again. Water should be very warm, boiled. Place the mug in a warm place. The resulting yeast wiring is ready when a head of foam appears on it. This takes about half an hour.
2. Pour the yeast wiring into a two-liter bowl, add 1 cup of flour there and mix thoroughly. Place the resulting mixture in a warm place for about 1 hour, until the mixture rises, turning into foam. This is how steam is made.
3. Add vegetable oil, salt, cumin to the dough, mix everything thoroughly and knead the dough, gradually adding flour (first a glass, at the end half a glass or less). While the mixture is liquid, knead with a spoon, when it thickens, knead with your hands right in the bowl. When the dough stops sticking to your hands and dishes, it means that you do not need to add more flour. It is important to catch this moment and not shift the flour. Ready dough form into a bun, transfer to another larger bowl (with a capacity of 4 liters). Sprinkle the bowl with flour first to make the dough less sticky, and put in a warm place.
4. When the dough has risen after an hour or two, filling almost the entire bowl, knead it and let it rise again. At the same time, you can add a little flour if the dough began to stick to your hands. After the second rise, it must be kneaded again, and the bun of dough should be placed on a baking sheet.
5. Lubricate the baking sheet with vegetable oil, then the baking dough and place in a warm place for about an hour or less. Here it is no longer necessary to wait for a very large rise in the dough, so that large gas bubbles do not form in the bread. For the same purpose, before planting the dough in the oven, pierce the dough with a large needle from above and almost to the bottom, making at least 20 punctures.
6. Put the baking sheet with the dough in the oven preheated to 200 degrees Celsius. At the same temperature, bake bread for about 40 minutes, you can take longer, but no more than 1 hour. The readiness of bread is judged by the color of the top crust. It should be uniform brown.
7. After the bread is ready, take it out, wrap it in a towel, close plastic wrap and soak for 30 minutes. As a result of this, the bread crust will soften and will not be tough.

2. Rye bread

. salt - 1 tablespoon
. vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon
. cumin seeds - 3 tablespoons
. wheat flour - 3 cups
. rye flour - 3 cups
. sugar - 1 tablespoon
. yeast - 2 tablespoons
. water - 3 glasses

Cooking method:
For the dough, mix warm water, yeast, sugar and leave until frothy. Mix rye flour wheat flour, cumin seeds and salt. Pour the dough into the flour and knead until the formation soft dough. Cover with a towel and set aside for about 1 hour in a warm place. After the dough has risen, divide it in half, place on a greased baking sheet and leave for 2 hours.
2. Preheat the oven to high temperature and place a baking sheet in it. Bake for about 1 hour until browned. Lubricate the surface with a brush with milk or butter. Refrigerate 15 minutes before removing from bread pans. Add beauty and flavor to bread with a sprinkle. It can be added at different stages of bread baking: at the beginning of baking, 10 minutes after the start of baking, or immediately after the end of baking, while the bread is still hot. If you want to sprinkle bread at the start of baking, simply open the lid quickly to lose as little heat as possible. Before adding the topping, the bread must be smeared with glaze. Then the topping will really linger on the bread.

3. Bread with flax and caraway seeds

. pure wheat flour - 500 g
. mineral water with gas - 200 ml
. milk - 250 ml
. salt - 2 teaspoons
. honey - 1 tablespoon
. tahini paste - 3 tablespoons
. ground flax seeds - 5 tablespoons
. yeast - 10 g
. ground cumin seeds - 1 teaspoon

Cooking method:
1. Dissolve the yeast in a small amount warm milk with honey and let stand for about 10 minutes. Mix ingredients except oil, cumin and salt. Sifting the flour in parts, knead the dough, adding oil and salt at the end. Knead thoroughly for 15 minutes, the dough is very sticky to your hands. Don't add flour. Lubricate your hands with vegetable oil. Roll the dough into a ball, place in a greased bowl and leave to rise in a warm place until doubled in size. Punch down the risen dough and form the bread.
2. Put in a mold, sprinkle with ground cumin, cover and set to approach. Heat the oven to maximum temperature. Place the bread in the oven and bake for 5 minutes at a high temperature, spraying the oven with water a couple of times during baking, then reduce the temperature to 225 degrees Celsius and bake until the crust is dark. Cool the finished bread on a wire rack.

4. Long loaf for tea

. wheat flour - 750 g
. salt - 3 teaspoons
. yeast - 30 g
. milk - 400 ml
. butter (or margarine) - 50 g
. egg - 1 pc.

Cooking method:
1. Put the flour in a deep bowl, add warm milk, softened butter, salt and knead the dough.
2. Once the dough stops sticking to your hands and starts bubbling, shape into a ball and place in a bowl. Put a plastic bag over the bowl, cover with a towel and put in a warm place until the dough doubles in size. Knead again, put in a mold for about 30 minutes until it rises again, brush the surface with egg and make a few shallow cuts with a knife. Bake for 10 minutes at 250 degrees Celsius and 35 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius. Place a bowl of water in the bottom of the oven.

5. Nut bread

. flour - 1 kg
. dry yeast - 16 g
. salt - 20 g
. sugar - 30 g
. sunflower (or olive) oil - 70 ml
. purified walnuts- 2 handfuls
. black beer - 1 bottle

Cooking method:
1. Stir all the products with a mixer, first all the dry ingredients, gradually adding oil and beer. The dough should not be hard or liquid. It will be a little sticky.
2. Make loaves of bread. Approximately the size of two palms. Then put the dough for at least half an hour in a warm place, it will fit a little, but the dough is heavy due to the nuts. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 50 minutes.

Bread made in a bread machine:

6. Borodino bread

Borodino bread is unique in taste and aroma. Dark as sadness, he is a witness to the immortality of the Russian spirit during the Battle of Borodino. This is the memory of the Grand Russian Duchess Margarita Mikhailovna Tuchkova and her love for her husband. This bread of patience, suffering, the sweetness of hope. Let's learn how to bake this truly Russian bread.

. dry yeast - 2 teaspoons
. wheat flour - 1 cup
. rye flour - 2 and 3/4 cups
. rye malt - 4 tablespoons
. ground coriander - 1 tablespoon
. salt - 1 teaspoon
. vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
. honey - 2 tablespoons
. water - 430 ml (of which 80 ml for brewing rye malt)
. sourdough Extra-R

Cooking method:
In a separate cup, pour 80 ml of boiling water over 4 tablespoons of rye malt, mix and leave to cool. Put the yeast, flour, Extra-R sourdough, salt, butter, honey, coriander into the bucket of the bread machine. Add the cooled, brewed malt and top up with the rest of the water (350 ml). Turn on the bread maker in the "Rye bread" mode.

7. Banana Strawberry Bread

. milk - 1/3 cup
. ripe banana(pulverized) - 1/3 cup
. Strawberry jam- 1/4 cup
. egg - 1 pc.
. butter (softened) - 2 tablespoons
. water - 2 tablespoons
. salt - 3/4 teaspoon
. bread flour - 3 cups
. yeast - 1 teaspoon

Cooking method:
Add the ingredients to the bread machine in the order listed. Set to main mode white bread. Bake the dough until crispy.

8. Butter bread in Arkhangelsk

. liquid (water, milk, dairy products or their mixture) + eggs (2 pcs.) = 160 ml
. oil - 4 tablespoons
. flour - 2 cups
. sugar - 3 tablespoons
. vanilla sugar- 1 teaspoon or cinnamon - 1/4 teaspoon
. salt - 1/2 teaspoon
. yeast - 1.5 teaspoons
. raisins - 0.5 cups
. nuts - 0.3 cups

Cooking method:
Add the ingredients to the bread machine in the order listed. Add the last two ingredients at the sound signal so that they do not break during kneading. It is better not to soak the raisins - otherwise they break badly in the bread machine. In recipes with large quantity sugar, it is better to use the light crust mode.

9. Egg bread

. eggs - 2 pcs.
. water - 1 cup
. wheat flour - 3 cups
. salt - 1.5 teaspoons
. sugar - 2 tablespoons
. skimmed milk powder - 3 tablespoons
. butter - 2 tablespoons
. yeast - 2.25 teaspoons

Cooking method:
Measure the ingredients and place in the bread maker (mould). Set the bread baking regulator and press the "Start" button. Preparing 2 hours.

10. Bread with raisins and cinnamon

water - 0.75 cups
wheat flour - 2 cups
salt - 0.75 teaspoon
brown sugar - 2 tablespoons
skimmed milk powder - 1 tablespoon
butter - 1 tablespoon
cinnamon - 1 teaspoon
yeast - 1.25 teaspoons
walnuts - 0.25 cups
raisins - 0.25 cups

Cooking method:
Add the ingredients to the bread machine in the order listed. Set the bread baking regulator, press the "Start" button. After the signal, add the chopped nuts and raisins.

Bread has always been the breadwinner. In prayer we ask God: "Give us our daily bread today...". Bread is life, what they swore for, what they died for, what they promised, and those who broke and shared bread were friends. Guests were greeted with bread and salt and blessed for exploits.

Dough for homemade bread

Rye bread dough

For baking homemade bread you will need: - 1 kg of rye flour; - 0.5 l of water; - 1 tablespoon of salt; - 20–25 g of baker's yeast.

The most important thing for delicious homemade rye bread is the right process dough fermentation. For this you need to do good starter. It should be prepared in advance, 1-2 days before when you plan to bake bread. Dissolve a stick of yeast in a glass warm water, add 100 g of flour. You should have a dough-like mass for pancakes. Put the starter in a warm place. It will be ready in at least a day.

Dissolve the finished sourdough in warm water and stir. Pour warm water, diluted sourdough into a bowl and put about 300 g of flour. Mix quickly and thoroughly with a wooden spatula or spoon. Smooth the surface of the dough, sprinkle with flour, cover the sourdough with a clean cotton towel and put in a warm place.

After 12 hours, add salt and the rest of the flour to the dough. Knead the dough for a long time and carefully (grandmothers say that it must be kneaded at least 100 times). Let the kurch rise again in a warm place.

The finished dough should double in volume, characteristic bubbles appear on the surface. The mass must be sufficiently elastic.

Press your finger on the dough. If the hole is slowly leveling, the dough is ready, and if it remains, then it has fermented and good bread it won't work anymore

Dough for wheat bread

This dough is prepared much faster than for rye bread, but the technology for its preparation is not much different. Take: - 1 kg of flour; - 20 g of yeast; - 2.5 cups of warm water; - 1 tbsp. l. salt; - 1 tsp. Sahara.

Pour 1 cup of warm water into a container, add yeast, sugar and mix everything thoroughly until you get homogeneous mass. Pour half a glass of flour into the liquid and stir so that there are no lumps. Put the dough in a warm place.

After half an hour, add all the flour, water, salt and knead the dough until it begins to lag behind the walls of the container. Put it in a warm place again until it starts to rise. Usually after 3-4 hours the dough ripens.

Bread making

Modern housewives prefer to use bread makers, no doubt, it is very convenient, but still the most delicious bread is obtained in the oven. In Russian villages, wheat or Rye bread in the form of round loaves. They did it like this. A wooden shovel was sprinkled with flour or bran (sometimes covered cabbage leaf), put pieces of dough on it, formed a round cake. The surface of the future bread was moistened with water and carefully placed from a shovel into the oven. The loaf was baked for 2 hours.

To prepare yeast dough for bread, I advise you to use only the highest grade psh. flour. The recipe also requires the presence of yeast for baking bread, plain water, salt.

Yeast bread will be baked on the same composition as round loaves, loaves, bread rolls and sticks, tortillas and flat rich pastries.

In the event that in the composition indicated by the recipe, add 1-2 tbsp. rast. butter when calculating 1.5 kg of flour, then the mixture will be ideal for baking delicious cakes.

By the way, this recipe can be safely used to bake pizza and flat pies, which will savory filling. Homemade bread always tastes better, see for yourself.

Bread with dry yeast, like the dough for it, has a fairly long shelf life. The dough can be put in the freezer and stored frozen for several days.

If you want to diversify the taste home baking, then you can add a little rzh., buckwheat, oatmeal or psh to the recipe. flour, but of the lowest grade.

As for the exact amount, you need to know that in order to give a light flavor, you need to put a couple of tablespoons of flour per 1 kg of main flour in bread.

To change the taste more significantly, it is worth adding to psh. flour 25% of another type of flour, you can even more. I propose to dwell on how to make bread dough for baking at home.

The basic recipe for preparing dough for baking homemade bread

Components for 1500 gr. flour: 900 ml of water; 30 gr. St. yeast and 1 tbsp. dry: 1 tbsp. salt. Get 2.4 kg of finished bread. 2 loaves are baked from 45 to 60 minutes.

  • Components per 1000 gr. flour: 600 ml of water; 20 gr. St. yeast and 2 tsp. dry: 2 tsp salt. Get 1.6 kg of the finished product.
  • Components per 800 gr. flour: 450 ml of water; 15 gr. St. yeast and 0.5 tbsp. dry: 0.5 tbsp. salt. Get 1.2 kg of the finished product. Bake bread for 45 to 60 minutes.
  • Components for 300-400 gr. flour: 200 ml of water; 6.5 gr. St. yeast and 0.5 tsp. dry: 0.5 tsp salt. Get 0.5 kg of the finished product. Bread should be baked for 25 to 35 minutes.

Cooking algorithm yeast dough:

  1. Dissolve yeast in warm water. Leave for a while and beat in the case of dry active yeast, it is even easier to work with high-speed yeast, you can not even dissolve it in a liquid, but immediately put it in flour.
  2. Pour 1.5 kg of flour into a bowl, mix salt in the same place. I add warm water to it. Before kneading the dough for bread, remember that the flour must be sifted. I mix the dough, spread the mass on the table. I do the kneading for about 15 minutes. The mass should be homogeneous, not stick to the palms at all.
  3. I send the dough to heat for 2.5 hours. It will fit there. Punch down the dough and set aside. The mass can be cooked further if by pressing on it with your finger, the trace will not disappear at the same moment.
  4. I put the dough on the table, punch it down, divide it into 2 parts. I give them a shape, cover and put in heat for half an hour, or even more. Readiness is again checked by the above method. Do not forget that this recipe is painted by me for 1.5 kg of flour.
  5. I preheat the oven in advance, 230 gr. will be sufficient. I put a bowl filled with boiling water on the bottom so that the space in the oven is saturated with water vapor. I put the baking sheet to bake, but sprinkle the bread with water before that. For these purposes, I use a spray gun.
  6. When about 20 min. baking, you can remove the bowl, and support the bread for another 15 minutes. Keep an eye on baking, because if the sides of the baking burn, then the temperature should be reduced, as well as the baking time should be reduced to 10 minutes.

I get bread. I let the caravan cool down. I cut the bread into pieces using a knife, preferably sharper. To understand that the pastry is ready, I follow this rule: I tap my knuckles on the bread, if a booming sound sounds, the pastry is ready.

Yeast dough requires attention, but following my algorithm of actions, which provides for the recipe above, you will not encounter problems.

Homemade bread on the water

To prepare homebaked bread on the water, you need to take the following products:

750 gr. flour; 600 ml of water; 1 tbsp. sugar sand and salt; 3 tsp dry yeast.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I put all the ingredients and pour water into one bowl, but you need to take only 4 tablespoons of flour. I send the bowl to the stove, and mix well. The dough should turn out warm, but do not overheat it, otherwise there is a great chance to spoil the yeast dough. To cope with this task easier, you can heat the water, and therefore add the components and stir them. I leave the dough aside for 25 minutes.
  2. When the dough becomes larger, you need to add the sifted composition of flour. Do this carefully using a spoon. Approximately 30 tablespoons I'm making a batch.
  3. I put flour on the table, dough on top. I knead. The mass should not stick to your hands.
  4. In a bowl greased with oil, put a lump of dough. I pierce the yeast dough with 10 fingers, touching the bottom. This will release carbon dioxide from the mass. I leave it warm for an hour or more.
  5. During this time, the dough will increase. Having lubricated the hands. oil, I take out the dough, knead it, immediately on weight. I put it in shape. Again I repeat the procedure with the release of carbon dioxide. I leave it aside for an hour so that the dough rises again.
  6. I heat up the oven. The temperature should be about 220 gr. Only then for 35 minutes. I send the dough in forms. I get pastries from oven and, after waiting a couple of minutes, I remove it from the mold.

I put the finished bread on the grate, wait until it cools completely. Only after that homemade bread can be eaten.


The kneading recipe is not complicated, I do it like this:

  1. For 1 kg loaf of homemade bread, you need to use 0.5 liters of water. I pour it into a large bowl. The liquid can not be used cold, the water must be heated to room temperature. Only then do I add 1 tablespoon to it. sugar, I interfere with the mass. Sugar can be cut, here you should rely solely on your personal preferences. The recipe calls for its use only because it is needed to activate the yeast.
  2. As for yeast, you can use 1 tbsp. dry mix, the manufacturer does not play a role. In this state, the yeast must be left, you should not even interfere with the composition. Only after 15 minutes they will begin to swell. The reaction is normal, which means the process has passed. Now you can safely stir the mixture.
  3. I add salt to the mixture, about 1 tbsp. If the mass is not salty or you want to bake homemade salted bread, then you can put even more salt. At the last stage, I add flour to the mixture. Again, I always advise sifting the flour before using it in order to saturate the mass with oxygen. This rule is no exception this time. Use for baking homemade loaves of bread only high-quality composition of flour, the highest grade. You can dilute it with the first grade. The proportions are 1 to 1. In general, it will take about 4 tbsp. flour, but a little more may be needed.
  4. Add flour gradually, portions should be small. It is necessary to knead thoroughly, without ceasing to do this. When the composition of the dough does not stick to the palms, it is worth shifting it into a cup, put it in heat. It is best to cover the mass with a towel.

This completes the kneading recipe, but this is only half the work done.

Mass Approach

In a warm place, the dough should rise 2 times, or even more. It is important that there is no draft around, otherwise there is a chance that the yeast will simply freeze. After the first approach occurs, it will take about 1 hour, the dough needs to be killed.

To do this, I pour the mass from the cup onto the table, making sure to sprinkle it with flour. When the second one comes, I put it in the form. You need to choose a baking dish in advance, be sure to grease it with rast. oil.

Baking process

When the composition of the test is “touched”, you will notice that it has become 2 times more, albeit only visually. The form must be sent to the oven at 220 gr. for 1.30 min.

In the event that you decide to bake bread in a slow cooker, it should be noted that your pastries will be baked longer - an hour on each side. In this case, you need to remember to turn the bread over.

Bread should only be served chilled to the table. You can do it in the form of a whole loaf, or you can cut it into portions - everything will depend only on your wishes!

As you can see, every recipe yeast bread is not complicated, and therefore it is quite possible to bake it personally in your own kitchen.

Relatives will appreciate your efforts, because the bread will certainly turn out tastier than shop product. Look at the site for other recipes, perhaps what else can interest you. Good luck with your home cooking!

My video recipe

Bread never meant too much to me until I tried homemade bread. Miracle, ordinary miracle. I remember how my husband and I in the night, rocking our two-month-old son in turn, cut off pieces from our first baguette. What a hard and lopsided he was ... But I hardly tried anything tastier than this baguette. The first bread baked with your own hands is some kind of starting point, no matter how pathetic my words may sound. When you hold your first candy bar in your hands and you can’t believe your eyes that you baked it yourself. The taste of a hot crust that cannot be conveyed by any words, when you don’t even notice how easy it is to chew :))

Among the recipes published on the site are detailed guide for newbies. So go for it, I'm sure you will succeed. The success of home baking is built on experience. The more bread you bake, the better it comes out. Hands get used to the test, anxious tension goes away - “what if it doesn’t work out?” No, this does not mean that everything will always work out. You're just ready to make mistakes. Knowing that everything can be fixed when it comes to baking homemade bread. Buy more flour, grow a new sourdough starter, find a better recipe... I know people who make bread a passion. Fortunately, I managed to avoid this fate. Now I rarely bake bread, but if I take up this business, then with great joy and warmth. I don’t know, maybe it will be interesting to someone, but most of all I like whole wheat bread. He's kind of real or something ... :))

pumpkin bread

Bright looking and tasting yeast bread with fresh pumpkin puree, flavored with garlic and hot pepper vegetable oil, fragrant dried herbs.

Bagels, hot bagels

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Unpaired whole grain bread recipe with step by step photos

Warm, soft homemade whole grain bread with milk and honey, relatively quick to prepare. Great for sandwiches and sandwiches. In addition to detailed recipe with step-by-step photos, the article shows some general principles baking bread from whole grain flour.

How to bake simple wheat bread in the oven

This recipe is for those who are interested in baking homemade yeast bread. This process is laborious, takes time, so you can’t call it running. But it is not complicated either. I think it can be used as educational. It is on the example of this simple wheat bread you can learn the basic principles of making bread at home. I tried not to engage in dry theory, but simply to tell how I did it myself and what I did :)

Yeast dough buns, recipe with step by step photos

Simple and delicious buns from yeast dough on kefir. Excellent rise, very tasty and airy.

Irish soda bread

Homemade bread / Flour, kefir, soda, cereals, raisins, nuts, and no yeast - the perfect quick homemade bread for Saturday breakfast. In order to knead the dough, you will need a spoon, a bowl and five minutes of free time. You do not have to wait for the dough to rise a couple of times and put the bread for proofing before baking. Irish Soda Bread is sent to the oven immediately after kneading, where it rises perfectly, even better than traditional yeast bread. / Delicious recipes for every day / This bread can be baked by a person who has never stood at the stove at all. It's so simple. Irish bread rises well without yeast. The dough is kneaded on kefir and soda, which, once in an acidic environment, perfectly loosens the bread.

If thrown into plain dough pieces of cheese and bacon, and then stretch the dough in the form of a large sheet and make a few cuts on it, then you get nothing more than ... landmine. This is the name of the French cakes, which are traditionally baked in Provence. An hour in the kitchen, and now the land mine is already on our table.

Wholemeal bread

I once made this bread quite by accident: the house suddenly ran out of flour, and I already managed to put the dough on the loaves. Rummaging through the shelves, I found a bag of whole grain flour, which I still didn’t dare to try ... I poured flour into the dough, added water, butter, sugar, salt and began to knead the dough. I always mix with my hands - I like the process. The first thing that surprised me was how nice the dough turned out. Non-sticky yet soft and moist. Nice cream color and fresh fragrance. But the most interesting was waiting for me later, when the loaves were already in the oven. Stupefying, incomparable smell of bread! This was not even when I baked Oryol bread on sourdough and maltose syrup. Do I need to clarify that both loaves of whole grain flour were eaten right there, hot. It is enough to spread a thin layer of oil on them, and you get a full-fledged finished dish.

Baking bread at home

Recipes according to GOST / Why bake exactly the same loaves that are sold in a nearby store? And then, that they will not be exactly the same. And they will be much tastier! A verified recipe for a traditional loaf near Moscow. / Homemade bread / I can safely recommend this recipe to all those who want to get their hands on home baking. If you do everything clearly according to the instructions, the result will always be good. Loaves are likely to turn out the first time. We ate them hot for the first couple of weeks.

Orlovsky sourdough rye bread recipe

Homemade Bread / This sourdough rye bread is incredibly flavorful thanks to maltose syrup, which you can't buy in a regular store, but can be easily ordered in any online store for lovers of homemade bread. It is inexpensive and lasts a long time. Used for more than just flavoring rye dough, and for Asian sauces. For example, for teriyaki. Intense malty aroma, bright red color. This tall bread with a crispy crust will appeal to those who are not indifferent to fragrant, slightly moist pastries. I prefer the more modest Darnitsa bread. But Orlovsky is worth baking at least once to find out what the bread tasted like in the 60s of the last century, when its recipe was developed. / Recipes according to GOST / Not the most common GOST recipe for bread, created during the Khrushchev "thaw". I personally have never seen this on the counter. But, seduced by the look and composition in the recipe, I decided to try it. Got some malt syrup. Fortunately, my sourdough had already been grown by that time and gained strength. The bread is interesting. Hope you like it too.

Home baking bread rightfully occupies a worthy place in the arsenal of every housewife. Breathtakingly fragrant, soft, puffy, with a crispy crust, bread is rightfully considered one of the staple foods, because the history of bread-making goes back more than one thousand years. It is believed that about 3 thousand years BC. The Egyptians learned how to use yeast to make bread and invented the first ovens to make bread. The Romans perfected the process of bread production and grinding of grains, and by 100 AD. bread baking began to spread throughout Europe.

In Russia, the consumption of bread (especially rye) has traditionally been and remains high, despite a great many diets declaring it unhealthy. Interestingly, the love for black bread in Russia practically led to a church conflict.

Bread is not only the basis of the Russian table, but also a symbol of well-being. That is why traditions are associated with it in Russia, which have survived many centuries and have reached our days in almost unchanged form. Such, for example, is the ancient Russian custom of greeting guests and newlyweds with bread and salt.

Bake bread at home

Not surprisingly, for many of us, freshly baked hot bread is a symbol of home comfort. Not only the taste of bread, but even its smell has a positive effect on a person: it calms and gives self-confidence, improves mood. That is why, having smelled the aroma familiar from childhood, we strive to the bakery, we get the coveted loaf there. But instead of a divine taste, we get an analogue of window putty. Unfortunately, the quality of bakery products, for which the domestic food industry is rapidly deteriorating, and it is often problematic to buy good bread. However, do not rush to give up delicious and useful product because you can bake bread at home. There is nothing archaic in baking. Our great-grandmothers successfully coped with this business, whose Russian ovens served as a kind of mini-bakery. Nowadays, this function is successfully performed conventional ovens or home bakeries (bread makers).

How to make homemade bread with your own hands

So, what is needed to create your own little masterpiece that pleases our sight, smell and taste? It all depends on what kind of homemade bread you prefer.

According to the type of flour used, bread is divided into rye, rye-wheat, rye-wheat and wheat. Rye dough requires a longer and more thorough kneading than wheat. In addition, the gluten content in rye flour significantly lower than in wheat, therefore, in order to finished product did not resemble a brick, wheat flour or special additives with gluten are usually added to rye flour. Bread dough can be made with yeast or sourdough.

Before making homemade bread, remember that sourdough dough has a denser texture and requires a longer cooking time. However, it is much better digested in the intestines than yeast. Self-cooking Homemade sourdough starters can be a turn off for bakers, but thankfully there are many different ready-made sourdough starters on the market now.

How to make bread dough in a bread machine

To get started, you need to know how to make bread dough. There are basic principles for making dough for bread in a bread machine, the observance of which will greatly facilitate its preparation:

If you are using yeast, it must be fresh. Yeast, the quality of which you doubt, can be ground in a spoonful of warm water and add a little sugar. If after 10 minutes bubbles appear, then the yeast can be used, but you need to take it twice as much as fresh.

The liquid for kneading the dough must necessarily consist of at least 1/2 cup of water to dilute the yeast. The rest of the liquid may consist of water, milk, sour cream, whey, etc., mixed in any proportion with each other and taken in any quantity. Hard water is more favorable for baking bread than soft water.

For bread, any fats of animal and vegetable origin can be used. It is best to use vegetable oil (sunflower or olive oil). It should be noted that bread dough loves vegetable oil, so do not be afraid to add an extra spoon to the dough when kneading. But you need to be careful with butter, put exactly as much into the bread dough as required by the recipe, since the more butter the harder the dough becomes.

Flour for bread (and not only for bread) must be sifted, this saturates it with oxygen and gives airiness to the finished bread.

Iodized salt can affect the structure of the dough, it can become "floating". You can not mix salt directly with yeast (and also add it to the yeast solution). Salt is added at the very end, when all the ingredients are already in the dough.

If you replace sugar with molasses, then the bread will stale more slowly.

How to make bread dough

Before making dough for bread, a mixture of yeast, liquids and all additional components is always created first. And only then flour is added to the liquid mixture - as much as is required for the dough, which would not stick to the hands. Therefore, the flour is added gradually, and the dough is kneaded all the time.

The dough should always be kneaded in a deep, stable bowl. That is why earlier a kvass was used for this purpose - a cylindrical, slightly expanding wooden heavy bucket.

The amount of flour is never determined in advance to the nearest gram, since it all depends on how much liquid mixture is obtained and how much flour this mixture can absorb.

Immediately after kneading, fermentation of the dough begins. The fermentation process is initiated either by sourdough, or yeast-based dough, or pure yeast, or a combination of all of these methods. It is during the fermentation of the dough that the main part of the taste and aroma of bread is formed, due to the formation of organic acids. Also, during fermentation, carbon dioxide is formed, due to which the volume of the finished product increases during baking.

Homemade bread recipe in the oven

We offer a recipe for homemade bread in the oven. For wheat dough optimum temperature fermentation is 24-26°C, for rye it is 3-5°C higher.

As the dough rises with yeast or dough, it is required to knead it 1-2 times. This removes excess carbon dioxide from the dough and equalizes the temperature. It should be remembered that dough with a short fermentation period, for example, for sourdough rye bread, does not require a kneading at all.

It is advisable to cut the bread before baking in the oven sharp knife. In the absence of cuts, it is more difficult for bread to increase its volume, and the dough in the weakest areas of its surface may break.

To bake bread, the oven must be very well heated (up to about 250-300 ° C).

For creating golden brown before baking, you need to grease the loaf with kefir, beaten egg or just water.

The bread must be completely cool before serving. If bad bread is only eaten warm, then best taste and the aroma of good bread is only achieved after it has completely cooled. Some bakery products e.g. bread rye sourdough, reach best quality only a few hours after cooling, as their aroma does not form immediately.

How to make homemade bread in a bread machine: baking without the hassle

All of the above nuances can give the impression that the process of preparing dough and baking bread is quite laborious and time-consuming. However, there is a household appliance that will minimize these costs, and it is called a home bakery or bread machine. How to make homemade bread in a bread machine? Very simple. You no longer have to knead the dough, knead it, form a loaf and monitor what happens to the bread in the oven. Everything that you used to do by hand, the bread machine will do for you. All you have to do is place the ingredients in the bucket and select the desired program. The miracle device itself kneads the dough, lifts, punches, proofs and bakes bread in a bread machine, all that remains is to remove the fragrant loaf from the bucket and cool it (if you have enough strength to wait) to room temperature. In a bread machine, you can also prepare yeast dough for pizza or buns, knead dough without yeast for dumplings or brushwood, bake a cake or charlotte, and even cook
th jam! Making bread in a bread maker is easy and fun.

How and which bread machine to choose?

Which bread machine to choose? Since the stores offer a wide range of bread makers, when buying, you should accurately determine the set of functions that you will need. The standard set usually includes the ability to choose the degree of browning of the crust and the weight of the baked bread, kneading dough of different consistency (yeast and yeast-free). Additional features include the accelerated baking program (instead of 4 hours - 2), the programs "Rye bread", "French bread" (from personal experience I’ll immediately notice that the most delicious bread is obtained on this program), the presence of a container for additives (nuts, raisins, fruits, etc.), a program for sweet pastries, special device for baking baguettes and even a lid lock on the control panel in case the kids want to play in the kitchen. Before choosing a bread maker, calculate how much bread your family needs.

But no matter what option you choose - rye or wheat bread, with yeast or sourdough, in the oven or bread machine - the smell of comfort and well-being will settle in your home forever!